
泰迪怀孕一个月应该注意什么?吃什么,我家狗平时只喂狗粮拌狗罐头之类的狗专用的,还需要喂什么呢?注意_百度宝宝知道查看: 158433|回复: 91
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心肌症最好采取综合药物治疗。最传统的治疗药品是洋地黄。这类药属于正性肌力药物,可以增加心脏肌肉细胞中的钙质的积聚,以此来增加心脏收缩动力 和降低心跳频率。我对四十磅以下的狗使用的起始投药量为0.mg每磅,每日两次。一般使用药物5天后可以达到问题的血液水平并出现效果。对于体格更大的狗,投药量为0.22mg每平方米身体表皮。对于有肾脏和肝脏疾病的狗,须谨慎用药。如果出现食欲下降,呕吐,腹泻或者精神不佳的不良反应,应该降低投药量。在用药1到2周之后,我会对病犬做一个血液检查来检测血液地黄含量。由于地黄是通过肾脏被排出体外,如果狗有肾脏问题,就不太能够代谢地黄,因此检测到的血液地黄会偏高。这些狗的投药量必须被降低,或者使用通过肝脏代谢的洋地黄毒苷作为替代品。
另外一组有效的犬类心脏治疗药物是利尿剂。利尿剂可以将蓄积在肺部和腹部的体液排出。最常用,效果最好的药物是速尿。速尿的使用量是1-3mg/磅,2-3次每天。服用速尿的犬往往更频繁地饮水和排尿。使用速尿的狗应该注意使用钾补充剂,比如Morton’s Nusalt.
另外一类治疗扩张性心肌症的药物是血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(降压药)。这些药物减低了使血管紧张的犬体内化学物质,使血液更顺畅,有效地流过心脏,流向全身。最常用的此类药品是依纳普利,投药量为0.25mg每磅体重,每日一到两次。由于此类药物会导致肾脏问题,所以需要在用药2周后进行BUN和生化指标检查,并且之后每3-4月要检查一次。药物副作用一般为缺乏食欲,呕吐,或者排泄有毒物质。另外两种偶尔被使用的药品是卡托普利(0.5-1.0mg,每日三次) 和苯那普利(0.125mg每磅体重,一日一次),但是使用后者时可能会出现严重肾脏功能问题,所以必须进行肾脏检测。
用来治疗心跳异常的药物包括盐酸美西津(2-4mg每磅,一日三次),普鲁卡因酰胺(5-10mg每磅,6小时喂药一次)或者它的长效药Procan SR(5-10mg每磅,8小时喂药一次)。但是,这类药和另一种姐妹药奎尼丁一样,经常引起食欲下降。盐酸美西津经常和阿替洛尔共同使用,用量为0.25mg每磅,每日一到两次。
[ 本帖最后由 Cherry爱臭臭 于
11:11 编辑 ]
Heart Failure In Dogs I
Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Ron Hines DVM PhD 6/24/06
The heart of all mammals is made up of four chambers. The upper left and right chambers are called the atria (atrium) and the lower left and right chambers are called the ventricles.
Blood flows from the veins of the body into the right atrium. It is stored there briefly as it is pumped on into the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps blood into the lungs, where it receives oxygen. It then flows from the lungs into the left atrium where it is held briefly before going on to the left ventricle. The left ventricle contains the largest muscle of the heart so it can pump blood out through the arteries to all parts of the body.
There are two types of cardiac failure or myopathy that occur in dogs. In one form called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy the walls of the chambers of the heart thicken, leading to a decrease in pumping efficiency. This form of cardiac failure is quite rare in dogs. In the second form of cardiomyopathy the chambers of the heart increase in size and the muscles that form the walls of the heart stretch thinner. This is called dilated cardiomyopathy.
It is rather common for a dog’s failing heart to enlarge and no longer pump sufficient blood throughout the body. This form of heart disease is rare in the toy and smaller breeds but common in dogs that weigh over fifty pounds. Small dogs suffer more from valvular failure, which leads to congestive heart failure with signs very similar to dilated cardiomyopathy. Male dogs are slightly more prone to this condition than female dogs. Pets are usually over five years of age when the condition is first noticed. Doberman pincers, boxers and cocker spaniels often acquire this condition but any larger breed can develop it. For reasons we do not understand, the incidence of cardiomyopathy in doberman pinchers is greater than that in all other breeds combined. Great Danes, Irish wolfhounds and Scottish deerhounds are also frequent victims of this disease. When it occurs in Boxers it is common for serious heart rhythm abnormalities to occur while enlargement of the heart stays minimal.
