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Sample Letter #1
It seems hard to believe, but we've been together for almost six months now. That's not very long in the grand scheme of things, but it's long enough for me to know how much I love you. I remember (but only vaguely now!) how my life was before I met you and I never want to go back to that dreary existence again. That was when I had nothing much to look forward to except a pizza delivery and a rented movie on Saturday night, nothing much to get up for in the morning except a day at work. Having had my heart broken twice already, I was becoming s sure I never wanted to get involved with anyone again. I was to the point where I believed that the "happily ever after" kind of love was only found in fiction and in fairy tales--but then I met you.Thank goodness the substitute mailman (or is it "letter carrier" now?) got our apartment numbers mixed up and I got a chance to play Mr. Speedy Delivery. The mutual attraction we felt for each other that day has changed my life forever. It was almost too much to hope for (because I have such strong opinions about everything), but we even have the same views on the war and the economy. We're never at a loss for words or things to talk about--that is, when our lips are free to speak! Now I believe in love again, because I believe in you. And I function at warp speed now because--it thrills me to say it--you actually believe in me!Leah, you've brought me so much happiness and joy that I can scarcely contain it all. I'm sure beams of light radiate from me wherever I go. I noticed a few raised eyebrows at work when I started coming in bright and early (on time, every time!), smiling and energized, humming some love song I heard on the radio while driving in. A couple of the guys wanted to know what's up with me, but they don't understand I am filled with secrets that cannot be shared or even expressed in words. So I just told them that I'm seeing someone and it's the real thing this time.It's very strange because, even when we're apart, I feel that I'm still with you. I remember what it's like to hold you, to kiss you, to make love to you, as those delicious sensations never really leave me. We respond to each other so naturally and completely I believe the gods must have created us to complete each other's existence. Ours is a union that reaches beyond the mere physical into mystical planes that take my breath away. You are part of my very being now and I could never be complete or whole without you. Tell me I will never again have to return to that mundane existence I knew before I met you!This morning I woke at dawn, still wrapped in the memory of last night, repeating over and over that line from that old Hollies' song: "Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you." I know what that means now because I know how that feels now. Leah, tell me we can always be together! Tell me all we need is one apartment key!I love you.
Sample Letter #2
Hello, Love!Do you remember the first day that we met? I was rushing to calculus, and I dropped my calculator. When I got to class and realized that it was gone, I was devastated. Though I had written my name and number on the inside, I didn't really think anyone would return it. When you called later that day, I was pleasantly surprised. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and of so much more. That same honesty, that same candid nature that I felt in you from the very beginning has made getting to know you the best thing that has ever happened to me. At that time, I was at a point in my life where my faith in humanity was pretty low. You helped me to see the goodness that can still be found in people, and I will be forever grateful for your influence in my life.You have such a great attitude, Jenn--your world is full of rainbows and sunbursts. You're gentle and kind. I love the awe and reverence that you feel for nature--like it's a part of you, and you're a part of it. You have such an appreciation for little things that most people wouldn't even notice--butterfly wings and ladybug spots, the scent of myriad wildflowers, the morning dew on tiny blades of mountain grass.You're so smart--even if you don't like calculus. The world is an infinite puzzle that you delight in trying to solve. I've never met anyone that I could talk to so easily, about anything and everything. I trust you with things I've never shared with another soul, and I know that you keep them close to your heart.Before I met you, I couldn't imagine living my life with just one person. Now, I can't imagine my life without you--the idea of one day without you is painful to think about! Before I knew you, "forever" was something I had heard about, but something I couldn't fathom. Now I know that we're supposed to be together, and no matter where I am, as long as I'm with you, that's where I want to be. You are my life, my heart, my soul. Because of you in my world, in my arms, I have everything, and I can't imagine what I'd do without you." I promise you that I will spend the rest of my life devoted to making you happy, committed to the eternal joy we will find together.I love you and I need you. You complete me. You're a part of every fiber of my being, and you're constantly on my mind. You must be exhausted, always running through my thoughts by day and in my dreams by night.
