upspringspring up是什么意思思及同义词

kept up什么意思及同义词_百度知道
kept up什么意思及同义词
不低落。He kept up a correspondence with Tom.他和汤姆保持通信联系中文释义;不落后同义词:maintained。They kept up a sturdy opposition to the plan.他们坚决反对这个计划: phr. 保持;继续。英语句子The spring kept bubbling up泉水咕嘟咕嘟地往外冒。The shortage of cotton kept the prices up棉花短缺使价格下不来。The subject kept coming up in conversation.这个题目在谈话中不断地被提及,well-kept
[例句]That thy trust may be in the Lord, wherefore I have also shewn it to thee this day.为使你的信赖全托于上主;n]
the first light of day
n. 黎明,拂晓,开端
[ snick ]的过去式
[ plutocracy ]的相关副词;[ plutocrat ]的相关副词;[ plutocratic ]的相关副词;[ plutocratical ]的相关副词
four thousand one hundred and forty two
seven thousand one hundred and forty two
[ mallard ]的复数形式
two thousand and one
[ rewire ]的第三人称单数;[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数spring up是什么意思_spring up在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
spring up是什么意思
spring up是什么意思 spring up在线翻译 spring up什么意思 spring up的意思 spring up的翻译 spring up的解释 spring up的发音 spring up的同义词
spring up英 [spri? ?p] 美 [spr?? ?p] spring up 基本解释跳起;
跃起; 迅速成长; 突然开始手机查看spring up的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 spring up 即可spring up 相关例句ph.1. 1. Computer stores are springing up all over the place.&&&&这一地区计算机商店正如雨后春笋般崛起。spring up 网络解释1. 涌现;发生;迅速长出:spread out 伸开,展开;传播 | spring up 涌现;发生;迅速长出 | stand a chance 很可能,有希望2. 突然出现;迅速生长:pop up突然出现 | spring up突然出现;迅速生长 | break out of突破,摆脱3. 3. 腾起:splash 飞溅 | spring up 腾起 | standing take off 立定起跳spring up 双语例句1. 1. The literary geniuses that come from careless root are barehanded like a flock of fierce forest ace pop-up arena, because cannot find pretty enginery, clutch to forbid the pace that enter the court, be nodded however and became a disorderly band of a gang clamorous, evening of mountain fastness spring became make things done with whatever is avaible almost amuse oneself.&&&&来自草根的文艺天才们像一群武林高手赤手空拳跳上擂台,却因为找不到像样的兵器、掐不准上场的步点而成了一帮闹哄哄的乌合之众,山寨春晚几乎成了因陋就简的自娱自乐。2. Spring in the valley has already dried up in season of drought.&&&&山间的小溪在旱季时已经干涸。3. District rich in plants dotting the landscape is made of different quarter-phase乔灌, flowers, tall trees, green space segregation of different functions, the center green space, green groups, before the green house, is made up of flower lawn, to maximize people`s health to meet the demand for green, spring, summer, autumn garden outside, tree-lined walls, water gurgling, beautiful.&&&&区丰富的植物景观点是不同的季相乔灌,花草,高大的树木,绿色空间分隔不同的功能,中心绿地,环保团体,在绿色的房子,是由花卉草坪,最大限度地人民的健康,以满足需求的绿色,春,夏,秋园外,绿树成荫的城墙,水潺潺,美丽的。4. With Alexander Wang and Proenza Schouler showing off thigh-high socks in their Fall/Winter 2010 collection, I expected to see this footwear item spring up.&&&&加上 Alexander Wang 和 Proenza Schouler 在他们的2010秋冬系列展示高至大腿的袜子,我预料春季开始会看到这鞋类的商品。5. But first from under shadie arborous roof, Soon as they forth were come to open sight Of day-spring, and the Sun, who scarce up risen With wheels yet hov'ring o're the Ocean brim, [140] Shot paralel to the earth his dewie ray, Discovering in wide Lantskip all the East Of Paradise and Edens happie Plains, Lowly they bow'd adoring, and began Thir Orisons, each Morning duly paid [145] In various style, for neither various style Nor holy rapture wanted they to praise Thir Maker, in fit strains pronounc't or sung Unmeditated, such prompt eloquence Flowd from thir lips, in Prose or numerous Verse, [150] More tuneable then needed Lute or Harp To add more sweetness, and they thus began.