
安徽桐城人,现居美国,曾译《河湾》、《一个唯美主义者的遗言》 、《老谋深算》、《万灵节》、《布鲁克林有棵树》、《转吧,这伟大的世界》、《喧哗与骚动》等。
2017年,国家主席习近平新年贺辞中有这么一句:“大家撸起袖子加油干,我们就一定能够走好我们这一代人的长征路。”对“大家撸起袖子加油干”一句,中国国际广播电台的翻译为:“The nation remains mobilized for brand new endeavors.”原文“大家撸起袖子”应为呼吁,而翻译则像描述即成事实,回译过来便是:“全国人民为了新的事业,都动员起来了。”
中央电视台的翻译为:“We roll up our sleeves and work with added energy.”撸起袖子这部分翻译得到位,但“加油”翻译为“with added energy”, 意思没错,但比较生硬。
这些翻译并无错误,但未必贴切。我自己翻译为:“We should be able to blaze the trail for a successful Long March, if we are all Gung-ho about it.”
“Gung-ho”一词为来自中文的外来词。在追溯词源时,语言学家认为它来自“工业合作社”的缩略语“工合”。让其广为人知的是美国海军陆战队少校埃文斯o卡尔森(Evans Carlson)。他在1942年的军队培训中,用这个中国“口头禅”激励自己的战士。埃文斯认为“gung-ho意思是团结合作。”(It means work together-work in harmony)。如果是口头禅,则“工合”不一定是原意。“工合”乃社会组织。我怀疑是中国工人去干活时所称的“干活”,被以讹传讹成了“工合”。
无论怎样,“gung-ho”成了美国海军陆战队的口号,后来用于各行各业。我第一次听到这个说法,是在访谈一个大学学院院长的时候。当时网络课程还新鲜,我问他什么样的老师愿意做网课,他说老师得有“gung-ho”精神才行。gung-ho一词已经进入各种词典。《韦氏字典》对它的释义为:extremely or overly zealous or enthusiastic. 这就包含了撸起袖子加油干这层意思。“gung-ho”在中文中是动词,进入英文后,却成了形容词,也是一种讹传,但已约定俗成,权当中文说法在新语境中产生了新的意义。
“The dangers are so real that the only way to really operate in this environment is to be very gung-ho and very focused.”(参见:“Did Editorials Influence Obama’s Decision To Normalize Relations With Cuba?”,Jan 7, 2015, NPR)
《滚石》上也曾用过:“Lautner's grandfather, however, a retired Shell Oil employee, was a little more gung-ho. Chat recalls, ‘He would always pull me to the side and say,' He needs to get out there in L.A. You know, he needs to take a shot at this stuff.”(参见“Teen Wolf”, Dec 10, 2009, Rolling Stone)
首先,对于“新故相推,日生不滞”,CRI的处理秉持外宣翻译的解释性,添加了引文的背景信息(An ancient saying goes, "the world moves on in a never-ending process of the new replacing the old."),可惜在语法处理上和信息的表述还不够精确和到位,笔者建议用To quote an ancient Chinese philosopher 代替 an ancient saying goes。CCTV的译文则没有添加背景信息,句式处理上也偏重直译(The new moves on from the old every day without fail.),没有像CRI版本那样进行语序的调整。
而对于“上下同欲者胜”,CRI的处理同样进行了信息补充和句式调整(As one saying goes, "success comes to those who share in one purpose".)CCTV的翻译(A united and shared aspiration from the top to the bottom will be invincible.)由于偏于直译,造成aspiration is invincible这一不太地道的英语表达,因为invincible的主语通常应该是人而不是物,虽然抽象的物化主语在英语中并非没有,但这里的译文的确给人一种生硬的感觉。
“天上不会掉馅饼” CRI和CCTV分别译成“No fruit will be reaped without hard work.”和“Pie doesn’t fall from the sky.”在这里,CCTV的直译更好地保留了原文的语言活力,且化用了英语习语pie in the sky (空想),很好地实现了两种语言之间的契合。
对于习近平主席新年贺词最具特色的 “让我们撸起袖子加油干” 这句话,CRI和CCTV分别译成了“pull together in forging ahead”和“roll up our sleeves and work with added energy”。CRI的译文采用了意译的方法,过于书面化,没有译出习主席用词的独特风采,CCTV的直译roll up one’s sleeves更胜一筹,套用了英语中的习语,并赋予了其更深的含义,不过CCTV的翻译也有一些不足,主要是and前后部分的风格不够一致,没有“把撸起袖子加油干”的口语特色贯彻到底,因此笔者建议译为:roll up our sleeves and go full speed ahead with our work,这样才能更好地贯彻翻译的风格对等的原则。
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【新年贺词】“大家撸起袖子加油干”用英语怎么说 /
CRI:&We will remain committed to our mission, and continue to forge ahead.&CCTV:&We should not forget the original aspiration and will carry on.
