Crimplene nystrom是什么意思及反义词

olives是什么意思 olives在线翻译 olives什么意思 olives的意思 olives的翻译 olives的解释 olives的发音 olives的同义词 olives的反义词 olives的例句
olives英 ['?l?vz] 美 ['?l?vz] \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD原级:danci.911cha.comolives 基本解释橄榄树;油橄榄;橄榄( olive的名词复数 );橄榄色;olives 网络解释1. 橄榄:还有自己的服装品牌. 3岁进入娱乐圈、14岁就因出演迪斯尼热播电视剧而闻名全美的她,堪称美国新一代的超级明星,成为无数少女心中的偶像. ◆最喜欢的食物:秋葵(Okra),橄榄(Olives)2. 2. 橄榄球:Mushroom 圆头白蘑菇 | Olives 橄榄球 | Onion 洋葱3. 腌橄榄:pickles 腌渍品 | olives 腌橄榄 | condiments 调味品4. 我讨厌:我喜欢的食物Most everything | 我讨厌olives | 我使用的软件Mostly Microsoft stuff.olives 双语例句1. We're talking feta cheese, black olives, mushrooms, onions, green peppers and cherrie tomatoes, the stuff of epic poems.&&&&羊奶做的费达起司代替肉的口感,配上洋葱、青椒、蘑菇、黑橄榄和小番茄,别有一番异国风情。2. Dollars. The main products are all kinds of shade nets, fishing nets and all kinds of seed collecting, building networks, network olives, fruit packaging net bags, Bangzhu more than 10 kinds of aquatic plants such as different types of products.&&&&主要产品有各种遮阳网、各种鱼网及采苗器、建筑网、橄榄网、水果包装网袋、蚌珠水草等十多种不同型号的产品。3. On the middle shelf a chipped eggcup containing pepper, a drum of table salt, four conglomerated black olives in oleaginous paper, an empty pot of Plumtree's potted meat, an oval wicker basket bedded with fibre and containing one Jersey pear, a halfempty bottle of William Gilbey and Co's white invalid port, half disrobed of its swathe of coralpink tissue paper, a packet of Epps's soluble cocoa, five ounces of Anne Lynch's choice tea at 2/- per lb in a crinkled leadpaper bag, a cylindrical canister containing the best crystallised lump sugar, two onions, one, the larger, Spanish, entire, the other, smaller, Irish, bisected with augmented surface and more redolent, a jar of Irish Model Dairy's cream, a jug of brown crockery containing a naggin and a quarter of soured adulterated milk, converted by heat into water, acidulous serum and semisolidified curds, which added to the quantity subtracted for Mr Bloom's and Mrs Fleming's breakfasts, made one imperial pint, the total quantity originally delivered, two cloves, a halfpenny and a small dish containing a slice of fresh ribsteak.&&&&还有一个小玻璃瓶,里面装着加了芳香剂的糖果。中层放着一只盛了胡椒粉的有缺口的蛋杯,饭桌上还摆着那种鼓状食盐瓶,用油纸包着的四颗粘成一团的黑色橄榄,一听李树商标肉罐头的空罐儿,垫着纤丝的椭圆形柳条筐里是一只泽西梨,喝剩下的半瓶威廉。吉尔比公司釀造的药用白葡萄酒(裹在瓶子上的粉珊瑚色薄绘纸已剥掉了一半),一包埃普斯公司制造的速溶可可;一只绉锡纸袋里装着安妮。林奇公司出品的五英两特级茶叶,每磅二先令;一只圆筒形罐子,盛着优质结晶角沙糖;两颗葱头,较大的那颗西班牙种的是完整的,较小的那颗爱尔兰种的已经切成两瓣儿,面积扩大了,气味也更冲鼻了;一罐爱尔兰模范奶场的奶酪,一只褐色陶罐,盛着四分之一品脱零四分之一兑了水并变酸了的牛奶(由于炎热,它已化为水、酸性乳浆与半固体凝乳,再加上布卢姆先生和弗莱明大妈作为早餐消费掉的部分,就足够一英品脱了,相当于原先送来的总量);两朵丁香花蕾,一枚半便士硬币和盛有一片新鲜排骨肉的一个小碟子。4. Then they ascended the Mount of Olives.&&&&在他们去耶稣山园祈祷之处后,他们才上去橄榄山。5. 5. Diluted, it has cinnamon, pineapple upside-down cake, mint, orange blossom and Manzanilla olives – an Andalusian theme emerging.&&&&当加水后,它有肉桂、凤梨蛋糕、薄荷、香橙花和Manzanilla橄榄的气味-西班牙南部的主题渐渐浮现在我们的眼前。6. 6. Use a big bowl. Add tomato, cucumber, yellow pepper, chilli, watercress, Lollo Biondo lettuce, sun dried tomato and black Kalamata olives.&&&&用一个大碗,放入切好的蕃茄,黄瓜,黄椒,小辣椒,水田芥,意大利绿叶生菜,干晒蕃茄和橄榄。