He paid too much workhard work

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Ever since contracts began in professional sports the price of athletes has continued to rise. So why are athletes worth so much? And where does all the money come from? It is all about the revenue, a team’srevenue determines how much they can pay their players.Athletes deserve their pay because they aresome of the hardest working people and are the cornerstone of a business that makes billions of dollars.`
` Athletes are some of the highest people not only in the United States but possibly in...
Amateur sports,
Earning of actors and professional athletes
With the development of economy, people are satisfied with the physical needs. Thus people began to chase the spiritual needs. Entertainment and sports became an important way to do so. So there are many actors and professional athletes appeared. And they usually can get much money from their job, which many people cannot understand. Because people think actors and professional athletes are not worthy to get high salary. However, I think that actors and professional...
Actors Studio
but has it gone too far? Bill Lee thinks it has and so do many other baseball fans. There was once a time where a father could go to the ballpark with his family for $10 and see their favorite Yankee play, but now things have changed. For a family of four to go see a Major League Baseball game it will cost them anywhere from $200 to $250 to sit in tight, compact seats, while trying to watch the same man as everyone else is. People ask why professional athletes get paid too much; it's because we...
Babe Ruth,
Boston Red Sox
Are Professional Athletes paid too much?
Healthcare workers save lives on a daily basis for sixty thousand dollars a year, while professional athletes receive millions of dollars merely to entertain. Athletes should be paid well because they must train harder physically than other people, they must work even when they are not working, and their chosen profession sometimes entails great physical risks.
Society believes that once a person is athletic they automatically qualify to become...
Amateur sports,
Composition 2
Argument Essay
Are Professional Actors and Athletes Overpaid?
In this essay I will explore a much debated topic in this country pertaining to the undeniable fact that professional actors and athletes overwhelmingly get paid much higher than the average American.
As any highly debated topic, there are always arguments and viewpoints from both sides of the spectrum.
Like many Americans, for entertainment I thoroughly enjoy watching both film and professional sporting events.
Even though...
Distribution of wealth,
Economic inequality
Are Professional Athletes Paid Too Much
For years, fans of the four major U.S sports NFL, MLB, NBA, and the NHL have been arguing over the question “Are Professional Athletes Paid To Much”? This question has been discussed and scrutinized by every fan from a novice up to the most die-hard fans.
No matter how much fans think Michael Jordan was the greatest basketball player that they have ever watched it does not mean that an annual salary of $30,000,000 dollars was justified.
In our present...
Alex Rodriguez,
Kobe Bryant,
Major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada
Are professional athletes overpaid?
This question continues to permeate conversations from the board r to street corners and beyond.
How much is too much money for an athlete to earn.
Folks will argue that the money could be spent on increasing teachers salaries as they are responsible for sculpting the minds of the American youth. Athletes make more money in one day than most Americans will make in a lifetime.
New York Times best selling author David Epstein posed the following...
Amateur sports,
FedEx Cup,
Are Professional Athletes being Paid too Much?
An Editorial on the Overlooked Salary Difference
Matt Crandall
SHS Junior
Walking through the halls of Sally High one day, my ear caught the words of two young individuals debating over an interesting topic. It was a discussion on the large pay difference between what they thought were hard working Americans and jobs of the entertainment market. As I continued to think more in depth about this current discussion that had just been overheard...
Amateur sports,
Professional sports,
Super Bowl
Professional athletes get paid way too much -
Thank you to whoever accepts my debate
Let me start off...
Professional athletes get paid way too much. Here are some statistics on the salaries of pro athletes.
Profession Average salary (per year) Minimum starting salary :
Basketball player $2.2 million $220,000
Baseball player $1.37 million $109,000
Hockey player $892,000 $125,000
Football player $795,000 $131,000
In contrast
o The average pay for classroom teachers in...
Alex Rodriguez,
Today's professional athletes make ridiculous salaries and are only increasing year after year. Every year we hear how a professional athlete just signed a contract worth a record amount. Then about the same time next year we hear about another athlete is signing a new contract worth even more than the previous high. Professional athletes are making too much money in a society that salaries and wages are typically based on the value of ones work.
