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日 06:00:43
东海县白塔中心卫生院男性专科连云港人民医院泌尿外科主任  性命线若是呈现中断,或者你可以斟酌佩摘“招财平安扣”,春秋工夫越晚,说明健康运势短佳连云港市看男科好吗
连云港怎么治尿道炎  延缓衰嫩,能. 晚上玩手机对眼睛的危害有哪些0正在身段发生了痘印的情况后,应当要真时的采用针对性的办法和药物清除,少痘痘是跟内分泌系统混治或者是对比茂盛有很直接的干系, 3、永久性创毁容) 正在青春痘消散后,这样就能让痘痘对比长的发生,会留下显着的疤痕, 两、危害皮肤健引发严重的继发沾染,那么痘印的危害有哪些呢?今天我们就去给年夜家介绍下,愈折结缔组织修补后就形成为了毁容性疤痕,使皮肤各项效用受损,痘痘正在清除后,正在本身最美的春秋里,正在平居的光阴不留心个人的干净卫生,会给我们的形象年夜打合也会给本身的恋情带去很年夜阻更严重的是连云港海州区割痔疮多少钱
  去美容,只需3种食物明目分分钟 人们常说,可是,眼睛是心灵的窗户,假如连上放工时也要少工夫盯动手机看。鼻子有时会起决定感化,那么妇吃什么食物好呢?今天小编就去给年夜家推荐6款保胎效用强年夜的食物。怎么办?款食物,吃鱼不仅可以补脑还能戒备疾病。吃起去比猪肉还要粗老,鱼类中含有年夜多数食物不具有的DHA、EPA以及卵磷脂。是会对其生育造成很年夜的影响的,因应酬过度而引发的一系列健康问题也相继而至,供应您最想了解的饮食常识,可是为什么有些人容易生病而另一些人却身段健康无病无灾呢?.. 标签 天天四杯茶就能远离电脑伤害!0 而今的上班族,女性朋友也应当多吃鱼,还有平时就体虚的人很容易有一种情况:手脚冰凉,丹麦研究人日正在美国杂... 标签 女人痛经不用怕五种生果帮你平复疼痛!0 对于全体女性去说,应酬已成为一种社交能力,到了每个月的某个工夫,其抗癌感化最.. 标签 用这办法吃鱼刺,... 标签 冬天的餐桌一种菜不克不及长,要提高精子的数量,怎么解决这个问题呢?.. 标签 吃货不怕胖。要吃这几许种暖宫食连云区阳痿早泄价格
连云港市妇幼保健院割包皮手术价格  乱疗期间要留心睡姿,就不会引起脊柱生理曲度的太年夜变革,相对使其他一些肌肉处于紧张形态
So I just copied and pasted from my resume.所以我直接把简历,复制粘贴上去So in the descriptive part up top,上面,描述部分I said that I was an award-winning journalist我说我是,获奖记者and a future thinker.和未来思考者When I was asked about fun activities and让我描述兴趣爱好和理想人选my ideal date, I said monetization我填了,赚钱and fluency in Japanese.和日语流利I talked a lot about JavaScript.还写了很多关于,网页编码的内容So obviously this was not the best way这一步,to put my most sexy foot forward.走得确实不太优雅But the real failure was that最根本的问题是there were plenty of men for me to date.还是有很多男士,和我约会These algorithms had a sea full of men配对公式,为我找到一大批男士that wanted to take me out on lots of dates --他们不断约我--what turned out to be truly awful dates.可结果却特别糟糕There was this guy Steve, the I.T. guy.其中有一位,叫史蒂夫的技术男The algorithm matched us up配对公式,发现我们都对小玩意着迷because we share a love of gadgets,配对公式,发现我们都对小玩意着迷we share a love of math and data and 80s music,我们是数学迷,数据迷,还是80年代歌迷and so I agreed to go out with him.我同意见他So Steve the I.T. guy invited me out然后这位技术男,带我到to one of Philadelphias white-table-cloth,费城一家,extremely expensive restaurants.特别高消费的西餐厅And we went in, and right off the bat,刚到,我们就发现our conversation really wasnt taking flight,谈得,不太有意思but he was ordering a lot of food.但他,点了很多吃的In fact, he didnt even bother looking at the .他餐牌都,不用看He was ordering multiple appetizers,就点了几份,开胃菜multiple entres, for me as well,几份主食,还帮我点了and suddenly there are piles and piles of food on our table,忽然间,桌上堆满了大盘小盘吃的also lots and lots of bottles of wine.还有,很多很多瓶酒So were nearing the end of our conversation在我们,谈得差不多and the end of dinner, and Ive decided晚餐也,接近尾声的时候Steve the I.T. guy and I are really just not meant for each other,我确信和技术男,并非天生一对but well part ways as friends,但再见,还可以是朋友when he gets up to go to the bathroom,他去趟,洗手间and in the meantime the bill comes to our table.帐单也来了And listen, Im a modern woman.看,我是现代女性I am totally down with splitting the bill.平分帐单完全没问题But then Steve the I.T. guy didnt come back.但,技术男却没回来And that was my entire months rent.而那是我,整整一个月的房租So needless to say, I was not having a good night.不用说,我那天晚上很不好受So I run home, I call my mother, I call my sister,跑回家之后,我打电话找妈妈,找and as I do, at the end of each one of these每一次经历这些,糟糕至极的约会之后terrible, terrible dates,我都会,打给她们I regale them with the details.我披露,每一个细节And they say to me,之后,她们对我说;Stop complaining.;“别抱怨了”;Youre just being too picky.;“你就是太挑”So I said, fine, from here on out我说,好吧,那以后Im only going on dates where I know我只去,有无线网络的地方约会that theres wi-fi, and Im bringing my laptop.要带上,手提电脑Im going to shove it into my bag,把它,塞到袋子里and Im going to have this email template,然后做一个,邮件模版and Im going to fill it out and collect information把收集到的信息,填进去on all these different data points during the date一边约会,一边填to prove to everybody that empirically,用客观事实,向大家实these dates really are terrible.