CRI:&An ancient saying goes, &#8220;the world moves on in a never-ending process of the new replacing the old.&#8221;&CCTV:&“The new moves on from the old every day without fail. ”
CRI:No fruit will be reaped without hard work.&&CCTV:Pie doesn’t fall from the sky&
CRI:&We will make sure that no one is left behind on our way to prosperity.&CCTV:No one should be left behind on the road to a moderately prosperous society!
CRI:The nation remains mobilized for brand new endeavorsCCTV: &We roll up our sleeves&and work with added energy&
CRI:The world is a commonwealthCCTV: &Everyone belongs to one family in a united world. &&&
同志们,朋友们,女士们,先生们,Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen,
The year of 2016 is coming to an end, and the bell of the New Year is going to ring. At this happy moment of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, I would like to extend my New Year wishes to people from all ethnic groups across China, to our compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, to our compatriots from Taiwan region and overseas, and to friends from all countries and regions across the world.
The&year of 2016 is about to end, and the New Year’s bell will be ringing. At this beautiful moment to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new, I wish to extend my New Year wishes to the people of all ethnic groups in China, to our compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region, to our compatriots in Taiwan and overseas Chinese, as well as to friends in other countries and regions in the world.
For the Chinese people, the year of 2016 is not only outstanding but also unforgettable.&We made a good start of the 13th 5-year National Development Period which spans from 2016 to 2020.&We actively carried out the new development concept, accelerated the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, maintained our economic growth ranking the first in the world. We vigorously pushed forward the comprehensive deepening of reform, made important steps in terms of supply-side structural reform, achieved remarkable breakthroughs in the reform of national defense and the military, and the main frame of reform in all fields with &#8220;multiple pillars&#8221; has been established. We actively promoted the building of a law-based governance of the country, deepened the reform on the judicial system, enhanced judicial justice in an all-round way, and maintained social fairness and justice. We vigorously pushed forward the exercise of our Party&#8217;s strict governance in every respect, unswervingly cracked down on both &#8220;tigers&#8221; and &#8220;flies&#8221;, in a bid to purify our political ecosystem, and continue to improve our Party and our government&#8217;s working style, as well as our social conduct.
