chinesprivate millionairee take staffs 6400 to paris

Chinese billionaire takes 6400 staff on holiday to Paris - Business - NZ Herald News
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Chinese billionaire takes 6400 staff on holiday to Paris
Li Jinyuan poses with staff members, during a parade on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. Photo / AP
A Chinese billionaire has taken 6400 of his staff on a four day holiday to France which finished with a world-record breaking human chain in the Cote D'Azur. Tiens Group Company Chairman Li Jinyuan booked up 140 hotels in Paris where the group visited the Louvre and various cultural sites in one of the world's most famous and revered cities. The huge group of tourists then made their way to the glamorous Cote D'Azur, where Li Jinyuan booked 4760 rooms in 79 four-and five-star hotels in Cannes and Monaco. It took 147 buses to take the tourists from their hotels to the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, where Guinness World Record officials where on hand to validate the world's biggest ever human chain.
Employees of Chinese company 'Tiens' attend a parade on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. Photo / AP
The 6,400 employees arranged themselves to spell out the phrase 'Tiens' dream is Nice in the Cote d'Azur', to celebrate 20 years of partnership between the Chinese company and the French region. France is expected to be 33million Euros better off thanks to the all-expenses-paid staff trip. The group were expected to spend 13million in Paris, home of the Eiffel Tower, the Arc De Triomph and The Louvre. Nice was expected to be 20million better off thanks to the visit - and many of the guests stayed in hotels Cannes, where the famous film festival is to be held next week, and Monaco, long known for being a playground of the rich and famous. Li Jinyuan, 57, is listed as a billionaire on the Forbes rich list and took more than half of his staff to the region to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the founding of the company. According to the company, he founded the company in 1995 international conglomerate with businesses in biotechnology, health management, e-commerce, hotel and tourism among others. France, which is struggling to revive its economy, is the most visited country in the world, according to the latest UN figures, and is seeing an increasing number of tourists from China. Almost 85 million foreigners a year support a 150billion Euro industry that delivers seven per cent of the nation's GDP, according to government figures. In 2013, the vast majority of visitors to France were from other European countries, but about 3.1 million came from the United States and 1.7 million from China. - Daily Mail
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Discover more6400旅行团外国人评论,看我来痛抽蛙人@ISayHey 的脸,嘻嘻
拿钱发帖惯了,开始造谣了。。  哥今天有空,喝杯茶,来抽抽你快蜕皮的蛙脸。。   这次记住,拿钱要发有质量的贴喔~~  不然不算钱。。
所转载,我们先来看看 这篇的评论。  @ISayHey 知道你看不懂英文,给你翻译好了,嘻嘻~~  ShanghaiGuy 3h ago   The 3 or 4 company vacation is established practice in China,though to be fair this from trip is a little out of the normal range! Good fortheir CEO, my guys were pleased with Guilin.  中国公司有3到4天的假期惯例,尽管公平而言,这次旅行超出了一点正常范围!他们的首席执行官真是了不起,我的朋友们都对桂林非常满意。  Neil Munro-Jasper 4h ago   Can you imagine the queues for everything....   你能想象一下所有东西前面的长队吗……  Pieterwieterke 6h ago   Why only half of the staff?? How has it been determined who'sgoing or not?   为什么只有一半的员工?是依据什么确定谁去谁不去的?  Th?o Ng&n Pieterwieterke 4hago   it may depend on the workers' attitude or the quality of theirworks!   这可能取决于工人的态度或是他们的工作质量!  quarrytone 7h ago   Slave drivers.   奴隶监工。  Wumaoren quarrytone 6hago   Nobody I have ever worked has ever taken me on holiday, and I'msure that could be said for you too, If you work, that is. Well doneChina!   从没有一个老板带我出去度过假,我肯定如果你工作了的话,你肯定也是这样。中国,做得好!  Kevork Oskanian quarrytone4h ago   Yeah, a free trip to Paris. That's just inhumane.....   是的,一个免费的巴黎之旅。这简直就是不人道.....  Fuego999 quarrytone 2hago   Are you dyslexic?  你是诵读困难者吗?  转自龙腾~~~