7. Around 580 B. C., Thales the Milesian purchased options on olive presses and made a fortune off of a bumper crop in olives.&&&&大约580年,泰利斯的购买选择权,Milesian用橄榄树压力机和大发横财了一个丰收的橄榄。8. olives的翻译8. On its back were two baskets, one holding green olives, and the other black.&&&&它的背上驮着两个篮子,一个装着绿橄榄,另一个装着黑橄榄。9. 9. Paul: I`d like a whole pie, with anchovies and black olives.&&&&保罗:我要整个,加上鳀鱼跟黑橄榄。10. A spread consisting of capers and black olives and anchovies made into a puree with olive oil.&&&&由马槟榔、黑橄榄和凤尾鱼组成的一种涂食,可以用橄榄油做成浓汤11. There are two different kinds of Olives – the Green ones and the black ones, and they are all major agricultural export products of the country.&&&&&&他们的青橄榄和黑橄榄都是主要的农业出口产品。突尼斯三分之一的农耕地都种植着橄榄树。12. 12. Elegant with black pepper, black olives and licorice to mellow.&&&&&&飘逸着黑胡椒、黑橄榄和甘草的醇香。13. olives的反义词13. The process started with gathering olives, after that a horse was brought and tied to the millstone.&&&&&&这一过程始于收集橄榄,之后被带到一马绑在磨石。14. Many pubs also run some kind of snack bar that provides cold food such as sausages, ham, olives, salad, veal-and-ham pie, rolls and butter and sometimes hot pies or toasted sandwiches.&&&&&&许多酒吧还经营各种类型的点心酒店,提供冷菜,如香肠、火腿、洋葱、色拉、牛肉-火腿馅饼、卷饼和黄油,有时供应热饼和烤三。15. I`m a creature of habit here - I always have the Veneziana (onion, sultanas, capers, olives and pine kernels, plus a 25p donation to Venice in Peril).&&&&&&我是这里的常客——我总是点一份Veneziana(有洋葱、葡萄干、虚随子、橄榄和松仁,外加对困境中的威尼斯的25便士捐款)。16. Beatrice loathed Hungarian fare and her sister had to send her food parcels from Italy, including cheese, olives, cumin and onions preserved in vinegar. Explicit homosexual literature was being produced in the 1420s.&&&&&&比阿特丽斯憎恨匈牙利的食物,而她的妹妹还得从意大利给她寄来食物包裹,其中包括了奶酪、橄榄、莳萝子与浸泡在酸醋里的洋葱。15世纪20年代,不加修饰的同性恋文学开始盛行。17. 17. Dome of the Rock in City, from Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel&&&&&&从今天发现的遗物来考察,大概在两万年或一万五千年前,就已经有人画画了。18. Throughout the day, Barcelona's tapas bars offer hungry tourists different small dishes, such as olives and cheese or fried baby squid.&&&&&&白天时,巴赛隆纳的西班牙小菜酒馆提供了饥肠辘辘的游客们多样的轻食,例如橄榄、乳酪或是炸花枝。19. My friend and I decided on the Old Bakery Tapas Platter which had a great range of morsels that delivered a delicious range of tastes and textures, fish kebab, chicken fillet, tomatoes topped with herbs, olives, fetta.&&&&&&我和朋友决定吃老糕点店拼盘,有各种不同味道和结构的小吃,包括鱼饼卷、鸡块、香草西红柿、橄榄、羊乳酪。20. Our new ranges of Barilla wholewheat pasta, Carapelli olive oil, Barnier olives, Kotanyi spices&&&&&&还有西诺迪斯旗下的意大利面,橄榄油,橄榄,香料等新产品系列,展现在大家眼前的所有精olives 单语例句1. Mixed baby greens add color and variety dotted by small pieces of kalamata olives.2. It seems that the distinctive taste of olives has struck a chord with affluent Chinese consumers.3. We sampled two mains - tagliatelle of grilled prawn and olives, and the duck with spiced port and orange reduction.4. The vinaigrette is nicely balanced and there's a light smattering of cherry tomatoes and olives.5. In the glass it has a bright ruby color with aromas of plums and black olives.6. Place strips of red pepper over the lettuce and scatter the olives over.7. Its members