
Unit2Stayawayfromwindowsandheavyfurniture.Module12Help1.Tounderstandthepassageonsafetyandfirstaidinanearthquake.理解本课地震自救的文章。2.Towritesimpleinstructionsaboutwhattodoinanearthquake.用祈使句写出简明的关于地震自救措施的句子。本课目标1.Whataccidentishappeninginthevideo?Answerthequestionsaboutthevideo.Anearthquake.2.Thevideoshows?intheearthquake.Itshowswhattodointheearthquake.七嘴八舌:谈地震自救方法你来评评他们分别说得对不对!Ifyouthinkitis"OK",如果你认为该句是对的,请起立支持。If"No",keepsittingdown.GLookatthetitle(标题)ofthepassageUnderline(划出)theadviceaboutwhattodoinanearthquake.earthquake地震;warn警告;during在…期间;inside里面,室内;stayaway远离;keepclearoffire不接触火;keep保持;shake摇晃calm冷静的;brave勇敢的;helpful有用的;outside外面;powerlines电线follow遵从TurntoPage98Retell(复述)thepassage.InsideAdviceNO.1Xjumpoutof…OnebyoneInsideNO.2HideunderKeepclearoffirestayawayXXInsideNO.3…when..stopshakingXDonotInsideNO.4calm…when..Bebrave&helpfulXIfyouareacommentator(地震知识宣传员).ShowTimeTips:1.组内至少三人到前面展示。2.一人在大屏幕前看图复述。每小句一停顿。3.停顿时,至少两人配合表演相应动作。InsideAdviceNO.1Xjumpoutof…InsideNO.2HideunderKeepclearoffirestayawayXXInsideNO.3…when..stopshakingXDonotInsideNO.4calm…when..Bebrave&helpfulXmoveaway…becauseRetell(复述)thepassage.outsideoutsideDon’tstandStayawaybridgeXIf…,stayoutsideBecarefulof..Xrunaway&movetohigherground1、表示有把握的推测时,肯定句用must (一定,准是),否定句用can’t (不可能,一定不)。must(can’t) + 动词原形,表示对现在情况的推测。must(can’t) + be doing, 表示对现在正在进行的情况的推测。must(can’t) + have done,表示对过去情况的推测。如:You must be hungry after a long walk. 长途步行之后你一定饿了。They must be waiting for us. Let’s hurry up. 他们一定在等我们。让我们快点走吧。You must have left your bag in the theatre. 你准是把你的包丢在剧院了。You can’t be hungry, you have just had your dinner.你现在不可能觉得饿,你刚吃过饭。He wears glasses all the time, his eyesight can’t be getting better.他一直带着眼镜,他的视力不可能在好转。2、表示把握不大的推测即可能性时,用can和may,常译为“也许,可能”。may用于肯定句与否定句,一般不用于疑问句。can常用于疑问句,一般不用于肯定句。如:The news may or may not be true. 这消息也许是真的,也许不是真的。At the moment she may be playing with her classmates. 此刻她可能正在和同学们玩。Anna might not have seen Tom yesterday. 安哪昨天可能没有看见汤姆。Where can Wei Fang be? 魏芳会在哪里呢?What can they be quarrelling about? 他们可能在争吵些什么呢?Can she have lost the book? 她可能已把那本书丢了? LanguagepointsEarthquakesalwayshappensuddenly,soitisdifficulttowarnpeopleaboutthem.地震总是发生得很突然,所以很难给予人们预警。句中的them指的是earthquakes。warnsb.aboutsth.意为“提醒/警告某人注意某事”。如:Iwasgoingforaswiminthesea.Thepeopleinthehotelwarnedmeabouttheweather.我要去海里游泳,宾馆里的人提醒我要注意天气。2.Keepcalm,especiallywhenyouarewithotherpeople.保持镇静,尤其是当身边还有其他人的时候。keepcalm是系动词+形容词构成的动词短语。其他的行为动词还能作系动词的有:become,feel,look,seem等。如:Everybodybecamequiet.所有人都安静下来了。Helookedalittlenervous.他看上去有点儿紧张.Retelloutsidepartingroups(小组复述)runaway&movetohighergroundBecarefulof..Don’tstandStayawaybridgeIf…,staymoveaway…because看看谁之前推断的完全正确吧!√×√√Keypoints:jumpoutofkeepcalmbebraveandhelpfulstayawayfrombecarefulofrunaway本课小结Stayawayfromwindows.Don’tstandnear….Becarefuloffallingrocks.动词原形构成祈使句。表示建议和指导。此类祈使句暗含的主语是you,但通常省略。否定句往往由donot(don’t)或never开头。Whatisincommon?共同点近几年地震频频发生,导致无数人受伤。请阐述一下如何对这一自然灾害进行自救防范。请为班级设计一份地震自救措施的板报。(写出3-5条指令)1.________________2._______________3.Donot__________4._______________课堂检测:A组:B组:完成导学案检测。Homework必做作业:改进自己所写的地震自救指示或建议。完成导航Unit2分层作业:A:背诵课文前一半。B:抄写课文并翻译成汉语。EndingSafetycomesfirst!!!Therefore,weshouldlearntheknowledge(知识)toprotectourselvesintheaccidents.Youcanbesafeandyoucanalsohelpsaveothers.earthquakewarninsidekeep比一比,看谁能快速理解下面的单词。bravecalmNews
CopyRight&书利华教育网改为@即可) QQ:
旺旺:lisi355这不就是对骄阳似火最好的解释吗?变一种说法保持意思不变 顺便问下这是肯定句吗
这不就是对骄阳似火最好的解释吗?变一种说法保持意思不变 顺便问下这是肯定句吗
陈述句:这就是对骄阳似火最好的解释这么反义疑问句 再答: 求好评啊!!!
与《这不就是对骄阳似火最好的解释吗?变一种说法保持意思不变 顺便问下这是肯定句吗》相关的作业问题
烈口当空,池塘里的水都干了,鱼也晒干了.是不是这样? 再问: 在帮忙举一个?
解题思路: 这个题是考察学生句式变换。原句是反问句可以改成感叹句或肯定句。解题过程: 改成感叹句: 这是天地给我的恩泽! 改成陈述句: 这是天地给我的恩泽。
开链脂肪烃是不含有环状结构的链状碳氢化合物; 脂环烃是含有环状结构但不含苯环的碳氢化合物;芳香烃一般指含有苯环结构的碳氢化合物.所有的烃类都随碳原子数的增加,碳元素的质量分数增大 再问: 那哪个分类怎么分?第4个属于什么? 再答: 第四个是环己二烯,属于脂环烃。
这个是个悖论,假设这句话是真的,然后从这句话为真来推论出这句话是假的,从而与假设矛盾.得到“真值是假”这个结论不是从“这句话是真的”这个假设得来的,而是从话里的内容. 再问: 那您的意思是 命题里的我说的这句话是真话而非假话 那么这个命题的真值就是真呗 再答: 在这种悖论里没法说真值是真是假,从假设这句话为真的角度来看
蒋干中计首先是由于自己的盲目自负.他既不知己,也不知彼,却主动要求出使东吴去劝降周瑜,且夸下海口定要成功;到东吴之后,他处处被动, 连开口说话的机会也没有,一步步陷入周瑜的圈套.而周瑜事先就进行了周密的部署安排,蒋干来到东吴之后,他和手下人依计而行,滴水不漏.在这个过程中,他不仅表现了一个军事 家 足智多谋的才能,而且
水处理中的计算关注的进出水的量,流速,压力.常规你想买或者做的时候 是用吨或体积计算的.只是侧重不同.而且根据水处理中罐子的高度和整体计算的流速能计算出直径.您的问题 高度和吨位是不矛盾的 可以互相推到的.
