
英语周报高三课标第十四期答案Book 5 Units 3-4参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BCABB
6-10CACCA11-15 BBABC
21-25 BDBCA
26-30DADDB31-35 AACDB
36-40GFBDE41-45 BCDDA
46-50CAABB51-55 DADCB
56-60BCCDA61. to be
62.who / that63. are influenced
64. changeable65. it
66.than67. understanding
68. of69. that
70.hopefully短文改错:71. ... play football was ...
play → playing72. ... something easier.
easier → easy73. ... bring back memories ...
bring → brought74. Like a little boy ...
Like → As75. ... become football star ...
become后加a76. However, he taught ...
However → Therefore77. ... he kicked them.
them → it78. ... on how I really ...
how → what79. Thank to his ...
Thank → Thanks80. ... and I've become ...
去掉andOne possible version:From the picture we can see a boy using amobile phone to solve his homework problems. Like magic, it takes only a fewminutes for him to finish his homework.The picture shows a serious problemnowadays. Some students have formed the habit of searching for answers on theInternet without thinking carefully first.I think it is unwise to turn to mobilephones unless it is necessary. Doing homework is a good way to review ourlessons and develop the ability to solve problems. Depending on mobile phonescompletely, however, cannot help us become wiser or more knowledgeable.部分解析阅读理解:A篇(自然)本文是记叙文。一只比特犬在网上的视频和照片引起了众多人的注意。21. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的misconceptions about pit bulls as cruel monsters可知,大多数人误以为比特犬是危险的动物。22. D。推理判断题。由第六段开头的Because pit bulls are only in the media when bad things happen, thismyth of them as monsters gets perpetuated可推断,大多数人主要是通过媒体来了解比特犬的。23. B。细节理解题。由第七段开头的Grannan and his wife are the owners of Dark Dynasty K9s,family-owned kennel that raises and trains American pit bulls可知。24. C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的My hope is that with all this attention we can change people珐肠粹段诔灯达犬惮华's mindsabout pit bulls in a positive way可知,Grannan和妻子之所以把Hulk的视频和照片放到网上是为了使人们了解真正的比特犬。B篇(家庭)本文是议论文。作者认为上班族妈妈会在无形中给孩子们带来很多好处。25. A。词义猜测题。由上文的You're leaving again及it was her face that pierced my heart可推断,经常出差的妈妈又要出差了,这让女儿感到很沮丧。故选upset。26. D。推理判断题。由第四段中的I decided in that moment to travel less ... they had learned lessonsI couldn't have imagined及第五段中的But this time it was different, mainly due to the fact that ... 可推断,在那个和孩子们一起度过的夏天,作者惊喜地发现孩子们在和她分开的日子里学到了很多意想不到的东西。因此,之后作者出差时感觉好了很多。27. A。推理判断题。由倒数第三段末的even if I didn't work I would rather she learned to not depend on mefor everything ... hovering over her every single second of the day可推断,作者希望女儿将来可以自立一些。28. D。写作目的题。由最后一段中的for all the working moms ... value the positive lessons you might beteaching your kids并结合全文可知,作者写作此文是为了证明上班族妈妈也可以让孩子们受益良多。C篇(健康)本文是议论文。作者认为青少年不应进行不必要的整容手术。29. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的“makeover” television shows which makeplastic surgery seem simple, have encouraged adolescents to pursue surgery可知。30. B。段落大意题。第四段讲手术可能发生不可挽回的损害,并可能引起感染等并发症;即便是再小的手术也绝没有看起来那么容易。据此可推断,本段主要讲做整容手术的隐患。31. A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的If a child has a serious injury or scarring from an accident, it canbe beneficial可知,作者认为如果一个青少年有难看的伤疤则可以考虑做整容手术。32. A。观点态度题。由最后一段中的Hopefully, more teens will realize that there is more to a person thanphysical beauty, and learn to accept themselves for who they are可知,作者对青少年整容基本上持反对态度。D篇(节假日活动)本文是说明文。文章介绍了世界读书日的活动。33. C。推理判断题。由第一段中的get certain titles in exchange for the tokens及Readers can also use their token topurchase a regular book and get a one-pound discount可推断,购书礼券不仅可以用来买指定的价值一英镑的书,也可以补差价购买普通的书。