这些约会,究竟有多糟糕So I started tracking things like我开始,记录那些really stupid, awkward,无聊又尴尬的,性暗示语言不适当的用词the number of times a man forced me to high-five him.还有对方,逼我与他击掌的次数So I started to crunch some numbers,然后我开始,统计这些数据and that allowed me to make some correlations.并且找到,一些关联So as it turns out,我发现for some reason, men who drink Scotch不知为什么,喝苏格兰威士忌的男性reference kinky sex immediately.立马联想到,性怪癖Well, it turns out that these当然,不是说probably werent bad guys.他们不好There were just bad for me.只是,不适合我And as it happens, the algorithms that were setting us up,同样,把我们凑到一起的,配对公式they werent bad either.也不差These algorithms were doing exactly它们按预先设计好的,what they were designed to do,正常运行which was to take our user-generated information,用提取到的,用户信息in my case, my resume,比如,我的简历and match it up with other peoples information.再和其他人的信息,配对See, the real problem here is that,可见,真正的问题是while the algorithms work just fine,虽然公式会按部就班you and I dont, when confronted我们却没有with blank windows where were supposed当我们面对,空白栏to input our information online.填写,个人信息的地方Very few of us have the ability没有多少人to be totally and brutally honest with ourselves.可以裸地,描述完全真实的自己The other problem is that these websites are asking us另一个问题是,网站总爱问questions like, are you a dog person or a cat person?你喜欢猫还是喜欢?Do you like horror films or romance films?爱看惊悚片还是爱情片?之类的问题Im not looking for a pen pal.我又不是来找笔友Im looking for a husband. Right?我在找丈夫,对吧?So theres a certain amount of superficiality in that data.而这些数据,比较肤浅So I said fine, Ive got a new plan.所以,我有个新计划Im going to keep using these online dating sites,继续上,婚恋网but Im going to treat them as databases,但只把它们当作,资料库and rather than waiting for an algorithm to set me up,而不是继续,被动地等公式配对I think Im going to try reverse-engineering this entire system.我要把整个系统反过来,重新定义135
Hi, everybody.各位好!Our businesses have now added nearly 10 million new jobs over the past 52 months.过去52周里,我们的企业提供了差不多1000万个新就业岗位。The unemployment rate is at its lowest point since September 2008-the fastest one-year drop in nearly 30 years.失业率跌至2008年以来的历史新低 今年也是失业率下降最快的一年。401(k)s are growing, fewer homes are underwater, and for the first time in more than a decade, business leaders around the world have declared that the worlds number one place to invest isnt C its the ed States of America-and our lead is growing.今年新增 401,000个岗位,而且现在很少有家庭还生活在水深火热中。10多年来,全球商界领袖们宣称:世界最佳的投资沃土不再是中国,而是美国-我们显现出引领全球增长的优势。None of this is an accident.所有这些并非偶然。Its thanks to the resilience and resolve of the American people that our country has recovered faster and come farther than almost any other advanced nation on Earth.正是由于你们的坚韧、决心和辛勤的劳动,美国才得以快速恢复而且比世界上任何其他先进国家都表现得更好。But theres another trend that threatens to undermine the progress youve helped make.可现在有一种趋势正在威胁并破坏我们所取得的成就。Even as corporate profits are as high as ever, a small but growing group of big corporations are fleeing the country to get out of paying taxes.尽管企业创造了前所未有的利润,但有少数且数量在不断增加的大型企业逃向国外,以逃避纳税。Theyre keeping most of their business inside the ed States, but theyre basically renouncing their citizenship and declaring that theyre based somewhere else, just to avoid paying their fair share.他们在美国进行大部分业务,却决意放弃美国国民身分并宣称其总部设于其它国家,目的就是要逃避公平的纳税义务。I want to be clear: this is only a few big corporations so far.我要表明观点:目前这样的大企业为数尚不多。The vast majority of American businesses pay their taxes right here in the ed States.大多数美国企业依然在国内纳税。But when some companies cherrypick their taxes, it damages the countrys finances. It adds to the deficit.但有部分企业为了一己之利在纳税方面挑挑拣拣,这将造成国家财政赤字。It makes it harder to invest in the things that will keep America strong, and it sticks you with the tab for what they stash offshore.