
作者:佚名 教案来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y k J.C om Step1.Self-introduction.& The teacher and the student will have a brief self-introduction each. So that the teacher can have a better understanding about her. And also, the teacher will know which part of English the student is really weak at. Then next, the teacher will talk about the clozet.Step 2 考纲分析&&& 完形填空是考查学生阅读理解和语言运用能力的综合性试题。它考查的知识面广,覆盖面大,综合性强,灵活性高。它不仅能客观的反应出学生的知识性水平,要求学生要运用所学的词汇、习惯用语、固定搭配、语法、句法等基础知识妥善的处理好每个单句,理解语义,又要处理好单句之间以及单句与全文之间的内在联系。完形填空的题型有多种形式,目前大多数考试采用的完形填空一般是四选一形式。其题量多为一篇200个单词左右的短文和提供10-15个单项选择的小题。题材多数是故事性的短文,也有科普文章、人物传记、社会文化等一类的文章。由于这些文章涉及面广,所以要求学生既要有比较扎实的英语基础知识,还要有一定的自然科学和社会科学知识。Step 3 解题步骤及思路点拔1.&通读全文,了解大意做题之前,必须先浏览全文,了解短文的大意,这是必不可少的一个步骤。通过短文所提供的信息,借助语感及相关知识的推断,可以从整体上把握短文的轮廓。完形填空题不同于单项填空题,单项填空题所给的是一个或两个句子,根据根据或前后句子就可以判定所选的答案。而完形填空题所给的是一篇意思完整的短文,所选的答案设在整段或整篇之中。切勿为了省时而边看边填,否则,欲速则不达,许多地方看不下去,填空时或不解其意,或似懂非懂,举棋不定,这样不仅错误率高,而且费时不少。每篇短文总有一定的主题思想,段落之间必须能承上启下,前呼后应,句与句之间也一定紧密相联,形成一个有机的整体。因此通读全文,时要一气呵成,不要中断思路,只要能了解短文的大意就可。其某些细节不理解可以跳过,如果不影响答题,可以置之不理;如果与答题有关,可到第二步填空时再琢磨解决。另外,在阅读时要特别注意一篇文章的开头和结尾,因为它们往往能够提供主要的信息,帮助了解全文所描述的事件或中心议题。2.&瞻前顾后,初选答案。在通读全文,了解大意的基础上,便可着手答题,初选习惯用法、固定搭配,并从上下文中找关键性启示,前后对照,根据语感等选出比较容易的答案。有些题目设计很巧,由下文暗示上文,很有可能开头的空格填入四个选项在语法上都成立,但正确选项要到文章末尾才能得到解答。反之亦然,文末的空格有可能在上文找到相关或有关联的答案。3.&每空细读,分析斟酌逐句精读,逐题分析选项,有少数空格需多方面的推敲分析,如词义分析,语法结构分析,上下文推理分析等,下面是从所给四个选项角度考虑的解题思路:(1)&若考查冠词,则须依据短文空白后的单词的第一个因素,或所出现的后面名词的次序来确定a, an 或the, 或用冠词的惯用法来确定。(2)&若是介词或副词(如 up,out, off, away等)可先从固定搭配入手;若不属于固定搭配,则根据句子结构及介(副)词的意义及用法进行仔细推敲选择。(3)&若四个选项好似名词,则须从其所在的单复数形式、所有格形式等,根据文意进行名词辨析等。(4)&如考查形容词或副词,则须从其所在句中的作用来确定什么词性,或者考查其比较级或最高级,以及它前面的修饰语等。(5)&如果考查动词,要么考查其同义词辨析,要么考查某些固定搭配,或时态、语态以及非谓语动词形式等。(6)&若选项是连接词,泽尔应根据句子结构和上下文的意思决定是选择连接代词还是连接副词。也可以从连词的一些惯用法或固定搭配等入手。如,not… until, as….. as, not so… as, 或用because 不用so,用but不用though等。4.&复核全文,清除疏漏所有的答案选出来以后,应再读全文,对所选的答案进行核实调整,经过第二步的逐句推敲之后,对短文内容的理解更为深刻,最初选择时有些难解或误解的问题这时就很容易判断,从而也就能得到更好的解决,并清除疏漏。这一步费时不多却很有必要。Step 4 解题技巧1.&根据上下文确定答案。There were so many people on the bus that there were ___1__ empty seats. When a young man got out, an old man near him wanted to& ____2____ ,but the young man pushed him back his seat.“ Thank you,” he said, “ but please don't do that, I can stand.”1. A. many&&&& B. some&& C. enough&&&& D. no2.A. sit down&& B. get on& C. set out&&&&& D. stand& up分析:第一小题所给的选项是四个形容词,从单句来看均可和后面的empty seats 搭配。但根据上文的“ there are so many people on the bus”来判断,不可能有many (许多)、some (一些)、enough( 足够的)“空位”。因此,该题的正确答案应为D。&& 第二小题所给的选项是四个动词短语,根据下文的“…..pushed him back to his seat.” 和 “ I can stand.” 来看,年轻人误以为老人要给他让座,而实际上老人是想站起来下车,所以,该小题的正确答案是D。 2.&根据惯用法或习惯搭配确定答案。&It's Sunday. Some students are going ____1__ a trip with their teacher. ___2___ their way they saw a bus behind them.1. A. to&&&&& B. for&&&&& C.on&&& D. at 2. A. On&&& B. By&&&& C.At&&&&& D. To分析:短文是叙述老师领着学生春游的事情。第一小题看似“be going to”结构,其实“go on a trip” 是固定搭配,意为“去旅行”,所以应选C项。第二小题是习惯用法,表示“在去……的路上”,英语中要用“ on one’s way….”,而 by,in,at都不能用在该短语中,故应选A项。3.&运用逻辑推理判断答案。&Mr Brown began to walk at eight in the morning. Now the sun was about to set. He was tired and hungry. He was walking slowly towards the ______ and his shadow lay long behind him. He had to look for a place for the night.A. east&&& B. west&& C. south&& D& north分析:此题所给的选项是四个表示方位的名词,均可和前面的介词“towards”(朝着)搭配,很难判断哪一个是正确答案。只有运用逻辑推理的方法才能找出正确答案。根据上文的“太阳就要落山了”判断此时应为下午,太阳是在西方。