&&&&首先从密林如盖的荫翳下,走进一望无际的晨光普照的旷野,太阳还没有升起,他的车轮还徘徊在天边海际,他那带露的光线,平射在大地上,显现出乐园东部和伊甸福地的辽阔土地的风光,他们二人便卑躬虔诚地礼赞天神,像每天早晨一样,各种体裁的向创造主唱念,颂歌赞词,出口成章,有合乐的歌曲,即兴的颂词,都成神圣的欢乐,也有美妙的韵语和无韵散文,与丝竹合奏相比,更加和谐合律,更加妥贴亲切,于是二人开始这样唱道6. 6. A responsible person A nameless flower, not the beautiful peony and low self-esteem, responsibility and silence as to increase the touch of spring 山楂树tree, not because of Apple's huge self-litter, because the responsibility for the autumn and the silence of several clusters捧出 a pulse stream is not a result of the long and the drying up of rivers, as the party responsible for nourishing the land and in silence.&&&&做一个有责任感的人一株无名的小花,不因牡丹的绚丽而自卑,因为责任而默默地为春天增加一抹色彩;一棵山楂树,不因苹果的硕大而自枯,因为责任而默默地为金秋捧出几簇红果;一脉小溪不因江河的绵长而干涸,因为责任而默默地滋润一方土地。7. A nameless flower, not the beautiful peony and low self-esteem, responsibility and silence as to increase the touch of spring 山楂树tree, not because of Apple's huge self-litter, because the responsibility for the autumn and the silence of several clusters捧出 a pulse stream is not a result of the long and the drying up of rivers, as the party responsible for nourishing the land and in silence.&&&&一株无名的小花,不因牡丹的绚丽而自卑,因为责任而默默地为春天增加一抹色彩;一棵山楂树,不因苹果的硕大而自枯,因为责任而默默地为金秋捧出几簇红果;一脉小溪不因江河的绵长而干涸,因为责任而默默地滋润一方土地。8. 8. A responsible person A nameless flower, not the beautiful peony and low self-esteem, responsibility and silence as to increase the touch of spring Hawthorn tree, not because of Apple's huge self-litter, because the responsibility for the autumn and the silence of sever a pulse stream is not a result of the long and the drying up of rivers, as the party responsible for nourishing the land and in silence.&&&&做一个有责任感的人一株无名的小花,不因牡丹的绚丽而自卑,因为责任而默默地为春天增加一抹色彩;一棵山楂树,不因苹果的硕大而自枯,因为责任而默默地为金秋捧出几簇红果;一脉小溪不因江河的绵长而干涸,因为责任而默默地滋润一方土地。9. Hope and youthful energy rose up in her again, like leaves on a young tree in spring.&&&&新的希望和青春的活力再度在她心中涌起,就像春天小树上的新叶。10. Each family would light firecrackers and paste up Spring Festival couplets, and the relatives and friends would send New Year's greetings to each other to wish everything smooth in the new year.&&&&过年的时候,每家都放鞭炮,贴春联。亲戚朋友之间要相互拜年,预祝在新的一年里事事顺利。11. During the festival, each family would light firecrackers and paste up Spring Festival couplets, and the relatives and friends would send New Year's greetings go each other to wish everything smoothly in the new year.&&&&&&过年的时候,每家都放鞭炮,贴春联。亲戚朋友之间要相互拜年,预祝在新的一年里事事顺利。12. During the festival, each family would light firecrackers and paste up Spring Festival couplets, and the relatives and friends would send New Year's greetings go each other to wish everything xxxoothly in the new year.&&&&&&过年的时候,每家都放鞭炮,贴春联。亲戚朋友之间要相互拜年,预祝在新的一年里事事顺利。13. Their choice is justified, is genetically passed down, now is the spring famine tough season, you see, a group of magpies is hovering flying a small restaurant in the village and an empty field of garbage, and some simply headlong into the mill yard, pick up the Salou food.&&&&&&它们的选择是有道理的,是基因相传的,现在正是春荒难熬的季节,你瞧,一群喜鹊正徘徊飞舞在村头小饭馆的垃圾场上空,有的索性扎进了磨坊院里,捡拾着撒漏的粮食。