
占位置 还没写 有些不会
高二的时候一百一 暑假8...
老师给我布 置了13篇日记。
老师给我布置了35篇日记,我一字没动 求大家给我发几篇吧‘
我写50篇 最悲哀的就是我了
Today is New Year.My parents and I went to visit the grandparents. They are very busy. Then my brother and sister play the game. At night, we are a reunion dinner and fireworks, very happy! 8:00, and we also saw with Spring Festival!Happy New Year!今天是新年。我和父母去看望了爷爷奶奶。他们十分忙。然后我和哥哥姐姐玩游戏。晚上,我们一起吃了团圆饭和放鞭炮,很快乐!8点了,我们还一起看了春节联欢晚会!新年快乐!
It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 这是我们第一天的寒假。我们所有的人都很高兴。为什么?因为我们有一个月去做的事情,我们喜欢做的事。我们都是免费的。虽然我们有许多家庭作业。但我们能按时完成了好几天。耶书亚、和其馀的时间可以好好利用。我的神啊!我们已经很累了,努力学习。在寒假期间,我想要有充分的睡眠,吃好东西为了补充自己。最后的但不是最不重要的,我要好好休息一
你们都是免费的?= =、 
  日星期六  过年了,我们在外婆家吃了晚饭,我和妞妞就到楼上玩游戏。不一会儿,妈妈、爸爸在楼下叫:“放鞭炮了,书妍,快下来看呀!” 我赶紧跑下来去看。舅舅拿着一个很大的长方体的烟花,放在路边,用打火机点燃导线后,舅舅急忙跑到家门口。一会儿,烟花就冲出来了。“砰——砰”,飞到天上去了。天上出现了一朵五彩花,闪闪发亮,一会儿又消失了。“砰”一声又飞上天空了。我和妞妞看得一边叫一边跳。  这时到处都在放烟花。天空上到处是闪闪的烟花,这夜晚的天空好美呀!小朋友,你们有没有放鞭炮,记住要多买鞭炮放呀,这样过年就很热闹了。  日星期二  今天我睡懒觉,坐在床上看电视。电视上正在讲一个叫小花的小姑娘的故事。小花是一个很懂事的孩子。她没有爸爸妈妈,是爷爷养大她的。她的婶婶和叔叔对她很坏。有一次,小花到鸡窝里拿两个鸡蛋,要给爷爷看。她正转过头来,她的婶婶过来看到她的手中的鸡蛋,很生气。就骂小花不听话,还把她的纸风车踩坏了。小花拉住婶婶的脚,哭着说:“婶婶,以后我不拿鸡蛋了,求求你不要踩我的风车。”我看到这里,也跟着哭了。爸爸拿纸巾给我擦眼泪。看完以后,我用了五张纸巾,被爸爸取笑了:“书妍,你真是个爱哭鬼,纸巾都快被你用光了。”我听了就哈哈大笑。  日星期五  今天我去楼下玩,我带着泡泡水去玩。我到了草地,我把泡泡水的盖子打开,然后我吹泡泡。圆圆的泡泡吹出来很多……在太阳光的照射下五彩缤纷,闪闪发光,美极了!小朋友们都用手去拍泡泡,追着泡泡跑。我一边吹,一边哈哈大笑。泡泡吹完了,我就回家了。  小朋友们,你们吹过泡泡吗?吹泡泡很好玩!  日星期日  今天,我觉得楼梯很脏,我要做好事。我对妈妈说:“我要打扫楼梯,一直扫到一楼。”妈妈答应了。于是,我拿着扫把开始打扫楼梯,从我家5楼一直往下扫到一楼。我觉得已经扫得很干净了,而且也扫得比较快,可是我一点也不累。我打扫好了以后,就到4楼阿婆家玩。  我做了这件好事后,阿婆表扬了我,我心里很高兴。  日星期二  昨天晚上,我去妞妞家睡觉。进了妞妞的家,我看见有一只白色的可爱的小狗被关在大笼子里。我还看见阳台上很多鸽子。鸽子的脚上都有一个号码,一只鸽子住一格方框的家。有些鸽子有小宝宝。我说:“妞妞,你家变了样了!”  妞妞高兴地说:“是呀,小狗是爸爸从温州买来送我的礼物,而且小狗还爱跟爸爸一起睡。”“太棒了!”我说。然后我和妞妞一起放出小狗,和小狗玩。  (1)学滑冰  今天,妈妈带我去滑冰,我站不住,只有妈妈和一个阿姨扶着,一个叔叔看见了说:“这怎么行!自己站着!”于是妈妈和阿姨把我放在冰上。叔叔说:“把脚成八字形,双手扶着膝盖。姿势是最重要的只要摆好了姿势就能滑了。然后我开始滑了起来,才不到一米远,就栽了一个大跟头,虽然有点疼,我还是马上就爬了起来,因为我今天一定要把它学会,好给妈妈表演表演,让妈妈也眼红眼红。  就这样,我一遍一遍地练,到最后,我就能在冰上自由地滑行了。其实不怕你们笑话,我也摔了好多大跟头。但是我知道失败是成功之母嘛!只要坚持到最后,就会有成绩!  (2)嘴的心事  这天,英俊的鼻子王子见到可爱的嘴公主一副愁眉苦脸的样子,就关心地问:“小妹,你有什么心事吗?”嘴冷冷地说:“哎!哥哥,你不知道,也许你以前从没受过这种苦,告诉你吧!主人常把一些木棍、小石子放入我口中,我别提有多难受了!”鼻子好奇地问“为什么?”“我也不知道。”嘴无奈地对鼻子说。鼻子王子对嘴说:“咱们给他一个教训。”嘴说:“好呀!那我们现在就去吧。对了,什么教训呀?”“咱们重新安家,给他一个教训。”于是,五官就趁着主人呼呼大睡时,偷跑掉了,它们从上边到下边,从前边到后边,每个器官都换了位,嘴公主跑到主人的额头上,其他器官也都和它一起跑走了。  这么一走,主人大牛可慌了,因为他变成了“怪面人”。大家都害怕地说:“这人真怪,离他远点,你看他多像外星生物,说不定要把咱们带回去做实验。”大牛听了吓坏了,就赶紧去找医生。医生见到大牛吓得从座位上摔下来,战战兢兢地说:“你、你是谁?你有、有什么病?我会尽、尽力给你治好的。”大牛说:“你看,我的五官都挪了位了。”医生问:“平时有什么症状?”这时嘴公主抢着说:“我的主人他总是往我身体里放小石子、玻璃片,我想吃鱼、肉、菜,他什么也不给我吃,所以我们商量一起到别处去安家。”医生恍然大悟说:“哦,原来是这么回事,我知道了。因为你平时不吃鱼、肉、菜,所以体内缺少一种物质,你就会控制不住自己会往嘴里乱塞一些木棍、石头什么的。”“哎,我也许一辈子也变不回以前的模样了!”医生说:“要是你改掉偏食的毛病,就不会这样了”大牛说“真的吗?以后我再也不偏食了。”鼻子王子听了大牛后悔的话说:“谁一辈子没犯过错呀?我们就原谅他吧!”嘴公主笑了说:“对!我们就原谅他,相信他这次吧。走我们回到主人脸上去。”  (3)我的可爱玩具  在我的房间里,有许多可爱的毛绒玩具,它们和我一样,有自己的名字。有爱吃萝卜的米菲,胖乎乎的浣熊杰克,穿米黄色衣裙的甜甜和小老鼠吱吱,小象拉克尔,它们都是我的好朋友。  有时我和它们一起晚,玩什么呢?就玩“手拉手“吧!游戏规则:米菲和吱吱一组,杰克和拉克尔一组,我和甜甜一组。只要我说一声开始,就立刻用胶棒把它们的手粘在一起,然后抛向天空,结果它们玩的倒是挺好,就是把我给砸了。  有时我上床睡觉,就把它们放在我的身旁和它们一起睡。这些小宝贝都是我的好朋友。谁我都会喜欢一辈子都会爱它们的。  (4)意大利画家达芬奇  今天我从名人故事中认识了达芬奇,他从1452年活到了1519年。他的两幅名画分别是《最后的晚餐》、《蒙娜丽莎》。后来维罗基奥看了达芬奇的画,决定让他留在自己身边。  第一天,他让达芬奇画一个鸡蛋,第二天他还是让达芬奇画一个鸡蛋……达芬奇画的不耐烦了,维罗基奥看出达芬奇的心思,就告诉他:“一个鸡蛋从不同角度看,形状也不一样。”这个我们课本了的17课《画杨桃》一样和老师的话意思相同。  