In today's society where salaries are determined...
Boston Red Sox,
Major League Baseball
I am a huge fan of the entertainment industry. I believe it takes a lot of skill and tact to do what they do and I also strongly know that professional actors and athletes are not overpaid. My reasons are:
Firstly, there are certain roles actors and actresses play in movies depending on the genre of such movies. For instance, if an actor or an actress is having a play a sexual role, he or she will have to be paid a large sum of...
How much is too much?
With gas prices soaring, the housing market crumbling, poverty rates rising, and the country sinking into more debt by the day, money
is on a lot of people’s minds right now. Millions of people are struggling to put food on the table while celebrities are signing multi-million dollar contracts for movies and sports. Many entertainment and sports personalities have very high incomes, while most people in &ordinary& professions like nurses, doctors and teachers earn only...
Angelina Jolie,
ARIA Charts,
Do professional athletes get paid too much?
In my personal opinion: No
In this modern era this is an ethical issue that comes up more and more often. This has been brought up especially in times of economic hardship and the recession whereby families are really struggling to make ends meet with unemployment, delay of retirement and general reductions in disposable income. During this paper it shall be discussed how the ethical issue of high wages came about, why it is an issue, who is affected...
Amateur sports,
motherland, save people by risking yours, developing technology for better future etc., but your income is nowhere near the person whose job is running and kicking the ball. At first thought, you condemn and complain how the system of life sucks so much. But, let's give it a second thought by assessing if they really worth the money.
Let's take a vote, does the footballers really deserve it? See, the majority says not so I will begin reasoning why they really should get pay cut.
Importance in Life...
American football,
Should College Athletes be Paid?
General Purpose Statement: to convince
Specific Purpose Statement: By the end of my presentation, I hope to convince you on the fact that college athletes should not be paid to play their sport(s).
Attention Getter: When you go from playing sports in college to playing sports in the major league, what changes? Your title goes from student athlete to professional athlete. Notice how while in college, your title is student athlete, not professional. You are a student...
Amateur sports,
Woods Effect
The term “professional athlete” can and is often applied to anyone and everyone who holds a job as an athlete or sports competitor.
Often, these “professional athletes” are glorified and held to a standard above what an everyday citizen is held at.
They are given the best equipment to compete against the best of the best.
However, a common factor of criticism is the salary that these professional athletes receive to compete in their various sports.
While athletes are often given a large...
Amateur sports,
Professional sports
Are Professional Athletes Overpaid?
In recent years, the salaries of many professional athletes have soared, allowing them to collect millions every year for merely being on a team. Worshipped by their talent and the appeal of extreme wealth, many of these athletes do not see themselves as role models, which, in turn, affects society’s younger generation. Although many of these athletes are perhaps the world’s most talented in their fields, their significantly high salaries are unjustifiable...
Amateur sports,
Professional sports
English 1106
20 April 2015
Should Student-Athletes be Paid?
In the modern college sports era, the call for student-athletes to be paid has escalated. These athletes are now apart of a nearly billion-dollar industry in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
There are arguments for both sides. Those who believe that the athletes should be paid make the argument that schools and the NCAA are making millions of dollars off these athletes and are not being compensated for their...
National Collegiate Athletic Association
(How Much Revenue). Yet with this large sum of money, no college athletes are legally compensated for their work. According to NCAA rules, “You are not eligible for participation in a sport if you have ever: Taken pay, or the promise of pay, for competing in that sport” (NCAA Regulations 1). Due to this law, not only are college athletes having difficulty in paying off their college tuition, but also many athletes are being paid under the table through black markets. These amateur athletes have no...
Amateur sports,
Big Ten Conference
In today’s struggling economy, it is not hard to tell that the CEO’s of the largest corporations are making far too much money. They claim their paychecks are justifiable because of their company’s success and inherent to our
but as these corporations become richer they continue to undermine the efficiency of our country’s political system and the common good for our population as a whole. Furthermore, morality has become almost entirely absent in bigger business practice in...
