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中文翻译贝克斯:&&&&n. 〔英国〕小河,急流,山溪,溪流。
例句与用法1.Beck but he tried to be patient .贝克倒抽了一口冷气,但是他设法按捺住了性子。2.Beck developed a somewhat anxious curiosity about him .贝克对他有一种有点提心吊胆的好奇心。3.For beck there remained only a tragic but honorable fate .贝克后来还有一个悲剧性的但光荣的命运。”4.I knew he was trying to wheedle me into being at his beck and call .我知道这是他拉拢我,好让我俯首贴耳地为他效劳。5.Heat transfer coefficients in a packed bed have been investigated by leva and beck .填充床的传热系数已由利瓦和贝克作过研究。6.Aaron's vitality was too low for a violent reaction to the news about beck .安伦元气未复,对有关贝克的事情他无从作出强烈的反应。7.The eyes of werner beck strangely flashed at jastrow, and his voice quavered .维尔纳贝克的眼睛对着杰斯特罗异样地闪闪发光,声音也颤料了。8.My brother is always at my father ' s beck and call我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。 9.Ejecting compartment in 50 seconds . - no , beck ! wait- 50秒后发射-小贝,等一下10.Beck ' s family has declined to speak with the media贝克的家人拒绝了媒体的采访。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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中文翻译英英解释LEV = low emission vehicle低排放量汽车。n.(pl. leva ) 列弗〔保加利亚货币名,等于100斯托丁基 (stotinki)〕.
例句与用法1.Heat transfer coefficients in a packed bed have been investigated by leva and beck .填充床的传热系数已由利瓦和贝克作过研究。2.The nobel prize in physics 1962 : lev davidovich landau诺贝尔物理学奖-利弗朗道诺贝尔物理学奖3.1962 lev davidovich landau ussr1962年利弗朗道苏联4.General chaim bar - lev哈伊姆巴列夫5.Lev low emissions vehicle低排放车6.Bgl bulgaria levaBgl保加利亚利瓦7.Lev has also worked in the areas of application security and trusted computingLev也从事于应用程序安全和可信的计算方面的研究。 8.Bar lev line巴列夫防线9.The antiepileptic activity of lev was assessed in a number of animal models ereated for investigation of epileptic seizures多种动物模型显示左乙拉西坦具有抗癫痫特性。 10.As zoya makes the journey from moscow , it is the narrator ' s job to prepare the house of meetings for lev and his bride卓娅从莫斯科启程后, “我”开始为列弗与他的新娘布置“见面屋” 。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&


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