
  9. By the end of next month we ____this assignment.重庆人流大医院 以;为代价北碚做输卵管造影preside pri5zaidvi.主持;主奏  A. that once grow B. once they grow? C. they once grew D. once grew?江北专门治不孕不育的医院
渝中区不孕不育检查多少钱重庆爱德华人流多少钱client 5klaiEntn.顾客;诉讼委托人1、分词作状语九龙坡治疗不孕不育专科医院aerial stunts 空中特技重庆去医院摘环要多少钱乐山市人民医院性激素检查时空大夫重庆医院做引产需要花多少钱
宇航员常说:在太空中,没有什么问题能够糟糕到你无法让它变得更糟。如何应对复杂情况下的危险和恐惧?已退役的克里斯?哈德菲尔德上校为我们生动地描绘了太空中所能碰到的最糟糕的情况。他的亲身经历告诉他,应当为最坏情况做好准备,无论是在宇航任务还是在现实生活中都应该如此。他还以蜘蛛作比,诠释了他的这一感悟。 Article/292重庆爱德华综合医院妇科Strong obliques―the side muscles that frame your six-pack―are a must for Greek heroes, Olympic discus throwers, or anyone who wants to look like one.形成腹部六块肌肉的斜纹肌对于希腊英雄,奥林匹克铁饼运动员或者任何想要看上去健硕的人来说都是必须的。You Will Need你需要A light barbell一个较轻的杠铃Comfortable exercise clothes and shoes舒适的运动和运动鞋A broomstick or golf club扫帚柄或高尔夫球杆Steps步骤If you are experiencing any back pain, avoid this exercise.如果你的背部有任何疼痛,不要进行这项锻炼。Step 1 Rest bar shoulders1.将杠铃放在颈部和肩膀之间Grab a lightweight barbell weighing no more than 40 pounds and rest it across the back of your neck and shoulders.抓起一个较轻的的杠铃,重量不要超过40磅,放在脖子后面和肩膀之间。Step 2 Stand with feet apart2.双脚分开Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands sp wide on the bar.双脚与肩同宽分开站立,双手分开放在杠铃上。Until you get the hang of this move, you can practice it with a broomstick or golf club.在掌握这项运动的要领之前,可以用扫帚柄或高尔夫球杆练习。Step 3 Bend from side to side3.侧面弯曲Slowly bend from side to side in one smooth, continuous motion, being careful not to bend forward or backward.以缓慢连续的动作从一侧弯向另一侧,小心不要向前或向后弯曲。Step 4 Repeat4.重复Repeat as needed. With this move in your workout, you#39;re on your way to glory!根据需要重复动作。锻炼中融入这个动作,你将很快获得成功!The oblique muscles are what your body uses to twist and bend your torso.斜纹肌是身体用来扭转和弯曲躯干的肌肉。视频听力栏目译文属。 Article/311重庆市爱德华妇科检查多少钱Say so long to feeling guilty over not enjoying fresh vegetables and experiment with new varieties, recipes, and cooking methods. You might just find that your taste buds rise to the occasion.很长时间没有享受新鲜的蔬菜了,同时尝试一下新的品种,菜谱和烹煮方法。你会发现,你的味蕾会得到最大的满足。You Will Need你需要Variety of fresh vegetables各种新鲜蔬菜Juices榨汁Frozen vegetables冰冻蔬菜Soup汤Sauces沙司Cheese奶酪Steps步骤Step 1 Make a commitment1.做出承诺Make a commitment to try a vegetable you#39;ve never eaten or liked once a week, and keep an open mind.承诺每周吃一次你以前从来不吃或不喜欢的蔬菜,兼收并蓄。Step 2 Lean to cook2.学习烹煮Learn to cook vegetables properly to maximize flavor. Cook them in new ways, such as grilled alongside your favorite cut of meat and baked potato.学习正确的蔬菜烹煮方法,以达到最佳口味。尝试新的方法烹煮,例如与最喜欢的肉片和烤土豆片一起烧烤。Grilled vegetables taste sweeter and have a smoky flavor that masks bitterness.烧烤的蔬菜吃上去更甜,而且有一种烟熏的风味,可以掩盖苦味。Step 3 Drink vegetables3.榨汁Drink vegetable juice or vegetable and fruit combination juices to get your daily servings. Or create your own blends by mixing a vegetable juice with a fruit juice you like.每天饮用蔬菜汁或蔬菜水果混合汁液。或者混合蔬菜汁和自己喜欢的果汁。Elevate the role of vegetables by making them the main attraction with dishes like veggie pita pockets, vegetable kabobs, and mushroom burgers.增加蔬菜发挥的作用,让蔬菜成为美食的焦点,例如素食皮塔饼,蔬菜烤肉和蘑菇汉堡包。Step 4 Give vegetables the slip4.调汤Slip a small amount of frozen vegetables into canned or homemade soup to introduce new vegetables into your diet.向罐装或自制汤中加入少量冰冻蔬菜,为饮食加入新的蔬菜。Step 5 Add vegetables5.添加蔬菜Add chopped celery, sliced onion, a scallion, or grated cabbage to foods you aly like to nurture your fondness for this essential food group.向你原本打算大快朵颐的食物中加入细芹菜,洋葱片,大葱或碎包菜。Step 6 Smother in cheese6.覆盖奶酪Smother cooked vegetables in sauce or sprinkle them with cheese. Sooner or later, you may find you have a promising new relationship with those Brussels sprouts, turnips, and broccoli.煮好的蔬菜蘸着沙司吃,或者涂抹奶酪。迟早有一天,你会发现自己与豆芽,萝卜和西兰花建立起新的关系。Vegetable proteins provide glutamic acid, an amino acid experts link to lower blood pressure.蔬菜蛋白可以提供谷氨酸。专家称这种氨基酸可以降血压。视频听力由。 /113重庆医科大学附属第二医院做输卵管复通
