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On September the 18th 2010 I started an inquiry amongst parents of Autistic children
“I am compiling a list of children who were adversely affected by any vaccine. Please if you could say in about 4-6 sentences what that vaccine was, how they reacted, how they are today and what city the vaccine was administered.”
The list that follows (below, via links to the right or pdf to the left) is the response. To date there are over 1400 comments here. There are additional comments found elsewhere at the bottom of this page (linked, and relating to autism), reports on a Vaccine damage reports database (mixed) and some reports regarding the HPV, Gardasil vaccine, totaling to more than 2500
This is a list of children, briefly described in their parents’ own words, some short, some extended yet, still summarised.
Each report/statement has been contributed via the internet. Parent’s accounts are worldwide with the majority of children listed subsequently diagnosed as falling within the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Vaccinations are in the main, stated as being a contributory factor. MMR is the most frequently mentioned, although Flu, HepB, Dtp, and others get a mention as are, some deaths (RIP), and a variety of lifelong illnesses. Compiled with minimal
editing by Joan Campbell. Special thanks to David Thrower for giving me the idea. 06/09/2011 (latest update 04/27/2017)
We expect this list to continue and to grow. If you would like to add your voice to this list please forward to
(Maybe mention if you reported the vaccinations side effect and
what the response was)
My son received 3
sets of vaccines, in 3 weeks, despite my protesting the fact. I was told
children's services would be involved if I didn't comply with the vaccine
schedule. Within a couple weeks he lost all the language he had acquired, and
regressed so that he no longer had skills he was capable of even a month
previous. Up to this point my son hit every milestone for his age of 18
month's. He is now 9, diagnosed with severe classic Autism and is LF and is
nonverbal. I told the neurologist during the diagnosis process about the regression,
fully expecting to be laughed out of his office, he agreed though. He felt my
son possibly has a metabolic issue and couldn't handle the vaccinations and
should have never been forced to have them. If only I would've known I had a
legal right to refuse. Makes me wonder where we could be now.Zenaida Acevedo
son is 3 years old and diagnosed with aspergers. I noticed trouble in his
learning abilities after he received a dpt and a third dose of hepatitis and
some others I do not remember. I told the doctor and he said don't worry about
it, because the vaccines are save and not to believe everything I read. I'm a
nurse and know what is inside those vaccines and it can be really harmful.
Trono, Puerto RicoDawn Adams
My son had the HIB and DTP shot.
His leg was swollen and red, with a fever. They said that was normal and to
give tylenol. He was speaking small words at the time and within a two week
time frame he would just point at what he wanted. Took him back to the doctor
and they said that some kids just don’t speak much and to make him say what he
wanted before we gave it to him. He never really spoke again until 6 yrs ago,
he is now 13. He also has seizures and has been diagnosed with
Aspergers/Autism, Dyslexia. He was perfect and bouncy before then he changed
and shut down.
The injections were in
Lake City Florida. I will never vaccinate again and have not with my others
since.Fran Adams
developed typically and in some milestones, advanced, for the first 12 months
of his life.
His doctor commented on how well he was developing and
reaching his milestones early.
He began talking around 5-6 months of age.
He was imitating. He was very engaging and interactive with all of us.
loved giving hugs and kisses.
When he received his MMR vaccine at 12
months, he developed sever bilateral ear infections, had a high fever a few
hours after receiving the vaccine, was sick pretty much for the next 3
He became sick with the rotavirus and was in the hospital for 3
days due the dehydration.
I attributed his change in behavior (not
talking, diarrhea, not interacting etc) to the ear infections and
By 15 months of age, I became concerned because he no longer
tried to feed himself. He became very restrictive in what he would eat. He did
not talk. He had no eye contact. He cried and had tantrums.
He did not
imitate our actions. The last thing my child said to me was "I love
He did not give hugs and kisses as he had prior to this event.
I spoke of my concerns with his doctor who dismissed them.
I contacted an
organization call Birth to Three and learned of his delay.
My son's birth
mother contacted to me to inform me that her son was diagnosed with autism and
that there was a chance that my son would also have this disorder.
began researching autism and saw that my baby was displaying most of the
symptoms of autism.
I discussed my concerns with the Birth to Three
providers who were working with my son and was told that they did not think he
had autism.
I spoke with my son's doctor who also did not think he had
I needed confirmation and demanded a referral to have my son
He was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at 22 months.
My husband,
who was in denial, wanted a second opinion.
We went to another facility
in a neighboring state and once again were told that he had PDD-NOS.
I learned that thimersol in the MMR vaccine could be a link to autism, I
immediately contacted my son's doctor and was told that my son's vaccine did
contain this preservative.
I was shocked.
I wish now that I had
informed myself about vaccines and what was in the vaccine and mostly the
safety of the vaccines that I allowed my son to receive.
I trusted that
the CDC would not do anything that would harm my child.
We worked very
hard to help my son gain back lost skills and continue to do so.
tried to educate other mothers about vaccines especially the flu vaccine during
I have always felt there was a connection between the MMR and
I have doubted the validity of the studies that state that there
in no link between autism and the MMR especially considering the fact that
there seems to be a conflict of interest when decision makers at CDC are also
receiving money from the pharmaceutical companies that are being studied for
safety. Jamie Wiseman Adams. My son had MMR shots when
he was 2 1/2. I put it off a little bit for some reason or another. He received
them at the Bear Run Clinic in Orange Park, Florida. He screamed and cried the
whole ride home and that night he started banging his head into the floor!!!!
He was a totally different kid and stopped everything he had learned. He never
was unaffectionate towards me though but immediately developed autistic like
behaviours, especially echolalia and adhd. He ran a high fever and developed
some kind of rash looking thing on part of his chin! Years later I learned he
had a major allergic reaction to the toxins in the vaccines. I wrote
Tallahassee Vaccination whatever they're called and they wrote back saying
basically 'we're sorry but the vaccinations help more kids than they
He went most of his life being misdiagnosed because Dr's didn't
have a clue about autism. Finally at age 13 he was diagnosed with PDDNOS,
tourettes, echolalia, adhd, and sleep disorder. It doesn’t take a rocket
scientist to know you DON'T GIVE SO MANY SHOTS IN ONE DAY TO A TODDLER. Laura
My son got his 18 month shots plus a flu
shot when he was 15 months old per the schedule followed at his doctors office.
Within 15 minutes after the shots when we were in the car, he passed out which
may have been a seizure looking back now. Within 30
days he had lost all language, stopped responding to his name, and started to
withdraw. Six months after the shots, he was diagnosed with autism and
hyperkinesis. He is still non verbal because its only been a matter of months.
He is going through therapies but no real improvement yet.
My son had a few early signs as far as
having to have routine or he would cry non stop. But he was on schedule for
language and everything else up till the shots at 15 months.
The shots were
given in Brookville, Ohio.Heather Adel
My son started having seizures after his one month MMR.
They were occasional and everyone tried to make me think I was losing my mind and imagining it.
I did not want him to get two month shots but the dr talked me into it and that night he had 40 seizures in my arms.
