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在翻译方法上,如果采用直译能准确表达原文意思应尽可能采用直译;如果直译不能再现原来谚语的丰富内涵,就可采用意译、对等翻译、直译和意译相结合等翻译方法,这样才能较完整地保留原文的神韵,使译文形象生动。 下面简单介绍一下英语谚语的翻译方法: (一)、直译法 所谓直译法就是指在不违背译文语言规范以及不引起错误联想的条件下,在译文中保留英语谚语的比喻形象和民族、地方色彩的方法。采用直译的谚语多半是英语和汉语在谚语的比喻和形象方面基本相同的部分,或者是直译后一目了然,不至于产生误解的。[16]如:Pactice makes perfect(熟能生巧); Walls have ears(隔墙有耳); New-born calves make little of tigers(初生牛犊不怕虎);A fire on city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat(城门失火,殃及池鱼)。[17] (二)、 意译法 有些英谚的表达方式因含有英语语言国家所特有的历史典故或文化背景,如果直译,则译文可能会牵强附会,也不易为中国读者所理解。因此在通常情况下舍弃原语的表达形式,采用意译,则可避免在某些情况下因直译而引起的拖泥带水,造成误解等弊病。例如,Achilles’s heel若直译为“阿克勒斯的脚后跟”并不能让大多数人理解,而译出它的隐含意义“唯一致命弱点”更恰当。[18]这样的例子还有: 1)In fair weather prepare for the foul.如译成“晴天要防阴天”,不如译成“有备无患”或“居安思危”或“未雨绸缪”。 2)Murder will out.如译成“谋杀终必败露”,不如译成“纸包不住火”。 3)When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.如译成“希腊人相遇希腊人,定有一场好斗”,不如译为“两雄相争,其斗必烈”。 4)Every man has a fool in his sleeve.如译成“人人袖子里都装着个傻瓜”,不如译为“人人都有糊涂的时候”。[19] (三)、对等翻译 谚语是群众长期以来对社会现象和自然现象的规律以及生产生活经验的科学总结。英美国家人民和中国人民之间存在相似的经验和阅历,对世界的认识在不少方面也是相似的,这使两个民族的谚语具有很大的相似性。有些英语谚语和汉语谚语在内容上不谋而合,具有相同的内涵,运用或大体相同的形象,或大体相同的比喻和修辞来阐述相同的道理,在这种情况下,运用同义的汉语谚语来翻译英语谚语“一方面可使译文更加通顺,另一方面更容易为译文读者理解和接受。”(冯庆华,)如: 1)Diamond cut diamond(棋逢对手); 2)Two can play the game(孤掌难鸣); 3)To fish in troubled waters(浑水摸鱼); 4)Like father,like son(有其父必有其子)。[20] (四)、直译和意译的结合 有时在翻译一些英语谚语时,单纯的直译使读者不能理解其含义,而意译也不能确切地表达原来谚语的含义。这时可采用直译、意译相结合的方法进行翻译,以弥补直译难达意,意译难传神的不足。译文可直译其字面意义,再点出隐含意义,使译文形象生动,以期收到画龙点睛的效果。[21]例如: 1) Cut your coat according to your cloth(量布裁衣,量入为出); 2)Even Homer sometimes nods(荷马也有瞌睡时,智者千虑,必有一失); 3)If I have lost the ring, yet the fingers are still there(戒指虽丢失,手指仍然在;留得青山在,不怕没柴烧)。
In translation methods, if the literal can accurately express means should be adopted literal translation, If the literal cannot reproduce the rich connotation, original proverb translation can be ado...
Following a brief English translation of the proverb: (1), literal translation method Literal translation refers to the so-called law is not inconsistent with the language norms and asked no...
Entered here in the translation of the method, if we adopt the literal meaning of the original text can be accurately should maximize the use of should not reproduce if the litera...
Methods in the translation, if we adopt the literal meaning of the original text can be accurately should maximize the use of should not reproduce if the literal translation of th...
30分你想搞死人 啊
In translating a method, if the adoption literal translation ability accurate expression the original text meaning should adopt literal If the literal translation can't reappear o...
Methods in the translation, if we adopt the literal meaning of the original text can be accurately should maximize the use of should not reproduce if the literal translation of th...
Methods in the translation, if we adopt the literal meaning of the original text can be accurately should maximize the use of should not reproduce if the literal translation of th...
In translation methods, if the literal can accurately express means should be adopted literal translation, If the literal cannot reproduce the rich connotation, original proverb translation can be ado...
Methods in the translation, if we adopt the literal meaning of the original text can be accurately should maximize the use of should not reproduce if the literal translation of th...
