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谁能帮我翻译下下面这段英文,谢谢,翻译完发送到Dali's Muse Many of SalvadorDali's paintings include the image of the same woman.It is his wife.Gala,towhom he was devoted from the time of their marriage in 1932 un_百度作业帮
谁能帮我翻译下下面这段英文,谢谢,翻译完发送到Dali's Muse Many of SalvadorDali's paintings include the image of the same woman.It is his wife.Gala,towhom he was devoted from the time of their marriage in 1932 un
谁能帮我翻译下下面这段英文,谢谢,翻译完发送到Dali's Muse Many of SalvadorDali's paintings include the image of the same woman.It is his wife.Gala,towhom he was devoted from the time of their marriage in 1932 until her deathfifty years later. She was born Helena DiakanoffDevulina in Russia to wealthy parents.In 1913,at the age of nineteen,her familysent her to a hospital in Swetzerland for treatment of tuberculosis.Whileundergoing treatment she met French poet Paul
Eluard.Eventuallyshe married Eluard and moved to Paris with him,where she adopted the nameGala.In 1929 she met Dali,and three years later divorced Eluard to marry theSpanish painter. Theirs was a most unusualmarriage.She had many romantic affairs,which Dali did not mind and may evenhave encouraged.Dali was flamboyant,eccentric,and a talented artist,but he knewnoting about business.Gala took over his business affairs,managed hiscareer,and made her husband extremely wealthy. She died in 1982,seven years before Dali.Hewas heartbroken and told his friends there was no reason to go on living.Forthe final years of his life he lived as a virtual shut-in.Mired in depressionand suffering from Parkinson's disease,he painted little,starved himself,andvirtually withered away until he died.He gave his final surrealistdrawing,which he titled Head of Ruropa,to King Juan Carlos of Spain as agift.He made the drawing on his deathben
达利的缪斯女神萨尔瓦多.达利的很多画作中都有一个相同的女性形象,即他的妻子Gala。从1932年他们结婚到50年后去世,她一直是达利为之献身的女神。她生于俄国Helena Diakanoff Devulina的一个富裕家庭,1913年她13岁时,她家里将她送去瑞典的一家医院治疗肺结核,期间她结识了法国诗人Paul Eluard,最终与之结婚并移居巴黎,在那里她开始使用Gala这个名字。1929年她认识了达利,3年后和Eluard离婚,与这位西班牙画家结为连理。他们的婚姻很是奇特。她绯闻不断,而达利非但心无芥蒂甚至可能加以鼓励。达利外表张扬,举止怪诞,才华横溢,但于理财一窍不通,Gala为其打理生意,经营事业,使她的丈夫成为巨富。她死于1982年,比达利早7年。心碎欲绝的达利告诉朋友自己了无生意,从此离群索居地度过了最后的年月。因为心灰意冷,且困于帕金森症,他很少作画和进食,事实上消瘦至死。他在病床上完成了自己最后的超现实画作“Ruropa的头像”,将它作为礼物送给西班牙国王胡安.卡洛斯。
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- -什么啊。。。
09-01-25 & 发布
看这个可以吗 英文ICQ狂聊记录§1.3 Brain建议:(如果有机会,试着聊一聊各自的衣食住行,这是每个人必须面对的问题,也许在某些方面,大家都有相同经历,也是彼此极能产生共鸣的地方。) 例如:先谈租房问题,打工族都面临的问题。 Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:34 do u live in apt? (有没有人被这个缩写词弄糊涂?一次在上海举办的韩国2001年IT智能小区展示博览会上我就被apt弄糊涂了,后来才知道是&apartment&) Brian:(01-8-29) 13:36 u bet(口语习惯用法,表示说的很对,下次遇见老外,碰到她说的对或者你想表示认可的话,就用&u bet&), but totally a lodger and i got to pay the rent , in shanghai, to find somewhere good enough is harder than ever(太困难了)! Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:36 it is hard here too, rent is so very high(纽约房租也很贵的,这句话以我们学过的语法来看,肯定会被挑毛病的,&so&和&very&连用是什么意思?可是没有办法,这可是从地地道道的老外嘴里吐出来的。) Brian (01-8-29) 13:38 the rent here in shanghai used to be very cheap(以前房租很便宜的), but now it's hard to rent a apt with 20squre meter for 800RMB, put in that will be around 100$ Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:40 wow here it is a couple of hundreds sometimes thousands to rent. Brian:(01-8-29) 13:40 I can still recall my terrible experience when I first try to find a apt for myself, exhausted almost each day after a long time search and went back to the poor little restaurant I stay, for really a long time I just don't want to do anything and look impassivelysintosthe mirror to dream if only I was a local shanghainese(上海人), maybe things will be better. Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:40 cool, it's lucky u've overcome it, u know, this kind of things happened very frequently in united states too. Brian:(01-8-29) 13:41 so you got to pay the rent too? but on one side , with the apt, you can cook for yourself , right? that will be cheaper than to eating out and will save you a lot of money (在外面吃费钱)and to eat the food u cook alone is wonderful enough. Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:42 yes true but i do like to go out and eat on occasion(偶尔). Brian:(01-8-29) 13:43 that's understandable for a bad cook(可能是橱艺不咋的吧). Brian的小结:外国人对吃一般都比较感兴趣,特别是中国的吃法,要和他们老外在吃的方面有所切磋的话,你不一定要记得很多个菜名。说实话,每次在大型的外事场合总会遇到陪老外吃饭的情况,很多所谓的翻译预先紧张的不得不把一个个菜名背的滚瓜烂熟,生怕到时候遇到翻不出来的东西却不一定派的上用场。我不这样做,因为很多宾馆的菜名除非把厨子喊来,否则根本不知道是用什么做的。我就曾经遇到过&白鹤晾翅&实际上就是&豆腐加酸白菜&,所以我只需要简单对他们说&enjoy your dinner, u know, I am asked by my superior to give u what hell those courses(这些菜) are made of, I know u have experienced many occasions and been tired of telling those names, so just enjoy it, and if u think it's tasting, please let me know!&这句话一说,老外一定会觉得你不一样。很多老外吃的场合见的很多,已经厌烦了半瓶子水的翻译在一旁词不达意介绍菜名,所以你还是让他先吃吧。 版主推荐贴 论坛精华 发贴排行 10:03:20 对英语家园意见、建议及投诉专帖david 头衔:麦田守望者,稻草人 等级:军委主席 威望:1 文章:4197 现金:49773 金币:60 近访: 11:40:15 门派:新概念三学习者 注册:日第 6 楼 QQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文ICQ狂聊记录§1.4 Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:44 u kidding me, i love to cook want to learn how to cook proper Chinese food(我想知道中国菜怎么烧的) Brian:(01-8-29) 13:46 you get it! Chinese food is really tasting probably kind of the best food in the world, U know, there is an increasing number of Yankees(美国人) who came all the way to China just want to find a woman to marry with, for the good cuisine tradition, i just can not imagine how to live a lifetime with hamburger(我不敢想象你们美国人怎么能就着汉堡包吃一辈子). Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:49 ah yes do u eat hamburger? Brian:(01-8-29) 13:50 every once in a while(不常吃)。KFC or Mc donald ,which one is more popular in the states? (在美国,肯德基和麦当劳那个更受欢迎?这个问题可以随便拿个老外来练习) Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:52 mc donalds Brian:(01-8-29) 13:52 why, just cuz(因为) Americans like beef than chicken?personally i like KFC, it's more tasting(可口,好味道) and some sort of Chinese people's style(符合中国人的饮食习惯), seems like we Chinese prefer the chickens . Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:54 i don't know i don't like either too much myself(我两个都不爱吃,外国人好象都不喜欢吃这种高热量的junk food) Brian:(01-8-29) 13:55 then what u like, u do not like hamburgers ,how about the rice ,do u eat rice in your daily life? we, the regular Chinese's main food(那你们吃米么) Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:58 i LOVE rice Brian:(01-8-29) 13:59 i am a good cook and my cuisine capability(烹调手艺) is really good Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:00 what do u cook well? tell me a dish Brian:(01-8-29) 14:01 a bunch of things:Chinese Tofu(豆腐), vinegar fish(糖醋鱼), and some short ribs(小排)(这些常见的中国菜英文说法最好记住)。 Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:03 how do u make vinegar fish Brian:01-8-29 14:05 it's really sophisticated to tell you that on the net, we get the different fishes and different seasonings(调料), so even tell you exact the way i make , maybe you will bring up with a different one(鱼和调料都不同,即使告诉你了,你也做不出我这味来。实际上我做的vinegar fish最难吃) Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:07 it sounds good though(听起来就已经不错了) Brian:(01-8-29) 14:09 Yup (表示肯定,相当于Yes) Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:10 i would love to visit your country one day so much to learn Brian:(01-8-29) 14:11 u mean it?(你说真的么) Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:11 yeah, and what do u do in your occasional time? (平时都干些啥)(经典询问句,这句话我们也可用随时拿来问对方) Brian:(01-8-29) 14:11 well, I like movies so much and bought the movie DVDs and I really loved them and I kept them in my bedroom, and when I get really, really depressed, and I couldn't find anybody to talk to, I took the movies out and watch…..(我喜欢看电影,非常喜欢,当我难过郁闷,找不到别人和我说话时,我就看DVD。寂寞经典自白,向每一个可能见到的老外说出这几句话,一定要连贯!) Brian的小结:上面的一段寂寞独白实际上是我从另一外国朋友那抄袭来的,我几乎是一个字不差的把它说给Nikky听,因为我有那位外国朋友很喜欢看电影,幸好我也有相同的兴趣。