高一英语作文100词选择题 10题100分

- -谁能告诉高中英语150分题从40分提到100或者90多分的方法?以前初中英语没认真学,现在高中实在是让我头疼啊,一定要自己回答,不要复制哦,谢谢你们了.本人今年高一,山东人,15岁,普高,分科准备学文.唉,山东这地方压力太大了.
出门在外也不愁& 高一英语第一学期期末考试试题
[导读]高一英语第一学期期末考试试题 注意:本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷答案全部做在答题纸上;第二卷答案直接做在试卷上。总分为100分。考试时间120分钟。 第一卷(65分) 第一部分 听力(共二节,满分20分) 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满...
第一部分 听力(共二节,满分20分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
  1. What time is the second train to London?
  2. Where is this conversation probably taking place?
A. At a police station.
B. In the lost and found department.
C. On the phone.
  3. What does the man say about September in his country.
A. It's cold.
B. It's rainy.
C. It's very pleasant.
  4. What can we learn from this conversation?
A. The woman does not want to go to the movie.
B. The man is too tired to go to the movie.
C. The woman wants to go to the movie.
  5. How much money will the man have after he buys the tickets?
  6. Why does the man want to buy some records of Julian Bream?
  A. Because he broke the same ones.
  B. Because he has to return them to his cousin.
  C. Because they can't be found in Canada.
  7. Where does the shop assistant find the records?
  A. In the window.
B. On the shelf.
C. Under the shelf.
  8. What's the man's first name?
  A. Penny
B. Anderson
C. Michael
  9. Who is Mrs. Morrison?
  A. The woman's sister
B. The woman's mother
C. The woman's aunt
  10. How long has the man studied and worked in Canada?
  A. For two years.
B. For three years.
C. For five years.
  11. How did the woman keep in touch with her family?
  A. By letter.
B. By computer.
C. By telephone.
  12. What does the man suggest the woman doing?
  A. Learning how to use the Internet.
  B. Talking with people online.
  C. Making friends all over the world.
  13. What is the man most interested in?
  A. Discussing problems.
C. Word processing.
  14. Why was it a terrible journey?
  A. The driver was frozen in the wind.
  B. The dog became blind in the snow.
  C. The snow was heavy and the wind was strong.
  15. How did the driver try to keep the dogs warm?
  A. By making fires.
  B. By making them run.
  C. By tying skins about them.
  16. Who are the main characters in the passage?
  A. The drivers.
B. The dogs
C. The medical workers.
  17. What is the story about?
  A. A trip to save human lives.
  B. How to keep warm in Alaska.
  C. The danger of an Alaska snow and wind.
  18. What problem does the woman have?
  A. She wants to know if she can take a certain course.
  B. She wants to know the requirements of the course.
  C. She can't find the housing office.
  19. What do we know about Registration Office and General Housing Office?
  A. They are in the same office.
  B. They are both open at the same time.
  C. They are in the same building.
  20. What will the man probably do next?
  A. Connect the woman's line to the General Housing Office.
  B. Call a staff from the Housing Office.
  C. See if there are any openings.  第二部分 单项填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
21. --Why were you late for the class?
--It's my ___________.
C. mistake
22. Some villagers say they _________ UFOs many times so far.
C. had seen
D. have seen
23. To our great surprise, the thief wasn't _________ of his __________ conducts at all.
A. shameful
B. ashamed
C. ashamed
D. shameful
24. The Chinese government has made the Mid-Autumn festival a legal holiday, ________ people will have a day off.
25. --I think the company may not offer you a good pay.
--_____________, I won't take the job.
A. That is to say
B. What is more
C. In other words
D. In that case
26. - Why weren't you at the party last night?
  - I ________ the NBA game between Rockets and Lakers.
A. watched B. have been watching C. was watching D. had been watching
27. Before you go hiking, you should ___________by your parents.
A. have approved it
B. have it approved
C. approve it
D. have it approving
28. Here are some toys. You can _______ one for your little son as a new-year gift.
A. rule out
B. pick out
  C. take out
D. carry out
29.--What does the baby do feed ________?
-- Cow's milk.
