
荒岛余生观后感800字| 观后感 观剧笔记 -板报网
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  荒岛余生观后感    关上电视,有一种依依不舍的感觉。《荒岛余生》这一部影片,给我带来了太多的感悟。    影片讲述的是一名联邦快递业务的督导恰克?诺兰,一次公务中飞机在海上意外失事,只有他一个人活着,他坐着救生船飘到了一个荒岛上。处在简直难以想象的远离尘世的环境中,他不得不努力的试图活下去。到了在荒岛上的第三年,他决定自杀的时候,意外发现了一年中什么时间风能吹向他的国家。到了第四年,他造好了船,经过千辛万苦,终于回到了他的国家。    在看电影的时候,我一面沉浸在跌宕起伏的剧情中,一面还在用心思考。察克的获救不仅仅是因为幸运,还因为他聪明,拥有丰富的求生知识,还有顽强的意志力。就像在飞机失事之前他熟练地带上氧气面罩并死死抱住救生艇包裹,失事入水后还能把包裹成功打开,在充气艇里还会被浪抛来抛去,他还懂得死死扣住绳索以免被抛走。他在危机的时候学会保持冷静使他获得了幸存的可能,这没有丰富的求生知识和多次的训练是不可能这样做出的。    到了孤岛上,丰富的求生技巧又发挥了重要的作用。他上岛的第一件事就是解决喝水的问题。之后,他开始检查身边的环境。先是往海滩两边走,记下途中发现有用的东西。最后,他爬上制高点俯视周围,全方面地侦查环境。    通过这部影片,我明白了,要在自己的日常生活学习生存的技巧,锻炼自己的意志力,不要什么事都让家长代做,过着“衣来伸手饭来张口”的生活。(.com)从小事做起,比如自己去学会生火烧饭,做做家务,有时间阅读一些关于动植物的书籍,丰富自己的技巧。多去参加运动或是其他的一些项目,努力坚持下来,锻炼自己的意志力。为以后打好基础。    《荒岛余生》这一部影片,不仅仅带给我们一些吊人胃口的情节,最重要的是带给我们一些足以启发人生的东西。
  一个对工作充满热情的快递员,告别深爱的女友,带着与女友互换的圣诞礼物-一个祖传的怀表,里面贴有女友的相片。他正赶着派送今年的最后一批快件,赶着圣诞夜与女友相聚。不料意外的事发生了,飞机失事。他从大海中漂至了一个孤岛,独自一人凭着顽强的毅力,执著的信念,凭借最原始的求生方法在孤岛上度过了四年的漫长岁月。海上漂来的一片船帆让他原本在海上老死、病死的想法转变。他有一线希望回家,用岛上的树木做船板,树上的篾条做绳子。在他的精心预测下,他成功了!漂浮在海上被一艘大船上的人解救了。四年后返回的他听来的却是女友已婚的消息。他坦然地面对,坚强地活下来。  什么是强者?与厄运顽强地做斗争,善于适应环境,改变环境的人!这是一部催人奋进,感人至深的影片。联想到我们自己,人的一生会经历许多磨难和挫折,但谁经历的都无法与他相比。他做到了!为什么你们做不到?这正是影片带给我们内心深处强烈的震憾。  最近经常有新闻报道:影星自杀,学生不堪重压自杀的事件。其实人经常过不了的是自己这关。一部份人面对困难,面对压力的承受能力实在太低。所以说,一个人有顽强的毅力,在黑暗中不放弃、不退缩的品质是多么的可贵!  现实中的人们一般不会遇到影片中的情况。它告诉我们,平凡的生活其实很幸福。在平凡的生活中我们需要的更多是一种好的心理素质,正确地面对得与失,成功与失败。在遇到危险或恶劣的环境时,要懂得随机应变,善于运用身旁一切可以帮助你的资源。影片中的人物形象和故事情节,可以带给我们更多的领悟与思考。在生活中多去体会,你会有更多的收获。  
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> 荒岛余生观后感400字
  荒岛余生观后感    徐家傲    《荒岛余生》这部电影,我本以为应该是部很老的电影,可一看,主人公的扮演者居然是汤姆。克鲁斯,不禁让我大吃一惊。    这部片子是典型的人物性格转变推动情节发展的电影。主人公是个偏执狂,他对时间很吝啬,什么都要高效率。因此影片开始就举出一个“煮蛋器”的例子。但主人公的噩梦要来了。    空难,主人公被扔在了一个孤岛上,一切都改变了。他不可能追求什么高效率了,甚至回家都成了一种奢求。没有办法了,他只能开始动用双手在这片完全没有人的孤岛上求生存了。    这部电影甚至没有配角,因为和他一同度过这么多年的竟是一个排球,上面印有他的血印,但像个人。于是他便把那球当做自己的好朋友,是他的伴侣。他不孤单了,正如《龙族》中说的“没有人逃得过孤独,孤独才是真正的魔!”。主人公发现他们已经无法离开,他们真正的是血浓于水。    他最终获救,一切就如同一场梦。可自己的头发却白了,一切物是人非。心爱的人已是人妻,父母也不在了,但他明白了生活的真谛,不再要一味的“快”,该慢就慢下来吧。    结尾的时候,他身处荒原,但他自信满满,因为他已经知道了方向!
