
地球上为什么会有沙漠Look at the earth-isn't
beautiful ?Blue
oceans, white polar ice-caps, and verdant green land. Some brown as
well, where there aren't as many plants. But why are those parts of
our earth barren, and others green?I
mean, deserts cover much of Africa and Australia, but not Europe!看看这个地球,它真漂亮。蔚蓝的海洋,雪白的冰盖,还有嫩绿的绿洲。还有一些事棕色的,那里植被少一些。但是 ,为什么 地球一部分是荒原,另一部分是绿洲呢?我是说,沙漠覆盖着非洲和澳洲大半面积,但是欧洲却没有!Europeans, it turns
out, discovered the answer, but in the most unlikely of places the
oceans! When sailing from Europe, trade winds pushed ships
enthusiastically southwest to the equator, where suddenly, the winds
would die. These were the doldrums. And for sailors, they were a
pain. They were also annoying to scientists like Galileo, kepler, and
Halley. who all had theories about why the wind blew to the southwest
: Did the wind somehow follow the wind from morning till night?Or
did it have trouble keeping up with the ground spinning beneath it ?事实证明,欧洲人发现了问题的答案,不过答案在那最不可能的地方
移动吗?或者是它没法跟上其下大地旋转的速度?In 1735, a London
lawyer and amateur meteorologist named George Hadley came up with an
even brighter idea that ultimately helps explain not just ocean
winds, but also why our planet has rainforests in a belt near the
equator and deserts just north and south of that. Hadley figured
that, since the sun warms the Earth must be cooler--and therefore
more dense. Just as cold air rushes in through an open door in
winter, cool air north and south of the equator must flow toward the
warm air in the middle, bringing sailors with it.在1735年,一位名为George
闯进来,赤道南北方的冷空气必须跟随中间的暖湿气流流动,一并带着出海的水手。There, in the doldrums,
the air didn't actually stop moving, it just headed upwards, heat
rising to make way for the denser air flowing in from both sides. And
here's where the earth's greens and browns come in: As warm, humid
air at the equator rises, it cools, and--since cool air can't hold as
much moisture as warm air--it rains A lot. Enough to make
rain-forests.在赤道无风带,空气并未停止流动,它只是向上流动,热空气上升为两边流入的密度更高的空气腾出空间。而地球菌表面绿色和棕色的成因在此:在赤道两边暖湿空气上升时,它的温度会下降;由于冷空气不能像暖空气携带大量水分,雨由此而来。这雨量极大以至于能造出热带雨林。At an altitude of about
17 kilometers, the rising (and drying)air hits the stratosphere,
which acts kind of like a ceiling, causing the warm air to spread out
and separate-some goes north, some south, As the air departs from the
equator, it rains away more moisture, becoming denser and slightly
cooler, until finally dry, It sinks, creating the arid bands where
many of the world famous deserts lie.在17千米的高空,上升的(干燥)暖空气到达平流层,平流层就像一个屋顶一样,让暖空气分散,延展开来
一些北上,一些南下。空气在赤道上空分离后,以降雨消耗大部分水分,其密度上升,变得稍微冷些,直到最终干燥,下沉,制造出了世界上许多有着著名沙漠的干燥带。This giant atmospheric
conveyor belt, officially called a Hadley cell, brings up both
tropical rainforests and deserts, So the locations of greens or
browns of the earth comecourtesy of a lot of hot air.这个巨大的传送带学名为Hadley环流圈,它为我们&
2016 - 05 - 30
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牛斯狗本文属于斯眉翻译协作群原创,若转载,请注明出处。单词/词组:1. Paul Newman hung out there while filming Exod本文属于斯眉翻译协作群原创,若转载,请注明出处。


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