30. ---There is an old proverb, "Love me, love my dog." It means a lot.
---Yes, but there is __________ wisdom in this, " Love me, love my book."
第三部分 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
 On the evening of last Sunday while I was reviewing my lessons in my room, it suddenly began to rain.___31__ as usual, I stopped to listen to the rhythm of the rain. For many years, whenever it rains, I couldn't
listening to it and thinking of the yard
I spent my childhood in my hometown.
When I was a little girl, my family lived in a big house with a big yard in the countryside. The yard was full of flowers and
, with some bamboo in front of the wall. Whenever it rained, I
to sit in the corridor, listening to the rhythm of the rain and watching the ___36_
When small drops of rain fall from the heaven
a row, they
a curtain made when the raindrops reach the
, a lot of small sprays will splash and then disappear slowly.
I have been
interested in watching such a scene.
Just as Indian poet Tagore wrote in his
, "The raindrops kissed the earth and whispered, 'We are the homesick children, M come back to you from the heaven.'"
Listening to the rhythm of the rain, I feel calm and peaceful in my heart. This feeling of peace make me think a lot about life. We are the
of the earth, and one day we will embrace(拥抱) our
and stay with her forever. Life is
and we should treasure it.
Listening to the rhythm of the rain, I learn to understand the
 31. A. Surprised
C. Excited
 32. A. stand
D. tolerate
 33. A. in which
B. from which
C. behind which
D. on which
 34. A. leaves
B. animals
C. children
 35. A. happened
 36. A. falling
B. singing
37. A. from
38. A. make
39. A. yard
40. A. always
C. sometimes
41. A. novel
 42. A. children
C. friends
 43. A. motherland
B. homeland
 44. A. happy
B. valuable
C. exciting
 45. A. length
B. meaning
C. quantity
D. quality
第四部分 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
共有3篇阅读。A.  Do you dream of being a reporter or an editor? Are you a good writer who loves the news? If so, then you may have what it takes to be a winner in the TFK Kid Reporter Talent Search.
We're looking for 12 students from around the nation to be members of the TFK Kid Reporter Team for the
school year. Next year's team will continue the tradition of reporting local and regional news stories for TIME FOR KIDS magazine and TIME FOR KIDS online.
Professional(职业的)journalists from TIME magazine and TIME FOR KIDS will select this exclusive team. In the past, TFK kid Reporters have
★ Interviewed national leaders, celebrities and other newsmakers.
★ Written news stories, reviews and opinion pieces for TIME FOR KIDS.
★ Appeared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Today and The Tonight Show with another famous kid Jay Leno to talk about their work.
How to Enter
   Get the official rules at time for kids. com/contest.
   Entries must be postmarked by Dec. 20, 2008. Good luck!
46. This ad is written for ___________________.
A. professional reporters and editors
B. student reporters and editors
C. kids who are interested in politics
D. kids who love to write news
47. If you want to become a TFK Kid reporter, you must _________________.
A. write news stories for local newspapers
B. sign up through TFK's official website
C. post your entries before Dec 20, 2008
D. know a lot about the newspaper and its style
48. Winners of the talent search will be able to do all the following EXECPT _______________.
A. write reports on celebrities and other newsmakers
B. become a professional journalist for TIME magazine
C. write down their opinions for TIME FOR KIDS
D. share their working experiences with other kids on famous mediaB.Keesh lived at the North Pole a long time ago. He lived near the edge of the polar sea. He was a bright thirteen-year-old boy with a strong, healthy body. His father was a brave man who had died during a food shortage in the village. His father tried to save the lives of his people by fighting a giant polar bear. Keesh's father was crushed to death during the struggle. But he killed the bear, and the meat from the bear kept the people from starving.
Keesh was his only son, and he lived alone with his mother. But people are forgetful, and they soon forgot how Keesh's father had saved their lives. And since Keesh was only a boy and his mother was a woman and not a warrior(勇士), they were forced to live in the smallest and poorest igloo in the village.
