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Movie Spoiler for the film - LONE SURVIVOR
NOTE: This spoiler was submitted by Mark.
The film begins with real footage of SEALS being trained.
Cut to a shot of a wounded Marcus Luttrell (Mark Wahlberg) being Medevac&d to an Air Base.& In voiceover, he says, &There&s a storm inside of us.& I&ve heard many team guys speak of this.&& A burning.& A river.& A drive.& An unrelenting desire to push yourself harder and further than anyone could think possible.&& Pushing ourselves into those cold, dark corners where the bad things live, where the bad things fight.& We wanted that fight at the highest volume.& A loud fight.& The loudest, coldest, hottest, most unpleasant of the unpleasant fights.&&& He is on IVs.& His heart monitor grows weak.& The surgeons work frantically to work on him as the monitor flatlines.& As we see he is dying, we cut to…
3 DAYS EARLIER.& At Bagram Air Base.& A montage of snapshots of each Navy SEAL that we have yet to meet.& Michael Murphy (Taylor Kitsch) wakes up from a nap.& He gets an email from his fianc& who suggests that he get her Arabian horses for a wedding present.& He sits on the bed of a sleeping Marcus Luttrell and asks if the horses are doable.& Luttrell awakes, checks out the email, replies they&re Arabian horses and are expensive.& Murphy leaves the room and enters the room of Danny Dietz (Emile Hirsch).& He wakes up, ready to go.& Cut to Murphy and Dietz racing against each other.
Matt &Axe& Axelson (Ben Foster) wakes up, Instant Messages his wife.& Outside, Dietz and Murphy continue their race.& Murphy ends up winning by a few seconds.& Axe joins them, asking who won the race.& Per their agreement, Dietz now has to shave his head.& Luttrell points out that Dietz has been running his mouth about beating Murphy.& Everybody debates whether Dietz should be forced to shave his head.& They ask the youngest recruit, Shane Patton (Alexander Ludwig) what he thinks.& He says that because he lost he should be forced to shave it but he was close and was running against Michael Murphy so there should have been a bigger separation.& They are interrupted by Erik Kristensen (Eric Bana) who tells them all that the Red Wings operation is in effect.
We see a group of terrorists invading a village.& They find a man who they suspect helped Americans, drag him through the village, then kill him via brutal beheading.& Simultaneously, the SEALs are told that the objective of the mission is to capture and kill Ahmad Shah, a senior Taliban leader responsible for killing marines in Afghanistan.&& To ID him, they should note that he has no earlobes.& Also they should assassinate Taraq, his right-hand man.& They&re going in with a four man recon team – Axelson will be point, Murphy will be second, Dietz will be comms, and Luttrell, rear.& They&ll move up the backside of a mountain to remain concealed from the village below.& It will take up to three and four hours.& Luttrell briefs them, saying to watch out for rattlesnakes and poison oak.& Dietz points out they will be on two-hour comms windows.& &They have a list of code words based upon popular beers that they&ll use to confirm they&ve met different checkpoints.& US Forces will comply with the law of conflict.& Use of deadly force is authorized.& If the SEALs become under attack, they will use the appropriate force necessary to deter and defeat that threat.&
Kristensen says they&re leaving there at 1800 (6PM), will fly to the mountain range, and insert the four-man team on the mountain.& Then they&ll fly to a different area with 15 team guys and a dozen marine guys standing by all night.& Then they&ll head back to Barbram for phase two.& The QRF (quick reaction force) stay there and the Apaches stay with the Blackhawks.& The goal is to bring the 47s back so they&re ready for phase two when they have eyes on Shah.& He adds that he&s going to bring up the &new guy presentation& that day so that Patton can participate in the operation.
Dietz is trying to figure out what color to paint his house.& His wife at home is suggesting they use rose honeydew paint.
