
小熊在线 - 硬件.DIY - 升级超频版BIOS 华硕H87/B85主板获超频功能
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="基于英特尔H87和B85芯片组的华硕主板UEFI BIOS升级版开启全新第4代英特尔酷睿 K系列处理器超频功能华硕,,, (1185 字)">
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升级超频版BIOS 华硕H87/B85主板获超频功能
&&&作者:业界动态&&&&发表时间:日 &
基于H87和B85的UEFI BIOS升级版开启全新第4代英特尔酷睿 K系列处理器超频功能华硕今日宣布,其基于英特尔H87和B85芯片组主板的UEFI BIOS最新版本为第4代英特尔酷睿处理器开启了前所未有的超频功能。 UEFI BIOS最新版为华硕H87与B85主板开启超频功能在此次更新之前,仅基于英特尔Z87芯片组的主板才具有全新Haswell K系列处理器的超频功能。但是现在,PC发烧友可以使用华硕H87M-PRO和B85-PRO等华硕8系列主板,尽享Haswell K系列处理器的强大性能。超强性能――不加价此次BIOS升级是免费下载的,可为华硕10款主板提供BIOS升级,它们包括H87-PRO、H87-、H87M-PRO、H87M-PLUS、H87M-E、H87I-PLUS、B85-PRO、B85-PLUS、B85M-E和B85M-G。 华硕H87/B85/H81让超频更简单华硕H87与B85系列主板通过升级BIOS可开启英特尔第4代酷睿K系列CPU的调节功能,而华硕H81系列主板起售时即可支持英特尔第4代酷睿K系列CPU超频。华硕H87与B85系列主板超频版BIOS将释放第4代CPU的全部潜能,设置一键完成,让超频更简单,性能最高可提升高达40%。 最新BIOS升级版截图安装该升级版本后,仅需一个简单操作即可为未上锁的英特尔K系列处理器(如酷睿i7-4770K和酷睿i5 4670K)实现基于倍频的超频功能。该BIOS还包括多个功能,可以大大方便PC用户。‘上次修改’记录可以方便地判定何时更改了特定设置及如何更改了该设置,而且可以将自定义设置保存到‘收藏夹’列表中,这样即可快速地切换以满足不同的应用需求。全能保护 卓越可靠基于英特尔8系列芯片组的所有华硕主板均采用具有高耐力的华硕5重防护技术,可实现终极可靠性和耐久性。DIGI+VRM数字供电控制确保供应至处理器过程中的精确供电,以减少能源消耗并加强稳定性。同时,板载可复式保险丝可有效防止过载或短路情况,在I/O到DRAM之间增强电子线路保护,保护I/O接口和内插槽免受短路和电压尖脉冲的影响。 华硕H87-PRO主板静电放电(ESD)防护保护敏感元件不受电磁干扰,同时经行业评定的高品质全固态电容可在正常工作条件(65℃)下连续使用超过50年―比传统电解电容寿命的两倍还长。 华硕B85-PRO主板全新启用的英特尔Haswell K系列处理器的超频功能和华硕5重防护技术的卓越可靠性再一次印证了华硕公司致力于为客户提供价格优惠的高性能计算机的承诺。延伸阅读:Hi!DIY+是对新时代DIY的创新诠释,为DIY概念注入了新的思考。随着DIY行业的发展,DIY已经脱离单纯寻求性价比的诉求,进入到一个寻求多样化的新阶段。价值、个性、乐趣已经成为DIY2.0时期最耀眼的关键词。华硕电脑率先提出Hi!DIY+理念,认为只有更具价值比的产品,才是差异化的产品,才能为用户提供个性化体验和乐趣享受。相信更多用户伴随DIY2.0时代到来,会更愿意亲手为自己定制一台展现自我个性的电脑,享受DIY过程带来的乐趣。
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中华人民共和国电信增值服务经营性ICP许可证 鄂ICP证B2-支持CPU类型查询
Celeron GGHz, 2C, L3:2M, GT1, 54W, rev.C0)
Celeron GGHz, 2C, L3:2M, GT1, 35W, rev.C0)
Celeron GGHz, 2C, L3:2M, GT1, 54W, rev.C0)
Celeron GGHz, 2C, L3:2M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
*1.Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
2.Due to iGPU limitation, 4K UHD display is not supported.
Celeron GGHz, 2C, L3:2M, GT1, 35W, rev.C0)
*1.Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
2.Due to iGPU limitation, 4K UHD display is not supported.
Celeron GGHz, 2C, L3:2M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
*1.Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
2.Due to iGPU limitation, 4K UHD display is not supported.