One night there was a council meeting in the large igloo of Klosh-Kwan, who was the chief. At that meeting Keesh showed how much courage he possessed. He rose to his feet and waited for silence. Then, with the dignity(尊严)of an older man, he said, " It is true that my mother and I are given meat to eat. But the meat is always old and tough, filled with bones, and difficult to eat."
The hunters-both the young and the old-were shocked to hear a child speak to them that way. But Keesh went on steadily, "Because my father, Bok, was a great hunter, I can speak these words. You know that Bok brought home more meat than any hunter in the village. The oldest woman, the weakest old man, received a fair share."
Keesh waited calmly until the shouting died down. "My mother has no one except me, and therefore I must speak. My father put his life in danger and died, to provide food for this village. It is only right that I, his son and his wife should have enough good meat as long as there is plenty of good meat in this village. I, Keesh, the son of Bok, have spoken."
He sat down. He could hear angry murmuring all around him. Some men began to shout at Keesh. They ordered him to leave. They threatened to punish him by not giving him any food at all. Keesh's eyes flashed and the blood pounded under his skin. In the midst of the noise and the uproar, he jumped to his feet.
"Listen to me, you men!" he shouted. " I shall never speak in this council again-not until you come to invite me to speak. My father was a great hunter, and so will I be."
They laughed at Keesh and followed him out of the igloo, shouting at him. But keesh said nothing more. He walked away with his head raised, looking neither to the left nor the right....
---Based on a story by Jack London
49. How did Keesh's father die?
A. He died of hunger several years ago.
B. He died in a fight with other warriors.
C. He died during a struggle with a bear.
D. He died when he tried to save a bear.
50. Keesh showed his courage at the council meeting by _______________.
A. complaining (抱怨) of the unfair treatment he and his mother received
B. asking for more help from the chief
C. demanding a bigger igloo to live in
D. quarreling with the hunters angrily
51. Where should the following missing words be filled?
"Quiet!" shouted the men. "Throw the child out! Send him to bed! No child may speak such words to warriors like us!"
A. Before the last paragraph.
B. Between the 3rd
paragraph and the 4th paragraph
C. Between the 4th paragraph and the 5th paragraph.
D. Between the 6th paragraph and the 7th paragraph.
52. From the passage we can infer __________________.
A. Keesh will prove his words by going out to hunt
B. Keesh makes up his mind to leave his village forever
C. Keesh will be killed another
D. Keesh will take revenge (报复) on his villager laterC Space tourist Anousheh Ansari's blog offers uncommon insight into everyday life on the international space station through the eyes of an American businesswoman.
Her 10-day adventure ended tonight when she touched down in a Soyuz vehicle on the steppes (草原) in Kazakhstan along with Russian cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov and US astronaut Jeff Williams.
"It is hard for me to write tonight," she wrote Thursday in her last posting from space. "There are millions of thoughts going through my head."
The 40-year-old Iranian-born woman paid $20 million for her adventure. She was a last-minute substitute(代替者) for a Japanese businessman who failed a medical test for space flight.
Although she has a master's degree in engineering and made money in the telecommunication industry, Ansari's blog entries have been free of tech-heavy jargon (术语), showing an enthusiastic, chatty style.
"Well my friends, I must admit keeping clean in space is not easy!" she wrote in the opening of one entry. And she wrote about the smell of space - at least the space inside the orbiting lab: "It was strange ... kind of like burned almond (杏仁) cookie."
At least eight astronauts have kept online diaries recording their stay at the space station, but they weren't traditional blogs since readers couldn't post comments(评论), as they have on Ansari's blog. As a private citizen, she has more freedom to describe the details of everyday life than active astronauts.
Hundreds of people from around the globe have left comments on Ansari's blog. Luc van den Abeelen of the Netherlands wrote in Ansari's blog, "I've been involved with manned spaceflight as a hobby for more than 25 years, read a lot of books ... spoken to numerous astronauts and cosmonauts, but only by reading your blog entries do I really get a taste of what it is like to be in space."