有一次维罗基奥画了一幅画,他让达芬奇画几个小天使,达芬奇立刻画好了。让他吃惊的是,达芬奇的几个小天使画的非常好,从此维罗基奥改变了事业,开始去雕刻。  达芬奇这个大画家非常喜欢《蒙娜丽莎》这幅画,还常常说是一幅没画完的画。这位意大利画家一直受人们的尊敬。  (5)雪  今天早晨,我刚起床,就看见窗外下起了小雪,等到快中午了就下起了鹅毛大雪。我对妈妈说:“我想到外面去堆雪人。”“行”我走出门见大雪还在下,就跑出去了。我先把雪揉成一个小球,然后在雪地里滚来滚去,这样就能让球大一点,然后把雪堆成一个雪人的身体,这可费了我九牛二虎之力才堆成一个身子。  后来感觉有点阴,想换个地方,这不,我只能一点一点抱到上面去。累死我了,结果脚一软身子一下子往地面去,让我来了个狗啃屎。雪人没堆成,我自己倒成雪人了!  (6)一幅画  今天我画了一幅画,画的是一个小姑娘,她的头发有一米多长,前面扎了一个小辫子,头上有一顶漂亮的帽子,她的衣服是乳白色,袖子上有深紫的毛毛,穿着一条牛仔裙,脚上穿的是靴子,脚下有条名贵的地毯,她正在踢毽子,脸上有几分笑容,她的旁边是绿色的沙发,上面有白色的枕头。一个叫咪咪的小猫正在玩毛线球,小狗汪汪正在玩具箱旁吃狗粮。它俩的卧室是两个 婴儿摇篮,太阳已升的很高了。这幅画我要拿给奶奶看一看,因为奶奶家镜子上全是我画的画。  我对自己的画很满意。  (7)2005感动中国  今天我和妈妈一起看《感动中国》。  洪战辉是一个很坚强的哥哥,他的爸爸有精神病,所以妈妈离家出走,只剩下爸爸、妹妹和只有12岁的洪战辉。  有时妹妹饿了就哭,洪战辉就像一只灵巧的猴子一样,爬到树上给妹妹偷鸟蛋吃,然后妹妹就不闹了。  有一家书店老板想报复洪战辉,他打伤了洪战辉的左眼,他失明了,后来别人为他治了眼睛。当他听到那家老板有重病时,他亲自捐了30元钱为老板治病。他的良心真好,别人非常恶毒的对他,他却对别人非常友好。有钱的或没钱的艰苦同学都捐钱给他,他却一分也不要。我们听了洪战辉的故事一定很感动吧!我们要像洪战辉学习!学习他的坚强意志!  (8)长
孩  今天,我从电脑里玩了一个小游戏,叫《长发女孩换装》。  长发女孩真漂亮,长长的头发,明亮的大眼睛,红彤彤的脸蛋,白嫩嫩的皮肤,鲜红的嘴唇,真是个漂亮的美眉!给你打扮成什么样呢?我想,啊!有了。  我给她带上一顶王冠,穿上带红色斑点的紫色裙子,又给她穿上一件牛仔衣,再穿上蓝色的皮鞋,好一个漂亮的小公主,真是天下数一数二的小美人!  我又给她换了一个形象,这回她比上一次更加美丽了。我把她一会变成贵妇人,一会变成公主,一会又变成平民女孩,我的化装技术不错吧!  (9)拜
年  今天是大年三十儿,也是春节,每家每户都放起了鞭炮。我也穿上了新衣。等到初一,我们一家三口去姥姥家拜年。我看到了姥姥、大姐、二姐、小侄女、大哥、二哥和嫂子。他们见到我可高兴了。我在姥姥家住了5天,这5天里我可有不少收获呀!你看,大人转的 呼啦圈,我能转400多下,更好笑的是,爸爸连5个也转不了。你说多好笑。  (10)好
梦  今天我做了一个梦,梦到了我突然来到了一个神秘的世界。这里很神奇,你只要说:“我想要……”就能得到。我想吃一块有奶油和巧克力的蛋糕,一座只有世界上最富有的国王才能有的王宫和许多芭比娃娃、小猫、小狗。说完果真有了好多东西。哇!我好幸福呀!突然一下子我从梦中惊醒。如果它能真的在现实里出现,那么我真是太高兴了。
1.It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 2.It was the second day of our winter holiday. I felt good. I felt I’m free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Beijing. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an English daily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. 3.It was the third day of our winter holiday. Today, there are many business in my mother’s company. So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother’s company. I sat in my mother’s office and help her answer the telephone. While I was free, I was writing my homework. Although I also have a lot of time to do my homework, I still do it. Because in my mother’s office, I had nothing to do. If I did nothing, I was wasting my time and my life. I can’t do the foolish thing. We should take good use of our time. 4.It is a special day today. My mother sent one hundred basket of red bayberries. I like to eat red bayberries. It tastes nice. When they arrived in Shanghai, they were still fresh. But most of them would be sent to my mother’s business friends. I chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat. I put the rest in my refrigerator. Red bayberry is my hometown’s special product. It is well-known in china. Many people like to eat it. 5.Today, I still went to my mother’s office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They must get up early. Because they will manage the factory. So I know they are very laborious. So I should save my money. Also I should help them. Although I can’t do something useful, but I think I should share the work with them. I am one of my family member. In the future, I will take a job and work. It’ time for me to begin to learn how to work. 6.I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn’t go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We haven’t enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. We only have two years. Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us. 7.My most interesting day yesterday is my most interesting day in my winter vacation . i went to park and saw lots of people who were playing games there. Then i went to the aquarium.i saw a shark show and watched a movie about the sea. and i bought a lot of gifts for my classmates,friends,parents. Last,i went back home.This is really a interesting day.8.My new year's resolutionthe new year is coming and i have lots of resolutions in the new year. i am going to eat less meat and more vegetables so that i can become healthier and healthier. Also i am going to exercise more .Because it can make my body stronger and stronger. i am going to take part in some activities which can let me get more knowledge. Oh,the good year,i can't wait.9.My planthe winter vacation is coming. i make a plan for my vacation. first,i will spend a week finishing my homework. Because i want to have more time to play. second,i will do some houseworks in the vacation,i think i can make my parents happy. next i will read some famous books because i can get many knowledge from them. 10.I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week. It’s time for me to go to my real home—it is in Beijing. My parents are waiting for me. Although outside is no matter how beautiful, Beijing is still my home. In fact, there is many fresh things. Like red bayberries. In the afternoon, I took a bus to Beijing. I was very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. I was very sad. I didn’t know why thieves went to steal other’s things. Why don’t they hunt for a job? I don’t why! I hope there is no thief in our motherland. 11.When I got home, it was very dark. Why? There is no electric. Every year in Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of factories. And it is very cold in winter. So the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must stop working. My house is in the manufacturing district. I was unlucky. It was very cold. So my father use the electric making machine to make electric. Oh! What a unlucky winter! 12.It was cooler than yesterday. One of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in Beijing. On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. It was enjoyable. It is said there are wild pigs in the hill. What a beautiful natural. 13.Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more. Today I found I hadn’t enough time. Although I have 50-day holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I had something necessary to do. 14.I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn’t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable. I was ill because of the cold weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn’t matter. I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went out, the high temperature disagreed