
  1.She is a lipstick lesbian, I think.她是女同性恋中的女生。
  2.He is way too cute to be straight.他太可爱了,绝对不可能是异性恋。
  3.She has been a tomboy since she was born.她从生下来就很男性化。
  4.He is gay.他是同性恋。
  5.He is a fag.他是个同性恋(表示歧视)
  Gay 算是口语中最通行的同性恋的讲法,而比较正式的讲法则是 homosexual。由于 gay 它是一个形容词,所以你不能说 &He is a gay.& (这是常听到的错误用法。) 正确的讲法应该是&He is gay.& 意思就是他是同性恋。注意一下,gay 和homosexual 算是同性恋最普遍的说法,因为虽说在美国口语当中用来讲同性恋的用语,我随便就可以举出一二十个,但是只有 gay 和 homosexual 这两个字算是不带有污蔑的口气,所以比较能被社会大众所广泛接受。
这是《绝望主妇》里&著名&的一对男同Bob and Lee.
  基本上 gay 其实可以泛指所有除异性恋之外的男同性恋女同性恋 (lesbian) 和双性恋(bi-sexual)。.像是在美国几乎每一个地方都有所谓的 gay bar,也就是给这些非异性恋朋友们去交朋友的地方,但是当然啦!gay bar 不单是开放给这些人,有些异性恋也会去。
  上面提到 gay 这个字可以泛指男同性恋和女同性恋,但是女同性恋自己还有一个专属的单字叫 lesbian,曾经看过中文有人取其音而直译为「花边边」。但是和 gay 只能当形容词不同的一点是,lesbian 这个字可以当名词也可以当形容词,所以,&她是一个女同性恋&的讲法可以是,&She is a lesbian.& 或是 &She is lesbian.& 都对。另外有一个女同性恋俚语的讲法叫 lesbo,这个字有侮辱的味道在内,大家应该应该要了解却要避免使用它。
  若要照性别角色细分的话,lesbian 又可分成 lipstick lesbian 和butch lesbian。所谓的 lipstick lesbian 就是指在一对女同性恋当中,角色比较倾向女生的那位,中文里的讲法叫「婆」。而 butch lesbian 不用说当然就是比较男性化的那位,中文的简称为&T& (意指 tomboy)。这些解释其实各位都不必死记,当你一看到口红 (lipstick) 这个字时,自然就会联想到这是女性的用品。而 butch 这个字本来就是作阳刚解释,所以应该也不难体会。
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同类的英文:same typesame kindsimilar参考例句:A creature that is atypical of its species没有其同类特性的生物.They are two of a kind and totally unreliable.他俩是同类货色,都是不可靠的人。Any of several wetland plants of similar aspect,such as the papyrus and the cattail.其他同类植物同类的生长在沼泽地的植物,好纸莎草或宽叶香蒲A thesaurus is a book of synonyms and antonyms.同类语词典是一本拥有同义词和反义词的书。A wanderer's repose or a sinner's reformation should never depend on a fellow-creature一个流浪者的安宁或者一个犯过大错的人的悔过自新,决不应该依靠同类。Fur and feathers are of the same class毛羽同类Hawks will not pick hawks' eyes out同类不相残A man cannot divorce from his kin after all. 人终究是离不开同类的。&a &&shining star&& among its/his/her peers&同类中的佼佼者Fellow creature同类(指动物):n. 类型;典型;模范;代表;字体;铅字,活字v. 打字;按类型把…归类;测定(血)型You must specify the MIME type to be used for this file type.必须指定此文件类型所使用的MIME类型。The type of skirt is all the go.这种裙子很时髦。Other Types of Research其他类型的研究 :n. 种类;性质adj. 和蔼的;宽容的;友好的Kindness always begets kindness善有善根Certain kinds of wine go with certain kinds of food.某些酒与某些饭食相配。The kindness of caring for—saying of the sons for their parents’ kindness顾复之恩:adj. 相像的;相仿的;类似的n. 相似的东西They are similar in grain.他们气质相似。 house built in a similar style.(类似这种形式的)房屋。of the same or similar kind or nature.指相同或者相似的种类。 翻译推荐:相关热点:
英国政府败诉 梅姨的脱欧大计要流产?!
爆笑分享:我家的喵星人不仅成精 还上天了!
修改的建议:当前位置: &
英文翻译as conjthe same as:&&&& blend:&&&& as ...:&&&& you neednt envy his ...:&&&&the same colour / size as:&&&&sure as:&&&& waichi:&&&&h(when where who what why:&&&& waichiro:&&&&in accordance with:&&&&alkanol
例句与用法You don ' t know what it ' s iike to be separated你不知道和一样你深爱的东西分离的滋味As long and as thick as mary lou ' s mane和玛丽.卢的鬃毛一样厚和一样长As long and as thick as mary lou ' s mane和玛丽.卢的鬃毛一样厚和一样长I love wenzhou like sam and may . i keep it clean every day我爱温州就像和一样,我每天都使它保持干净! Jack turned his boots upside down and shook them as hard as he could杰克转动了他的起动上部和一样艰苦震动了他们像他能。 As sure as和一样肯定无疑Barbells , pulleys and the like are more productive than either of the two mentioned because , resistance adjusts according to one ' s fitness level杠铃、滑车和一样都是比上述两种原因据抵抗调整自己的体能水平Scientists have called the boundary area around the hole the “ event horizon ” we know nothing about events which happen once objects pass this boundary设想一下地球减小到弹球大小,但仍有相同的质量和一样强大的地心引力,你就会对黑洞的力量有某种概念。 Imagine the earth reduced to the size of a marble , but still having the same mass and a stronger gravitational pull , and you have some idea of the force of a black hole设想一下地球减小到弹球大小,但仍有相同的质量和一样强大的地心引力,你就会对黑洞的力量有某种概念。 Off the path , the way is almost impassable , although people have moved through it and creatures as large as acromantulas and a ford anglia have managed to get around偏离小路,几乎寸步难行,尽管有人曾经穿越过,也有像八眼巨蛛和一样大的生物,附近还游荡着一辆福特安格利亚车。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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But if thou wilt not send him, we will not go down: for the man said unto us, Ye shall not see my face, except your brother be with you.
Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.
父啊,我在哪里,愿你所赐给我的人也同我在那里,叫他们看见你所赐给我的荣耀。 因为创立世界以前,你已经爱我了。
Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth.
When you correlate people's preference when they see products with activation in this area, you'll see a nice correlation.
Shigeru We will be doing it as we travel with Shigeru through different points going to the train station or from the train station on the bus, looking to see how it was the same as it used to or how it's different from what they know.
- 来自原声例句
[yǔcǐtóngshí] at the same timemeanwhile
[seim] adj.同一的,相同的,无变化的,上述的,所谓 pron.同样的事物 adv.同样地单词与此同时的英汉对照例句物理学家们正在研究对环境危害少的发电新方法,与此同时,许多发电厂也在实现现代化以减少污染物质的释放量。Physicists are studying new ways of generating electricity with less damage to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluting material.与此同时,许多大学生在罢工持续期间自愿去驾驶公共汽车。Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. All与此同时,他们拨出一部分资金购买机帆船。Meanwhile they set aside part of their funds for the motorized boats.彼得将他的那部新小说搁置了一年,与此同时,他给杂志撰写一些稿件以便赚点钱用。Peter set his new novel aside for a year while he wrote some magazine articles to make a bit of money.与此同时,许多大学生自愿在罢工持续期间去驾驶公共汽车。Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts.与此同时,我的舌头忙着寻找我拔掉牙的那个洞。Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out of the hole where the tooth had been.与此同时,教会学校也纷纷要求公家提供资金以帮助它们承担教育任务。At the same time, church schools were agitating for public funds to help them bear the responsibility for education."与此同时,两小时前放进去了一只麦克风,使这些人能与他们最亲近的亲属保持联系。""Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mi“他相信通过市场进行的个人选择,相信人们必须接受自己选择的后果……与此同时,他非常清楚,有很多人需要保护,以免遭受市场经济无可否认的非故意负面因素的影响”,比如说失业,疾病导致的财务窘境,以及某些市场价格升至无法承受的水平时,无法获得生活必需品。"He believed in individual choice exercised through the market place and that people must accept the consequences of the choices they made... at the same time he was well aware that there were many people who needed protection from the unintended but indisputable negative aspects of a market economy" such as unemployment financial hardship in illness and lack of access to the essentials of life if certain market prices rose to unaffordable levels.与此同时,应邀购买债券的英国股东,将不再有那麽多理由在优先购买权问题上发牢骚。Meanwhile uk shareholders invited into the bond will have less cause to bellyache over pre-emption rights.特洛特初期筹资即获成功,而与此同时许多大型私人股本公司却很难吸引到计划所需的投资,这凸显出特洛特作为巴菲特最青睐的投资银行家所享有的声望。The early fundraising successes come as many of the biggest private equity firms struggle to lure as much investment capital as planned and highlight the cachet that has accompanied mr trott's role as mr buffett's favourite investment banker.与此同时,HeritageOil将与在库尔德斯坦油田作业的土耳其Genel合并。Heritage oil is meanwhile merging with turkey's genel in kurdistan.与此同时,日本第三大汽车制造商日产称,得益於大幅削减成本及旗下日产和英菲尼迪(Infiniti)品牌在中国市场28%的综合销量增长率,该公司第二季度净亏损从前一季度的2770亿日元收窄至低於预期的165亿日元。Nissan meanwhile said its net loss shrank to a smaller-than-expected y16.5bn in the quarter from y277bn in the previous quarter as japan's third-biggest car producer was helped by aggressive cost-cutting and 28 per cent combined volume growth in china for its nissan and infiniti brands.他们要求邀请一位对“当前全球气候更加敏感”的演讲者,拒绝倾听来自一个名誉受损行业高管的职业生涯建议;与此同时,华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)前首席执行官凯瑞61基林格(KerryKillinger)正在华盛顿实施自己的破坏计划。As students demanded a speaker more "sensitive to the current global climate" eschewing careers advice from an executive in a discredited industry kerry killinger was conducting his own demolition job in washington.与此同时,最过分的是,中国的“保护主义长城”既迫使外国企业向中国转让技术,又迫使它们研发业务外包给中国。Meanwhile its "great walls of protectionism" include most egregiously both forced technology transfer and forced research and development offshoring to china by foreign companies.提交更多与此同时的相关例句
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