Sample Letter #3
I've just been sitting here recalling what my life was like before I met you. Life! That's a joke. Eight months ago life meant going through the motions, monotonous movements, no joy, no sadness, no ups, and no downs--just one long stream of tedium. Then Bill invited me to a party (my stomach turns over when I remember how I almost said no!). And there you were--beautiful, happy, intelligent and incredible. Suddenly, I came alive--and I've been alive ever since.It happened that very first night--I fell in love with you. How do I know? Because the feeling never left me and it has grown ever since. I think it always will. The lights went on. Instantly, co tastes more enjoyable. I ceased walking and began leaping. I realized that there is a whole wonderful world ready to explore--with the right person.With you, I am at ease. I don't have to try so hard to talk about movies or music or politics or sports--or our favorite subjects: horseback riding and chess (who would have thought I could find someone with those interests in common?). I love being with you when we split a caramel sundae, stroll the park hand-in-hand without having to force a conversation, and cuddle up in front of the TV. Simple pleasures. I'm content and happy when I am with you.I love you. From the depths of my heart, I love you to an extent that I never thought possible, and I know I always will. I cannot imagine life without you now. I want my life to be your life. I want to spend every minute of every day with you. I want to experience all that life has to offer--the good and the bad--with you at my side. I want to grow up and grow old with you. I want to hold you in my arms and never let you go. I want to feel the warmth of your kiss and whisper words of love into your ear. You are all that i you satisfy all the longing that was in me--body and soul. Tell me I will never again be relegated to a colorless, mundane world.As I sit here in the quiet of my room trying to compose this letter and express feelings that poets have struggled to say, I am reminded of lyrics that might say it best: "Who knows how long I've loved you? You know I love you still. Will I wait a lonely lifetime? If you promise to, I will."My sweetie, please don't make me wait a lonely lifetime. If you promise to, I will.I love you.
Sample Letter #4
My Sweet Emily,Remember that day I went to the supermarket to buy pickles? But pickles were nowhere to be found. So I asked this really cute cashier if she knew where the pickles might be hiding, and she began to lead the way. She was intriguing: open and yet, somehow, mysterious. Somewhere between the frozen foods and the baby kosher dills, I fell in love. A year has passed since you led me through the grocery aisles, and I haven't given pickles a second thought since then.My whole world has changed for the better now that you love me. When I think of you, I can't help smiling from ear to ear. (What must people be thinking when they look at me?) Because of your example, I find that I am much kinder to people. I'm happy. I'm so full of love that it is reflected in everything I do. I treat my co-workers with more thoughtfulness. I've even become a considerate driver!I love the time we spend together. Each Sunday afternoon, I look forward to our one-on-one basketball game in the driveway--even though you win every time! I never feel more at peace than when we simply hold hands, watch the sunset, and whisper how we feel. I love listening to your voice.I want you to know you can always depend upon my love. It is alive and true, and grows stronger each day. I promise I will always love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.We are perfect for each other: our zest for life, our stubborn determination, and our looking at the world with a cockeyed sense of humor. Aren't we glad that we both enjoy onion rings with mustard, the front-row in roller-coasters, and "short" Monopoly? Then, of course, there are my peanut butter and banana sandwiches--I think you're actually starting to develop a taste for them now! Most importantly, we share love. We're good for each other in so many ways, and we always find ways to lift and encourage each other.Cole Porter couldn't have said it any better...You're the Nile! You're the Tow'r of Pisa,You're the smile of the Mona Lisa!I'm a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop!But if baby I'm the bottom,You're the top!
Sample Letter #5
From the first moment that I saw you standing in the comedy aisle at Blockbuster, I knew that we would be together. I don' I don't usually believe in that sort of thing, but somehow I knew. Maybe it was the fact that you were holding an Adam Sandler DVD in your hand (I love his movies!). Maybe it was the fact that you were wearing shorts in December. Maybe it was the way you looked at me as I walked by. I'll probably never know exactly what caused it, but I just knew that you were the one.Ever since that day, I have been happy. I never imagined that someone could be this happy all the time and it's all because of you. You are the reason that I find myself singing those old '80s love songs in the shower. You are the reason that I sometimes get the urge to run down the street laughing. And you are the reason that I smile so often now. All I have to do is picture your face and think of our last meeting.I enjoy so many of the things that we do together. I love talking with you, discussing current events, or just our normal days. I love taking walks with you in the mountains, having picnics, and enjoying the beauty around us. But simply watching TV together makes me content. I don't need anything except to be with you. I love you. That will never change. I am committed to us. I am committed to our future together.I truly believe that we were meant to be together. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.