include leading producers and exporters of olive oil and table olives.8. My unwary husband gulped down a bunch of olives and couldn't speak for a day.9. When we visited the farm, workers were collecting olives on a mountain slope with vibrating rods.10. " The conflicts under the olives never end, " Cheung writes in On the Scene in the Middle East.olives是什么意思,olives在线翻译,olives什么意思,olives的意思,olives的翻译,olives的解释,olives的发音,olives的同义词,olives的反义词,olives的例句,olives的相关词组,olives意思是什么,olives怎么翻译,单词olives是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号微信扫一扫关注AIG是什么意思_AIG在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
AIG是什么意思 AIG在线翻译 AIG什么意思 AIG的意思 AIG的翻译 AIG的解释 AIG的发音 AIG的同义词 AIG的反义词 AIG的例句 AIG的相关词组
AIGAIG 基本解释All-Inertial Guidance 全惯性制导;all inertial guidance 全惯性制导;angle of inner gimbal 内置万向节的角度;AIG 双语例句1. 911查询·英语单词大全1. American International Group, Inc.(NYSE: AIG, TYO: 8685, ISEQ: AIN) is a major American insurance corporation based in New York City.&&&&美国国际集团(纽约证券交易所:美国国际集团,东京:8685 ,ISEQ :氮化铝)是一个主要的美国保险公司总部设在纽约市。2. 2. AmericanInternational Group, Inc.(NYSE: AIG, TYO: 8685, ISEQ: AIN) is amajor American insurance corporation based in New York City.&&&&美国国际集团(纽约证券交易所:美国国际集团,东京:8685 ,ISEQ :氮化铝)是一个主要的美国保险公司总部设在纽约市。3. The first big writeoff came in the fourth quarter of 2007, when AIG reported an $11 billion charge.&&&&AIG在2007年第四季度第一次发生大规模减计,当时AIG计提了110亿美圆。4. Murkiness around how AIG intends to save itself also caused investors to flee.&&&&有关美国国际集团如何自救的阴影也促使投资者纷纷逃离。5. 5. And now we know: Goldman hedged its exposure via credit default swaps with AIG.&&&&现在我们知道了:高盛通过AIG提供的信用违约掉期对自己的风险头寸进行了对冲。6. AIG是什么意思6. The fear that drove this extraordinary decision is that AIG's failure would increase counterparty risk, actual and perceived, throughout the financial system of the US and the rest of the world, to such an extent that no financial institution would have been willing to extend credit to any other financial institution.&&&&他们担心,AIG的倒闭将会在美国乃至世界金融体系增加实际或可能的交易对手风险,以至于没有一家金融机构愿意向另一家金融机构提供信贷,这一担心促使他们做出了特别决定。7. 7. AIG would pay a penal interest rate and cede to the state an equity stake of just under 80%.&&&&AIG要支付一个惩罚性利率并把近80%的股权转给政府。8. The business, whose $47 billion balance sheet holds some 1, 000 aircraft, used to piggyback off AIG's sterling credit rating.&&&&这家公司的资产负债表规模为470亿美元,拥有1,000余架飞机,以前总是能借助AIG优异的信用评级。9. 9. AIG's size and complexity meant that its tentacles were spread throughout the financial system, making it almost impossible to be certain about the impact of a collapse -- other than to know it was potentially catastrophic.&&&&AIG的规模和复杂程度意味着其触角已经遍及金融领域的各个角落,因此不可能准确预见其崩溃可能造成的影响,唯一清楚的一点就是那很可能是一场灾难。10. It had risen to prominence by building a formidable franchise in the Asian markets during the early-20th century.&&&&之后AIG的业务范围扩展到美国,成为二战后美国经济的强大臂助。11. Yet AIG`s rescue has done little to banish the naked fear that has the markets in its grip.&&&&&&然而对AIG的救助却丝毫不能驱散缠缚市场那种赤裸裸的恐惧。12. 12. First, the Fed has lent $44 billion to two special-purpose vehicles, into which many of AIG`s flakiest securities have been dumped, including derivatives written on structured-credit instruments.