
一位女士上了一辆公交车。不发一言,只用手势把她的拇指放在鼻子上,并向司机展示她的手指。而司机转向她,用双手以同样的手势,向她展示所有的手指。那女人向司机伸出她的右臂,然后用左手打了几下。然后,司机让他的左手迅速滑向右臂。接著,那个女人就下了车。有另一女人坐在公交车的前排,看著这交流。她开口问:「这是我在公交车上见过最令人吃惊的事!你在干什么?」公交车司机说:「女士!听着,刚才在公交车上那位女士是聋子。她是我以前的乘客之一,刚才在车上,她问我公交车会开到第5街吗?我说不会,只开到第10街。她又问,中途会停站吗?我告诉她,我不能在中途停站。于是,她就下车了。」原文如下:A lady got on a bus. Without saying a word, she just gestured by putting her thumb on her nose and showing her fingers at the driver. And the driver turned to her and used both hands in the same type of gesture and showed all his fingers at her. The woman held her right arm out at the driver and hit it a few times with her left hand. Then the driver made his left hand skate up his right arm quickly. And the woman got off the bus.There was another woman sitting in the front row of the bus who saw the exchange. She spoke up, "That is the most surprising thing I have ever seen on a bus! What were you doing?""Listen, lady!" said the bus driver, "The Lady got on the bus just now was a deaf one. She was one of my passengers before. In the bus just now, she asked me if the bus went on to 5th Street. I say no and I told her that we would go along the 10th Street. She asked if we make many stops on the way. I told her that I couldn't stop the bus on halfway. So she got off."一项研究表明,现在的孩子在户外玩耍的时间,只相当于他们的父母当年的一半。他们大部分时间留在室内,看电视、玩电脑游戏,在某些情况下,甚至做功课。数据显示,在20世纪70年代和80年代,儿童平均每日有2小时以上之在室外玩耍,到了周末,甚至达9小时—不论天气。但今天的年轻人平日只有一小时留在室外,而周六和周日,则有少于5小时。这也表明,58%的父母希望孩子们更多户外活动时间,他们非常担心孩子们在户外玩耍的时间不够。其实孩子们在户外玩耍很重要—不仅帮助他们保持活跃健康,但助他们与朋友沟通,有个多姿彩的、如我们昔日般温馨的童年。因为他们不出去,他们不及父母那辈般熟悉社区,在小区里也没有太多朋友,他们没机会享受如父母辈一样的童年乐趣。原文如下:A study shows that today's children play outdoors just half as much as their parents did when they were young.They stay indoors most of the time. They watch TV, play computer games and, in some cases, even do their homework. Figures shows that in the 1970s and 1980s, children enjoying more than 2 hours of outside play on weekdays, and even 9 hours on weekends - whatever the weather is. But today's youngsters stay outside for just an hour on weekdays, and fewer than 5 hours on Saturdays and Sundays.It also shows that 58 percent of parents wish the children played outdoors more often, and they seriously worried the children don't spend enough time playing outdoors.In fact playing outdoors is so important for children - not only to help them stay active and healthy, but also to communicate with friends, and make those colorful childhood which we look back on so warmly.And because they don't go out, they don't know their communities as well as their parents did, they don't have as many friends in the area and they don't have the same chances for fun as their parents did.~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~
"contact us" not "contact with us"
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有一个穷学生。他住在邻近一家餐厅的一间小房间里。他的房间在厨房的后面。餐厅老板是个很自私的人,但他是个好厨师,他餐厅的食物很美味,所以很多人来到他的餐厅光顾。有一天,当穷学生与他的朋友在聊天时,店主就在他的厨房里。 「你好像不是很高兴,是吗?」他的朋友问道。「哦,不,我没事」,学生说:「我的房间很有趣。」「但是,你有没有钱去买好吃的食物。」「是的,这倒没错。...


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