请帮忙处理一下 英文看一下题目

论述题(每题20分,共100分)1 畅工扳继殖荒帮维爆哩论述侧滑临界条件。2论述矢量四边形原理。3论述汽车行驶方程式。4试推导正面迎碰的恢复系数。5论述德国交通部对官方事故统计引用的7种事故形态。
出门在外也不愁请帮我看下这些英语题,在帮我分析一下One lighthouse will give a single flash another ___may giveand so on.A another B the other C the third D a third答案是D为什么不选CThere are generally&___to be Cauasoid,the group to which Europeans belong.A said B spoken C told D discussed为什么不选BFirst,there are those words with which we become acquainted in daily conversation,which we learn,that is to say,from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates,and___we should know and use even if we could not read or write.为何填whichSuch words may called“popular”,since they belong to the people at large and are not the exclusive__of a limited class.A right Bprivilege Cshare Dpossession为何不是B He prided himself on __at class.A having never braten B having been never beaten Chaving never been beaten D never have been beaten答案是C为什么?是哪个语法点?“How did you learn to drive?”“___strict obedience to my tutor.”A Giving B By giving C Give D To give为何,哪个语法点?____in ancient times,the book still appeals to readers today.A Though it written B Through written C It was written D written it was答案为B为什么和语法点是哪个?I’ve never been to Beijing,but it’s the place__.A Where I’d like to visit B I most want to visit C in which I’d like to visit Dthat Iwant to visit it most答案是B 是主语从句吗?还是定语从句?This crop has similar qualities to the previous one,being both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.为什么填being?We have been told that under no circumstaqnces ___ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.Amay we use Bwe may use Cwe could use Ddid we use__you are leaving tomorrow,we can eat dinner todether tonight.A For B Since C Before D While 为啥?
One lighthouse will give a single flash another ___may giveand so on.A another B the other C the third D a third答案是D为什么不选C one指一个,another指在有两个的情况下的另一个,a third强调如果有第三个那么“一个第三个灯塔”能...而不是说一共有三个第三个能怎样.话有点乱,就是说理解意思的话,此处的每一个分句是一种情况,相对来谈~There are generally&___to be Cauasoid,the group to which Europeans belong.A said B spoken C told D discussed答案是A 为什么不选B said to be 固定搭配,没有spoken to be~这个一定要记住哦First,there are those words with which we become acquainted in daily conversation,which we learn,that is to say,from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates,and___we should know and use even if we could not read or write.为何填which 与前面几个which都是并列的啊!一定要把没用的部分去掉,看到句子的主干Such words may called“popular”,since they belong to the people at large and are not the exclusive__of a limited class.A right Bprivilege Cshare Dpossession为何不是B 答案是D belong to是属于,归谁所有的意思,后面当然是possession所有物啊!当然可以理解为不是谁的特权,但那时中文的添油加醋啦,要理解题到底想考什么He prided himself on __at class.A having never braten B having been never beaten Chaving never been beaten D never have been beaten答案是C为什么?是哪个语法点?on后面接动名词(ing),have(各种形式) never done/been的never的位置是固定的“How did you learn to drive?”“___strict obedience to my tutor.”A Giving B By giving C Give D To give答案为B,为何,哪个语法点?第一句问how对吧?那么第二句回答就是一个状语,以什么方式~把回答套到问题中,只有by doing表以什么方式____in ancient times,the book still appeals to readers today.A Though it written B Though written C It was written D written it was答案为B为什么和语法点是哪个?首先逗号后的句子主谓宾齐全,所以前面的句子要么是有though\because等连词开头,要不就是非谓语形式.而A缺少宾语was,所以选B.I’ve never been to Beijing,but it’s the place__.A Where I’d like to visit B I most want to visit C in which I’d like to visit Dthat Iwant to visit it most答案是B 是主语从句吗?还是定语从句?是定语从句啊,修饰the placeThis crop has similar qualities to the previous one,being both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.为什么填being?此处意思是this crop and the previous one are both windresis...那么变换成分句就是being或者直接不填~We have been told that under no circumstances ___ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.Amay we use Bwe may use Cwe could use Ddid we use答案是A为啥?首先under no circumstances后面用倒装,并且表否定,而could在否定意义的句子中是(过去)没能做,此句的含义又是命令的,因此BCD均排除__you are leaving tomorrow,we can eat dinner todether tonight.A For B Since C Before D While 答案是B 为啥?因为你明天要走,那么只有AB合意,for后不能直接加句子
这是一篇完形填空吧?你读高三了还是大学了?(1)如果只有三个对象的话,one...another...the third是没错的。可是你看到句后有一个so on吗?就是说对象不只三个。a +(second third forth fifth等等)这些词是指前面的对象以外的,又另一个对象,有“又另一个”的意思。但不是最后一个对象,可能还有千千万万个对象在后面,没有说,省略了而已。...
