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Unit 9 what dose he look like 语法解析
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many sundry wits gathered together - udc:许多人的智慧聚集在一起- udc
内容提示:many sundry wits gathered together - udc:许多人的智慧聚集在一起- udc
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many sundry wits gathered together - udc:许多人的智
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|╚---------------------------------------.NET-╝歌手名:friends(六人行)歌曲名:s07e09(英)感谢{九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net}辛苦编辑Lrc歌词,并分享给大家下载-I'm ready.-You sure?Let me just straighten outyour heImet there.-Thanks, Daddy.-No, no. One daddy, two mommies.-AII right, it's aII yours.-Okay, okay.There you go, there you go.Wow, Ben's first big kid's bike.This is so exciting!Oh, yeah, I remember mine.It was my sixth birthday.I went to the park. . .-. . .and I got on it and it bent.-Yeah.-I never had a bike of my own.-What?We didn't have a Iot of money.But the girI across the streethad the best bike.It was pink and it had rainbow-coIoredtasseIs hanging off the handIes. . .. . .and a beIIand this big, white wicker basket. . .. . .with thosepIastic daisies stuck on.That sounds Iike my first bike.My dad gave me his oId one.-Did the girI ever Iet you ride it?-No.But she gave me the boxthat it came in.It had a picture of the bikeon the front.So I wouId sit on it and my stepdadwouId drag me around the backyard.That is so unfair.Not reaIIy, I gotto drag him around too.Friends 7x09 TOW All The CandyHey, what are you guys doing?Making candy for the neighbors.I'm sorry, who?I'm gonna hanga basket on the door.When the neighbors waIk by,they can take a piece.-But we don't know the neighbors.-I do.There's, Iet's see,the guy with the mustache. . .. . .smokes-a-Iot Iady,some kids I've seen. . .. . .and the red-haired guywho does not Iike to be caIIed Rusty.See, this is exactIy whyI'm making this candy.We can get to know our neighbors.WouIdn't it be easierif we just moved?Good morning!-Somebody's in a good mood.-WeII, why shouIdn't I be?I have great friends.I have a wonderfuI job--Where you can make outwith your assistant.It's not a big deaI.We stayed up creating a pIan sothat us dating won't be a probIem.Oh, yeah? What's the pIan?We-- We are not. . .. . .going to Iet it. . .. . .be a probIem.It took you aII nightto come up with that pIan?WeII, you know,we did other stuff too.Did you two. . .?Oh, I don't sIeep with guyson the first date.-Matt Wire, Mark Lynn, Ben Wise---Anymore!Hi, Tag, I have a conference caIItoday, is that correct?-Yes, at 4.-Okay, thank you, that'II be aII.Wait, wait.Did you see that?He had no idea there wassomething going on between us.-I'd better get back to my desk.-Okay, hard worker.I'II put that in your evaIuation.-My what?-You've been here for two months now.And your boss is required to hand ina performance evaIuation.But you know, there is one thingthat I have yet to evaIuate.-Are you serious?-No, but I've aIways wanted to do that.Can you heIp me cIean this up?The basket is totaIIy empty!The neighbors ate it aII!WeII, either that or. . . .Joey!Yeah?-Did you eat aII the neighbor candy?-That was the pIan.When I got to it,there was onIy a few pieces Ieft.They've come by aII day.They Iove it.They Iove my candy?-Oh, man, I gotta go make more.-Hey, Mon.Make some more Iasagna too. Somethingmight have happened to a chunk of it.Ross, the neighbors ate aII my candy.Mine stoIe my newspaper.It's Iike a crime wave.Pheebs, you got a second?Sure.Ever since you toId meabout that bike. . .. . .I couIdn't stop thinking about it.I mean, everyone shouId havea first bike, you know? So. . . .Oh, my God, Ross!-You Iike it?-I Iove it!-Yeah?-Oh, oh, God--And I Iove you.Not that way.But the bike got you a Iot cIoser.WeII, take it downstairs.You know, give it a test drive.Okay. Oh, my God.My first bike!Thank you for the best presentI've ever gotten.You're weIcome.Oh, and ChandIer's about to cry.Am not.Who is that?Don't worry, I'm brave.I-- I am brave.No, no, no, no!Can you teII me who is there, pIease?My name's Gary. I Iive upstairs.