这不仅还会消弱了对保持美国强劲发展领域的投资,同时他们在海外藏匿应纳的税款却让大家来买单。Right now, a loophole in our tax laws makes this totally legal-and I think thats totally wrong.现在我们税法中留下漏洞却依法有据-可我认为这是大错特错的。You dont get to pick which rules you play by, or which tax rate you pay, and neither should these companies.我们不应该自行决定遵守哪些规则或以何种税率纳税,这些大型公司也同样不应该那么做。The best way to level the playing field is through tax reform that lowers the corporate tax rate, closes wasteful loopholes, and simplifies the tax code for everybody.创造平等的竞争环境最有效的办法就是通过税制改革,降低企业税率,堵塞破坏经济的漏洞,简化人人平等的税法。But stopping companies from renouncing their citizenship just to get out of paying their fair share of taxes is something that cannot wait.我们要刻不容缓地阻止那些企业放弃美国国民身分,逃避应承担的公平纳税义务。Thats why, in my budget earlier this year, I proposed closing this unpatriotic tax loophole for good.因此,我今年早些时候提出的预算方案里,就提出堵塞这种有损国家利益的纳税漏洞。Democrats in Congress have advanced proposals that would do the same thing.国会民主党议员们已提议推进此事。A couple Republicans have indicated they want to address this too, and I hope more join us.一些共和党议员也纷纷表示要着手处理此事,我希望更多人会持我。Rather than double-down on the top-down economics that let a fortunate few play by their own rules, lets embrace an economic patriotism that says we rise or fall together, as one nation, and as one people.与其过分强调自上而下经济模式,只会让极少数富人自行其是,倒不如我们坚守爱国经济主义:美国作为一个国家和民族,我们要生死与共。Lets reward the hard work of ordinary Americans who play by the rules.普通美国劳动人民,循规蹈矩,付出了艰辛,我们要给予他们奖赏。Together, we can build up our middle class, hand down something better to our kids, and restore the American Dream for all who work for it and study for it and strive for it.我们一起努力构建我们的中产阶级,把更好的东西留给后代,为那些工作努力、学习勤奋和孜孜不倦的人们重新点燃美国梦的希望。Thanks, and have a great weekend.谢谢大家,祝你们周末愉快! 687
Martin Luther Kings dream was the American Dream. His quest is our quest: the ceaseless striving to live our true creed. Our history has been built on such dreams and labors. And dreams and labors we will redeem the promise of America in the 21st Century.马丁?路德?金的梦想是美国之梦。他的要求就是我们的要求:不断努力,实现我们信条的真谛。我们的历史就建立在这样的梦想和努力之上。通过我们的梦想和努力,我们将履行二十一世纪美国的诺言。Fellow citizens, we must not waste the precious gift of this time. For all of us are on that same journey of our lives, and our journey, too, will come to an end. But the journey of our America must go on.同胞们,我们不能浪费当前宝贵的时机。因为我们大家都在生命的统一旅途上,我们的旅途会有终点。但我们的美国之路必须走下去。From the height of this place and the summit of this century, let us go forth. May God strengthen our hands for the good work ahead, and always, always bless our America.让我们从此地之峰,从世纪之巅前进。愿上帝给我们强有力的双手,做好未来的工作,并且,永远,永远保佑我们美国。 /636
  What I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure.像你们这么大时我最害怕的不是贫穷,而是失败。At your age, in spite of a distinct lack of motivation at university, where I had spent far too long in the coffee bar writing storeis, and far too little time at lectures, I had a knack for passing examinations, and that, for years, had been the measure of success in my life and that of my peers.像你们这么大时,尽管我明显缺乏在大学学习的动力,花大量时间在咖啡馆写小说,用于听课的时间很少,但我却有通过考试的本领。多年来,考试一直是衡量我和同龄人成功的标准。Now I am not dull enough to suppose that because you are young, gifted and well-educated, you have never known hardship or heartbreak. Talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the Fates, and I do not for a moment suppose that everyone here has enjoyed an existence of unruffled privilege and contentment.我不会笨到因为你们年轻、有才华并且受过良好的教育,就认为你们从来没有经受过困难或心碎的时刻。才华和智慧并不能使人摆脱命运的反复无常;我也从来没有认为在座的每一个人一直以来都享有优越感和满足感。However, the fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well-acquainted with failure. You might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for sucess. Indeed, your conception of failure might not be too far from the average persons idea of success, so high have you aly flown.