
求大神帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了, 求大神帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了 Th
求大神帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了 The completex鼎百刮知钙版水保惊 predicate is built around the simple predicate,which we shall hereafter refer to as the verb. 这句话我怎么翻译都不通呢感觉,复合谓语是围绕着简单谓语的,之后的怎么翻译,或者整句的意思,求大神帮忙 小白痴wo 求大神帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了
complex prx鼎百刮知钙版水保惊edicate ( 复合谓语),指带有从句或者非谓语动词作修饰成分的谓语部分,如:
* The man came to China when he was very young. 那个人很小的时候就来过中国。――谓语部分带有时间状语。简单谓语( Simple Predicate) , 即由一个动词或动词短语表示的谓语后面的which是一个定语从句,修饰Simple Predicate。可以这样翻译:以后我们可以把简单谓语看成一个动词。
第一:单x鼎百刮知钙版水保惊词错误。 complex predicate 才是复合谓语。整句翻译过来的意思就是,复合谓语是围绕简单谓语来说的,在这里我们可以看做动词来用。紧急求助!!!寻求好心高手帮忙翻译一下谢谢!!! - 外贸英语 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
& 紧急求助!!!寻求好心高手帮忙翻译一下谢谢!!!
UID 1023175
阅读权限 25
3.&&PURCHASE OF PRODUCTS:& &HEFA shall sell and the Distributor shall purchase Products at the Prices set forth in Exhibit C.
产品的购买:和发应销售产品以及经销商应购买产品的价格应以Exhibit C里所列价格为准
The Dealer shall inform HEFA in writing of its forecast of the number of each type of the Products which it expects to purchase from HEFA for delivery during the 3 month period commencing on the first day of the month following such date.
HEFA shall use all reasonable endeavours to meet all orders for the Products forwarded to HEFA by the Dealer in accordance with HEFA 's Conditions of Sale to the extent that the orders do not exceed the forecast for each type of the Products provided and the Dealer shall purchase the Products for its own account for resale pursuant to this Agreement.
HEFA will agree with the Dealer the minimum purchase amount during each Agreement Year.
All sales of Products by HEFA&&to the Dealer in accordance with this Agreement shall be on the Conditions of Sale except to the extent that such Conditions of Sale are inconsistent with this Agreement in which case this Agreement shall prevail
UID 1235026
福步币 169 块
阅读权限 60
回复 #1 gandylish 的帖子
我是好心人 我不会翻译
UID 1371651
积分 87421
帖子 35169
福步币 -2 块
阅读权限 120
来自 bad world
水平有限& && && & 爱莫能助啊& && && && &
UID 1023175
阅读权限 25
UID 1558999
阅读权限 40
All sales of Products by HEFA&&to the Dealer in accordance with this Agreement shall be on the Conditions of Sale except to the extent that such Conditions of Sale are inconsistent with this Agreement in which case this Agreement shall prevail
UID 1136444
积分 80638
帖子 12849
福步币 61 块
阅读权限 120
来自 山水浙江,鱼米之乡
UID 1562500
阅读权限 25
All sales of Products by HEFA&&to the Dealer in accordance with this Agreement shall be on the Conditions of Sale except to the extent that such Conditions of Sale are inconsistent with this Agreement in which case this Agreement shall prevail
in accordance with 与.....保持一致
the Conditions of sale 销售条件
to the extent that 在这样的范围内
inconsistent with 与.....不一致
prevail 执行& && && && && && && && && && && && && && &先告诉你这么多吧, 我觉得你应该可以翻译过来了!
UID 1562500
阅读权限 25
PURCHASE OF PRODUCTS:& &HEFA shall sell and the Distributor shall purchase Products at the Prices set forth in Exhibit C.
UID 1562500
阅读权限 25
HEFA will agree with the Dealer the minimum purchase amount during each Agreement Year.
UID 1562500
阅读权限 25
All sales of Products by HEFA&&to the Dealer in accordance with this Agreement shall be on the Conditions of Sale except to the extent that such Conditions of Sale are inconsistent with this Agreement in which case this Agreement shall prevail
和发销售给经销商的产品 必须在销售条件的基础上与协议保持一致; 销售条件与协议不一致时,双方必须按协议进行产品的购销行为。
UID 1562500
阅读权限 25
All sales of Products by HEFA&&to the Dealer in accordance with this Agreement shall be on the Conditions of Sale except to the extent that such Conditions of Sale are inconsistent with this Agreement in which case this Agreement shall prevail
UID 1562500
阅读权限 25
The Dealer shall inform HEFA in writing of its forecast of the number of each type of the Products which it expects to purchase from HEFA for delivery during the 3 month period commencing on the first day of the month following such date.
在发货有效期3个月内,每月的第一天,经销商必须以书面形式通知和发 其希望向和发购买的预测的每种产品的数量。
UID 1562500
阅读权限 25
一下午什么事情也没做,就帮你整翻译了。 真有点头晕!
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