As the failing heart enlarges, the left side looses its ability to contract forcefully to pump blood through the body’s blood vessels. When this occurs, blood begins to pools in the right side of the heart, which supplies blood to the lungs for oxygenation and receives spent blood from the thorax and abdomen. The dog’s heart works hard to compensate for these changes but eventually your pet can no longer perform the activities it once did. This stage of the disease is called congestive heart failure.
In congestive heart failure, the heart is no longer able to provide blood with adequate oxygen to supply the body. Without adequate oxygen, the body's cells become desperate and trigger a series of responses. Various hormones are released by several organs in an attempt to correct the problem. These hormones conserve and retain fluids in an effort to increase blood volume and the output of blood. For several months, these compensatory responses help the situation. However, increased fluid retention eventually becomes harmful. More and more fluid leaks out of the capillaries, causing increased gagging and coughing, and reduced stamina. Fluid in the lungs is called pulmonary edema, fluid below the skin is called peripheral or limb edema, and fluid in the abdomen is called ascites. Peripheral or limb edema is much less common in dogs than in people with congestive heart failure.
Signs of Heart Failure:
Dogs in the later stages of congestive heart failure become much less active and tire easily. Their appetite usually falls of and they show signs of difficult respiration, panting and coughing while at rest. Their tummy enlarges and takes on a pear-shape as fluid accumulates in the liver and abdomen. Electrocardiograms taken of these dogs are always abnormal. When I examine these dogs, the color of the membranes of the mouth are grayish rather than healthy pink and blood vessels on the surface are abnormally congested with blood. These dogs often have a condition called a jugular pulse in which the beating of the heart can be seen in the large jugular veins of the neck. The sounds of heartbeat that I hear through my stethoscope are always abnormal to some degree.
By the time dogs become symptomatic with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure, they rarely live beyond a year. Many will die in six months. The disease is known to run in families so families with this problem should not be bred.
Doberman pinchers develop abnormal electrocardiograms up to four years before they develop clinical signs of heart failure. Many of these dogs die suddenly without warning. Owners often think these dogs have been poisoned. Others develop the cough and fluid retention characteristic of the heart failure along with muscle wasting and difficulty getting about.
In Boxers abnormal heart rhythms are often picked up as an incidental finding on routine health exams when no signs of illness are present. Later, the Boxers may have sudden incidents of collapse, fainting and weakness due to this irregular heart beat.
Dilated cardiomyopathy or congestive heart failure develops over many months or even years. Its effects on blood flow also develops slowly. As heart function declines, the body is able to compensate for several weeks or months. However, at some point, the body's ability to compensate is no longer effective. At this point, dogs go into severe heart failure in what appears to be a matter of hours. Rapid, heavy breathing, blue tongue, excessive drooling, or collapse may be the first signs that anything is wrong.
Diagnosis of Cardiomyopathy:
I can diagnose most cases of cardiomyopathy with my stethoscope. I listen on the left side of the chest just behind the elbow. Listening here allows me to hear abnormal heart rhythms as well as the abnormal sounds of blood whooshing through overly distended heart valves. Heart sounds in this condition tend to be muffled and the raspy noise of air passing through fluid-filled lungs is often audible.
When a dog with abnormal heart sounds and these typical signs comes into my hospital, the first thing I suggest is that we perform a chest X-ray to see how bad the problem really is. Hearts in cardiac failure have a very distinctive globular shape. The normal, chiseled cardiac silhouette is replaced by a much larger, rounded heart shadow. Early in the disease the left side of the heart may be more enlarged than the right but with time both the left and right side of the heart enlarge. In boxers, rhythm irregularities may be present before x-rays show abnormal findings. The lungs of dogs in heart failure are abnormally dense due to fluid buildup within them.
(Many veterinarians rely on electrocardiograms to detect early heart abnormalities before x-ray diagnosis is possible. A fast, out-of-control fibrillation of the muscle of the atrium is present in seventy to eighty percent of giant dogs with cardiomyopathy. The portion of the paper tracing called the QRS complex lengthens and increases in height (amplitude) signifying left ventricular enlargement. Heart rate is faster than normal in the tracing and premature contractions of the ventricles give the tracing an abnormal rhythm.)
Visualization of the heart in real time with an ultrasound machine also gives me a good indication of the efficiency of the heart in pumping blood. It gives me the most accurate measure of the size of each heart chamber as well as some indication of the degree of heart enlargement.
Blood serum chemistry and urine chemistry tests do not detect heart problems but they do let me know if problems in the liver or kidneys might affect the action of heart medications I will later use.