以下为电影《荒岛余生》的英文介绍,Cast Away is a 2000 drama film directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks as a FedEx employee stranded on an uninhabited island after his plane crashes in the South Pacific.The film depicts his successful attempts to survive on the island using remnants of his plane's cargo,as well as his eventual escape and return to society.Hanks was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role at the 73rd Academy Awards for his critically acclaimed performance.剧情介绍:In 1995,Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) is a time-obsessed systems analyst,who travels worldwide resolving productivity problems at FedEx depots.He is in a long-term relationship with Kelly Frears (Helen Hunt),with whom he lives in Memphis,Tennessee.Although the couple wants to get married,Chuck's busy schedule interferes with their relationship.A Christmas with relatives is interrupted by Chuck being summoned to resolve a problem in Malaysia.Flying through a violent storm,his airplane crashes into the Pacific Ocean.Chuck is able to escape the sinking plane and is saved by an inflatable life-raft but in the process,loses the raft's emergency locator transmitter.He clings to the life-raft,loses consciousness,and floats all night before being washed up on an island.After he awakens,he explores the island and soon discovers that it is uninhabited.Several FedEx packages from the crashed plane wash up on the shore,as well as the corpse of one of the pilots (whom he buries).He initially tries to signal for rescue and makes an escape attempt with the remnants of his life-raft,but he cannot pass the powerful surf.He searches for food,water,shelter,and opens the packages,finding a number of potentially useful items.He leaves one package,with a pair of wings painted on it,unopened.During a first attempt to make fire,Chuck receives a deep wound to his hand.In anger he throws several objects,including a Wilson Sporting Goods volleyball from one of the packages.A short time later he draws a face in the bloody hand print on the ball,names it Wilson and begins talking to it.Four years later Chuck is dramatically thinner,bearded,his hair is longer,and he is wearing a loincloth.He has become adept at spearing fish and making fires.He also has regular conversations and arguments with Wilson.After a large section from a portable toilet washes up on the island,Chuck uses it as a sail in the construction of a raft.After spending some time building and stocking the raft and deciding when the weather conditions will be optimal (using an analemma he has created in his cave to monitor the time of year),he launches,using the sail to overcome the powerful surf.After some time on the ocean,a storm nearly tears his raft apart.The following day,"Wilson" falls from the raft and is lost,leaving Chuck overwhelmed by grief and loss.Later,he is found drifting by a passing cargo ship.Upon returning to civilization,Chuck learns that he has long be his family and friends held a funeral,and Kelly has since married a colleague of Chuck's dentist (Dr.Spaulding) and has a daughter.After reuniting with Kelly,the pair profess their love for each other but,realizing a future together would be impossible due to her commitment to her family,they part.Kelly gives Chuck the keys to the car they once shared.Chuck then travels out into the country to return the unopened FedEx package to its sender.The house at the address is empty,so he leaves the package at the door with a note saying that the package saved his life.He then departs and stops at a remote crossroads.A woman passing by in a pickup truck stops to explain where each road leads.As she drives away,Chuck notices the illustration on her truck is similar to the one on the parcel.Chuck is left looking down each road.The camera focuses on his face,as he looks toward the departing woman in the truck.


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