接着萌萌侵略者哪儿 Where to Invade Next

接着侵略哪儿 Where to Invade Next (2015)_迅雷下载/百度云网盘 | 握兰网
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  ( 低音 ),( 直升机旋翼转动 ),( 音乐响起 ),迈克尔摩尔:在日,我被非正式的召唤到五角大楼,和参联总部的官员见面,每个军种的代表都出席了--,陆军,空军,海军,海军陆战队。"迈克尔,"他们对我说,“我们都TMD不知道我们在干什么。”,?整装待发,赢取胜利?,摩尔:自二战以来,他们没有赢取过一场彻底的胜利,?我们刚刚开始,我们将战无不胜?,摩尔:他们屡败屡战,一场。。。(朝鲜),接着。。。(越南),一场。摩尔:他们后悔浪费了数万亿美元,去催生了类似于ISIS这样的组织,他们承认制造了越来越多的这样的。。。战争。他们甚至无法兑现之前承诺的来自伊拉克的石油,他们感觉到尴尬,感觉被羞辱了。他们的行动被限制在禁飞区内,他们向我征求建议,(波基上校进行曲响起),摩尔:我想了一下,对他们说:“你们必须停止行动”,我告诉他们我们的军队早就该休假了,终于可以休假了,终于有了一些喘息之机,摩尔:在可预见的将来,不再有入侵,不再派遣军事顾问,不再把无人机当做婚礼屠杀机,如果不派陆战队去的话,我的建议是:派我去吧。我会去入侵那些,我叫得上名字的白人国家,把他们出产的,我们用的上的东西,全部打包带回家,带回美利坚合众国,因为我们有任何军队都解决不了的问题,(音乐响起),罗纳德.李根:我相信我们的政府有义务,去帮助它的公民,越南的命运走向悲剧结局,在消费者能源公司切断了他的天然气供应之后,他在自己家里冻死了,巴拉克.O巴马:我已经再三声明:对于威胁我国安全的恐怖分子,无论他身处何方,我们都将追捕到底。你将永无栖身之所。乔治.达不溜.布什:我们的敌人足智多谋,资源丰富,我们也是,他们无时无刻不在尝试用新的方法,来伤害我们的国家和人民,我们亦是如此。比尔.克林顿:我国将追捕恐怖分子,并让他们接受正义的制裁。- 趴下,乔治.赫伯特.沃克.布什:要用法律之道,而非丛林之道,指引国家管理。(抗议者呼喊),乔治.达不溜.布什:这个国家的宗旨之一是。。。-手背后。-乔治.达不溜.布什:...自由。我喘不过气了。O巴马:我们破坏了他们的指挥系统和补给线,摧毁了支持他们运作的,装备和基础设施,克林顿:我们救不了全世界的儿童,但我们能就他们中的大多数,一些学校要求学生家长,为下学年购买厕纸,老布什:我们的军队在海外作战时,将得到世界上最好的,银行非法终止了近5000位服务会员,的赎回权利,老布什:我们把一个暴君关进了监狱,消除了他对自己国家的威胁,我因为一些我没有犯过的罪行,已经在监狱里度过了42年,我在里面度过了我的30岁、40岁、50岁,直到将近六旬才得以获释。里根:当美国人民对武装入侵,保持沉默之时,播音员:一位医生,在一处教堂里,当做为一场关于堕胎的辩论中充当主持人时,被枪击致死。里根:即是自由事业失败之日,O巴马:我们会毫不犹豫的动用武力,来保卫我们的盟友和我们的生活方式。(呼喊)举起手来,不要开枪!摩尔:我搭乘美国海军罗纳德.里根号航母,启程前往我旅途的第一站:意大利。{\i1}人口:6100万,摩尔:入侵,开始。(音乐响起),摩尔:你是否注意到意大利人,看起来总像是刚啪啪啪结束似得?来认识一下Gianni和Cristina Fancelli,两位意大利工人阶级,Gianni是位警察,Cristina是一个百货公司的服装采购员,这是我和敌人的第一次接触。他们把我领进他们的领域:就是一刻不停的谈论他们曾经去过哪里度假。我们通常会计划一周的冬季假期,以及一周的六月假期,-摩尔:好的,摩尔:好,(内罗毕),摩尔:好,(桑给巴尔),基本上,就像,停摆一样,在这些假期里给你们发工资吗?(蒙特卡洛),(波士顿),(西西里),(戛纳),等等,如果按一周五天工作日算的话,那就是七周了,另外,我们还有国家假期,那是多长时间?- Gianni: Dodici.摩尔:也就是说,还有额外的1到2周,(意大利语交谈),啊,对了,每个城市还有保护者日,摩尔:保护者日,耶。- Cristina:这是城市假期。-是的
编剧:主演:Krista Kiuru
Tim Walker
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Where to Invade Next&()
2:31 | Trailer
To learn what the USA can learn from other nations, Michael Moore playfully &invades& them to see what they have to offer.