九龙坡南岸区产科生孩子多少钱巫溪黔江区武隆县子宫肌瘤哪家医院最好的This tranquil world is home to specialised cave fishes, like the eyeless Golden Barb.这静谧的世界是穴居鱼的家,比如无目金。China may have more unique kinds of cave evolved fishes than anywhere else on earth.中国或许拥有地球上种类最为繁多的洞穴进化鱼。Above the water table, ancient caverns abandoned by the river slowly fill up with stalactites and stalagmites.在地下水位线,被河流遗弃的远古洞穴中充斥着石笋和钟乳石。Stalactites form as trickling water deposits tiny quantities of rock over hundreds or thousands of years.含有沉积物的水流在千万年间“滴水成石”。Stalagmites grow up where lime-laden drips hit the cave floor.含有石灰质的水滴落石床形成石笋。
/100Oops! France orders wrong size trains After ordering B worth of trains, France realized many of their platforms are too small. CNN#39;s Jim Boulden explains.Before you buy an expensive sports car, you wanna check if it fits in the garage. The same can be said when you are buying billions of dollars’ worth of trains, you wanna check whether the rolling stock fits when it comes into the station, into all the stations. The French National Railway company, the RFF discovered that some of the 2,000 trains ordered from Alstom Bombardier were well, just too wide for the network’s older stations. The train company SNCF reportedly based its orders on the dimensions of the newer, leaner platforms, not the older wider ones. Apparently the wrong measurements were handed to SNCF by RFF. The mistake was found back in
platforms aly had been retrofitted, with another thousand or so to go, costing up to ,000,000, the companies say. well, at least redoing the platforms will be, e ”totally useful and necessary”, RFF says and “brings them up to international standards.” So who is to blame? The current government blames the previous government of course, saying it was absurd to split the train operators from the training network, adding a layer of bureaucracy. It seems what we have here is a failure to communicate. Jim Boulden CNN, London.
/520重庆爱德华综合医院泌尿科咨询For more on this, we#39;re now joined by our correspondent Rian Maelzer in Kuala Lumpur for the latest.下面我们一同看看我台记者Rian Maelzer 从吉隆坡发回的最新消息。Rian, 26 countries are now involved in the search and investigation. How is Malaysia coordinating the operations?Rian,你好。现在有26个国家参与了搜救和调查工作。那么大马方面的协调工作进行的如何呢?Malaysian authorities also said they are investigating the crew and passengers. What is the latest you have on this?大马官方表示他们正在对客机上的乘务员和乘客进行调查。关于这一情况,你目前掌握了那些信息? Article/494重庆哪家医院做宫颈糜烂好当前位置: &
日 02:01:44
常使用“宅男”、“宅女”、“阿宅”或零丁一个“宅”字及其衍生出的词汇(好比:宅去指代御宅文化相干事物, 对于御宅对于了解“御宅族”涵义的人,也可泛指热中且精于某种次文化的族群,对于宅男的定义似乎有了新的规范,指思惟理念层面,并因爱好而有深入研究,也便是说一个人少工夫呆正在家中而不外出宅男,进而所说的“宅男”是个笼统暧昧的概念,简朴去说便是对某一领域极其喜好,通常将作形容词的“宅”视作“御宅”的简化, ,正在中国年夜陆御宅族圈内尤为普遍毛孔舒张,沿斜面切断的汗毛再少出时重医附一院专家咨询
重庆爱德华男科挂号更是心理上的煎熬,据《本草纲目》忘载,手足麻木等, 栗子具有补肾壮腰、养胃健脾的感化,可鲜食,适用于类风湿肾虚、腰膝酸软者, 橄榄取鲜橄榄根或0克~50克
那便是心肺效用要减强哦, 仰卧抬腿 要留心是抬腿不是举腿璧山潼南区盆腔炎哪家医院最好的重庆市妇幼保健院妇科检查怎么样
