用 stribe made into造句 造句

英语翻译Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me,but one that I wouldn't trade for anything.Not only did learning another language teach me the value of hard work,but it also gave me insights into another culture,and my mind was opened to new ways _百度作业帮
英语翻译Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me,but one that I wouldn't trade for anything.Not only did learning another language teach me the value of hard work,but it also gave me insights into another culture,and my mind was opened to new ways
Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me,but one that I wouldn't trade for anything.Not only did learning another language teach me the value of hard work,but it also gave me insights into another culture,and my mind was opened to new ways of seeing things.The most wonderful result of having learned a foreign language was that I could communicate with many more people than before.Talking with people is one of my favorite activities,so being able to speak a new language lets me meet new people,participate in conversations,and form new,unforgettable friendships.Now that I speak a foreign language,instead of staring into space when English is being spoken,I can participatge and make friends.I am able to reach out to others and bridge the gap between my language and culture and theirs.Be yourself.Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities.They instruct you to greet them with "power handshakes" and tell you to fix your eyes on the other person.If you follow all this advice,you'll drive everyone carzy--including yourself.The trick is to be consistently you,at your best.The most effective people never change from one situation to another.They're the same whether they're having a conversation,addressing their garden club or being interviwed for a job.They commmunicate withe tones of their voices and their gestures match their words.
学习一门外语已经成为了我最难受的经历, 不过这个经历也是我不愿失去(十分珍惜)的. 因为我不但通过外语的学习懂得了刻苦的价值, 同时还拓展了我对另外一种文化的认识, 使得我看问题有更多的思路. 学习一门外语最奇妙的结果就是比起以前我可以和更多的人交流. 我很喜欢和人交谈, 因此掌握了一门新的语言使我认识更多的新朋友, 通过交谈结交了新的难忘的友谊. 现在我在别人讲英语的时候不需要再抬头看着天空, 而是参与交谈结交朋友. 我可以和其他人交流并且以此作为连接彼此之间语言和文化的桥梁.做你自己.很多参考书建议你大步走进房间并且以你的特征给其他人留个好的印象. 他们指导你用"有力的握手"来和他人打招呼并让你专注地看着别人. 如果你按照这样的建议去做, 你会让每个人都发疯的--包括你自己.诀窍在于你一直保持自己最好的状态. 最有影响力的人们从来不会在不同的形势下改变. 无论在交谈的时候,在给俱乐部致辞的时候或者在面试一个工作的时候他们都保持一致. 他们以一个整体来对外交流,他们说话的语调和风度与其用词一致.
学习外语对我来说是一困难的经历,但我不会把它和任何交换。学习另一种语言不但教会了我努力的价值,感受到了另一种文化,还让我敞开心怀以新的眼光看待事物。学习新语言的最好一点就是和过去相比,我能和更多的人交流。和别人交流是我最喜欢的活动之一,能说一种新的语言让我认识到新的人,能参与交流,并形成新的,无法忘怀的友谊。我现在能说外语,所以有人说英语时我可以不再望向虚空,而是参与交流并结交新识。我能够结识他人...Accessibility links
With very little ceremony, and only a few dozen dignitaries, soldiers and journalists on hand to see it, became the first British monarch to set foot in the
when she landed at a military airport outside Dublin.
It was a moment that would have been impossible a generation ago, but which had become an imperative in laying to rest the two countries’ troubled past following the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.
Years of delicate diplomatic groundwork finally came to fruition when the door of the Queen’s BAe 146 opened at the Casement military air base, and the Republic got its first glimpse of the sovereign, dressed, of course, in green.
After a momentary pause on the bottom tread of the aircraft’s stairs, knowing her next step would be one of the most symbolic of her reign, the Queen reached down with her left foot and strode into history.
The unprecedented security measures surrounding her four-day state visit meant that no members of the public were able to witness the moment, but millions were watching on television as Ireland’s troubled relationship with the Royal family was finally banished.
Republican terrorists had tried, predictably enough, to hijack the visit by planting a bomb on a bus, hours earlier, but nothing was going to allow a vanishingly small minority to thwart the will of the Irish people and their president, Mary McAleese.
In the months since the visit was first announced, Irish politicians have promised that the Queen would receive a “warm welcome” when she followed in the footsteps of her grandfather, George V, who made the last state visit to Ireland by a British monarch in 1911.
But no one pretended that Dublin would repeat the wildly enthusiastic scenes that greeted George V 100 years ago. Simply getting the Queen safely to and from Ireland would be success enough, and the stifling security operation needed to achieve that dominated the first day of her trip.