1. a third不强调顺序,如I have taken a third helping.我已经吃了第三份食物了。(否则只吃第三份)2. 据说的说,不用speak,可自己查辨析3,which做with的并列宾语4,可以认为exclusive possession=privilege5, 动名词的完成被动态6,by doing是凭借,靠什...
Set X consists of 100 numbers. The average (arithmetic mean) of set X is 10, and the standard deviation is 4.6. Which of the following two numbers, when added to set X, will decrease t旦郸测肝爻菲诧十超姜he set’s standard deviation by the greatest amount?-100 and -100-10 and -100 and 00 and 2010 and 10
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It is most startling to hear a watch or clock clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shortening of one's life by a little bit. Likewise, with each page torn off the wall calendar, one's life is shortened by another day. Time, therefore, is life. Nevertheless, few people treasure their time as much as their life. Time must not be wasted if you want to do your bit in your remaining years or acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself and help others, so that your life may turn out to be significant and fruitful. All that is foolproof, yet few people really strive to make the best use of their time.答案解析:[难点注释]
1.最令人触目惊心的一件事,是看着钟表上的秒针一下一下的移动,每移动一下就是表示我们的寿命已经缩短了一部分:此句可译为&it is+形容词+that从句&的结构。其中&是看着钟表&&移动&可译为that引导的从句,而&每移动&&缩短了一部分&则是对其的补充说明,可译为非谓语动词短语。&触目惊心的&可译为shocking或startling;&表示&在此译为indicate;&一部分&可译为a little bit或a little。
2.再看看&&:此句在结构上紧承第一句,因此可用likewise来衔接。该句的语义重心在于&我们的寿命又缩短了一天&,故译为主句,由于没有明确的主语,可通过语态转换,译为被动句。前部分&再看看墙上挂着的&&&可译为with引导的伴随状语with each page tom off the wall calendar。
3.没有人不爱惜他的生命,但很少人珍视他的时间:第四句可直译为Every one treasures his life, but few treasure their time,但合译为Nevertheless, few people treasure their time as much as their life则更显翻译功底。
5.有生之年:可译为in your remaining years。
6.做一点什么事:指尽力而为,有所事事,可译为短语do your bit。
7.学一点什么学问,充实自己,帮助别人:在语义上比较紧凑,可合译为acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself and help others。
8.生命成为有意义,不虚此生:表达的意思相近,因此用be significant and fruitful概括即可。
9.这道理人人都懂:可理解为&上面讲的那些非常简单&,故可译为All that is foolproof。
10.善为利用:可译为make the best use of或take advantage of。
第&1&题:填空题:Malle has said that this is the most personal and important film of his career, and I believe that he thinks that. I also believe that he's wrong. If Goodbye is very personal to him, this may be because as an adult he has felt stricken by the recognition that he wasn't stricken then, and it may involve his feelings of guilt over his own family's safety and prosperity&everything that the film barely touches on.
