
1.(提醒; 对错误行为提出告诫) admonish2.(一种处分) warning
1. 俄罗斯周四加入五个西方主要国家的行列,同声呼吁南斯拉夫尊重民主规范,并警告贝尔格勒当局不要在塞尔维亚及蒙地内哥罗境内进行政治迫害。 Russia joined five leading Western powers on Thursday in calling on Yugoslavia to respect democratic norms and warning Belgrade to refrain from political violence in Serbia or against Montenegro. 2. 他警告性的口哨声打断了讨论。 He broke into the discussion with a whistle of warning. 3. 这一次老师放过他,只给了一个警告。 The teacher let him off the hook with a warning this time. 4. 我最後一次警告你--不要再说话了。 I'm warning you for the last time stop talking! 5. 直到他给我警告我才觉察到危险。 I do not become aware of the danger until he warn me. 6. 我警告你,汤姆,从朋友那拿点小费,滚开!滚出去! I'm warning you, Tom, take a tip from a friend, hop it! Get out!常用英语口语8000句:重要的提醒和忠告:警告 -(韦博分享)_百度文库
常用英语口语8000句:重要的提醒和忠告:警告 -(韦博分享)
&&常​用​英​语​口​语00​句​:​重​要​的​提​醒​和​忠​告​:​警​告​ ​-​(​韦​博​分​享​)
你可能喜欢“粑粑,FBI是什么意思呢?” “是美国联邦调查局的英文简称。” “WARNING呢?” “是警告的意思。” “那连起来是什么意思呢?” “你个小兔崽子再敢翻我电脑E盘里的东西信不信我打死你。”…
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徐虎龙 Michael Xu 律师提供:
Article 3&&&
Where the fiscal revenue-collecting unit or any staff member
thereof commits one of the following acts in violation of the
provisions of the State on administration of fiscal revenues, it
shall be ordered to make corrections, collect the fiscal revenues
that ought to be collected and return the illegal gains within a
specified time limit. The concerned unit shall be given a warning
or be criticized in a circulated notice. The directly responsible
person in charge and other directly liable persons shall be given
sanctions such as warnings, demerit recordings or major demerit
if the circumstances are serious, they shall be given a
sanction of demotion or dismissal from office:
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译
Article 5&&&
Where the finance department, State treasury institution or any
staff member thereof commits one of the following acts in violation
of the relevant provisions of the State on remittance and
appropriation of fiscal funds, it shall be ordered to make
corrections and return the illegal gains within a specified time
limit. The unit in question shall be given a warning or be
criticized in a circulated notice. The directly responsible person
in charge and other directly liable persons for the violation shall
be given a sanction of demerit recording or major demerit
if the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall
be given a sanction of demotion or d if the
circumstances are serious, they shall be given the sanction of
discharge from public employment:
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译
Article 7&&& The
department for compiling fiscal budgets and final accounts, the
department for implementing budgets or any staff member thereof
commits one of the following acts in violation of the relevant
provisions of the State on budget administration, it shall be
ordered to make corrections, recover the funds involved and adjust
the budget grade or budget item within a specified time limit. The
unit shall be given a warning or be criticized in a circulated
notice. The directly responsible person in charge and other
directly liable persons shall be given a sanction of warning,
demerit recording or maj if the circumstances
are relatively serious, they shall be given a
if the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the sanction
of dismissal from office:
Article 10&&&
Where a State organ or any staff member there of, in violation of
the Guaranty Law of the People's Republic of China and other
relevant provisions of the State, provides a guaranty without
authorization, it shall be ordered to make corrections and have its
illegal gains confiscated. The unit shall be given a warning or be
criticized in a circulated notice. The directly responsible person
in charge and other directly liable persons shall be given a
sanction of warning, demerit recording or maj
if any losses are caused thereby, they shall be given a sanction of
demotion or d if any grave losses are caused
thereby, they shall be given a sanction of discharging from public
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译
Article 18&&&
Any violation in respect of accounting shall be dealt with and
penalized in accordance with the previsions of laws and
administrative regulations on accounting. The directly responsible
person in charge and other directly liable persons shall, if they
are State functionaries, be give a sanction of warning, demerit
recording or major demerit recording, or be given a sanction of
demotion or dismissal from office if the circumstances are serious,
or be given a sanction of discharging from public employment if the
circumstances are serious.
Whoever violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be
ordered to make corrections within a specified time limit. If no
corrections are made upon the expiration of the time limit, the
directly responsible person in charge and other directly liable
persons shall, if they are State functionaries, be given a sanction
of warning, demerit recording or major demerit recording, or be
given a sanction of demotion or dismissal from office if the
circumstances are serious.