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2 Free with purchase of our software for Windows (not Macintosh)Song Lyrics -
Accumulated by 'Retro Joe' McElhone
No Jewel, Alanis Morrisette, Hanson, or Celine Dion.
Only good music from the 70's.
No artist has more than one song on this entire list!!
Yes, that also includes the Bee Gees!!)
"Think of me, babe whenever... some sweet talkin' girl comes along, singing a song." "Love Will Keep Us Together"
Captain & Tenille
"I need a drink and a quick decision." "She's Gone"
Hall & Oates
"When I look back on all the crap I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at all." "Kodachrome"
Paul Simon
"Some people choose the city, some others choose the good ol' family home" "Philadelphia Freedom"
Elton John
"My buddy's Jim Bass he's a working pumping gas and he makes $2.50 for an hour." "Gold"
Jon Stewart
"Something happened along the way and yesterday was all we had." "After the Love is Gone"
Earth, Wind & Fire
"My woman takes me higher.
My woman keeps me warm." "You Should be Dancing"
"All of your brothers over in Africa tell all the folks in Egypt and Israel too." "Love Train"
The O'Jays
"I laughed at all of your jokes.
My love you didn't need to coax." "Maggie May"
Rod Stewart
"If I could, baby I'd give you my world.
How can I, when you won't take it from me?" "Go Your Own Way"
Fleetwood Mac
"Underneath the covers, the answer lies." "Undercover Angel"
Alan O'Day
"Then my only worry was for Christmas what would be my toy." "I Wish"
Stevie Wonder
"I never knew there was so much love keeping me warm night and day." "When I Need You" Leo Sayer
"My motto's always been 'When it's right, it's right', why wait until the middle of a cold, dark night?" "Afternoon Delight" Starland Vocal Band
"Now how could I ever refuse?
I feel like I win when I lose!!" "Waterloo"
"Darling, you'll always be the only one for me -- heaven made you specially." "Could it be I'm Falling in Love" The Spinners
"I'd rather be a fool with a broken heart than someone who's never had a part of you." "Lead Me On"
Maxine Nightengale
"All that pressure got you down.
Has your head spinning all around." "Freak Out" Chic
"I want to make you understand I'm talking about a lifetime plan." "Reminiscing" Little River Band
"We got a thing goin' on." "Me and Mrs. Jones" Billy Paul
"I need you, by me, beside me to guide me." "Last Dance"
Donna Summer
"I saw your face and that's the last I've seen of my heart." "You are the Woman" Firefall
"Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear." "Sing"
The Carpenters
"Baby, baby, I'll meet you -- same place, same time." "Get Down Tonight"
KC & Sunshine Band
"The cities and towns I've been in -- from Boston to Denver and every town in between." "It's a Miracle"
Barry Manilow
"The clothes she wears, her sexy ways, makes an old man wish for younger days." "Brick House" The Commodores
"Life ain't nothing but a funny, funny riddle!!!" "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" John Denver
"One floor below me, you don't even know me -- I love you." "Knock Three Times" T. Orlando and Dawn
"Well, I guess it must be the woman in you who brings out the man in me." "Feels Like the First Time" Foreigner
"I feel a change, something movin', I scream your name -- look what you've got me doin'!" "Can't Get Enough..Babe"
Barry White
"Then the door burst open wide, and my daddy stepped inside, and he kissed my mama's face " "The Night Chicago Died"
Paper Lace
"Well, I don't know why I came here tonight.
I got the feeling that something ain't right." "Stuck in the Middle w/ You"
Stealers Wheel
"Boy, oh boy have I got news for you!!" "Boogie Oogie Oogie"
A Taste of Honey
"My lover, my lady is the sea." "Brandy"
Looking Glass
"They want you as a new recruit!!!" "In The Navy" Village People
"Too many broken hearts have fallen in the river.
Too many lonely hearts have drifted off to sea." "The Things we do for Love" 10 CC
"I'd rather live in his world, than live without him in my world." "Midnight Train to Georgia" G. Knight & Pips
"How's your life been going on?
I've got a wife now, for years we've been going strong." "How Much I Feel" Ambrosia
"Conventionality belongs to yesterday." "Grease"
Frankie Valli
"Satisfaction came in a chain reaction." "Disco Inferno" The Trammps
" and you know what I mean, it's the season." "Let Your Love Flow" The Bellamy Bros.