Every day after that he had 7 or 8 seizures that lasted 10 minutes at a time.
He is on heavy doses of Topamax to control the seizures, which I think he started having seizures while I was still pregnant and on Reglan.
At 8 months along, I changed OB-GYN and they immediately took me off the REGLAN and I was able to carry him full term but had been having contractions prior to switching dr's.
Then when they immunized him it triggered something and they told me he would not live to be 5 and be mentally handicapped.
He is making his milestones and shocking all the dr's.
Nobody knows what exactly is wrong with him.
He is still on high doses of Topamax and without it he is a limp lifeless baby.
With it he is achieving miracles.
I have not allowed them to immunize since his two months immunizations and I am so scared to do so especially with all the stories out there.
He is my 4th baby and all of my other children, all girls, have been immunized with no problems, but something about my son is different.
They have already started saying he will be on the spectrum and he is 2.5 years old.
I really feel like there has to be other moms who had REGLAN while being pregnant and their children are autistic.
Just like the Thalidomide Babies there was over 8000 babies born with deformed limbs etc., before they realized the cause was something they took during pregnancy, I will bet my life that Reglan is causing Tardive Dyskensia which is being misdiagnosed as autism.Sophia Agnew
Sophia was perfect up
till 13 months - met all milestones and was perfect in every way. At 13 months
she developed a small cellulitis rash on her forehead and was given a week of
intravenous antibiotics, then had the MMR jab a month later.
away she lost eye contact lost her words and became like a zombie - would not
engage with anyone, had chronic diarrhoea for 8 months, stimming, spinning, toe
walking, screaming, not sleeping, terrified of going anywhere.
thing is disgusting and akin to murdering our child and I will do anything to
get justice for this.Ali Ahmed
My first child (son) was given the MMR vaccine
at 18 months olds. He was still developing fine then at the age 3 he was given
another MMR vaccine. From being such a bright toddler he started to regress and
would not interact often. His verbal skills started to deteriorate. At nursery
they spotted it straight away and got him assessed.
He was diagnosed with
ASD within a few months. He is 8 in February but his mental age according to
his yearly assessment is that of s 4yr old. Now my daughter is 18 months and my
doctor is trying to pressurise me to give her the MMR. I told them where to go.
Giving her single vaccines at our own pace. UK
Narelle Ahmed
My son was a loving affectionate little boy, developing age appropriately until his 18 mon then he had a series of colds, temperature, hand and mouth, lost his ability to communicate, and has developmental delays and behavioural problems and has finally been diagnosed as Autistic. AustraliaSelina
4 year old son developed advanced for the first 12 months of his life.
He started to say some sounds before 1 year
old. I have some photos of his own showing his writing or scratching or playing
with his sister. After he received DPT shot he slowed down . When he received
his MMR vaccine at 18 months, he developed sever bilateral ear infections, was
sick pretty much for the next 12 months.
He did not imitate our actions. He became scared of new people, new
area. He stopped playing with his sister and prefers to live alone.
He was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at 26 months.
He stopped everything like imitating, writing, started to have meltdowns,
silent seizures etc. I strongly believe that there is link between vaccines and
his autism. He is still nonverbal. The shot was given in Dallas, TEXAS
Noreen Albright
I question the Hep B in the hospital (he started wheezing and did so for about 4 or 5 days). We videotaped it and I remember it. The next reaction was the 3rd DPT and I believe there were 2 other shots administer. I believe the freak out w...as about 2 or 3 days afterwards, he did a Sensory Freak Out (6 months) he started losing control of his eyes and his right leg turn in strangely. He had diarrhea and strange stools (I believe he was shedding some of the stuff they shot into him). I also wondered about this ORAL vaccine. Then the flu shot (which there were 2 given and I know there was a recall around that time). New Jersey. WE called this reaction into his Dr. who downplayed it. A few months later I had heard there was a big recall. Of course, they didn't inform us either way. His leg (same one that turned in from the previous shots blew up (inflamed) and wouldn't go away for well over a month. He seemed to lose some eye contact around this time as well. Unfortunately, we continued on the vaccine schedule. After the MMR, He suddenly started acting drunk and off balance. All of a sudden the child who was eating like a champ seemed unable to swallow or control his tongue and body. He started having mini seizures/space outs and things got really ugly. He seemed to be having really bad headaches every time he got shots. He would hold his head and hit it. He stopped talking (he had said about 6 words around 12 months. I did not experience any of these things with my next child that I did NOT vaccinate. The child who had no shots is the healthiest, no earaches (which possibly could be linked to these vaccines/viruses), no fevers (which also seems linked to vaccines) and no REGRESSION (thankfully). As a mother, I firmly believe that the vaccines were at the route of his inflammation, diarrhea, headaches, sensory freak outs, loss of control of muscles. I don't question it. I also believe these Vaccines are responsible for Brain Damage because they "turn on" something that causes BRAIN ENLARGEMENT between the ages of 6 - 12 months. It's after birth that this gets "turned on" and I FIRMLY believe the vaccines or something in them causes the Brain dysfunction.
My daughter Sasha Davidge recieved DPT
vaccine at 2,5 months of age: cried non-top for 6 weeks and stopped developing.
Today, 21, with me having spent my youth on daily therapies with her, she still
tests in retarded range although it is a part of the brain that is not
functioning that is meant to retrieve info: otherwise PDD NOS. We now are doing
bio-med, stem cell therapy.. costs unthinkable, future terrifying.. services
pathetic, government - criminal. Criminal element took over USA. My daughter
was vaccinated in London, UK. Now in Bay area, CAElizabeth L. Aley
My son was born after an emergency c-sect at 34 weeks, not breathing at birth, apgar scores of 3 and 5, in the NICU for five days on a vent, AND he was given Hep B WITHOUT my consent! He has a DX of Autism, SID, ADHD
Jenny Allan
Vaccine MMR: injection arm Location London Date of administration December 2003 (age 12 months) No immediate reaction noticed, but it might be significant to note that Chris had recently been ill with a respiratory infection and had been prescribed antibiotics. There was a very marked change in Chris's behaviour over the following few months. He stopped 'engaging' with adults for 'play' sessions and became uninterested in books (VERY interested in both before the jab.) He lost the few words he had acquired. He had always been an 'easy' baby, happy, sociable and content, but changed into a screaming, challenging infant who seemed to be in pain a lot of the time. Chris's MMR administration was 1993. He is 18 now!!
Had MMR, severely ill, chronic bowel problems and autism diagnosed by age 5 years. Severely underweight. Perth,UKViv Alli
I have two Autistic sons, both of whom were developing normally, until they
were given the MMR vaccine in England. They then started to regress
dramatically, from normal developing toddlers to under developing. They are now
aged 24 and 23 years, are low functioning, non-verbal young adults totally
dependent on 24/7 care.
For 20 years+ I have believed that this vaccine
caused their Autism. But have been silenced by many medical practitioners.