再根据下文的“他的影子长长的拖在后面”,就可以推断出,此时布朗先生正朝着西方慢慢的走着。故选B。4.&根据词语用法确定答案&A little cock lived near the river. One morning the little cock ______his beautiful clothes and went for a walk by the river. On his way he met a little duck.A. wore&& B. had on&& C. dressed&&& D. put on分析:所给的四个选项是一组同义词组,都表示“穿”,但它们在用法上有所不同。Wear和have on 都可接物作宾语,意为“穿着”,表示状态;put on 也可接“衣物”,作宾语,意为“穿上”,表示动作;而dress 的宾语只能是人,而不能是“衣物”。根据以上分析,再结合原句的意思,可以确定正确答案为D。挑战自己,实例剖析&& Tiger Woods is a famous professional golfer(职业高尔夫球手). In fact, he is probably ____1__ golfer in the world today. He ___2__ in the United States in 1975. when he was very young, he learned how to play golf ____3__& his father. In 1978, when Tiger was three years old, he was on ___4___ first TV show. He played golf with some famous people___5___ he surprised everyone. Between the ages of 8 and 16, Tiger Woods learned a lot about playing ___6___. He won his first championship (冠军) in______ years. In 1994, Tiger became a student of Standford University. He won 10 golf championships while he ___8__ at the university. In 1996, Tiger became a professional golfer and __9___ more money. He was very famous and rich ___10___ he was till young. Now he has many fans and is a model for young people.(&& ) 1. A. the cleverest&&& B. the most famous& C. the poorest&& D. the oldest(&& ) 2. A. was born&&&&&& B. was carried&&&&& C. was taken&&& D. was pleased(&& ) 3. A. to&&&&&&&&&&&& B. from&&&&&&&&&& C. of&&&&&&&&& D. after(&& ) 4. A. their&&&&&&&&&& B. its&&&&&&&&&&&& C. his&&&&&&&&& D. her(&& ) 5. A. whether&&&&&&& B. if&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. or&&&&&&&&&& D. and (&& ) 6. A. golf&&&&&&&&&& B. football&&&&&&&& C. basketball&&&& D. football(&& ) 7. A. these&&&&&&&&& B. this&&&&&&&&&&&& C. those&&&&&&& D. that(&& ) 8. A. was teaching&&& B. was working&&&& C. was studying& D. was starting(&& ) 9.A. borrowed&&&&&& B. made&&&&&&&&&&& C. wasted&&&&& D. lost(&& ) 10.A. because&&&& B. though&&&&&&&&& C. so&&&&&&&&&&& D. sinceStep 5 解题注意事项1.&重视首、尾句2.&先易后难3.&巧断生词4.&以长补短,灵活作答5.&充满信心,集中精力Step 6 summary and homework.解题步骤及思路1.通读全文,了解大意2.瞻前顾后,初选答案。3.运用逻辑推理判断答案。4.复核全文,清除疏漏
&文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y k J.C om
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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?浅谈高考英语完形填空--《2014年教育探索与实践学术论文集》2014年
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. 1 I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was& 1& and the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad&& 2& a step and fell, sending my new suitcase&& 3&& down the stairs.&
1. A. helpless&&& B. lazy&&&&&&&&& C. anxious&&&&&& D. tired&
2. A. took&&&&&&&&& B. minded&&&& C. missed&&&& &picked&
3. A. rolling&&&& & B. passing&&&&&C. dropping&&&& D. turning
&&1D. tired&&&fell&23CA
2: But Ella Fant, who was filed with&&& 1&& , shouted at the top of her voice, Look at&& 2&&
Theyre all out of&&&& 3&&& except my John Isn&t he the best
1. &A. sadness& &B. happiness& &C. surprise&&&& D. regret
2. &A. them&& &&&& &&B. those&&&& &&&& C. that&&&&&& && D. him&
3. &A. sight&&&&&& &&&B. order&&&&&&&&& C. mind&&&&&&&&& D. step
&&ADIsn't he the best&&1B2A. themthey're3&&D. step
1 It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their&&1&&& &. This was the beginning of another&&& 2&&& day in New York City.