故C项正确。34. D。细节理解题。由第三段末的It's because I am a terrible parent and every year I forget aboutWorld Book Day可知。35. B。细节理解题。由文章末的the event was finished because of lack of money可知。七选五:话题:饮食本文是说明文。世界卫生组织建议人们减少糖的摄入量。36. G。G项与下文的Theseinclude sugars that are added to processed foods and drinks相呼应。37. F。下文的That is because they exist in foods we might not think of as sweets与F项构成因果关系。38. B。下文列举了在欧洲不同国家糖摄入量的不同情况。故B项恰当。39. D。D项与下文的Even ifyou are not eating lollies and candy, you are probably eating a fair amount ofsugar相呼应,强调很多食物中都含糖。40. E。E项与上文的gettingmore exercise is a good solution相呼应,指出运动可以消耗掉糖。完形填空:话题:个人情感本文是记叙文。文章讲述了一位瘫痪男子乐观面对生活的故事。41. B。由上文的unbearable pain shot through his back可推断,Enzo在感到一阵剧痛的同时大声“尖叫(screamed)”。42. C。由上文的He became paralyzed from the waist down可推断,Enzo下半身瘫痪后很可能再也不能“走路(walk)”了。43. D。由下文的relearned everyday tasks and got used to life及These lessons have made me thehappiest可推断,过去的三年对于Enzo来说是一段充满挑战但也“有收获的(rewarding)”旅行。44. D。由上文可推断,下半身瘫痪的Enzo不得不长时间坐在“轮椅(wheelchair)”上。45. A。由上文的These lessons have made me the happiest I've ever been可知,瘫痪后的Enzo很“乐观(optimistic)”。46. C。由下一段及最后一段的after his injury可知答案。47. A。由下文的His wife told him the things that mattered most to them ... 及That conversation可知,Enzo和妻子的“交谈(conversation)”改变了他起初悲观的态度。48. A。49. B。Enzo把注意力集中在他认为自己“失去(lost)”的东西上,“而不是(Instead of)”集中在他所拥有的东西上。50. B。妻子告诉Enzo对他们来说最重要的东西“仍然(still)”完好无损。51. D。妻子告诉Enzo他们还会追随梦想并做每一件他们“喜欢(love)”做的事情。52. A。和妻子的谈话使Enzo想起他还有最棒的妻子和四个健康、漂亮的孩子。故选reminded。53. D。由下文的You can find millions of ... to either be happy or unhappy. Thechoice is yours可推断,Enzo“坚决主张(insists)”幸福是一种选择。54. C。你可以找到无数个“理由(reasons)”让自己快乐或者不快乐。55. B。一些看起来似乎无所不有的人却是“可怜的(pitiful)”。该空与下文的deeply happy形成对比。56. B。该空与上文的Many people who seemingly have everything是相反的意思,故选poorest。57. C。快乐的“关键(key)”是要专注于真正重要的事情。58. C。Enzo如今会努力“享受(enjoy)”所有让自己开心的小事物。59. D。由下文的grow可知,Enzo仍然想在生活的各方面有所“改善(improve)”。60. A。上文的grow as a person in all aspects of my life及下文的enjoying the abundance ... Ialready have much more是转折关系,故选but。语法填空:61. to be。考查不定式作宾语的用法。tend后常跟不定式作宾语,故填tobe。62. who / that。考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句修饰children,且在从句中作主语,故填who / that。63. are influenced。考查一般现在时的被动语态。They与influence之间是被动关系,且此处描述的是一般事实,故填are influenced。64. changeable。考查形容词作表语的用法。由前面的not stable可知,孩子们是易变的,故填changeable。65. it。考查it作形式主语的用法。设空处作形式主语,真实主语是不定式短语to stop violence on TV,故填it。66. than。考查介词。由前面的more可知,设空处应填than。67. understanding。考查名词。give后缺直接宾语,故填名词understanding。68. of。考查介词。get rid of意为“除去,摆脱”。69. that。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中不作成分,故填that。70. hopefully。考查副词。设空处所在句句意:这些节目的收视率很有希望会下降。故填hopefully。
出门在外也不愁当前解析:第34期 学年高二课标
第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &A&& & & & Chambanamoms Presents Girl*s Night Out: Foot Golf!& & & & & & & & && & & & & & Grab some friends and join us on Saturday,June 4,for a fun night out at Lake of the Woods Golf Course in Mahomet,thanks to our friends at the Champaign County Forest Preserve District. There will be giveaways,some adult drinks and food,as well as a great night out playing Foot Golf. Yes,we said Foot Golf. You don't need to have a bag fUll of clubs (球杆) or fancy (钉鞋) —just bring yourself (and athletic shoes,please) .& & & & & & If you can kick a soccer ball,you can play Foot Golf. If you can laugh and have fun,you can also play Foot Golf.