
LAMUSE怎么样_百度知道周末派对总是如此疯狂。时装界的各路人士在party中又是什么样的呢?一起来看吧!ps:这篇访问英文全文比较直观,所以未翻译。大家乘机练习一下英文吧,嘿嘿!周末愉快!Cicciolina Paris isn’t a party, it’s the party. Timed as it usually is to Paris fashion week, guests may find themselves at the Folies Pigalle grooving alongside Rick Owens, Alexander Wang, Nicola Formichetti, or Aymeline Valade. Launched by designer Allegria Torassa and stylist Niki Pauls in 2012, the club night began as an outlet for the pair’s creative sensibilities. Longtime collaborators and friends, Torassa and Pauls have worked together on everything from the luxe suiting label Pallas Paris to photo shoots, but Cicciolina is their biggest success. On a good night, 500 people come out. Mark your calendars—the next one is set for the Paris men’s shows in late June.Cicciolina has become an event party, but what was the original concept?NIKI PAULS: Cicciolina is a way for us to share our love of good music while creating an intimate, sexy atmosphere.ALLEGRIA TORASSA: There was never a business concept behind our party. Perhaps this is the secret behind it, allowing Cicciolina to feel authentic and creating a longing for the next.Music is so important when it comes to creating the mood of a party—how do you guys make your selection?AT: We choose our music quite spontaneously. Of course, we have a list of our all-time favorite artists, which grows bigger with new talents that we discover together. We’re always inspired by something fresh and strong. We’ve created our own Cicciolina formula, starting always with Niki’s set. She creates a vibe for the start of the night, which leads to our resident muse, Yasmina Dexter (aka Pandora’s Jukebox), who always adds the special note, sexy and dark. After Niki and Yasmina, there’s usually a special guest. What was the very first party like?AT: In September 2012 we did our very first Cicciolina party, which was actually our joint birthday party. We did the party with only three days of preparation, very improvised. NP: We didn’t have big expectations, we were just hoping a few people would come share our birthday night with us, but around 400 friends came—it was never-ending. Everyone encouraged us to continue. Why do you think Cicciolina has become so popular with the fashion crowd in particular?NP: First off, Cicciolina is an independent night, with no sponsors involved. We believe this is key to the freedom of our parties. Another important part of our party is that we have no closing time, which is very rare in Paris. People dance the night away. AT: Even more important is that Cicciolina is run by women! Ambre Hazlewood, Kira Lillie—who also designs a necklace collection, VK Lillie—and Maia Hawad are some of the names that make our party unique. This team of women helps to create a more sexy and feminine perspective of the night. How do you keep the events fresh now that you’ve been doing them for some time?AT: We’re always trying to add a new note to the night, whether it’s more of a punk electronic wave, like the first year, or artists like Tim Sweeney and Superpitcher, who played a magical DJ set for us at our Cicciolina