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物理学和工程学中的数学方法 第2版(影印版)
校园优惠价:¥160.55 (95折)
原书名:Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering 2nd ed.
ISBN:上架时间:出版日期:2003 年11月开本:24开页码:1232版次:2-1
Since the publication of the first edition of this book, both through teaching the material it covers and as a result of receiving helpful comments from colleagues, we have become aware of the desirability of changes in a number of areas. The most important of these is that the mathematical preparation of current senior college and university entrants is now less thorough than it used to be. To match this, we decided to include a preliminary chapter covering areas such as polynomial equations, trigonometric identities, coordinate geometry, partial fractions, binomial expansions, necessary and sufficient condition and proof by induction and contradiction.
KEN RILEY read Mathematics at the University of Cambridge and proceeded to a Ph.D. there in theoretical and experimental nuclear physics.He became a Research Associate in elementary prticl physics at Brookhaven, and then, having taken up a lectureship at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, Continued this research at the Tutherford Laboratory and S in particular he was involved in the experimental discovery of a number of the early baryonic resonances. As well as having been Senior Tutor at Clare College, where he has taught physics and mathematics for nearly forty years, he has served on many committees concerned with the teaching and examining of these subjects at all levels of tertiary and undergraduate deucation. He is also one of the authors 200 puzzling Physics Problems.
Preface to the second edition
Preface to the first edition
Preliminary algebra
Simple functions and equations
P properties of roots
Trigonometric identities
S compound- double- and half-angle identities
Coordinate geometry
Partial fractions
Complications and special cases
Binomial expansion
Properties of binomial coefficients
Some particular methods of proof
P pr necessary and sufficient conditions
Hints and answers
Preliminary calculus
Differentiation from first principles: impl logarit Leibnitz' special points of a function: curvature: theorems of differentiation
  Since the publication of the first edition of this book, both through teaching the material it covers and as a result of receiving helpful comments from colleagues, we have become aware of the desirability of changes in a number of areas. The most important of these is that the mathematical preparation of current senior college and university entrants is now less thorough than it used to be. To match this, we decided to include a preliminary chapter covering areas such as polynomial equations, trigonometric identities, coordinate geometry, partial fractions, binomial expansions, necessary and sufficient condition and proof by induction and contradiction.
Whilst the general level of what is included in this second edition has not been raised, some areas have been expanded to take in topics we now feel were not adequately covered in the first. In particular, increased attention has been given to non-square sets of simultaneous linear equations and their associated matrices. We hope that this more extended treatment, together with the inclusion of singular value matrix decomposition, will make the material of more practical use to engineering students. In the same spirit, an elementary treatment of linear recurrence relations has been included. The topic of normal modes has been given a small chapter of its own, though the links to matrices on the one hand, and to representation theory on the other, have not been lost.
Elsewhere, the presentation of probability and statistics has been reorganised to give the two aspects more nearly equal weights. The early part of the probability chapter has been rewritten in order to present a more coherent development based on Boolean algebra, the fundamental axioms of probability theory and the properties of intersections and unions. Whilst this is somewhat more formal than previously, we think that it has not reduced the accessibility of these topics and hope that it has increased it. The scope of the chapter has been somewhat extended to include all physically important distributions and an introduction to cumulants.
Statistics now occupies a substantial chapter of its own, one that includes systematic discussions of estimators and their efficiency, sample distributions and tand F-tests for comparing means and variances. Other new topics are applications of the chi-squared distribution, maximum-likelihood parameter estimation and least-squares fitting. In other chapters we have added material on the following topics: curvature, envelopes, curve-sketching, more refined numerical methods for differential equations and the elements of integration using Monte Carlo techniques.
Over the last four years we have received somewhat mixed feedback about the number of exercises at the ends of the various chapters. After consideration, we decided to increase the number substantially, partly to correspond to the additional topics covered in the text but mainly to give both students and their teachers a wider choice. There are now nearly 800 such exercises, many with several parts. An even more vexed question has been whether to provide hints and answers to all the exercises or just to 'the odd-numbered' ones, as is the normal practice for textbooks in the United States, thus making the remainder more suitable for setting as homework. In the end, we decided that hints and outline solutions should be provided for all the exercises, in order to facilitate independent study while leaving the details of the calculation as a task for the student.
In conclusion we hope that this edition will be thought by its users to be 'heading in the right direction' and would like to place on record our thanks to all who have helped to bring about the changes and adjustments. Naturally, those colleagues who have noted errors or ambiguities in the first edition and brought them to our attention figure high on the list, as do the staff at The Cambridge University Press. In particular, we are grateful to Dave Green for continued LATEX advice, Susan Parkinson for copy-editing the second edition with her usual keen eye for detail and flair for crafting coherent prose and Alison Woollatt for once again turning our basic LATEX into a beautifully typeset book. Our thanks go to all of them, though of course we accept full responsibility for any remaining errors or ambiguities, of which, as with any new publication, there are bound to be some.