& & & & & & So what is Foot Golf? Foot Golf is what happens when you combine golf and soccer.Players kick off from a tee box (开球处) and attempt to get their soccer ball into a 21-inch diameter (直径) cup using the fewest number of kicks. Foot Golf can be played by children and adults. It is a trend sweeping golf courses across the country,and we are lucky to have it right here in Champaign County.& & & & & &This event is FREE. To manage the number of people we have on the course,we are asking our fiends to register (注册) .Here is a quick and easy form to fill out: http://www. chambanamoms. com/girlsnightoutrsvp/& & & & & & We look forward to seeing you on Saturday,June 4,at 7 p.m. Bring your girlfriends — and your sense of humor!& & & & & & IF YOU DRIVE: Lake of the Woods Golf Course is a quick drive west from Champaign--Urbana on Interstate 74.Get off at Lake of the Woods exit,Exit No. 174. Head north for 1/2 mile until the first stop sigr^. Take a left at the stop sign and travel for one mile. This road will take you directly to the golf course.&21. Participants who come to Girl’ s Night Out.&&&A. need to bring spikes&&&B. should wear athletic shoes&&&C. should bring their own clubs&&&D. have to bring drinks and food22. What do we know about Foot Golf?&&&A. It is played worldwide.&&&B. It is intended for children.&&&A. It is nothing like playing golf.&&&B. It is a mixture of golf and soccer.23. What type of writing is this text?&&&A. A lesson plan.&&&B. An announcement.&&&C. An educational report.&&&D. An introduction to a sport.
21. &B 22. &D 23. &B
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & B& & & & & I'm glad I got to attend PRSSA's (Public Relations Student Society of America) National Conference in Philadelphia this year because it gave me the opportunity to get advice and insight (见解) from industry professionals. Newhouse (American publisher) brings in great speakers,but I don't always get the chance to go to the ones I want because of classes and other schedule conflicts. Having five days to focus only on developing my public relations knowledge base was great.& & & & & &One of the sessions(会议) I enjoyed the most was about food PR. The speaker was very enthusiastic and gave helpful information on her day-to-day responsibilities and on the importance of choosing the person you want to work for,not just the job position.& & & & & &Attending the different sessions also gave me insight on areas that I might not want to work in. The session on entertainment and public relations showed me that I do not have enough interest in the latest television shows and pop culture to work in the entertainment industry. All of the reality stars and movies everyone was talking about were beyond me.& & & & & &Attending conferences also allowed our own PRSSA members to get to know each other better and become friends outside of meetings and work. We have a sort of PRSSA family environment where we always try to help each other.& & & & & &To sum up,if you ever get the chance to attend a PR conference,whether regional or national,be sure to take the opportunity to do so. Conveniently,Syracuse University will be hosting a regional PRSSA conference on March 1-2 this coming spring. Don’t miss it!24. The author sometimes can't&go to the meetings he wants because .&&&A. he is not invited&&&B. he has to do part-time jobs&&&C. he doesn,t like the speakers&&&D. he has classes or other plans25. The author's attitude towards PRSSA’s sessions can be described as.&&&A. unfavorable&&&B. enthusiastic&&&C. doubtful&&&D. unconcerned26. It can be learned that PRSSA members .&&&A. can benefit a lot from the sessions&&&B. have to work out solutions to public issues&&&C. compete with each other for good opportuni?ties&&&D. can know their shortcomings from the meetings27. The last paragraph is intended to .&&&A. explain how PRSSA works&&&B. show readers how to join PRSSA&&&C. describe the future development of PRSSA&&&D. encourage readers to attend PRSSA meetings