pop-up, “Calve on the Rocks.” We also booked 18+, the duo from L.A. who have a downbeat hip-hop sound and a very strong visual language with their 3-D videos. They did a live performance in 2014 during men’s fashion week. NP: Last year we integrated trap [music] with our dear friend Ashland Mines, aka Total Freedom. Other great acts have included our friend Clara 3000 and Richard Fearless, who is known for his project Death in V Richard Clouston, who throws his London club night “Cosy Club”; and Jeremy Shaw, who is a talented producer and visual artist. And let’s not forget our very unique location, the Folies Pigalle! We also believe in keeping our parties few and far between to keep Cicciolina something special and desired. What does the future hold for Cicciolina?NP: The future for us is much more than only throwing parties! Cicciolina is only one face of what we do. We also work as a team on design, fashion consulting, and art direction. We think our progress is the zeitgeist for a modern woman: On the one hand we work for this very elegant label, Pallas Paris, designing classy, timeless pieces, a wardrobe for the
and on the other hand we throw sexy atmospheric rave parties in the middle of fashion week.AT: Cicciolina is a production, which gives us the opportunity to collaborate with other people who inspire us. We love to party and we also love to work hard on the projects that we are passionate about—it’s all about balance.伙伴们的party又是什么样的呢?今天就到这里。关注wurenjihe,分享产生价值!伍仁服装设计(wurenjihe) 
管你是什么文化,开心就好。只有logo可远远不够。把自然之色穿上身。全球最赚钱的超模究竟有多美。七夕不约!宝宝们只想知道“怎么成功”。浓情复古味!做一个帅气的美女子。年轻世代有了全新的类似模样。一个比爸妈还年长的设计师,做出最年轻的男装!不能不知的三位当红设计师。感谢你们来到我们的身边!今日重点是后半部分。潮圈大牌NEIGHBORHOOD。Gucci 2017 度假系列请收下小白的儿童节礼物!你不知道的幕后都在这里。这么详尽的盘点怎能错过!功不可没的摄影师。这是一个有意思的时代!谁说的大牌总是高高在上?Maticevski2016秋冬系列犀利哥和小鲜肉共存!只想安安静静地做个帅哥!在年轻化的道路上越走越远。New Era &New Balance噪起来!做设计就是要玩的开心!和伙伴们一起聊圣诞!假如这就是我家你来不来?用一个空间展示自己。如此全面的解析怎可错过!天生的时尚玩乐派!来自东方的美学。2016早秋系列抢先看。这个世界需要更多低调的“女汉子”。如果这是我要做的,你会不会喜欢?从最新的设计,看之后的流行。用色彩扫去雾霾!妈妈再也不用担心你的外套了!寒冬也要有型的穿搭指南!充满玩味,有趣的混乱!,秋冬流行色一网打尽!论一名好造型师的重要性!无法不爱的蓝绿色调!wurenjihe我们不仅仅是伍仁服装设计的公众号。wurenjihe作为原创设计的推广平台,致力向您分享各类艺术,设计,时尚的信息。最新最好玩的新鲜资讯有由我们为您开启。向您推荐各类原创设计师与艺术家,及各类原创产品信息。丰富您的生活,欢迎加入我们!热门文章最新文章wurenjihe我们不仅仅是伍仁服装设计的公众号。wurenjihe作为原创设计的推广平台,致力向您分享各类艺术,设计,时尚的信息。最新最好玩的新鲜资讯有由我们为您开启。向您推荐各类原创设计师与艺术家,及各类原创产品信息。丰富您的生活,欢迎加入我们!当前位置:
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&&&&&&&& EN FORME 2012秋冬发布会名为LA DEESSE(女神),一共分为三个系列:&&&&&&&& 第一个系列HECATE赫卡忒(夜之女神):运用蕾丝,亮片和羽毛来表现女性如同夜的精灵般,高贵而性感。&
&&&&&&& 第二个系列MUSE 缪斯(文艺女神):运用烧花的皮革和网纱的拼接,结合当下的流行元素,塑造出既性感又中性化的独特女性形象。&
&&&&&&& 第三个系列FLORA芙罗拉(花之女神),运用绚烂的印花雪纺裙和黑色西装搭配,表现女性温柔中不失坚强的特质。
&& &&&&&&& 邵诗茹老师是历届广东时装周中获得十佳服装设计师最年轻的一位。她毕业于法国巴黎ESMOD服装学院,留学期间曾在巴黎时装周DIOR秀场当实习助理;毕业后,先后在VIVIENNE WESTWOOD和Agens.b公司实习,正是在这些顶尖的服装设计领域文化氛围的熏陶下,通过在这些全球著名公司历练,为她今天所从事的教师职业提供了非常宝贵的经验。&&&&&&&& 所谓“强将手下无弱兵”,她所指导的学生也在今年的广东大学生时装周中荣获金奖。相信在获得“广东十佳服装设计师”称号等荣誉后,邵诗茹老师将会为我院服装专业的品牌建设增添更多奇观异彩,她和她所在的团队必定能为我院创造更美好更加灿烂的辉煌。让我们向她表示最热烈的祝贺!
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (学院办公室供稿)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 二〇一二年八月二十九日
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