Co-incidentally I have another son who is 17 years old. Functioning normally,
after what had happened to his brothers I refused to let him have the MMR
Pietsch Ammendola
My son had adverse reactions to all of
his shots and after effects from them like excema, hives, etc.
His doctor never reported any of them even
when he was hospitalized a few days after the shots because his fever wouldn't
go below 104 for days.
Doctors usually
don't - so the stats that the doctors give you on their information sheets and
the number put out there by the CDC and AAP are WAY off!
Kenosha, WisconsinTracy
son Landyn, now almost 10 months, had an adverse reaction to his four and six
month shots. We were on the traditional schedule for them. we didn't realize
until after the second set that he was having a reaction. He had ( the day of
his 6m. shots) seizures, a fever over 105, screaming for hours on end, and was
in the ER for 9 hours. They had no explanation, but it was within 4 hours of
being vaccinated and he was fine before. We realized in hindsight that he had
gotten sick the day of his 4 month shots as well with all the same symptoms,
just not as severe. His pediatrician dismissed it as him just being sick, but
he was not! The vaccines were issued in Tallmadge, Oh USA.Tracey Lee Amodeo
My son hit all
milestones: was speaking, had wonderful eye contact/ interaction and he ate
everything I put in front of him. The evening of the day he had his MMR he ran
a really high temperature and the site for the injection was red and rock hard with a lot of heat around it. Within 3 days he
lost everything! He began to rock in front of the TV he would never look at
anyone he refused all foods and he stopped speaking. He was diagnosed with low
functioning Autism. I do not care what anyone tells me I KNOW his Autism was
triggered by this vaccine. I have not been as reckless believing "the
experts" with my youngest child.... I am in Queensland Australia but his
injections were administered in Sydney Australia. ? TraceyNoelle
Karin Nathalie Amthor
My son is 18, he received the MMR/DTaP @ 12
months (but they didn't get annotated in his shot records) and then again @ 18
months in Aug 1996 at Hickam AFB, HI. He spiked a temp, had horrible diarrhea
& started his regression into autism. He was first diagnosed with PDD-NOS.
I didn't know my ex vaccinated him twice after this, once with the chicken pox
& one more DTaP when he was 5, in 1990. This is when he went from mildly
autistic to profound with huge behavioral problems. This was in Colorado
Springs, Co. He has a myriad of medical issues beyond autism. To the best of my
knowledge, the doctors never made any connection b/w vaccinations & his medical
issues nor reported them.Melinda Bartley Alleyne
My son was typically developing actually ahead of typically developing children at the time of his 18 months shots. He was talking in two-three words utterances, doing fingerplays, loved to be read too . Afterwards, seizures, no words, wouldn't let me hold him, wouldn't look at us, tore up favorite book, quit walking. ft. leavenworth,ks
Melissa Anastasia
Singapore - My son has autism. 3word Speech at 10mths, lost it at 13months. After MMR and jab for chickenpox, fever, signs of flu then totally lost of eye contact, no speech, and no response to name. Tested to have high mercury in body and liver not functioning to optimum. He is regaining speech and eye contact through therapies that cost us a lifetime of savings.Ashley
My 5 year old
son has severe ADHD and SPD (sensory process disorder). Autism has not been
ruled out but if he is on the spectrum he's high functioning. He qualified for
disability through the school district and is in a mainstream class but has
extra help from OT and behavior coach. I truly believe this was all caused by a
flu shot I was all but forced to get when I was pregnant with him and in my
first trimester. It was administered in Houston, TX. He was born 2009
Michele Karla Andrew
Son unwell following vaccination with MMR at 13 months , within 2 weeks had lost speech, eye contact, and developed eating disorders and bowel problems, was severely autistic by 17 months, learning difficulties, behavioural problems, possible bipolar disorder, Tourettes, now age 17. (Bristol)
My daughter developed on time or early with everything until about 3.5
years. Walked early, talked early, affectionate, funny, always laughing. 2003,
MMR. Morgantown, WV. Cried and screamed, fought the staff. Staff was
indifferent when told she had a reaction, there was no concern, no checking her
out, no documentation. Redness, swelling, pain, welts. She stopped talking,
stopped wanting to hug or be affectionate, stopped developing socially, it was
like she went into her own little world. Ages 7-11 received diagnoses of:
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Integration Disorder, and a Motor Tic.
Brilliant academically, top 1% in testing always. Barely ever talks, bullied in
public school (they did NOTHING to help us), untill we paid for private school
for two years (not much better), then home-schooled the last two years. The
home-schooling works well. We go to other groups and meetings as she is able.
We took a four-month cake decorating class this year. She loved it. The
instructor didn't put any pressure on her. She is talking a little more over
the last six months, and we gradually work with her on social skills as she
allows. We don't push her because the few times I think we must have, she had
anxiety attacks and meltdowns.
I am a social worker. I love helping
others, always have, and I am good at it. I have been shocked and saddened by
the little amount of support and understanding we have encountered on this
journey, from schools, churches, and even our own family. She has told me she
feels like life is a play and she doesn't know the lines. I am sometimes afraid
for what her future may hold, but then something amazing happens,
think she will be ok no matter what. We stopped being concerned with other
people's judgements and ignorance,
and we are much happier. I try to
educate and be patient with others we encounter who don't understand. Thanks
for doing this.Anna Maria Angelosanto
My daughter Aly was 13 months old when she received her MMR vaccine - a day later, she had a fever of 104, loss of speech, toe walking, no eye contact, body rash from head to toe like I'd left her out in the sun to bake, and vomiting then at the age of 5 she had to get her Diphtheria and Polio shots together and that night she had a high temperature, vomiting and diarrhea, she started babbling like a newborn, regressive behavior, etc. I will never give her another vaccine or flu shot her immune system cannot handle it - we are from Rhode Island. Today, she is trying to talk a bit more, has better focus, great eye contact all with the help of ABA, school, natural supplements like Cod liver oil, vitamin D3, probiotics.Dani Angles My son, now 5, hit every milestone until his 18
month MMR vaccine. He too, regressed in speech, became more introverted. I saw
a HUGE difference in him right after this vaccine. His pediatrician also said wait.
He had an ARNP on staff who tried to ease my mind by sending me to the cdc
website. What I found there was appalling. There are WAY too many preservatives
in the vaccinations today. From formaldihide to mercury, it is simply insane. I
am not sure all Drs know every ingredient in each vaccine.Tonya
11 years ago
when my daughter was 10 months old she had a severe adverse reaction to the Hep
B and DTAP vaccines. Audra received her vaccines on a wednesday and was totally
paralyzed and on life support by Sunday. We dissected the prior month of her
life and just couldn't figure it out until Dr Noorani asked "Has she
received any vaccinations within the last 30 days?" and we were like
" Yes this past Wednesday." Thats when our life changed forever.