Business ethics,
Are Professional Athletes Overpaid?
I grew up watching professional sports. I always wanted to grow up to be just like them and secretly, still do. However, growing up, I was never really aware of the ridiculous amounts of money that the athletes earned and in the past few years I have been hearing many people complaining about how much the athletes make. According to my survey, 30 percent of people surveyed believe that athletes are overpaid. Honestly, I expected it to be more than that since...
Amateur sports,
Professional sports
college athletes be allowed to accept salaries or financial gifts?
One of the most controversial topics in all of college sports is whether or not its athletes should get paid. As of now they are not paid, but many people are leaning towards paying them for supporting the college and putting their health at risk. These athletes should not recieve money, however, because they are too young to be paid the kind of money they would be paid, and injuries could complicated things very much.
All-NBA Team,
Brett Favre,
Britney Spears
Sport Athletes’ Salaries
Are professional athletes overpaid? This topic has been argued for some time now. It is said that pro athletes are paid way too much money for playing a sport. On the other side, there are the ones that say that the money is fairly deserved because of their hard work to get to where they are. Should pro athletes' salaries drop or stay as is? Do the top athletes deserve their pay?
Athletes deserve the money they receive because of their hard work, dedication...
Amateur sports,
Minimum wage,
Professional sports
sports exploded in the 1900’s athletes were paid like regular working citizens. Most athletes had to work over the summer to keep their mortgages paid. In present day, professional athletes are dished out astronomical salaries in exchange for their play. Many of these athletes have the opportunity to be set for life within the first years of their contracts. Eighteen and nineteen year olds are given multi-million dollar contracts. While these athletes are getting paid these ridiculous amounts of money...
Drew Brees,
Minimum wage,
President of the United States
Argument Paper
Time for Change in Amateur Sports
College athletes are held to a high standard, to act, perform and live like professionals. Why not pay them like professionals to? Sure you don’t have to pay them as much as professional athletes but there are a lot of reasons why student athletes should get paid rather than just the scholarship itself. When fans watch these student athletes play there is a major profit in money that the NCAA gets from the millions of people...
Amateur sports,
Should student athletes be paid to play?
People are debating many controversial issues locally and globally. One controversial issue, which is relevant today, is whether or not college athletes should be paid or not. One side argues college athletes should be paid while others argue why they should not. For the NCAA this has been a popular topic. People began to discuss this topic when college athletes started to receive special treatment and compensation from scouters to insure...
Should College Athletes Get Paid?
Should college athletes be paid? It is a question that most of us have heard before. Many people might say they are getting paid by getting scholarships but many people might say scholarships are not enough. It is an argument that has been going on for decades. It was even mentioned in June 1905 issue of McClure’s.
There are a lot of reasons to why they should get paid.
According to researches the fifteen highest paid college football coaches’ salary is $53.4...
American football,
Are Today's Professional Athletes Good Role Models?
Everyday today's youth are asked what they want to be when they grow up. Some say teachers, firemen, police officers and a large response to that question is a professional athlete.
Something that all these professions have in common is that they are all role models to children.
Firemen, teachers, police officers have an ea they are after all the people that save children, teach children and protect children. But professional...
Amateur sports,
Professional sports
cashiers would not be able to protect themselves and the money in the cash register. Another example is that if someone breaks into your home to steal from you or hurt you, how are you going to protect yourself and your belongings? The police take too long to get to your home, so we need our right to bear arms!
While it is important to protect ourselves, it is also important to hunt. It has been a source of food since the beginning of time. Unless hunters are able to use guns there will be less...
Gun politics in the United States,
obvious answer: should college athletes be paid? It is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, question that surrounds the world of college sports.
The answer, quite simply put, is no.
Allowing universities to pay students athletes to participate in sports would require a complete overhaul of the NCAA rule book. At this stage, too many questions need to be answered: how much would athletes get paid? Where would the money come from? Would athletes in certain sports get paid more than others? This is...
