teatro marlaeddie guerreroo sala de la prlncesa是什么意思

ISSUU - Cartelera de la Secretaría de Cultura de Morelos. Abril de 2014. by Secretaría de Cultura
Cartelera de la Secretaría de Cultura de Morelos. Abril de 2014.
Cartelera de la Secretaría de Cultura de Morelos. Abril de 2014.
Publicación mensual de la Secretaría de Cultura de Morelos dedicada a difundir las actividades artísticas y culturales que se llevan a cabo en la entidad.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Facade of the theater
The Teatro de la Ciudad (Theater of the City) was built as the "Teatro Esperanza Iris" (Esperanza Iris Theatre) in 1918 and is now one of ’s public venues for cultural events. The theater is located in the
on Donceles Street 36.
The current theater building was constructed in 1918, on the site of the prior Teatro Xicoténcatl. It was originally named after diva . Iris, born María Esperanza Bonfil, was an
singer from the state of
active in the early 20th century. Her career was most successful in Mexico City,
and , but she toured extensively in the Americas. Some of her best known works are La viuda alegre, El conde de Luxemburgo and La princesa del dólar. She also acted in a number of films in the 1930s.
The theatre was partially funded by Iris, from earnings from a recent tour. The architects were
who based the work on the
opera house in , . The theatre was opened on 25 May 1918, two days after the Mexican singer returned from . The event was attended by President
and his cabinet. The opening work was a staging of the play La Duquesa del Bal-Tabarín and Iris herself sand some of the musical numbers. After its opening, it was the most important cultural venue in the city, until the long-postponed opening of the
in the 1930s. Despite the , Iris manage to attract a number of international stars to the theatre, including
Iris lived in the foyer of the building for some time during her life and had her own private box for viewing productions in which she was not a part. However, by the time Iris died in 1962, the theater was practically abandoned. In 1976, the theater became the property of the city to use for the promotion of cultural events, changing the name to the Teatro de la Ciudad.
Initial efforts to remodel the theater led to a fire caused by an electrical spark. This fire destroyed a large portion of the building, and it was completely shut down until restoration work was reinitiated in 1999. This work continued until 2002. The infrastructure was reinforced. All of the decorated elements such as columns, sculptures, facade and main stage were either replaced or extensively remodeled. In addition, technical aspects of the theatre were modernized and some acoustic problems were remedied.
In 2008, the city returned the name of Esperanza Iris to the theater’s name and added a space for cabaret productions as well. Today, the theater hosts concerts and presentation by individual artists and groups from Mexico and other countries. Some of these include Pablo Milanés, Ballet Nacional de Cuba, Betsy Pecdanins, Lila Downs and Alberto Cortez. In May 2010, the theater’s 92nd anniversary was celebrated with Mexico’s traditional birthday song, "", music by the Barandela Big Band, and members of the theatrical community and the public. The celebration was also part of the .
(in Spanish). Enkidu magazine 2010.
(in Spanish). Mexico City: Secretaria de Cultura Ciudad de Mexico 2010.
. Biografías y vidas (in Spanish). Mexico 2010.
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