Core i3-GHz, 2C, HT, L3:3M, GT2, 54W, rev.C0)
Core i3-4130T (2.9GHz, 2C, HT, L3:3M, GT2, 35W, rev.C0)
Core i3-GHz, 2C, HT, L3:3M, HD Graphic, 54W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i3-4150T (3.0GHz, 2C, HT, L3:3M, HD Graphic, 35W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i3-GHz, 2C, HT, L3:3M, GT2, 54W, rev.C0)
Core i3-4160T (3.1GHz, 2C, HT, L3:3M, GT2, 35W, rev.C0)
Core i3-GHz, 2C, HT, L3:3M, GT2, 54W, rev.C0)
Core i3-4170T (3.2GHz, 2C, HT, L3:3M, GT2, 35W, rev.C0)
Core i3-GHz, 2C, HT, L3:4M, GT2, 54W, rev.C0)
Core i3-4330T (3.0GHz, 2C, HT, L3:4M, GT2, 35W, rev.C0)
Core i3-GHz, 2C, HT, L3:4M, GT2, 54W, rev.C0)
Core i3-GHz, 2C, HT, L3:4M, HD Graphic, 54W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i3-4350T (3.1GHz, 2C, HT, L3:4M, HD Graphic, 35W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i3-GHz, 2C, HT, L3:4M, HD Graphic, 54W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i3-4360T (3.2GHz, 2C, HT, L3:4M, GT2, 35W, rev.C0)
Core i3-GHz, 2C, HT, L3:4M, GT2, 54W, rev.C0)
Core i3-4370T (3.3GHz, 2C, HT, L3:4M, GT2, 35W, rev.C0)
Core i5-GHz, 4C, L3:6M, GT2, 84W, rev.C0)
Core i5-4430S (2.7G, 4C, L3:6M,GT2, 65W, rev.C0)
Core i5-GHz, 4C, L3:6M, GT2, 84W, VT-D, rev.C0)
Core i5-4440S (2.8GHz, 4C, L3:6M, GT2, 65W, VT-D, rev.C0)
Core i5-GHz, 4C, L3:6M, HD Graphic, 84W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i5-4460S (2.9GHz, 4C, L3:6M, HD Graphic, 84W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i5-4460T (1.9GHz, 4C, L3:6M, HD Graphic, 35W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i5-Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, GT2, VT-D, 84W, rev.C0)
Core i5-4570S (2.9G, 4C, L3:6M, GT2, VT-D, 65W, rev.C0)
Core i5-4570T (2.9Ghz, 2C, L3:4M, GT2, VT-D, 35W, rev.C0)
Core i5-4570TE (2.7Ghz, 2C, L3:4M, HD Graphic, 35W, rev.C0)
Core i5-Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, HD Graphic, 84W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i5-4590S (3.0Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, HD Graphic, 65W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i5-4590T (2.0Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, HD Graphic, 35W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i5-Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, GT2, VT-D, 84W, rev.C0)
Core i5-4670K (3.4Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, GT2, VT-D, 84W, rev.C0)
Core i5-4670S (3.1Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, GT2, VT-D, 65W, rev.C0)
Core i5-4670T (2.3Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, GT2, VT-D, 45W, rev.C0)
Core i5-Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, HD Graphic, 84W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i5-4690K (3.5Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, HD Graphic, 88W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i5-4690S (3.2Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, HD Graphic, 65W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i5-4690T (2.5Ghz, 4C, L3:6M, HD Graphic, 45W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i7-4765T (2.0Ghz, 4C, L3:8M, GT2, VT-D, 35W, rev.C0)
Core i7-Ghz, 4C, L3:8M, GT2, VT-D, 84W, rev.C0)
Core i7-4770K (3.5Ghz, 4C, L3:8M, GT2, 84W, rev.C0)
Core i7-4770S (3.1Ghz, 4C, L3:8M, GT2, VT-D, 65W, rev.C0)
Core i7-4770T (2.5Ghz, 4C, L3:8M, GT2, VT-D, 45W, rev.C0)
Core i7-Ghz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, GT2, VT-D, 84W, rev.C0)
Core i7-4785T (2.2Ghz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, HD Graphic, 35W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i7-Ghz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, HD Graphic, 84W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i7-4790K (4.0Ghz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, HD Graphic, 88W, rev.C0)
Core i7-4790S (3.2Ghz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, HD Graphic, 65W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Core i7-4790T (2.7Ghz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, HD Graphic, 45W, rev.C0)
*Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
Pentium GGHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
Pentium G3220T (2.6GHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 35W, rev.C0)
Pentium GGHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
*1.Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
2.Due to iGPU limitation, 4K UHD display is not supported.
Pentium G3240T (2.7GHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 35W, rev.C0)
*1.Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
2.Due to iGPU limitation, 4K UHD display is not supported.
Pentium GGHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
Pentium G3250T (2.8GHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 35W, rev.C0)
Pentium GGHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
Pentium GGHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
Pentium G3260T (2.9GHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 35W, rev.C0)
Pentium GGHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
Pentium G3420T (2.7GHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 35W, rev.C0)
Pentium GGHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
Pentium GGHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
*1.Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
2.Due to iGPU limitation, 4K UHD display is not supported.