Article 28&&&
Any staff member of the finance department, audit institution or
supervisory organ who abuses his power, neglects his duty, engages
in illegalities for personal gain or by fraudulent means shall be
given a sanction of warning, demerit recording or major demerit
recording, or be given a sanction of demotion or dismissal from
office if the circumstances are relatively serious, or be given a
sanction of discharging from public employment if the circumstances
are serious. If a crime is committed, criminal liability shall be
investigated in accordance with the law.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译
Article 87: If any work unit violates the law by restricting or
excluding legal persons or other organizations from its region or
system from participating in a bid, by designating a bid invitation
agency for the bid inviting party, by coercing the bid inviting
party to appoint a bid invitation agency to handle the bid
invitation matters or by otherwise interfering in the bid
invitation and submission activities, the relevant administrative
supervision department shall order it t the
person directly in charge of the work unit and the other directly
responsible persons shall be disciplined by giving them a warning,
recording a demerit or recording a serious demerit in accordance
with the law. If the circumstances were relatively serious, they
shall be disciplined by demotion, removal from office or dismissal
in accordance with the law.
If a department responsible for supervision and control of coal
mine production safety of the local people's government at or above
the county level, or the coal mine safety inspection agency, fails
to perform the duty of supervision or inspection specified in the
preceding paragraph, the principal responsible person of such
department or agency shall, in light of the seriousness of the
circumstances, be given an administrative sanction of warning,
recording of a demerit or a serious demerit.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译
Where a department responsible for supervision and control of coal
mine production safety of the local people's government at or above
the county level, or the coal mine safety inspection agency, fails
to make an announcement in accordance with the provisions of the
first or second paragraph of this Article, the relevant responsible
persons shall, in light of the seriousness of the circumstances, be
given an administrative sanction of warning, recording of a demerit
or a serious demerit, or demotion.
Upon receiving a report, the department responsible for supervision
and control of coal mine production safety of the local people's
government at or above the county level, or the coal mine safety
inspection agency, shall investigate and deal with it in a timely
manner. If it fails to do so, the relevant person with competent
accountability shall, in light of the seriousness of the
circumstances, be given an administrative sanction of warning,
recording of a demerit or a serious demerit, or demotion.
The disciplinary sanctions stipulated in these Procedures,
including warning, recording of a demerit, recording of a major
demerit, demotion, removal from post, placement on probation and
dismissal, shall be decided by the employing financial institution
or the financial institution at a higher level.
Disciplinary sanctions provided for in these Measures, including
warning, recording of demerit, recording of serious demerit,
demotion, removal from office, probation on the job and expulsion,
shall be decided by the financial institutions to which the persons
concerned belong or the superior financial institutions.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译
Article 33: Administrative penalties imposed in accordance with the
stipulations of Article 72 of the Land Law shall be given by the
department in charge of land administration of the people's
government at the level above, which shall order that an
administrative penalty decision be made or directly makes an
administrative penalty decision. Administrative penalty decisions
on warnings, records of demerit and records of major demerits shall
be made directly by the department in charge of land administration
at the level above. In the case of administrative penalty decisions
on demotions, dismissals and expulsions, the department in charge
of land administration at the level above should propose an
administrative penalty to the relevant authority in accordance with
national provisions on personnel administration and handling
procedures, and this shall be dealt with by the relevant authority
in accordance with the law.
Article 33&&&
Administrative sanctions according to the provisions in Article 72
of the Land Administration Law shall be imposed by the competent
land administration departments of the people's governments at a
higher level that order a decision on the imposition of
administrative penalties or that directly decide on administrative
impositions. Decisions on administrative sanctions such as warning,
demerit recording and major demerit recording may directly be made
by the competent land administration departmen
decisions on administrative sanctions such as demotion, removal
from office and dismissal shall, upon recommendation for
administrative sanctions made to the agencies concerned by the
competent land administration departments at a higher level in
accordance with the provisions for competence of authority of
personnel administration and administrative procedures, be handled
by the agencies concerned according to law.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译
Article 9&&&
Where administrative charges are collected in violation of the
provisions on the Charging License, the person(s) directly in
charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given a
warning, or shall be recorded a demerit or a serious demerit if the
case is serious.
Article 12&&&
Where duties for administrative charges, fines or confiscation are
not performed by failure to collect the charges which should be
collected or by failure to impose fines or confiscation which
should be imposed and no correction is made after criticism and
education, the person(s) directly in charge and other persons
directly responsible shall be given a warning, or shall be recorded
a demerit or a serious demerit if the case is serious.
第三条 有下列行为之一的,对县级以上地方人民政府主要领导人员和其他负有责任的领导人员,给予警告或者记过处分;情节较重的,给予记大过或者降级处分;情节严重的,给予撤职处分:
Article 3 On occurrence of one of the following, the principal
leading officer and other accountable leading officer(s) under the
local people’s government at or above county level shall be given a
warning or recorded a
recorded a major
demerit or reduced in ranks as a penalty if the circumstance is
removed from office as a penalty if the
circumstance is serious:
第七条 行政机关及其公务员有下列行为之一的,对有关责任人员,给予警告或者记过处分;情节较重的,给予记大过或者降级处分;情节严重的,给予撤职处分:
Article 7 If the administration authority and its civil servants
commit one of the following acts, the relevant accountable
officer(s) concerned shall be given a warning or recorded a demerit
recorded a major demerit or reduced in ranks as a
penalty if the circumstan dismissed as a
penalty if the circumstance is serious:
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译
第九条 行政机关及其公务员在国有建设用地使用权出让中,有下列行为之一的,对有关责任人员,给予警告或者记过处分;情节较重的,给予记大过或者降级处分;情节严重的,给予撤职处分:
Article 9 If the administration authority and its civil servants
commit one of the following acts in the course of assigning
State-owned construction land use rights, the relevant accountable
officer(s) concerned shall be given a warning or recorded a demerit
recorded a major demerit or reduced in ranks as a
penalty if the circumstan dismissed as a
penalty if the circumstance is serious.
