
词语导航基本信息词语:自作自受繁体:自作自受拼音:zì zuò zì shòu英语翻译have only oneself to thank; lie in the bed one has madestew in one"s own grease; stew in one"s own juicesuffer from one"s own actions分词翻译自的英语翻译:certainly; from; of course; oneself; self; since【建】 auto-作的英语翻译:act as; do; make; pretend; regard as; writings【法】 perpetrate受的英语翻译:accept; bear; endure; recieve; stand; suffer
翻译例句1. 但是,这个诡计使人自作自受。The trick boomeranged, though.2. 那位国王不过是任那些政客自作自受。The king has merely given the politicians enough rope to hang themselves.3. 她是自作自受。She made her bed, let her lie in it.4. 人不能自作自受。One could not stew in one"s own juice.5. 你这叫做自作自受,没人可怜你。This is what I call stewing in your own juice.6. 你让亲爱的玛格·丽特自作自受去吧。You let dear Margaret stew in her own juice.7. 然而,这次麻烦却是英石油自作自受。But in this instance BP"s troubles are of its own making.8. 一些人说他是自作自受。Some people said he had drink what he brewed.9. 最近的一次溃败后,我们会让他自作自受。After his latest debacle, we will let him stew in his own juice and suffer the consequences.10. 有一种感觉比失恋还痛苦,那就是自作自受。There is a feeling of pain that is worse than a break, so.11. 自己铺床自己睡,就是“自作自受”的意思。As you have made your bed, so must you lie in it.12. 妈妈:你自作自受。Mother: You asked for it.13. 让他们自作自受吧。Leave them to stew in their own juice.14. 人们会说你知道自己在做什么而你是自作自受。People will say you knew what you were doing and you brought it upon yourself.15. 让他们自作自受吧。I"d rather let him stew.16. 他对她态度粗暴,但她仍然爱他,真是自作自受。He was always rude to her, but, for her SINS, she still loved him.17. 现在这位友敌成为行业内许多自作自受者的替罪羊。Now the frenemy has become a scapegoat for many of the industry"s self-inflicted wounds.18. 他是自作自受。Let him stew!WWw.weNtIYi.com19. 这将是不可饶恕的,而这一切都是华盛顿自作自受的结果。That would be inexcusable, and entirely self-inflicted by Washington.20. 让欧洲去自作自受好了,但法律规定的债务非偿还不可。Europe must be left to stew in its own juice, and must pay its lawful debts.21. 我不知道我为什么要帮她,让她自作自受吃点儿苦头才好呢。I don"t know why I should help her----she can stew in her own juice for a bit.22. 以前我告诉过你要努力工作,但你总是当耳边风,你这是自作自受。I once told you to work hard, but you always turned a deaf ears to me. It serves you right.23. 这是因为我们终于、终于开始正视残酷的现实了,这是我们自作自受。And that"s because we"re finally - finally! - coming to terms with the harsh reality we created for ourselves.24. 您可以说她们与你们无关,您甚至可以说这全是中国人在自作自受。You may say that you have nothing to do with them, that the people of China have brought this upon themselves.25. 由于缺乏对这种病的了解,许多人依然认为HIV受害者都是自作自受。Owing to ignorance of the disease, many people still believe that HIV victims deserve what they suffer.26. 令人不安的是,多种迹象表明,我们可能做好了准备再从头来一次自作自受。Disturbingly, there are plenty of signs that we might well be prepared to do it to ourselves all over again.27. 令人不安的是,多种迹象表明,我们可能做好了准备再从头来一次自作自受。Disturbingly, there are plenty of signs that we might well be prepared to do it to ourselves all over again.版权声明:问题易所有作品(图文、音视频)均来源网络,版权归原创作者所有,与本站立场无关,如不慎侵犯了你的权益,请联系我们告知,我们将做删除处理!}


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