14. spring up14. Is a geologically Alxa - Mazongshan to Taiwan a part of the ridge from the Near East to the uplift and depression depressions arranged for flying geese, from north to south there are four major groups:(1) is a leap forward in the most northern mountain - qijiaojing sub - Hill, elevation 200 meters from top to bottom, the relative height of 100 meters from top to bottom, its wide and 40-50 km south of the Mustang spring - Lian-Q (2) Mazongshan peak elevation of 2791 meters, the general ridge 200 meters above the relative height of up to 70 -900 m, but Kuanjin 10 km south of the tree nest well - in the beach spring (3) Small Mazongshan to the longest, reaching more than 500 kilometers, but the elevation is only 1, 500 meters from top to bottom, its south is an elevation of 1, 400 meters up (4) and the most southerly Daqingshan, the altitude of 1400 meters from top to bottom, the relative height of only a few tens of meters to Bai Yumi, mountains are not always continuous, namely, its south western section of the Hexi Corridor, Dunhuang - Anxi edge of depression.&&&&&&在地质上是阿拉善—马鬃山地台的一部份,由近东西向隆起山脊和拗陷洼地作雁行排列,从北而南主要有四组:(1)最北面是跃进山—七角井子山,海拔200米上下,相对高度100米上下,其南面是宽达40—50公里的野马泉—马连泉洼地;(2)马鬃山主峰海拔2791米,一般山脊200米以上,相对高度也达70—900米,但宽仅10公里,南面是树窝井—中滩泉低点;(3)小马鬃山地最长,达500多公里,但高程仅1500米上下,其南为一海拔1400米上下的谷地;(4)最南的大青山地,海拔1400米上下,相对高度仅数十米至百余米,山体有时不连续,其南即为河西走廊西段的敦煌—安西边缘拗陷。15. 15. Based on the dynamic response of aircraft body, the spring, damping of landing gears, friction characteristics of the tires, sensors, and so on, mechanical model for aircraft anti skid braking system is set up.&&&&&&以国内某现役机种为对象,本文在综合考虑了飞机机体、起落架、轮胎、传感器等特性的基础上,推导了适用于飞机刹车滑跑的动力学模型,该模型重点考虑了起落架和轮胎的动态特性,突出简单、实用和通用性的要求,并加入到相对滑动量控制的电子防滑刹车系统的数字仿真软件中,完善了防滑刹车系统的软件平台,以用来研究飞机系统的动态特性与刹车性能的关系。16. But, that would be made up for, by having a huge spring clean of the entire house…which wasn't much fun.&&&&&&但是,那是要付出代价的——对全家来一个新春大扫除……那可不是什么乐事。17. 17. White suddenly spring barley, such as blowing up the night, in the end there barley whitening whitening effect, by studying a bar!&&&&&&薏米美白忽如一夜春风刮了起来,到底薏米美白有没有美白效果,一起来学习吧!18. 18. Spring light of the girl marching steps, to wake up a sleeping in the winter of animals and plants.&&&&&&春季轻的女孩前进的步骤,唤醒一个沉睡在冬天的动物和植物。19. 19. You definitely want to use the Crescent Moon Spring water wash them, because they give up their belief in Estonia action.&&&&&&你肯定想用月牙泉的水洗净它们,却因为他们爱沙的信仰而放弃行动。20. I tell childishness and fairy tale, the speech of elder Ceng Min says, he remembered a long time ago the poem that he writes childishness, anxious of elder poet Zheng grants to stand up reading poetry, professor of college of Hong Kong Chinese is told reach Andersen, young prince... I look at each writer scholar to stand up express childishness, those who feeling bamboo shoots in spring of bang of Pi Pi bang is gemmiparous, of childishness gemmiparous, feeling this world seem childishness general mobilization.&&&&&&我讲童心和童话,前辈曾敏之发言说,他想起了很久以前他写童心的诗,前辈诗人郑愁予站起来朗诵诗歌,香港中文大学教授讲及安徒生、小王子……我看着一个个作家学者站起来抒发童心,感觉着噼噼啪啪春笋的发芽,童心的发芽,感觉着这个世界又好似童心总动员。spring up 词典解释1. 突然出现;突然产生&&&&If something springs up, it suddenly appears or begins to exist.&&&&e.g. New theatres and arts centres sprang up all over the country.&&&&&&&&&&&新的剧院和艺术中心突然在全国各地涌现出来。