After the doctors arguing over what was wrong and how it happened they finally
agreed she needed an MRI. Thats when they seen it all. The vaccines had
attacked her immune system and destroyed the myelin around her spinal cord.She
was then diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis and acute demyelinating
encephalomyelitis secondary to the Hep B and Dtap vaccines. The CDC was called
and on her firsts 4th of July she was in surgery receiving a tracheostomy. We
spent 4 solid months in ICU and inpatient rehab. Then 2 months in almost home
PICU. Audra remained trached and vent dependent for three years. Then she was
strong enough to be off the vent and eventually had the tracheostomy closed.
Sadly we were not so lucky with the paralysis. To this day she still remains
paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair . She has neurogenic bladder that
requires her to be cathed 3-4 x a day. She has problems with her bowels and has
to take miralax and at times has to be "helped" to have a bowel
movement. In the years since we have been in and out of the hospital and in
2012 the spinal surgeries began. Due to the paralysis she has dextroconvex
scoliosis that puts pressure on her left lung and heart. She had to have VEPTR
rods(titanium rods) placed in her spine and ribcage that have to be grown and /
or replaced every 6 months until she stops growing. This is a confirmed and
proven vaccine injury case. It was reported to VAERS and we took it to vaccine
injury court. The federal court deemed that without a doubt vaccines done this
to her. You cannot sue the doctor, nor the pharmaceutical company. They have a
compensation fund set aside just for this. If this was one in a million why the
funds? Vaccine injures are real and can be even worse than what Audra and our
family goes thru. We could have lost her. She flatlined 4 times during the fist
week of her hospital stay. After she was diagnosed it was my mission to find
out everything I could about vaccines. IT MADE ME SICK.. What they are made
from how they are grown and how safe THEY ARE NOT. During our stay there were 4
other families with vaccine reactions. so that means 5 families in June of
2003. Thats not one in a million because we weren't the only ones that year.
All I can say to parents is educate yourselves and RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH.
You don't have to vaccinate , you have the right to decline and yes your child
can attend public schools without vaccines (Exemption forms). You can also
choose to delay until older. And also you can do them one at a time. If you
have any questions about Audra or anything I have written I am always open to
talk. I help in any way I can. Just remember ultimately its your child AND YOUR
CHOICE. Don't feel pressured or bullied, and DONT ever be ashamed of the choice
you make for YOUR CHILD.Donna Anker
Son became non-verbal, regressed and suffered bowel problems following his vaccinations.
Cheryle Wallace Annese
MMR daughter - severe purplish reaction head to toe. There was probably an inch total of skin color showing. The dr. said if you watched it closely you could see it moving.
Another daughter took over said it was something else and we didn't see that dr. again during our visit.
Nice cover up. My son - I went by the book, obeyed every order from dr. god. He was sick every winter with ear infections. Daughter has ADHD, my son is the one who is Autistic/just though I would share. If ever needed I have pictures.Stephanie Annis
At age 4, I had the Dtap I remember my leg
doubled in size. My mom said the Dr said I was allergic to the pretusis. She
said my personality changed I started to wet the bed and was never the same.
Now, 35 I have had over a dozen surgeries for crohns colitis.
Cristina Aquino
My eldest 9 year old son Miguel
was vaxxed to the 9s and I decided not to vax my 2 year old after the 2
month vax. Waiting on a diagnostic of Aspergers.
My eldest started deteriorating by age of 4
he has a nut and every other allergy known Ann Arceneaux
My son became jaundiced and suffered
terrible colic from the Hep B vaccine which
contained mercury and aluminum.
The other 11 vaccines he received before
he was 1yr, also contained mercury and aluminum.
At 12 months old, he
received his MMR and Varicella at the same visit, suffered encephalopathy and
immediately stopped speaking - that very day.
He now has autoimmune
disease, primary immune deficiencies, metabolic disorders, malabsorption,
mitochondrial disfunction, bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections,
central nervous system damage (sensory processing problems) and neurological
damage - all otherwise known as autism.Christine Arrighi
My son got mmr jab at thirteen months old. had fever month later the regression process started he is now 5 non verbal, little eye contact, bowel problems, sensory issues, eating issues and still in Nappies. Glasgow
Dawn Ashby
My son was a normal child until his 12 month old vaccinations in Waco, Texas (2004). He got many shots during the visit including MMR. He immediately stopped talking, interacting, laughing--became non-responsive.
He was tested for autism a few months later after no improvement--was diagnosed with Sensory Integration Disorder. We had 2x a week speech therapist appointments and did daily activities (including heavy lifting). With about 2 years of constant therapy and working with him, he has mostly overcome his obvious problems. He still has a variety of issues (he has many phobias and his body is very stiff) but, overall, is able to pass for "normal".Linda
Atkinson I live in the U.K. And have a 21 year
old daughter with autism. Within 2 weeks of MMR at 18months old, my daughter
stopped speaking and interacting. At the time I expressed my concerns regarding
the vaccine and this was written into my daughters medical notes at the very
start. I will always believe that the MMR was the cause, there is no doubt in
my mind. I refused to have my other children vaccinated. This video gives me
hope that one day the truth will come out. In the meantime I live with the
guilt of the choice I made for her.
Cynthia Zapata Auffenberg
My son was a perfect toddler and infant until he had his shots at about 18 months old and then he slipped away into autism, no one can tell me that he was born this way he has lost his ability to speak and has seizures and mitochondria with gi autistic entercholitis. katy, TexasPaul & Jennifer Austin
E. Austin, our son now aged 12
born prematurely in June of 1999 and on my husband's side there is a
sensitivity to medications.
About 10 minutes after our son received his 4
mo vaccinations he had rapid, full body convulsions that lasted about 30
We did notice that he stopped smiling for a while after these
shots but regained his happy personality.
On the evening of his 6 mo
vaccinations he ended up hospitalized for breathing problems.
after his 12 months vaccines he had the full body convulsions again.
three days straight following his 15 month vaccines, he screamed and cried all
We lost a piece of him each time he got his vaccines but his 15
month vaccines were the hardest.
We progressively lost him over the next
year, sinking deeper into autism.
Our once playful, smiling, engagable,
talking little boy lost his language, his eye contact and never wanted to be
touched or held again.
Bel Air, MD.Lorie Autry
My son had the MMR shots at nine months
old. He got really sick after that and just shut down, didn’t say anything. He
was saying all kind of words from three months until he got his shots, he use
to wake us up yelling mom and daddy in the morning. So yea I think after the
got the MMR shots he shut down. I’ve seen a difference in my child.
I have two other kids and they’ re fine.
Babbitt Family
My son currently suffers from high functioning
autism. He has extreme difficulty understanding basic conversation and
language. He first showed signs of this condition in 1988 when he was just
three years old. We noticed his symptoms about a week after he was given his
measles vaccine. The vaccine was administered in Los Angele's. My son now lives
with his brother. He was always something of a savant, remarkably good at math
and counting. Charles has taught him to make change and he's able to work as a
cashier now. We're all very proud of him.
Robert Babcock
My son developed high fever, lost balance and eye contact right after the MMR.