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3 wins & 13 nominations.
An examination of the social costs of corporate interests pursuing profits at the expense of the public good.
Michael Moore
Michael Moore,
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Michael Moore
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Hillary Clinton,
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Michael Moore's view on what happened to the United States after September 11; and how the Bush Administration allegedly used the tragic event to push forward its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
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explores the roots of America's predilection for gun violence.
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pursues GM CEO
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Michael Moore
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Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore seeks to expose secrets about U.S. President Donald Trump.
Michael Moore
Donald Trump,
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Cast overview, first billed only:
Herself, Finnish Minister of Education
Himself, High School Principal
Herself, First Grade Teacher
Herself, School Principal
Himself, Finnish Student, year abroad in U.S.
Herself, teacher, U.S. Native
To show what the USA can learn from rest of the world, director Michael Moore playfully visits various nations in Europe and Africa as a one-man "invader" to take their ideas and practices for America. Whether it is Italy with its generous vacation time allotments, France with its gourmet school lunches, Germany with its industrial policy, Norway and its prison system, Tunisia and its strongly progressive women's policy, or Iceland and its strong female presence in government and business among others, Michael Moore discovers there is much that American should emulate.
Written by
Plot Keywords:
Michael Moore's most dangerous comedy
Motion Picture Rating
Rated R for language, some violent images, drug use and brief graphic nudity
Parents Guide:
Official Sites:
Release Date: 25 February 2016 (Germany)
Also Known As: ?Qué invadimos ahora?
Filming Locations:
Opening Weekend:
(19 February 2016)
(24 April 2016)
Production Co:
Show detailed
Sound Mix:
Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1
Did You Know?
According to , not a single frame of his documentary is shot on location in the USA.
After Moore's meeting with the President of Slovenia, Moore &accidentally& says Slovakia when he's interviewed. It can be inferred that this is a joke, similar to his earlier joke about a lot of Slovenian mail arriving in Slovakia.
I am an American. I live in a great country, that was born in genocide and built on the backs of slaves.
Crazy Credits
At the end of the credits, we see a woman scaling a flagpole and cutting down a Confederate Battle Flag, while we hear a pair of men (presumably some sort of law-enforcement officers) requesting that she stop. Accompanying that scene are the words of Moore's battle cry: "Hammer. Chisel. Down."
Featured in &(2016)
Frequently Asked Questions
User Reviews
Your enjoyment will be in 100% accordance with your appreciation of Michael Moore
It was worth waiting nearly three hours in a rush line to catch a screening of this film at TIFF. Mike was there, and when he mentioned before the screening that he made this movie entirely with his own money because he wanted 100% control of it, my expectations were immediately elevated.And definitely rewarded. Whatever your favorite Moore outing is, I can tell you that this film compares favorably to it. But what really made this a memorable experience for me was that after the movie, Moore invited the entire audience to a ticket-holders Q & A with drinks and refreshments at a pub close by. I had to skip the next movie on my docket in order to attend, but I sure wasn't going to miss this! The movie might be called "Non-American Exceptionalism." In it, he "invades" a host of (mostly European) countries to "capture" their best ideas. These ideas turn out to be systems – be they economic, institutional, educational, penal, etc. – where desirable ends that could never be realized in America are par for the course. It can be a prosperous factory in Italy where the workers are well-paid and get fantastic benefits … it can be the cost-effective school lunch program in France where kids get chef-made gourmet meals every day … it can be the free college in Slovenia ... you get the gist. While Moore doesn't pretend that these countries have no problems (watch the right-wing media say otherwise), his examples certainly seem to be "winners" that he invites scrutiny of.What's likely to be most controversial about this movie is one of the conclusions he draws: that systems seem to work better when women are involved in the decision-making process. When I asked him at the Q & A how he thought Fox was going to spin this film, he said that with the female-friendly theme, they'll probably say that it's a campaign commercial for Hillary. (For the record, his hero female politician is Elizabeth Warren).Obviously, your potential enjoyment of this film is completely Moore-dependent. If you've ever enjoyed one of his provocateur films, you can put this one
if you're one of his detractors, this will make you resent him all the more. Seeing this as a member of the former group and getting to attend a one-of-a-kind Q & A afterward definitely made this one of my all-time TIFF outings.
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