spring up 单语例句1. Iran did suspend enrichment activities while talks were active with the Europeans last year but resumed and stepped up the program this spring.2. Most of the time, their wrinkled faces are careworn they only light up during the Spring Festival.3. In the spring snow on Sunday morning in Moscow, voters lined up to cast their ballots.4. It's tradition for high school classmates to get together during the Spring Festival over a big dinner or party to catch up with old friends.5. The remainder have one more week to catch up, with the Chinese Spring Festival on Sunday set as the deadline.6. Stuff the bashed up ginger and spring onions into the stomach cavity.7. Young couples are often taken up by their professional obligations and cite one excuse or another not to go back home for Spring Festival.8. Before SARS broke out last spring, civet cats were served up as a dish for human beings.9. The United States stepped up inspections of imports from China after a chemical additive in pet food caused the death of pets there this spring.10. The pace of construction for the 2008 Beijing Olympics has stepped up, with some key projects now running round the clock during the traditional Spring Festival.spring up 英英释义verb1. come into existence&&&&take on form or shape&&&&e.g. A new religious movement originated in that country&&&&&&&&&&&a love that sprang up from friendship&&&&&&&&&&&the idea for the book grew out of a short story&&&&&&&&&&&An interesting phenomenon uprose&&&&Synonym: spring up是什么意思,spring up在线翻译,spring up什么意思,spring up的意思,spring up的翻译,spring up的解释,spring up的发音,spring up的同义词,spring up的反义词,spring up的例句,spring up的相关词组,spring up意思是什么,spring up怎么翻译,单词spring up是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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make up of英 [meik ?p ?v] 美 [mek ?p ?v] make up of 基本解释构成,组成;手机查看make up of的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 make up of 即可make up of 网络解释1. 1. 由......组成,构成:make up 和解,化装 | make up of 由. . . 组成,构成 | make up one's mind 下决心2. make up of的解释2. 构成, 组成:67. make out v.书写, 填写, 拼凑, 进展, 说明, 设法应付, 理解, 辨认出 | 68. make up of构成, 组成 | 69. let down v.放下, 使失望, 辜负, 松劲, 减速下降3. 由...组成;包含有:make up for弥补,补偿 | make up of由...组成;包含有 | make up ones mind决心,决定4. 由...组成:make up for 补偿 | make up of 由...组成 | make phone of 嘲笑,和某人开玩笑make up of 双语例句1. The new government built up close relations with the Soviet Union, which was especially keen to make use of the port of Berbera.&&&&新政府建立了密切的关系,苏联,这是特别热衷于利用伯贝拉港。2. Objective To study the leucocytes infection statistics of the tiny organism eperthrozoon and analysis on the people who just reached the highland and who inhabited the highland for half a year at least. Methods Take one portion of anticoagulation that contains abundant leucocytes, two portions of distilled water or1%HCl2liquores for dilution, and mix them up to hemolyze for ten minutes. Take15ul of the mixture to make a silce, and then observe by oil microscope.&&&&目的 研究从内地不同地区急进高原人群和其在高原环境中居住半年后白细胞内感染附红细胞体的对比分析方法取富含白细胞的抗凝血液1份,加蒸馏水或1%HCl2份稀释混匀,使其溶血10min,取15μl制作压片然后用油镜观察。3. Second, she was bound up and one foot was hung up in the air, only had one foot standing to support her body, third, the master gave her a very tight ball tie to make her learn the extreme taste of Chinese rope bondage, last, she was tortured by traditional Chinese Tiger`s Bench.&&&&接着是五花大绑和吊起一只脚,然后是绳师球形紧缚,她的全身上下都被麻绳捆绑的结结实实,毫无动弹的余地,最后是用中国传统的老虎凳加以虐待。