
你可能喜欢  英语,从初中的十五岁开始接触,到如今的三十而立之年,依旧是我的软肋.  漫长的十五年,从ABC开始,到现在依然是ABC。期间也没有放弃过英语,但就是不行,说多了都是泪啊!  背单词,背课文,写单词,写文章,听英语,看美剧,看新闻,读小说,怎么就是学不会呢?  扪心自问,努力过吗?努力过啊!  有方法吗?什么都试了,就是不行。啥也不说了,讲讲现在对英语的认识吧。  英语,其实就是一门语言,和我们日常说的韩愈一样一样的。这几日,侄女从老家过来玩,有一次,和我哥视频聊天,刚好我们去了金鸡湖,然后她说了她的感受,由于才不到三岁,说的时候,边想边讲,遇到不会的词语就用她知道的词语去描述,突然那霎间,让我感觉到,我们小时候学习汉语的时候也是这样的啊。那么,学习英语呢?不是一个道理吗,刚开始说的时候也要在思考中表达。  所以,又让我燃起了学习英语的动力,现在开始,每天合理安排时间,跑步,英语将贯穿我的2016,当然还要照顾我家未满一周岁的小妮妮。加油!!!!  学习安排如下,望各位朋友监督:  1: 听力30分钟,主要来自网易公开课的视频,真心感觉做的不错;  2:复习有道加入的单词,个数不限,最低30个;  3:每天睡觉前写英语日记一篇,决不断片(如果没网,就使用笔记本记录);  4:每周英语培训班上课至少一次,关键需要多交流;  多说无益,现在开始。
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  English Diary,
Suzhou   Today, I got up at eight o'clock and looked at the window outside,it was a little loudy,I thought that maybe it will rain today.  As my wife told me that she want to drink soybean millk yesterday tonight,so I prepared to make soybeanmilk as our breakfast after I washed face and brushed my teeth.  When I was done, my lar-in-father went home with some snacks,it was delicious for us.  We dicided to go to Baitang Plant Park after breakfast, we called a tax to take us to there and spend 8RMB for this trip. we saw a lot of flowers aside the road,lots of kids run on the road.so many trees we have not ever seen before,my little girl of 9-month was so happy.  It was a lovely day and we made an abundant dinner,enjouy our life.  I will remember this day we all have.  This is the English Diary I wrote firt time in my life,so I think there are lots of mistakes in this diary,if you find something wrong, please remind me. let us study together!
  很不错啊,我都写不来这样的文章呢用英语  加油
22:28:01  看见太多的人起初都有超强的雄心,但是最后百分之99。5的人都半途而废了有的人学了停,停了又学,反复多次,最后还是放弃,到你来帖子的时候,你确信你真的要发奋学习了吗?你真的能够坚持了吗?你真的准备全力以赴了吗?英语学习只要方法没有错,是否能够学好那只有靠功夫了,由于天赋基础不一样,所谓学好学会所需要的时间也不一样,一般人而言应该大概需要投入10000小时,有基础有天赋可以少一点时间小时,不知......  -----------------------------  Thanks for your encourgage and support,   I am ready to write the course of me studying english because I have faith to have this done. So let's study harder and realize our dream.
  @u_16-05-23 11:48:45  很不错啊,我都写不来这样的文章呢用英语  加油  -----------------------------  Thanks for your encouragement!  COME ON!
  Diary! I know that at the begining of write you ,it is so hard to write what I have done in a day,but I have no choice.  Today is a bad,busy and interesting day!  Fisrt thing is the bus should be come at 7:38 am, but it was 15minutes late.  my three colleagues went to Shanghai with full day, just me alone stay at the office, I still do some important thing such as fixed several equipments that spended 6hours to do it. Then I wrote report to summarize what i learned form the job.  At 6 o'clock, I called to my wife and toled she that i need to work overtime,so do not need to wait me for the dinner.  I came home at 7:30pm after finished my work,eat something my wife cooked.  then she showed me a equipment named as food processor for my daught.I tried to make the apple juice follow
the instruction book,tasted so delicious and my daught love to eat,it is so happy to look at the way of her eatting,she was happy,too.then I teach my wife how to use it safely.  Let us love each other!
