makingmaking history ii啥意思

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  很多名人坦言看不懂《一步之遥》是有道理的,因为看懂这部电影需要很多基础知识,一般人未必具备。如,故事原型、历史背景及现实的观照等。若要深入理解姜文的深意,则要弄懂剧中连续出现的两句台词:1.是T2.是Today is history. We make history. We are part of history。
  第一句话:To be or not to be
  片头,马走日说to be or not to be,我是这么着,还是那么着,有时候我也不知道了。到底片中马走日是否杀了完颜英,是真的杀了呢,还没杀呢?马走日是糊涂的,只是反复说:我不杀伯仁,伯仁却因我而死。其实后面武六说的对:马走日到底有没有杀完颜英重要么?是不是觉得耳熟?《黄金时代》里,讨论陈扬清是否是破鞋时,王小波说的是:大家都说你是破鞋,你就是破鞋,没什么道理可讲。至于为什么会这样,这好像不得不说第二句。
  第二句话 Today is history. We make history. We are part of history.
  Today is history这句话,来自《辛德勒的名单》,原台词的背景是阿蒙&歌德这位纳粹军官对着手无寸铁的犹太人进行训话,历数六百年来犹太人的&罪行&,以今天是历史性的时刻,可以屠尽犹太人,删除他们的历史,所以今天是历史性的时刻。其中前两句正是姜文借鉴的部分,原文是&Today is history. Today will be remembered. Years from now the young will ask with wonder about this day. Today is history and you are part of it. &姜文的用意很明显,是用纳粹来讽刺当时及后来的政治。包括项飞田的装束、胡子与希特勒一致,及大帅引渡囚犯时士兵的旗帜也是纳粹旗帜的翻版。整个场面与纳粹无二。
  如果说那英饰演的竖弯钩部分诠释了简单粗暴,那篇幅冗长的花国大选算是渲染了钱权堆积出的浮华蔽日的表象;如果说导演姜文的确是自负的,把无限的讽刺映射给了细节,包括还未被挖掘的片中反复吟唱的歌剧,奇特的建筑布景,片尾成群的新娘新郎 ,那么我尤为欣赏的反而是粉饰真相的那些怪诞又唯美的场景。其实只不过是完颜英惨死郊外的片段,却拍成了驾着复古的老爷车飞向越来越大的月球,完颜英和马走日讨论着月球上的兔子、吴刚,听着马走日一遍遍说着她渴望的那句:yes,I do.
你可能兴趣的文章21.A man has to make _____ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.A:supply B:assurance C:provision D:adjustment 22.After briefly ____ the history of the author,Prof.Li turned to the novel itself immediately.A:.dipping in B:_百度作业帮
21.A man has to make _____ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.A:supply B:assurance C:provision D:adjustment 22.After briefly ____ the history of the author,Prof.Li turned to the novel itself immediately.A:.dipping in B:
21.A man has to make _____ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.A:supply B:assurance C:provision D:adjustment 22.After briefly ____ the history of the author,Prof.Li turned to the novel itself immediately.A:.dipping in B:dipping at C:dipping into D:dipping to 23.A good teacher must know how to ____ his ideas.A:convey B:display C:consult D:confront24.A good many houses ____ knocked down by the earthquake.A:was B:were C:is D:are25.A drunk man walked in,____ in appearance.A:repulsive B:reluctant C:reproachful D:reputed26.____,he does not love her.A:As he likes her very much B:Though much he likes her C:Much although he likes her D:Much though he likes her27.After a concert tour in Asia,Canada and the U.S.,he will _____ work on a five-language opera.A:confine B:indulge C:resume D:undergo28.According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud,wisdom comes from the _____ of maturity.A:fulfillment B:achievement C:establishment D:accomplishment29.A writer has to ____ imagination as well as his experiences for his writing.A:draw in B:draw up C:draw on D:drawing back from30.A river _____ through the narrow wooded valley below.A:extends B:pours C:expands D:twists31.They were pushed into battle _____.A:unprepared B:unpreparedly C:not preparting it D:without preparing it32.“I bought this shirt for 35 yuan yesterday.”“It’s on sale today for only 29.You should have waited.”“On really?But how _____ I know?”A:would B:can C:did D:do33.She said she would work it out herself _____ ask me for help.A:and not to B:.but not C:and prefer not D:rather than34._____ their policy can be changed the future for that country will be indeed bleak.A:Even if B:Unless C:Now that D:As long as35.The head of the Museum was___and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts.A:promising B:agreeing C:pleasing D:obliging36.The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers’ fears were completely___.A:unjustified B:unjust C:misguided D:unaccepted37.I arrived at the airport so late that I ___missed the plane.A:only B:quite C:narrowly D:seldom38.The police have offered a large___ for information leading to the robber’s arrest.A:.award B:compensation C:prize D:reward 39.What courses are you going to do next semester?” “I don’t know.But it’s about time ___on something.”A:I’ d decide B:I decided C:I decide D:I’ m deciding40.As the first drops of rain started to fall,everybody who ( )the procession put up an umbrella.A:watched B:was watching C:has watched D:had watched41.Noise disturbance ( ) harmful in China.A:didn’t use to be considered B:usedn’t to considered C:didn’t used to consider D:aren’t used to consider
21.C 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.D 27.C 28.B 29.C 30.B 31.B 32.A 33.D 34.A 35.D 36.A 37.C 38.D 39.B 40.B 41.A
扫描下载二维码We Make History: Where History & The Arts Meet!