4. Around the world international aids go wrong keep the peace a shortage of food cause sb. to do sth. live in poverty in real life people in need belong to the UN a UN Goodwill ambassador give a speech be pleased to do sth. have the chance to do sth. refer to sb./ sth. be made up of mean to do sth./ doing sth. be honoured to do sth. take on this role set up/about doing/down/out to do be based on develop friendly relations with sb. co-operate in doing sth. promote respect for human rights as you know touch the lives of people everywhere be involved in with the help of sb. worthy organizations be worth doing sth.= be worthy of being done assist the victims of wars in addition protect sb. from doing sth. prevent sb. from doing sth. child labour record sth.= make records of be aware of sth./ make sb aware of draw one's attention=draw the attention of sb. add sth. to sth.&&&&add up/add up to under the umbrella of 全世界国际援助出错保持和平缺少食物导致某人做某事生活贫穷在现实生活中有需要的人属于联合国一位联合国亲善大使做讲座高兴做某事有机会做某事谈及某人或某事由某物组成打算做某事/意味着做某事荣幸做某事承担这个角色建立/着手工作/写下/开始做以…为基础和某人发展友好关系合作做某事促进对人权的尊敬正如你所知道的涉及每个地方人们的生活涉及;卷入在某人的帮助下令人尊敬的组织值得做某事帮助战争的受难者除了保护某人免受…的伤害阻止某人做某事童工记录某事意识到引起某人的注意把…加到…/加起来/加起来为在…的保护下 17 41。5. A: As is stipulated in Article 98 of the Rules on the Implementation of the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection, where a tax withholding agent violates tax laws or administrative rules or regulations, which results in a non-payment or underpayment of tax by the taxpayer, the taxpayer shall pay or make up the shortage in payment of tax or surcharge on tax in arrears, and a penalty of over 50 percent but not more than 3 times of the amount unpaid or underpaid by the taxpayer shall be imposed upon the tax withholding agent.&&&&答:根据税收征管法实施细则第九十八条的规定,税务代理人违反税收法律、行政法规,造成纳税人未缴或者少缴税款的,除由纳税人缴纳或者补缴应纳税款、滞纳金外,对税务代理人处纳税人未缴或者少缴税款百分之五十以上三倍以下的罚款。6. Article 98Where a tax withholding agent violates tax laws or administrative rules or regulations, which results in a non-payment or underpayment of tax by the taxpayer, the taxpayer shall pay or make up the shortage in payment of tax or surcharge on tax in arrears and a penalty of not less than 50 percent but not more than 3 times of the amount unpaid or underpaid by the taxpayer shall be imposed upon the tax withholding agent.&&&&第九十八条税务代理人违反税收法律、行政法规,造成纳税人未缴或者少缴税款的,除由纳税人缴纳或者补缴应纳税款、滞纳金外,对税务代理人处纳税人未缴或者少缴税款50%以上3倍以下的罚款。7. make up of的反义词7. More or less to make 4 stations till now, also go up more than 10 key word, of each key word go up bringing me is to be mad with joy, every station is dropped is to let those who one kind is swung I am aching more distressed.&&&&到现在为止多少做上去了4个站,也上去十多个关键字,每一个关键字的上去带给我是欣喜若狂,每个站掉下去更是让我心痛有一种被人甩的的痛心。8. make up of的翻译8. A pair of chopsticks, a heart to think that force one to make, in order to better days up into our mouths.&&&&一双筷子,心往一处想,力往一处使,才能把美好的日子搛起来,送进我们的口中。9. Baron is capable of doing anything a point guard can do-he can explode to the basket and destroy a team with forays to the paint, he`s an unbelievable passer, he`s absolutely deadly in the open floor, he can make the three, he can post up, he can disrupt another team`s offense when he`s ball-hawking in the passing lanes, everything.&&&&巴伦可以做得到一个控球后卫要做的任何事情,他可以用暴扣的方式去攻击篮筐也可用突破到内线得分的方式摧毁一支球队,他是一个让人难以置信地出色的传球手,在场上他是绝对致命的,他可以投三分球,他可以冲击内线,他可以通过诡异的飞身抢断去切断对手的传球路线和打乱对手的进攻,总而言之他无所不能。10. In such event, Client shall make up the difference in attorney agency fees due to the preferential treatments offered in Section 4 of Article 1 and Section 5 of Article 2 herein.