
Animal Protection
ladies and gentlemen. Today, I am very glad to share my stories and opinions about animal protection.
At the beginning, let’s ask ourselves this question, what kind of pets have I had before? For me, they are cats, exclusively.
Yeah, I am fond of cat. I almost spend my childhood with cat. I can still remember their silky fur, I can still heard their sweet voice. Also, I can still touch their soft paws. They already become my family’s visible soul. But unfortunately, like the saying goes, curiosity kills cat. My last cat , with white fur, one light-green eye and the other pale yellow, left home and never to return. I can only believe that it is murdered by a butcher. And I cannot find the murderer, but I know God will punish him in the end.
Not just cat, I like all kinds of animals. Some are beautiful, some are peculiar. Some are powerful, some are cute…… But somebody not. Animals have been killed for their fur and
feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they are in the way. These animals are turning into souvenirs, trinkets and ingredients, for ancient medicine and delicacy. Attacks on tigers and elephants are multiplying at an alarming rate. Species around the globe such as dolphins are endangered. I cannot conceive the moment that our children look at the animals on video only and see the animals’ specimens in museum only, even to touch the animals, frozen body only.
While someone do not care that! I don’t know, and I can’t believe. Why they are so greedy? Why they are so cruel? Why there are so many sly old devils? They are cold-blooded, They don’t understand my heart is wrung out after noticing my lovely cat is missing and may well be killed.
I ’m a student yet I know we are all part of a family, six billion strong, in fact, 30 million species strong and we all share the same air, water and soil, People and governments will never change that. Our world will be a less beautiful place without them.
If don’t know how to help them, please stop hurting them.
If don’t know how to care them, please stop maltreating them.
If don’t know how to protect them, please, please stop killing them.
Believe me, and believe you. By working together, we can make a difference. No sale no killing, when buying stops, the killing can too.
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  horse 马
  mare 母马
  colt, foal 马驹,小马
  pony 矮马
  thoroughbred 纯种马
  mustang 野马
  mule 骡
  ass, donkey 驴
  buffalo 水牛
  bull 公牛
  cow 母牛
  calf 小牛, 牛犊
  bullock, steer 小阉牛
  heifer 小母牛
  pig, swine 猪
  boar 种猪
  hog 阉猪, 肥猪
  gilt 小母猪
  piglet 猪崽
  sheep 羊
  ewe 母羊
  goat 山羊
  lamb 羊羔,羔羊
  zebra 斑马
  antilope 羚羊
  gazelle 小羚羊
  deer 鹿
  reindeer 驯鹿
  giraffe 长颈鹿
  camel 骆驼
  dromedary 单峰驼
  llama 大羊驼
  guanaco 原驼
  alpaca 羊驼
  vicuna 小羊驼
  elephant 象
  rhinoceros 犀牛
  hippopotamus 河马
  cat 猫
  tabby, she-cat, grimalkin 雌猫
  tomcat 雄猫, 公猫
  kitten, kitty, pussy 小猫
  lion 狮
  lynx 猞猁
  panther, puma 美洲豹
  leopard 豹
  tiger 虎
  wildcat 野猫
  bison 美洲野牛
  yak 牦牛
  dog 狗
  badger 獾
  weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼
  otter 水獭
  fox 狐
  hyena, hyaena 鬣狗
  wolf 狼
  squirrel 松鼠
  dormouse 睡鼠
  beaver 河狸
  marmot 土拨鼠
  ferret 雪貂
  bear 熊
  rabbit 兔子
  hare 野兔
  rat 鼠
  mouse 家鼠
  vole 田鼠
  monkey 猴子
  chimpanzee 黑猩猩
  gorilla 大猩猩