&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Upcoming Historic Events
Please note
that only public oriented We Make History events are listed here. Private
events organized for public schools, private schools, homeschool groups,
educational organizations, churches, communities, historic sites, etc. are
not listed on this calendar.
February 5th-6th&&& Tucson, AZ
An immersion experience for all ages into the American Civil
February 13th&&& Mesa, AZ
Come and be creative as your favourite character from movies,
TV, cartoons, comics or historic fiction! Just for fun. :o)
February 26th-27th&&& Phoenix, AZ
An Educational & Inspirational Journey into &Liberty& circa 1776!
November 17th-19th&&& Queen Creek, AZ
- Our 14th Annual!
The largest and most diverse Living History event in Arizona &
The Southwest!
of Our Recent Events...
November 28th&&& Mesa, AZ
- Our 15th Annual!
Celebrating the season with the joyful family of We Make
November 19th-21st&&& Queen Creek, AZ
- Our 13th Annual!
The largest and most diverse Living History event in Arizona &
The Southwest!
October 24th&& Mesa, AZ
Costumes, Capes, Superpowers & Super Dancing!
September 26th&& Mesa, AZ
A Rollicking Good Time - Western Style!
July 4th&&& Mesa, AZ
celebrated Independence
Day with inspirational educational demonstrations.
Valuable Links
to We Make History
Learn. Experience. Enjoy.
Historic Dance & Grand Balls
&Our Living
History Teams & Events
Historic Fashion
Dreams, Visions, Historic Portrayals & Educational Support
Links to Some of Our
Past Events
&The History of Making History&
A Small Sampling of Portraits
&In Dance we may discover both instruction in
and expression of respect, grace and all the manners, attitudes and
necessary to those aspiring to a higher path, to be ladies and gentlemen.&&
Lord Scott 2010
is, of all the fine arts, that which seems peculiarly devoted to
cheerfulness and joy. It is the
&&& lively expression of these emotions by gestures and
attitudes.&& Thomas Hillgrove 1866
A Few Letters from
(We receive positive
letters from all over the world from people who have found inspiration on the WMH website. Here is one from nearby California which we think you will enjoy.)
Dear friends of all that is historical
and wholesome,
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ladan and I am a 21 year old
California native. I am currently attending the University of California Irvine
as a pre-med major and am getting ready to go to medical school within the next
year. Your website keeps me going when I am barely able to keep my eyes open at
2 AM (during my all night study sessions). I always turn to your website and
awaken my senses and positive feelings with the beautiful pictures from the
events your organization hosts. With my life drenched in cell biology, chemistry
and physics the world you have created is an escape to heaven for me!
I have never felt that I belonged to this time period. I only listen to
classical music and opera, can only find true happiness in a live ballet, and
indulge in the fashions of hundred of years ago, and hold my old-fashioned
ideals of relationships and etiquette between people to the higher standards of
the past. Your website fuels my passion and keeps me alive in this dreary world
of today. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I only wish that I were lucky enough
to live in your community and have the opportunity to join in all the fun! Your
neighbors are so lucky to have someone as dedicated and passionate as you in
their community.
Thank you again for your amazing website and educational resources. I could read
about the etiquette and dress codes for ladies all day long.
You certainly make my physics and chemistry classes easier to tackle
psychologically! Thank you and bless you for all that you have done.
So grateful to you,
From a friend moving away...
Thank you for all of your support and friendship
for the past 3 1/2 years.& I have been very inspired by your group and
learned a great deal as well as made a lot of friends. Blessings in all
your plans for the future.
I will look forward to hearing from you in the
future. Greetings to all of your family and the WMH family as well.
Dear Lord Scott,
My favorite memories from this past evening are the beautiful
people from at the ball whose immense physical beauty is often exceeded by
their inner beauty.
What a wonderful world it would be if everyone were like
your guests.