前者32G后者是16G的 再答: 所以便宜。再问: 2a没有32G的好吧? 再答: 前者官网不卖,是市场价。后者官网买,所以便宜。
数,屡次.唯,听任、任随. 再问: 是一道四选一的选择题,选项中数是列举的意思,唯是希望的意思。(其他两个应该是错的) 再答: 绝对不是列举和希望的意思。我的回答应该不会错的。 要不,你把选项发上来。 再问: A“酒食伎乐之燕不与”中的与:参与 B“数以违命,流于日南”中的“数”:列举 C“唯公之所欲为”中的“唯”:希
不一样的乐趣 再问: 额再问: 详细一点再问: 可以写些什么事?再问: 可以写些什么事? 再答: 比如你做了什么有趣的事情 再答: 我到网上给你搜一个 再答: 星星在夜空中闪烁,忽明忽暗,似是在告诉我们,黯淡后是光明。  夜晚的天空是灰暗的,唯有星与月带来几丝光明,冬天的树枝光秃秃的,在夜晚中看去,甚是渗人,寒风瑟瑟,
我建议你用有道 有道桌面词典结合了互联网在线词典和桌面词典的优势,占用内存小,而且不和杀毒软件产生冲突,还有金山词霸用久了就会不停的出现脚本错误的提示,我都用烦了,有些还查不到,不如有道
我有三本关于商务写作方面的宝典作者:黄玛莉 出版商:西安:世界图书出版西安公司作者:顾乾毅 出版商是广州:广东世界图书出版公司 2004.10作者:刘文宇 王慧莉 张旭 出版商:大连理工大学出版社 8.2重印)
&embed src='' width='100%' height='600' type=application/x-shockwave-flash ALLOWFULLSCREEN='true' ALLOWSCRIPTACCESS='always'&&/embed&
3秒自动关闭窗口七下 Units1-2 复习要点 重点句型: 1.Where is your pen-pal from? He’s from Australia. 2.Where does she live? She lives in Sydney. 3.What language does she speak? She speaks English. 4.Is there a bank near here? Yes, thre is. It’s on the Center Street. 5.Where’s the supermarket? It’s next to the library. 6.Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood? Yes, it’s on Bridge Street on the right. 语法:一般现在时 1.一般现在时用法 (1) 表示经常性或习惯性的动作, 常与表示频率的时间状语连 用。 比如: always, often, usually, every day / week / month / year, sometimes, on Sunday 等 I leave home for school at 7:00 every morning. (2)表示现在的状态。 I am a student. (3)表示主语所具备的性格和能力。I like red. I can spenk English. (4)客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。 The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China. (5) 表示格言或警句中。 Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。 ★注意:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时, 从句谓语也要用一般现在时。 例:Columbus proved that the earth is round..哥伦布证实 地球是圆的.2.一般现在时谓语动词的构成主要有两种情况: (1) be 动词作谓语: 句子的谓语动词只有 be (am, is 或 are) : a.肯定句中,只出现 be, 如:I am a student.我是一名 学生。 b.否定句中,要在 be 后面加 not,如:She isn't a teacher. c.一般疑问句,要将 be 放在句子开头(注意首字母大写,句 尾用问号) ,答语用 Yes,主语+be.或 No,主语+be+not.如: —Are you ready?—你准备好了吗? —Yes,I am. (—No,I'm not. ) (2)实义动词作谓语:句中的谓语动词为实义动词(也叫行为动 词) a.肯定句中,只出现实义动词,如:I get up at 6:00 in the morning. ★注意:如果主语是单数的第三人称,谓语动词必须用单数第 三人称形式(简称:单三式, 动词变单三式的规则如下附录)) b.否定句中,要在实义动词前面加 do / does+not+行为动 词原形,(doesn't,仅对主语是第三人称单数) 如:I don't like vegetables.我不喜欢蔬菜。 My father doesn’t like Beijing Opera. 我父亲不 喜欢京剧。 c.一般疑问句, 要在句子开头加助动词 Do/Does, 句尾用问号, 简略答语用 Yes,主语+do / does.或 No,主语+do / does +not. 如:—Do you like oranges? —Yes,I do. (—No,I don't. ) ★附录:实义动词作谓语时,如果主语是第三人称单数,谓语动 词单三式的变化规则如下: 1.一般情况加 s,例如:looks, listens, visits 2. 以 ch, sh, s, x 或 o 结尾的词,加-es,例如:teaches, washes, guesses, goes, does1 3. 辅音字母+y 结尾, 变 y 为 i 再加-es, 例如: carry-carries (特殊:have 的单三式为 has) 一般现在时用法专练: 一.单项选择. 1.Every year many foreigners ______ to China to learn Chinese. A.have come B.comes C.came D.come 2.----Is your father a doctor? -----Yes,he is. He ______ in Taiwan Hospital. A.has worked B.had worked D.worked 3.-----I won’t go to bed until the TV play ______ over. ------You’d better not do that. A.was C.wil D.will be 二.用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often ________(have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Class One. 3. We ____________ (not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick ___________(not go) to the zoo on Sunday. 5. ______ they ________(like) the World Cup? 6. What _______they often _______(do) on Saturdays? 7. _______ your parents ____(read) newspapers every day? 8. The girl _______(teach) us English on Sundays. 9. There ________(be) some water in the bottle. 10. Mike _______(like) cooking. 11. They _______(have) the same hobby. 12. My aunt _______(look) after her baby carefully. 13. You always _______(do) your homework well. 14. I _______(be) ill. I’m staying in bed. 15. She _______(go) to school from Monday to Friday.16. Liu Tao _______(not like) PE. 17. The child often __________(watch) TV in the evening. 三.按照要求改写句子。 1. Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句) ________________________________________ 2. I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定 回答) ________________________________________ 3.She likes milk. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) ___________________________ 4. Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,作 否定回答) __________________________________________ 5.We go to school every morning. (改为否定句) _____________________________________ 6.He speaks English very well. (改为否定句) _____________________________________ 7. I like taking photos in the park. . (对划线部分提问) ________________________________________ 8.Johncomes from Canada. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________ 9. She is always a good student. (改为一般疑问句,作否定 回答) __________________________________________________ 10. Simon and Daniel like going skating. (改为否定句) _______________________________________________ 四.改错(在错误的地方划线,将正确的写在后面横线上. 1. Is your brother speak English? __________________ 2. Does he likes going fishing? __________________ 3. He likes play games after class. __________________ 4. Mr. Wu teachs us English. __________________ 5. She don’t do her homework on Sundays. _______________2 Unit 3—4 重点句型: Let’s see the lions. Why do you like pandas? Why does he like koalas? Because they’re very cute. What do you do? I’m a reporter. What does he do? He is a student. What do you want to be? What does he want to be? He wants to be a bank clerk. 短语:kind of, be from, play with, be quiet, during the day, at night,eat leaves, in the day 知识清单: 清单一:形容词和副词的比较等级及用法情 况 一般情况 单音 节及 部分 双音 节词 以 e 结尾的词 以辅音字母 +y 结尾的词 以一个辅音字母 结尾的重读闭音 节 构成方法 加 er/est 加 r/st 变为 i, 再加 er/est 先双写词尾 字母,再加 er/est 在词前加 more/most 例 词 tall-taller-talle st nice-nicer-nicest heavy -heavier-heaviest big -bigger-biggest beautiful --more beautiful --most beautiful多音节词及部分双音节 词形容词和副词比较等级的构成 1.规则变化不规则变化如下: good/well-better-best ill/bad/badly-worse-worst many/much-more-most little-less-least old-older-oldest/elder-eldest far-farther-farthest/further-furthest 一.形容词、副词等级的基本用法 1.表示二者在性质和程度上相同时,用“as+原级+as” 意思是“和??一样”。 This story is interesting as that one. 2.表示二者在性质和程度上不同时,用“not as / so+原级 +as” 意思是“和??不一样”。 He is not /as tall as his elder brother. (他没有他哥哥 高。) 3.表示 A 比 B 更?,用“than” I am older than he/him.我 比他大。 比较级前还可用 much, even, still, a little, far, any, ? 来修饰 Traveling by train is much(的多)cheaper and far(远远 的)more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air. 坐火车旅行比坐飞机旅行有趣多了。 She is even(更加)more beautiful than before. 她比以前更加漂亮了。 4.三者或三者以上的人或事物进行比较,一般使用最高级,形 容词最高级前面要加定冠词 the,副词级前可加也可不加 the, 之后一般要接表示范围的 in/of 短语。 An elephant is the heaviest animal in the zoo. Tom is the tallest of all. 汤姆是所有人中最高的。 He ran fastest of all. 他是所有人中跑的最快的。 of“在??之中”表示属性(同类人或物)。in“在??范围之3 中”,与表示范围或场所的名词连用。最高级前的修饰语也可 以是 first, second, third?? The Changjiang river is the longest river in China. 5. .“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越?”的意思,若形容 词或副词是多音节词,应用“more and more+原级”,此结构 后不接 than 引导的从句。如: When spring comes,it get warmer and warmer。 春天来临时,天气变的越来越暖和。 Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的学校正变得越来越漂亮。 6.the+比较级,the+比较级 译为“越??,就越??” The busier she is, the happier she feels. 越忙她感觉就 越幸福。 The more you read, the more you’ll learn. 你读的越多, 了解就越多。