Methods in the translation, if we adopt the literal meaning of the original text can be accurately should maximize the use of should not reproduce if the literal translation of th...麻烦翻译以下的面料,用日语 有英语的部分不要看它 不要用网上的翻译工具那个翻译的不对 最好一个个对照写_百度知道
麻烦翻译以下的面料,用日语 有英语的部分不要看它 不要用网上的翻译工具那个翻译的不对 最好一个个对照写
r仿麂皮 仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布 仿麂皮针织布复合 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布蜡光缎 全消光尼丝纺 半消光尼丝纺 亮光尼龙 全消光塔丝隆 全消光牛津布 尼龙格 塔丝隆格 哑富迪 全消光春亚纺 春亚纺格子 全消光涤纶桃皮绒 宽斜纹桃皮绒 涤锦复合桃皮绒 涤纶格子 涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆 全消光涤纶低弹牛津布 涤锦交织桃皮绒
里料 面料 平纹 斜纹 缎面 绡 提花 烂花 春亚纺 格子 条子 双层双色花瑶高士宝雪纺 乔其纱 塔丝隆 弹力布牛仔布细斜纹布牛津布帆布涤棉涤捻白条纺黑条纺 空齿纺水洗绒/桃皮绒卡丹绒绉绒玻璃纱充茧绸充水獭绒靛蓝青年布车肚落棉人棉布植绒长棉纺长绒棉pvc植绒针织布植绒珠粒绒倒毛平绒仿麂皮;r弹力布 t/c色织格子布 弹力仿麂皮t&#47靛蓝青年布 人棉布植绒 pvc植绒 针织布植绒 珠粒绒 倒毛 平绒 仿麂皮 牛仔皮植绒 尼丝纺 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱素面植绒 印花植绒 雕印植绒 皮革沟底植绒 牛仔植绒雕印 兔羊绒大衣呢 羊毛双面呢 立绒呢 顺毛呢 粗花呢 弹力呢 塔丝绒 塔丝绒格子 桃皮绒 涤塔夫 春亚纺 超细麦克布 锦棉稠(平纹) 重平锦棉稠 人字锦棉纺 斜纹锦棉纺 素色天鹅绒 抽条磨毛天鹅绒 雪花天鹅绒 轧花天鹅绒 粒粒绒布 麻棉混纺布 麻棉交织布 素色毛巾布 蚂蚁布 素色卫衣布鱼网布彩条汗布 t&#47
绵混纺(めんこんぼう)或:绵混织布(めんこんしょくふ) 另,英语:cotton blended fabric
Run, forrest gump is not cleverI like forrest. He was on this complex world opinion. Even so, rushing out own one world, intelligence quotient to 75;s interview, he carrying a valuable positive attitude. Unyielding efforts.we all their promi**s;t stopped him? escaped手敲不易, is his best, m**e me are wondering whether they think too much. He do, pure goodness and some truer clinging to read that he has achieved many ordinary people cannot compare achievement, it is becau** he is plain. On life, innocent and simple. When he fled from the other students constantly tea**d and becau** of astonishing speed by university and became a football star admitted abnormality by President Kennedy&#39. Attend the Vietnam war becau** of a bear comrades , but that hasn&#39
Success of Forrest Gump tells us that it is just not far away. Moreover. He also benefited from running for his s**ing comrades and even became a celebrity for crossing the continent of U, you will never be gonna find what you will get.
Above all.S: be confident with life.
Gump is best at running, his life is not merely running.Being innocent and simple to the complex world, he is positive and insists on realizing his promi**s;s tricksReview of Forrest Gump
I love Forrest Gump for his clumsiness. However. He ran at his childhood for keeping away clas**ates&#39. His IQ (only 75) doesnt effect his purity. Running for him is just a pre**tention of life and witness of moving foward all the time, this film teaches us what his mother told Gump, which finally help him achieve remarkable accomplishment, he m**es me moved and let me aoubt whather i treat the world too complicated. To life. Becau** of running, he m**es his dream come true through hard work, he was admitted by college and finally became a football supestar who was treated by President Kennedy. Life is like a box of chocolate, kindness and per**verence
Forrest gump relea**s I like forrest, forrest gump is not clever, intelligence quotient to 75, but that hasn't stopped him. Even so, it is becau** he is plain, pure goodness and some truer clinging to read that he has achieved many ordinary people cannot compare achievement. He was on this complex world opinion, innocent and simple, m**e me are wondering whether they think too much. On life, he carrying a valuable positive attitude. He do.we all their promi**s. Unyielding efforts, rushing out own one world. Run, is his best. When he fled from the other students constantly tea**d and becau** of astonishing speed by university and became a football star admitted abnormality by President Kennedy's interview. Attend the Vietnam war becau** of a bear comrade-in-arms eluded gunfire to become a hero. Finally becau** across America's running feat made him once again become a celebrity. But he has never merely run so simple. Run is just a repre**ntation of the direct-viewing manifestation, when he is in life we are going forward the best witness. Forrest gump life **veral successful, m**e us everyone can plainting, actually from our success and not far! This film will tell us is forrest gump's mother told gump as: to full of confidence of life, every day h**e different novelty.
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