 53. Which of the following statements is true of Ansari?
A. She defeated a Japanese businessman in the competition for the space flight.
B. An expert at engineering, she is a successful American businesswoman.
C. She is the first woman to travel in space.
D. She got her adventure without any medical test.
 54. Her blog is warmly welcome because ___________________.
A. there haven't been any astronauts who have posted blog on their space life
B. readers can learn a lot of knowledge on telecommunication industry
C. she described her experience in space and readers can post comments on her blog
D. she wrote about the smell of space
55. The underlined word "active" in the 7th paragraph most probably means _____________.
A. full-time
C. energetic
第五部分 任务型阅读 (满分5分)
请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词. Shangri-La is a fictional place described in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by British author James Hilton. In the book, "Shangri-La" is a mysterious, harmonious valley, where three rivers joined together, mountains, the tops of which were covered by snow, reached to the sky and fields of long grass covered the earth. In this perfect world lived people who could live without getting old. In the Tibetan language, Shangri-la means the sun and the moon in one's heart. Today, it has become a word which is used in our everyday life, meaning heaven on earth.
Several places in the Buddhist Himalaya between northern India and Tibet have claimed to be the basis for Hilton's legend, largely to attract tourism. In China, Tao Qian of the Jin Dynasty described a Shangri-La in his work Story of the Peach Blossom Valley (桃花源記). In modern China, the Zhongdian country was renamed to 香格里拉县in 2001, to attract tourists. The legendary Kun Lun Mountains in Tibet offer other possible Shangri-La valleys.
Today, millions of tourists visit Shangri-la. The beautiful scenery there will make it hard for any viewer to describe in words. Three mountains, which are covered with snow, tower over the land. Lakes, surrounded by vast grasslands, look like jewels. Sheep, cows and horses feed freely on the green grass and the forests around are home to lots of birds and animals. In this heavenly world, people live peacefully with nature and are nearly separated from the outside world.
The weather in Shangri-la is so changeable that the tourists can feel they have four seasons in one day. The best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn because the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold.
Shangri-la --- Heaven on the earthOriginFirst appeared in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton, __1___ the sun and the moon in one's heart in the Tibetan language.
James Hilton's __2____ of Shangri-la in Lost Horizon
* Three rivers joined together.
* Snow-capped mountains ___3____ to the sky and fields of long grass covered the earth.
* In this perfect world lived people who could stay young ___4_____.
Arguments over the name
Several places in India and Tibet have claimed to win the name mainly to attract more people to ___5____ them. Finally, Zhongdian in Yunnan province won the name.
Scenery in today's Shangri-la
Shangri-la will make any viewer ____6_____ with mountains towering over the land and lakes surrounded by vast grasslands. In this heavenly world, people live in ___7___with nature and are nearly separated from the outside world.___8_____Tourists can _____9______ four seasons in one day as the weather ___10_____ so quickly.
The best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn because the temperature is at its mildest.
高一英语试卷答题纸题目第一卷第二卷 总 分一二三四五六七八九得
1. 用2B铅笔按"涂写要求"涂写各题的所选项(其它项不得做任何记号)。黑度以盖住框内字母为准。请注意答题序号。
2. 修改时用塑料橡皮擦干净。必须保持卷面清洁。
1 [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]
21 [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ]
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1. ___________ 2. ___________
3. ___________ 4. ______________5. ______________
6. ___________ 7. ___________
8. ___________ 9. ______________ 10. _____________得分评卷人
第六部分 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)
1. My father told me to buy w_______ book I like with the money.
2. Yung people are always c______ about the new things.
3. C________ with Yao, Yi still has much to learn and to do.
4. People with c_____ sense won't make such a stupid mistake.
5. Every team member p_______ at the meeting is supposed to give his opinion.
6. Tom and Jack have made great _________(进步) in their study.
7. The police won't give up until they find ________ (有说服力的)evidence.
8. What a great thing it is to be a football star! How I ______(嫉妒) you!.
9. There are ten students in the classroom, _________(包括) Mary and Kate.
10. Much to her _________(失望),her son ,Jim, is still addicted to the computer games.得分评卷人
第七部分 从所给的词或短语中选择合适的一个并用其适当的形式完成句子,其中有一个为干扰项。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
1. He said his conclusion __________________________ practical experiences.
2. The airhostesses walked around to________________________ the passengers had fixed their seatbelts.
3. The football team _________ already ____________ their training to prepare for the first match of the season.
4. How can you ________________ such a poor excuse for what you have done?
5. Don't complain about hard work, for it will __________________ in the future.得分评卷人
第八部分 根据要求完成句子(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
1. People have shown great interest in his disappearance because some people saw the puzzling lights. (填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致)
People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to ___________ the puzzlinglights.2. A girl told the police she saw the missing boy walking towards his home at 10.45 p.m. on Friday night. So police believed the missing boy did return home that night.