to me. Finally, I was ill. 15.Today, when I awaked up, I found the air-conditioner didn’t work. I used the control, but it still didn’t work. I knew the air-conditioner was in trouble. I went downstairs. My father told me two air-conditioner and two computer had been broken. Because my father used electric making machine to make electric, so the voltage was not stable. It led to the trouble. Oh! Whenever the government will let the factory use electric? If it lasts longer, I will be crazy! 16.It doesn’t matter that the air-conditioner has been broken. But my notebook-computer also was broken. I really don’t know what to do. So I went to play basketball. I didn’t know any one in that place. And I was the first time to go there to play basketball. At first, there was no person playing basketball. So I played basketball alone. A few minutes later, some students came to play. So we played together. Of course, we had a match. And It lasts two hours. After the match, I felt I would be dead. I was too tired. 17.No computer, I will not know to do what. I have no solution to the problem. So I sent my notebook-computer to the Asus computer company. I must have my computer repaired. And the other one, it was thoroughly broken. It can’t be repaired again.The computer company told me that my notebook computer needed one week to repair. The electric led to all trouble. And many electrical appliances are broken. I don’t know when our country can solve the problem. 18.I have lost two computers, but I had another one. I bought it about five years ago. It can be called curio. Though it was old. But it can still work. Although it works slowly, I was pleased. I can go on internet again. Chatting with my friends is a good relaxing. In the internet, one of my old friends invited me to tomorrow’s party. He told me that some friends would go, too. So I promised to go. A-ha! I can see my old friends. I was very happy and hopeful. 19.It was sunny today. I was excited. I got up at a quarter to seven. I made a appointment to meet at nine o’clock. After I had my breakfast, I went to the city center of Beijing. It was cold outside. When I arrived, my friends didn’t arrive. I waited for him in front of the KFC’s door. I haven’t seen them for a year. And in a year, we didn’t come into contact with others frequently. About ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one. After we greeted, we went to the 5-star restaurant to have lunch. The lunch cost us 800 yuan. Oh, dear! They were all very rich, and one was poor. 20.Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard some my friends had gone abroad. They went abroad to study. Maybe I couldn’t see them in the future. I think next year we won’t make a party. Next year is a very important year. We all will prepare for the college entrance examination. It is the most important for us now.
11.When I got home, it was very dark. Why? There is no electric. Every year in Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of factories. And it is very cold in winter. So the...}


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