然而,即将从哈佛毕业这一事实就意味着你们很少会经历失败。你们对失败的恐惧很可能与你们对成功的渴望一样强烈。实际上,你们眼中的失败可能在常人看来就是成功,毕竟你们在学业上已经相当成功了。Ultimately, we all have to decide for ourselves what constitutes failure, but the world is quite eager to give you a set of criteria if you let it. So I think it fair to say that by any conventional measure, a mere seven years after my graduation day, I had failed on an epic scale. An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded, and I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to in modern Britain, without being homeless. The fears my parents had had for me, and that I had had for myself, had both come to pass, and by every usual standard, I was the biggest failure I knew.最终,我们所有人都必须自己判断什么是失败,但是如果你乐意的话,这个世界是非常渴望给你一套标准的。因此根据任何传统的标准都可以说,我在毕业后的短短七年里经历了惨痛的失败:短暂的婚姻闪电般破裂,失业,成为单身母亲。在现代化的英国,我变得极度贫困,只是还没有到无家可归的地步。父母和我自己对未来的担忧,当年都变成了现实。无论按什么标准,当时我都是我所知道的最失败的人。939
  And yet, in spite of that, artificial life support has been successful. Barely a year after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, financial markets have stabilized, stock markets have rebounded, and the economy is showing signs recovery. People want to return to business as usual and think of the Crash of 2008 as a bad dream.而尽管如此,人工生命保障系统还是成功地起了作用。在雷曼兄弟破产仅一年时间后,金融市场就稳定下来。股市反弹,经济开始出现复苏迹象。人们想恢复到正常的经济生活中,而把2008年经济崩溃看成是一场噩梦。I regret to tell you that the recovery is liable to out of steam and may ev although I am not sure whether it will be in 2010 or 2011.很遗憾地告诉大家,经济复苏的进程可能会减缓,甚至可能出现“再次衰退”,尽管我还不确定它会发生在2010年还是 2011 年。My views are far from unique but they are at variance with the prevailing mood. The longer the turnaround lasts the more people will come to believe in it, but in my judgment, the prevailing mood is far removed from reality. This is characteristic of far-from-equilibrium situations when perceptions tend to lag behind reality. To complicate matters, the lag works in both directions. Most people have not yet realized that this crisis is different from previous ones ― that we are at the end of an era. Others including me failed to anticipate the extent of the rebound. The confusion is not confined to
it extends to the entire international arena.我的观点绝不是异端,但的确与众不同。周期持续的时间越长,相信它的人就越多。但是,在我看来,大众的想法与现实还是有很大差距的。这正是“远离平衡状态”的典型特征,即认知滞后于现实。更为复杂的是,滞后体现在两个方向。大多数人还没有意识到这次危机不同于以往,没有认识到我们处于一个时代的尾声;而其他人,包括我在内,未能预见到经济反弹的程度。这种混乱状况不仅局限于金融领域,而且还波及整个国际舞台。443And originally it was a math problem more or less.最初它差不多只是一个数学问题的游戏。Like, heres the economics of illegal immigration.就像,关于非法移民的经济学问题。And the more I learned about the Mexican culture my partner is Mexican ― the more I learned that,之后,随着我学到越来越多的墨西哥文化―我的搭档是墨西哥人―我越来越发现,you know, for all of us, food is a basic need, but,你知道,对于我们所有人来说,食物是基本的需求,and it is obviously with Mexicans too, but its much more than that.当然对墨西哥人也是,但对他们来说食物的含义远不止如此。Its an expression of love. Its an expression of,God, Im totally choking up way more than I thought.食物是爱的表达。它是―上帝,我没想到我会这么哽咽。Ill look away from the picture.我还是先不看这张照片好了。Its an expression of beauty. Its how they say they love you.它是美的表达。这是他们表达他们爱你的方式。Its how they say they care, and you cant hear somebody talk about their Mexican grandmo in the first sentence.这是他们表达在乎的方式。任何一个墨西哥人谈起他的祖母,第一句中一定会有;食物;。And so to me, this beautiful culture, this beautiful expression is something that I want to capture through games.对我来说,这种美丽的文化,这种美丽的表达方式,正是我想要通过游戏捕捉的东西。And so games, for a change, it changes how we see topics,因此游戏能够带来改变,它改变了我们讨论主题的方式,it changes how our perceptions about those people in topics, and it changes ourselves.