
which resulted in the incorrect pronunciationsWhile learning a second language, and then they tried to find the most similar pronunciations in their native language for such words, they found that
there are no such pronunciations in their native languages equivalent to some words
they will see the pronunciation of some words cannot be found in their mother tongue  When they begin to learn a second language, so they are very likely to adopt some sounds of their native language to replace these strange froeign sounds, and the result is that they make some incorrect sounds
some pronunciations
not exist in their mother tongue when learning a second language, therefore, they would try to pronuce those in the way of their mother tongue , which leads to incorrect pronounciations. 希望能帮到你
When they are learning a second language, they find the pronunciation of some words don't exist in their mother tongue. Then they try to use the similar pronunciation in their mother tongue, which causes the wrong pronunciation. 来自【学习宝典】团队
When they are learning a second language, they will realised the pronunciation of some words cannot be projected in their mother tongue. As a result of that, they will try to find something similar in their mother tongue, leading to mispronunciation.
求大神英语翻译下面10个句子,不要网站自动翻译的,求纯人工翻译,谢谢帮忙!所有分都贴上了 30
1. 我们在实践中认识到,国家发展必须适应世界发展大势,顺应本国人民利益要求,从本国国情出发,坚持以经济建设为中心,坚持改革开放,聚精会神搞建设、一心一意谋发展,全面推进经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设。
补充:2. 以完善中国特色社会主义法律体系为目标,坚持以人为本,坚持实事求是,抓紧制定在法律体系中起支架作用的法律,及时修改与经济社会不相适应的法律规定,督促有关方面尽快制定和修改与法律相配套的法规,确保到2010年形成中国特色社会主义法律体系。
5. 美国奥巴马政府上台后,努力改善与阿拉伯及伊斯兰世界关系,努力争取与大国及地区国家的合作,受到各方关注。
6. 在美国深陷大萧条以来最严重经济危机、民众呼唤变革的背景下,奥巴马政府对美国内外政策进行了一系列调整。
7. 中国驻外使领馆充分利用身处第一线的优势,在做驻在国媒体、学界和民众工作方面取得明显成效。
8. 发达国家深受国家金融危机冲击,软硬实力有所受损。新兴大国虽然也受到明显冲击,但总体上仍能保持较快增长势头。
9. 美推出“阿巴新战略”,反恐重心向阿富汗转移,先后向阿富汗增兵1.7万和3万人。
10. 逐步将领导干部实施可持续发展战略的评估结果和最后验收结果作为定量考核和评估其工作实绩的主要依据。

We realise in practice that the national development must be adapted to the developing trends of the world, conform to the National People&s interest requirements, set out from native national condition, take economic development as the central task, adhere to reform and opening up, concentrate one&s attention on construction, undivided attention to plan development, promote economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction.
我就这么几分啦 全部贡献了 大神哥帮个忙吧 谢谢啦
嗯 先谢谢啦
2.Set the goal to improve the socialist law system with Chinese characteristics , adhere to the people-oriented, adhere to seek truth from facts, pay close attention to the development of the legal system, the role of the legal framework, timely change and economic society does not adapt to the legal provisions, urge the relevant aspects of the formulation and revision of the law as soon as possible and supporting policies, ensure to form the socialist law system with Chinese characteristics in 2010
4.Chinese diplomatic institutions stationed abroad conduct vigorous&diplomacy.
5.After Obama administration came to power, The United States made efforts to improve the relations with& Arabia and the Islamic world , strive for&& cooperation with big&countrys and states of the area .All of this& have received the high attention.
6.Tthe Obama government made a series of adjustments to the American domestic and foreign policy in the context of that In the United States of America mired in the worst economic crisis since the depression,and people call for a change&.
7.Chinese embassies and consulates abroad& make full use of the advantages in the first line in handling the relationship with local media, academia and the public which achieved remarkable results.
8.Developed countries affected by the impact of&the national financial crisis which has&damaged&their hard and soft strength .Emerging powers although also be apparent impact, but on the whole still can maintain rapidder growth momentum.
9.The U.S.& launched "the new strategy"&to transfer&&the counter-terrorism center to the Afghan which had sent&17000 and 30000 more troops to Afghanistan at one time or another .
10.To use the assessment of results and final acceptance results& of the leading cadres& implementing the strategy of sustainable development& as a quantitative assessment and the assessment of its performance step by step.
的感言:非常感谢。帮助很大 相关知识
外语领域专家急求大神帮忙翻译,不要机翻!翻完之后再加10分!The event happened many years ago , but I will never forget it . The memory of it remains alive in my mind . The event occurred on a hot , humid May morning in 1947.
When I was six years old I was a first –graded s_百度作业帮
急求大神帮忙翻译,不要机翻!翻完之后再加10分!The event happened many years ago , but I will never forget it . The memory of it remains alive in my mind . The event occurred on a hot , humid May morning in 1947.
When I was six years old I was a first –graded s
The event happened many years ago , but I will never forget it . The memory of it remains alive in my mind . The event occurred on a hot , humid May morning in 1947.
