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  【翻译原文】  功夫茶(Gongfu
来源: 新东方在线
06月05日 17:05
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  【翻译原文】  吉祥图案(auspicious patterns)几乎在所有节日或婚礼上都扮演着重要角色。
中国的春节、婚礼或其他节日期间,人们喜欢在房间里贴一些吉祥图案,这是表 达对幸福生活...
06月05日 17:05
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  【翻译原文】  自1983年,希望工程(Project
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英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  【翻译原文】  &月光族(the moonlight
06月05日 17:03
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  山  此次的目的地是黄山,黄山应该不用说了吧,谁说Huang Mountain的?(说出来我保证不打死你)  黄山的官方英文为 Mount Huang,亦作Huangshan。  有句名言说的好, &五岳归来...
06月05日 17:02
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  风  山上免不了大风的侵袭,不禁念道:大风起兮云飞扬,配合手脚并用全无形象的一步步移上台阶的场景,真的颇有种悲壮的赶脚~~~~(&_&)~~~~  Stop!不提那些桑心事,下面我们来看看相...
06月05日 16:55
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  雾  旅行第二天,山上大雾弥漫,能见度(visibility )极低,方圆10米即不见人影,到处都是白茫茫一片。  众所周知,雾的英文词汇是&mist &或&fog&,有雾的即 &misty /foggy &。...
06月05日 16:54
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  雨  在山上,雨倾盆泻下,被淋得透湿,突然想到那些形容雨的词句。  大雨篇  在英文中,倾盆大雨有其相对的词汇&downpour &。刚下了倾盆大雨,可表示为&We had a
06月05日 16:54
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  词的替代  重复时汉语常使用的一种语篇衔接手段,虽然英语中也用重复,但多是利用词语的重复来体现语义强调或进行语言润色。汉语以重复见长,英语则以省略见长。故而在汉译英时,可采...
06月05日 16:53
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  中国菜(Chinese cuisine)享誉世界,是世界美食的明珠,并被推崇为全球最为健康的食物。菜系(cooking
06月05日 16:50
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  【翻译原文】  我们的身体夜晚需要休息,白天需要清醒。大多数人每晚需要8到8.5个小时的睡眠才能正常运转。找到更多的时间、更好的睡眠方法可能是个挑战。科学家已经确认了80多种不同...
06月05日 16:50
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  积累常用词汇和词组  2013年12月的翻译内容涉及的多是有关中国传统文化,像:中国结 (The Chinese knot),中餐(Chinese
food),茶文化(Chinese tea)等。如果大家能够事前准备到...
06月05日 16:49
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
06月05日 16:48
英语四级翻译 英语四级考试
  完型填空在整份英语四级考试中看似比重不大,但也是至关重要的,那么对于完型,有什么解题步骤技巧呢?  做完型填空试题的一般方法、步骤  (1)细读首句、启示全文。完型填空所选短文...
11月17日 15:15
关键字:完型填空 四级考试
11月03日 12:18
关键字:大学英语四级 英语四级
大学英语四级零基础 VIP全程【2015年12月】
<a rel="nofollow" href="/alliance/clickword?userid=fffed9efcd60001&kid=ffca5cd175d&url=/product/40373_1.html#m" title="大学英语核心语法及长难句精讲试听
四级实用 o 工具
Everyone wants love,money,success and so on in life.Yet too many
people fail to achieve their goals, and nearly all of them are for the same
reason.Generally speaking,getting
what you really want out of life is just a matter of the following simple steps.
You have to decide what it is
you want the most.But do not make a list of wishes. 36 .If you’re not sure about where you want to go,you’d better think it over first and not
hurry to perform.
37 .This will be
your map for getting from“where you are now”to“where you want to go”.You know what you want,and what steps you
are going to take to get it.For example,if you want a better job,start with a skills
assessment and maybe some extra training.You’11 need to sell yourself and your skills to your new employer.
Other goals will require a bit
more thought.Some will really get you lost without a clue of how to get there. 38 .
The final step is to carry it
out. 39 .Take the steps
you outlined on your road map and keep going on all the time.If you run into some people who are against you,simply ignore them.
40 .Keep pushing.Whatever you do,do not lose heart before you
have what you desire in your hands.Never think that you
can’t turn your dream into a reality.
A.Do what you
have planned.
B.Hold a right
attitude to what you’ve achieved.
C.Never give
up the goal.
D.Try to focus
on one thing at a time.
E.Not to worry,though,books can be of great help.
F. Make an
action plan with care.
G.Form a good
habit,whatever the result may be.