Following that was lots of hand flapping and he was diagnosed with autism just after his second birthday. We went to a DAN doctor who found lyme disease in both my son and myself. 18 months later we are still working with our DAN and lyme literate doctor, my son no longer meets the criteria for an autism diagnoses!!!!!! Milpitas, California
Sofia Backlund
MMR vaccine Got VERY sick after vaccine and stayed sick for 7 mnths, ear infections etc got 7 rounds of antibiotics back to back. Diagnosed Autism 1,5 years later.
Vaccinated in Boynton Beach, FL USA.
Today: after 4 years of biomedical intervention he is much better, he is in a regular school, he has friends but he still have some social issues and narrow and limited interests.
Cristina Maria Kassama Bag
The reason I want to add my voice about
the danger of vaccination, is because my son lost speech after DTaP vaccine! and
also, I should blame antibiotics and many of other drugs , which one
pediatrician prescribed to my son when he was baby (6 months) , then he
developed abnormal gut flora, diarrhea, vomiting, insomnia
, eczema, hay fever and digestive disorders! This point is very important,
babies and kids who have abnormal gut flora, should not get vaccinations, especially
if contain heavy toxic metals and many others chemicals, that may poison their small
bodies! There is no doubt that drugs and vaccines together is the huge factor
why my son developed Autism and ADHD. Until he got DtaP, he used to speak a few
words in English, my husband and I communicate in this language even we are
living in Turkey! So my little kid listened in this language and we were
so happy that he pronounced some of numbers and words, but our happiness was
too short during that time! We knew that something was wrong with him, because
of certain Symptoms which I described above!
Due to drugs he wasn’t very
If I knew that his body wasn’t ready to get any kind of shots, I
would avoid all of them!
I woke up later, my son suffered so much with bloating,
flatulence, and sometimes I felt that his belly would explode! One time he
could not breathe, he almost died because of food allergy, that one also,
I do suspect immunizations and drugs!
And now during neuro feedback,
because we focus about his concentration since he started primary school, the
therapist discovered points in his brain that may indicate epilepsy and again
we suspect that vaccines caused this damage too, but he is on a strict diet and
natural treatment, so he did not have kind of symptoms of epilepsy so far! My
cousin who had epilepsy, committed suicide after he had so many different kinds
of drugs. Just to think about this illness I feel really worried too!
Gluten is extremely forbidden in this case! And many others processed foods
too! And none of ordinary doctors have sanity to suggest a strict diet and
natural treatment in this very serious case! My cousin died because of a mistake
by his doctors! So I may continue about my son’s story:
decided to visit my family in Brazil, he got DTaP vaccine in there, my husband
stayed in Turkey and for our surprise he lost speech! Ibrahim started to have
certain kind of symptoms of Autism and ADHD. And we lost him to both of
Syndromes until we decided to find a good professional, our luck we found one
DAN doctor who is against vaccines and drugs, and then we started to find a
right pathway to recover our son! Then our journey began, and yes he is
recovered kid! Thanks to our DAN doctor and also I feel glad that I read GAPS
book by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, the nightmare is over. She thinks immunizations
are too dangerous for small babies and kids! Since mostly of doctors never make
properly check-up about their health! Dr Natasha supports Dr Wakefield’s
research too! So would be nice if many families read her book too! She wrote:
vaccination is a huge insult to the immune system. The manufacturers of
vaccines produce them for children with normal immune systems, which will
react to these vaccines in predictable way. However , in our modern society with
our modern way of life, we are rapidly moving to a situation where a growing
proportion of children do not have a normal immune system
and will not
produce an expected reaction to the vaccine. In some of these children
vaccination, putting an enormous strain on an already compromised immune system
becomes that last straw which breaks the camel’s back and brings on the beginning of
autism, asthma, eczema, diabetes, etc. In other children whose immune
system is compromised to a lesser degree, vaccination will not start the disorder,
but will deepen the damage, and move the child closer to it. However, if the
child’s immune system is severely compromised then the child will get ill even
if vaccinations are completely avoided. This
this is what
happened to my son! After we suffered so much because of my son, who
struggled during Autism with crisis of tantrums, diarrhea, vomiting, insomnia,
lack of speech and eye contact, eczemas, etc., we decided to review the factors
before and after drugs and vaccines! There is no doubt that both are extremely
dangerous to our kids and babies! Doctors are not suitable to prescri
they usually prescribe same kind of antibiotics daily like robots! The reason I
fear doctors is because they cannot even recommend a good natural medications!
My son got damages enough! So we do not pay any kind of consults with doctors,
the last one was our amazing DAN he was the only doctor I really
trusted so far! And I still trust him! My son did dives of HBOT, and the owner
of clinic, also is against vaccines, he mentioned on his article that
mostly of patients who practice dives of HBOT have been poisoned by
vaccination! I just cannot mention their names, to protect their private life!
Our DAN doctor has been harassed by medical colleges because he is against Big
Pharma! Both are saving lives of special kids in Turkey! We can witness so many
kids who woke up from Autism thanks to their great work! Unfortunately amazing professionals like
them, are not protected by medical system!
Drug companies play very dirty
around Turkey, they push on drugs and vaccines, soon so many kids at
primary school will take DPT, Polio, and MMR shots! Social workers pay visit for
each home to check if our kids have been vaccinated!
But we already
rejected vaccination, my son join mainstream school, and we do not want any
more trouble in his life! The rate of Autism increase so faster in my country,
Brazil and where I am living: Turkey, but yet mostly of families refuse to open
their eyes about the danger of vaccines and drugs! Autism and ADHD have strong connection
with toxicity. This means heavy toxic metals (mercury, aluminium, etc.), another
kind of preservatives and chemicals that drugs companies insist to add in
certain vaccines. If we compare the symptoms of one person who has been
poisoned by mercury and one kid who has been poisoned by thimerosal (vaccines),
we can realize both of side have same kind of symptoms! First of all babies
should not receive HepB vaccines, contain thimerosal! DPT and MMR must be
banned completely, Dr W we shouldn’t accept so many kind of
virus at same vaccine!
Doctors must tell in advance the risks of this
kind of vaccines. Our luck, my son did not take MMR shots, the nurse who was on
duty, refused to apply such poison to my son!
I am glad that she worked
that day and saved my son, otherwise I am sure he would developed more serious
symptoms of Autism. Now we need to add our voices and stop
drug companies with this horrible work! They are destroying so many lives because
they only care about profit! There is no reason for them to refuse to replace
these dangerous vaccines to another safe one!
While drug companies
increase their profit, so many families and their special kids are suffering
right now!
This is not fair! I may say that we do not want compensations,
we only wish JUST?CE!! We want safe vaccines it is possible, but I do not think
this can be possible! The reason I think in this way is because this one
requires plenty of money, and drug companies do not want to lose their stupid
profits! So we parents who already woke up, we must spread the truth
Syndromes like Autism, ADHD and many others can be happen to
anyone! Thanks to all amazing professionals, parents of special kids, and many others,
now we can get all the information necessary to understand about this issue!
Everybody must make own research, before vaccinate own kids! I did not make my
own research, and we paid for our mistakes!