24. D 25. B 26. A 27. D
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & C&& & & & & There are around 6,000 living languages in the world — and at least half of these are in danger. In every part of the world,languages are disappearing. In fact,one scientist has said that languages are in more danger of extinction than birds or mammals. Professor Steve Sutherland of the University of East Anglia says that in the past 500 years 4. 5&percent of languages have died out — compared with 1. 3&percent of birds,and 1. 9&percent of mammals.& & & & & &Languages come and go,and thousands have done exactly that without leaving any trace Only a very few —iasque,Greek and Latin among them — have lasted more than 2,000 years. But it seems that the pace of their disappearance is becoming quicker.& & & & & &The Ethnologue,a database of all the languages spoken in the world,states that 417 languages are spoken by so few people that they are in the final stages of becoming extinct. If very few people speak a language,it will probably die out.& & & & & &Languages may be iost through migration(迁移) , as people move from small towns to city centers,or when environments are destroyed by the search for oil or wood. Natural disasters can also devastate populations,and along with them,their language.Governments also play a role in the extinction of languages. The need to establish “official languages”,for a country to educate its children and carry out its business,had a disastrous effect on many small languages.& & & & & & What is lost if a language is lost? Some people argue that languages die as the human race develops. Obviously there could be great benefits if everyone in the world spoke the same language — some industries already reflect this,with English essential for pilots and air traffic controllers. But there are more important things than convenience. As languages are lost,whole ways of life and knowledge may be lost along with them.& & & & & & To put it simply,language expresses something about identity,about our place in the world. Ani Rauhihi,a Maori teacher in New Zealand's North Island,sums it up: “If you grow up speaking our language,you won’t &know who you are."28. The figures mentioned in the first paragraph suggest that .&&&A. most languages have died out completely&&&B. languages are in great danger of extinction&&&C. animals are disappearing faster than languages&&&D. languages are disappearing slower than before29. The underlined word “devastate” can best,be replaced by “”&&&A. increase&&&B. control&&&C. destroy&&&D. improve30. If a language is lost,.&&&A. there will be great trouble&&&B. there is no need to worry about it&&&C. its culture and knowledge will also be lost&&&D. people will be able to communicate with others conveniently&31. What can we infer from the last paragraph?&&&A. Languages reflect our identity.&&&B. People will speak the same language one day.&&&C. Fewer people will remember their own languages.&&&D. Ani Rauhihi cares less about languages dying out.