Patton comes to the new guy presentation.& Everyone throws things at him and tells him to shut up when he tries to speak.& He finally begins dancing to a song that plays on the stereo.& Everyone votes to push him through.& He is asked to &say it.&& Patton recites, &Been around the world twice, talked to everyone once, I&ve seen two whales fuck, been to three world fairs, I even know a man in Thailand with a wooden cock.& I&ve pushed more peter, more sweeter, and more completer than any other peter-pusher around.& I&m a hard-bodied, hairy-chested, rootin, tootin, shooting, parachuting, demolition double cap crimping Frogman.& There ain&t nothing I can&t do. &No sky too high, no sea too rough, no muff too tough.& Learned a lot of lessons in my life.& Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet.& Drove a lot of trucks.& Even those big motherfuckers that bend and go TSSHITT TSSHITT when you step on the brakes.& Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing.& Moderation is for cowards.& I&m a lover, I&m a fighter, I&m a UDT/SEAL Diver.& I&ll wine, dine, intertwine and then sneak out the back door when the refueling is done.&& If you&re feeling froggy, then you better jump because this Frogman has been there, done that and is going back for more.& Cheers, boys.&
The operation begins with four choppers flying north, into the Hindu Kush.& Fast rope is dropped.& The four Opp SEALS exit the helicopters, dropping fast.& The remaining 20 are relocated and stand by as QRF.& The chopper pulls up fast and is gone in seconds, leaving the SEALs alone.& They wear night goggles and make their trek through the mountains, radioing to their team as they head to their designated spot.& Dietz checks the radio.& The SEALs make their way through rough terrain.& At the J-Bad tactical operations center (TOC), the radio man updates Kristensen on their progression.& As they get deeper into the mountains, their radio becomes more and more staticky.
Axe says they are at the final waypoint.& He has Dietz call it in.& But at the TOC, they can barely hear him.& T Dietz explains that they&ve arrived.& Kristensen and the first team then leave while a second team steps in to continue monitoring the operation from the base.
Luttrell suggests they cross to a peak for a better view since they can&t see half of the village from where they are.& They start moving out.
When they arrive, Luttrell uses his walkie-talkie to tell Dietz to radio to the base to tell them of their new position.& Murphy looks below through binoculars.& The view is much better – there are a lot of guys down there with who could possibly be Shah.& They recognize him – tall guy, red scarf, no earlobes.& Luttrell says they&re too far away to take a shot.& Murphy points out that they&re too exposed and asks Luttrell if they should move back.& He radios for Axe and Dietz to fall back.& They do.& Axe takes some pics.& Dietz tries to radio the TOC.
While Luttrell and Murphy are waiting, Luttrell tells Murphy he might be able to get him a discount for an Arabian horse if he helps cut down trees behind a stable.& He tells Murphy it will cost him about $15,000 though.& They talk about
Murphy wants to know if the cute redhead is coming.& Axe radios them to tell them he&s good.
Murphy radios Axe and Dietz to tell them to move to high ground at 0930 and that they should rest up in the meantime.& They all do.
Luttrell is awoken by the sound of goats.& The rest of them wake up, too.& &&Dietz points his gun at an approaching young boy.& Two more men are revealed, walking alongside him.& The young kid walks so close to Luttrell, hidden in the bushes, that he steps on his head.& Luttrell has no choice but to move, revealing himself.& He has his gun up and all four of them charge the three men.& He takes a walkie-talkie from one of them.& Dietz tries to radio TOC but can&t get through.& The other three guys hold the passersby at gunpoint.& Murphy tries calling with his satellite phone, even though it&s an unsecure SAT line.&& At J-bad TOC, a sergeant picks up the line.& Murphy says he&s calling from an unsecure line and needs to speak to Commander Kristensen immediately.& He is told Kri he remembers that he&s back at Bagram.& He demands to be transferred.
Patton picks up in Bagram.& He is surprised to hear from Michael Murphy and tells him that he needs to talk to Kristensen now.& Patton says he&s sleeping but because it&s Murphy, he goes to wake him up.& Kristensen gets to the phone but just then, the phone call drops.& He wonders why Murphy is calling from a SAT phone.& An operator tells him they have missed two windows now.& He tells Patton to try to call them back.