Pentium G3440T (2.8GHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 35W, rev.C0)
*1.Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
2.Due to iGPU limitation, 4K UHD display is not supported.
Pentium GGHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
*1.Before using the new Intel 4th Gen Core processors, we suggest that you first download the BIOS updater for new Intel 4th Gen Core Processors and then update the BIOS using this tool.
2.Due to iGPU limitation, 4K UHD display is not supported.
Pentium G3450T (2.9GHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 35W, rev.C0)
Pentium GGHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 53W, rev.C0)
Pentium G3460T (3.0GHz, 2C, L3:3M, GT1, 35W, rev.C0)
Xeon E3-.1GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 80W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-1220L V3 (1.1GHz, 2C, HT, L3:4M, 13W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.2GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 84W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.3GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 84W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.3GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 80W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-1230L V3 (1.8GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 25W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.4GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 80W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.4GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 80W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-1240L V3 (2.0GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 25W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.5GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 80W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.4GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 84W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.5GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 84W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-1265L V3 (2.5GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 45W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.5GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 80W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.6GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 80W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.5GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 84W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-1275L V3 (2.7GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 45W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.5GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 84W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.6GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 82W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.7GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 82W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-.6GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 84W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-1285L V3 (3.1GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 65W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 ser
Xeon E3-.7GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 84W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .
Xeon E3-1286L V3 (3.2GHz, 4C, HT, L3:8M, 65W, rev.C0)
*Intel Xeon Processor Family is designed for servers. Some features may not support when installed on 8 series chipsets. For more details, refer to ASUS support site at .&&|&&责编:吴俊杰
1华硕ITX新品H87I-PLUS上市ITX新品上市  华硕在近期推出了多款ITX小板型,本次为大家评测的就是其中之一。该主板体积小巧,配有高品质用料,有效的增强了平台长时间运行时的稳定性,同时为用户提供了丰富的扩展空间。在本次的评测中,我们将着重测试该主板在运行主流游戏及播放超清4K视频时的表现。下面让我们先来了解一下该主板的详细参数。  I-PLUS基于&芯片组设计,支持LGA&1150接口的Haswell系列处理器。主板的供电部分,采用了3相供电设计,全固态电容搭配全封闭式电感,为平台提供了充足的电力。这款主板采用ITX小板型设计,最大限度的节省了用户的装机空间,非常适合组建迷你HTPC平台。&&华硕&H87I-PLUS  主板带有2条&3内存插槽,最大支持双通道16GB&组合,足矣应付HTPC平台对于内存的使用需求。PCI扩展方面,由于受到板型大小的限制,仅为用户提供了一套PCI-E&x16高速插槽,适合扩展小体积。&&内存及PCI扩展插槽  主板的磁盘接口部分,提供了6个SATA&3.0高速接口,对于影音爱好者来说,这是一项非常实用的设计。而主板的背板部分接口丰富,包括4个USB&3.0接口,4个USB&2.0接口,1组VGA/DVI/HDMI视频接口,1个PS/2键鼠通用接口,1个标准的千兆网络接口,以及1组8声道高清音频接口。&&磁盘及背板接口  华硕H87I-PLUS不仅在用料方面精益求精,同时在扩展接口的设计方面也是以实用为主,板载6个SATA接口和8个USB接口,可以为用户在使用过程中提供极大的便利。这款主板不但体积小巧,同时支持最新的Haswell系列处理器,下面我们就通过一系列测试,来了解一下由这款主板组建的小体积平台能够为用户完成哪些工作。产品:
2测试平台软硬件环境介绍测试平台软硬件环境介绍  在本次测试中,我们将使用简体中文版Windows&7&SP1&版本的操作系统,关闭所有Windows开机启动项,并不对操作系统进行任何优化,用以获取最大的系统稳定性与兼容性。所有测试软件运行过程中均使用“Windows&7标准”默认桌面主题和“最佳效果”以获得最平等的测试环境。值得一提的是,在本次测试中,由于条件有限,我们选择了-4670K处理器,而这款并不支持对处理器进行超频,因此还是推荐大家在是用该主板组建平台时,购买i5-4430或i5-4670等型号的处理器,以进一步节省装机预算。测&试&平&台&软&硬&件&配&置核心配件K主板显卡HD&4600内存威刚XPG&-1600&x2套装硬盘影驰电源安钛克TP-750C散热器测试&#8203;&#8203;暗黑破坏神3:夺魂之镰HD.Club-4K-Chimei&#8203;系统及驱动程序操作系统Microsoft&Windows&7&SP1主板驱动Intel芯片组驱动显卡驱动Intel核芯显卡驱动DirectX环境DirectX&9.0c/DirectX&11帧数监控&3.5.1安钛克&TP-750C影驰&战将系列240GB  我们将关闭屏幕保护、休眠、系统还原以及自动更新等功能,并统一使用公版主板和显示芯片组驱动程序,为获取最为真实原始的客观评测数据提供基础。最后需要说明的是,测试中所涉及的产品参数以及主板和显示芯片组驱动程序都会在测试平台说明中给予相应注释。产品:
3搭配中端处理器性能强大搭配中端处理器性能强大  Fritz&Chess&Benchmark是国际象棋软件Fritz自带的电脑棋力测试程序,该软件支持多线程,可以准确的反映出计算机的科学计算能力,因此也是进行处理器测试必不可少的项目之一。的这款最终得分为11641分,可以说充分发挥出了处理器的多核运算能力。国际象棋测试成绩  3DMark&11最大的卖点就是使用原生DirectX&11引擎,在测试场景中应用了包括Tessellation曲面细分、Compute&Shader以及多线程在内的大量DX11新特性。3Dmark&11包含了深海(Deep&Sea)和神庙(High&Temple)两大测试场景,画面效果堪比CG电影,3DMark&11包含四个图形测试项目,一项物理测试和一组综合性测试,并重新提供了Demo演示模式。3DMark&11测试成绩  本次的图形测试部分,采用了处理器自带的HD&4600核芯显卡,P模式仅1400分的成绩,虽然和还有着一定的差距,但与上一代HD&4000系列核显相比,已经有了明显的进步。通过以上两组分数,证明华硕的这款主板在搭配了中端处理器后,可以充分发挥出Haswell平台的强大性能,下面我们在通过测试来了解一下整套平台的优势,体现在哪些方面。产品:
4畅玩主流游戏无需独显畅玩主流游戏无需独显  对于家庭用户来说,游戏成为了生活中必不可少的一部分,虽然的这款ITX体积有限,但并不证明性能会随之缩水。下面我们就通过两款游戏来测试一下整套平台的游戏性能如何。首先测试的是一款主流的格斗游戏《街头霸王4》,测试环境为720P分辨率,默认特效。街头霸王4测试成绩  通过测试结果可以看到,本套平台在运行这款游戏时,能够达到100帧以上的平均帧数,说明该平台足矣流畅运行这款游戏。那么,对于最新的游戏来说,本次的测试平台能否让玩家们满意呢?下面我们来测试一下暴雪最新推出的《暗黑破坏神3》资料片《夺魂之镰》的运行状态。720P分辨率测试结果1080P测试结果  首先,我们选择了720P分辨率,低特效环境。发现即使是在激烈的战斗状态中,游戏依然能够达到80帧以上的成绩。当我们将分辨率调整为1080P时,战斗状态下的游戏帧数依然达到了30帧以上,这说明整套平台的游戏性能还是非常强大的。如果玩家想进一步提升游戏画面效果,还可以选择加装一款小体积,主板为玩家们提供了高速的PCI-E&x16显卡插槽,扩展起来非常方便。产品:
5播放超清4K视频毫无压力播放超清4K视频毫无压力  作为一款ITX板型,在影音播放方面也具备不小的优势。主板的背板部分,提供了VGA、DVI及HDMI三种视频输出接口,几乎可以支持市面上所有的显示器和平板电视。目前,4K视频已经渐渐走入了我们的生活,下面我们就来测试一下,这款主板在不安装独显时的4K视频播放表现。&&本次测试视频  本次,我们选择了两部4K高清片源进行测试,第一部为Chimei烤鸭视频,第二部为少女时代四合一视频。两部视频的播放过程都非常流畅,不仅达到了视频的最高帧数,同时画面表现特别稳定,即使对视频进行快进操作,画面停滞的时间也非常短。处理器占用率41%处理器占用率79%  由于第二部视频的码率要远高于第一部,因此在播放时占用了更多的系统资源,更多的CPU占用率,确保了4K视频的流畅稳定,能够为用户提供最佳的观赏体验。对于HTPC用户来说,整套平台完全达到了体验超清视频的使用需求。全文总结:  I-PLUS这款主板,体积小巧,做工扎实,接口丰富,非常适合组建迷你HTPC平台。该主板不仅能够满足用户的日常上网办公需求,在搭配了中端Haswell处理器之后,更是能够流畅运行主流游戏及播放超清4K视频。目前,用户对于HTPC平台的性能要求越来越高,华硕走在了时代前沿,兼顾体积与性能,为DIY用户提供了一个全新的装机思路,感兴趣的朋友可以亲自实践一下。&细心的网友应该可以看出来,我们最近的评测有好多都是ITX版型的小主板,事实上确实是这样:目前ITX版型的主板已经越来越受到人们的欢迎。
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