My son suffered about 4 years
until he eliminated mostly of heavy toxic metals out of his body! Then mostly
of symptoms of Autism and ADHD gone!
Vaccines contain heavy toxic metals
Drug companies did not ban thimerosal and aluminium adjuvant
and many others toxins!
Big Pharma almost destroyed our lives! This is
the reason I wanted to share about my son’s story! Stacy Kurnosoff Baghdanov
CJ, 7 years old, with asd diagnosis. Regressed severely after MMR vaccine, immediately got sick 1 hour after it was administered with explosive diahrrea, very high fever, etc. within weeks was not saying mommy anymore, no more smiling, didn...'t react to his name anymore, and lost all communication skills he had before the vaccine. He has been autistic ever since at 18 months old. Administered in Texas (2003)
son, nearly five years old, was diagnosed last November PDD
NOS 2010. He was born absolutely normal and had
grown up healthy until the MMR at 13 months. Following the MMR he spent 4 days
in hospital vomiting and strong state ipotomia. From that day Francis had very
strong language delay, hyperactivity problems and allergies. He is
attending a specialized autism treatment center and on
homeopathic detoxification. We are fortunately seeing some progress. Vaccinated December 2007 Genoa Italy
Marissa Bagshaw
My eldest daughter was diagnosed with moderate Autism age 2y8m after the Meningococcal C vaccine administered in Sydney, Australia. She recovered 2 years later. My youngest daughter regressed rapidly from Rotavirus illness, not the vaccine but we managed to stop the further onset of Autism and stopped vaccinating her after her sister was diagnosed. Though both officially recovered, there's still lingering health issues I still need to address and still working on it. We live in Malaysia. Will you be going to Autism One? I'll be flying 24 hours each way from Kuala Lumpur, hope to see you there and give you a big hug for keeping up the great work! Marissa
Stacey Verdoorn Bahr
Part of me wishes I had a story like many of the others, a story of regression, but my son, looking back, showed signs from birth. I strongly suspect the Hep B vaccine, but I don't have prior behavior to compare it to. At least then I'd have no doubts in my mind what the cause was. Now, I'm only left to speculate and guess, although my guesses are certain to me in my heart. , I guess you could say the reaction was to the HepB, and it was in Albert Lea, MN. All I can say to the type of reaction he had, he's autistic. Enough said, I guess!
Cheryl Bailey
Vaccine damaged. starting with Dpt took his physical skills, MMR blew his guts to bits and left him with failure to thrive and seizure disorder rashes, hair fell out, vomiting, leaky gut, loss of remaining physical skills including speech, eye contact, even the ability to open and close his hands, feed himself, crawl. In my book when you take a healthy child and destroy his body and ability.
It's called Damage. Now 18 it's been a long 16 years people. Location, Mississippi.
My son's were injured at 12 months. Everything changed all eating habits
changed instantly. Both walked early but that is where all milestones stopped.
No babbling and no talking. One was sound sensitive whilst the other did weird
dances and da abba was all he said. Glendale Az..85308, where they received
Phegley Bales
I believe my 6 year old was affected
by the first MMR shot. She hit every mile stone when she should have, and
walked way early, babbling some,
after that first shot the talking stopped and meltdowns started to happenAmanda
My 2 kids have Autism. My daughter, who is my
oldest, had problems from the get. Very rough time during labor, They induced
me, broke my water too early, and as a result, I developed a high fever and
started dry heaving in the middle of hard labor. They were SUPPOSED to do a
c-section because she had cysts in her lungs. That never happened. She wasn't
breathing when she was born. They rushed her to NICU where she was a machine
was helping her breathe. Then came the HepB shot. My daughter was discharged
after 4 days. She seemed overly lethargic. Slept through the night literally
the night we brought her home. I had to wake her to feed her. And even then she
slept. She would wake up briefly, then fall back asleep. I called the doc with
my concerns and was brushed off. They said consider yourself a blessed mother.
Then came her shots at 6 months. From the moment they injected her to about
10-12 hours later, she screamed and cried. The doc said it was normal, give her
some tylenol. She couldn't eat or take medicine that day. She kept throwing it
up. Then she spit up all the time! Bowel issues and such. At 2 I kept telling
the doctors she wasnt talking like all the other kids, just repeating what she
heard. And noises, very sensitive to noises. And toe walking and hand flapping.
"Oh she's fine, kids develop at their own pace." At 4 she was DX with
PDDNOS with autistic tendencies. Then I had my son. Who at the 6 month shots no
longer could pass a bowel movement. Then at his 12 month shots went from enemas
to diarrhea and dove right into Autistic behaviors. He was different though.
Did not sleep a wink, no sleep at ALL. And the meltdowns and the self injurious
behavior. And he went from eating everything to NOTHING! He has a diet of
cheetos, chicken nuggets and some dry cereal. Some juice and sprite. Thats it.
I tried to skip any further shots however, the military doesn't really allow
that. AND, they will not spread the shots out for you. My son got DX at 4 with
Infantile Autism. He just had a colonoscopy, and even though his body doesn’t
produce the enzyme to digest lactose AND even though we took him off the
cheetos...his bowel issues remain ever present. He is turning 7 tomorrow. But
he is about on the level of a 2year old. Still for the most part has echolalia.
Still not potty trained. Still won’t eat. Still has meltdowns. Still have not
found something that works for him. My daughter is on the higher end of the
spectrum. But still has limited social skills and is extremely OCD. Jacksonville, Fl.Erin Barker
My son had a severe reaction to MMR at 12
months. The reaction consisted of a high fever and high pitched screaming about
14 days after the vaccine was given. A severe reaction to MMR was diagnosed and
reported to VAERS by his pediatrician in Corvallis, Oregon. Today, eight years
later, my son has severe autism. He exceeded all his milestones before the
vaccine reaction.Gavin Christopher Barker
was born June 26, 2003. Like any parent who
thinks they are doing the right thing he was vaxxed on CDC schedule.
had zero education about vaccines.
Only the paper his doctors gave me
seconds before he was jabbed.
17.5 hrs from his 4 mo boosters he
Immediately from the shots his fever soared, he became lethargic
and lost his appetite.
The nurse from the office told me his reaction was
normal and to give him Tylenol and let him sleep.
I could not wake him
and rushed him to the hospital in what seemed to be the longest 5 minutes
of my life.
After hrs of tubes and more injections and air pumps he was
pronounced dead. The ME said it was SIDS. I asked him if it could be related to
the vaccines because he was so healthy till then.
He told me the
vaccines are safe that it couldn't be from them.
That SIDS just happens
with no explanation.
I love him more than anything. Everyone loves him
more than anything.Virginia Beach, VaTamera Barker
Shortly after the doctor gave my daughter the
shot she started bleeding from her urethra. Now we have a huge emergency room
bill! And they didn’t even help her!Cindy Bargar
My son was a little behind on his shots since we missed the 12 month
check up visit.
At 18 months, they said it was safe to catch him up,
pretty much in one day.
This was in St Augustine, Fl.