"You knew there'd come a day when we would have to say 'Good Bye'." "Sad Eyes"
Robert John
"Can it be that it was all so simple then?
Or has time re-written every line?" "The Way We Were" Barbara Streisand
"So I set my sights on Monday, and I got myself undressed." "Sister Golden Hair"
"Ain't no doubt, we are here to party!" "Boogie Nights" Heatwave
"And what could ever lead you -- back here where we need you?" "Welcome Back"
John Sebastian
"Oh, baby! -- gimme one more chance --
to show you that I love you." "I Want You Back" The Jackson Five
"We've been together since way back when." "Still The One" Orleans
"What does it matter to you?
When you've got a job to do you've got to do it well." "Live and Let Die"
Paul Mc. & Wings
"The night is young -- and full of possibilities." "Ring My Bell"
Anita Ward
"Oh, I'm not bragging on myself, baby -- but I know somehow, someday, someway ." "You'll Never Find" Lou Rawls
"Try to take away my worries of today, and leave tomorrow behind." "Dream Weaver"
Gary Wright
"You watch your friends, you better watch your friends, you better look out!!!" "When you're in love..Woman"
"And if one night, you hear crying from above -- it's 'cause .." "Heaven..Missing..Angel"
"I see my Mary Anne walking away." "More Than a Feeling" Boston
"It's not in the way you look or the things that you say that you do." "Hold the Line" Toto
"All of a sudden I began to change I was on the dance floor acting strange." "Disco Duck"
"When I first found out, I hurt all over.
I felt so left out 'til I got to know her." "Angel in Your Arms"
"If you hear any noise, it ain't the boys." "Ladies Night"
Kool & The Gang
"I'm riding in your car .you turn on the radio." "Fire"
Pointer Sisters
"I think it was the 4th. Of July." "Saturday in the Park"
"It turned cold and that's where it ends.
So I told her, 'We'd still be friends.' " "Summer Nights" J Travolta/ONJ
"They got little cars that go 'Beep!' 'Beep!' 'Beep'!" "Short People"
Randy Newman
"You don't have to call nobody else.
Send it off in a letter to yourself." "Ricky Don't Lose That Number" Steely Dan
"No pill's gonna cure my ill." "Bad Case of Loving You"
Robert Palmer
"See her shake on the movie screen with Jimmy Dean JAMES Dean." "Rock On" David Essex
"You left me here on your way to paradise.
You pulled the rug right out from under my life." "Smoke from a Distant Fire" Sanford Townsend
"Who can make a sunrise?
Sprinkle it with dew."
"Candy Man" Sammy Davis Jr.
"Well, I know it's kind of late.
I hope I didn't wake you." "So I have to ..in a Song"
"Everybody here is out of sight.
They don't bark and they don't bite." "Dancing in the Moonlight"
King Harvest
"You might not ever get rich.
But let me tell you it's better than digging a ditch!" "Car Wash"
Rose Royce
"I really want to see you.
I really want to be with you." "My Sweet Lord" George Harrison
"You don't know me, but I'm your brother.
I was raised here in this living hell." "Takin' it to the Streets"
Doobie Bros.
"I close my eyes.
Only for the moment then the moment's gone." "Dust in the Wind"
"And they were dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'." "Play That Funky Music" Wild Cherry
"I tried hard to forget it but I know my mind won't let it." "I Just Wanna Stop" Gino Vannelli
"I love the way it makes me feel about you, baby.
For the whole wide world to see." "The Best of My Love" The Emotions
"I want to go where the people dance.
I want some action I want to live!!!" "I Love the Nightlife"
Alicia Bridges
"I kept on looking for a sign in the middle of the night." "Couldn't Get it Right" Climax Blues Band
"All of the bad feelings have disappeared.
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for." "I Can See Clearly Now" Johnny Nash
"I play the radio on southern stations 'cause southern belles are here at night." "Moonlight Feels Right" Starbuck
"This song is for you filled with gratitude and love.
God bless you!" "You Make Me Feel Brd New"
The Stylistics
"When I wanted you to share my life, I had no doubt in my mind." "Right Down the Line" Gerry Rafferty
"So please believe me, my heart is in your hands.