  orangutan 猩猩
  gibbon 长臂猿
  sloth 獭猴
  duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽
  kangaroo 袋鼠
  koala 考拉, 树袋熊
  hedgehog 刺猬
  porcupine 箭猪, 豪猪
  bat 蝙蝠
  armadillo 犰狳
  whale 鲸
  dolphin 河豚
  porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚
  seal 海豹
  walrus 海象
  eagle 鹰
  bald eagle 白头鹰
  condor 秃鹰
  hawk, falcon 隼
  heron 苍鹰
  golden eagle 鹫
  kite 鹞
  vulture 秃鹫
  cock 公鸡
  hen 母鸡
  chicken 鸡, 雏鸡
  guinea, fowl 珍珠鸡
  turkey 火鸡
  peacock 孔雀
  duck 鸭
  mallard 野鸭, 凫
  teal 小野鸭
  gannet 塘鹅
  goose 鹅
  pelican 鹈鹕
  cormorant 鸬鹚
  swan 天鹅
  cob 雄天鹅
  cygnet 小天鹅
  gander, wild goose 雁
  dove 鸽
  pigeon 野鸽
  turtle dove 斑鸠
  pheasant 雉, 野鸡
  grouse 松鸡
  partridge 石鸡, 鹧鸪
  ptarmigan 雷鸟
  quail 鹌鹑
  ostrich 鸵鸟
  stork 鹳
  woodcock 山鹬
  snipe 鹬
  gull, seagull 海鸥
  albatross 信天翁
  kingfisher 翠鸟
  bird of paradise 极乐鸟, 天堂鸟
  woodpecker 啄木鸟
  parrot 鹦鹉
  cockatoo 大葵花鹦鹉
  macaw 金刚鹦鹉
  parakeet 长尾鹦鹉
  cuckoo 杜鹃,布谷鸟
  crow 乌鸦
  blackbird 乌鸫
  magpie 喜鹊
  swallow 燕子
  sparrow 麻雀
  nightingale 夜莺
  canary 金丝雀
  starling 八哥
  thrush 画眉
  goldfinch 金翅雀
  chaffinch 苍头燕雀
  robin 知更鸟
  plover 千鸟
  lark 百鸟,云雀
  swift 褐雨燕
  whitethroat 白喉雀
  hummingbird 蜂雀
  penguin 企鹅
  owl 枭,猫头鹰
  scops owl 角枭,耳鸟
  snake 蛇
  adder, viper 蝰蛇
  boa 王蛇
  cobra 眼镜蛇
  copperhead 美洲腹蛇
  coral snake 银环蛇
  grass snake 草蛇
  moccasin 嗜鱼蛇
  python 蟒蛇
  rattlesnake 响尾蛇
  lizard 蜥蜴
  tuatara 古蜥蜴
  chameleon 变色龙,避役
  iguana 鬣蜥
  wall lizard 壁虎
  salamander, triton, newt 蝾螈
  giant salamander 娃娃鱼, 鲵
  crocodile 鳄鱼, 非洲鳄
  alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄
  caiman, cayman 凯门鳄
  gavial 印度鳄
  turtle 龟
  tortoise 玳瑁
  sea turtle 海龟
  frog 青蛙
  bullfrog 牛蛙
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备案/许可证号:《疯狂动物城》里动物的英文表达你知道嘛?_沪江英语学习网网页版学习工具 &
& 这两天想必大家一定被一部电影刷爆了屏,对,就是传说中的《疯狂动物城》,英文为&Zootopia&,即&动物园&的&zoo&和&乌托邦&的&&的混合体。那么大家又对这些动物英文名称知多少捏?在《疯狂动物城》中,大概有不少于50种动物登场。下面,小编来扒一扒这些毛茸茸的动物们吧!首先,影片有个设定,这是个拟人化哺乳动物的世界,而哺乳动物中又分肉食系和草食系。拟人化:哺乳动物:肉食系动物:草食系动物:(电影中出现);也作现在,我们的女主人公,水汪汪紫色大眼睛的兔朱迪警官登场啦!家兔 rabbit为了强调她的平凡,她的设定就是一只普通rabbit,不是什么&垂耳兔&,虽然自带垂耳功能2333。赤狐 red fox狐尼克 ,有着邪魅狂涓霸道总裁般的眼神,狡猾 /sly,擅长诈骗。注意:&hustle&连续出现三次,分别为&快点&、 &诈骗&、&欺骗&,最后这个有点&智取&的感觉,观影时候不妨细细体会。&fox 耳廓狐另一只狐狸Finnick,为耳廓狐,又称沙漠狐,是世界上最小的犬科动物;看似小巧可爱,但开口跪系列。。。树懒&神似&思聪老公&的闪电Flash,是一只树懒,来跟小编念,&shu lan&,不是&shu ta&哦!它们在真实的动物世界里也是萌萌哒!这里还埋有一枚彩蛋,Flash的女盆友Priscilla的配音是《冰雪奇缘》里的安娜公主声优Kristen Bell!水獭&这只楚楚怜人的水ta(不是lan),为北美水獭&North American river otter。鼩鼱&电影迷的小伙伴们,一定会清楚这扮相及口音,咦,这不是《教父》里的马龙白兰度嘛,哦,不对,是白兰鼠。属小型啮齿类动物Small Rodents ,学名为(q& jīng)。影片中,体型最小的它叫&Mr.Big&,雇北极熊polar bear作保镖。口头禅为&ice em&,&ice&为黑道中&kill(干掉)&之意。仓鼠&西装革履,蹒跚登场,到后面整齐划一啃冰棒(第一次知道冰棒的英文说法),无一不是萌点!非洲猎豹&说到萌物,不能漏了警局的萌豹子,胖乎乎,爱吃甜甜圈,是个不折不扣的&迷妹&,满满的小gay感。注意:我们平时常用的&&是 &美洲豹&的意思。非洲水牛&看到这货时,无限好奇什么品种,问度娘才知,原来是非洲水牛,怪不得辣么像黑人大哥;现实对比照片,还真的一毛一样。。。还有,小编有点脸盲,喂,您真不是隔壁《熊猫》串场过来的天煞嘛?牦牛一只自以为很笨,实际大智若愚的牦牛,自然主义俱乐部 naturist club的老板,头上两朵销魂的小花,估计已经有N多年没洗澡了。。。其他自然主义者有:犀牛 ,简称&;斑马&;长颈鹿&;河马&。狼 wolf一袭风衣,飘逸长毛,开始小编感叹真是帅狼,但随着嚎叫画风突变,分分钟变二哈。瞪羚&因为眼睛大,且瞪的像铜铃,被称为瞪羚。片中,瞪羚夏奇羊Gazelle是动物城的大明星,而她的扮演者为&狼姐& 夏奇拉,并献唱主题曲《Try Everything》。影片中有些动物一晃而过,如骆驼,驯鹿,豪猪,野猪等。哦,差点忘了发音猥琐,长相猥琐的黄鼠狼。其实他是《冰雪奇缘》中猥琐屯Weselton公爵穿越而来,靠贩卖盗版光碟为生。。。温馨提示:此处有彩蛋,一定别错过哦!至于狮子、绵羊、虎、象这种小意思的单词小编故意没写啦,科科。声明:本文章系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。相关热点:各种动物的英文名_百度文库


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