&&&&&&第一,美联储借出了440亿美元给两个专属实体;许多AIG最脆弱的抵押都被倾入了这两个专属实体中,还包括列入结构型信用工具的金融衍生品。13. danci.911cha.com13. A key aspect of that plan involves permitting AIG to repay some of its obligations to the government, or as much as $100 billion -- with stakes in operating businesses, such as those in AIA.&&&&&&救助计划的一个关键是允许AIG用运营子公司的股份来偿还对政府的部分债务。AIG欠政府的债务高达1,000亿美元。14. 14. In the past years, AIG has sent more than 400 students to study in colleges in Maylasia and Singapore. At the same time, it also has set up a cooperation relationship with many colleges. It orgnized many privately-run schools, education training centres, students, parents to go to Singapore and Maylasia to go around, do research, and commnicate. Beacause of the effort of everybody, AIG has been a very modern and authoritative education organization among many non-profit organizations.&&&&&&在过去的几年里,亚联盟已经成功地为马来西亚、新加坡多所院校输送了400多名中国留学生,同时也与众多院校建立的合作伙伴关系,组织中国多所民办高校、教育培训机构、加盟单位、学生及家长赴新、马进行考察、交流,由于大家的共同努力、关注及厚爱,使亚洲国际教育联盟成为了众多公益性组织中比较前卫、权威的教育组织之一15. 15. The GAO said the recent improvement in AIG's financial condition is mostly attributable to government support AIG got, which amounts to a commitment of as much as $182 billion.&&&&&&政府问责局说,近期AIG财务状况的改善主要归功于政府对AIG的支持。AIG总共获得了高达1,820亿美元的资金承诺。16. Debt issued or backed by the AIG parent company comes to only $55 billion, after subtracting more-junior subordinated obligations and secured Fed loans.&&&&&&减去级别更低的次级债券和获得的美联储贷款,AIG母公司所发行或担保的债券总计仅550亿美元。17. AIG owns 95 per cent of Nan Shan, which has an 11 per cent market share.&&&&&&AIG拥有南山人寿95%的股权,该公司拥有台湾11%的市场份额。18. They join more established insurers like AIG, Chubb and a cluster of syndicates at Lloyd's of London.&&&&&&他们和老牌保险公司如AIG、Chubb及伦敦Lloyd商会的一些保险公司携手合作。19. The SEC's complaint is focusing on one of the Abacus deals that is not among the securities insured by AIG.&&&&&&SEC的上述诉讼聚焦于其中一宗Abacus交易,该交易所涉及的证券不是由AIG承保的。20. Mr Dodd is widely blamed for allowing AIG`s executives to make off with their bonuses.&&&&&&斗得先生由于允许美国保险集团的董事们用他们的奖金分红而被广泛责备。AIG 单语例句1. AIG General Insurance Co China and American International Assurance are the company's China units, which offer property and life insurance.2. He kept control of Starr and its large block of AIG shares, worth in excess of $ 23 billion at the time.3. Standard & Poor's said on Sept 12 it may downgrade AIG's credit ratings because the share declines may crimp the insurer's access to capital.4. AIG wants to repay its borrowing by selling assets, a tough task given current credit conditions.5. Insurance giant AIG was one the biggest victims of the credit crunch.6. Insurance giant AIG was one of the biggest victims of the credit crunch.7. Feinberg became pay czar earlier this year as Congress was responding to outrage about huge bonuses being paid to AIG.8. AIG will also repay loans it received from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as part of the deal.9. The Federal Reserve said in a statement