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REMENA - International Master program:&Home
International Master of Science (M.Sc.) program
MENA region
In the Middle East and North Africa, the so-called MENA region, depleting fossil fuels, increasing energy costs and the growing energy demand call for a substantial change in the energy policy of the corresponding countries. Renewable energies and energy efficiency are the basis for a sustainable energy policy and render possible new ways for implemeting the Energiewende in the framework of international cooperations in Europe and, in particular, in Germany. These cooperations are typically carried out by companies and institutions in projects between Arab and German partners. For the projects, experts are needed who have skills and knowledge in both technology and economy, but also in language, society and politics in both the Arab and German cultures. &Currently, the huge potential of projects cannot be realized in view of missing experts and graduates from corresponding Master programs.
batch 3 students in front of a concentrated solar power (CSP) plant in Almeria, Spain
The objective of the international Master of Science (M.Sc.) program REMENA is to educate German and international students in measures for a sustainable energy sector where the students are expected to have working experience in a corresponding area and hold a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree. The latter can be obtained in different disciplines, e.g. law, economic, social, engineering or natural sciences. While the program contents focus on the cooperation between countries in the MENA region and Germany, applicants can be accepted for the REMENA program independently of their nationality.
Excursion of
batch 4 students to the Zaafarana wind farm in Egypt
The study of renewable energies and energy efficiency requires intensive studies of different theoretic and practical topics in technology, economy, law and intercultural affairs. The REMENA graduates will be experts in different disciplines for future projects in the energy sector with a special focus on the cooperation with countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The REMENA program will be conducted at different places. It comprises lectures, seminars, practical training and excursions during one semester (6 months) at the
in Egypt& and one semester (6 months) at the
in Germany. The master thesis project (9 months) is to be done in the MENA region, preferably in companies or institutions dealing, e.g., with wind parks and photovoltaics for power generation, with building insulation& or energy economics. The overall duration of the program is 21 months. The program can be started either in April (summer term) in Kassel or in Cairo in October (winter term). Upon successful graduation the student will be granted a Master of Science (M.Sc.) double degree from the University of Kassel and Cairo University.
If you want to
study renewable energies and energy efficiency in an international and intercultural context,combine it with curriculum being taught completely in English with complementary language courses in German and Arabic andcontinue your professional future in the area of sustainable usage of renewable energies and energy efficiency
apply here, , electronically. We are looking forward to receiving your application, welcome to REMENA!
Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Dirk DahlhausMs. Anke Aref, M.A.Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Computer ScienceWilhelmsh?her Allee 7334121 KasselGermanySecretaryPhone: +49 561 804 6419
Prof.&Dr. Sayed KasebDepartment of Mechanical Power EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringGiza, 12613EgyptProf. Dr. A. KhalilPhone: +20 2 356 782 64Email: Email:
&REMENA is not only a Master, it is a life style.&, says Mostafa Kamal from Egypt who now works for CUBE Engineering in Kassel/Germany.
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Start: September 2014
Long: 4 semester
Place: Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Language: English
Tuition fee: 2500 Euro
Application deadline: June 20
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