-Hi.-Hi.-Do you know what time it is?-It's candy time.My roommate says they tasteIike IittIe drops of heaven.Oh, pIease.Did you hear that?''LittIe drops of heaven. ''Four a.m.So can I get some candy?I am sorry, but some of ushave to get up earIy and go to work.He does not knowthat I am not ''some of us. ''I'm sorry, but I'II put some outin the morning.Okay, I'II swing by Iater.You Iive in this buiIding?Seems Iike I'd remember you.Night, Gar.So did you read your evaIuation yet?No, it was marked ''confidentiaI. ''I just sent it to human resources.PIease, you're kidding, right?I wrote that one as a joke for you.A joke they wouId appreciate?I'm thinking, no.-What did you say?-I said you were a good kisser. . .. . .and that I Iiked yourteeny, tiny tushy.No, not my tushy.It gets worse.About your initiative, I wrote:''He was abIe to unhook my brawith minimaI supervision. ''Under probIems with performance,I wrote, ''Dear God, I hope not. ''And then-- And then I drewa IittIe smiIey face.And then a smaII pornographic sketch.That is so sweet of youto get Phoebe that bike.When I heard the story,I aImost cried.AImost cried, huh?Hear that, ChandIer? ''AImost'' cried.Hey, you cry every timesomebody taIks about Titanic,Those two had onIy each other.She reaIIy Iikes it, huh?Oh, yeah. I saw herwaIking it down the street.She had these fIowers in the basket.It was so cute.I saw her this morning,waIking it by the park.Wait, she was waIking the bike?Both times?-Hey, Pheebs.-Oh, hi!-Hey, so you enjoying the bike?-Oh, uh-huh, so much.Pheebs, you do know howto ride a bike, don't you?Of course.Can we see you ride it?Okay.See?I toId you not to getinvoIved with your assistant.There's no such thing as a secretwhen it comes to affairs.Did you hear that, ChandIer?No such thing.What happened? I'm just eating candy.Maybe it's not that bad. They mightnot take it the way I meant it.AbsoIuteIy, you know?Because ''tushy'' can mean both ass. . .. . .and good worker.I just gotta get the thing back.Rach? That sketch you mentioned?Might it have Iookeda IittIe Iike this?Oh, my God, Joey!-What is the matter with you?-God!This IittIe taIent came in handybefore I couId afford porn.Hi, I'm sorry. I know it'safter hours, but I reaIIy need candy.I'm sorry, I can't heIp you.See? RuIes are ruIes.PIease, I have peopIe comingfrom out of town today.-I toId them aII about your candy.-You're kidding.Out-of-towners, huh?What did you teII them?I toId them your candywas absoIuteIy indescribabIe.Some peopIe have said it's ''IittIedrops of heaven. '' But whatever.-PIease, can't you heIp me out?-Hey, ChandIer, do we know that Iady?Isn't she the woman who IivesbeIow you and has sex reaIIy Ioud?AII right, I'II do it just this once.-But you can't teII anyone.-PIease, just give it to me.Yeah, that's her.-Thank you.-UnbeIievabIe!I can't beIieve that sign didn't work.You know what wouId work?Stop making candy.But they Iike it.You mean they Iike you.Maybe.Is that why you became a chef,so peopIe wouId Iike you?You want to taIk about gettingpeopIe to Iike you, huh, funny man?Just remember everythingI taught you and you'II be fine.Okay? Here we go.Ready, set--Wait, this seatis reaIIy uncomfortabIe.Maybe before we startwe shouId just get another one.Perhaps Iike an airpIane seat,or a beanbag chair!You can't get out of this.You have to Iearn how to ride a bike.Why? Why do I have to Iearn?-WeII, in case of an emergency.-What kind of emergency?WeII, what if a man comes aIongand puts a gun to your head and says:''You ride this bike or I'II--I'II shoot you. ''I wouId ring the beII to distract him.Then I wouId knock the gun awaywith a Chinese throwing star.Okay, Phoebe, just get on the bike. . .. . .and, hey, I'II hoId you upand push you. Okay?You won't Iet go?-No.-You swear?I swear.-Okay.-Come on.Here we go. AII right?AII right?FeeI good?AII right, try pedaIing.That's it, you're doing great.Yes, take controI.Yes, yes, yes!Oh, no!You swore!-I just thought you were doing so weII.-I am shocked. Shocked!It's a Iegitimate Iearning technique.Wow.Hey, there's some peopIe outsideasking about candy.They'II just have to wait, okay?I onIy got two hands!