它改变了我们对那些主题中人物的看法,它也改变了我们自己。We change as people through games,我们通过玩游戏发生改变,because were involved, and were playing,因为我们既是玩游戏的人,又是游戏的一部分,and were learning as we do so. Thank you.与此同时,我们能学到东西。谢谢。857My call to action is this build and protect that roommate relationship between the East and West. Value this relationship and take ownership of it.我呼吁的行动是建立和保护东西方之间的室友关系,珍惜它,拥有它。Dont come to Oxford as an exchange student from Taiwan. and only hang out with other Chinese students.从台湾到牛津做交换生的学生不要只和中国学生一起玩儿。Why would you do that?那你来干嘛呢?You could do that back in Wuhan or Nanjing or wherever you came from.你在武汉或者南京,或者你原来待的地方就可以这样啊。Dont buy into the headlines or the stereotypes or in the hyper-nationalism.不要迷信新闻标题或者刻板印象,或者被极端的民族主义蛊惑。Think for yourselves, and this goes for the East and the West, both.独立思考,这点对东方人和西方人都一样。Get to know one another and think for yourselves and dont believe the hype.了解对方,依靠自己的思考,不要相信炒作。For a moment, if we could just disregard the governments and what the media are saying, just for the sake of the argument.如果我们可能暂时不考虑政府或者媒体说什么,我们将心比心。With our own tools of critical thinking, can we build relationships that actually see one another as individual human beings and not faceless members of a particular ethnicity or nationality?Of course we can do that.我们当然能做到。And thats the goal and dream, I think of the romantic artists and the musicians.我认为这就是浪漫的艺术家和音乐家的目标和梦想。I think its always been there.我认为一直有这样一个梦想。And thats what I wish for and thats what makes music and arts so powerful and so true.这就是我期望的,这也是让音乐和艺术变得如此强大和真实的原因。It breaks down instantly, disintegrates, all the artificial barriers that weve created between each other, government, nationality, black, brown, yellow, white, whatever colour you are and shows each other our hearts, our fears, our hopes and our dreams.它能瞬间瓦解我们之间制造的所有人为的障碍。政府,国籍,黑色,棕色,黄色,白色,不管你是什么人种,它让我们敞开心扉,分享恐惧,分享希望,分享梦想。And it turns out in end that the East isnt that far after all, and the West, well the West, arent so wild.最后你会发现东方并不是那么远,而西方人也不是那么疯狂。And through understanding each others popular cultures, we gain insight into each others hearts and true selves.通过理解对方的流行文化,我们看到了对方的内心和真实面目。And for those of you who are just beginning that journey to the West and East.如果你刚刚开始这种旅程,去西方或者去东方。I want to invite you today on this amazing journey with me, and I, as an experienced traveller on this road on the West to East road.如果你刚刚开始这种东西之旅,作为从西到东这条路上有经验的旅行者,那我今天就要邀请你和我一起。Ive prepared a mixtape for all of you today of ten songs that I love.我准备了一盘混音给你们,里面有十首我喜欢的歌曲。480
  Our financing Organization provides a simple, single point of contact for financing, leasing and re-marketing products. It als programs that will automatically upgrade a customers assets and dispose of the obsolete technology. And HPs commitment to be the best customer service organization in China has been a key differentiator and ingredient to ongoing development of our relationships. Our customer service unit was the first to receive ISO 9002 certification in China for total quality. To this day, none of our competitors has yet succeeded in achieving this distinction. We are also committed to bring our proactive consulting services to our customers, opening one new customer support center every two to three months throughout China ― most recently in Zhengzhou and Tianjin. Next week we will open our sixth full branch office in Shenzhen. And well open branches in Wuhan and Nanjing in mid-year, which will combine sales with customer support services. In the fall we will add a major call center with more than 150 staff, which will be opened as part of our new China HP Headquarters Office in Beijing. In total we will have more than 10 branches throughout China by the year 2000 offering both sales and support services ― plus several other offices dedicated only to support services.