Academic degree,
Amateur sports,
Not Paying College Athletes 1
College Athletes Should Not Be Paid
English III, P.2
Phyllis Kadrmas
May 16, 2014
Not Paying College Athletes 2
In recent years, many people debate whether college athletes should be paid
or not. This debate has gone on for many years and soon it will be solved. This
paper will talk about the negative effects of paying college athletes and the benefits
they are already receiving from their schools...
Canadian Interuniversity Sport,
College Athletes Should Get Paid
At some colleges, college athletics are a key source of income, and they attract students to their institutions. Universities depend on their athletes to produce and maintain the popularity of their school's name. College athletes are suppose to be the best of the best on that level, so why do college athletes not get paid? The National Collegiate Athletic Association, NCAA, says that it is trying to protect the athletes from &exploitation by professional and commercial...
College athletics,
Should college athletes get paid?
Over the past few years, one of the greatest debates has been whether student-athletes should be paid as if they were professional athletes. I strongly stand behind the belief that student-athletes should not get paid. Majority of college athletes are trying to get to the pros, with that being said they have not reached that level yet, so why should they get paid as they were a professional? Being involved in a college athletic program is just another...
College athletics,
pay to play category.
There are numerous ways that college athletes can be compensated for their time dedicated to the sport. They consist of scholarships, free tuition, fees, and room and board.
“Athletes on scholarship currently receive tuition, fees, room, board, and books—costs that can exceed $30,000 to $50,000 a year at many schools. Last October, the NCAA agreed to let college conferences decide whether to pay student athletes an additional $2,000 annual stipend to more closely match the...
American football,
College athletics,
College football
to Pay College Athletes
After numerous scandals over the past several years of college athletes receiving improper benefits, the question has come up whether or not college athletes should be paid or not. College sports are a growing industry, and we have seen money destroy organizations, teams, and players in this industry.
The determination and motivation of college athletes supersedes professional athletes
therefore, college athletes should not be paid.
The law that...
College athletics
Financial Income of Actors
Avatar a multi-billion dollar movie with over two and a half billion U.S dollars of sales and each actor earning close to about eighty million dollars was a box office hit watched by the whole world. The movie had such a huge success because of its actor Sam Worthington and also its actor James Cameron. To be a successful actor in the movie world, actors must have perfect memory to be able to memorize their parts. A slight problem like that could cause any actor a strike on...
Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress,
Should College Athletes Be Paid?
Should college athletes be paid?
This question has been the subject of debate for many years.
There are pros and cons to both sides of the issue, but college athletes deserve to be paid for several reasons.
One reason is that college athletes are not allowed to work and earn money when they are playing a sport. Another is that college athletes can contribute to a winning team that attracts fans and raises ticket sales and can bring in money through sponsorships...
Croton River,
Croton-on-Hudson, New York
Overpaid professional athletes
The topic I chose for my essay is overpaid professional athletes. I chose this topic because I think athletes are getting paid way too much money. Athletes get paid way too much for what they contribute to society. They contribute very little compared to other careers that give so much to society but make very little salaries. The professional athletes that people look up too are most of the time bad role models and the ones who are the real heros don’t get...
Amateur sports,
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Ms. Taylor Johnston
13 November 2012
Professional Athlete Salary
Professional athletes today are being paid big bucks, and many of the athletes are being reckless with that money. Athletes should be getting a lower salary because that money could be helping so many people and causes. Soon, some natural disaster will happen in your area and there won’t be enough money due to the fact that athletes are taking it all. Athletes should be paid less because colleges are going bankrupt, it is...
Amateur sports,
Impact event,
Plaxico Burress
Athletes Shouldn’t Get Paid
58% of college coaches think that there athletes should get paid for playing sports at the college level. Even though they are marketing athletes on merchandise, athletes should not get paid because they are student’s first and athletes second.
Colleges don’t have a huge budget for paying athletes and the students are required to go to school.
The students are at the age where they won’t budget the money and they will waste all of it. They are already be taken care...