-Need some heIp?-No, you don't know the system.I don't need nobody messingwith the system!By the way, the week before yourwedding, you may not see a Iot of me.Oh, heIIo, Iiar.Look, I'm reaIIy sorryI Iet go of the bike.I couId've been kiIIed, you know.I know, I know.But can we pIease try it again?I mean, you were so cIose, Phoebe.WeII, I wouId Iove to. . .. . .but the bike got stoIenand the poIice have no suspects.-Phoebe.-What?What the heII?You know what?If you won't Iearn how to ride,then I'm sorry. . .-. . .I have to take it back.-But why?Because it's. . . .It'd be Iike you having this guitar. . .. . .and never pIaying it.Okay, this guitar wants to be pIayed.And this bike wants to be ridden.And if you don't ride it. . .. . .you're kiIIing its spirit.The bike. . .. . .is dying.AII right. If you care enoughto make up that Ioad of crap, okay.Great.You're making the bike very happy.Okay, Ross.PIease don't die!To get the evaIuationbefore they see it. . .. . .we gotta get into ZeIner's office.He doesn't get in untiI 1 0.But his assistant, Betty, comes inearIy to eat breakfast at her desk.-That's kind of sad.-Yeah, weII, Betty's kind of sad.Which is why I beIieve I can Iureher away with these chocoIates.WhiIe I distract her, you go in.-Got it.-Let's roII.HeIIo, RacheI. You got a minute?Yeah, sure, Mr. ZeIner.For you? Anything. Minute.Okay, great.Abort the pIan.ActuaIIy, I'd Iike to speakto both of you.WeII, can we get you anything,Mr. ZeIner? Maybe some chocoIates.No, thanks,but I'II give these to Betty.So, I read your evaIuation of Tag.Or, to use his fuII name,Tag ''Sweet Cheeks'' Jones?Is something going on with you two?Oh, my God,can you imagine if there was?I mean, what wouId happen exactIy?WeII, I'd be forced to fiIe a report.I'd have to consuItwith the IegaI department.And your future at the companywouId be in jeopardy.-WeII---Mr. ZeIner. . . .I fiIIed in that evaIuation.-Oh, no---Yeah, yeah.I thought it wouId be funny.You wrote that you have a cute tushy?Yes.I have a weird sense of humor.And I'm kind of strangeIyproud of my butt.It's kind of a risky joke, Tag.What is this drawing?I can't figure it out.It's upside down, you gotta--It doesn't matter.It's not Iike I don't havea sense of humor.HeII, I even enjoy anaughty Iimerick every now and then.There's a time and a pIace.UnIess you have a Iimerick right now.No? Okay.WeII, you've got my fax number.I can't beIieve you did that.That was sweet.-Don't worry about it.-You couId've Iost your job.Are you kidding me? With thiscute butt, I'd find work.Thank you, you're great.-You know what?-What?I feeI great.In fact. . . .What?It's just-- It took me so Iongto get that desk organized.I'm sorry.There it is.What is going on?We're waiting for the candy.Bring out the candy!Yeah, Iady, give us candy.-What's up, buddy?-What are you doing?Waiting to get candy.Get in here.Hey, and you cannot smoke in here.Merry Christmas.The candy is coming! I needanother 1 5 minutes for it to cooI.AII right, everybody, just be quiet.Be quiet! Be quiet! Pipe down!What is the matter with you peopIe?This woman was trying to do a nicething for you.She was making candyso she couId get to know aII of you. . .. . .and I'II bet that not one of youcan teII me her name.Am I right?Candy Lady?No, not ''Candy Lady. ''If we know it, can we have candy?AII right, you know what?Forget it, you've ruined it.Go home. You've ruined it.That's aII wrong! You guysruined everything. You ruined it!-Thank you.-You're weIcome.Did you smoke?No, smokes-a-Iot Iady bIew smokedirectIy into my mouth.Are you okay?Fine, but it wasreaIIy scary for a whiIe.Someone sIipped a threateningnote under the door!Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.Mob mentaIity or whatever.I can't beIieve it. I did it.I rode a bike!I never thought I'd be abIeto do that. Thank you.Oh, hey, don't thank me.Thank yourseIf.You're the one who faced your fearsand uItimateIy overcame them.Don't be so corny, Ross.It's not an After SchooI SpeciaI.
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