According to the girl, a ______ to the police, the missing boy was believed to have returned home that night.
3. Besides, 1089 footprints were discovered in the snow in the United States, according to which some people believe the Yeti might really exist.
To some people, footprints are also ___________ supporting the existence of Yeti.
4. We sat silently and looked at the beautiful pinks and yellows of the sunrise.
We sat in ______________ and looked at the beautiful pinks and yellows of the sunrise.
5. This man spent all of his life living on a desert island, having a lot of adventures. Can you imagine living such a strange way of life? (填入一词,完成对上句的评论)
A feeling of _______ is expressed in the last sentences.得分评卷人
第九部分 书面表达 (满分15分)
  假如你是王方,你的一个好朋友李华在北京,你们通过E-mail保持联系。在E-mail 中,你告诉李华,今年的寒假你打算去埃及旅游,并告诉他原因,同时邀请他与你同行。根据下面表格的信息完成这封E-mail。  旅游地埃及原因
1. 古代文明发源地,历史悠久,每年有大量游客;
2. 探索神秘之地, 如金字塔,木乃伊,等等;
3. 尼罗河沿岸风光优美,可以在河上进行白浪漂流;
... ... (自己补充,至少一条)
古代文明: ancient civilization
Dear Li Hua ,
How is everything with you? I am happy to see the winter holiday is coming. _______________
Yours sincerely,Wang Fang参考答案
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
6-10 ABCCA
11-15 CABCC
16-20 BAACA
第二部分 单项填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
21-25 ADDAD
26-30 CBBC
第三部分 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
31-35. CBADD
36-40 ACBDA
41-45 BADDB
第四部分 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
49-52 CACA
第二卷 (35分)
第五部分 任务型阅读 (满分5分)
2. description
3. reached
4. forever
6. speechless
7. peace(harmony) 8. climate (weather)
9. experience/ feel
10. changes
第六部分 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)
1. whatever
2. curious
3. Compared
5. present
9. including
10. disappointment
第七部分 从所给的词或短语中选择合适的一个并用其适当的形式完成句子,其中有一个为干扰项。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
was based on
2. make sure
3. has ... stepped up
4. make up
5. pay off
第八部分 根据要求完成句子(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
2. witness
3. evidence
4. silence
5. surprise
第九部分 书面表达 (满分15分)
Dear Li Hua,
  How is everything with you? I am happy to see the winter holiday is coming. I've decided to travel to Egypt this winter. As is known to all, it is a mysterious country with a long history, where tourists can enjoy the beauty of pyramids and get to know the secret of mummies. Being one of the origins of the ancient civilization, it attracts tourists from all parts of the world every year. Also, the scenery along the Nile is perfectly wonderful and people can go white-water rafting there. Although it might be a tiring and dangerous trip, it is worthwhile. As a young man, I think we should experience some adventures in our life. I have got everything ready, would you like to go with me?  Yours sincerely,
  TEXT 1
  M: Excuse me. What time is the first train to London?
  W: 8:30, but you can't catch this train. There is one every thirty minutes.
  TEXT 2
  M: Good evening. City Police Station. Can I help you?
  W: Oh hello. I'd like to report a stolen briefcase, please.
  M: Just a minute and I'll put you through.
  TEXT 3
  M: I've been wondering what sort of clothes my husband and I are going to need for our visit. What's the weather usually like in your country in September?
  W: It's not very pleasant, I'm sorry to say. Generally, there are more rainy days in September than in any other month, but at least it's not very cold there then.