28. B 29. C 30. C 31. A
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & &D& & & & & & &The idea of robot rulers,friends and lovers has been a topic of science fiction novels for years.& & & & & & &But according to one mathematical model of how our brains create consciousness,emotional machines will never exist.& & & & & & &This is because computers can,t handle any process that completely integrates infor? mation,so they cannot be conscious or feel,one expert says.& & & & & & &A mathematical model for consciousness,developed by Giulio Tononi at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,says that the ability to integrate information is a key feature of con?sciousness.& & & & & & &He believes that integrated information can,t be broken down into smaller pieces in conscious&minds,because the brain contextualizes (将…融入背景) information.& & & & & & &For example,when we see a red circle our brains don't see the shape as a colouiiess circle plus a shapeless coloured area,New Scientist reported. Instead we see it as a whole — we understand the “wider picture”.& & & & & & &It's easy enough for machines to edit a collection of individual images (图像) ,but memories are made up of a bank of intertwined(相互交织的) images and experiences and cannot be changed in the same way.& & & & & & &Researchers have used mathematics to show that computers cannot handle the complex processes needed to fit pieces of information together perfectly.& & & & & & &Therefore,if consciousness is based on the integration of lots of pieces of information,computers can,t be conscious and can,t experience emotions like humans.& & & & & & &Professor Phil Maguire of the National University of Ireland in Maynooth says that consciousness cannot be created in a physical machine in limited time using limited memory.& & & & & & “It doesn’t&necessarily mean that there is some magic going on in the brain that involves some forces that can,t be explained physically. It is just so complex that it's beyond our abilities to change it,” he said.& & & & & & &His research may mean that lonely humans will not fi they are unlikely to be made their slaves either.32. Why do experts think emotional machines won’t&exist?&&&A. Machines can't solve problems.&&&B. Machines can't handle information.&&&C. Machines can't integrate information.&&&D. Machines can,t communicate with people.33. The example mentioned in Paragraph 6 is used to show .&&&A. machines cannot feel&&&B. the brain has consciousness&&&C. the brain can contextualize information&&&D. machines can recognize shapes and colours34. It can be learned from the text that .& &A. machines can edit intertwined images&&&B. the idea of robot lovers won51 come true&&&C. robots can fit pieces of information together perfectly&&&D. computers can experience emotions like humans one day&35.&What would be the best title for the text?&&&A. How robots work&&&B. Robots will never have feelings&&&C. Will robots become people,s friends?&&&D. What will robots be like in the future?
32. C 33. C 34. B 35. B
第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)&根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。& & & & & & & & & & & & &Child development&& & & & & &People live much longer than most other animals,so human childhood also lasts a long time. Unlike baby animals,human children need many years to learn how to live on their own as adults. As children's &bodies grow,so do their minds. 36&& & & & & &There are several stages of child development.Infancy(婴儿期) is the most hdpless stage. Over their first year infants gradually learn to roll over,sit up,crawl and take their first steps with someone helping them. As they grow out of infancy,babies begin to make sounds similar to words.& & & & & & The toddler stage(学步期) begins when a baby starts to walk,usually at about the age of 1. Most children also start saying words at about this time. As toddlers grow they become stronger and have more control of their bodies. Their thinking skills also improve. 37 They like to copy what other people say and do.& & & & & & Between the ages of 3 and 5,children are in the preschool stage. Children learn many important skills during this stage. They learn to share and to take turns. 38 Playing with others helps them learn how to get along with all kinds of people.& & & & & & Starting school marks a new stage. Children,s minds develop quickly as they learn reading and writing. They also learn more about cooperating with others.Between 9 and 12 years old,children/ are preteens. 39 They become better at controlling their behavior. Preteens also understand how to be helpful to others.& & & & & & 40 As preteens become teenagers,they move one step closer to becoming adults and living on their own.&&&A. This growth is called child development.&&&B. As their bodies grow stronger,they try sports.&&&C. They learn how to play simple games with rules.&&&D. During this stage they become much more independent.&&&E.&The end of the preteen years marks the end of childhood.&&&F. They slowly start putting words together to make sentences.& &G. Preteens also become more aware of the world beyond their home.