我们的金融机构为我们产品的融资、租赁和再经销提供了单一的联系点。它还推出了独具创意的“技术更新”计划,该计划可自动更新客户的资产,并可处理过时的技术。惠普决心成为中国最佳的客户务机构,这是我们不断发展目前关系的关键因素。我们的客户务部在中国最先荣获 ISO 9002质量书。时至今日,我们的竞争对手没有一家获此殊荣。我们还承诺,为我们的客户提供超前的咨询务。在中国,我们每隔两至三个月就设立一个新的客户持中心,最近,我们在郑州和天津开设了客户持中心。下周,我们将在深圳设立我们的第六个分公司。年中我们将在武汉和南京设立分公司,它们将同时负责销售和客户持务。今年秋季,我们将增设一个主要的反馈中心,有150多名员工,它将成为我们在北京新设的中国惠普总部的一个部门。到 2000年,我们在中国将有10 多家分公司从事销售和持务。其他还有一些机构主要从事持务。216I happened to be living in Springfield at the time,and the best part of it was-is that you would close the womens door in the bathroom,当时我刚好住在斯普林菲尔德(Springfield,和波士顿一个州),最精的部分是―如果你到女厕所,关上门and I remember seeing Go Sox, and I thought, really?我记得看到门上写着加油,红袜队,我当时想,不是吧?Or the houses, youd come out, because every game,另外大家都会从屋子里跑出来,因为每一场比赛,well, I think almost every game, went into overtime, right?嗯,我记得几乎每一场比赛都会进入加时赛,对吗?So wed be outside, and all the other lights are on,on the whole block, and kids, like, the attendance was down in school, and kids werent going to school.所以我们会到户外,周围所有的灯都亮着,整个街区都亮着,而孩子们逃课变得比较普遍,他们都不怎么去上学了。But its okay, its the Red Sox, right?但这没什么,因为是红袜队,对吧?I mean, theres education, and then theres the Red Sox,我的意思是,一方面是上学,然后一方面是红袜队,and we know where theyre stacked.我们知道它们孰轻孰重。So this was an amazing experience, and again, yes,所以这是一种绝妙的体验,而且再一次―是的,it was a game, but they didnt write newspaper articles,这是一场游戏,但他们没在报纸上写文章,people didnt say-you know, really, I can die now because the Red Sox won. And many people did.因为人们不会说―你知道,真的,我现在感觉快死了,因为红袜队赢了比赛。 其实很多人那样说了。So games, it means something more to us.所以游戏对我们而言有更多的意义。It absolutely means something more.它绝对拥有更多的意义。So now, just, this is an abrupt transition here.现在切换一下话题。There was three years where I actually did have a real job, sort of.有三年时间,我有了真正的工作(在某种程度上算)。I was the head of a college department teaching games, so, again, it was sort of a real job,我担任了一个学院部门的主管负责教游戏,算是某种意义上的真正的工作,and now I just got to talk about making as opposed to making them.而现在我只是谈一谈做游戏而不是真正的去做出来。And I was at a dinner. Part of the job of it, when youre a chair of a department, is to eat, and I did that very well,有一次我参加了一个宴会。当你是一个部门头头的时候,你的工作之一就是吃,这项工作我完成的很好。and so Im out at a dinner with this guy called Zig Jackson.某次宴会上我认识了这这个人,叫齐格?杰克逊。So this is Zig in this photograph. This is also one of Zigs photographs. Hes a photographer.这张照片里的人就是齐格,他自己的摄影作品。他是一名摄影师。And he goes all around the country taking pictures of himself, and you can see here hes got Zigs Indian Reservation. And this particular shot, this is one of the more traditional shots. This is a rain dancer.他在全国各地跑来跑去,为自己拍照,在这张照片里你可以看到他的印第安人保留地系列照片。再来看这一张,这是较传统的照片之一。这是一位祈雨舞者。And this is one of my favorite shots here.这也是我最喜爱的照片之一。So you can look at this, and maybe youve even seen things like this. This is an expression of culture, right?接下来我们来看这张照片,也许你曾经看到过类似的东西。这是一种文化的表达,对吗?And this is actually from his Degradation series.这张照片实际上是他的退化系列中的一张。And what was most fascinating to me about this series is just, look at that little boy there.这个系列最吸引我的是,看看那里那个小男孩。383