That day, he
got 5 needles, all combinations since they combined roughly 12 vaccines.
The MMR was included in all of these.
That night he screamed a high
pitched scream all night long, without any sleep.
He slept all the next
day and seemed very lethargic.
Once he came out of that, we noticed he
wouldn’t answer to his name anymore.
He started running in circles and
flapping his arms and repeating lines from TV shows but wouldn’t communicate
any longer.
He started throwing up at every meal and had diarrhea roughly
3 times a day.
He was diagnosed with Moderate Autism at 2
yrs old and
didn’t potty train until 6
1/2 , after we had many different biomedical treatments
performed on him.
He communicates now and does a lot better but is still
in special needs classes at 9 yrs old and is still considered Autistic. Palm
Coast, Fl.
Sons both contracted eczema 2 weeks after their first DTP, whole body of each son exhibited autoimmune response. (Surbiton)Becky Barnes
Patient Andrew Barnes My son ran a fever after his MMR.
He had a hard patch on his leg where the shot was given for over 6 months.
He gradually submerged into green/yellow diarrhea and autism. He was 10 pounds at birth and was ahead of every mile stone until that vaccine. The GI doctors refused to even test the stool samples.
When he was 6 we discovered (through our DAN! doctor) that he had Hypogammaglobulinemia.
We have to fly him to California (from Central IL) for diagnosis and treatment.
We have had two immunologists tell us in the office that they will help us only to have an office staff person call later and basically asked us to go away.
The vaccine was administered in Normal, IL in 2002.
Kimberlyn Barnes
My son Kendall developed Autoimmune Neutropenia at four months old. He wasn't diagnosed for another year, and by then it was too late. His immune system was already weak and the harsh vaccines as
I believe played a huge part in him developing autism. At one point he was on schedule developing and then he regressed. In front of everyone's eyes, but we (the doctors and I) were too busy trying to keep him alive and healthy to realize that he stopped talking. No babbles, no gibberish, nothing. Just humming. At the time I thought he did it to just self soothe. I thought "he's traumatized from the cycles of IV therapy, hospital stays and Dr's visits." Wrong! AUTISM was stealing my baby away it is believed that the MMR vaccine was the icing on the cake! We looked back at his schedule (shot) and looked at his medical records and the time matches up. Sheffield,OhioMarjanna
When I was two
months old my parents had me vaccinated. The next day my 13 year old sister
walked in and found me in my crib blue and not breathing. I received the DPT
vaccine a second time at four months old. I reacted the same way. My parents
finally got an answer from a doctor that it was from vaccines. This was in
1986. As far as I know it was not reported. I am a happy fairly healthy 28 year
old. I do suffer from asthma, environmental allergies, fatigue, and pain. I
could have been a Shot Induced Death Syndrome (SIDS) statistic very easily.
Brittny Ann Barnett
I’m so touched by your words about your son. My son was talking about 10 words and one day could not speak no more. He will be three on the 18th. A few weeks ago he walked up to me and said MAMA. My heart got so much bigger I felt so happy. He has not said it since then but he knows who I am and that's what keeps me going everyday. If you could give your son a message from me, Tell your son to stay strong. There are people out there that have big hearts for him and wish him well, Like me:) You are a great person and I wish you well and all the luck in the world. Stay strong and God Bless:) From Brittny Barnett and Son Jason JR in Las Vegas NV.Jessica Barrett-Sandlin
I don't care what paid study by
who knows, says. When I was in school I got 10 shots. Today kids get 36 and
autism dx has soared thru the roof. Let's be
realistic here you think your child needs a shot to prevent diarrhea from drinking
water? I can't speak for your child but mine changed after his 15mo check-up after
getting the MMR. If you stopped the milestone check-ups and shots and you only
took them when sick. Imagine how little business they'd get. Stepping off my
soap box now....
Minga Tally Barrios
Patrick AFB, FL. - Son got all of his 12mo. recommended shots at once, by the time the 18mo. well baby check-up came around he flunked the check-up because he wasn't doing anything he was suppose to do speech, and fine motor wise, but otherwise was healthy/happy except for a milk allergy. He then received all of the recommended shots for 18 mo. including the flu shot. Shortly after he came down with the flu that turned into pneumonia, that he was put on his first round of antibiotics for. He came out of being sick and went right into being Autistic with every symptom in the book!
Sara Barton
My Son Connor exhibited signs after his 2 year MMR in1996 In Rockville MD. But thought the intervention of Mont Co Public schools he is an honor student at Sherwood High school and due to graduate next year. He start school at 3 years old and has loved it ever since. And his teachers love him too as he is one of the few students who takes each class close to heart and is focused the minute he sits down.
Sherry Bass
Michael-My eldest grandson seemed to slip away a bit and recover after each vaccine until he received the MMR vaccine @ 16 mos. Within a few weeks he had full bore Autism. He was scoped by Dr.Krigsman and found to have bowel disease as described by Dr. Wakefield. He is in 5th grade and is doing well thanks to DAN!, Dr. Wakefield's research & Dr. Krigsman's treatment of his bowel disease and a dedicated team of professionals at our school. He was vaccinated in NY. Aiden-My middle grandson was given vaccines on an alternate, slower & spaced apart schedule. He had seizures after DTaP vaccine at 8 mos. No vaccines were given for a yr. and then slowly & spaced. At 3 yrs. old he began HepB series. He began symptoms after those vaccines. He was diagnosed at 4 1/2 yrs. old w/ a mood disorder, motor disorder and has Autistic tendencies and traits. His diagnosis is about to be changed to PDD-NOS. He is in kindergarden w/ 1:1 aide, IEP and many supports and therapies. He struggles everyday. Vaccinated in NYS. My son Ben was born 1/7/98.
He had the Hep B vaccine at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, PA.
He went failure to thrive.
After every round of vaccinations given in Haddon Heights, NJ, he became sick with nasal infections.
After his 15 month well baby visit where he received the DPaT, Polio, Hib and MMR he lost all skills and later was diagnosed with autism.
Today he suffers from dyslexia, auditory processing disorder and PDD-NOS.
Ben has not received any shots since 15 he is 13.
Lorna Batchelor
My son had his first dpt at 3 months in 1987 and spent two weeks in hospital after contracting meningitis from the jab. Thank God he made a full recovery. Surrey.
Roxane Justice Bates
Lance Seth Bates,
vaccinated 14 mths old 4 shot series Oct,1993 Dover Air Force Base, Dover Delaware USA
After his 4 shot series in Oct,1993 from Dover AFB, Dover Delaware USA. Stopped talking, would not use eye contact with father, put face close to TV with fuzz on channel. At age 18 now he is almost fully recovered. (I stopped all vaccines at age 8) He developed language at age 5 in the best autistic program in US (DAP) He has a GPA 3.4 senior year H.S. this year and not classified autistic with only slight social problems now
Jeannette Battistini-Gerlacher
A speech therapist had mentioned
the vaccine theory to me right after my son was diagnosed with Autism, and I
asked to have her removed the next day. I was so appalled that people could
believe our pediatricians, who we grow to love and trust, could be doing this
to our children. A fellow mother on Autism Mothers suggested comparing pictures
to my son's vaccine chart, and that's the moment my eyes had opened. I noticed
the difference after his 14 month check up when he had quite a few vaccines.