Copyright ? 2011- Inc. All Rights Reserved. 17教育网站 版权所有 备案号:
(1)turn...into realities是固定句式,意为“把……变为现实”;此处是该句式的被动语态形式。
(2)take the place of是固定说法,意为“代替,取代”。
(5)how soon意为“还要多久”,符合本句及上下文大意。
(6)此处作者把housewives分为90%和10%两个部分,指“另一部分”,须用the other。
(7)moving about是move about的v. -ing形式,在此处作宾补,表示宾语it一直在做的动作,意为“在……到处活动”。
(9)turn off意为“关掉(电器)”,此处是它的被动语态形式。
(10)a useful object意为“一件有用的东西”。
(11)in one's opinion是固定说法,意为“在某人看来”。
(12)a good hand在此处意为“一个很好的助手。”
(16)would like to do(sth). 意为“想要做某事”;注意不可误选B,would rather后须接不带to的不定式。
(17)“have sb. /sth. +v. -ing形式”意为“让某人/某物一直在做某事”。
(18)be in bed意为“在睡觉”。
(19)“have sth. +过去分词”表示“请/让某人/某物做事”。
(20)a matter of choice意为“选择的问题”。
完形填空 :通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在1—25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出  
  When you read a story in English, do you read it for the story or  
for the English? This is a 1 that is not so foolish 2 it may seem. For  
I 3 that many students of English 4 far more attention to the story  
than to the English. They read and 5 and for a long time 6 remember  
the story, but do not care to study the 7 of words and 8 in it. For  
instance, they care for the memory of 9 the mystery (神秘) in the  
story is solved, but do not remember a 10 sentence in the story and  
cannot 11 what preposition is used before or after a certain 12 in  
the speech of a 13 character.  
   Of course, it is all right to read and enjoy and 14 a story, and  
so 15 as one wants to 16 the story only, one need not bother (费心)  
about the language. But the case is quite different with a 17 of  
English. I mean a student of English is different from a student of  
stories or 18 is called the general reader.  
   As you may also have 19 from the above, you ought to read very 20.  
Not only very carefully but also aloud, and that again and again 21  
you know the passage by heart and can 22 it as if it were your own.  
Positively (正面) this will teach you many 23  
negatively (负面) it will help you to avoid many errors and faults in  
expression. Incidentally I have found from 24 that intelligent  
copying is a help to 25 by heart.  
(1) A.  
(2) A. since  
(3) A.  
(4) A. give  
(5) A. like  
(6) A.  
B. forwards
(7) A. meaning  
C. difference
D. structure
(8) A. title   
B. paragraphs
C. phrases
D. sentences
(9) A. when  
(10) A. simple  
D. compound
(11) A. tell  
B. understand
C. realize
(12) A.  
D. adjective
(13) A.  
B. curious
D. certain
(15) A. short  
(16) A. read  
(17) A.  
B. teacher
(18) A. that  
C. reached
D. gathered
(20) A.  
B. carefully
(21) A. till  
(22) A. keep  
(23) A. useful  
B. important
D. necessary
D. experience
(25) A.  
B. learning
C. knowing
A Joke on a Friend
  Mark twain was a famous American writer.He wrote many famous stories
which are still popular in many countries today.Mark Twain was also famous in his day 1
a public speaker.In his speaking Mark Twain always liked 2 funny stories.He
also liked to listen to funny stories and to 3 his friends.One day one of his
friends 4 his wallet and asked him 5 his train fare for him. 
  “But I don’t have enough money to pay 6 your fare and my
fare,”Mark Twain said.
  The friend didn’t know 7 to do.He was very sad. “We can do
this.”said Mark Twain.“We can 8 the train and when the conductor comes to take
the tickets you can hide 9 my seat.”
  Later, 10 ,on the train,when the conductor came to take the
tickets,Mark Twain gave him two tickets 11 for Mark Twain and one for his
friend.Then 12 a loud voice,Mark Twain explained.
  “My friend here is a 13 strange man.When he travels on a train
he doesn’t like to sit 14 a seat.He prefers 15 on the floor under the
  Of course,everybody in the train then looked at the poor friend under
the seat and laughed at him loudly.
B.to make
C.to speak
D.to tell
A.make a joke about
B.have a joke with
C.play jokes on
D.play a trick on
B.to cost
D.to charge
D.as well as
C.a ticket
D.the one
C.to laying
D.to be lying
Nicolette Morganti’s friends can’t understand
why she joined a dating agency().
She has a good job &&&1&& &a
personal assistant with a television news agency, her own house, and a full
social life. But she, a 29-year-old woman, who has a degree in English
Literature(),is so &&&2&& &with
British &&&3&& &that she joined the English Rose dating agency to get in
touch with single American males.
“English men are usually materialistic and
have &&&4&& &imagination,” she says.