To the disappointment of thousands of Dubliners who had turned out to cheer and clap the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, police had set up exclusion zones extending hundreds of yards from each of the sites the royal party visited.
The closest any of them got to seeing the Queen was a fleeting glance as she sped past in an armour-plated Range Rover, a measure that Eamon Gilmore, the Irish foreign minister, described as regrettable but “necessary”.
As well as the 8,000 police and soldiers on the streets, helicopters hovered overhead, police spotters stood on rooftops and church spires, and plain-clothed detectives were joined by 120 armed officers from the Metropolitan Police to make sure no one could get through the ring of steel. Even so, a small but vocal minority of republican demonstrators made sure the Queen was unable to ignore them as she carried out the most controversial engagement of the day, and arguably of her entire tour, at Dublin’s Garden of Remembrance.
As she lay a wreath of laurel leaves, and bowed her head at a memorial “to those who gave their lives in the cause of Irish freedom”, a minute’s silence was repeatedly broken by chants, jeers and whistles from protesters venting their hatred 300 yards away. A military band briefly drowned them out as they played God Save the Queen, but then, as an army officer read the poem We Saw a Vision, which expresses the hopes of those who struggled for freedom, hundreds of black balloons were released by Sinn Fein, directly in the Queen’s line of sight.
The party said the balloons were its way of remembering “almost 400 people who have been killed in Ireland by the forces of which (the Queen) is commander in chief”.
Reminders of Ireland’s bloody struggle to break free from Britain were everywhere, and the two governments that organised the visit made no attempt to avoid them as the Queen confronted the past head-on. Casement aerodrome, where the Queen landed, was named after a former diplomat who was hanged for treason after encouraging the Germans to supply arms to Irish rebels in 1916.
The Queen arrived on the anniversary of a series of car bombings in Ireland in 1974 which killed 34 people in the deadliest single day of the Troubles. As she visited Aras an Uachtarain, the official residence of the president, families of the victims were holding a service of remembrance in Talbot Street, The royal motorcade also passed the General Post Office on O’Connell Street, the seat of the Easter Rising in 1916. Today the Queen will visit Croke Park stadium, where 14 people were shot by British security forces in 1920.
William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, said: “We are not glossing over the past … it is about acknowledging the events but showing how we have moved on.”
The royal motorcade was accompanied by 33 outriders, one for each of the 32 counties of Ireland and one, with a single Union flag, to represent the UK. On a day of firsts, it was the only time any of Ireland’s defence forces had flown a Union flag. Later in the day, the Queen visited Trinity College, where she was shown the 9th century Latin gospel, the Book of Kells, and the Royal Charter of Elizabeth I for Trinity College, signed in 1592.