2016 has been an extraordinary year for the Chinese people. It has all been unforgettable.&The 13th Five-Year Plan has got off to a great start.&We have been actively practicing new development theories, accelerating the process of building up a moderately prosperous society, and pushing forward our economic growth to be at the forefront of&the world. We also have been actively enhancing and deepening comprehensive reform. We have made significant strides in the supply-side structural reform. National defense and military reform have made major breakthroughs. The main framework of reform, like that of a house with “4 beams and 8 columns”, has been basically established in all areas. We also have been actively pushing forward the rule of law, deepening the reform in the judicial system, exerting full efforts to enhance judicial fairness, and protecting social fairness and justice. We have been pushing forward the strict discipline of the Communist Party of China, and continuing to resolutely strike “tigers”&and swat “flies”&involved in corruption. We have continued purifying the political environment, and the work style and thinking of the Party, politics and society continue to improve. &
In the year of 2016, the Chinese &#8220;sky-eye&#8221; single-aperture spherical telescope came into use officially, the &#8220;WuKong&#8221; dark matter detection satellite was under operation in the orbit for a year, the &#8220;Mozi&#8221; quantum satellite was launched into space, the Shenzhou-11 manned spaceship and the Tiangong-2 space lab traveled through the Galaxy, the Chinese Olympians made outstanding achievements, including the Chinese Women&#8217;s Volleyball team&#8217;s becoming the Olympic champion again, which is 12 years after they won the title. Furthermore, our reform measures have made it a little easier for rural migrant workers to settle down in urban areas, and the condition for many children from impoverished areas to receive education has also improved, people don&#8217;t need to shuttle back and forth between different places when they apply for an identity card in non-native places, some people without permanent household residence for a long time can finally get access to social welfare, many people even have got their own family doctors, and &#8220;river chiefs&#8221; will be appointed across China for better protection of water resources against pollution in the country. All those efforts make us feel a sense of achievement.
In 2016, the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope was completed and the “Wukong”&satellite has been the “Micius”&Quantum Science Experimental Sa the Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft and the Tiangong-2 spacelab ventur the Chinese Olympians performed well with valor and the Chinese women’s volleyball team returned to the top of the Olympic podium after 12 years. Also, through reform, the citizenization process for those relocated from rural areas has become easier, schooling conditions have been improved for many ch citizens can now get an identity card without returning to the many people who for so long had no household registration have been o many people now have their own family doctors and each of the rivers will have a “river chief”. All this gives us great comfort and satisfaction.
In the year of 2016, near the beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou city, we held the 11th G20 Leaders&#8217; Summit, we shared our thoughts with world leaders and proposed our ideas, and also presented to the world the magnificent, impressive and elegant image of China. The projects under &#8220;One Belt and One Road&#8221; Initiative was also pushed forward, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank officially started operation. We have adhered to the peaceful development while resolutely safeguarding the territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests of China.&We will never tolerate any act that undermines our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights.&
In 2016, at the beautiful West Lake (in Hangzhou), we held the 11th G20 Summit. We shared China’s wisdom and proposals with the world, while displaying a magnificent image and impression of China to the world. The Belt and Road Initiative has speeded up its progress and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank was also officially launched. We stick to the path of peaceful development. We will resolutely safeguard our territory and sovereignty as well as our maritime rights.&No matter who seeks to make an issue of this, the Chinese people will never give away.
In the year of 2016, natural disasters and industrial accidents took place in many places across China, bringing severe losses on people&#8217;s life and property, as well as production. We deeply regret those mishaps. On the international front, a few comrades from China&#8217;s peacekeeping troops have sacrificed their lives while serving their duty to safeguard world peace, we mourn the loss of these soldiers and will repay high tribute to them by taking a good care of their loved ones.
During the year, natural disasters and safety accidents in some places resulted in huge loss of life, property and production. We deeply regret it. Several comrades in UN peacekeeping missions heroically sacrifice their precious lives for world peace. We feel their loss keenly and will take good care of their families.
In the year of 2016, we held grand ceremonies to mark a series of important anniversaries including the 95th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China, and the 80th anniversary of the triumph of the Long March by the Red Army of Chinese workers and peasants. We will always cherish the memory of the forefathers who have made great contributions to the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.&We will remain committed to our mission, and continue to forge ahead.
In 2016, we solemnly celebrated the 95th anniversary of the Communist Party of China. We also commemorated the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March by the Chinese Workers’&and Peasant’s Red Army. We will remember those pioneers who have made contributions to the people of China and all ethnic Chinese.&We should not forget the original aspiration and will carry on.