And I'll be missing you." "Babe"
"All you gotta do is smile and smile, and there go all my defenses." "Here you come Again" Dolly Parton
"I believe in miracles since you came along." "You Sexy Thing"
Hot Chocolate
"Either way, it's OK, you wake up with yourself." "My Life" Billy Joel
"Only you can see me through I leave it up to you." "Shadow Dancing"
"I used to think that life was sweet.
Used to think we were so complete." "We Don't Talk Anymore" Cliff Richard
"I'll tell you once more, before I get off the floor." "Don't Bring me Down" ELO
"You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it I thank you all." "We are the Champions"
"Shake it up, shake it down, move it in, move it around " "Disco Lady"
Johnnie Taylor
"Well, I heard Mr. Young sing about us.
Well, I heard ol' Neil put her down." "Sweet Home Alabama"
Lynard Skynard
"You better take care if I find you've been creeping 'round my back stairs." "Sundown" Gordon Lightfoot
"You gotta have something, if you want to be with me." "Nothing from Nothing"
Billy Preston
"Feeling better, now that we're through.
Feeling better 'cause I'm over you." "You're no Good"
Linda Ronstandt
"I hear you went up to Saratoga, and your horse naturally won." "You're so Vain"
Carly Simon
"When the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again.
How I wish to God that you were here!!!" "Baby Come Back"
"Am I strong enough to see it through?
Go crazy is what I will do." "If I Can't Have You" Yvonne Elliman
"And I don't know if I'm being foolish.
I don't know if I'm being wise." "Love is in the Air"
John Paul Young
"So I'd like to know where you got the notion." "Rock the Boat" The Hues Corp.
"If you ever get annoyed, look at me, I'm self-employed.
I love to work on nothing all day." "Takin' Care of Business" BTO
"If there's a cure for this, I don't want it, I don't want it.
If there's a remedy, I'll run from it, from it." "Love Hangover" Diana Ross
"I feel the warmth of her hand in mine." "Laughter in the Rain"
Neil Sedaka
"We could go walking through a windy park, take a drive along the beach " "I'd Really Love to See You Tonight" Eng Dan/ JFColey
"My father was a gambler down in Georgia.
He wound up on the wrong end of a gun." "Ramblin' Man"
Allman Bros
"If I have to, I can do anything.
I am strong.
I am invincible." "I am Woman"
Helen Reddy
"It's alright, once you get past the pain, you'll learn to find love again." "Love Will Find a Way"
Pablo Cruise
"I fix broken hearts, I know, but I truly can." "Handy Man" James Taylor
"And when he died, all he left us was alone." "Papa was a Rolling Stone"
The Temptations
"You put me high, upon a pedestal.
So high that I could almost see eternity." "You Needed Me" Anne Murray
"You know you've got to go through hell before you get to heaven." "Jet Airliner"
Steve Miller Band
"Take my heart, my soul, my money.
But don't leave me here drowning in my tears." "Don't Pull Your Love"
"When I was young, I never needed anyone.
Making love was just for fun, those days are gone." "All By Myself" Eric Carmen
"Your friends with their fancy persuasions don't admit that it's part of the scene." "How Long"
"My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim .I had to stop for the night." "Hotel California"
"All right now, go!!
Walk out the door!!" "I Will Survive"
Gloria Gaynor
"Take it easy, don't you know, that I have never been loved like this before." "Rock Me Gently"
"There's one perfect fit and, sugar, this one is it." "Reunited"
Peaches & Herb
"Those kicks were fast as lightning.
In fact, it was a little bit frightening." "Kung Fu Fighting"
Carl Douglas
"If only you believe like I believe, baby we'd get by." "Miracles"
Jefferson Starship
"If I fear I'm losing you, it's just no good." "Heart of Glass"
"I wanna hold you 'til I die, 'til we both break down and cry." "Sometimes When We Touch" Dan Hill
"We'd hear it from the people of the town, they'd call us " "Gypsies, Tramps, & Theives"
"Here's what we call our Golden Rule:
'Have faith in you and the things you do'." "We Are Family" Sister Sledge
"Well if you want to know how I really feel:
Keep the cameras rolling, get the action going." "More, More, More " Andrea True Conn.
"Whatever will be, will be.