22:46:59  English Diary,
Suzhou  Today, I got up at eight o'clock and looked at the window outside,it was a little loudy,I thought that maybe it will rain today.  As my wife told me that she want to drink soybean millk yesterday tonight,so I prepared to make soybeanmilk as our breakfast after I washed face and brushed my teeth.  When I was done, my lar-in-father went home wi......  -----------------------------  能写出来不错的,我写不出来。。。。  lar-in-father===》father-in-law,岳父是不是应该用这个。
23:13:05  以上
如果能够转化成口语脱口而出已经相当不错了!  -----------------------------  Do not be cheating on me! I will pride.  I think what I wrote is worse,just like what you said that we always learn english several days and then give up.
22:46:59  English Diary,
Suzhou  Today, I got up at eight o'clock and looked at the window outside,it was a little loudy,I thought that maybe it will rain today.  As my wife told me that she want to drink soybean millk yesterday tonight,so I prepared to make soybeanmilk as our breakfast after I washed face and brushed my teeth.  When I was done, my lar-in-father went home wi......  -----------------------------  @zibaiziyan
12:54:58  能写出来不错的,我写不出来。。。。  lar-in-father===》father-in-law,岳父是不是应该用这个。  -----------------------------  Thanks for your remind.  father-in-law
  Dear diary!  First thing I want to talk is the weather,it always rains these days, but the sun showed up finally in the afternoon,it was warm and nice.  For some reason, I missed my father,he passed away at last year. my daughter birthed that day he died a week later,this is the best regrettable thing in my life,my daughter have never seen her grand-father.  Several days ago, I had a dream that my father said he will stay aroud our family and keep an eye on my mother, let us not worry her. I feel it is so real and like I have go through this.  Dad, I love you! rest in peace!  Do not worry us,we can take care of ourselves and my mother.
23:11:42  希望每天看见你写一篇直到日,大家一起努力  -----------------------------  I will write until at the end of this year. maybe diary will be become what I have done every day int the future.
22:56:19  Dear diary!  First thing I want to talk is the weather,it always rains these days, but the sun showed up finally in the afternoon,it was warm and nice.  For some reason, I missed my father,he passed away at last year. my daughter birthed that day he died a week later,this is the best regrettable thing in my life,my daughter have never seen her grand-father.  Several days ago, I h......  -----------------------------  talk is===》talk about是不是应该用这个  this is the best regrettable ====》this is the most。。。。形容词比较级  我发现有很多中式英文,我也半瓢水,也说不出太多所以然。
  my daughter birthed that day ===》这个地方应该是一个被动语态,女儿应该是被生出来的,而不是主动的哦。。。was born
  和楼主一样也在学英语 一起加油  
23:11:42  希望每天看见你写一篇直到日,大家一起努力  -----------------------------  I am not alone now.
19:18:40  和楼主一样也在学英语 一起加油  -----------------------------  English is easy,the tough is insisting on learning english.  Never give up,do what we have to do.
  Dear diary!  Today was a little wierd, I do not know what would I say,it just had a little sad deeply inside. I see that this is real world we live in,it is not possible that everyday is nice,we need to face the difficult and move on,what we need to do is fight weakness we have,learn something from the fail.  Dear diary, you let me have time to see what happend in my life,a better way to understand what stays in my heart,it is a good oppotunity to summarize my life. Now, my heart is getting calm down after every words I typed one by one,it is like you have a place to realse your pressure and get new enegry.
  It is time to take a shower then review vocabularies.
  Dear diary!  The rainy season has come,the rest days of this week will be raining again,I do not like this moment because of we can go nowhere and always stay at home.  Today,I went to office after the breakfast,but I found that it drizzled when I went downstaires."Do not need umbrella,it is just soft rain" I thought.then I ride the public bycycle instead of the bus to go to work. what I did not think is the rain becomes more heavy,it was so bad because my clothes were getting moisture and the rain mixed sweat on my face,"oh, GOD! do not punish me,I did not do anything bad" I thought.good thing is I am not late for the work.  this day is gone,goodbye.tomorrow is more nicer,we all need a big smile.
  第一篇日记,英语标点符号后都要空格啊,(?o . o?),there好像是adv,前面不加介词to
/went there/go there  
22:39:10  Dear diary!  The rainy season has come,the rest days of this week will be raining again,I do not like this moment because of we can go nowhere and always stay at home.  Today,I went to office after the breakfast,but I found that it drizzled when I went downstaires."Do not need umbrella,it is just soft rain" I thought.then I ride the public bycycle instead of the bus to go to work. wh......  -----------------------------  good thing is I am not late for the work.====》It is a good thing that.....  一般一个句子不会出现两个动词,从句除外,当然了have done/had done/被动语态什么的用到助动词什么的除外。上面我拧出来的是中式英语。  我感觉有不少小问题,但是我水平太次,想纠错也不敢妄自瞎指挥了。  希望高手来帮助我们拉。。。。  有一点非常重要就是能写出来,能愿意表达是最赞的!