Should College Athletes Be Paid?
It has been a debate for quite some time as to whether college athletes should be paid for their work on the field.
They are some of the hardest working individuals that obtain intense practices and demanding college courses, and many believe that they should be rewarded for their hard work.
But the ongoing debate is whether it is right to pay these players as if they were employees.
Many major colleges provide the best services for their athletes by providing...
College athletics,
National Collegiate Athletic Association
Should College Athletes Be Paid?
One of Americans’ favorite pastime activities has been watching or participating in college athletics. College athletics have always been something more pure and interesting than professional athletics because it isn’t about the money. However, over the years, college athletics have changed for the worse, as players have been drifting further away, core reason being lack of funds for the players (Eric, p. 250). This has led to the call for reforms in the National...
College athletics,
Higher education
Don’t Pay To Play
Every year, colleges send out recruiters from their schools to search for the most talented, unique, and determined athletes all over the world. Some students come from halfway across the country, or even half way across the world just for the privilege of attending, studying, and most importantly, playing a sport for a universities sports team. Some of these students can barely speak English, or hardly passed high school, but in the end that is all irrelevant because these...
Auburn University,
figure salaries. One of these groups is athletes. Professional athletes get paid far too much money and they shouldn’t be paid as much.
Here is a good question: why are luxuries paid more than necessities? “It is a sad commentary on our societal values that these entertainers are taking in seven figure while teachers, police officers, and firefighters make less than one percent of the income of some athletes (Hjlem 12).” The money athletes are getting paid should be given to all the people who help...
Amateur sports,
High school
College Athletes Shouldn’t Be Paid
While catching up on some game day scores for college football, an article popped up on the side with a title reading, College Athletes Deserve To Be Paid.
I noticed it was written by Michael Wilbon, one of the hosts from the ESPN show, Pardon the Interruption.
Already disagreeing with the title before even reading it, I was skeptical, but I clicked on the link and started to read.
Wilbon brought up a number of decent points throughout the article, but for...
Big East Conference,
Should college athletes be paid?
College sports provide a huge source of the universities' income. The school takes in money from ticket sales, television contracts, and sport-related merchandise, just to name a few. The athletes, however, receive their scholarship and little more. While the prospect of receiving a free college education is something few would complain about, when the issue is more closely examined it becomes evident that it is not enough. The trend for athletes is to leave school...
Bowl game,
High school
The System for college athletes isnt perfect, and needs to be worked on, a big problem we cannot seem to agree is how to compensate the student-athletes who drive the NCAA. I would like to start off with a question. Are college athletes being compensated enough for the effort they put forth today? Every Day they wake up early and represent their university whether they are putting in work in class or on the field. Each student-student athlete generates tons of money for their university and they...
Athletic scholarship,
College athletics,
Why Collegiate Athletes Should be Paid
In our world, people who bring in money with their talents are usually compensated for their efforts. It makes complete sense right? Well for college athletes, they bring in billions of dollars worth of revenue for their school, but do not get compensated for their talents whatsoever. Most people argue that only professional athletes should be paid because it is their profession, but people do not take in account for all the hard work and effort these student...
Amateur sports,
7, November, 2014
No Pay for Play: College Athletes Being Paid
The NCAA as generates $5.5 billion each year. A 25 second slot for commercial during the final four men’s basketball tournament yields $600,000. The question many are asking is: why do any of these college athletes not get a yearly salary for all the money they are making others? The answer is: they already are being paid. NCAA college athletes should receive yearly salaries because it they are already being...
college athlete appears to be outrageous to some.
The thought of giving someone money for something they have chosen to do may not appear to be fair. The greatest concern is where to draw the line.
Should the decision be based on the amount of money and fame the program generates?
Why should athletes be treated special and receive compensation for their contribution to the school? One major factor is that athletes make numerous sacrifices beyond that of a nonathletic student. Many athletes can’t...