@ISayHey 别急,还有哦~~~
  造谣要有根据,@ISayHey 你发我国真实情况哥从来不反驳,可是你为了5美分,天天这样在巴岛上造谣,你妈妈知道吗? 你儿子知道有一个常常造谣的老子,他快乐吗?嘻嘻~~
《印度时报》   /business/international-business/Chinese-CEO-takes-full-team-to-France/articleshow/.cms  sagaya rackini ()Great job by the Chinese CEO!!!  中国CEO干得好!  Gouranga Charan Pradhan (New Delhi)龙腾网   Can Ambani or Adani or even Infosys ever think of doing 1/100 of what this Chinese company did?  阿巴尼、阿达尼甚或印孚瑟斯能做到中国公司的十分之一吗?  Mir (Unknown)  Outstanding… This must have been an exceptional vacation for the employees.. And managing such a big number of people at a single time would have been more difficult than running the core business…  太厉害了。  对员工来说,这肯定算是特殊假期了。  一次性组织那么多人出行,比企业的核心业务运作更为困难  rahul priyadarshi (Bangalore)  wow .. it’s good  哇,太好了  DP2 (India)  Indian Employers to learn some thing?  印度雇主能从中学到一些东西吗?  Col Lamba (PTA)  GREAT  太棒了  MRan (INDIA)  how many airplanes will be required to take them —if about 200 persons are accommodated in a plane then 32 planes will be required – —  这要多少飞机来载。如果一架飞机搭乘200人,那么需要32架飞机  swatant shakti (Unknown)  This is capitalism at it’s best.  资本主义处于最佳状态  Sudhir Virulkar (Mumbai) 1 hr ago  Admire those leaders. Lesson for Indian counterparts to learn. Motivation does not come from mere slogans. Show them in practice to “Make in India” successful .  钦佩那些老板,值得印度同行借鉴。  动力并非喊一喊口号就会有的。  Sainath Kalpathy (Hyderabad)  sounds good ! that is HR and morale management !  听起来不错!  这就是人力资源管理,这就是士气激励!  Naahi Mahiti (mars)  all the co-called Indian thinkers here blaming Indian businessmen and calling them greedy – please answer this: How many times and where, if at all, have you taken out your maid for a vacation? or your cleaning servant? or the person who cleans your car or takes care of your lawns? or the person whom you pay to make chappatis for you while you’re at work?  所谓的印度思想家怪印度商人贪婪。  请回答这个问题:你又给你们家的佣人放多少次假?给你们家的洗车工和除草工放多少次假?  Lara Lara (MUM)  Nice CEO, listen Mr Ambani u just gift ur wife plane and good for nothing expensive car can’t you gift to all your employees, Mr TATA ur TCS makes good revenue but u useless never ever pay to ur employees, similar to all usless miser CEO just fill your account never care about your Employees.  为人不错的CEO。  阿巴尼先生,听着,你给你的老婆送飞机,送豪车,就不能给你的员工送一些东西吗?  塔塔的收入不错,却不给员工发钱。  类似地,那些吝啬的CEO,只顾着自己拿钱,却不管员工的死活  Askmore (Delhi) 3 hrs ago  Indian is a synonym for miser. Being tightfisted is in their blood. In the office, they will talk about the new car they just bought, or are planning to buy, or their fathers property. Go to the cafeteria and order a cup of tea. He will look for hundred ways how not to pay for it. Skinflints. Seriously. Embarrassing. Cheap  印度人是吝啬鬼的同义词。  吝啬存在于他们的血液中。  在办公室里,他们会讨论刚买的新车,或者打算买哪部车,或者讨论父亲的财产。  去自助餐厅,点一杯茶。  然后想方设法走人不付钱。  吝啬鬼,让人难堪,小气  valentm35 (goa)  Tell this to ambanis, mittals, tatas….  把这事告诉阿巴尼、米塔尔和塔塔去吧  Syd () 3 hrs ago  We should not forget that few months back an Indian Businessman gifted his staffs with Brand New cars and Land.. Not that all Indians are greedy.. Few indeed are, but definitely not all..!!  别忘了,几个月前,印度商人送员工崭新的轿车。  并非所有印度人是贪婪的, 少数确实贪婪,但肯定不是全部!  NRI Modi (The Netherlands)  don’t expect this to happen in bharat…indian ceo’s are cheapos lol indians are greedy and cheap  别指望这种事情发生在印度了。  印度CEO非常小气,哈哈,印度人不仅贪婪,而且小气  The voice (heaven)  wow this is unbelievable, never will this ever happen in any indian company. indians are born misers…..his company will flourish even more. good work bravo…  哇,难以置信!印度任何一家公司都不可能发生这种事情。  印度人是天生的吝啬鬼。  干得好,他的公司会更加兴旺的  roshan ()  Can it happen with Indian CEO taking his employee for a tour or give BMW as gifts ? It will never happen in India.  印度CEO会带员工去旅行吗?会送员工宝马吗?  印度永远不可能发生这种事情  rosh b (Unknown)  amezing  不可思议  Jitendra Yadav (Navi Mumbai)  Seems CEO is the General of a Corporate Army marched to France with his full battalion. Gr8 CEO.  CEO似乎是率领企业大军前往欧洲的将军,干得好  转自龙腾网
  我这样直接抽你的脸,你的发帖工资,还能拿到么??  @ISayHey 还有很多哦~自己点开看~  .cn/html/Travel/tour/.html  @ISayHey