The more I looked in to it, the more I have to believe this is the reason for
my son's troubles today. He has come a long way since then, thank God for his
therapists. Needless to say, I wish I had that speech therapist's number so I
could call and apologize. I'm not sure exactly what vaccines he had then, but
I'm having the list faxed to me tomorrow morning because now my interest has
peaked. This was done in Drexel Hill, PA. Right outside of Philadelphia.John Battye
My daughter Matilda
Battye suffered a complex
convulsion 10 days after her first MMR vaccine
at 18 months of age in 2004. She would not come out of the fit and was taken to
hospital by ambulance. She was administered IV Lorazepam and subsequently had a
respiratory arrest. Fortunately she was revived by the resus team. She appears
to have made a full recovery with no long term effects.
administered in Barnsley England. In my opinion the MMR vaccine very nearly
killed my daughter.Traci
I believe my son Jack’s, not his twin sister, first
vaccine assault was affected by the HepB in the delivery room as his system was
already compromised from delivery! When he got home 8 days after NICU he screamed alot for
the first couple months. I truly believe after three years of research and
reading that he slipped into the darkest place the day of his MMR, they were
both given five vaccines that day. He had three night terrors that evening and
months to follow slipped away completely. We were able to pull him out of it, and he is now recovering nicely. We
still continue biomed treatments. VAKatie
My daughter was a healthy baby until the day
after she received MMR jab. 12 mths old. Broke out with pocks all over high
fever 2 days later no response no verbal. No nothing. Like watching a kid
staring at the wall and ignoring your every word!!!
New Orleans.
My sons name is Nicholas he is 10 . He was a happy healthy baby who met
all the milestones , he was a cheeky smiley boy who's eyes used to twinkle .
After his triple antigen injection the light went out of his eyes in minutes ,
Nicholas became very ill and was admitted to hospital that night . There was
quite a few children there all with the same symptoms, all had just had their
needles and we were told they all had viral infections . At the age of 4 my son
was diagnosis was Aspergers with Autisic Traits. The happy toldler had become a
very violent child who did not like to be touched , had major sensory issues
and struggles everyday . I love my son for who he is today , but I mourn for
the happy healthy little boy he was . Somebody please make a change to prevent
this from happening ever again to anyone's child.
seemed to be a normal healthy baby, who walked and talked on schedule. His
first sentence was ‘I did it’ at age 12 mos. he loved people and if you came to
our house he made sure you were there to see him. I got behind on his
vaccinations as I did all my other children due to a daughter who had an
adverse reaction to the dpt vaccination.
At 22 mos. of age I took him in to get started
on catching up on his vaccinations. They gave him 7 vaccines at one sitting,
reassuring me it was safe. Within two weeks he was hospitalized and by this
time he lost all speech. I asked the doctor if it had anything to do with the
shots and again I was told they were safe. He had received the MMR, chicken
pox, HepB and several others.
have to pull out his records to check. From that point on he started a downward
spiral into health issues, and screaming fits. He wanted nothing to do with
people and would go off by himself when people stopped by for visits. I live in
a remote area, we don't have cable and knew nothing about vaccines causing
however I knew what was wrong
with my son and knew the changes were so quick after receiving
them. There was no other explanation. However
we were told they were safe and that I just had my son spoiled. An autism
diagnoses was soon to come. I even have a picture of him holding a 2 week old
baby that was taken 2 weeks before the vaccinations. There is no way I could
even trust him to hold a baby now. Just wish people would listen, so maybe a
child would be saved by our story.Edel
My son Stephen was doing what any other child does at 18 mths. Just like
my other 5 sons chatting eating well and loved all the play time. It was time
to get his MMR at 18 mths and thats when it all began (ASD). Derry IrelandKatie Novarro Beecher
I am sorry this is not very complete information but I am good friends with two families whose children exhibited regressive behaviour after MMR vaccines and are now autistic, according to numerous conversations we have had. One child, a girl, is now 13 and the other, a boy is now 17. They are both in Connecticut. I have personally spoken with parents of at least three other children in the last year. I hope a lot of people respond to your request. These parents need to get together to educate the so called scientists and doctors.Juli Spears Bell
Trenton Bell. Hepatitis at birth. Jaundice
and held in hospital for 8 days after birth. Every shot on time and over
prescribed antibiotics when he was having reactions to shot. By age 4 he lost
all words and every preschool turned him away. Age 4 diagnosed with early
infantile autism, leaky gut, inflammation of the brain and no immunity to
yeast. Berkley Bell. I delayed his vaccines due to research. He had hepatitis
at birth. Suffered muscle damage to the eyes. At 13 months took him in for
usually 3 month round. Now diagnosed with severe sensory integration, had to
have visual therapy to strengthen eye muscles.
My son Brennan received MMR at one year. He was in a daze immediately
after the vaccine. He developed a measles like rash and fever within one week.
He was sick with multiple sudden food allergies, daily bouts of hives all over
his body, extremely itchy and often infected eczema rashes over his whole body,
recurring infections of the eyes, ears, lungs, asthma. This went on for the
next 3 years or so. He gradually returned to better health with lots of TLC,
vitamins, and carefully monitoring his diet. After researching vaccines and
realizing his reaction was similar to many other children I decided to report
his reaction to the public health unit. However the nurse there become angry
with me, refused to acknowledge his reaction and exclaimed that we would never
be able to agree. She then turned her back on me and marched away leaving me
standing in the hall… I never even made into her office. I was livid and
demanded to see someone else. I did report my son's reaction that day to
someone else. A few weeks later I received a somewhat condescending letter in
the mail from the Chief Medical Officer in our community who claimed that
because his reaction was not on a pre approved list of known vaccine reactions
that he had not suffered a vaccine reaction. The fact is his reaction was
reported but never counted. My son is now 17 and in good health except for some
lingering food allergies. There were no more vaccines for Brennan or my two
younger children who are both very healthy. Since becoming enlightened about
the dangers of vaccination I have become passionate to let other parents know
there are risks and that they have choices. For more information I direct
parents to research at
West Kelowna, BC. Canada
Denae Bender
typical, babbling, waving daughter received routine Dtap at age 15
She had a cold at the time.
Within 24 hours, her head/eyes
looked swollen, fever.
Her "illness" progressed. witihin ten
days, her who body was broken out into hives, her feet where purple, she was
She was dianosed with pneumonia, and treat with antibotics and
Once sherecoved from the pneumonia, all her social skills were
gone, talking, waving, eye contact.
She now has high levels of autoimmune
antibodies in her blood.
She is now 5, and in an autism classroom. Jennifer Benford
My son Garrett was 18 months when he got the MMR (he was born in 2002) he had hit all milestones on track. He was speaking, he was doing everythin}


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