When I was six years old I was a first –graded student in Miss Butler’s class. She was well known for her strict discipline(纪律) in class. We all were kept busy studying all day . There was always so much homework to do . Anyone that had done something wrong would be quickly punished by the long stick she carried. You can imagine the fear I felt when I drew in a deep breath ---I accidentally made a strange sound . Miss Butler immediately stopped her class and looked around the blackboard . Seeing my expression, she asked, “ John , did you do that ?” I managed to find my voice and pointed to the boy close to me and said , “ No . Leandro did it .” Leandro’s explanation (解释) in a moment the stick had come down, and Leandro was crying into his old shirt. Somehow, I had known she would believe me . After all, I was a nicely dressed little white girl , and my mother was active in the Parent-Teacher Association, while Leandro was a fat little Mexican boy . He had trouble speaking English and his mother had too many children to care for and no time to attend meetings . He was never dressed in new clothes .Leadron , how I wish that I could ask for your forgiveness (原谅)! Please accept my apology , my old desk mate.
当我六岁的时候,我是Miss Butler’s班里的一名一年级学生.她以严格的纪律而出名.我们整天都不停的忙着学习.总有很多的功课要做.犯错误的任何人都会很快地受到她带来的那根长长的棍子的惩罚.当我深深的呼吸时,你能够想象到我感觉到的恐惧.我突然发出了一种奇怪的声音.(因为我发出了一些声音)老师停下了他的课,环顾了一下四周.看到我的表情,她问我,“约翰,是你做的吗?”我指着我旁边的那个男孩儿说,“不,是莱昂德罗做的”,他给老师做的解释是没有用的.很快老师的棍子就打下来了,他哭了起来,(泪水)到了他破旧的衬衫上.
事情已经过了好多年了,但是我依然无法忘怀。一切似乎在清晰地出现在我的脑海中,那是1974年五月的一个湿热的早晨。我六岁,一年级,巴特兰小姐是我的老师。她的课堂纪律严厉是大家都知道的。我们整天都必须认真的学习。家庭作业更是多的不得了。无论是谁只要犯了错,都逃不过她手里的长木教鞭的惩罚。所以当我不小心弄出了怪异的声响时,你能体会到我深深呼吸里的恐惧。巴特兰小姐当时立刻就停下了上课,看了看黑板...求高手英文翻译下几段句子和一段解析(诗的) 不要机器翻的!!急用!谢谢!蝴蝶用力的咬破厚厚的茧,然后得到新生。注定一生来就会飞,却永远飞不高你总是用鲜艳又明亮的色彩来掩饰你的脆弱你喜欢成为_百度作业帮
求高手英文翻译下几段句子和一段解析(诗的) 不要机器翻的!!急用!谢谢!蝴蝶用力的咬破厚厚的茧,然后得到新生。注定一生来就会飞,却永远飞不高你总是用鲜艳又明亮的色彩来掩饰你的脆弱你喜欢成为
蝴蝶用力的咬破厚厚的茧,然后得到新生。注定一生来就会飞,却永远飞不高你总是用鲜艳又明亮的色彩来掩饰你的脆弱你喜欢成为万众瞩目的那一个你从不在乎生命有多短暂你只在乎生命有多灿烂你静静地停留在花朵和叶子上你用一生去等待爱 窗内她从来没出过这件房间她总是坐在火炉旁边穿一件浅灰色的长裙她的眼睛明亮的像蓝宝石即使是天上最美的星星也望尘莫及她的脸精致的像朝霞即使是海底最珍贵的珍珠也比不上她然而我从没见过她的微笑为什么她从不笑呢为什么她从来不看我一眼我愿意在清晨采摘最新鲜的玫瑰轻轻的放在她的窗前 我知道我知道有人在唱歌我不知道她是谁我知道星星很亮我不知道他们有多少我知道一年有多长我不知道天有多广我知道花朵有多么的美丽芬芳我不知道哪一朵属于我我知道爱情离我很遥远我不知道我一直在等谁 下面的是泰戈尔的诗的解析(请千万注意错误!)北极星不仅是方向标,也代表着梦想。就像一盏永不熄灭的路灯,一直照亮着作者的人生道路,不管是平淡的一生,还是轰轰烈烈的一生。只要北极星还亮着,就像是证明了作者自身的存在一样,无论多么艰难都会挺过去。北极星也是一个最忠实的朋友,永远都不会背叛。你去到哪里,北极星就去到那里,睁开眼睛,北极星永远在你的前面。只要让自己的心跟随着北极星,就不会迷失方向。就算无法看清楚全世界,即使面前永远是困难,只要你的心中有北极星的存在,它就会为你驱逐黑暗,带给你光明和温暖。做一个像北极星一样的人,坚定,勇敢,不怕黑暗,持之以恒。总有天会发光,会成功。 暂时就这些,谢谢! 问题补充:为什么没有人翻译呢,并不需要太难的词就行啊啊啊啊,很急啊啊一定要翻译解析啊啊!这个对我很重要!谢谢,给大神鞠躬!
Butterfly,Breaks free from the thick cocoon, and then it starts its new life.Its destined to fly, but it can never fly highYou always use your wonderful and bright colours to cover your...求英语大神帮忙翻译以下句子(机翻就别闹了,伤不起)_百度知道
starting from car theory knowledgeautomobile engine is an important part of the vehicle, will cause the engine damage. In the operation process of the car to pay special attention to prevent engine early wear. Therefore, prevent the engine is not normal damage, can effectively prolong the service life of the engine, from the first day you have the car carefully maintenance. The normal and reasonable use of the engine. However, due to improper use and maintenance is not timely, directly affect the performance and fuel economy, the car should always pay attention to maintenance, so for the maintenance and repair of the engine we should pay attention to, so as not to lose the greater. In this paper, in relation to the use performance of the vehicle and driving safety


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