22:56:19  Dear diary!  First thing I want to talk is the weather,it always rains these days, but the sun showed up finally in the afternoon,it was warm and nice.  For some reason, I missed my father,he passed away at last year. my daughter birthed that day he died a week later,this is the best regrettable thing in my life,my daughter have never seen her grand-father.  Several days ago, I h......  -----------------------------  @zibaiziyan
09:23:47  talk is===》talk about是不是应该用这个  this is the best regrettable ====》this is the most。。。。形容词比较级  我发现有很多中式英文,我也半瓢水,也说不出太多所以然。  -----------------------------  it always rains these days ==&& it is always raining these days 是不是应该用这个,雨是不可数名词,不能加s 我只是靠语感写出来的。
  because of we can go nowhere and always stay at home.
because of 后加名词或者名词短语,可以去掉of  
  Diary! I know that at the begining of write you ,it is so hard to write what I have done in a day,
  Fisrt thing is the bus should be come at 7:38 am, but it was 15minutes late.
  如果要用should have done本应该。。却没有,可以换一下  
  I came home at 7:30pm after finished my work,eat something my wife cooked.
千万,句子不能用逗号连接,建议换成 then ate.....  
  my daughter birthed that day he died a week later, 能明白意思,但是,总感觉哪儿不对
个人建议: My daughter was born after a week of his death
Father died a week before my daughter 's birth.
你可能是中文思维在前,有很多感情色彩,但是说实话,英文有时很难做到,个人建议,不喜勿喷(?o . o?)  
  Dear diary!  I am a person who don't like to talk with people and I am not good at dealing with relations between colleagues. so, this is confusing me that how to keep friends ralationship and solve the problems from the compony, but I would like to take actions for my life and work, more action, less words.   Today, I learnd how to do PAM in the work, PAM is a process of make sure the equipment ability well. I haven't seen it before since I worked in 2007. acctually, we all can learn some new skils every day in our life as soon as you are present.  At the end of diary, I really want to say that my heart will molt when I hold my daughter laughing in my arm. Thank God for giving me a happy day.
  楼主棒棒哒(?o . o?)在词汇的选择和搭配上加油哦!!!  
  Now I'm fighting for my CET6,but my writing and listening parts are so bad.  
  Dear diary!  today is not good weath! in windwow outside is rainning!I just dislike rainy!It makes me very so unhappy.and,today is wenkend.but,I am working!  so so bad!It is first that write my diary!I just want make my english to give up!
  Dear diary!  My family and I stayed at home the whole day because of the heavy rain. you know I would like to sleep with the sound of rain outside the window, so it was comfortable to get up late in the morning.  I foundd a video named "How to be a better conversationalist", just 10 minutes record. I listened many times, then wrote them down one by one follow the video. it is a helpful video to have a better conversation with some people you like or don't like, even if the strange person.   Other thing I want to talk about our parents. they will get older and older, maybe they can not take care of themselves just like our kids. can we take care of them as we take care our kids? I wrote this because I feed food for my daughter today, and somehow I looked at the way of her eating, let me think our parents, we rarely spend some time in staying with them, so we always have many kinds of excuse. what I want to say is to talk with them and accompany them at the rest of their life.
  Dear diary!  I didn't have the driver license, so,I went to the driving school in the afternoon, but I was told that they need the residence permit after I got there, then I said that I will enroll next weekend and returned home by the public bicycle.  I had a haircut after the dinner, then I went home. my daughter looked me in the eye at the moment of I opened the door, and it is so interesting because I changed a hair type. I hole her in my arms, and she still looked around me with smile, maybe she thought that"oh, who was he? wyh does he look like my dad"
15:18:00  Now I'm fighting for my CET6,but my writing and listening parts are so bad.  —————————————————  I believe you Will pass it,if you go to text now.  
  Dear diary!  I saw a traffic damage between two e-bikes hited each other on my work way, then I passed by there and saw a yound laday lay down the ground. many of people was standing around there and the polices was investing.  At night, my daughter dropped down the floor form the bed because my wife called me to hlep her niece to pee, so no one look after my daughter, just herself in the bed. at that moment I was so angry. this day should have been a happy day, but I have a bad mood because of this.
