dpattack攻击 Dog 翻译成攻击犬好还是警犬好

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英文翻译 patrol dog&&&&police dog&&&&canine unit&&&& specialist unit&&&&ilink&&&& tracking dog&&&&the police dog's worry&&&&sleuthhound&&&&said her handler&&&&see spot run&&&&oc police dog unit&&&&doberman pinscher&&&& trained-dog&&&&sleuth&&&&the police dog scented about till he round the trail&&&&new york has followed the example of paris in establishing a brigade of police ...&&&&new york has followed the example of paris in establishing a brigade of police ...&&&& f' division 'f&&&&plain view searches&&&&gate squad main gate platoon&&&&water tower squad&&&&southern squad
例句与用法The police dog scented about till it round the trail .警犬嗅来嗅去,终于找到了踪迹。The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off .防盗警报器一响,警卫就放出了警犬。I am glad rex never saw a trained police dog jump .雷克斯从未见过训练有素的警犬的跳跃,这倒是我感到欣慰的事情。New york has followed the example of paris in establishing a brigade of police-dogs .纽约已效仿巴黎的做法建立了一支警犬队。New york has followed the example of paris in establishing a brigade of police dogs .纽约已仿照巴黎的做法建立了一支警犬队。It was quite poisoned for him the bark of the two bloodhounds that kept watch there .他连在那里守望着的两只警犬的吠声都感到厌恶。Without him they would be naked in a world of dogs and ss men. where was he ?离开了他这些人就立刻暴露在党卫队和警犬的魔爪之下。他究竟到什么地方去了呢?Hitler's two police dogs roamed about the area and ignored his commands--the only oppositionists at his court .希特勒的两头警犬在附近狺狺狂吠,不听他的命令--这是希特勒宫廷中绝无仅有的反对派。The dog ' s sniffing something by the old bear cage警犬正在那个旧笼子附近嗅探The boston terrier has since been returned如今这只小警犬已经回到主人身边。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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主管单位:公安部主办单位:公安部南京警犬研究所主  编:徐汉森刊  期:月刊开  本:16开创刊时间:1985
单  价:7.00定  价:28.00国内统一刊号:32-1611/S国际标准刊号:
2016年 第11期目录
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