On a more personal note, KFR again wishes to thank his wife Penny for her unwavering support, not only in his academic and tutorial work, but also in their joint efforts to convert time at the bridge table into 'green points' on their record. MPH is once more indebted to his wife, Becky, and his mother, Pat, for their tireless support and encouragement above and beyond the call of duty. MPH dedicates his contribution to this book to the memory of his father, Ronald Leonard Hobson, whose gentle kindness, patient understanding and unbreakable spirit made all things seem possible.
  Ken Riley, Michael Hobson
  Cambridge, 2002
  A knowledge of mathematical methods is important for an increasing number of university arid college courses, particularly in physics, engineering and chemistry, but also in more general science. Students embarking on such courses come from diverse mathematical backgrounds, and their core knowledge varies considerably. We have therefore decided to write a textbook that assumes knowledge only of material that can be expected to be familiar to all the current generation of students starting physical science courses at university. In the United Kingdom this corresponds to the standard of Mathematics A-level, whereas in the United States the material assumed is that which would normally be covered at junior college.
Starting from this level, the first six chapters cover a collection of topics with which the reader may already be familiar, but which are here extended and applied to typical problems encountered by first-year university students. They are aimed at providing a common base of general techniques used in the development of the remaining chapters. Students who have had additional preparation, such as Further Mathematics at A-level, will find much of this material straightforward.
Following these opening chapters, the remainder of the book is intended to cover at least that mathematical material which an undergraduate in the physical sciences might encounter up to the end of his or her course. The book is also appropriate for those beginning graduate study with a mathematical content, and naturally much of the material forms parts of courses for mathematics students. Furthermore, the text should provide a useful reference for research workers.
The general aim of the book is to present a topic in three stages. The first stage is a qualitative introduction, wherever possible from a physical point of view. The second is a more formal presentation, although we have deliberately avoided strictly mathematical questions such as the existence of limits, uniform convergence, the interchanging of integration and summation orders, etc. on the grounds that 'th it must behave reasonably'. Finally a worked example is presented, often drawn from familiar situations in physical science and engineering. These examples have generally been fulIy worked, since, in the authors' experience, partially worked examples are unpopular with students. Only in a few cases, where trivial algebraic manipulation is involved, or where repetition of the main text would result, has an example been left as an exercise for the reader. Nevertheless, a number of exercises also appear at the end of each chapter, and these should give the reader ample opportunity to test his or her understanding. Hints and answers to these exercises are also provided.
With regard to the presentation of the mathematics, it has to be accepted that many equations (especially partial differential equations) can be written more compactly by using subscripts, e.g. uxy for a second partial derivative, instead of the more familiar , and that this certainly saves typographical space. However, for many students, the labour of mentally unpacking such equations is sufficiently great that it is not possible to think of an equation's physical interpretation at the same time. Consequently, wherever possible we have decided to write out such expressions in their more obvious but longer form.
During the writing of this book we have received much help and encouragement from various colleagues at the Cavendish Laboratory, Clare College, Trinity Hall and Peterhouse. In particular, we would like to thank Peter Scheuer, whose comments and general enthusiasm proved invaluable in the early stages. For reading sections of the manuscript, for pointing out misprints and for numerous useful comments, we thank many of our students and colleagues at the University of Cambridge. We are especially grateful to Chris Doran, John Huber, Garth Leder, Tom Korner and, not least, Mike Stobbs, who, sadly, died before the book was completed. We also extend our thanks to the University of Cambridge and the Cavendish teaching staff, whose examination questions and lecture hand-outs have collectively provided the basis for some of the examples included. Of course, any errors and ambiguities remaining are entirely the responsibility of the authors, and we would be most grateful to have them brought to our attention.
We are indebted to Dave Green for a great deal of advice concerning typesetting in LATEX and to Andrew Lovatt for various other computing tips. Our thanks also go to Anja Visser and Graca Rocha for enduring many hours of (sometimes heated) debate. At Cambridge University Press, we are very grateful to our editor Adam Black for his help and patience and to Alison Woollatt for her expert typesetting of such a complicated text. We also thank our copy-editor Susan Parkinson for many useful suggestions that have undoubtedly improved the style of the book.
Finally, on a personal note, KFR wishes to thank his wife Penny, not only for a long and happy marriage, but also for her support and understanding during his recent illness - and when things have not gone too well at the bridge table! MPH is indebted both to Rebecca Morris and to his parents for their tireless support and patience, and for their unending supplies of tea. SJB is grateful to Anthony Gritten for numerous relaxing discussions about J. S. Bach, to Susannah Ticciati for her patience and understanding, and to Kate Isaak for her calming late-night e-mails from the USA.
  Ken Riley, Michael Hobson and Stephen Bence
  Cambridge, 1997
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