it determined that a disorderly failure of AIG could hurt the already delicate financial markets and the economy.10. AIG has chosen Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley as its joint global coordinators for an IPO for AIA worth more than $ 4 billion.AIG是什么意思,AIG在线翻译,AIG什么意思,AIG的意思,AIG的翻译,AIG的解释,AIG的发音,AIG的同义词,AIG的反义词,AIG的例句,AIG的相关词组,AIG意思是什么,AIG怎么翻译,单词AIG是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号微信扫一扫关注shreds是什么意思_shreds在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
shreds是什么意思 shreds在线翻译 shreds什么意思 shreds的意思 shreds的翻译 shreds的解释 shreds的发音 shreds的同义词 shreds的反义词 shreds的例句
shreds[?redz] 原级:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:shreds 基本解释shreds撕碎,切碎( shred的第三人称单数 );用撕毁机撕毁;shreds 网络解释1. 1. 丝:in soup 汆... ... | shreds ...丝 ... | slices ...片 ...shreds 双语例句1. The badge of the civil and staid I`ll tear into shreds for the nonce.&&&&我将把文明与沉静的徽章撕成碎片。2. Some of the delicious dishes include stuffed snake meat, snake soup with three kinds of shreds, five-coloured snake shreds, stewed snake, etc&&&&百花酿蛇脯,三丝蛇羹、五彩蛇丝、炖蛇盅等名菜,香滑可口,鲜美无比。浇蛋奶汁的炖苹果。3. Though I will tear your body to shreds!&&&&不过我要把你撕成碎片!4. Some will become as the hounds of hell, and they will seek to tear you to shreds.&&&&有些人可能会成为为地狱猎犬,他们将寻求撕裂你撕成碎片。5. I can find a brief to tear you into shreds.&&&&我可以轻易把你撕碎。6. Then all and sundry can tear them to shreds if they do not measure up.&&&&之后,如果这些论文有问题,有缺陷,全部的学界人士都能够把它否定。7. 911查询·英语单词7. People can tear your words to shreds&&&&人们可以破坏你说的话,使它们支离破碎8. Time machine, it cannot create time nor let time disappear I wish it could glue the shreds of life together and give it to me in one, joy that lasts for half a day Nevertheless, not much different from the ordinary paper shredder in the empty house, time machine initially stripped me of my teeth...&&&&时间机器,既不能制造时间也不能让时间消逝我希望它能把生活的碎片粘结一次性给我,长达半天的欢乐然而,和通常意义的碎纸机没有什么两样在空空的屋子里,时间机器首先卸下我的牙齿9. shreds的反义词9. Dream into QianNian, such as hatred, the dream to shreds&&&&梦进牵念,思如怨,把梦撕成碎片10. Complete the company's products, strong technical force, the main sales and production of carbon fiber material and series of products, such as: short carbon fibers of various lengths cut into shreds, carbon reinforced plastic materials and products, carbon fiber sheet and powder, composite plates, tubes, rods, ribbons, Profile, accessories and active carbon
aramid fiber material and series of products, such as: aramid fiber length of wire, various sizes of yarn, cloth, tape, rope, mooring aramid pulp, Kevlar packing and other materials mixed, blended line of cloth, etc.; pre-oxidized fiber series, such as: Pre-oxidation yarn crimp, all kinds of thickness of the length of wire, cloth, carpets, cotton and other fire-screen.&&&&本公司产品齐全、技术力量雄厚、主要销售及生产碳纤维材料及系列制品,如:碳纤维各种长度短切丝、碳材料增强塑料及制品、碳纤维布及粉、复合板材、管、棒、带、异型材、装饰品及碳纤维活性毡等;芳纶纤维材料及系列制品,如:芳纶纤维长短丝、各种规格纱线、布、带、绳、芳纶浆泊、芳纶盘根及与其它材料混编、混纺线布等;预氧化纤维系列,如:预氧化卷曲纱线、各种粗细的长短丝、布、毡、挡火棉等。11. As it stands now, our Bill of Rights is being torn to shreds by this evil elitist group.&&&&&&因为它的立场,现在,我们的人权法案正在蹂躏,以shreds由这一邪恶的精英集团。