中译英有道 空灵的。求优质翻译。别说是vacant

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英文翻译china roses...enyaintangiblespaciousness, airinessspaciousness,airiness
例句与用法1.It lacked the intensely blue atmosphere of the rival vale, and its he the new air was clear, bracing, ethereal .它没有和它匹敌的那个谷里那样蓝蔚的大气,那样浓重的土壤和气息。它的空气清新,爽利,飘渺,空灵。2.Origin wordless song , sung out the ancient empty space sound-原无言之歌唱出原始空灵声音3.On vacant beauty of xu zhimo ' s poems论徐志摩诗歌意境的空灵美4.( thoughts in the past are clear and empty and leave no traces behind过去的心,是清晰空灵的,不留任何痕迹。 5.The sky remains infinitely vacant for earth there to build its heaven with dreams天宇永远藉由空灵的梦想在大地构筑天堂。 6.During this period , the clean , quiet , ethereal venue was filled with master s blessings该地空灵清静,充满了师父的加持。 7.Their howls are heartbreakingly beautiful , with an ethereal quality no other tribe can match他们的长嚎透出深深忧郁的美丽,那样的空灵无人能比。 8.Their poetry was gorgeous and splendid , furthermore their style was affectionateness and impressive李诗兴寄深微,托意空灵;温诗瑰丽?艳,浑圆流转。 9.You are a beauty in my eyes , and a beauty just after the desire of my heart , - delicate and aerial“在我眼里,你是个美人。一位心向往之的美人娇美而空灵。 ” 10.In this fascinating account , glennie shows us how music is more than just using our ears to listen摄影机跟随雁妮一年,镜头在她音乐的神奇感化下,渐渐亦走进空灵世界。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
空灵是什么意思 空灵在线翻译 空灵什么意思 空灵的意思 空灵的翻译 空灵的解释 空灵的发音 空灵的同义词 空灵的反义词 空灵的例句
空灵空灵 基本解释 空灵 网络解释1. spaciousness, airiness& & 苍古-----------------------------antiquity | 空灵------------------------------spaciousness, airiness | 动观------------------------------- in-motion viewing2. intangible& & intake interview 收纳面谈 | intangible 空灵 | intangible mental training 无形心理训练 无形心理训练3. teaching practice& & 教法:Teaching methods | 空灵:teaching practice | 健康:bilingual teaching4. the feelings of air current& & 真情旋律:True feelings melody | 空灵:the feelings of air current | 气韵:the feelings of beautiful scene空灵 网络例句1. Its United States is pure and light and free. & &它的美是纯净而空灵的。2. It uses romantic eyes to look at the world and with a realistic approach to perform the image. & &中国画是一种空灵的美,是用浪漫的眼去看世界,而用一种写实的手法来表现意象。3. Perhaps, after all the prosperity will be attributed to a white ethereal world. & &也许,所有的繁华之后都会归结于一片纯白空灵的世界。4. Listen to the music as though he kept trained on Vacant no longer belong to this world, and ... & &听着那空灵的音乐仿佛自己已经不属于这个世界,。。。5. I empty fairy is it in there , experience all breath to sit. & &我空灵的坐在那里,感受着一切的气息。6. Dense me how to get to play the notes? & &我怎么去弹奏空灵的音符?7. This is a person with a soul to write poetry, this is a &vacant world&,... & &这是一位用灵魂写诗歌的人,这是一&空灵世界&,干净;自然;。。。空灵是什么意思,空灵在线翻译,空灵什么意思,空灵的意思,空灵的翻译,空灵的解释,空灵的发音,空灵的同义词,空灵的反义词,空灵的例句,空灵的相关词组,空灵意思是什么,空灵怎么翻译,单词空灵是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2015  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 求翻译!中译英“梦想,坚持就是热爱.宛如玻璃不经淬炼无法变成水晶.命运可以催毁梦想,但无法击败热爱”_百度作业帮
dream,is to insist on what you love.It is like,glass can't be changed to crystal without .baptism.Destiny can ruin your dream,but it can't beat what you love \人工翻译,如果不懂,
"The dream, the persistence is love. Just like glass without being unable to become crystalline. Fate can crushed dream, but can't beat love"
The dream, is to insist on love. Like a glass without quenching can become crystalline. Fate can be destroyed but not defeated dreams, love.空灵的 最合适的英文翻译是什么?比如
空灵的 最合适的英文翻译是什么?比如
空灵的 最合适的英文翻译是什么?比如
空灵的天空the transparent sky回归自然的鸟鸣,空灵的笛声,仿佛在诉说着美丽女子奢华的梦.翻译成英文._百度作业帮
Back to the natural birds' singing,the vacant sound of flute,seem listening a beautiful girl's luxurious dreams.}


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