1. A. jobs&&&&&& & B. homes&&&&& &C. buses&&&&& &D. offices
2. A. working&& B. hot&&&&& C. same&& D. ordinary
2NMET1998Every morning she would give him breakfast& 29& bed and bring him the papers to&&& 30&&& .
&29. A. to&&&&&&&&& && B. at&&&&&&&&&& &&C. in&&& &&&&&&& D. by
&30. A. check&&&& &&B. read&&& &&&& &C. keep&&&&&&& &D. sign
29Cbedin30papersnewspapersB. read&&&&
1NMET1992Mrs. Clark was&&& 38&&& tea at the time.
& A. cooking&&&&B. making&&&&C. burning&&& D. serving
&&make tea, &&serve the tea,B. makingA
2: The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant &1 &a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends when it suddenly 2& me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasn&t long &&3& &the whole room was filled with smoke.
1. A. have&&&&&& B. had&&&&&&&& C. having&&&& D. have had
2. A. seemed& &&&B. struck&&& &&&C. sank&&&&& &D. showed
3. A. ago&&&& &&&&B. after&&&&&& C. before&&&&& D. now2
1C2Bstruck&&&,3Cit isn&t long before
1Dad taught me a lot about life, especially its hard times.&
&&&&I remembered one of his& 1&& , one night when I was ready to quit () a political campaignI was losing, and wrote about it in my diary.&
&&&&Tired, feeling the months of&& 2&& , I went up to my study to make some notes.
1. A. classes&&&&&&&B. advice&&& C. lessons&&&& D. talks
2. A. struggle&&&& &B. working& C. battle&&&&&&&& D. defence
classadvicelessontalk&&1C. lessons2B. working, D. defenceA. struggle&&C. battle&&&&A
2She noticed how nervous he was and suggested he should stand near the stage where he could watch and follow the play.&
&It was a good&&& 1&&& of getting rid of his nervousness, she said. She was right, it seemed to&&& 2&& .
&A. idea&&&&&&&& B. way&&&&&&&&& C. path&&&&&&&& D. plan
&A. do&&&&&&&&&&& B. win&&&&&&&&&& C. work&&&&&&& D. act
&&&&&&&&&&1A. idea B. way C. path D. plan&B&&2 A..do B. winC. work D.&actC&&
whowhen, wherewhat
1)Some parts of the water are very shallow. But in some places it is very .
A. deep&&&&&&&& B. high&&&&&&&& C. cold&&&&&& D. dangerous
2)Mrs O&Neill askedquestions and she didn&t scold us either.
A. no&&&&&&&&&&& B. certain&&&& C. many&&&&& D. more
2. andeitherA
Heres a fellow who just walked into a bank and helped himselfso much money.
&&&&& A. for&&&& B. by&&&&&& C. to&&& &&D. of
: &&help oneself to&故答案为C
Soon I heard alike that of a door burst in and then a climb of feet.
A. sound&&&& B. cry&&&&&&& C. voice&&&&& D. shout
: BCDsoundA
And video cameras can be used topeoples actions at home.
& A. keep&&&&&&&&& B. make&&&&&&&& &C. record&&&&&&&&& D. watch
: video cameras因此答案是&&&&&& C&&
It has been many years since I was last in London_____I still remember something that happened during that visit.
A. and&&&&&& B. for&&&&&& C. but&&&&&& D. as
: many yearsstill rememberbut.
(Immediately)the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to thehospital.
A. animal&&&& B. biggest&&&& C. plant&&&& D. nearest
Harry Field also studying biology said they wanted to make as much& 1& as possible to force the &&2& to realize what everybody was having &&3&& .
1. A. effort&&&&&&& B. time&&&&&&&& C. trouble&&&&&&&&&&&& D. noise
2. A. town people& &B. other students &C. government officials &D. truck drivers
3. A. stand&&&&&&& B. accept &&&&& &&C. know&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&D. share
1.D&&&& 2..C&&&& 3.A


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