  I saw a traffic damage between two e-bikes hited each other on my work way  这儿的交通事故应该不是用damage吧。。可以查一下damage的解释,作为单数的话应该是一种损坏的行为,复数是赔偿金,可以看看柯林斯英英词典!  on my way to work....  两辆电动车应该是主动撞了,而不是被撞了,建议用ing  而且总感觉,你的交通事故已经说明了,两辆车的情况了,建议可以修改一下!或者另起一句,解释一下是怎样的交通事故!  
  saw a yound laday lay down the ground.   see 的用法  see sb do sth 看见某人做某事的全过程,  see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事.  see
sth done   be seen to
  was investing. (来自天涯社区客户端)  调查这个单词,楼主可以再查查。。。investig....  
22:46:42  I saw a traffic damage between two e-bikes hited each other on my work way  这儿的交通事故应该不是用damage吧。。可以查一下damage的解释,作为单数的话应该是一种损坏的行为,复数是赔偿金,可以看看柯林斯英英词典!  on my way to work....  两辆电动车应该是主动撞了,而不是被撞了,建议用ing  而且总感觉,你的交通事故已经说明了,两辆车的情况了,建议可以修改一下!或者另起一句,解释一下是怎样......  -----------------------------  Top么么哒, I really appreciate you for helping me!
  Deary diary!  My job is a trainer, which need to teach people how to operate and troubleshooting the machine, but I haven't beening touched it for more than 5years. Now, my colleague is training me, and next time I will train the costumers. I still have lots of knowledges to learn, so I must work harder and have condidently do what I have to do.  The machine I trined is named P/P machine, and it applied for SMT production process. The PCBs will go through the machine, then the machine will pick up components form a device and place them on the PCBs. If you want to know more information about the SMT process or the machine, please leave me a message.
22:46:42   I saw a traffic damage between two e-bikes hited each other on my work way   这儿的交通事故应该不是用damage吧。。可以查一下damage的解释,作为单数的话应该是一种损坏的行为,复数是赔偿金,可以看看柯林斯英英词典!   on my way to work....  —————————————————  @shaofengbi
21:47:00  Top么么哒, I really appreciate you for helping me!  —————————————————  ????????我也在学习!!谢谢  
  Dear diary!  How fly the time is! today is wensday and this week just left 2days, so weekend is coming soon.  No special thing happened today and just like the usual time you have to get up early in the morning, and then go to work. we always repeat the same thing every single day, but we still have dreams inside. we don't even know what we are doing is right or not, no matter how about our life in twenty years later, what we only say that the lift we choice is worth to what we get.
  today is wensday and this week just left 2days, (来自天涯社区客户端)  There are only 2 days left.
  no matter how about our life in twenty years later, what we only say that the lift we choice is worth to what we get.(来自天涯社区客户端)
大概意思能懂,但是,让步状语从句那。。。没搞懂  No matter what our life will become/change in 20 years, we can only say that
the life we choose ....  
22:24:00  Dear diary!   How fly the time is! today is wensday and this week just left 2days, so weekend is coming soon.   No special thing happened today and just like the usual time you have to get up early in...  —————————————————  评论 Top么么哒:How + adj + n+ be  What a/ an
23:05:09  no matter how about our life in twenty years later, what we only say that the lift we choice is worth to what we get.(来自天涯社区客户端)
大概意思能懂,但是,让步状语从句那。。。没搞懂  No matter what our life will become/change in 20 years, we can only say that
the life we choose ....  -----------------------------  这些从句让人头疼啊!苦不堪言!
  Dear diary!  I was angry because what she did to me, so I throw my phone on the bed, and then it rolled several times, finally dropped down a washbasin fulling with water. it was died after I picked up from the water. I didn't want to say anything about this. calm dowm and have a better sleep.
  Plz keep ur mood in peace although I dont know what happend to u 29t. May u happy!  
  Deay diary!  Life is so simple, and we always repeat lots of same things. every day we have is worth to having a better mood.  It has been raining this whole week, and weekend has coming. I want to buy a new e-bike tomorrow for work because my e-bike was stolen four maonths ago, and then I need to enroll the driver license, so it is a busy weekend.