12. 12. Torque tube jigs in place, since they'd rip the foam to shreds as well&&&&&&shreds以及,因此,我的应用微向泡沫,然后,滑向泡沫的所有方式13. Why, when your car gets stolen, is it later found with the insides ripped to shreds?&&&&&&你看,为什么你的车被偷了,发现时已经被撕成碎片?14. We`re sitting in a booth in the Esquire and he`s pretending to listen to me while he shreds and checks out the room.&&&&&&我们坐在绅士酒吧的长条凳上,他假装在一边听我说话,手一边撕扯着东西,一边查看着房间。15. Which knife cut into shreds principal and accessories is the champion, in the domestic leading position, well received by domestic users alike.&&&&&&其中切丝刀总承及配件更是独占鳌头,在国内居于领先地位,深受国内外用户的一致好评。16. 16. Broad bands of rosy gold, as if daubed on with a gigantic brush, stretched across the dark, here and there shreds of fluffy, transparent clouds gleamed whitely, and the freshest and most enchanting of breezes barely stirred the surface of the grass, gentle as sea waves, and softly touched the cheek.&&&&&&阔朗的金红色光带如同被巨人的大笔蘸着,横抹过靛青色的草野。这儿那儿点染着洁白的轻云,蓬松而透明。熏人欲醉的微风乍起,款款轻拂着草尖,柔媚有如海面的微波羞触粉颊。17. 17. Put clams, fish chop, crab sticks, oysters, shrimps, and ginger shreds in rice gruel, season with.&&&&&&粥内放入蛤蜊、鱼板、蟹棒、蚵仔和虾仁、姜丝加调味料,食用前加香菜即可18. danci.911cha.com18. The country's economy is in shreds.&&&&&&国家经济已是百孔千疮。19. Elizabeth Hunter, with her gift for scenting weakness in others, was not such a cynical bitch that she would laugh in your face and tear your intentions to shreds.&&&&&&伊丽莎白?亨特具有察觉别人弱点的天赋,不会象老淫妇那样嫌三嫌四,当着你的面大笑,把你的好意撕得粉碎。20. AfterBurn makes it possible for you to create convincing exhaust trails from rockets and missiles, fiery explosions that rival the real thing, swirling tornados that can rip buildings to shreds, gooey lava flows and much more.&&&&&&AfterBurn可以使你创造令人信服的数不尽的轨迹,从可以比拟真实效果火箭、导弹的火焰爆炸,到可以把建筑撕裂成碎片的旋涡龙卷风,胶粘的熔岩流等等。shreds 单语例句1. They sell the plastic shreds to chemical plants in neighboring Hebei province, where it's turned into polyester threads used to make clothes.2. A large chunk of a wing was visible in footage of the scene, but much of the wreckage appeared to be in small shreds.3. The remainder of the fowl makes its appearance in two customizable vegetable courses with shreds and gizzards.4. The diner shreds the bread with his hands and places the shreds in a bowl.5. This is the step where beginners most often falter, ripping the dough to shreds instead of pulling it into noodles.6. Sliced down the middle, fine shreds of crab and fish like angel hair poured out into the broth.7. The cash was ripped to shreds after his wife poured the maize into the grinder.8. The Asian giants fought a brief but bitter border war in 1962 that left their relations in shreds.9. His watch was ripped off his wrist, while his clothes were torn to shreds.10. It can take three to five days to reassemble a page that is in shreds.shreds是什么意思,shreds在线翻译,shreds什么意思,shreds的意思,shreds的翻译,shreds的解释,shreds的发音,shreds的同义词,shreds的反义词,shreds的例句,shreds的相关词组,shreds意思是什么,shreds怎么翻译,单词shreds是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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