The future is ours to see." "Baby Hold On"
Eddie Money
"Darling, if you want me to love, love only you, then love only me." "Get Closer"
Seals & Crofts
"Lord Almighty, I feel my temperature rising." "Burning Love"
Elvis Presley
"You're everything I've hoped for.
You're everything I need." "You Are So Beautiful"
Joe Cocker
"Your love is my love and my love is your love.
Our love is here to stay." "To Be Real"
Cheryl Lynn
"Oh, dear Lord!!! Three things I pray." "Day by Day"
"I'm afraid that I'm not sure of... a love there is no cure for." "I Think I Love You"
David Cassidy
"But I swear it was in self-defense." "I Shot the Sheriff"
Eric Clapton
"Letters I've written never meaning to send." "Nights in White Satin" Moody Blues
"I wonder how you're feeling.
There's ringing in my ears." "Show Me the Way" Peter Frampton
"It's been so long since I've seen her.
I'm tired and so all alone." "Walking in Rhythm" The Blackbyrds
"And if you're wondering what this song is leading to " "Make it With You"
"My Mazerotti does 185.
I lost my license, now I don't drive." "Life's Been Good" Joe Walsh
"I must've been through about a million girls.
I love 'em and I leave 'em alone." "Fooled Around Love"
Elvin Bishop
"I never understood a single word he said, but I helped him drink his wine." "Joy to the World"
Three Dog Knight
"Love to hear percussion!!" "Turn the Beat Around
Vicki" Sue Robinson
"We're coming to your town, we'll help you party down." "We're an American Band" Grand Funk Rail.
"Loving both of you is breaking all the rules." "Torn Between 2 Lovers" Mary MacGregor
"If you're down and confused, and you don't remember who you're talking to." "Love the One..With"
Stephen Stills
"I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder who taught her how to talk like that." "Low Down"
Boz Scaggs
"Now, teacher, don't you fill me up with your rules." "Smokin' in the Boys Room"
Brownsville Station
"Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore." "So Far Away" Carole King
"Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?" "Shaft" Isaac Hayes
"Some silicone sister with a manager mister told me I got what it takes." "Blinded by the Light"
Manfred Mann
" there on the sand from July to the end of September." "Beach Baby"
First Class
"Strumming my pain with his fingers, singing my life with his words." "Killing Me Softly" Roberta Flack
"I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind." "My Sharona"
"You gotta love her tease her but most of all you've got to please her." "Treat her Like a Lady" Cornelius Bros.
"It's a fool's game nothing but a fool's game.
Standing in the cold rain." "It's a Heartache"
Bonnie Tyler
"Need you by my side, girl, to be my bride." "Everlasting Love"
Carl Carlton
"I know it's late.
I know you're weary.
I know your plans don't include me." "We've Got Tonight" Bob Seger/SB Band
"To make her happy doesn't take a lot.
She don't ask for things - no diamond rings." "Ain't no Woman..Got" The Four Tops
"I can read your thoughts right now.
Everyone from A to Z." "I'm Every Woman" Chaka Khan
"I think I could stay with you, for awhile, maybe longer if I do." "Amie"
Pure Prarie League
"I don't mind you coming here and wasting all my time." "Just What I Needed"
"My girl is Cindy, when we get married, we're gonna have a baby or two." "Playground in my Mind" Clint Holmes
"Never believe it's not so!!!" "Magic" Pilot
"Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow." "Lean on Me"
Bill Withers
"I will never no, no, never love again." "The Love I Lost" H Melvin/Blue Notes
"February made me shiver - with every paper I delivered." "American Pie"
Don McLean
"Didn't I didn't I didn't I see you crying." "I Want You to Want Me" Cheap Trick
"You may say I'm a dreamer.
But I'm not the only one." "Imagine" John Lennon
"There's nothing to it - just say you want to do it.
Open up your arms - and let the loving start!!" "Rock Your Baby"
George McCrae
" .runnin' wild and lookin' pretty." "Hot Child in the City" Nick Gilder
"You can change your telephone number, and you can change your address, too." "You Can't Change That" Raydio
"I saw her head on to the table - with a tall, walking, big, black cat." "Long, Cool..Black Dress" The Hollies
"Just keep it inside, and learn how to hide your feelings." "Don't Cry Out Loud"
Melissa Manchester
"If you're out on a date and you bring her home late, it's a sin." "Your Mama..Rock & Roll"
Loggins & Messina
"You give me hope - to carry on." "You Light Up My Life"
Debby Boone
"What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys.