话题:社会本文说明文。文章主要介绍了孩子童年时期成长的各个阶段。36. A. 由第一段的描述以及下文中的 There are several stages of child development可知,A项“这种成长被称 为儿童发展”符合此处语境。37. F。由该空前的 Their thinking skills also improve 和该空后的 They like to copy what other people say and do 可知,F项 “他们慢慢开始把词放在一起来组句 子”符合此处语境。38. C. 由读空前的 Children leam many important skills during this stage 以尽该 空后的 Playing with others helps them leam how to get along with all kinds of people可知,C项内容“他们学习如何玩有简单规则的游戏”符合此处语境。39. D. 由该空后的 They become better at ... understand how to be helpful to others可知,在接近青春期的岁月,他们会变得更加独立。40. E。由上文的描述以及该空后的As preteens become teenagers,they move one step closer...可知,E项“接近青春期岁月的结束标志着童年的结束”符合此处语境。
第一节:完形填空(共20小题海小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆& & & & & & & & & My faith in humanity(人性)&was restored last night while working part-time at a local Bed,Bath & Beyond.& & & & & & & & & I was in the process of ringing out a female customer who had been having a 41
time recently. She had been in the night before and was back again to 42 what she could afford to purchase(购买) .She was trying to buy 43 for herself and her two young sons.& & & & & & & & & Finally,she made her 44: one blanket and something else. She 45
all of the cash,but it was only enough for one blanket. She was unable to make the 46 of the purchases.& & & & & & & & & A gentleman,47
to make his purchase,watched 48
and signaled to me as I was bagging up the blanket for the woman. He told me he wanted to 49 everything else for her. I asked him if he was sure. He 50 .& & & & & & & & & I quickly and quietly rang out the rest of the purchases 51 &I asked the female customer to wait a moment. The 52
came to over $200. The man provided me with his credit card 53 blinking. He 54
and off he went.& & & & & & & & & I then told the female customer that all of the things were hers and she was 55 and ready to go. She stared at me with complete 56 on her face. The&57
started. I started crying too.& & & & & & & & & In ten years of working this particular part-time job,I have never experienced such 58 . There are good and 59 people in this world. And they do not receive the credit they should.& & & & & & & & & Thanks to this customer for bringing a bit of 60 and relief into that female customer's&life and for restoring my faith in humanity.41. A. free&&&B. hard G. happy&&&D. perfect42. A. order&&&B. predict & A. determine&&&D. learn43. A. blankets&&&B. presents & C. shirts&&&D. drinks44. A. mark&&&B. conclusion & C. mistake&&&D. decision45. A. figured out&&&B. turned in & C. counted out&&&D. left behind46. A. rest&&&B. amount & C. price&&&D. extra47. A. arranging&&&B. planning & C. aiming&&&D. waiting48. A. angrily&&&B. quietly & C. impatiently&&&D. anxiously49. A. provide&&&B. cover & C. buy&&&D. bring50. A. waved&&&B. refused & C. admitted&&&D. nodded51. A. since&&&B. while&&&C. though&&&D. if52. A. total&&&B. number & C. service&&&D. result&53. A. beyond&&&B. by & C. without&&&D. against54. A. accepted&&&B. continued & C. confirmed&&&D. signed55. A. checked out&&&B. given up & C. paid back&&&D. turned down56. A. sadness&&&B. shock & C. disappointment&&&D. excitement57. A. pain&&&B. smiles &C. story&&&D. tears58. A. selflessness&&&B. weakness &C. loveliness&&&D. truthfulness59. A. active&&&B. optimistic & C. great&&&D. famous60. A. expectation&&&B. joy & C. frustration&&&D. luck
41. B 42. C 43. A 44. D 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. D 51. B 52. A 53. C 54. D 55. A 56. B 57. D 58. A 59. C 60. B
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。& & & & & & The day that you enjoy all the 61.
(satisfy) of having all the housework done by a robot might still be a few decades off. But increasingly,engineers are saying 62. robots are going to make the leap from the factory floor to your family room.& & & & & & Bill Gates once 63.
(predict) the “Dawn of the Age of Robots”. What's behind this new era? It's partly 64.
matter of technology. Devices 65. can recognize and respond to a human voice have been developed. There are now a few different ways for robots 66.
(move) around. They can walk,crawl or ride on wheels. They 67.
(make) smaller and smaller these days and also becoming more and more efficient.& & & & & & A bigger part of the story is on the demand side. From the 1950s 68. the television remote control was invented,people around the world have tirelessly searched for ways to get lazier. Also 69.
(consider) the increasing wealth of people,engineers believe the time appears ripe to introduce robots to ease our daily lives. Robots will do basic housework such 70.
cleaning or gardening,or just help you have more fun on the basketball court.