The more quickly you get ready, the sooner we’ll be able to leave. 你越快能准备好,我们就越能早点走。 7.表示倍数?times+形容词比较级+than? This book is twice thicker than that one. 这本书比那本 书厚两倍。 二.不等级与比较级的相互转换 English isn’t as important as Chinese. →English is less important than Chinese. 英文没有中文 重要。 Lilei isn’t tall as Wei Hua. 李雷没有魏华高。 →Lilei is shorter than Wei Hua. → Wei Hua is taller than Lilei. 但是如果是单音节的形容词或副词就不能与 less?than 转换。 清单二:使用比较级应注意的几个问题 1.注意比较级中的同类比较在进行比较时, 比较的对象必须是同类事物,不是同类事物不能 比较。如: 误:His bike is newer than his father. 正:His bike is newer than his father’s. 一般来说,进行比较的事物为了避免重复,than 后面的比较对 象常用 that 或 those 来代替。复数名词用 those 代替,不可数 名词或单数名词用 that 代替。如: In winter the weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou. 冬天,北京的天气比广州的天气冷些。 The pictures in the books are more beautiful than those on the wall. 书上的画比墙上的画更美丽。 2.注意 than 后面人称代词的格 在比较级中,人称代词的主格和主格相比,宾格和宾格相比。 (1)当句子的谓语动词是不及物动词时(或虽是及物动词但在不 引起歧义的情况下),than 后面的代词用主格.宾格都可以,两 者的意思并无明显区别。如:He studies harder than I/me. 他学习比我用功。 We get to school earlier than he/him every day. 我们每 天到校比他早 (1)当句子中的谓语动词是及物动词时,than 后面的人称代词 用主格或宾格在意思上就有差别。试比较: I like you more than him.(=I like you more than I like him) 你和他相比,我更喜欢你。 I like you more than he.(=I like you more than he likes you) 我比他更喜欢你。 1.当进行比较的双方在同一范围内, 注意要在 than 后表示对象 的名词前加上 other 一词,将比较的一方从被比较的一方中排 除出来,否则就会出现与自身相比的矛盾现象。4 试译:汉语比其他学科更受欢迎。 误:Chinese is more popular than any subject. 正:Chinese is more popular than any other subject. 这种句子在形式上是比较级,但在意思上是最高级。通常同样 的意思却有多种表达方式。以“他在班上学习最用功“为例, 可有以下几种表达: He studies hardest in his class. He studies harder than any other student in his class. He studies harder than any of the other students in his class. He studies harder than all the other students in his class. He studies harder than any of others in his class. He studies harder than any one else in his class. He studies harder than the others in his class. He studies harder than the other students in his class. 但是若比较的双方不在同一范围内,则不需要 other 来排除 了。 如:China is larger than any country in Africa。 中国比非洲任何国家都大 (中国不在非洲,故 any 后不要 other) 2.not so/as?as?可与 less?than 或 more?than?互换。 如: I think math is not as/so interesting as English。 = I think math is less interesting than English。 =I think English is more interesting than math。 我认为数学没有英语那样有趣。 在使用 not so/as?as?结构时,如果句子中的谓语动词是实义 动词,not 应与助动词 do 的适当形式连用,而不能直接接在谓 语动词的后面.如: 误:He gets up not so/as early as Jim。 正:He doesn’t get up as/so early as Jim。 3.much,a little, even, still 等表示程度的副词可用来修饰比较级,而 very, too, so, quite(表示身体健康的 quiter 除 外)习惯上不用来修饰比较级。如: 误:I think science is very more difficult than Chinese. 正:I think science is much more difficult than Chinese. 清单三:形容词的顺序 当多个形容词同时修饰一个名词时,通常按这样的顺序:限定 词+描绘性的形容词+大小+形状+新旧或年龄+颜色+国家或地区 +材料+用途+被修饰的名词。如: A light white shelf.一个轻便的白色鞋架。 A short young Japanese businessman.一个身材矮小的年轻日 本人. 清单四:几组副词的用法辨析 1.very 与 much 表示“很”,“非常”。 very 用于写实形容词或副词的原级;much 用于修饰形容词或 副词的比较级,修饰动词要用 much 或 very much. 如:It's very nice,这个非常好. She said she was much better than before 她说她比以 前好多了。 You did it very well. 你做的很好。 I like English very much. 我非常喜欢英语。 与 such 表示“如此”,“那么”,“这么”。 (1)so 修饰形容词或副词,such 修饰名词,但名词前可以有 形容词做定语。如: I can’t be here so early.我不可能这么早来。 I’ve never seen such fine drawings.我从来没有见过如此 漂亮的图。 (2)so 修饰的形容词后如有一个单数可数名词,其结构是 so+adj.+a/an+n. 试比较:She is so good a girl. She is such a good girl.5 (3)如果可数名词复数前有 many, few 或不可数名词前有 much,little 等表示数量多少的形容词,用 so 而不用 such。 如:I’m afraid that he’ll forget it if he misses so many lessons. 我恐怕如果他耽误这么多的课程他会忘掉的。 Miss Zhao got so little money a month. 赵老师每个月只领这么少的钱。 3.too,also 与 either 表示“也(不)”。 too 和 also 用于肯定句中,too 常用于口语中,置于句 末;also 常用于书面语中,置于 be 动词之后,行为动词之前; either 用于否定句中。如: I’m fine, too.我也好。 We also have eleven players in a team.我们每个队也有 11 个队员。 中国的熟食也很流行。 We don’t like the same colours,either. 我们也不喜欢同一颜色。 4.ago 与 before,表示“在······以前”。 ago 表示以现在为起点的“以前”, before 指在过去或将来的 某时刻“以前”或泛指“以前”。如: —When did you have a meeting ? 你们什么时候开的会? —Three day ago.三周前。 Mr.Smith said that John had told him all about his past three weeks before.史密斯先生说,约翰三周前就把他的过去 全部告诉了他。 I have never lost a book before. 我以前从没有丢过书。 5.sometime,sometimes,some times 和 some time。 sometime 表示将来或过去的“某个时候”;sometimes 指“有 时候”;some times 表示“倍数、次数”。如:New students will come to our school sometime next week. 新同学将于下周到校。 It took me some time to finish reading the book. 我花了一些时间读完这本书。 Sometimes,I know what she’s thinking 有时候我知道她在想什么事。 Our school is some times larger than theirs. 我们学校比他们学校大几倍。 6.Already,yet 与 still 表示“已经”等。 alreaday 表示某事已经发生,still 表示谋事仍在进行,主要 用于肯定句,yet 用于疑问句表示“已经”,用于否定句表示 “还没有”、“尚未”等。 如: I’ve already finished it. 我已经完成了这项工作。 I have sung already. 我已经唱过了。 They were still neck and neck. 他们仍齐头并进,不分上下。 Have you found your ruler yet? 你已经找到尺子了吗? He hasn’t finished his work yet.他还没有完成工作。 Already 有时用于疑问句, 表示出乎意料, 惊讶等。 如: Have you finished already? 练习: 1 The air in Beijing is getting much -___now than a few years ago. A clean B cleaner C cleanest D the cleanest 2 –We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town. --Why didn’t you stay at ___ one? A a cheap B a cheaper C the cheaper D the cheaper 3 –Remember ,boys and girls .___you work ,___result you will get.6 --- We know ,MissGao A The better ,the harder B The harder ,the better C The hard ,the better D The harder,the good 4 Kate is really ___ .She ‘s never angry with others A tall B friendly C lucky D clever 5 –Which is __ river in China ?---The Changjiang river A longer B the longest C longest D the longer 6 –Do you like western food ? ---No,The food of our country is ___ that of western countryies. A rather good than B much better than C more better than D not so good 7 This is ___ that all of us believe it’svery important. A such useful information B so useful information C so useful informations D such a useful information 8 The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet bring us ___. A the close B closer C the closer D close 9 Shanghai is larger than ___ city in India. A any other B other C all other D any 10 –Do you like the Moonlight Sonata?---Sure ,it sounds really ___. A clear B clearly C beautiful D beautifully 11 What do you think of the flowers? ---They look ___ A beautiful B beautifully Cmore beautifull 12 Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry? —Sure.It is one of ____ cartoons I have ever seen. A wonderful B the most wonderful C more wonderful 13 Kate felt ___ when she saw the lovely dress in the clothes shop.A pleased B tired C well 14 I think the song My Heart Will Go On is _ _ one of all the movie songs. A much more beautiful B the beautiful C the most beautifull 15 Eating more fruit will keep people__ A carefully B afraid C busy D healthy 16 “Do you want to improve your score in maths?Try staying away from your computer.”A recent report in Britain says ,”The ___ students use computers at school and at home ,the ___ they do in exams of reading and maths,” A more ,better B less,worse C more,more D less,better 17 –Do you like English ?—Yes ,but I think it’s ___ subject of all. A the easiest B the most difficult C the most intesting D the most boring 18 I hear that Mike is __ student in his class . A more careful B the most careful C careful 19 –What do you think of the bridge ?