go on holiday外盘内盘是什么意思思

on holiday和go on holiday有什么区别
on holiday和go on holiday有什么区别
on holiday在放假go on holiday要去放假
on holiday系正在放假:I am on holiday
go on holiday系继续放假:I want to go on my holiday,but i have to go to school.
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Holiday Ideas
Amusing Holiday Disaster Stories
The Great Outdoors
Single Traveller Thinking About a Singles Holiday?
The biggest drawback for travellers setting out on a solo holiday is not knowing who you will be joining. Nothing can ruin a much needed break faster than being stuck with the wrong crowd!Why take the risk? Know your holiday will be a success from the start. Find other like minded singles, couples or groups that you know you get along with before you go.Then you can avoid those nasty single supplements into the bargain!
(Try out the 'Search' menu above to see who is available)
It is free to join and search for a holiday partner, but you will need to have your own profile first.Go to 'Create My Profile' from the 'MY PROFILE' menu at the top of the page.
No one to go on holiday with? No more Solo Holidays! Hook up with one of these Lovely Ladies instead!!
No one to go on Holiday with? Forget Single Holidays or singles travel! Hook up with one of these Gorgeous Guys instead!!
No One to go on Holiday with?
Stuck with a choice between Solo Holidays, singles travel or perhaps not having a holiday at all? Your problem is solved! You can find like minded singles, couples or groups here for a week-end away, a holiday or even a round the World trip.Get together with another single person, find another couple to travel with, get a group together to go skiing or mount an expedition to climb Mount Everest. The possibilities are endless!
(Try out the 'Search' menu above to see who is available)
You don't have to be single to
Whether you need a holiday or just a weekend break, want to relax on a beach, go sightseeing or even put together a fully fledged expedition to climb Mount Everest - it isn't much fun if you haven't got the right person or people to go with.
Many singles find themselves going on solo holidays or not going at all. Singles travel is forever penalised by single supplements, and when on organised solo holidays there is no guarantee of meeting anyone you hit it off with when you get there. Solution? Find someone now, before you go!
Lots of couples have differing interests when on holiday. This can often lead to disagreements. Sometimes good natured, others a little more heated! Solution? Team up with another couple so the husbands can play golf while the wives go shopping.
Need someone to join your holiday group or looking for a holiday group to join? Find people with similar objectives. Maybe a skiing holiday, or perhaps even white water rafting, trekking into the Sahara or a safari in Africa!
Don't wait until the last minute before searching for a holiday partner. You will need time to meet and get to know each other before deciding to go on holiday together.
Single Holidays and Singles Vacations
When going on single holidays or singles vacations we miss out on probably the most enjoyable aspect of getting away. Sharing the excitement of planning a forthcoming adventure with the person or people we are going with! Something you can't possibly get from booking a solo holiday and only meeting your holiday partners when you get to your destination!
(Try out the 'Search' menu at the top to find someone to share the excitement with now!)
Solo Holidays
My Holiday Partner is the exciting alternative to solo holidays. Click on the 'Search' button above to find like minded singles, couples or groups to travel with.
Why do we look for Single Holidays?
For many of us single holidays are thrust upon us almost without warning. One day we wake up to realise that all our friends have entered into relationships and are becoming increasingly caught up in their own world. The group of friends that have always met up has been gradually diminishing one by one and yet we had hardly noticed. Suddenly there are none left and we find ourselves with no one to go on holiday with. Single holidays seem to be the only option.
The drawbacks of Solo Holidays
There is nothing worse than being lonely in a crowd. Single holidays can be great if you get lucky and it turns out that the right person or group just happens to have booked the same holiday - but this is in no way guaranteed. In fact the opposite is much more likely. To be stuck with people who are not on the same wavelength for the entire duration of a holiday can change it from something that could have been a delightful experience into a lonely endurance test. If you actively dislike any of them it could even be a nightmare!
The solution?
Forget single holidays! Find someone that you definitely get along with before you go! Even if you enjoy being single and really like solo travel it is safer to go with someone you have already got to know. There will still be the same crowd at your destination. You are just not gambling the success of your holiday on them.
Click on the 'Search' button above to find like minded singles, couples or groups to travel with.我觉得go on a holiday 是特定的去度假;而go on holiday 是指一般的假期休息,如法定的假期,清明、端午、国庆、中秋等,go on holiday 没有go on a holiday 那样特指的像去旅游啊什么的。
go on a holiday 表示正在度假的状态
go on holiday 表示去度假的动作
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on holiday是什么意思
中文翻译表在渡假休假,度假在度假在休假中:&&&&ON, O.N. =Old Norse 古斯堪的纳维亚语 ...:&&&&n. 1.节日,假日,休息日。 2.〔英 pl.〕休假。 ...
例句与用法1.What do you need to take with you on holiday ?你去度假得带什么东西?2.I will cover for jane while she is on holiday .简休假时我替补她工作。3.It was a mistake to go there on holiday .跑到那儿度假真是失策。4.I like to take things easy when i am on holiday .我在假日愿意轻松一些。5.We got through a fortune which we were on holiday !我们度假花了一大笔钱。6.They are on holiday in the lake district .他们在湖区度假。7.I am debating where to go on holiday .我在琢磨到何处度假。8.They are going on holiday for two weeks .他们要度假两周。9.The typist is away on holiday this week .打字员本周休假。10.He went much to the park on holidays .他假日常常去公园。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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