第二节:61. satisfaction。考查名词。设空处作宾语,意为“满意”,故填satisfaction。62. that。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且从句结构和意义均完整,故填 that。63. predicted。考查一般过去时。由once可知,此处应用一般过去时,故填predicted。64. a。考查不定冠词。a matter of...意为 “……的问题”。65. that/which。考查关系词。设空处引导 限制性定语从句修饰Devices,且在从句中作主语,故填that/which。66. to move。考查不定式作定语的用法。way作“方式”讲时后跟带to的不定式作 定语,且robots与move之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填to move。67. are being made。考查现在进行时的被 动语态。由these days和becoming可知,此处应用现在进行时,且They (指代 robots) 与make之间是被动关系,故填 are being made。68. when。考查关系词。设空处引导限制 性定语从句修饰the 1950s,且在从句中 作时间状语,故填when。69. considering。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。设空处作状语,且engineers 与 consider之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填 considering。70. as。考查固定搭配。such as意为“例如”。
第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分&假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。Dear Mr. Zhang,&& & & & &Known that our school is going to set up elective&English courses,I'd like to give some advices. English Visual-Audio-Oral Course is a good choice. Most of us are interested at English videos and songs,that provide us with great images and beautiful music to listen to. As result,we can enjoy some local customs and singing English songs with joy. In addition,we need to improve our oral English. When we are always learning English,we may not be able to make a fluent speech. We can't easy communicate with others like native speakers. That is why I suggested taking a Speech Course. I' 11 be glad that if you can consider my suggestions.& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &Yours,& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &Li Hua
71. Known that our school... & & Known → Knowing &&72. ... give some advices. & & & advices →&advice &&73. ... are interested at... & & at → in &&74. ... that provide us with ... that → which &75. As result... & & & & & & & & result前加a&76. ... and singing ... & & & & &singing → sing &&77. When we are always ... & & & When → Although / Though / While &78. ... we can't easy communicate ... & easy → easily &&79. ... why I suggested ... & & &suggested → suggest &&80. I'11 be glad that if... & & &去掉 that&
第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华。某英文报社正在举行题为“畅想科技未来:你心中的2050”的征文活动,鼓励同学们想象科技将如何改变生活、工作和休闲方式。请根据你的畅想用英语写一篇短文。注意:1. 词数100左右(开头己为你写好,但不计入总词数) ;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。& & & & Can you imagine how science and technology will change our life in 2050?& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&
One possible version:& & & & & & &Can you imagine how science and technology will change our life in 2050?& & & & & & &With science and technology used in every aspect of life at that time,We’ 11 live in a greener world with trees,birds, flowers,blue skies and sunshine. And we,11 be able to arrange things like meals,bathing and sleep with our smart phones. Robots will be able to do most of the housework for us.& & & & & & &As for work,we’11 mostly work at home,communicating ideas for work online. If necessary,we'11 have video meetings with our partners around the world.& & & & & & &During our free time,we ,11 be able to travel to places of interest in new vehicles like flying cars. We'11 even enjoy space trips to the moon and other planets.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &A& & & & & & & & & & && & & & & How young com办zrs (美洲狮) leam to hunt is one of the things cougar researchers like Mark Elbroch are working hard to figure out. “We know nothing about their secret lives' Elbroch says. He and his team track cougars deep in the Wyoming wilderness.& & & & & An adult called F51 was one of the cougars they kept (标签) on —they followed her using the satellite signal from her electronic collar. One fall when Elbroch discovered that F51 had given birth to four kittens — three females and a male —he put expandable tracking collars on them too,so he could follow them as they grew.& & & & & About one week after they were bom,their eyes opened. Their fur was thick enough to blanket them from the oncoming cold winter. Their brown and black spots could mix with the forest,helping to keep them safe from (食肉动物) .& & & & & By the time they were five weeks old the four kittens were restless to leave their home. They'd &still be nursed for another month,but they were ready to go out of their hideaway with their mother. They began to learn their way around Mom's territory(领地). As they grew older and stronger,they learned how to search for food by following their mother,watching her select an animal to approach,and observing how she caught the animal.