Community college
Pro Athletes
Most people in America probably have a pretty good argument when they say they are being paid too little to do too much. Professional sports stars, on the other hand, display a lot of nerve when they use such a phrase. Sports stars are also held to lower standards than are other people. With the high-salary and low-moral standards, sports stars are the most overrated and overpaid people on the planet.
For example, Kevin Garnett of the Boston Celtics, who started his professional basketball...
2003–04 NBA season,
2007–08 NBA season,
2008–09 NBA season
Should Amateur Athletes Be Paid?
The involvement of agents and boosters in collegiate level sports has become a major topic amongst headlines in news recently. If you were to pick any athletic program at random it is most likely that they have committed some sort of a violation. Many people argue that college athletes should not be paid because they receive scholarships that pay for their meals, housing, tuition, books, and so on. At some universities, these scholarships equal up to $200,000...
College athletics,
Influence of Professional Athletes on Society
Two words, Michael Jordan. Need I say more? Arguably the most influential man in all of sports and athletic competition. Jordan is one of many professional athletes that have influenced society in numerous ways. With the help of the media, athletes are virtually everywhere. They are seen on television, on billboards, magazines, clothing, and basically anything. The media puts these athletes on pedestals mainly to sell products but some athletes are used...
Air Jordan,
Amateur sports,
Major League Baseball
College Athletes Should Be Paid
Today, professional sports are no longer just fun and games like they used to be, they are a business. And college sports are the same. High-level college sports provide a majority of a universities’ income. From ticket sales to television contracts, universities are making millions from their sports. And while this is all happening, the athletes are receiving a scholarship and little more. Although a full ride to college may be nothi when...
College athletes should be paid to play!
In this essay you’re being persuaded, you are being persuaded to agree that college athletes should be played to play. Here there is some information that will help change your mind if you don’t agree with this already. This essay will talk about the athletes not being able to pay for many of the things they need, they haven’t got any time for a job, the athletes bring in money to there schools, and more.
The college athletes should...
Athletic scholarship,
College athletics
There is a lot of controversy over the college athlete and their role in the NCAA’s revenue lately. Students who play at the college level are considered student-athletes. The “student” is put in the front for a reason because in college you should concentrate on your academics and your career you are pursuing. Granted a student could come through college with a career playing the sport of their choice. To be successful at the sport they choose though they have to spend a lot of time at it, more...
BCS National Championship Game,
Bowl Alliance,
Bowl Championship Series
Jordan Roy
Persuasive Speech
Over decades, Division I athletes have been pouring their heart and soul into their sport they worked so hard for day after day, week after week. For years, athletes’ love of the game has got them to a university where they can showcase their ability and talent. When you are at the Division I level it is more or less a business, and your job is to bring in a profit for the university. A true athlete plays the game out of passion. In recent years, there has been...
Athletic scholarship,
questioning the fact if college athletes should get paid.
Every year the NCAA and colleges bring in millions and millions of dollars from ticket sales and jersey sellings that come from the hard work of the athletes. The athletes risk career ending injuries and do not get anything in return. College athletes should get a cut from all of the money they bring into the school. Tyson Hartnett from the Huffington Post says that even though athletes get their school paid for the athletes still will need money for...
American football,
Big East Conference
Why Should Scholarship Athletes Be Paid?
Recently in the news, there was a report on the five University of Kentucky basketball players that decided to enter the NBA draft after only their freshmen season. Sure, they were told of the millions of dollars they could make in professional sports, but were they given the odds of them even reaching that big payday? From picks 5-10 in the draft, the success rate of the player becoming a league average starter is about 30%, then for the rest of the first...
College athletics,
Higher education
Critical Thinking Paper
Are Professional Athletes Overpaid?... Or nah
Professional athletes, specifically in the NFL, NBA, and MLB, often are rewarded extremely substantial contracts and lucrative endorsement deals and it has been argued that their salaries should be reduced to smaller wages but they are paid in the way that they they provide the world with constant entertainment, work hard at their jobs and are only able to work for a small amount of time. In 2011, both...
Boston Celtics,
Drew Brees,
Kobe Bryant
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