(Many cases of cardiomyopathy are accompanied by heart rhythm abnormalities. These are caused by disturbances in the electrical impulses that control heart rate and rhythm and they can be life threatening. It is a good idea to learn to check your dog’s pulse at its wrist to detect this abnormality at home. You may even choose to buy a nurse’s stethoscope for more accuracy. )
Cardiomyopathy responds best to a cocktail of medications. One of the oldest drugs used to treat this condition is digitalis (Digoxin, Cardoxin, Lanoxin). This medication belongs to a group called positive inotropic agents which increase the concentration of calcium in heart muscle cells. This increases the force of cardiac contractions and usually slows heart rate. I begin dogs under forty pounds on 0.0025 to 0.005 mg/pound body weight given twice a day. It takes about five days for the drug to reach stable blood levels and show its effect. Larger dogs are given 0.22mg/m2 of body surface. The drug must be used in caution in dogs with kidney or liver problems. If loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea or lethargy occur I lower the dose. One or two weeks after beginning digitalis, I order a blood digoxin test to see if therapeutic levels of the drug are present. Digoxin is eliminated from the dog’s body through the kidneys so dogs with kidney damage are less able to tolerate the drug. In these dogs the dose should be lowered or digitoxin should be used instead because it is metabolized and excreted through the liver.
Another helpful group of drugs for dogs in heart failure are diuretics. These drugs remove accumulation of fluids that occur in the lungs and abdomen of cardiac patients due to the sluggish flow of blood. The most common and best drug of this class is furosemide (Lasix). The dose of furosemide is 1-3mg/pound of body weight given two or three times a day. Dogs taking furosemide usually drink and urinate more frequently. While on this drug the dog should receive a potassium supplement such as Morton’s NuSalt.
Another important group of drugs used in treating dilated cardiomyopathy are blood vessel dilators called ACE inhibitors. These compounds decrease certain chemicals that tighten blood vessels so more blood flows smoothly through them allowing the heart to pump blood more efficiently. The most commonly used drug in this class is enalapril (Enacard, Vasotec, Lotensin, Prinavil, Zestril). I give dogs 0.25mg/pound body weight once or twice a day. Since this drug can cause kidney problems it is wise to have a BUN and creatinine serum level performed two weeks after starting the medication and then every three or four months. When side effects of enalapril occur, they are usually lack of appetite, vomiting and an increase in toxic waste products due to decreased blood flow through the kidney (azotemia).
Two other ACE inhibitors that are occasionally used are captopril (Capoten & 0.5-1.0 mg three times a day) and benazepril (Lotensin 0.125mg/ pound once a day). Benazepril is recommended when blood tests show an elevated BUN and creatinine, which signifies poor kidney function.
Drugs used to treat heart beat abnormalities (ventricular arrhythmias) include mexiletine (Mexitil,2-4mg/pound three times a day) procainamide (5-10mg/lb every 6 hours) or its long acting form, Procan SR, (5-10mg/lb every 8 hours). Unfortunately this drug and a sister compound, quinidine, often cause depression and lack of appetite. Mexiletine is often given along with atenolol (0.25mg/pound once or twice a day).
Both Hills Prescription Diets (h/D) and Purina’s CNM (CV formula) make low sodium diets for use in dogs with heart disease. A recipe for a low sodium home-cooked diet is included in this series
There have been scientific studies that indicate that a few cases of cardiac failure, particularly in boxers, are due to a deficiency in the amino acid L-carnitine. If tests show an abnormally low carnitine level, supplementing the patient’s diet with this product can halt the disease (110mg/pound twice a day, maximum of 4 grams per day). Because of its expense, it is not usually given unless a deficiency can be documented. Another group of cocker spaniels have been found to develop heart failure when there are deficient in another amino acid, taurine. Since this amino acid is not toxic and inexpensive there is no harm in administrating it to heart patients (500mg twice a day).
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回复 5# 的帖子
买到了,买了希尔斯的心脏病犬粮,20磅重的 。
原帖由 Tony储 于
15:13 发表
原帖由 饺子娘 于
08:16 发表
原帖由 微笑兔 于
15:21 发表
我家卡卡也查处心脏有隐患,但是还没有到治疗的地步,医生说需要再观察,半年接受一次检查,如果有不好的趋势就需要药物控制了,哎 ...
原帖由 Cherry爱臭臭 于
15:31 发表
买到了,买了希尔斯的心脏病犬粮,20磅重的 。
[ 本帖最后由 微笑兔 于
18:50 编辑 ]
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