  这种公司其实就是包装的很好的传销吧,旅游就是个噱头,让公司看起来很有实力,其实还不知道所谓的免费旅游之前坑了别人多少钱呢.If you want the blog title to appear automatically, delete this entire line -->
Adam Khoo is an award-winning Singaporean entrepreneur, best-selling author and peak performance trainer. A self-made millionaire by the age of 26, he started and runs several businesses in education, training, learning centres, pre-school education, fund management and advertising, all with a combined annual turnover of $50 million. He is the Executive Chairman and Chief Master Trainer of Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group Pte Ltd and a director of seven other private companies. Adam is also a member of the Singapore Chapter of the Young President’s Organization (YPO).
He is also the best-selling author of 13 books, which includes:
– I Am Gifted, So Are You! that was ranked MPH#1 best-seller in 1998 and 1999. His other books include ‘How to Multiply Your Child’s Intelligence(TM)’ & ‘Clueless in Starting a Business(TM)’.
His book ‘Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny(TM)’ which was the second highest selling book in Singapore in 2004, was on the best-sellers list for 36 consecutive weeks. His next two books ‘Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires’ and ‘Secrets of Millionaire Investors’ both listed and stayed on the Number One spot on the Straits Times Best Sellers List for more than 52 weeks. He also authored ‘Nurturing the Winner and Genius in Your Child’, published in April 2008, ‘Secrets of Building Multi-Million Dollar Businesses’ launched October 2008, ‘Profit from the Panic!’ launched in January 2009, ‘Secrets of Successful Teens’ in June 2009. In 2010, he wrote ‘Profit from the Asian Recovery’ co-authored by Jason Wee, CFA, to share powerful investing strategies on profiting from Asia stocks. His latest book released in late 2011 is titled ‘Winning The Game of Life!’ that hit number 5 on the National Best Sellers list.
Adam holds an honors degree in business administration from the National University of Singapore. As an undergraduate, he was ranked among the top one percent of academic achievers and became a pioneer in the Talent Development Program, which is the university’s Gifted program.
He is also a licensed Master Practitioner and Trainer in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). In his transformational Patterns of Excellence (POE) program, he shares the powerful NLP techniques such as ‘Anchoring’ to help participants access their resourceful state and tap into their personal power to achieve excellence in their various fields of endeavor. Over the last 15 years, he has trained over 500,000+ students, teachers, professionals, executives, managers and business owners.
Some of his corporate clients include ST Engineering, Singapore Police Force, F&N Coca Cola, Infocomm Development Authority (IDA), Ministry of Defence, AIA, Prudential Assurance, Ernst & Young, Exxon Mobil, Unilever, Citibank, UOB, ABN Ambro, NETS, Great Eastern Life, Hewlett Packard, Sun Microsystems, Texas Instruments, Mediacorp, Apple Inc, Accenture Consulting and many more.
His success and achievements are regularly featured in regional media like the Straits Times, the Business Times, the New Paper, Lianhe Zaobao, Channel News Asia, Channel U, Channel 8, Newsradio 938, The Hindu, The Malaysian Sun and many more. In 2007, he was ranked among the top 25 richest Singaporeans under the age of 40 by The Executive Magazine. In 2008, Adam was awarded the NUS Business School Eminent Alumni Award for being one of Singapore’s most successful and prominent business leaders.
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Patterns Of Excellence
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Profit From The Panic
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Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny
Nurturing The Winner & Genius In Your Child
Secrets Of Successful Teens
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