第十条 未经批准或者采取欺骗手段骗取批准,非法占用土地的,对有关责任人员,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
Article 10 In case of illegal possession of land without approval
or obtaining approval by deception, the relevant accountable
officer(s) concerned shall be given a warning, recorded a demerit
or a major
reduced in ranks or removed from
office as a penalty if the circumstan
dismissed as a penalty if the circumstance is serious.
第十一条 买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地的,对有关责任人员,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分。
Article 11  In case of illegal assignment of land by trading or
otherwise, the relevant accountable officer(s) concerned shall be
given a warning, recorded a demerit or a major demerit as a
reduced in ranks or removed from office as a penalty if
the circumstan dismissed as a penalty if the
circumstance is serious.
第十三条 行政机关在征收土地过程中,有下列行为之一的,对有关责任人员,给予警告或者记过处分;情节较重的,给予记大过或者降级处分;情节严重的,给予撤职处分:
Article 13 If the administration authority commits one of the
following acts in the course of expropriating land, the relevant
accountable officer(s) concerned shall be given a warning or
recorded a
recorded a major demerit or
reduced in ranks as a penalty if the circumstance is rather
removed from office as a penalty if the circumstance is
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译
Article 34: If in violation of the provisions of this Law an
administrative review agency fails to accept without good reason an
application for administrative review made in accordance with the
law, or does not transfer such an application in accordance with
the provisions, or fails to make an administrative review decision
within the statutory period, those in charge who are directly
responsible and other directly responsible persons shall be
penalized in accordance with the law by being given a warning,
recorded demerit or major recorded demerit. If the agency does not
accept an administrative review application, or transfer it in
accordance with the provisions, when ordered to accept it, and the
consequences are serious, they shall be penalized in accordance
with the law by being demoted, dismissed or expelled.
Article 35: If in the course of their administrative review
activities administrative review agency personnel practice
favouritism, graft or other acts in dereliction of their duties,
they shall be penalized in accordance with the law by being given a
warning, recorded demerit or major recorded demerit. If the
circumstances are serious, they shall be penalized in accordance
with the law by being demoted, dismissed or expelled. If the case
constitutes a criminal offence, they shall be prosecuted in
accordance with the law.
Article 36: If in violation of the provisions of this Law a
respondent fails to provide a written reply or the evidence of,
basis for and other relevant information on the specific
administrative act, or obstructs or covertly obstructs a citizen,
legal person or other organization from applying for administrative
review in accordance with the law, those in charge directly and
other directly responsible persons shall be penalized in accordance
with the law by being given a warning, recorded demerit or major
recorded demerit. Those who retaliate by making false charges shall
be penalized in accordance with the law by being demoted, dismissed
or expelled. If the case constitutes a criminal offence they shall
be prosecuted in accordance with the law.
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译
Article 37: If a respondent fails to implement an administrative
review decision, or delays the implementation without good reason,
those in charge directly and other directly responsible persons
shall be penalized in accordance with the law by being given a
warning, recorded demerit or major recorded demerit. If it refuses
to implement the decision on being ordered to, they shall be
penalized in accordance with the law by being demoted, dismissed or
第六十四条 行政复议机关或者行政复议机构不履行行政复议法和本条例规定的行政复议职责,经有权监督的行政机关督促仍不改正的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予警告、记过、记大过的处分;造成严重后果的,依法给予降级、撤职、开除的处分。
Article 64 Where an administrative reconsideration organ or
administrative reconsideration department fails to perform any of
the administrative reconsideration responsibilities provided for in
the Administrative Reconsideration Law and this Regulation, and
makes no rectification after being prompted by the competent
supervisory administrative organ, a discipline such as warning,
demerit or serious demerit shall be imposed according to law on the
persons in charge who are directly responsible and other directly
where a serious result occurs, a discipline such as
demotion, removal or expelling shall be imposed according to
第十九条 有下列行为之一的,给予警告、记过或者记大过处分;情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分;情节严重的,给予开除处分:
Article 19 Where a civil servant in the administrative organ
commits any of the following acts, he shall be given a warning,
deme if the circumstances are relatively
serious, he shall be given the punishment of demotion or dismissal
and if the circumstances are serious, he shall be
given the punishment of expulsion:
【来源】中国双语法律法规数据库 徐虎龙 法律翻译


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