Malle has said of Goodbye, &I reinvented the past in the pursuit of a haunting and timeless truth.& Maybe that's why ! felt as if I were watching a faded French classic, something I dimly recalled. In pursuit of haunting and timeless truth, Malle has gone back to the anti-Nazi movies of the forties, and polished and formalized the actions until he's turned melodrama into polite reverie.
&答案解析:第&2&题:填空题:Much of the problem is that we live in a passive age. To listen to a record album, to sit through a movie, to watch a television show&all require nothing of the cultural consumer, save his mere presence. To read a book, though, takes an act of will on the part of the consumer. He must genuinely want to find out what is inside. He c he must do something, even though the something is as simple an action as opening the book, closing the door and beginning to read.
In generations before my own, this was taken for granted as an important part of life. But now, in the day of the &information retrieval system&, such a reverence is not being placed on the reading, and then saving, of books. If a young American reads at all, he is far more likely to purchase a paperback that may be flipped through and then thrown away. In a disposable age, the book for keeping and rereading is an anachronism, a ponderous dinosaur in a high-speed society.
&答案解析:第&3&题:填空题:Let me come what governs the Englishman is his inner atmosphere, the weather in his soul. It is nothing particularly spiritual or mysterious. When he has taken his exercise aria is drinking his tea or his beer a when, in his garden or by his fire, he sprawls in an aggressive when well-washed and well-brushed, he resolutely turns in church to the east and recites the Creed without in the least implying that he bel when he hears or sings the most crudely sentimental and thinnest of popular songs, unmov when he makes up his mind who is his best friend o when he adopts a p when he is hunting or shooting or boating, or stridin when he is choosing his clothes or his profession&never is it a precise reason, or purpose, or outer fact it is always the atmosphere of his inner man.
&答案解析:第&4&题:填空题:It has now been five years since Margaret Thatcher resigned as Britain's Prime Minister. In her heyday she strode the international headlines with such bravura that she seemed inevitable, a natural force. The world stage seemed just the right size for her, as she chaffed her conservative soul mate Ronald Reagan or flattered the &new man&, Mikhail Gorbachev.
Now the political world has begun to focus on the immensity of her achievement. How on earth did she manage to get there? She was elected to Parliament at 32 in 1958. She parried her way through the complacent, male-dominated councils of power&no woman had ever roiled those waters. Couldn't the old boys see her coming? After all, there was nothing subtle about her personality or her approach.
As The Path to Power, the second volume of her autobiography, makes clear, Thatcher was probably too simple and direct for the Tories, with their heavy baggage of class and compromise. She traveled light, proud of her roots as a grocer's daughter from the small town of Grantham but never tethered by working-class resentments or delusions of inferiority. Her parents taught her the verities they believed in: Methodism. hard work, thrift and the importance of the individual. She has never wavered from them, and they run through the book.
&Nothing in our house was wasted.& Or, &I had less leisure time than other children.& These are boasts of a childhood recalled in tranquility. Later they became a philosophy: &Being conservative is never merely a matter of income, but a whole way of life, a will to take responsibility for oneself.\
&答案解析:第&5&题:填空题:History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days.
As the great scroll of history unrolls, many complicated incidents occur which it is difficult to introduce effectively into the pattern of the likes and dislikes of the epoch in which we live.
The human story does not always unfold like a mathematical calculation on the principle that two and two make four. Sometimes in life they make and sometimes the blackboard topples down in the middle of the sum and leaves the class in disorder and the pedagogue with a black eye.
Science, which now offers us a golden age with one hand, offers at the same time with the other the doom of all that we have built up inch by inch since the Stone Age and the dawn of any human annals. My faith is in the high progressive destiny of man. I do not believe that we are to be flung back into abysmal darkness of fiercesome discoveries which human genius has made&let us make sure that they are our servants, but not our masters.
Its place is in the healing of the sick, and in giving more food and leisure for life. When it helps the strong crush the weak, and rob those who are asleep, it is using truth for impious ends. Those who are thus sacrilegious will suffer and be punished, for their own weapons will be turned against them.


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