---I have never seen ___ before. A so a long one B so long one C such a long one D a such long one 20 Do you think maths is __foreign languages? A more difficult B less difficult C as difficult as D the most difficult 21 It’s raining ___ We have to stay at home instead of going fishing? A badly B hardly C heavily D strongly 22 The Chinese parents always teach their children to be7 __ to others. A carfully Bfriendly C lonely 23 Write __ and try not to make any mistake . A as carefully as possible B as carfully as you can C more carful D more carfully 24 Gao Yuecdid quite _ _ at the World Table Tennis Championship,but Zhang Yining did even ___ A better ,well B well ,well C well .better D better,well 25 Jane’s leg was _ _ painfull that he couldn’t move at all A too B so C very 26 –do you have sports meeting?—Twice a year A How soon B How ofren C How long 27 Don’t worry .He is ___to take care of little Betty. A carefully enough B enough careful C careful enough 28 –We can use MSn to talk with each other on the Internet. —Really?Will please show me ___it A what to use B how to use C how can I use D what I use 29 Don’t worry,sir .I’m sure I can run __to catch up with them. A fast enough B enough fast C slowly enough D enough slowly 30 –--____do you pay a visit to your grandparents?--At least four times a month though I am busy preparing for my exam. A How many B How long C How much D How oftenUnits 5-6 重点词组 1. wait for 等候,等待 2. talk to sb. 与某人谈话 3. talk about 谈论 4. take photos 拍照 5. have a good time 玩得开心, 过得快乐 6. look at 看,朝?..看 7. look for 寻找, 寻求 8. in order to 为了 9. be/come from 来自于 重点句型 1. What are you doing? I’m watching. 2. What’s he doing? He’s reading. 3. When do you want to go? Let’s go at six o’clock. 4. How’s the weather in Shanghai.? / What’s the weather like in Shanghai? It’s cloudy/windy/raining/sunny/snowing. 5. How’s it going? Great/Not bad/Terrible/Pretty good. 现在进行时 一、现在进行时的用法 1.表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,常与 now(现在), right now(现在), at the moment(现在)等时间状语连用。 We are listening to our teacher now. 2.表示现阶段(说话前后一段时间内)一直在进行的活动, 常与 at present(目前), these days(这些天)等时间状语连用。 He is thinking about this problem these days. 3. 表示按计划或安排要发生的动作。 (1)移动的终止性动词用于进行时,表示即将要发生。此类 动词主要有 come,go,run,leave,start,begin,arrive, return 等。 When are you returning home?你什么时候回家?8 (2)一些持续性动词用于进行时,表将来,表示说话者对对 方将要做的事情的一种关心。 How long are you staying in Toronto?你将在多伦多呆多 长时间? 二、现在进行时的构成及形式 肯定句: 主语 + be +现在分词 +? 否定句: 主语+be + not+现在分词+? 一般疑问句: be +主语+现在分词+?? 一般疑问句的回答: Yes, 主语+be 的相应形式 No, 主语+am not/ isn’t/ aren’t. 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词(作主语)+be +现在分词+?? 特殊疑问词+be+主语+现在分词+?? I am playing football now. I am not playing football now. -Are you playing football now? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. What are you doing now? 动词现在分词的构成: (1)一般在动词的词尾加-ing。 如:pour→ pouring (2)以不发音 e 结尾的去掉 e, 再加-ing。 如: write→ writing (3)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节, 先双写最后一个辅音字 母,再加-ing。 如:begin→ beginning :注意:lie→ lying die→ dying tie→ tying prefer→ preferring 三、一般现在时和现在进行时的区别: 1. 一般现在时表示目前经常发生,习惯性的动作,表示客观事实, 表示主语目前的特征,姿势和能力等; 而现在进行时则表示说话 时正在进行的动作或现阶段正在进行的动作。 2. 一般现在时表示“存在状况”时, 常可采用表示状态的动词, 如:be,keep,remain,stay,exist,have 等,而这些动词 一般很少用于现在进行时。This rule remains to be discussed. 这条规定仍需讨论。 She has a strong accent of an American. 她带有浓重的美 国口音。 3.以 here,there 等开头的句子,说明正在发生的动作,谓语 动词不用进行时,而用一般现在时。 Look out!There comes a fierce dog. 小心,来了条凶狗。 Listen!There goes the first bell. 听,预备铃响了。 4.表示动作意义的动词,必须是习惯性的,经常性的动作或是 一般性的行为才能使用一般现在时,而这种动词在现在进行时 中则往往表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作。 Light travels much faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快 多了。 I sometimes work until dawn. 我有时工作到黎明。 5.有些词(如 taste,smell,sound,look 等)在一般现在时 中是连系动词,而在现在进行时中则为行为动词。 I’m looking at the picture by Picasso. It looks really nice. 我正在看毕加索的画,它看起来太棒了。 The police dog is smelling the trace of the thief. 警犬正在嗅小偷的踪迹。 6.在时间,条件状语从句中,将来的动作须用一般现在时来表 示。 If you fail again, I suggest you not lose heart. 如果你再次失败,我劝你不要灰心。 练习: 1. –Excuse me, where is lily? -Oh, she the volleyball match on the playground. A. watches B. will watch C. is watching D. watched 2. The summer vacation will begin next week. David9 to stay with us. A. will be coming B. comes C. came D. is coming 3. –They about Super Voice Girl. Let’s join them. –Good idea. A. talk B. are talking C. have a talk D. talked 4. Better go and ask him when he . We must see him off when he . A. leaves B. is leaving C. left D. was leaving 5. Jack is a black jacket today. A. have on B. wearing C. being in D. dressing himself 6. There a parent-teacher meeting this afternoon. A. is going to have B. is going to be C. are going to be D. is going to hold 7. –Listen, what’s the noise? -My brother the program of the World Cup in the sitting-room. A. watches B. is watching C. has watched D. will watch 8. –What are you doing, Mom? -I . Uncle Wang to have dinner with us tonight. A. is going out B. goes out C. is coming 9. Who _____ over there now? A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. sing 10. It’s eight o’clock. The students _____ an English class.A. have B. having C. is having D. are having 11. Listen! The baby _____ in the next room. A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries 12. Look! The twins _____ new sweaters. A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear D. is wearing 13. Don’t talk here. Grandparents _____. A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep 6. Tom is a worker. He ___ in a factory. His sisters ____ in a hospital. A. work/ work B. works/ work C. work/ works 7. Who _____ English best in your class? A. speak B. speaks C. speaking 8. Mrs Read _____ the windows every day. A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleans 9. We _____ music and often _____ to music. A. like/ listen B. likes/ listens C. like/ are listening 10. She _____ up at six in the morning. A. get B. gets C. getting 11. On Sunday he sometimes ____ his clothes and sometimes ____ some shopping. A. wash/ do B. is washing/ is doing C. washes/ does 12. The twins usually _____ milk and bread for breakfast, but Jim _____ some coffee for it. A. have/ have B. have/ has C. has/ have 二、填空: 1. My father always ____(come) back from work very late. 2. The teacher is busy. He ___ (sleep) six hours a day. 3. Listen! Joan _________(sing) in the classroom. She often __________ (sing) there.10 4. __________ your brother __________(know) Japanese? 5. Where __________ you __________ (have) lunch every day? 6. The girl __________(like) wearing a skirt. Look! She __________(wear) a red skirt today. 三、写出下列动词的现在分词形式 work___________ sing__________ play__________ study__________ dance__________ have__________ write__________ take__________ run__________ sit__________ shop__________ swim__________ lie__________ 四、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式 work__________ read__________ clean__________ write__________ teach__________ wash__________ guess__________ watch__________ go__________ do___________ photo______ study__________ fly__________ cry__________ play__________ have__________ 五、根据中文意思完成句子 1、学生们在干什么?