同志们,朋友们,女士们,先生们,Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen,
An ancient saying goes, &#8220;the world moves on in a never-ending process of the new replacing the old.&#8221; In the upcoming year of 2017, the Communist Party of China will convene its 19th national congress, an occasion to renew our commitment to the comprehensive building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, to the comprehensive deepening of reforms, to the comprehensive advancement of rule of law, and to the comprehensive exercising of self-governance of the party.&No fruit will be reaped without hard work.&We will be rewarded with achievements only after tireless endeavors.
“The new moves on from the old every day without fail. ”&In the forthcoming 2017, the CPC will convene its 19th National Congress. We must continue our efforts in comprehensively building up a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively deepening reform, comprehensively strengthening the rule of law, and comprehensively strengthening Party discipline.&Pie doesn’t fall from the sky&and only hard efforts will make dreams come true.
We will make sure that no one is left behind on our way to prosperity.&Over the past year, 10 million more people across the country have been lifted out of poverty. I would like to pay high tribute and express appreciation to the comrades who have worked tremendously in grass root units in fighting poverty. As we greet the New Year, there is one thing that remains most dearly attached to my heart. That is those fellow citizens who still live in hardship. I&#8217;m seriously concerned and wonder how their food supply and accommodation are being maintained, how they are celebrating the New Year and the Spring Festival. I&#8217;m aware that some folks are faced with difficulties in employment, children&#8217;s education, medical care and housing. To ceaselessly solve those problems remain an unshirkable responsibility for the party and the government. The whole party and the whole society should show continued care and offer help to those fellow citizens living in poverty. We will enable more people to enjoy the fruit of our reforms, and ultimately let all the people in this country live in happiness.
No one should be left behind on the road to a moderately prosperous society!&In the past year, more than 10 million people were lifted from poverty. For those who have been working hard on the frontline of eradicating poverty, thank you. You have my respect. At the very beginning of the New Year, what concerns me the most is those who are still in straitened circumstances. The deepest concern of my heart is how they fare and whether they will have a good New Year and a good Spring Festival. I also understand that some people still face challenges in employment, children’s education, health care and housing, and it is a bounden duty for the Party and government to solve these problems well. The whole Party and whole society should continue caring for and helping those who are living in poverty and difficulty. The fruits of reform and development will benefit more people and make people’s lives happier and fuller.
As one saying goes, &#8220;success comes to those who share in one purpose&#8221;. So long as the 1.3 billion people pull together in forging ahead, the party stands identified with the people, and&the nation remains mobilized for brand new endeavors, we will surely accomplish the Long March of our generation.
A united and shared aspiration from the top to the bottom will be invincible. Only if the 1.3 billion-plus people work together with one heart, the Party always stands with the people, and&we roll up our sleeves&and work with added energy, can we succeed in the Long March of our generation.
同志们,朋友们,女士们,先生们,Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, 中国人历来主张“世界大同,天下一家”。中国人民不仅希望自己过得好,也希望各国人民过得好。当前,战乱和贫困依然困扰着部分国家和地区,疾病和灾害也时时侵袭着众多的人们。我真诚希望,国际社会携起手来,秉持人类命运共同体的理念,把我们这个星球建设得更加和平、更加繁荣。
The Chinese people have always believed that&the world is a commonwealth. We Chinese not only aspire for good living for ourselves, but also hope people in other parts of the world lead a decent life. At present, people in certain countries and regions are still troubled in many are suffering from diseases and disasters. We sincerely hope the international community will make concerted effort, work in the belief that mankind shares the same fate as a community, and build our planet into a more peaceful and prosperous place to live in.
China believes that&everyone belongs to one family in a united world.&The Chinese people not only hope for a good life for ourselves, we also wish a good life for people in other countries. Now some countries and regions are still troubled by war and poverty. Disease and disaster have also been plaguing many people. I sincerely hope that the international community will join hands and uphold the vision of a community of common destiny for mankind to make our planet more peaceful and more prosperous.
May the chime of the New Year consolidate our confidence and re-ignite our aspiration for an even better tomorrow!&Thank you.
Let’s welcome the New Year’s bell with full confidence and high hopes! Thank you all.


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