Your Friend and Humble Servant
1st Sgt. Mike C.&& Glendale, Arizona
Dear Bonnie Prince Charlie,
I am writing to thank you
for the sweet memories&from&the 2007 Highland Ball that have lifted me up
throughout the week.& The lively music, beautiful costumes, and infectious
smiles of all who participated were uniquely special and a time I will
treasure for some time to come.&&As a mother of four young women who aspire
to&be the next Martha Washington or Elisabeth Elliot we are clearly
counter-culture and hopelessly out-of-style.& However, your We Make History
enterprise has introduced me to so many families, young men and women alike,
who also have passionate aspirations to serve God, family, country, and the
world through acts of service, gracious living, and honor.&I cannot express
how much hope and excitement I receive each time I meet more people who seek
to take the high road and long for more entertainment that feeds the soul.&
Thank you again for making this possible!
We look forward to&more
smiles and fellowship at the upcoming balls.
Sincerely yours,
Diane F. of& Flagstaff, Arizona
Lady Scott,
&I wanted to thank you for all of
the hard work and effort you put into We Make History to provide us with
evenings of fun, honor, and dance.
&I have enjoyed coming to your balls
and am always so impressed by all that attend. It is so refreshing to go
somewhere and be treated with respect and dignity. In this day and age,
girls only seem to worry about having or getting a boyfriend and that's
how they treat&men, and men seem to only treat girls as potential
girlfriends and objects of desire. It is so wonderful to be able to go
to your balls and throw aside the thoughts and pressures of the world
and be completely comfortable, with both sexes being treated with
respect, honor, and dignity. I have never once worried about any of the
men attending the balls acting inappropriately, and all the girls seem
to treat the men with the same honor, and respect. So, with all that to
say, I just want to thank you for providing such wonderful,
upstanding&evenings and I always look forward to your balls.
bless and keep you.
Miss Kia C.
Scottsdale, AZ
I would like to thank you for your emails.&Your site
is one of my personal favorites and I also wish to thank whoever does your web
site as &it is one of the best done sites I think I have ever seen.&
Congratulations to you as web master and to your group of reenactors for
your efforts and your patriotism toward our country.& I only wish that we as
a country&would have maintained the values of our ancestors, but that's
another story.
Also please extend a thank you to the young people I
see pictured. They are a bright spot and it would appear they have a leg-up
on their peers. Maybe there is hope after all.............&&&
David D. J.
Dear Lord & Lady Scott,
I want to thank you again for all that you do. Historical
reenacting has changed my life and my walk with my Heavenly Father for the
better. Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday. He is Risen!
Miss O.&&& Chandler, Arizona
My Dearest
Lord and Lady Scott,
amazing night of dancing, fellowship, love and laughter. Thank you for all of
the work you both put into making it a glorious night. THE BEST
night of my life!
I thank you
and wait in eager anticipation for the next Ball. My thoughts and
prayers are with you and your family.
Love to We
Make History,
In Christ,
Miss Valerie
B.&&& Prescott, Arizona
Lori M.&&& Chandler, Arizona
My dear friend and brother in Christ,
The other day I was reflecting on
when I had first joined We Make History. It was back in 2009! I
look back at that time and can hardly believe that it has been
over 4 years that I have been with We Make History. Ever since I
first joined I have been poured into over and over
again--lessons of what it is to be a Godly man, of how a
gentleman treats others (ladies in particular); the notions of
honesty, chivalry, the blessings of being trustworthy,
the importance of friendship and camaraderie (in both the good
times and bad); of doing everything to the glory of G of
being dependable, flexible, willing to step up or step down,
wherever and when of how to lead others
of accepting disappointment and failure
of celebrating the countless blessings we receive.
The list could go on and on! Words alone can not express my
immense gratitude for all that God has revealed to me through We
Make History!! =)
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This page, all attached pages, the entire
extended We Make History web and all
content are the property of We Make History (C) . All rights reserved.
Copying, reproduction, use
and/or distribution of photos, text or any content is NOT allowed without express written permission.
This site is always
under construction.
We Make History is a 501(c)3
nonprofit devoted to
bringing history to life in the context of a creative, interactive, inspirational,
family friendly environment.
We Make History will soon be celebrating our 17th birthday!
We are passionate
about our &outward& focus of ...
Serving communities,
schools and families
through creative, engaging and inspirational education featuring positive,
uplifting use of history and the arts in many social contexts.
We Make History is
also able to provide programs centered on history and the arts that are more
geared to the specific needs of Christian schools, churches, Christian
homeschool organizations and other spiritually focused entities as well as
tailored programs to fit the needs of private institutions, civic groups and
Our team is very
diverse in knowledge, skills and backgrounds and capable of adapting to the
needs of your group, school or organization.
Originally formed in
Arizona, We Make History is now &bi-coastal& offering
a variety of educational, inspirational and character-building events not only in Arizona and The Southwest but also on
the East Coast - particularly in the mid-Atlantic area of Virginia, DC and
We are passionate
about our &inward& focus of ...