Among those who had waited patiently to see the motorcade was Enda O’Connor, 19, from Dublin. She described the visit as “a really progressive step” which showed that “the vast amount of people in this country are forward thinking”. The fact that a teenager should see the Queen’s visit as such an important moment in the country’s history will be comfort indeed as the sovereign negotiates the delicate engagements to come.
St George's Day
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大学英语新视野第二版第一册Unit 4 How to make a good impression
【造句】用跨越造句,含有跨越的句子和短语◎他们未能跨越这道鸿沟。◎不能跨越操作系统共享程序。◎她的一生几乎跨越了整个19世纪。◎一桥跨越大江。◎太阳从东方升起,跨越天空,在西方落下。◎那匹马跨越了第一道障碍,动作十分漂亮。◎通过实施这种方式,我们跨越了3个管理层次。◎科学是围绕跨越自然界的几个部分的概念组成的。◎这次跨越来因河的悲剧的仇杀的开端是些什么呢?◎尼姆在金州公司里有一个跨越各个部门的巡回性的任务。◎油管跨越沼泽地,河流、湖泊时,可以用混凝土管匣套起来。◎这些大板可以制成波形,这样,它们可以跨越2米左右的距离。◎但是,大海是难以驾驭的,它浩瀚无垠,早期的飞机无法跨越。◎此类应用可以跨越不同种类的网络与可能脱机的计算机进行通讯。◎这种钢索体系是跨越宽河道、深丘谷或深山谷天然障碍物的理想体系。◎与本地策略不同,使用组策略可以设置能应用在Active Directory 内跨越指定站点、域或单位的策略。◎在地球化学分析中,我们常常会遇到拟分析元素含量范围可以跨越好几个数量级的情况。◎譬如,“日历”视图将任务显示为跨越天、周和月的条形图;“甘特图”是最常用的图表视图。◎对这个受到看管的人,一个白种女人,竟这么轻而易举地跨越了这道界限,他不由得吃了一惊。◎跨越原野的那条坎坷的道路很快就变得非常崎岖难行,因而,我们要布鲁斯把车开回我们来的那个村子里去。◎Windows 2000 Server中集成的事务处理服务提供了简单的组装单元,可以跨越广泛的分布式网络,从而高效可靠地执行复杂的事务处理。◎Active Directory 支持多种身份验证协议(例如Kerberos V5 协议、安全套接字层协议v3 和使用了X.509 v3 证书的传输层安全保护),并支持有效跨越域的安全组。◎如果资源的夜班跨越两天,譬如从晚上11:00到第二天早上7:00,那么选择一周的第一个工作日并输入11:00pm到12:00pm,然后选择第二天输入12:00pm到7:00am。◎爱是… .跨越千山万水的思念◎高等级公路跨越的地域非常广阔。◎如果构建过程会跨越多个线程,则使用◎亨利-道普西的职业生涯跨越了60年。◎生活是跨越泪河的叹息之桥。◎跨越文本和角色的边界◎Sql语句可以只占一行也可以跨越多行◎事务还可以跨越多个数据资源。◎当前跨越式发展问题探讨举要◎跨越对立:东亚和平的新愿景◎转弯时,切勿让车身跨越右。◎富民兴桂新跨越的重大课题◎但是我们都一一经历过了跨越过了。◎儿童必须有大人陪伴才能跨越车厢◎跨越太平洋的双语电子学习课程◎跨越进程和主机边界传递的引用◎新兴工业化道路与跨越式发展◎生产力跨越式发展理论综述◎表中的单元也可以跨越多列。◎特里踏上了跨越加拿大的特殊旅途。◎旅游业最具备实现跨越式发展的条件。◎走自主创新之路实现中国航天事业跨越发展◎跨越绿色贸易壁垒◎分部定义不能跨越多个模块。◎对社会跨越式发展的认识◎跨越质量裂痕实施医院评价◎控件水平扩展以跨越所有五列。跨越英汉互译例句1.They failed to bridge the chasm .他们未能跨越这道鸿沟。2.The horse took the first fence beautifully .那匹马跨越了第一道障碍,动作十分漂亮。3.Her life spanned almost the whole of the 19th century .她的一生几乎跨越了整个19世纪。4.A bridge straddles the river .一桥跨越大江。5.By operating this way, we cut through three layers of management .通过实施这种方式,我们跨越了3个管理层次。6.What were the beginnings of this tragic feud across the rhine ?这次跨越来因河的悲剧的仇杀的开端是些什么呢?7.The sun rises in the east, moves across the sky, and sets in the west .太阳从东方升起,跨越天空,在西方落下。8.Science is organized around ideas that span many parts of nature .科学是围绕跨越自然界的几个部分的概念组成的。9.Nim had a roving commission in gsp & l which cut across department boundaries .尼姆在金州公司里有一个跨越各个部门的巡回性的任务。10.Where pipelines cross swamps, rivers, or lakes they may be encased in concrete .油管跨越沼泽地,河流、湖泊时,可以用混凝土管匣套起来。11.These large sheets can be corrugated to allow them to span over distance of about 2m .这些大板可以制成波形,这样,它们可以跨越2米左右的距离。12.But the sea proved to be intractable, for its distance was too much for the first aircraft to cross .但是,大海是难以驾驭的,它浩瀚无垠,早期的飞机无法跨越。13.The cable system is ideal for spanning natural barriers of wide rivers, deep valleys, or ravines .这种钢索体系是跨越宽河道、深丘谷或深山谷天然障碍物的理想体系。14.He was surprised at one of the guarded, a white woman, so easily evading this barrier .对这个受到看管的人,一个白种女人,竟这么轻而易举地跨越了这道界限,他不由得吃了一惊。15.In geochemical analysis we encounter ranges of analyte concentration that can span several orders of magnitude .在地球化学分析中,我们常常会遇到拟分析元素含量范围可以跨越好几个数量级的情况。