22:26:00  你的日记很有感情,很不错,我也会每天看看你的日记,同时从今天开始我也每天写一篇,一起加油  —————————————————  you have my words . i will do it today  
  Dear diary!  I have a terrible day today.  First of all, I bought a smart phone in the early morining, and the barnd is HUAWEI, but my wife doesn't like the colour of gloden I choose, so she cancled the order without my agreement. I feel so angry and the key is my another order for the phone cann't be sent today.  We went to the supermarket to buy the e-bike. we spent 1 hour in choosing the brand, and finally we choose XINDAZHOU which cost 2699RMB. I found that the brake has noise after we ride for a while, then we returned back the the store and they cann't make it well, so I decided to return the e-bike and choose another brand, but they told me that what we can do is to exchange with the same brand. Finally, we bought a e-bike, but we didn't like.  I didn't make anyathing done. I haven't receving phone today and the e-bike will need a license plate tomorrow.
  为了能够看懂Quora ,也开始在学英语了。  
  Why the diary I wrote yesterday vanished?
  Dear diary!  It was a sunny day today.  Most of the time I stayed at home, just did housework and take care of the plant, just onece I went to outside for the license plate of e-bike as well as I went to the police station for asking whether they give the license palte on the way to supermarket and the answer is yes.  In addition, I made a beautiful dinner for my family. eat food and drink beer, enjoy our life.  one words summarized today, I am so full that i would burst with another bite.
  Dear diary!  I got a new smart phone this day and made it work well, but my contacts did not exist in my new phone, so it is a complicative work I need to do.  My wife told me that relationship with classmates are better than the friends we met in the society, and then I thought for a while maybe she is right or not, but what I know is to treat every person you will meet with earnestness, that is enough.
    Dear diary!  I can not express whst i want to say on the post because my ID was locked by the administrator. the system sent me two messages which informed I posted advertisement that broken the rules of the post. I have applied for unlocking my ID by the service . I hope that I can write my diary here again.  Today, my boss as a customer, then I tried to train him how to operate the machine. he reminded some suggestions after ended up the class. he said that I have confidence and speak louder than the usual time I speak. I still take efforts on how to teach the customers and let them understand what I say.
  Dear diary!  It is a good day I have because my ID was unlocked by the administrator. I appreciate that what you have done for this, but Tianye should take oppotive actions as soon as possible to prevent this from happening again. however, I can write my diary again.  Although I can not post here, I still write by pen. I will post diary of these days I write on my note.
  Dear diary!  The sun was shining today.  I got up early in the morning and went outside for running. I ran along the Dushu lake for thirty minutes.The fresh air, sound of birds singing and breeze touching my face, all of this i feel comfortable and full with energy. I expect what will happen everyday in my life, no matter what happened, I can face it with peaceful heart.  Have a good night!
diary!  There was a traffic accident on my way to work. A lady and I was waitting for turning left at the cross. I ride about thirty meters after the traffic light turned into green, suddenly, I heard a shout behind my back, then turned around to see a man getting off from white SUV.  In the night, my wife told me that a old man argued with his son and the old man cried laying on the ground. lots of people crowed the downstares. he has 4 daugnters and 2 sons, but no one take care of him. he lost his wife ten years ago.
  Dear diary!  I found a interesting express about conversation from the TED video.  "A good conversation short enough t long enough to cover the subject."
  Dear diary!  My younger brother called me today and told me that he will pay 80,000RMB for the house which is located in the center of our home town and let me to prepare money for him, but I don't have enough money for him, so I can't help him a lot and feel very sorry for him.  Maybe he will marry two monthes later, I hope that everything will go well and congratulation to him.
  Dear diary!  I went to outside for duplicating a key for the company door. I found a store near our company, but I was told that I need to pay 60RMB for the kay. I was shocked by the cost, so I went to another store and it just cost 30RMB, but they did not have the material. the shoopkeeper will call my phone number I left if they have the material next week.  I felt that my daugher has a little hot when I hold her in my arm, then I checked her temperature at 37.5 degree by the thermometer. we went to the children hospital after the dinner. lots of people were there and we were told that if we have the check by the doctor, we will spend three hours waitting for it. My wife dicussed with me and we decided to go back home for our daughter reducing the thermal by phiscal.  I hope that she is getting better.
  Dear diary!  We have some kinds of plant in my apartment, such as bracketplant, aloe and scindapsus. I had to divide the plants which didn't grow well, so I prepared toos and soil at one o'clock pm. I spent all aternoon doing this wrok, you need to put them out of the pot, then cut the root has rotted, what you did next is to put a piece of textile in the bottom of the pot, this action is to prevent the soil flow out of the pot during water the plant, then move the pant you have divided in the pot, finally put the soil in the pot and water is necessary.  The procedure mentioned above were the whole work I did in this afternoon. I felt tired but delighted because I love green plant and the key of this process make you feel successful after what you have done this.