Luttrell jokes and suggests they light the goats on fire and smoke signal their way out of there.& Dietz suggests he walks down the village to borrow a phone (since his radio isn&t working).& The teen they&ve captured makes a run for it.& Axe beats him with the butt of his gun.& Murphy forces the older man to get down.& Murphy points out they have three options – they let them go, hike up, and are probably found in less than an hour.& Two, they tie them up, hike up, and roll the dice – they&ll probably be eaten by wolves or freeze to death.& Three, they terminate the compromise.& Axe says Shah is down there – if they let them go, they let him go and the mission fails.& Luttrell says, &What are we going to do?& Kill them?& Then what?& Bury them?& They get found – then what?&& Luttrell points out that CNN will cover it, turn it into &SEALs kill kids& and they&ll be stuck with that legacy forever.& Dietz says it&s nobody business what they do up there, it&s the Navy and they make the final call.& Axe points out Shah killed 20 Marines last week and if they let him go, more and more men will die.& Luttrell says, &Rules of Engagement says we cannot touch them.&& Axe says he understands and he doesn&t care – he cares about the other three and doesn&t want his mom seeing his decapitated head on Al Jazeera.& He points out, &That is S where do you think they&re running to?&& Luttrell says, &There are guys in Leavenworth doing 20 for taking home trophy guns.& What do you think they&ll do for two kids and an old man?&& Dietz and Axe point out they&re soldiers who hate Americans, as evidenced on their faces.& Luttrell points out they&re unarmed prisoners.& Dietz says the second they let them go, they have 200 hajis on their back.& Luttrell says they should tie them up and let them out of there.& Dietz says they can&t just let them go.& Axe points out the reason they had a radio is so they can call the Taliban.& Luttrell says it won&t be their own secret if they kill them.& They can&t do it.& Axe tries to convince Luttrell that it&s a soft compromise.& Dietz says they don&t know how many hajis are down there.& They bicker.& Murphy finally steps in and tells them what they&re going to do – the op is compromised.& They&re going to pack up everything, cut them loose, make the peak.& Then they&re going to get comms up and then call for extract and go home.& All roger Murphy&s orders.
At Bagram, they cannot get any response when they try to radio Dietz.&
At J-Bad Forward Operating Base, two Blackhawks are standing by with two Apaches.& The pilots fire up their engines.& They&re on their way up north because an army has taken some small fire.& The SEAL who was radioing from the TOC points out that he&s QRF.& They say they were told Bagram is now QRF.& He is confused.& The chief is told there aren&t enough Apaches and they can&t do anything because of their limited resources.
The three Taliban men are let go.& They begin starting down the hill.& Axe tells them they just won the lottery.& The old man turns around and says something ominous to them in Pashto.& The four SEALs start up the hill, with Luttrell the last to follow, watching the three men go first.
The young Taliban boy runs down the hill.& Instead of using the long trail, he leaps over rocks at a rapid, unbelievable pace.& &He gets to the bottom in record time.
At Bagram, the comms man says any station needs to release Spartan 0-1 to them.& No reply.
Axe&s left foot gives out as he catches on some loose granite.
Down below, the Taliban teen boy runs at full speed.
The four SEALs continue up the mountain.& They still can&t get reception.& Murphy tells them to make it to the tree line and if they can&t make comms, they&re walking home anyway so they should get some rest.& Axe continues, now with a hurt ankle.
The comms man still can&t get contact.& Patton tells Kristensen they&ve now missed three windows.& Kristensen calls Joint Operation Command (JOC) to tell the commander sergeant they&ve missed three windows.& He asks if there is a fucking problem there and wonders why he&s being informed of this.& Kristensen says he will call him when he has more information.
The four men wait, hidden among trees, their guns aimed and ready.& Murphy tells the others he&s going to do two minutes of recon and will be right back.& He looks behind a tree to see about 25 hajis on top of a nearby mountain range with guns drawn.& Simultaneously, Axe sees movement ahead of him.& Murphy goes to Axe and whispers they&re about to be countered.& Murphy then crosses to Luttrell and tells him they&re fixing to get into a big gun fight and Luttrell says, &I guess I chose wrong.&& Murphy tells him, &Negative, we just got the opportunity to make hell fucking strong contact with our friends from the other side.& Job well done.&& He radios to Dietz to get ready to fight.