  TEXT 4
  M: Mary, would you like to go the movies with me after dinner?
  W: Well, I'll go if you really want me to. But I'm rather tired.
  TEXT 5
  M: I have only $ 10. Is it enough for 3 tickets?
  W: Well, you can buy 3 $2 tickets or 3 $3 tickets, whichever you prefer.
  M: I'll take the cheaper seats, please.    TEXT 6
  W: Good afternoon.
  M: Good afternoon. Have you got any records of modern guitar music?
  W: We've got a lot of them. Which ones are you looking for?
  M: I'm looking for some records by Julian Bream. I saw them in your window last week.
  W: Excuse me, aren't you American?
  M: No, I'm Canadian, once I had these records, buts I broke them.
  W: What happened?
  M: They were in my suitcase. I sat on my case and broke the records. My cousin told me about your shop. I came here last week and saw the records.
  W: Let's look for the records. I put some new ones in the window yesterday. I took the Bream records out and I put them on the shelf. Yes, the records are here.
  M: I see. They're four pounds and fifty pence.    TEXT 7
  W: I'm Kate's cousin. My name's Penny Conway.
  M: Of course Mrs. Morrison is your aunt. She told me about you. Your mother lives neat Plymouth, doesn't she?
  W: Yes, that's right.
  M: Your father works for the government, and you work in a television studio.
  W: You know about me, don't you? But you are not Canadian, are you?
  M: No, I was studying and working in Canada for two years. I enjoyed myself here. I was living very near the Morrisons. They were very kind to me. But I must tell you my name. I'm Michael Anderson.
  W: How do you do? Please take your coat off and sit down, Mr. Anderson.
  M: Don't call me Mr. Anderson. Everybody calls me Mike. First names are more friendly than surnames, aren't they?
  W: Yes, they are. Would you like some coffee, Mike?
  M: Thank you.    TEXT 8
  M: Well, you could use E-mail to keep in touch with your family and your friends back in Italy...
  W: I know, I know...but to tell you the truth, I'd rather talk to them by phone. It's more personal than e-mail.
  M: But seriously, Anna, there're lot's of other things you can do with a computer besides word processing and e-mail.
  W: Yes, like what?
  M: Well, first of all, there's Internet, of course.
  W: Yes, I know, you seem to be on line all the time. What do you do, surf the net?
  W: Sometimes. But mostly I use the Internet to get information about things I'm interested in and to talk with people all over the world about music. It's very convenient.
  M: It sounds good. Well, thanks for talking with me, Jack.    TEXT 9
  When the people in far-away parts of Alaska were dying because they did not have the medicine for a throat disease, men decided to get them using dog teams. It was a terrible journey through blinding snow and freezing wind. The driver tied skins about the dogs to keep them warm, but the wind cut through and nearly froze them as they ran. The dogs breathed so much of the icy air that it injured their lungs. But they struggled on until they reached the town with the medicine and saved the people's lives. These dogs were real heroes. Had it been today, the medicine would have been sent in a few hours.    TEXT 10
  M: You have reached the number of the Student Registration Office. If you want to reach the Admissions Office press 1 now. For general information press 2 now. If you know... Good morning Admission Office. Can I help you?
  W: Yes, my name's Terry and I'm interested in finding out whether History 107 has been filled yet.
  M: Do you know the official registration code number for that class?
  W: I think it is HIS 107 BC3 if I'm not mistaken.
  M: OK, good and may I ask if you have all the right pre-requisites for the course, because there are some listed here.
  W: Yes, I'm quite sure of that.
  M: Right then...Hmm... it says that the class is full. You could check back in a couple of weeks. It will probably open up by that time.
  W: Yeah, I could try to talk to some people and see if they might drop it.
  M: Well, but you do realize that there's a waiting list. And that means that you'd have to wait for your turn to come up. So, if your friends drop it, there's no guarantee you'll be officially registered on that course.
  W: I get you. Well, one more question. Is the General Housing Office on the same floor as the Registration Office?
  M: Yes, in fact I've got the number, so if you'd like I can connect you. Just hold the line and I will put you through.
  W: Thanks. That should save me a coin or two.
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