&&&&这时,委托人应根据第一条款第四节和第二款第五节的优惠政策补足律师费用的差额。11. In certain countries, the online automobile market is speeding up incredibly, promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in nearest future.&&&&&&在某些国家,网上汽车市场正在奇迹般地加速发展,很有希望在最近的将来,成为电子商业最热的部门之一。12. In certain countries, the online automobile market is speeding up incredibly promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in the nearest future.&&&&&&在某些国家,网上汽车市场正在奇迹般的加速发展,很有希望在最近的将来,成为电子商业最热门的部门之一。13. In certain countries, the online automobile market is speeding up miraculously, promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in the nearest future.&&&&&&在某些国家,网上汽车市场正在奇迹般地加速发展,很有希望在最近的将来,成为电子商业最热的部门之一。14. 14. In some coutries, the online automobile market is speeding up miraculously, promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in the nearest future.&&&&&&某些国家,网上汽车市场正在奇迹般的加速发展,很有希望在最近的将来,成为电子商业最热的部门之一。15. Take for instance a woman make-up, wiping thick makeup to tell the truth can indeed Yan Qu a woman of many flaws, I ask, who do not like beautiful?&&&&&&就拿女人化妆来说吧,说实话淡妆浓抹确实能掩去女人的许多瑕疵,试问,谁不喜欢漂亮?16. Forget the oil up: the reasons: moisture, tend to lose sight of oil make up the remaining measures.&&&&&&忘记补油:原因:在保湿的同时,往往容易忽略补油这一环节。17. Bring up the policy suggestion for the reform of vocational education and bring up the concrete measure that solve problem for vocational school, to make our country the vocational-technical education on the continuant developments road.&&&&&&一方面为现实的职业技术教育改革提出可操作性的政策意见和建议,另一方面为高等职业学校教学改革提出建设性意见和解决问题的具体措施,以待我国职业技术教育能够走上可持续发展的道路。18. 18. The literary geniuses that come from careless root are barehanded like a flock of fierce forest ace pop-up arena, because cannot find pretty enginery, clutch to forbid the pace that enter the court, be nodded however and became a disorderly band of a gang clamorous, evening of mountain fastness spring became make things done with whatever is avaible almost amuse oneself.&&&&&&来自草根的文艺天才们像一群武林高手赤手空拳跳上擂台,却因为找不到像样的兵器、掐不准上场的步点而成了一帮闹哄哄的乌合之众,山寨春晚几乎成了因陋就简的自娱自乐。19. 19. With the analysis of the situation of present consideration, I point out my own opinion of the consideration of present share merger reform. First, it refers to the main content that consideration should be compensated. On this basis, I point out the payment of consideration must obey some principles: recognize consideration action, ensure the interests of shareholders in reform. I also make some concrete ideas that year-end rate of return rule tradable shareholders should be as the theoretical basis of consideration calculation, and set up a theoretical model. Year-end rate of return rule in it is, on the base of tracing invested cost, comparing the non-tradable shareholders and tradable shareholders`rate of return in the end of the year. At last, I point out my own ideas about how some companies with special problems pay for consideration. Especially, neither the loss of companies nor net asset of stock dropping is the pretext of reducing payment. I hope responsible departments publish policies to ensure the facility and reasonability in the payment of consideration in share merger reform.