Luttrell spots a Taliban member hiding in the trees.& He shoots him in defense, knowing the gunshot will alert the others to their location.& Axe notices some movement, too.& He is shot at.& The four of them fire back.& More and more approach.& Murphy orders Luttrell to move.& They separate, shoot at their attackers.& Many Taliban are killed.
Dietz calls on the radio, &Spartan base, we need QRF immediately.& Troops in contact.&& Murphy gets a bullet through his hand.& Axe gets shot in his left arm.& Murphy wrestles with a Taliban member, shouts &Conflict, 12 o&clock.&& Luttrell shoots from afar.
Luttrell runs to Axe, hidden behind a rock.& He shouts to Murphy that left is good.& Tons of machine guns fire at them.& He then says, &Left is not good.&& Murphy says, &Roger that, push right.&& The intense gun battle continues on.& Murphy says, &We are good right.& Push right.& Dietz shoots and is shot in the stomach.& An approaching Taliban member is shot and lands beside them.& Luttrell is shot in the leg as he runs into a new position.& Murphy says right is no good.& They all move, changing location.&
Luttrell is the last to move.& He is shot at.& They all crawl behind a rock, regroup.&&& The gun battle continues on and on.& Dietz tells them the radio is down.& When they proceed forward, Dietz is shot in the back.& &Murphy tells them to fall back since they are at Luttrell corrects him as fall off.& They all fall over the cliff with an explosion happening behind them.& They roll down the hill – over jagged rocks, colliding with trees, breaking bones, smashing their faces, crashing and flipping.& It is very violent.& Each one of them falls for some time until they come to a stop.
All four are brutally wounded now.& Murphy has lost his rifle in the fall and is now unarmed.& Luttrell crawls to him.& An abandoned rifle appears just a few feet away.& Luttrell says it&s God looking out for them.& Murphy says if that&s God looking out for them, he&d hated to see Him pissed.& Axe finds them, followed by Dietz.& They&re confident they can take the Taliban.& Then Murphy is shot in the foot by overhead fire.& Dietz has a damaged hand.& He is then shot in the right shoulder.& They are told to peel left.& They all run, away from all the bullets exploding around them.
Approaching Taliban are shot.& The men run through the woods.& An explosion occurs behind them.& They run behind trees for concealment, injured, limping.& &&Dietz&s leg gives way.& He is dragged by Luttrell.& Axe can barely move.& The four of them end up finding new concealment behind a cluster of rocks.& &They are now so wounded and bloody and cut up, they can barely breathe.& Murphy is upset he can&t get any comms.& Dietz looks at his right hand which he now realizes is missing all of his fingers.& Luttrell tries to comfort him, telling him he&s tough.& There is a wound in Dietz&s leg and Luttrell puts pressure on it.& Murphy&s bloody stoma Luttrell tells him to pack it tight with dirt.& Dietz is losing consciousness.& Luttrell checks out Axe&s injuries.& Dietz begins to shout questions to Luttrell, losing his mind now and in shock now that he realizes he&s lost his fingers.& His yelling relays their position to the Taliban.& They get shot at.
Murphy runs ahead but it&s another cliff.& Axe throws smoke to conceal them as they run off.& Dietz has to be helped since his leg has been so badly shot.& Luttrell and Axe throw themselves down the hill on command, even though they&re both injured.& Luttrell tries to carry Dietz but Dietz is
the impact forces Luttrell to lose his grip and he falls forward, over the cliff.& More shots of Axe, Murphy, and Luttrell falling down the hall.& Luttrell lands right by a rattlesnake.
Dietz is left behind, on top of the cliff.& The Taliban surround him, kick his foot to see if he&s dead.& Shah approaches.