Developing young
people who are part of our We Make History team by encouraging self
discipline, self respect, respect for others and using their gifts and
talents to serve and uplift those around them. We teach and encourage young
people to take the high road in all things and to be a light, a positive
influence in their generation. The majority of our large and growing We Make
History living history team are in their teens and twenties and we are very
proud of them! They do excellent community service that really makes a
We Make History makes positive, educational use of history and the
We Make History is particularly known for our
Family Friendly Reenacting (Living
History) Groups,
We also produce
, workshops, seminars,
and occasional &just for fun& creative social events. These are just some of the means utilized in
pursuit of
our family-friendly, educational vision.
We Make History produces several large
each year in which our
reenacting team
really shines! Our philosophical foundation
encourages our passion for making use of our gifts and
talents to bless, uplift and inspire any and all regardless of ethnic,
denominational, religious, national or economic background. We
believe in taking the high road!
We welcome those with real passions for our heritage, for education, for
families, for the arts and for positive expressions of service in our
communities... to partner with us and actually make a real investment that
could have an uplifting impact in the lives of many as we continue on our
mission of &making history& through positive, educational use of history and
We Make History organizes several annual historical reenacting events in
Arizona and takes part in events on the East Coast as well. Our
is the largest educational living history gathering to take place
in Arizona (and indeed the entire Southwest), has an important focus on
serving public schools, private schools, homeschool groups and families and has gained national attention drawing
participants from across North America and from as far away as Asia as well.
landmark educational event for Southern Arizona. We Make History created
is a wonderful inspirational event focused entirely on the era of the
Founding Fathers and the American Revolution - the fight for Liberty! We Make History has also become
renowned for our &first person& living history events such as the
beyond the typical reenactment, our first person events combine scripted
drama, fluid action and the skills of many actors/reenactors to provide
an exciting and entertaining glimpse into a moment in history. As someone
well phrased it &We have put the acting back in reenacting.&
family friendly historical reenacting team
is fast growing, involving over 200
ladies, gentlemen and children. Our team is
community service
oriented with a mission of education. As the only
reenacting group in Arizona and The Southwest we are blessed to have the
numbers and equipment to portray The Virginia Continental Line, Continental
Marines and Patriot Militia of
and the , Grenadiers of the First Foot Guards, Jaegers of Hesse
Kassel and Loyalist Militia of the
unified Civil War reenacting team portrays soldiers and civilians of the
North and South, is the largest Civil War
reenacting group in Arizona (and the Southwest) and is active and growing on the East
Coast as well with invitations to be involved in numerous events related to
has won acclaim and an unprecedented honour in Virginia. Our
historical reenacting groups serve the public through friendly, creative, interactive
education. Within our team we have a strong focus on character development
and learning life lessons from history - not merely facts and dates but
integrity and values as well. The huge numbers of inspirational young people
involved in reenacting with We Make History attest to our success!
Each of of our
is set during a&certain themed time period
. We are well
known for being welcoming and encouraging toward beginners and over the years have helped thousands to become interested and
involved in historic dance, fashion and
who have found inspiration
to pursue high character, to embrace grace and respect, to aspire to become ladies and gentlemen, to live at a higher level
of character, values and service - not only while participating in Historic Balls and Reenactments but in the
day to day life of the 21st century as well.
of famous persons such as
have gained
high praise from many diverse organizations, events and historic sites!
ever expanding
We Make History Family includes persons who are actively
involved from many places and good people who have participated from nearly
every corner of America - and beyond.
We Make History Virginia
is growing rapidly with Historic Balls, Reenactments, Living History,
Historical Education, support of historic sites and more! Persons of all ages and diverse
ethnicities and backgrounds have found an historic home as part of the We Make History
do we do this? Our
faithful desire is to provide&wholesome, creative, educational and recreational opportunities for families,
students, schools and community groups, to
gain inspiration from valuable aspects of our heritage, to make positive use of history and the arts in a way
that encourages all to take a higher road here and now in the 21st
century and to create an atmosphere and environment where a level
of grace, respect and gentility&are expected and exercised to a
much higher degree than the current culture around us. In fact, by making
inspirational use of our heritage and the arts we are able to bless and
serve others and positively
impact lives. Through uplifting and changing lives we uplift and change our culture. Thus... We Make
Make History with us! With 501(c)3 status we are able to accept charitable donations from our
friends by check or credit card.
Please send checks to We Make History, P.O.
Box 1776, Queen Creek, AZ 85142.
Please click the icon at left to contribute via
for information on how to contribute
directly by credit card.
Would you like to know more about our happy, enthusiastic and growing group?
We Make History has
a monthly e-newsletter. To sign up for our e-newsletter,
telling us who you are, where you are located, how
you heard about us and areas of interest.
&History has to be burned into the
imagination before it can be received into the reason.& Macaulay 1847
&Remove not the
ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.& Proverbs 22:28
&Tell me and I'll
show me and I involve me and I'll understand.& Chinese}


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