但之所以这段话给我留下很深的原因并不是这个,原因是她说这段话给我听的时候,露出的牙齿很漂亮,给我的印象非常深,我又让她pardon了一遍。 这个小节不多,但好句子有不少: KFC or Mc donald ,which one is more popular in the states? I don't like either too much myself. (再也找不到比这句话更地道的句子了) and what do u do in your occasional time? 版主推荐贴 论坛精华 发贴排行 10:03:48 对英语家园意见、建议及投诉专帖david 头衔:麦田守望者,稻草人 等级:军委主席 威望:1 文章:4197 现金:49773 金币:60 近访: 11:40:15 门派:新概念三学习者 注册:日第 7 楼 QQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文ICQ狂聊记录§1.5 Brain的建议:谈完自己的情况,可以谈家庭,可以涉及小孩、爱人、父母等,这也是一个安全又普遍的问题。 Brian:(01-8-29) 14:34 thanks a lot! in China we call this in terms like &li jie wan sui& (中国有句俗语叫&理解万岁&) means it's really good to find someone who can understand you , so thank you, from your list I know that you are born in 1973, so you must be 28 now and you said you love kids so much , do you have any kids? (如果对方有小孩,没准他会同你滔滔不绝的聊天,直到你感到厌烦。) Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:35 no I do not have any children, but hope to have some one day. Brian:(01-8-29) 14:36 so you got married , right? how is your husband doing Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:37 no I am not married unfortunately :-( Brian:(01-8-29) 14:37 oh, I want to know , in American, what is the average age for women to have their children, you know, in China, it's probably sort of 25-30 Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:38 here it varies(情况各有不同), so many younger ones have kids(很多人在很年轻时就有孩子了) Brian:(01-8-29) 14:39 I am sorry, I had thought you have married, seems not acting your age,why , you have never met someone in your life to fall in love with? (从没有遇到你喜欢的人么) Brian的小结:问问对方有没有男朋友,或者女朋友,绝对很有趣,说不定您们之间会在此基础上聊出一段异国情缘,也有一开始就抱着找女朋友的态度聊天的狂人,说不定很真能碰上一两个美国恐龙呢。 好句子: I don't act my age (我与我的年龄不相称.比如看见一个小女孩,不点大,言谈举止却是个大人,这时候就可以说&she doesn't act her age!&) 版主推荐贴 论坛精华 发贴排行 10:04:19 对英语家园意见、建议及投诉专帖david 头衔:麦田守望者,稻草人 等级:军委主席 威望:1 文章:4197 现金:49773 金币:60 近访: 11:40:15 门派:新概念三学习者 注册:日第 8 楼 QQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文ICQ狂聊记录§1.6 Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:40 I don't know how to put it(我不知道从何说起) Brian:(01-8-29) 14:41 that's ok(结婚与否,什么时候结婚,这是年青人之间喜欢聊的一个的话题) Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:42 are u, are u married? have girlfriend? ?(绝对经典询问句,一定要牢记!) Brian:(01-8-29) 14:44 i am just a year after schooling, definitely not married, Man is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished. (男人不结婚算不上完美,一旦结婚就完了)I heard a bunch of stories like the little boy asked his father, &Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?& And the father replied, &I don't know son, I'm still paying.& (下面讲的是一段对方刚刚失恋,Brain怎样安抚受创伤的心灵,且看下面怎么一步一步深入……) Brian:(01-8-29) 14:46 you are not married , and you have never met someone you love and not a virgin, do you possibly mean that you gave your most valuable cherry to those you do not love? Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:48 good joke, i loved someone once and we been together for some time and he dumped me(他把我甩了) and there has been no one since(以后就没有什么后文了). Brian:(01-8-29) 14:48 oh, i am sorry to hear that(安慰人的话,请记住!) Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:49 it is ok he didn't love me as i loved him(他爱我没有我爱他那么深)(为什么总是这样结局?为什么受伤的人总是我?) Brian:(01-8-29) 14:50 how much you love him and how long your story last before he dumped you. Brian:(01-8-29) 14:51 he dumped you for a new one? (他是寻新欢去了么) Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:52 well this is going to sound funny but he was my 1st boyfriend, we met last yr and dated for 7 months and he dumped me(听起来有点好笑,但事实是他是我第一个男朋友,我们在一起7个多月的时候,他甩了我) Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:52 no he claimed his mother didn't approve of me but i think it was more(他说他妈不同意,但我想原因不止这个) Brian:(01-8-29) 14:53 an excuse(借口)? Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:53 yes it was and he left me broken hearted(伤心欲绝) Brian:(01-8-29) 14:53 as soon as he got you, he dumped you?