Luttrell can barely talk but points upwards to let the others know they are being attacked from above.& Shots are fired.& The three hide behind rocks.& They can barely breathe.& Axe keeps asking where Danny (Dietz) it sounds like a blur to Luttrell as he is losing his hearing.& He explains that Danny&s still up top and Axe says they have to go get him and they can take the Taliban on flat ground.& A nearly deaf Luttrell murmurs that they can&t.
Above, the Taliban soldiers take off Dietz&s uniform.& They steal his ring.& Dietz is still alive but not able to defend himself because he&s too physically weak.& A Taliban member pulls out a video camera, to film what will happen to Dietz.
Below, Murphy says they&re going to go back up and rescue Danny, then they&re going to kill all of the remaining Taliban.& Axe and Luttrell agree.& They make their way, wounded, up to rescue Danny, hiding behind large boulders as they go.& Axe says, &You can die for your country, I&m going to live for mine& before shooting upwards.& A gun battle continues.& Luttrell realizes they&re not going to be able to head up as they proposed.
A dying Dietz remains in the custody of the Taliban who surround him.& He can barely breathe.
Murphy says he&s going to make a comms call with the SAT phone.& Luttrell tells him not to.& Murphy says he is going to and gives Luttrell his remaining mags.& Luttrell tells him, &No.& Fuck that, Mikey.&& Luttrell apologizes that they didn&t kill more of these fuckers.& Murphy says, &Don&t be fuckin& sorry.& We&re going to kill way more of them.&& They get shot at.& Murphy tells him, &Luttrell, never out of the fight.&
Murphy runs for high above, trying to get reception to make a SAT call.& Axe and Luttrell shoot at the Taliban, covering Murphy while he moves.& Murphy finally gets to flat ground, calls J-Bad Forward Operating Base.& He gets through, tells them they&re headed down the ravine toward the Chichakel village.& They ask for his ten-digit grid but Murphy doesn&t reply.& While the call is made, Murphy is shot at repeatedly in the leg.& He is approached by a Taliban leader.& He prepares to f he is shot several times in the back.& He collapses, dead.
Now with a location, Kristensen shouts for the QRF; he tells his guys to move.&& Marines and SEALs sprint to the Blackhawks but he is stopped and told that they are grounded and cannot fly without air cover.& Kristensen asks where are the fucking Apaches and is told they&re on their way back down now.& Kristensen says, &This is fucking unbelievable,& and is told &No shit.&
A Chinook pilot, in flight, talks to Kristensen over a radio.
Luttrell runs to take cover with Axe.& They&re the only two left.& Luttrell tells Axe Murphy is up top getting the QRF.& Luttrell notices that Axe has been shot in the head.& Ace asks if Mikey and D Luttrell says he doesn&t know.& Axe asks if they&re good and Luttrell says, &Fuck yeah.& We&re solid.&& Axe tells him, &If I die, I need you to make sure that Cindy knows how much I loved her.& And that I died with my brothers with a full fucking heart.&& Luttrell tells him he&s not going to die but is interrupted by an explosion.& Axe tells him to spread out.& They move in separate directions while being fired at.
TOC command says negative Apache support.& Kristensen is on a Chinook 47, asking via radio what the problem is.& He is told that the Apaches were pulled, by a man on a grounded Blackhawk in J-Bad.& Kristensen asks, &Why?&& He is told, &Some Army troops in contact.& They took our gun ship support.& Kristensen asks the pilot, &Can you put us on the ground without the Apaches? & The pilot says, &We&ll do what we have to do to get you on the ground with your men.&& Kristensen thanks him.
Luttrell calls out for Axe.& Axe is out of his line of vision, hiding behind a rock, leaving a trail of blood.
The 47 flies overhead.
Axe calls out for Marcus.& They both see the 47s ahead and laugh loudly, giddy with happiness.& The men on board the Chinook land near the top of the mountain.& They deploy a rope.& Patton, the newest recruit, is to be the first team member to exit the helicopter.& Kristensen is encouraging to him.& Just then, there is movement on the ground – an RPG round flies into the chopper, literally into the 47.& It explodes.& The throttle falls off, the chopper falls, crashes into the side of the mountain in a ball of fire.