  Dear diary!  This weekend has passed so quikly.  Our neighbour and us went to the lake by e-bike in the afternoon. the shore was cooler than the community. a lot of people were there playing, fishing and just siting the shore. you can smell the taste of lake water when the wind passed by. you will understand the life is as same as the water rising and falling when you stand the shore. there were much sparkle on the water, it was great landscape. we also took some photographs, these photoes will remind that we have ever young when we are getting older.  Love life, love the ones love you!
  Don't be such a chicken.不要像个胆小鬼。  He braged about his bravery, but he turned out to be a chicken.
  Dear diary!  I ran near the lake in the morning and took a picture which shown the rain will coming soon. it is so beautiful.    I had a call from my classmate in the noon. he took a train yesterday and costed 14 hours on the train. I told him that how to get to my neighbor, then I called my wife to prepare the lunch. I picked him up from the bus station.   We went to the lake after the dinner and took some photographs at the sundown.
  Who knows where it is.
  Why the long face. 为什么板着脸  Why the long face , it likes someone lend your 5 millions RMB.
  Dear diary!  I brought
suitcase for my classmate after I had the dinner. I should have take express no. 2 to Dongbang stop, and then change bus no.316 to Mingshuo stop, but I took the bus which is epposite way I went.
so I got off the bus and change to subway to go to Tayuan Road, finaly, the bus no.302 took me there.
  Dear diary!  I am so tired today. I always doze off during working in the afternoon and I really wanted to sleep in the bed. that sense of want to sleep was so strong.  I wanted to go to bed after took a shower, but I know I have not written the diary, so I turned on the computer and opened the webste. I know this is my choice and I need to finsh it before go to bed.  I have not ran this week. so I will not get up early and ran outside if it rains tomorrow.
  I am not seeing someone
我没有和人约会  Are you seeing anyone, if not, I know some guys you would like.
  weird someone out 另某人感到纳闷  I don't know whyhHe gave me 100RMB today, it just weird me out.
  Dear diary!  What a hot day it is!  Nothing happened today, it was regular life, went to work and back home. recently it always rained at the time I went to work. I was exposed in the rain and now my throat has a few itchy, so I make a soup with dark sugar and ginger. I hope that I will get better after take th soup.
  Dear diary!  How time flies!   Suddenly, I found it is easier to loss the time when we holde it tightly. I felt that I did not do anything over past 6 monthes in this year. we have to fight for our dream and make it real, this is we have to do.  I am not afraid of fail and frustration. whatever we face, we have to make a decision and do the right thing we think. maybe go with the flow, but you will sorry for what you have done today.
  Dear diary!  I watched the last season of 24 Hours again. I love this TV so much. especially, Jack is a smart, brave and liable man, he is a hero of America and saved many people's life. he always solve the crisis and against the terrorists in advance. no matter what happened, he has his way to make it done. this TV shows that alive is most important because nothing you can do except alive.
  pick someone up
尤指开车接某人  I do know how to get to your apartment, can you pike me up at the train station?
  Dear diary!  My wife and I played badminton in the afternoon. this was the second time we played since we bought the racket 5 years ago. it was exciting and relax. my friend came after we played for a while and they joined us. we decide to play it next weekend.   Sport hooray!
  Dear diary!  We had a exhibition in the NEPCON last week. the machines were delivered by the Cargo company and arrived at 10:30am. we had a lot of works to do. what we do the fisrt procedure is to unpack, and then move the machin into the office. we need to fix the machine on the floor and adjust the level, but the machine can not boot when I turned on it. we took many actions and finally the main board located in the CPU box had problem. we left the office until 8:30pm.  What a busy day it was!
15:50:29  pick someone up
尤指开车接某人  I do know how to get to your apartment, can you pike me up at the train station?  -----------------------------
  Dear diary!  Most time of this day had raining.  I heard that FuNing which located in the north of SuZhou province had a disaster. the tornado showed there and over 70 people died from the tornado. their family gone and they can not go anywhere. I was told that a women just got marry and had a baby who was only 8 monthes, the mother hold the baby in her chest when the tornado came and the baby alive after rescue team found them. touching story!  Rest in peace!
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