有一些在打电话,另一些躺在沙滩上。 _____ _____ the students _____? Some _____ _____ on the phone, _____ _____ _____ on the beach. 2、“格林先生在看电视吗?” “不, 他在打扫房间。” “__ Mr Green ____ TV?” “___, He ____ ____ the house.” 3、魏芳不是在读书,她在写信。 Wei Fang _____ _____ a book. She _____ _____ a letter. 4、今天天气怎么样?_____ is the weather today? 或_____ is the weather _____ today? 5、我正在通过收音机学 (learn) 英语。 I _____ _____ English on the radio.6、这个老人每天早上六点钟起床。 The old man _____ _____ at six o’clock in the morning every day. 7、你从哪里来?Where _____ you from? 或 Where _____ you _____ from? 我从美国来。 I _____ from America. 或 I _____ from America. 将下列句子改成现在进行时 1. Tom can speak Chinese. 2. We have four lessons. 3. I watch TV every day. 4. She works in a hospital. 5. Do you like this book? 6. Kitty and Ben have lunch at about twelve. 7. His father can help them. 8. Danny, open the door. 9. They watch TV in the evening. 10.What are you doing ? Units7-8 重点句型 1.What does he/she look like? He /she is medium build,and he/she has short straight hair. 2.What do you/they look like? I’m /They’re ? 3.What would you like? I’d like some noodles. 4. What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like beef noodles,please. 5. What size bowl of noodles would he like? He’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles. 第一册下短语总汇 from/come from 来自于11 in China English November 6.a little 7.go to the movies 8.write to sb 9.on weekends 10.tell sb about sth office phone 13.between?and? front of the neighborhood 16.go straight 17.on the right/left 18.turn left/right 19.take a walk the beginning of 21.have fun 22.take a taxi 23.go down 24.have a good trip 25.kind of 26.want to do sth with? quiet 29.during/in the day night 31.get up住在? 在中国 用英语 在十一月 一点儿 去看电影 给某人写信 在周末 告诉某人某事 邮局 投币式公用电话 在?和?之间 在?前面 在附近 直走 在右侧/左侧 向左转/右转 散步 在?的开端 玩得开心 乘出租车 顺着?走 旅途愉快 有几分 想要做某事 与?一起玩 安静 在白天 在夜晚 起床32.every day 33.look at assistant clerk 36.TV station with to sb 39.give sb sth/give sth to sb 40.police station play 42.go out 43.ask sb sth 44.get sth from sb homework TV dinner on the phone 49.TV show 50.wait for about basketball school books 55.not bad 56.take photos 57.look cool 58.have a good time 59.thank sb for doing sth computer games 61.pretty good每天 看着? 店员 银行职员 电视台 和?一起工作 和某人交谈 给某人某物 警察局 校园剧 出去 问某人某事 从某人处得到某物 做家庭作业 看电视 吃晚饭 打电话 电视节目 等待 谈论 打篮球 在学校 看书 不错 拍照 看上去很酷 玩得开心 感谢某人做了某事 打电脑游戏 好极了12 beach volleyball 63.look for 64.lie on the beach 65.short/long hair 66.curly/straight hair 67.medium build/height 68.look like 69.the captain of? 70.a little bit to do sth 72.tell jokes 73.stop doing sth doing sth 75.pop singer chess 77.would like tea 79.countable noun 80.uncountable noun number well as cream juice 85.what size 86.what kind of 87.have a party the guitar 89.stay at home tennis soccer打沙滩排球 寻找 躺在沙滩上 短/长发 卷/直发 中等身材/个子 看起来像 ?的队长/首领 一点儿;少许 喜欢做某事 讲笑话 停止做某事 喜欢做某事 流行歌手 下棋 想要 绿茶 可数名词 不可数名词 电话号码 也 冰淇淋 桔汁 什么型号/尺寸 什么种类 举行晚会 弹吉他 呆在家里 打网球 踢足球 some reading 93.clean one’s room 94.go for a walk 95.middle school 96.go shopping show 目 98.go to the beach 99.practice English for the test 101.go on vacation 102.the Great Wall 103.have fun doing sth 104.summer camp 105.the Palace Museum 106.Tian’an Men Square about?? 108.key ring 109.think of 110.soap opera 111.sports show fact 113.situation comedy show 115.enjoy doing 116.agree with 117.too many rules late for class 119.after school 120.dinning hall阅读 打扫房间 去散步 中学 去购物 (电视,广播的)访谈节 去海滩 练习英语 准备测试 去度假 万里长城 很开心地做某事 夏令营 故宫 天安门广场 ?怎么样? 钥匙链 想到;认为 肥皂剧 体育节目 事实上 情景喜剧 游戏节目 喜欢做? 同意 太多规则 上课迟到 放学后 餐厅13 121.have to 122.sports shoes 123.the Children’s Palace in bed不得不 运动鞋 少年宫 睡觉练习 Ⅰ.根据句意及所给汉语提示,用该短语的适当形式完成下列句 子。 1. The girl looks _________(有几分) shy. She talks little. 2. —What does your father do, Mary? —He works in a _____________ (电视台) . 3.The ______ (投币式公用电话) is ______ (在??对面) the library. 4. Lisa went to the movies last weekend. She ________________(玩的开心;过的愉快) there. 5. —Are they _____________ (谈论) the animals in the sitting room? —No, they are ______________(在电话上交谈). 6. —Is there a big supermarket _______________ (在临近 的地区)? —Yes, there is. It’s _____ (在??旁边) the hospital. 7. Mike __________ letters __________(从??得到??) his letter box every day. 8. —Why don’t you ____________ (看电视) at home? —Because the ______________(电视节目) is boring. 9.—Who are Ben and Sam __________________(和??交谈)? —The two policemen. 10. —How can we get to the Hongxiang Hotel? —You can _______ (乘出租车) from the airport. ________ (穿过) the Center Avenue and ________ (向左拐). It’s _________ (在??前面) Hualing Store. 11. —Where is your _______ (笔友) from? —He is from New York. —Do you often ____________(给??写信) him? —Yes. We usually send e-mails to each other. 12. My house is ________(在??之间) the No. 1 Middle School and the Nanshan Park. My parents always _______ (散步) in the park after supper. Ⅱ.请用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成句子,每个短语仅用一 次。 the way to...; school play1. —How is it going, Jeff? — _________________. 2. Does your mother work in a _______ or in a __________? 3. —Who is your English teacher ______at the school gate? —Her son, I think. 4. —Can you tell me ___________the Garden District? —Sure. It’s not far.____ and it’s _____of the hotel. 5. —It’s snowing outside. Let’s ___________. —That sounds great. 6. —I like singing and dancing. —If you want to be in the __________, please call Mary at 767-6609. 7. —Why do people want to ______________? —Because they think the food in the restaurants is more delicious than that cooked at home.14 8. —Look at the young kids. What are they doing on the beach? —They are playing ___________. How happy they are! 9. I’m going to listen to the tapes ____________improve my English. 10. Koalas __________Australia. They sleep ____________, but they get up and eat leaves ___________. (二) I. 根据汉语意思, 完成下列句子 (每空一词)。 1. —你的朋友看上去什么样? —他中等体格,长着卷曲的头发。 —What does your friend _______ ________? —He is _______ _______, and has ______ ________. 2. —您想要什么面条? —牛肉面。 —________ ________ ________noodles _________ you __________? — _________ __________. 3. —放学后,你经常做什么? —踢足球。 —What do you often do _________ ________? —I often ________ ________. 4. —他去哪儿度假了? —他去了海滩。 —Where did he go ______ ________? —He _______ _______ ________ ________. 5. 上周我看了一部肥皂剧,它使我很兴奋。 Last week I saw a _______ _______. It made me very excited. 6. 我不介意年青人怎样看我。I don’t mind what young people ________ ________me. Ⅱ. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空,每个短语仅用一次。 practice E arrive late for class1. Why do you often __________? The teacher is angry. 2. —What did he do over the weekend? —He _________because he liked English a lot. 3. I often _________in the library when I am free. 4.The children went to the park yesterday. They _________there. 5. —Do you enjoy _________? —Yes, very much. I like the music written by Beethoven. Units 9-10 重点句型: What did you do last weekend? On Saturday morning I cleaned my room. On Saturday evening I went to the movies. How was your weekend? It was great. Where did you go last weekend? We went New York City. Did your go to Central Park? Yes, I did. How was the weather? It was humid. 一般过去时的用法: 1.过去某个特定时间发生,并且一下子就完成了的动作(即: 非持续性动作) ,也可以表示过去习惯性的动作。