The second Chinook calls Mayday but is shot down, too, by the Taliban&s fire.& The 47 falls hard, grounded.& The third 47 flies away.
Angry, Axe leaves his hiding spot.& He is being approached by a Taliban.& He shoots him repeatedly but then is shot in the side by someone who has been standing above him.& Axe manages to shoot him but not before getting shot himself a few more times.& He is now dying.& Axe tries to walk but can only crawl.& He still continues to shoot any approaching Taliban he sees.& He finally leans against a tree and takes his last breath.& A Taliban shoots at him several times, eventually hitting him in the head.& Axe dies instantly.
A chopper flies overhead.& Four Apaches hover over the crash site.& Luttrell is now alone.& He limps over rocks and calls for Axe.& He is oblivious to how close the Apaches are because he has gone deaf.& A torpedo is shot at him.& Luttrell collapses, lands at the bottom of a rock crevice.& He hides inside, just out of view of the Taliban who are searching for him.& The apaches are now approaching.& The Taliban scatter.
The Apache operator is asked if he sees any movement but none of them can see Luttrell (since he is now hiding).& The Apaches hit fuel reserve and have to go back to the station.& An aircrafts flies above and Luttrell can only remain still and watch it go.
The sun sets.
The next morning, Luttrell is still in the rock crevice.& A bone is sticking out of his left leg.& He has to push it back in.
Luttrell finally stands up, he begins walking towards the village.& He finds a small lake and jumps inside.& When he re-emerges, he finds three Afghan men standing there, along with a young boy.& He yells at them to back up and threatens to throw a grenade if they don&t.& The man keeps telling him that he&s not Taliban.& Just then, Taliban soldiers are heard in the distance.& The man, Gulab (Ali Suliman), crosses to Luttrell and extends his hand.& Luttrell is reluctant but finally allows himself to be lifted from the water.
A limping Luttrell is helped back to the village by Gulab and another man.& The villagers stare suspiciously at Luttrell who is nervously brought into Gulab&s small home.& Luttrell is now surrounded by villagers, none of whom speak fluent English.& But Gulab tells him, in broken English, that he will give word to the Americans.& Luttrell takes a map Gulab hands him and asks to be shown where they currently are.& Gulab points.& Luttrell writes a note on the back of the map.& He is interrupted by an angry tribesman who is trying to talk the first man out of helping Luttrell.& Frantically, Luttrell threatens to kill the man with the grenade.&&& The man is removed from the house.& Luttrell asks Gulab why he is helping him and if he can trust him.& Gulab responds in a gentle tone.& L he tells him where the American base is and asks Gulab to tell the Americans where he is.
An older Afghan mountain man sets out on a long journey with the map and note.
Taraq and the Taliban approach the village, led there by the blood trails Luttrell&s left.& They threaten villagers, locate Luttrell in the house.& Luttrell is dragged to a log where they plan on beheading him (there is blood stains from previous beheadings). He shouts fuck you to Taraq but he is slapped and held down.& Taraq says he&s going to cut his head off and send a video to the Americans.
A gun is shot in the air, interrupting him. &It is revealed to be from Gulab& he and many villagers now surround the Taliban.& Gulab says, &This is my guest.& Leave our village.&& Taraq points out, &For an American, you will die.&& They tell them to go.& Taraq responds that the villagers wil he leaves.
Luttrell asks Gulab why he is doing this for him.& Gulab replies, &Fuck Taliban,& as he helps him to his feet and leads him into the house.
Luttrell is alone with a young boy who just observes him.& He asks for a knife repeatedly.& The boy repeats, &Knife& and exits the room.& When he comes back, he brings a duck.& Luttrell asks again for a knife but the boy keeps offering the duck.& Gulab enters and understands knife.& He comes back with a knife but thinks Luttrell wants him to cut the duck&s head off with the knife.& Luttrell tells Gulab he needs the knife for his leg.& He cuts off part of his pants where the bone is sticking out.& He takes off his jacket, bites down on it, while he digs bullets and shrapnel out of his knee.& Then, biting his dog tag, he digs another piece of shrapnel out from higher up on his leg.&& Gulab helps to bandage him.& The boy studies the large piece of shrapnel that was previously in Luttrell& Gulab takes it from him, exit.&& Later, the boy watches Luttrell sleep, curiously.