See ya later can I have them, please?" "Cats in the Cradle"
Harry Chapin
"Wrapped in your arms is where I want to be." "Shame" Evelyn "Champ." King
" grow apple trees and honey bees and snow-white turtle doves." "I'd Like to Teach Sing"
The New Seekers
"I want you.
I need you.
But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you." "2 out of 3 Ain't Bad"
"Aye, aye, aye, aye, I just can't wait.
Aye, aye, aye, aye, I got a date!!!" "Saturday Night"
Bay City Rollers
"These little town blues are melting away." "New York, New York"
Frank Sinatra
"When you hold me in your arms so tight, you let me know everything's alright." "Hooked on a Feeling" Blue Swede
" again and again and when I ask you to explain, you say, you gotta be " "Cruel to be Kind"
"You come on like a dream, peaches and cream, lips like strawberry wine." "You're Sixteen"
Ringo Starr
"On a morning from a Bogart movie, in a country where they turned back time." "Year of the Cat" Al Stewart
"Oh, they say, she died one winter - when there came a killing frost." "Wildfire"
Michael M. Murphy
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, baby - stop beating 'round the bush." "Let's Get it On" Marvin Gaye
"Stay with me while we grow old and we will live each day in the springtime." "Lovin' You"
Minnie Ruperton
"He takes a ladder, steals the stars from the sky, puts on Sinatra and starts to cry." "On and On" Steven Bishop
"You are the sun, I am the moon, you are the words, I am the tune." "Play Me" Neil Diamond
"I got a color TV so I can see the Knicks play basketball." "Rapper's Delight"
Sugar Hill Gang
"Give me the beat, boy and free my soul." "Drift Away"
Dobie Gray
"Tonight I'm gonna break away, just you wait and see." "Crazy Love"
"You left in the rain without closing the door.
I didn't stand in your way." "Just When I Needed..Most"
Randy Van Warmer
"And one thin dime won't even shine your shoes." "On Broadway" George Benson
"Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo." "Rhinestone Cowboy" Glen Campbell
"They don't give a damn about any trumpet-playing band." "Sultans of Swing"
Dire Straits
"There ain't no good guy.
There ain't no bad guy." "We Just Disagree"
Dave Mason
"I'll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul 'cause I think I'm better than you." "Devil Georgia" Charlie Daniels Band
"When they said he was an only son, he thought he was the only one." "Lonely Boy" Andrew Gold
"Voulez-vous coucher avec moi." "Lady Marmalade"
"But, girl, don't they warn you.
It pours -- MAN, it pours!!! "It Never Rains..California"
Albert Hammond
"And I don't need no superstar, 'cause I'll accept you as you are." "You Don't Have to be a Star" B. Davis/M. McCoo
"How much does it cost?
I'll buy it." "Sunshine"
Jonathan Edwards
"There's no exception to the rule." "Everybody Plays The Fool"
Main Ingredient
"They say you can't please everyone, so you have to please yourself." "Garden Party"
Rick Nelson
"When the lights go down, I'm holding you so tight.
Gotcha in my arms and its paradise " "I Like Dreamin'" Kenny Nolan
"So you think you're a romeo.
Play a part in a picture show." "Take the Long Way Home"
"So play, play for me a sad melody.
So sad, that it makes everybody cry." "Another Somebody..Song"
"Good morning, America, how are you?
Said 'Don't you know me, I'm your native son.'" "The City of New Orleans" Arlo Guthrie
"Are we in love?
Or just friends?
Is this my beginning or is this the end?!" "When Will I See You Again?" Three Degrees
Unfortunately this IS the end!!!
I hope you enjoyed the challenge!!!
How did you do?:
If you got all 211 right -
You've been hanging around me too long.
161 - 210 -
Very impressive, 70's "guru" -- you have disco balls and lava lamps in your bedroom.
111 - 160 -
Nice job -- you own "Saturday Night Fever" and you are a 70's "guru-in-training".
OK, but you spent most of your 70's free time watching "Brady Bunch" episodes instead of listening to AM radio!!!
You need to get rid of all those Pearl Jam CD's!!!
You are un-American!!!!!
Check out ChuckyG's reviews of books about concert posters and other music picture books.}


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