16.The rough road across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get bruce to drive back to the village we had come from .跨越原野的那条坎坷的道路很快就变得非常崎岖难行,因而,我们要布鲁斯把车开回我们来的那个村子里去。17.Love is … … being out of sight , but not out of mind爱是… .跨越千山万水的思念18.The across districts of highway are very large高等级公路跨越的地域非常广阔。 19.If the building can cross thread bounds , use如果构建过程会跨越多个线程,则使用20.The career of henri dropsy spans six decades亨利-道普西的职业生涯跨越了60年。 21.Life is a bridge of sighs across the flood of tears生活是跨越泪河的叹息之桥。 22.In and out of the silver screen - between the script and role跨越文本和角色的边界23.You can ' t share programs across operating systems .不能跨越操作系统共享程序。 24.Sql statements can be on one or more linesSql语句可以只占一行也可以跨越多行25.Transactions can also span multiple data resources事务还可以跨越多个数据资源。 26.On the cross over type development problem at present当前跨越式发展问题探讨举要27.Cultural interpretation and transcendence of vytgosky维果茨基的文化解读与跨越28.Bridging the divide : a vision for peace in east asia跨越对立:东亚和平的新愿景29.Do not swing out to the right when making the turn转弯时,切勿让车身跨越右。 30.A key task to enrich the farmers and develop guangxi富民兴桂新跨越的重大课题31.Now , we are under global threat from avian flu但是我们都一一经历过了跨越过了。 32.For a kid to cross moving cars without a grown - up儿童必须有大人陪伴才能跨越车厢33.Life is a bridge of sighs across a flood of tears生活是跨越泪河的叹息之桥。 34.Building bilingual bi - continental e - learning courses跨越太平洋的双语电子学习课程35.Reference passing across process and host boundaries跨越进程和主机边界传递的引用36.New ways for industrilization and striding development新兴工业化道路与跨越式发展37.Thoughts on china forestry development in a spanning way生产力跨越式发展理论综述38.Cells within the table can also span multiple columns表中的单元也可以跨越多列。 39.Terry went on a special trip across canada特里踏上了跨越加拿大的特殊旅途。 40.Tourism is most suitable to this kind of mode旅游业最具备实现跨越式发展的条件。 41.News of china space and space package走自主创新之路实现中国航天事业跨越发展42.How agriculture products to deal with environmental barries跨越绿色贸易壁垒43.Partial definitions cannot span multiple modules分部定义不能跨越多个模块。 44.Realize to social great - leap - forward development对社会跨越式发展的认识45.Cross quality gap , practice hospital accreditation跨越质量裂痕实施医院评价46.Control expands horizontally to span all five columns控件水平扩展以跨越所有五列。 47.A trycatch construct cannot span multiple batchesTrycatch构造不能跨越多个批处理。 48.On the skipping development of dongguan new zone加强职工队伍建设促进铁路跨越式发展49.On leap - frogging development of china logistics industry刍议我国物流业的跨越式发展50.Historic stride over the world double 500 excellent向世界双500强的历史跨越跨越有多种百度定义。跨过:越过某个界限或障碍;张永岳等主编一部名为《跨越》的图书,是一本供房地产企业管理者学习如何应对金融危机,进而带领自己的企业成功跨越金融危机的案头用书;《跨越》是应城市人口计生局主编的人口与计划生育摄影图集,本画册分别从领导关怀、宣传教育、依法行政、优质服务、利益导向、综合治理等方面,精心撷取历史画面,从不同侧面集中展现30年来应城市人口计生工作取得的辉煌成就。该书于2012年10月由中国文化出版社正式出版。kuàyuè1. 超越地区和时间的界限。2. 超过;胜过。南朝 宋谢灵运《山居赋》“ 南山 则夹渠二田”自注:“从江楼步路,跨越山岭,绵亘田野。”唐 梁涉 《长竿赋》:“夫是跨越古今,标格寰宇。”安正福 《在绥南建立游击根据地》:“穿过一个戈壁,跨越 大白虎窑子山 ,顺利的到达 和林县 附近的 郭保窑子大山 。”唐韩愈《答刘秀才论史书》:“ 唐 有天下二百年矣,圣君贤相相踵,其馀文武之士,立功名跨越前后者,不可胜数。”宋 蔡绦 《铁围山丛谈》卷四:“圣朝郊庙礼乐,一旦遂复古,跨越先代。”清薛福成《&寄龛文存&序》:“故其为文,气清体闲,不名一家,足与 方 姚 诸公并峙,其尤C然者,几欲跨越前辈。”1、stride across2、go beyond“跨越”相近或相关的词语跨年度跨国银行跨骑跨班跨屋跨辗跨N跨带跨业跨者不行跨蹑跨刀跨党跨籍跨院跨进跨灶跨边跨虎跨略跨马跨掩跨院儿跨学科跨跞跨缝跨栏赛跑跨虹跨鹤维扬跨下越王余算私越屑越横越越诉越越吟窜越越鸟幽越越吴跨州越郡越障逾墙越舍诸越绕越荒越轻越秦越越野扬越越梅凉嬖骄代越庖俎颠越越践越乡勾越乖越南越


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