The mountain man continues on his journey to the American base.
In the village, the tribesmen prepare for the Taliban to return.
Gulab and the boy wake Luttrell up, bringing him food and water.& Luttrell shoves Gulab encourages him to slow down.& Gulab asks him if he is an A Luttrell tells him he&s from Texas.& The boy repeats the word.& Luttrell asks Gulab why he&s doing this for him.
Just then, shots are fired.& The Taliban has returned and is shooting villagers.
The Marine has now received the letter.& All available CSAR is ordered up in the air.
Spartan QRF proceeds to Kandish village.
The village continues to be shot at by T the villagers defend their home.& Luttrell is led to protection inside while Gulab goes out to fight.& Taraq rushes Gulab&s home, stopped by Gulab.& A Taliban members enters, kicks Luttrell and the little boy.& He steps on Luttrell&s leg.
The Apache is now en route to the village.& There, Gulab and Taraq wrestle.& An explosion occurs.& Gulab is on the ground, choked by Taraq – but Taraq is then shot by someone else, a villager unseen.
Inside, Luttrell is kicked by the invading Taliban member.& They wrestle, with him choking Luttrell.& Just as Luttrell&s about to pass out, the boy hands him the knife.& Luttrell stabs the Taliban member to death.& Luttrell grabs the boy&s hand.
The villagers and Taliban members continue their shoot-out but it&s broken up as the Apaches approach.& They begin to shoot at the hostile Taliban.& The Taliban try to shoot the Black Hawks but are outnumbered.& The Americans get down on the ground, set off a smoke bomb for cover.& They go throughout the village and find Luttrell.& He is told to lift his hands and is asked if he&s Marcus Luttrell.& He nods.& He&s told he is safe and going home.
They point their guns at Gulab.& Luttrell says, &He comes with me& but they say that&s not going to happen.& Luttrell tells G Gulab nods.& The boy runs up and hugs Luttrell.& The chief apologizes to Luttrell but tells him he has to move.& Luttrell is carried to the chopper, looking behind thankfully at Gulab.& He is loaded on board and it takes off.& He&s given an oxygen mask.
Luttrell, in narration, says &Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and fear of reputation that I am bound to uphold. &I died up on that mountain.& There is no question a part of me will forever be up on that mountain, dead as my brothers died.& But there is a part of me that lived.& Because of my brothers, because of them, I am still alive, and I can never forget that no matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how hard you fall… you are never out of the fight.&
He loses his pulse, as in the opening shot.& But right when it flatlines, he gets a pulse again.
The film is then &Dedicated to the men of Operation Red Wings.&
The film ends with four minutes of photos and videos of the real life soldiers that died during the operation.& It ends with Marcus lovingly embracing Mohammad Gulab, a photo taken in 2010.
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A retelling of the failed mission, Operation Redwings, which occurred in 2005.& Four SEAL Team members are assigned to kill Taliban leader Ahmad Shah.& However, a few of the Taliban members stum after much debate, Marcus Luttrell convinces the others that they will get backlash from America if they kill the three, one of which is a young boy.& They plan on letting the three go, aborting the mission and returning to the base but they cannot get radio signal.& In the meantime, the Taliban is warned of their presence and a gun battle begins, resulting in the death of three of the four SEALs.& Marcus is the only survivor after he finds a rock crevice to hide out of view.& The next day, he runs to a nearby village and is taken in by a local villager named Gulab who protects him, even when the Taliban attack.& Gulab also sends a mountain man to the American air base to alert them of Marcus& location.& The Taliban returns to punish the villagers for intervening but are led away by the Americans, who arrive via helicopters and bring Marcus to safety.
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