一般过去时不 强调动作对现在的影响,只说明过去。 I had a word with Julia this morning. 今天早晨,我跟朱 丽亚说了几句话。 He smoked many cigarettes a day until he gave up. 他没 有戒烟的那阵子,烟抽得可凶了。15 一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语或从句连用,过去时间状 语如:yesterday, two days ago?(两天前)the other day (前几天) ,last week / year, in 1993, just now(刚才) 、 in the old days(过去的日子里) at that time, once, during the war, before, a few days ago, when 引导的时间状语从 句等。 句子中谓语动词是用一般过去时还是用现在完成时,取决于动 作是否对现在有影响。如果句中带有确定的时间,只能用一般 过去时,不用现在完成时。 Have you had your lunch? 你吃过午饭了吗?(意思是说你现 在不饿吗?) Yes, I have. 是的,我已经吃过了。 (意思是说已经吃饱了, 不想再吃了。 ) When did you have it? 你是什么时候吃的?(关心的是吃的 动作发生在何时。 ) I had it about ten minutes ago. 我是大约十分钟以前吃的。 2.一般过去时谓语动词的构成: (1) be(was, were)作谓语. 否定句是在 was/were 后面加 not, was not(wasn't) / were not (weren't)。一般疑问句是把 was / were 提前并放到句首,首字母要大写。 肯定句: She was at home yesterday. 否定句: She wasn’t at home yesterday. 一般疑问句: Was she at home yesterday? (2)实义动词的过去式作谓语(不区分人称和数) ①肯定式:主语+动词过去式+其它。 如:They had a good time yesterday. ②否定式:主语+did not(didn't)+动词原形+其它。如:They didn't watch TV last night. ③一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其它?肯定回答:Yes,主 语+did. 否定回答: No, 主语+didn't. 如: Did they watch TVlast night ? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t. ④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+did+主语+动词原形+其它? 如:What time did you finish your homework? 3. 动词一般过去式的构成 a.规则动词过去式的变化可速记为&直&、&去&、&双&、&改&四 字诀。 ①一般情况下在动词原形后直接加-ed。如:wanted,played。 ②以不发音的字母 e 结尾的动词,去掉 e 再加-ed。如:hoped, lived。 ③重读闭音节单词需双写最后一个辅音字母再加-ed。如: stopped。 ④以辅音字母+y 结尾的动词变 y 为 i,再加-ed。如:studied, worried。 b.不规则动词变化,要逐一熟记。be 动词过去式有两种形式, 主语是第一、三人称单数形式使用 was,其他人称用 were。 注意: 1.在谈到已死去的人的情况时,多用过去时。 2.表示过去一段时间内经常或反复的动作, 常与 always, never 等连用。 Mrs. Peter always carried an umbrella.彼得太太过去老 是带着一把伞。 (只是说明她过去的动作,不表明她现在是否常 带着伞。 ) 比较: Mrs. Peter always carries an umbrella.彼得太太 老是带着伞。 (说明这是她的习惯, 表明她现在仍然还习惯总带着一把伞) I never drank wine.我以前从不喝酒。 (不涉及到现在,不说 明现在是否喝酒) 3.如果强调已经终止的习惯时要用 used to do He used to drink. 他过去喝酒。 (意味着他现在不喝酒了。 喝酒这个动作终止了)16 I used to take a walk in the morning.我过去在早晨散 步(意味着现在不在早晨散步了) 4.有些句子, 虽然没有表示过去确定时间的状语,但实际上是 指过去发生的动作或存在的状态的话,也要用过去时,这一点, 我们中国学生往往出错,要特别注意! I didn''t know you were in Paris. 我不知道你在巴黎。 (因为在说话时, 我已经知道你在巴黎了。 这句话指的是说话之 前, 所以只能用过去时表示。 实际上, 这句话暗指 But now I know you are here.) I thought you were ill. 我以为你病了呢。 (这句话应是 在说话之前,我以为你病了。但是现在我知道你没病) 辨别正误: Li Ming studied English this morning. (把此句变为一般 疑问句) 1.Did Li Ming studied English this morning?(×,动词应 该用原形) 2. Does Li ming study English this morning?(×,时态应 该用原句子的时态) 3.Was Li Ming studied English this morning?(×,应该用 实义动词,而不是 be 动词) 4.Did Li Ming study Enghish this morning? (√) 一般过去时态专项练习: 写出下列动词的过去式: 1.go---______ 3.have/has---______ 5.are---______ not/isn’t---_______ 7.aren’t---________ 8.don’t/doesn’t---_______ 11.see---______ 12.get---______13.come---______ 15.drink---______ 16.write---_______ 17.stay---_______ 18.take---_____ 19.sit---______ 21.sell---_______ 22.leave---______ 一.选择 ( )1.The two __________in the same class last year. A. are B. was C. were D. be ( )2.---Where______ you______ ? ----I went to buy some food for supper. A.are ? go B.did ? go ? go D. will ? go ( )3.&Why ___ she ____ angry?& &Because he ___ at him just now. A. did? get, shouted B. has?got?shouted C. did? get? has shouted D. has?got?has shouted ( )4.______ that worker ________in a shoe factory a year ago? A. Do, work B. Did, worked C. Did, work D. Does work ( )5___ you ___ the film before ? Where __ you ___ it ? A. Have? seen? did? see B.Did?see?die?watch C. Have?seen? have? seen D.Did?see?have?seen ( )6. __________your mother __________to work last Saturday? A. Did, go B. Do, go C. Does, go D. Has, gone ( )7.They________ not late the day before yesterday. A. did B. were C. are D. do ( )8._________ they away from school last October?17 A. Did B. Were C. Do D. Are ( )9. You ___ me waiting for two hours. I ____ for you since five. A. kept?waited B. have kept?waited C. kept?have waited D. have kept?have waited ( )10. ____you ____ the text yet ? Yes, we ____ it two hours ago. A. Did?copy?did B. Have? copied?have C. Have? copied? did D. Did ?copy?had ( )11. I _____ that you _____ good care of her that day. A. thought?will take B. thought?would take C. think? will take D. think? would take ( )12.The boys_______ only two subjects last term, but this term they_______ five. A. have, have B. had, had C. had, have D. have had, have ( )13. Mother ____ me a new coat yesterday. I ___ it on. It fits me well. A. has made?have tried B. made?have tried C. has made?tried D. made?tried ( )14.They stopped here because they_____ the way to the station. A. didn’t know B. don’t know C. will know D. weren’t known ( )15---Where _______ you find your ticket? ----I __________it on the ground. A. did, found B. do, found C. were, find D. did, find ( )16. Was he at work ______? A. now B. next week C. next Sunday D. yesterday ( )17.--I have seen the film Titanic already. -When________ you ______ it? --The day before yesterday. A. have; seen B. will; see C. did; see D. did; seen ( )18. We _______ trees last Sunday. So far we _____ over 3,000 trees there. A. planted;planted B. planted;have planted C. have planted; planted D. have planted;have planted 二. 填空 1.He ________(fight) the big man a moment ago. 2.He ___________ (hurt) his leg this morning. 3.I listened but ___________ (hear) nothing. 4.That old dead man always _____ (carry) an umbrella. 5.The little boy stood up, ______(look) around, and then _____(run) out of the classroom 6.She watches TV every evening. But she ____________ (not watch) TV last night. 7.-What time _______ you _______ (get) to Beijing yesterday? -We __________ (get) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening. 8. What __________ (make) him cry just now? 9.Last year the teacher _____ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun. 10. Once upon a time, there ______(live) a happy farmer. 11. There __________ not enough people to pick apples that day. ( be) 12.There _____ any hospitals in my hometown in 1940. ( be not)18 13. There __________ enough milk at home last week, wasn’t there? 14. Jack ____________ (not clean) the room a moment ago. 15. How many people ________ (be) there in your class last term? 16. It _____ (be) hot yesterday and most children ______ (be) outside. 17. There ___ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I ___ (have) no time to watch it. 18. Mum told me to buy some milk when I ______ to the shop(go) 19. He _____(say) he would come to see me if he ______(have) time the next day. 20. My mother_______ (pay) the bill. 21. He used to smoke,______ he? 22. On Saturday morning I _____(play) football. 23 .May________ (finish) her homework very late yesterday evening. 24.Han Mei __________ (bring) her pet to the park that day. 25. I ______(think) you were ill. 26. _______ you _________ (have) bread for breakfast this morning? 27.She hardly achieved A grades, _____ she? 28.The police ________ (stop) the car and _________ (catch) the thief just now. 29.The little Tom _______ (lie) under the umbrella last Saturday when the sun _____(shine) 30.Uncle Wang _________ ( come )into the room and _______ ( find ) something to eat. 31.Lily _______ ( study ) in the classroom for two hoursand then _________ ( leave ). 