(他一得到你就把你甩了么) Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:54 yes and i was a dumbass(口语:愚蠢的人) to let it happen Brian:(01-8-29) 14:54 i can understand you and how you feel Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:55 well i have given up on love and hope of ever getting married Brian:(01-8-29) 14:56 don't cry on the spilt milk(习惯用法:不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣), right, you still have the right and deserve to have a better man, there are still a lot of good guys in this world(世上还是好人多)(天涯何处无芳草), so now he got a new one? Nikky:(01-8-29) 14:57 i am not sure but i believe he does(我不知道,但我相信他有新欢了) Brian:(01-8-29) 14:59 When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him(当另一个女人偷了你的男人时,你最好的报复方法就是让她们去吧). And what u need to do is forge him. Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:01 i am trying, but the sad part about most men in my country is that looks matter more than how a person is inside(长相比内在重要) and on that level i feel i will find no one. Brian:(01-8-29) 15:02 just try to forget and u will eventually get what you want and believe yourself Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:04 i try, but when u have little experience as me, u doubt self often(如果你也有我一样的经历的话,你也会迷惑的) Brian:(01-8-29) 15:05 he just bumpedsintosyour life earlier than the other one, do believe in your life there must be someone who do fit for you!(他只不过是在你的生命中提前来到而已,相信应该有更合适你的人) Brian的小结:这一小节中,远在纽约的Nikky向我吐露了自己的一些经历,我把这种成功归决于自己聊天基本功的扎实,同时我也学到了恋爱中谁把谁踹了原来是用&dump&一词呀。 好句子: I met him several months ago and there has been no since(我几个月之前遇到过他,以后再也没有见到过他) Man is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished.(很多结婚的男人有同感!) Looks matter more than how a person is inside(很多说&how a person is inside matters more than looks&实在是因为长的太难看) 版主推荐贴 论坛精华 发贴排行 10:04:50 本论坛版主推荐的优秀帖子david 头衔:麦田守望者,稻草人 等级:军委主席 威望:1 文章:4197 现金:49773 金币:60 近访: 11:40:15 门派:新概念三学习者 注册:日第 9 楼 QQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文ICQ狂聊记录§1.7 Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:05 thanks Brian:(01-8-29) 15:06 think about the film &Sleepless in Seatle&(一部老掉牙的无聊的电影). Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:07 yes i love that movie Brian:(01-8-29) 15:08 in which that Hanks seems to have a lot of trouble recovering from the death of his wife and thinks that he will never fall in love again, but Megrin entered into his life , everything changed! Brian:(01-8-29) 15:08 and the same thing is for you too Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:10 i wish i could believe that, but it is movie, have u met someone yet? Brian (01-8-29) 15:11 me? i did have a girlfriend in the school, but for a combination of factors(一系列原因) ,we just depart after graduation Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:12 aww sorry to hear Brian:(01-8-29) 15:13 but not like you, i did not dump her, neither did she do that to me. Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:14 u both decided to part? that sounds fair Brian:01-8-29 15:15 love never sounds fair or some sort of unfair , Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want, then when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that,(结婚就好比上餐馆,你已经点了菜,但看见别人点的菜后,你又想点那些菜) I just want to have as more chances as possible. (我只想给自己多一点点菜的机会而已) Brian:(01-8-29) 15:16 be kidding, u know, for a short period of time after we depart , i have a broken heart like you but i managed to make things go on. Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:17 yes,love does hurt,was she your 1st girl? Brian:(01-8-29) 15:17 you bet. And I spend a lot of time---- I spend time with myself, I think a lot has happened to me since that, a lot of things have happened to me, but I try to keep my life in perspective(我努力使自己的生活变的乐观起来). Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:17 u've done pretty well by it, yes i am going on i have no choice Brian:(01-8-29) 15:18 you get to be a bit more passive about your attitude, not just cause you have no choice for you to go on! Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:19 it was like i refused to sit at home and cry I had to go to work i had to go to school so no time Brian:(01-8-29) 15:20 right, that's right. let your hands full (有事情做就会忘记伤痛):& Brian:(01-8-29) 15:21 you are not pregnant after you gave it to him? Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:22 no, but sometimes wish i were i was ready to marry this man and spend the rest of my life with him but i just got played for a fool. Brian:(01-8-29) 15:25 maybe you are not played for a fool, maybe he loved you too, definitely when--- u know, u surely know what I mean ------when he made love to you, i think he love you but , for some reasons, he got to leave you Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:27 maybe that is possible, i do believed he loved me just not enough and i feel like fool for opening my heart when i planed. Brian:(01-8-29) 15:27 i think that on average, the western people have a more open mind on the sexual issues, but seems that's a serious misunderstanding on my part(看来我误解了)! Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:28 how so explain? Brian:(01-8-29) 15:28 you let me change the initial thought Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:29 i mean i believe in love and i only was with him cause i thought he was the one but i made big mistake thought with my heart instead of my head.(Nikky说话有个特点不知道你发现了没有,不怎么喜欢打标点) Brian:(01-8-29) 15:30 there is no possibility for him to come over back(他有可能再回到你的身边么)? Brian的小结:谈到这的时候,仿佛Nikky就在我的身边跟我说话,真有一种快感。刚开始和她接触的时候,我还以为她和我一样无聊的只能在网上聊天呢,现在对她的想法和印象慢慢的偏转过来,这也是一个很有感情的女人,经过后来的接触才知道她原来还是一个纽约什么什么大学的经济系老师,应该不会骗我吧?这么远,也犯不着呀,对了,外国朋友一般不骗人,即使是质量很差很差的老外骗你的可能性也很小,但不幸的你如果真的遇到了某个老外骗你,我只能说&你真倒霉&。复习一下刚才的句子: That's a serious misunderstanding on my part Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. Yousgroupswhat you want, then when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that.(很多结婚男人的又一个同感)
the record of chatting on QQ
英文ICQ狂聊记录§1.3 Brain建议:(如果有机会,试着聊一聊各自的衣食住行,这是每个人必须面对的问题,也许在某些方面,大家都有相同经历,也是彼此极能产生共鸣的地方。) 例如:先谈租房问题,打工族都面临的问题。 Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:34 do u live in apt? (有没有人被这个缩写词弄糊涂?一次在上海举办的韩国2001年IT智能小区展示博览会上我就被apt弄糊涂了,后来才知道是&apartment&) Brian:(01-8-29) 13:36 u bet(口语习惯用法,表示说的很对,下次遇见老外,碰到她说的对或者你想表示认可的话,就用&u bet&), but totally a lodger and i got to pay the rent , in shanghai, to find somewhere good enough is harder than ever(太困难了)! Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:36 it is hard here too, rent is so very high(纽约房租也很贵的,这句话以我们学过的语法来看,肯定会被挑毛病的,&so&和&very&连用是什么意思?可是没有办法,这可是从地地道道的老外嘴里吐出来的。) Brian (01-8-29) 13:38 the rent here in shanghai used to be very cheap(以前房租很便宜的), but now it's hard to rent a apt with 20squre meter for 800RMB, put in that will be around 100$ Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:40 wow here it is a couple of hundreds sometimes thousands to rent. Brian:(01-8-29) 13:40 I can still recall my terrible experience when I first try to find a apt for myself, exhausted almost each day after a long time search and went back to the poor little restaurant I stay, for really a long time I just don't want to do anything and look impassivelysintosthe mirror to dream if only I was a local shanghainese(上海人), maybe things will be better. Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:40 cool, it's lucky u've overcome it, u know, this kind of things happened very frequently in united states too. Brian:(01-8-29) 13:41 so you got to pay the rent too? but on one side , with the apt, you can cook for yourself , right? that will be cheaper than to eating out and will save you a lot of money (在外面吃费钱)and to eat the food u cook alone is wonderful enough
[url= rent[/url][url= apartment[/url][url= rental[/url][url= property[/url]a


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