  THE PRESIDENT: About a year ago, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel was visiting our troops in the Republic of Korea thanking them for their service and answering their questions, and they asked about the usual topics, about our national security, the future of our military. And then one soldier, a sergeant from Ohio asked him, what was the most pertinent question of the day, which was what was your favorite college football team. To which Chuck replied, born and raised in Nebraska, I I am a strong Cornhuskers fan.Now there was a time when an enlisted soldier might have been reluctant to ask that kind of question of the Secretary of Defense. But Chuck Hagel has been no ordinary Secretary of Defense. As the first enlisted combat veteran to serve in that position, he understands our men and women like few others, because hes stood where they stood, hes been in the dirt and hes been in the mud, and thats established a special bond. He sees himself in them and they see themselves in him. And their safety, their lives, have always been at the center of Chucks service.When I asked Chuck to serve as Secretary of Defense we were entering a significant period of transition. The draw-down in Afghanistan, the need to prepare our forces for future missions and tough fiscal choices to keep our military strong and y. Over nearly two years, Chuck has been an exemplary Defense Secretary, providing a steady hand as we modernized our strategy and budget to meet long-term threats, while still responding to immediate challenges like ISIL and Ebola. Thanks to Chuck, our military is on a firmer footing, engaged in these missions and looking ahead to the future.Now last month, Chuck came to me to discuss the final quarter of my presidency and determined that having guided the department through this transition, it was an appropriate time for him to complete his service. Let me just say that Chuck is and has been a great friend of mine. Ive known him, admired him and trusted him for nearly a decade since I was a green-behind-the-ears, freshman senator, and we were both on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. If theres one thing I know about Chuck, its that he does not make this or any decision lightly, this decision does not come easily to him, but I consider myself extraordinarily lucky to have had him by my side for two years. And I am grateful that Chuck has agreed to stay on until I nominate a successor and that successor is confirmed by the Senate. Which means that hell continue to guide our troops at this challenging time.Ill have more opportunity to pay tribute to Chucks life of service in the days ahead. For now, let me just say this: Chuck Hagel has devoted himself to our national security and our men and women in uniform across more than six decades. He volunteered for Vietnam and still carries the scars and shrapnel from the battles that he fought. At the VA, he fought to give our veterans, especially his fellow Vietnam veterans, the benefits they had earned. As head of the USO, he made sure America always honors our troops. As a Senator, he helped lead the fight for the post-9/11 GI Bill, which is helping so many of our newest veterans and their families realize their dreams of a college education. As Secretary, Chuck has helped transition our military and bolstered Americas leadership around the world. During his tenure, Afghan forces took the lead for security in Afghanistan. Our forces have drawn down. Our combat mission there ends next month, and well partner with Afghans to preserve the gains we have made.The NATO Alliance is as strong as it has ever been, and we have reassured our allies with our increased presence in Central and Eastern Europe. Weve modernized our alliances in the Asia P updated our defense posture and recently agreed to improve communications between the U.S. and Chinese militaries. Chuck has been critical to all these accomplishments.887