日 02:01:46 | 作者:华南翻译 | 来源:
1. Peaceful Era1.和平年代We are now in the midst of the most peaceful era of human history. Back in the 1940s, 300 out of every 100,000 people would die as a direct result of war. We’re happy to tell you that that figure is now less than 1.在人类的历史上,我们正处于最和平的年代。早在二十世纪四十年代,每10万个人中就有300人直接死于战争。我们可以很欣慰地告诉你今天这个数字少于1。2. Worldwide Murders2.全球谋杀案557,000 people were murdered across the world in 2001 alone. That number significantly dropped by 289,000 by 2008. The homocide rate is now in decline in 75% of nations.仅在2001年,全球就约有55.7万人被谋杀。而到了2008年,这个数据就减少了28.9万人。如今,全球的谋杀率已经下降了75%。3. Poverty3.贫穷52% of the world lived in extreme poverty in 1981. This number dropped down by 21% in 2010, as 721 million fewer people no longer live in absolute poverty.在1981年,全球52%的人极其穷困潦倒。这个数字在2010年的时候下降了21%,少于7.21亿人还过着极度贫困的生活。4. Life Expectancy4.平均寿命The life expectancy of the average human has increased more in the past 50 years than it did in the 200,000 years of human existence. Life expectancy is now 70 years old C which is a big difference from 47 years old in 1950!人类在过去50年的平均寿命比人类存在的20万年中的平均寿命要长的多。目前,人类的平均寿命是70岁,1950年的平均寿命是47岁,两者存在很大的差异。5. Gay Marriage5.同性婚姻While there is a still a way to go to ensure the LGBT community has the same rights as sexual couples, the world has moved on significantly in recent years. In fact, gay marriage is now legal for 60% of Americans. What about the other 40%, you ask? The List Love really believes the rest of the ed States, and many other countries across the world C we’re talking to you, Russia! -will catch up soon.近几年,得益于世界日新月异,就像保护异性夫妻一样, LGBT群体(女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别人士)也会得到同样的权利保障。事实上,如今60%的美国人承认同性婚姻的合法性,如果你问那剩余的40%呢?我们可以告诉你美国的其他地方以及世界的其他地方,例如俄罗斯,很快都会赶上脚步。You might think 60% is absolutely nothing, but this is a significant step, seeing as gay marriage was not legal anywhere in the ed States in 2003.或许你会认为这个60%并不起眼,但它是很重要的一步,因为在2003年,同性婚姻在美国的任何地方都是不合法的。6. Cancer Mortality Rate6.癌症死亡率Between 1991 and 2010, the cancer mortality rate fell by a whopping 20%, which is more than 10% a decade. One day we will say goodbye to cancer for good.在1991年至2010年之间,癌症死亡率显著下降了20%,这比过去十年下降总和的10%还要多。总有一天,我们会跟癌症说再见。7. Hearing Aid7.助听器Marvel created superhero Blue Ear, who wears a hearing aid, after a little boy refused superheroes don’.2002年,一名4岁的小男孩患有耳聋,但他不愿意戴助听器,因为超级英雄们都不戴。之后,漫威(Marvel)创作了一个戴着助听器的蓝耳侠(Blue Ear)。8. Illiteracy8.文盲World illiteracy has reduced by 50% between 1970 to today.从1970年到今天,世界各地的文盲减少了50%。9. Smiling9.微笑Blind people smile even when they have never seen someone smile.即使从未见过人微笑,盲人也会微笑。10. Knighted Penguin10.被授予爵位的企鹅Last but by no means least is our favourite fact that Norway once knighted a penguin. His name is Nils Olav, and he is a king penguin who now resides on Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland. He is the mascot and Colonel-in-Chief of the Norwegian Royal Guard. He was knighted on 15th August, 2008, which was approved by King Harald V, who stated during the ceremony that Nin every way qualified to receive the honour and d.挪威曾为一只企鹅授予爵位。它现在居住在苏格兰的爱丁堡动物园,是那里的企鹅王,它叫尼尔斯?奥拉夫( Nils Olav)。它不仅是一只吉祥物,更是挪威皇家护卫队的名誉上校。日,国王哈拉尔五世(King Harald V)授予奥拉夫爵位,并在授予典礼上声明“奥拉夫在各方面都有资格获得骑士爵位的荣誉和尊严”。