& & & & & While they were only a few weeks old,Mom would tell her kittens to hide when she hunted. Sometimes she has to travel a couple of miles to find'meal. “The minute she makes the kill,she hides it and heads back for the kittens,and they follow her to the kill site,” Elbroch says.& & & & & But the kittens learned that sometimes meal plans change quickly. In February and March,wolves chased F51 and her kittens away from six different kills. During the cold winter,one kitten disappeared” probably a victim of wolves,and another didn,t survive the bitterly cold weather.& & & & & Luckily F51 was able to provide plenty of food for her two remaining kittens. She shares her territory with another female,and they are friendly with each other. F5Ts kittens have learned that cooperation is a choice. “We have seen females get together and share food”’Elbroch says. “F51 spent three or four months sharing almost every kill with an unrelated female and her kittens."1.Why did the researchers put tracking collars on the four kittens?&&&A. To prevent them getting lost.&&&B. To keep track of their growth.&&&C. To come to their rescue in time.&&&D. To learn how they master survival skills.2.The spots on cougars’ bodies serve the purpose of .&&&A. protection&&&B. decoration&&&C. communication&&&D. identification3.The underlined word “restless” in Paragraph 4 probably means.&&&A. safe & & B. unwilling&&&C. afraid&&&D. anxious4.When F51 killed an animal,she would.&&&A. enjoy it herself&&&B. share it with her kittens&&&C. hide it in her own home&&&D. ask other females for help5.This text mainly deals with cougars'.&&&A. determination&&&B. intelligence&&&C. toughness & & & D. friendliness
1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & B& & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & An 18-year-old who just finished high school has developed a revolutionary device(装置) which allows visually impaired or blind people to be more mobile — after coming up with the idea when he was 12.& & & & & &“To be considered is a real honor. It means the work we’re doing is really valuable,”Alex Deans said.& & & & & & The teen,from Ontario in Canada,began creating the tool after becoming curious while helping a visually impaired lady cross the street one day.& & & & & &“She told me that all existing devices only let users see in one direction so they can't know what’s&going on around them,w he toki GOOD magazine,after seeing she only had a stick and guide dog — two things that are hard to come by.& & & & & & The device,known as iAid,uses GPS (Global Positioning System) and ultrasonic(超声波的) technology to help visually impaired people get around safely.& & & & & & The belt-like tool comes with a control handle and works by using sound waves to discover objects in the users’ path and show how close things are to them. The iAid works much like a bat uses sonar(声呐) .& & & & & & &The teen's&invention has been attracting attention and it won the 2015 Weston Youth Innovation Award in May for which Alex was awarded $2,000 at a ceremony at the Ontario Science Centre last month.& & & & & & “The entire group of judges was impressed by Alex,s creativity,motivation and dedication (奉献) to building his design over a four-year period. We look forward to seeing future inventions from this outstanding young inventor,said Hooley McLaughlin,chief science officer at the Ontario Science Centre.& & & & & & &Alex is now working closely with the team at the science centre to hold an exhibition for his invention. He was also given the opportunity to give a presentation at We Day 一 stadium-sized events where speakers lecture about global issues across the US,Canada,and the UK.& & & & & & &Alex will be starting at Montreal's McGill University in the autumn,but hopes the iAid will be approved for US and Canadian rights so that,one day,the device will be available for those who really need it across the world.6. What purpose does Alex’s &invention serve?&&&A. To encourage the blind to live independently.&&&B. To provide blind people with mobile phones.&&&C. To make blind people's &life more colorful.&&&D. To help the blind move around easily.7.How did Alex come up with his idea?&&&A. He got the idea from a magazine.&&&B. He was inspired by a blind woman.&&&C. He found it hard to use a guide dog.&&&D. He noticed existing tools weaknesses.8.The bat probably uses sonar to .&&&A. keep its balance in flight&&&B. block harmful sound waves&&&C. communicate with other bats&&&D. find out the position of objects9.Which of the following is expressed in McLaughlin's words?&&&A. Doubt. B. Surprise. C. Praise. D. Puzzle.10.What is Alex preparing for at oresent?&&&A. A show of his iAid.&&&B. His college studies.&&&C. An awards ceremony.& &D. The speech at We Day.
6. D 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A


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