&&&&&&在剖析了对价支付的现状后,笔者对当前股权分置改革中的对价支付提出了自己的看法:首先论述了对价应该包含的主要内容并在此基础上提出了对价支付必须遵循的几个基本原则,包括认定对价行为、保障流通股股东利益在改革后不受损失等;笔者还建议以年平均收益率法作为对价测算的理论依据并建立了理论模型,该法是在全面追溯历史投入成本的基础上比较非流通股股东与流通股股东的年平均收益率,以拉平两类股东的平均投入成本为对价原则并综合考虑创业资本溢价因素来测算对价;本文还对中国股市的整体对价水平进行了简单估算;最后,笔者对一些存在特殊问题的公司如何支付对价提出了自己的解决思路,特别指出公司亏损、股价跌破净资产等都不能成为减少支付对价的借口并建议主管部门出台相关配套政策保障股权分置改革中对价支付的公平性和合理性。20. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Advance Access publication 6 December 2005 OXE β-lactamases in Acinetobacter:the story so far Molecular Chemotherapy, Centre for Infectious Diseases, University of Edinburgh, The Chancellor's Buliding, 49 Little France Crecent, Edinburgh, EH164SB, UK The emergence of carbaoenem resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii has become a global concern since these β-lactams are often the only effectine treatment lsft against many multiresistant strains. A recent debelopmenth has the discovery of a novel group of narrow-spectrum OXA β-lactamases in carbapenem-resistant strains, some of whitch have acquired the ability to hydrolyse the carbapenems. The first of these was found in a strain isolated in Edinburgh before imipenem was in usr in the hospital. Whether these carbapenemases have been acquired or are part of the genetic make-up of this species has yet to be determined. More importantly, however, they represent an important stage in the evolution of antibiotic resistance in Acinetobacter. This paper discusses the emergence of these unusual enzymes over the past decade.&&&&&&抗菌化学疗法》杂志上 日提前存取出版在不OXEβ-lactamases:到目前为止分子化疗,中心为传染性疾病,爱丁堡大学,议长,49岁的法国Crecent少、爱丁堡、EH16 4SB,英国 carbaoenem电阻的出现在鲍曼不动杆菌已成为全球关注这些β-lactams通常是唯一effectine对抗许多multiresistant菌株治疗lsft…最近的一debelopmenth已发现的一种β-lactamases仅OXA集团在carbapenem-resistant株,其中一些已经取得了hydrolyse能力的carbapenems第一个被发现在一株孤立在爱丁堡的药物有亚胺培南在使用之前在医院这些carbapenemases是否已经或正在部分的基因构成该物种还有待确定然而更重要的是,他们代表着一种重要阶段的抗生素耐药性的演化出不本文探讨了产生这些不寻常的酶在过去的十年。make up of 单语例句1. But they make up their lack of concern with their buying habits and their willingness to pay higher premiums for trendy products.2. It was also a natural choice by the central government to make sure it stayed on the course of reform and opening up.3. Lawmakers should act to make sure that statisticians never ever come up with statistics that are totally out of touch with reality.4. Edwards was under pressure to not only win a number of big states, but win them by substantial margins in order to make up the delegate differences.5. Women make up some 15 percent of the US active duty forces, and 11 percent of the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.6. Several pairs of one man and one horse make up a horse caravan.7. Merchants carrying dried fish, mangos and other goods from verdant Casamance make up many of the usual travelers aboard.8. The country's centenarian ranks are dominated by women, who make up 86 percent of the total.9. They make up the new force that is transforming China from a garment - making center to one of upscale fashion.10. Taoists in the Middle Kingdom consider the mountain a symbol of earth, the central point of the five elements that make up the universe.make up of是什么意思,make up of在线翻译,make up of什么意思,make up of的意思,make up of的翻译,make up of的解释,make up of的发音,make up of的同义词,make up of的反义词,make up of的例句,make up of的相关词组,make up of意思是什么,make up of怎么翻译,单词make up of是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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