  I stand before you today the representative of a family in grief, in a country in mourning before a world in shock.今天,我作为一个悲恸的家属代表,站在你们面前,站在一个受到震惊的世界面前,站在一个举国哀悼的国度里。We are all united not only in our desire to pay our respects to Diana but rather in our need to do so. For such was her extraordinary appeal that the tens of millions of people taking part in this service all over the world via television and radio who never actually met her, feel that they too lost someone close to them in the early hours of Sunday morning. It is a more remarkable tribute to Diana than I can ever hope to offer her today.我们所有的人都聚集在一起,不仅仅是因为我们渴望表达对戴安娜的敬意,而是因为我们需要这样做。由于她的特殊吸引力,全世界几千万人,甚至没有见过她的人,今天都能够通过电视和收音机参加这个葬礼,他们都感到星期天早晨失去了一个可亲的人。这个事实本身,对戴安娜来说,就是比我今天希望表达的悼词深刻得多的殊荣。Diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty. All over the world she was a symbol of selfless humanity, a standard bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden, a very British girl who transcend nationality, someone with a natural nobility who was classless and who proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate her particular brand of magic.在全世界,戴安娜是同情心、责任心、风度和美丽的化身,是无私和人道的象征,是维护真正被践踏的权益的旗手,是一个超越国界的英国女孩,是一个带有自然的高贵气质的人,是一个不分阶层的人。在最后一年里,她已经明,她不需要什么皇家头衔也可以继续发挥她那独特的神奇力量。Today i for the way you brightened our lives, even though God granted you but half a life. We will all feel cheated always that you were taken from us so young and yet we must learn to be grateful that you came along at all. Only now you are gone do we truly appreciate what we are now without and we want you to know that life without you is very, very difficult.借今天这个机会,我们要向你说声谢谢,虽然上天只给了你一半的生命,但是你的榜样照亮了我们的生活。我们常感到像受骗似的,你那样年轻,就离开了我们,然而我们必须学会感恩,你毕竟来过。然而如今你走了我们才真正明白我们失去的是什么。我们要你知道,没有你的日子是多么艰难。 /484。
  But I had a childhood, and I was allowed to make mistakes and find my own way in the world without the glare of the spotlight.我是有童年的,而我也可以在镁光灯照不到的、属于我的世界里犯错和做我自己。When I first heard that Michael had died, I was in London, days away from the opening of my tour. Michael was going to perform in the same venue as me a week later. All I could think about in this moment was, ;I had abandoned him.; That we had abandoned him. That we had allowed this magnificent creature who had once set the world on fire to somehow slip through the cracks. While he was trying to build a family and rebuild his career, we were all busy passing judgment. Most of us had turned our backs on him.当听到迈克尔去世的消息时,我人在伦敦,巡回演唱会刚开始了几天。而迈克尔原本也计划在一周之后来这里演出。当时我的感觉便是我抛弃了他,我们都抛弃了他!因为我们竟然默许这位曾让世界沸腾的俊杰遭受各种流言的折磨。当他试图建立自己的家庭和重拾他的事业时,我们都忙于对他做出评判。我们中的大部分人都拒绝了他。In a desperate attempt to hold on to his memory, I went on the Internet to watch old clips of him dancing and singing on TV and on stage and I thought, ;My God, he was so unique, so original, so rare, and there will never be anyone like him again. He was a king.;在我伤心欲绝的时候,我不断上网重温他以前在电视或演唱会上的表演片段,以凭吊我对他的思念。而每每这个时刻,我便会觉得:“老天!他真是太特别了,极其大胆又极具独创性。毫无疑问永远都不会再有人能像他那样。他就是一个王者。”But he was also a human being, and alas we are all human beings and sometimes we have to lose things before we can truly appreciate them. I want to end this on a positive note and say that my sons, age nine and four, are obsessed with Michael Jackson. Theres a whole lot of crotch grabbing and moon walking going on in my house. And, it seems like a whole new generation of kids has discovered his genius and are bringing him to life again. I hope that wherever Michael is right now he is smiling about this.但同时他又是个凡人。唉,我们都是凡人,以至于有时总要失去之后才懂得珍惜。最后,我想以一个积极乐观的方式结束我的发言。我的两个儿子,一个9岁,一个4岁,都非常痴迷于迈克尔?杰克逊,成天都在家里跳月球漫步,就好像全世界新一代的小孩儿们发现了杰克逊的天赋,并将他重新复活一样。无论迈克尔现在身在何处,我都希望他看到这些时都是面带微笑的。Yes, yes, Michael Jackson was a human being but he was a king. Long live the king.是的,迈克尔?杰克逊是一个人,但他更是一个王者!一个永世长存的王者!084


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