32..Jimmy ______ ( do ) a lot today. He ________ ( go ) shopping and ________ ( cook ) supper. 33.The thief ______(steal) a woman’s purse and_____(run)away 34.What time _______ you _________ ( get ) to school this morning? III 改写句子 1. Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy ________ _______ her homework at home. 2. He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句) _______ he ________ _________ meat in the fridge? 3.She stayed there for a month.(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ _____ she _____ there? 4.There was some tea in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _____ there _____ tea in the cup? 5. I did some reading last night.(改为一般疑问句) _____ you _____ ______ reading last night? 6.Han Meimei didn’t fly a kite, either.(变为肯定句) Han Meimei ____ a kite , ______. 7.They found a bird in the tree yesterday.(改为反义疑 问句) They found a bird in the tree yesterday, _________? 8.My mother had porridge for breakfast this morning. (改 否定句) My mother _____ _______porridge for breakfast this morning. 9.They cleaned the house last Saturday(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ they ______ last Saturday?19 七下 Units11—12 重点句型: 1 What do you think of game shows ?I can’t stand them /I don’t mind them / I don’t like them/I love them 2 What does he/she think of sitcomsc? He/She doesn’t like it . 3 sports show /talk show /soap opera/game show/a thirteeen-year-old boy/welcome to /enjoy doing sth/think of 4 Don’t arrive late for class. Don’ eat in the classroom Don’t run in the hallways Don’t listen to music in the classrooms ot the hallways. Don’t fight.Don’t watch TV after school Don’t go out on school night. Do your homework after school. Practice your guiter every day. help my mom make dinner 5 Can we wear hats in school?Ywe can /No,we can’t Do you have to wear a uniform at schooll?Yes,we do /No,we don’t 重点语法: 祈使句是表示请求、命令、劝告、祝愿或建议的句子。祈使句 的主语一般为第二人称,但往往省去不用。同学们在学习祈使 句时应注意以下几点: 一、祈使句谓语用何动词形式 英语祈使句的谓语总是用动词原形。如: Be quiet! 别说话! Come earlier next time. 下次早点来。 Have a good time. 愿你玩得痛快。Go and tell her. 去告诉她吧。 注:有时为了加强语气,可在动词前加 do。如: Do be careful. 务请小心。 Do come on time. 务必请准时来。三、表现形式 ●肯定结构: 1. Do 型(即:动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分)。如:Please have a seat here. 请这边坐。 有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。 如:This way, please. = Go this way, please. 请这边走。 2. Be 型(即:Be + 表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分)。如:Be a good boy! 要做一个好孩子! 3. Let 型(即:Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分)。 如:Let me help you. 让我来帮你。 ●否定结构: 1. Do 型和 Be 型的否定式都是在句首加 don't 构成。 如:Don't forget me! 不要忘记我! Don't be late for school! 上学不要迟到! 2. Let 型的否定式有两种:“Don't + let + 宾语 + 动词 原形 + 其它成分”和“Let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它 成分”。如:Don't let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。 3. 有些可用 no 开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。如:No smoking! 禁止吸烟!No fishing! 禁止钓鱼! 二、肯定祈使句如何变成否定祈使句 祈使句否定式的构成方法是在动词原形前加 don’t。 如: Don’t be late. 不要迟到。 Don’t speak so loud. 别这么大声说话。 Don’t walk on the grass. 不要在草坪上走。 Don’t lose the key. 别把钥匙丢了。 Don’t come unless I telephone. 除非我打电话,否则 你别来。20 三、与 please 连用以使语气委婉 为使语气委婉, 通常将祈使句与 please 连用。 please 可 用于祈使句的句首(其后通常不用逗号)或句末(其前通常用 逗号) 。如: Please don’t get angry. 请不要生气。 Drive more slowly,please. 请开得慢一点。 Please cut me a piece of cake. 请给我切一块蛋糕。 Please try to be quiet. 请设法保持安静。 Please repeat what you’ve just said. 请把你刚才说 的话重复一遍。 四、关于以 let 开头的祈使句 Let’s eat out tonight. 我们今晚出去吃饭吧。 Let me have a try. 我来试一试。 Let me show you how to do it. 我来告诉你怎样做。 Let every man do his best. 让每个人都人尽其才。 Let the meat cook slowly. 把肉用慢火炖。 注:1. 这类祈使句的否定式有两种形式。如: Let’s not hurry. / Don’t let’s hurry. 我们不 要太急。 2. let 后用作宾语补足语的动词要用原形,不能用带 to 的不定式。 用&let&的祈使句时,必须注意下列几点: 一、&let& 的否定句有二。如果宾语是第三人称用&Don't let.....&(见例(9)) ;如果宾语是第一人称,则用 &Let......not& (见例(10)) : (9) Don't let this type of things happen again. (10) It's raining now. Let's not go out until after the rain. 二、&Let&只适用于现在时态,可以有被动语态 (the passive voice),如:(11) Let the recalcitrant criminals be sent to prison. (12) Let all the dedicated capable staff be promoted. 三、&Let&后头除了是不带&to&的不定式动词 (The infinitive without&to&)之外,还可以是某些适当的副词,如 out, in, down, alone 等: (13) Let the puppy out. (14) Open the windows and let the fresh air in. (15) The room is too sunny. Let the blinds down. (16) Let me alone, please. 四、用&Let's&时,把谈话者的对象包括在内;用&Let us& 时,并不包括对方,如: (17) Let's try it, shall we? (18) Let us do it by ourselves, will you? 从(17)里的&shall we&和(18)里的&will you&,不难知道 前者包括听话人,后者并没有。 五、祈使句的反意疑问句形式 1.在通常情况下,若陈述部分为祈使句,反意疑问句通常 用 will you, won’t you, would you 等。如: Turn on the TV, will you?把电视打开,好吗? Tell me the truth, won’t you?告诉我实话,好吗? If you want help, let me know, would you?如果你 需要帮助,告诉我,好吗? 注:若陈述部分为否定式,则反意疑问句部分只用 will you。如: Don’t forget to post the letter, will you?请别忘 了寄信。 2. 若陈述部分为以 let 开头的祈使句, 则要分两种情况: 注意 回答 Let''s~的反意疑问句句型时,肯定时用 Yes,let''s.否定时用 NO,let''s not. 祈使句变反意疑 问句的方法:21 祈使句后的反意疑问句形式 a,Let's 表示说话人向对方提出建议,简短问句的主语用 we 表示,问句用 shall we 或 shan't we 如: Let's have a cup of tea ,shall we (shan't we) b,Let me 或 Let us 表示听话人提出请求,问句用 will you 或 won't you . Let me have a rest , will you (won't you ) c,其它的祈使句后可以加一个简短问句,使语气变得客气 一些. 如:Have a rest , will you Stand up , will (won't) you 【跟踪练习】 1. If you are tired, _________ a rest. A. haveB. having C. to haveD. had 2. _________ me go. It is very important for me. A. Do let B. Let do C. Doing letD. To do let 3. He is not honest. _________ believe him. A. Not B. Don’t C. To not D. Not to 4. If you want to stay, let me know, _________? A. will you B. shall we C. do youD. do we 5. Never come late again, _________? A. will you B. won’t you C. do you D. does he 6. _________ up early tomorrow, or you can’t catch the train. A. Getting B. Get C. To get D. Got 7. _________ in the street. It’s dangerous. A. Not play B. Not to play C. Don’t play D. Don’t to play 8. Please _________ me some money, will you?A. lend B. lending C. to lend D. be lend 9. The film is about to begin. Please _________ seated. A. be B. are C. is D. being 10. _________ the boxes. You may use them later. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Kept 将下列汉语翻译成英语。 1. 请照看好您的包。 ___________________. 2. 让我们去学校吧! ___________________! 3. 亲爱的,高兴点儿! ___________________! 4. 不要把书放这儿。 ___________________. 5. 不要让猫进来。 ___________________. 八年级上册 Unit 1-2 重点短语 1. how often 多久一次 2. as for 至于;关于 3. of course 当然;自然 4. look after 照顾;照看 5. on weekends 在周末 6. surf the Internet 网上冲 浪 7. twice a week 每周两次 8. pretty healthy 相当健康 9. keep in good health 保持健康 10. try to do sth. 努力 干某事 11. have a cold/stomachache/a sore throat/ toothache/ fever/ headache 感冒/胃疼/喉咙疼/牙疼/发烧/头疼 12. lie down and rest 躺下休息 13.see a dentist 看牙医 14. see a doctor 看医生 15. be stressed out 有压力 的;紧张的 16. get tired 疲惫 17. stay healthy 保持健康 18. get a cold 感冒 19. at the moment 此时此刻22 20. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 21. a balanced diet 均衡饮食 22. listen to music 听音乐 重点句子 1. What do you usually do on weekend? I sometimes go to the beach. 