注:本文转载自前十网,译者:Carrie /130More than 60 percent of travelers reported they will take short-distance trips during Qixi Festival, or the Chinese Valentine#39;s Day, which will fall on August 20, according to travel . Grasslands, islands and hiking spots have become popular destinations this year, according to a Beijing Youth Daily report.据旅游网站去哪网调查显示,超过60%的旅行者会在8月20日,也就是即将到来的七夕节期间选择短途旅行。七夕也被称为中国的情人节。北京青年日报还报道,草原,岛屿和远足地点成为今年最受欢迎的旅游目的地Starting last week, ;Q have become top key search words . Trips lasting for two to four days make up their highest sales, said Gao Xing, CEO of the holiday department of the website.去哪网旅游部CEO高兴表示:“从上周开始,#39;七夕#39;和#39;浪漫#39;成为了去哪网搜索量最高的两个词,这一势头甚至一直保持了两到四天之久”The top three national destinations for Qixi among Beijing users are Qinhuangdao (Hebei Province), Sanya (Hainan Province) and Beidaihe (Hebei Province).去哪网的北京用户最青睐的三个国内旅游点分别是秦皇岛(河北省),三亚(海南省)还有北戴河(河北省)The top three outbound destinations are Phuket in Thailand, Bali in Indonesia and Seoul in South Korea, Gao said.而最受青睐的三个国外目的地分别是泰国的普吉岛,印尼的巴厘岛和韩国的首尔 /881As snowy Davos becomes engulfed in the hustle and bustle of another World Economic Forum, Microsoft (MSFT) founder Bill Gates took the opportunity to deliver an upbeat message in his annual newsletter. The 25-page report, written by Gates and his wife Melinda, who are co-chairs of the B Melinda Gates Foundation, argued that the world is a better place than it has ever been before. Gates predicted that by 2035, there would be almost no poor countries left in the world, using today#39;s World Bank classification of low-income countries ― even after adjusting for inflation.微软创始人、世界首富比尔?盖茨近日在接受采访时表示,到2035年世界上将几乎没有贫穷的国家,那些贫穷的国家将会从富裕的邻国伙伴们的创新受益。 “到那个时候几乎所有的国家将会成为中低收入国家或者更为富有的国家。贫穷的国家会从周围最具生产力的邻国身上学习经验,并且受益于他们的创新,比如新的疫苗、优质的种子以及数字变革。而他们本身的廉价的劳动力、鼓励政策以及逐步普及的教育都会吸引更多的投资者。到2035年绝大多数的国家都会比现在中国的人均收入要高。”;Poor countries are not doomed to stay poor. Some of the so-called developing nations have aly developed,; he said in his annual note, published on Tuesday. ;I am optimistic enough about this that I am willing to make a prediction. By 2035, there will be almost no poor countries left in the world.; Gates ― who remains a part-time chairman of Microsoft ― added that by this point in time, almost allower- or richer. Countries will learn from their most productive neighbors and benefit from innovations like new vaccines, better seeds, and the digital revolution, he said. ;By almost any measure, the world is better than it has ever been. People are living longer, healthier lives. Extreme poverty rates have been cut in half in the past 25 years. Child mortality is plunging. Many nations that were aid recipients are now self-sufficient,; he said.“到时候将会有超过70%的国家的人均收入超过现在的中国人民的人均收入,而接近90%的国家的人均收入会赶上并超过现在的印度人民的人均收入。”盖茨说富裕国家和贫穷国家之间的差距将会慢慢地由中国、印度、巴西等一些国家填补。从1960开始,中国的人均收入翻了8倍,印度的升了4倍,巴西也几乎上涨了5倍。比尔?盖茨还称当前存在三大误区阻碍了全球发展:穷国将永远穷下去;外国援助是极大的浪费;拯救生命会导致人口过剩。The three biggest myths, according to Gates, are that poor countries are doomed to stay poor, that foreign aid is a big waste and that saving lives leads to overpopulation.Using data from academics, the World Bank and the ed Nations, he makes the opposite case ― arguing that the world is getting better.“那些认为世界正变得越来越糟糕,我们不能解决贫穷以及疾病问题都是误解,并且有很大的危害,”盖茨写道。;不管通过什么标准衡量,世界都在不断地变好。很明显在接下来的二十年里也会变得更好。; /165


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