2. How often do you exercise? 3. How many hours do you sleep every night? 4. What’s your favorite program? 5. What’s the matter? I have a sore back/ cold/ stomachache/ ? 6. Maybe you should see a dentist. 7. I’m not feeling well. 8. It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat a balanced diet. 9. I’m sorry to hear that. 12. That’s a good idea. 交际平台 (1)询问病情 What’s the matter? / What’s wrong? /What’s the trouble? How long have you been like this? Did you feel tired? Do you have a headache? (2) 诉说病情 There is something wrong with ? I have a headache/ toothache/ ? Since two years ago. I have a pain in ? I’m feeling even worse. This place hurt.(3)医嘱 You must take this medicine three times a day with hot water. You should eat less meat and more vegetables and fruits. Don’t sleep too late. You’d better stay in bed for a few days. You will get better soon. 语法知识 含 how 的短语的区别与使用: ① How long,意思是“多久”,指时间的长度,一般对 for 或 since 引导的表示一段时间的状语提问。 如: - How long have you been in the Party?- Since 1998. ② How soon,意思是“多久才能”,“要到什么时候”,指将 来,一般针对“in +一段时间”或 soon 等将来的时间提问。 如:- How soon will he come back? – In three days. ③ How often,意思是“隔多久一次”“是否经常”,指频率, 一般针对 once a week,three times a day,often,sometimes, never 等频度状语提问。如:-How often do you usually have an art class? –Once a week. ④ How long/ wide/ tall/ deep/ far,意思是“多长/宽/高 /深/远”, 一般针对带有“数字+形容词”的内容提问。 如: -How deep is the river? -It’s about four meters deep. ⑤ How many,意思是“多少”,针对可数名词的数量提问。如: -How many books can I borrow?-Two. ⑥ How much,意思是“多少钱”或“多少”,针对价格或不可 数名词的数量提问。如:-How much is that green dress? -Thirty dollars. 又如:-How much meat do you want?- Half a kilo. 练习23 I. 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. You must (try) to eat less food. 2. Do you have a healthy lifestyle if you (exercise) every day? 3. He (eat) fruit every day. 4. He (like) (watch) TV. Sometimes he (watch) it for 10 hours. Now he (watch) a movie at home. 5. She usually (exercise) three times a day. 6. –How often do you go to the park? (two) a week. 7. –Do you like watching TV? –No, it is (bored). 8. How often do you eat (health) food? 9. She (enjoy) her meal in the restaurant now. 10. During his (ill), he stayed indoors. II. 根据提示写出单词 1. Mr. Green has a f and he has to see a doctor. 2. The exam is very i , I don’t want to fail it. 3. My English is not good enough. I want to i it. 4. Traditional Chinese doctors believe that a b diet is very important for staying healthy. 5. He isn’t good at English, because he h works hard. 6. Here are the r of the students activity survey at Green High School. 7. My mother has a cold and she has a s throat. 8. –What’s your favorite TV p ? -Chinese. 9. –Mr. Green, an i from CCTV wants to visit you.-OK, I’m coming soon. 10.–Smoking is a bad h ,I think you should give it up. -I see, thank you, Mr. Wang. III. 单项选择 1. When you’re tired,you should eat hot yang foods to healthy. A. go B. grow C. stay D. leave 2. –I’m stressed out because my English isn’t improving. . A. You should see a doctor B. You should study hard C. You should stop learning it D. You should listen to music and relax 3.The Meat is expensive and eating meat is bad for your health. A. much too B. too much C much too, much too D. much too, too much 4. –Why don’t you let Sue do it? -I she do it. A. can B. can’t C. don’ can D. don’ can’t 5. It’s difficult this work today. A. to finish B. finishes C. finish D. finishing 6. –What’s the boy standing there? . A. He’s Tim Green. B. He’s very good. C. He’s a student D. He’s reading a book 7. Is there wrong with your clock? A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything 8. What kind of music do you like to ? A. hear B. heard C. listen D. listen to 9. –How do you like the story? . A. Yes, I like. B. I don’t like C. Not at all D. It’s24 very interesting 10. Everyone sometimes. A. gets tired B. are tired C. be tired D. get tired 11. I you to help with her English. A. hope B. want C. think D. let 12. do you watch TV? -I watch TV every day. A. How long B. How soon C. How D. How often 13. –How often does Chen watch TV? -He watches TV . A. Two a week B. second a week C. the second a week D. twice a week 14. You must take this medicine once eight hours. A. even B. all C. each D. every 15. ? –I have a bad cold. A. How are you B. What’s the matter C. How often do you exercise D. How about you 16. She looks pale and weak after her illness. A. kind of B. kinds of C. a kind of D. a kind 17. Your pen is mine. A. a same to B. the same to C. a same for D. the same as 18. he was not rich, he bought a lot of books for his son. A. But B. While C. Although D. Because 19. does Michael do on weekends? -He often goes to the library. A. How B. What C. Where D. Why 20. –Have you ever been to Shenzhen? -No, . A. ever B. some times C. usually D. neverUnits3-4 复习要点 一. 重点句型 1.What are you doing for vacation? I’m spending time with my friends. 2. When are you going? ------I’m going next week. 3. How long are you staying? ---We’re staying for two weeks. 4. How do you get to school? ------I take the bus. 5. How long does it take? ------It takes 20 minutes. 6. How far is it? ------It’s ten/10 miles. 二. 重点短语 go camping 去野营 go hiking 去远足 spend time with friends 和朋友一起度过 send sb sth/send sth to sb 送给某人某物 show sb sth/show sth to sb 把某物给某人看 go bike riding 骑自行车旅行,兜风 go for a drive 开车兜风 go sightseeing 去观光旅游 take walks 去散步 go fishing 去钓鱼 rent videos 租碟片 vacation plan 假期计划 think about 思考,考虑 something different 不同的东西 a relaxing vacation 一次令人放松的假期 plan to do sth 计划做某事 can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事 finish doing sth 结束做某事 by bus/subway 乘车/地铁 on foot 步行 have a quick breakfast 匆匆地吃完早饭 bus stop 公汽站 (小) bus station 公汽站 (大) be far from 远离某处 depend on/upon 取决于,由?决定 英语中考复习时态系列之(五)一般将来时25 一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态以及计 划、打算做某事。Eg. They will have a football match tomorrow. He will be thirty next week. She is going to buy a coat this afternoon. 其结构有如下几种: 1)will + 动词原形(will 可以用 于任何人称) 需要注意的是当主语是第一人称时 will 可以 换成 shall,特别是在以 I 或 we 作主语的问句中,一般用 shall. e.g. Shall we go to the zoo? 2)be going to +动词原形 3)现在进行时也可表示将来,前边已经讲过,这 里不在重复. 第一种结构的句式变化是: 变否定句在 will 后边加 not. 变一般疑问句把 will 提前. e.g. She will be back in three days. She will not be back in three days. Will She be back in three days? 第二种结构的句式变 化要在 be 上做文章. E.g. They are going to clean their classroom. They are not going to clean their classroom. Are they going to clean their classroom? 其时间状语有如下几种 1)this 引导的短语 如 this year 2)tomorrow 及其相关短语 如 tomorrow morning 3) next 引导的短语 如 next month 4) in an hour 等。 做题时常见错误如下: 一、易忽视动词用原形形式 例:1。 He will is (be) at school next Monday. 2. He is going to does (do) his homework after school. 答案:1 be 2 do 解析: 第一题有的同学一看 he 做主语就用了 is,忽视 了 will 后应加动词原形。我们在写句子时,很容易把动词 丢掉,“英语句子里,动词不能少”的 规律必须要牢记。 第二题中 to 后加动词原形,而不是用单三人称.。二、be going to +动词原形与 will+动词原形用法不清楚 例:我正努力学习,准备参加英语考试。 I am studying hard and I will try for my English exams. 答案:I am studying hard and I am going to try for my English exams. 解析:“be going to” 表示计划、打算要做某事。 E.g. He is going to visit his friends. 还表示某种迹 象表明会发生某事.e.g. Look }


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