“I have &&&5&&
&years being bored by
men who never do anything &&&6&&& .”
“I’m almost 30 now and I would really love to
&&&7&& &a husband and have &&&8&&
.I’d like to live in London for six months of the year and in the
States for   9&&& &six months.”
In her search for the perfect man, Nicolette
once& &&10&& &an advertisement in a magazine for &&&11&& &people and had 400 replies.
But she says, “I only met one or two of them.& 12&& &of
the others sounded very &&13&& .”
Nicolette joined English Rose about 18 months
&&&14&& &and has met &&&15&&
She says, “I &&&16&&
&that American men are
more romantic and thoughtful than British men. I rang   17&& &in the States, and afterwards he sent me 200 dollars to &&&18&& &the
“I’ve met five so far but I’m looking for
someone very &&&19&&
. I’d like to find a caring, well-educated, non-smoking,
animal-lover with a professional job and a &&&20&&
&of adventure.”
1.A.like                            && B.being
C.as                            &&& D.with
2.A.tired                        && &&& B.bored
C.pleased                           D.angry
3.A.men                            & B.games
C.music                          && D.master
4.A.some                        & &&& B.much
C.a little                          && D.no
5.A.passed                          && B.spent
C.entered                           D.wasted
6.A.exciting                           B.moving
C.interesting                         D.living
7.A.marry to                        &&& B.accept
C.receive                           D.find
8.A.friends                          & B.work
C.a home                           D.children
9.A.another                          & B.some
C.the other                        && D.other
10.A.wrote                          & B.put
C.gave                             D.posted
11.A.single                          && B.married
C.only                             D.lonely
12.A.Most                           & B.Few
C.All                            &&& D.Some
13.A.worrying                          &&& B.encouraging
C.boring                               D.surprising
14.A.before                           B.later
C.more                              && D.ago
15.A.from                          && B.since
C.after                             D.until
16.A.expect                           B.suppose
C.know                          && D.feel
17.A.one                             B.it
C.them                              && D.him
18.A.pay to                          & B.pay
C.pay for                           D.pay
19.A.ordinary                        && B.handsome
C.special                          & D.lovely
20.A.feeling                           B.sense
C.way                             D.kind
This was one of my experiences &&&1&& .When I was in my 30s,I was working for a large
international company which had its head office in London. I was working in the
&&2& &department.
The company had a training center which was
just outside London. Different courses were held there throughout &&&3&& &and I
&&&4&& &go on one training course a year. These usually started &&&5&& &a
Sunday evening and lasted six days.
Once I was &&&6&&
&a week’s training
course with about forty &&&7&&
&sales people. I was in
the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was &&&8&& &behind the bar asked me a curious question.“I hope you don’t &&&9& &my asking,”
she said, “but I’ve been& &&&10&& &about
it all week. Have you got a sister   11&&& &Mary?” The woman’s name was June. And she used to do various
jobs at the training center’s worked in the office, she organized all the food
and drink for the center and she worked in the bar at lunch time and in the
My answer &&&12&&
&June’s question was
“Yes”,and June said,“I thought &&&13&&
.I met her last September when she was organizing a course here.” At
that time, my sister was working for &&14&& &company but in a different part of the
country. That was &&&15&&
&she came to be at the
training center.
&& &&&16&& &surprised me was how June guessed we were brother and sister.
Three things made it even more   17&&& .First, she had met my sister six months
before she met me. Second, they have about sixty new people every week at the
training center’s about one thousand five hundred people had &&&18&& &the
center in those six months. And &&&19&&
,my sister is married, so she doesn’t have the same family name as
We’re not &&&20&&& ,but I guess we must look quite like each
1. A.in work                        &&& B.out
C.at work                        &&& D.about
2. A.selling                          && B.sales
C.sale                            & D.sold
3. A.the year                        &&& B.the
C.the week                        && D.the
4. A.used to                           B.once
C.get used to                      &&& D.was
5. A.at                             &&& B.in
C.during                          & D.on
6. A.on                            &&& B.in
C.during                          & D.over
7. A.other                           & B.another
C.the other                        && D.one
8. A.hearing                         && B.waiting
C.serving                           D.seeing
9. A.matter                            B.care
C.remind of                        & D.mind
10. A.understanding                   &&& B.wondering
C.discovering                      && D.worrying
11. A.called                          & B.calling
C.calling on                      &&& D.calling
12. A.of                            && B.about
C.to                            && D.for
13. A.that                              && B.it
C.such                          && D.so
14. A.the same                       && B.a
C.another                        && D.the
15. A.where                           B.when
C.what                          && D.how
16. A.All                            & B.What
C.That                          && D.It
17. A.surprising                      &&& B.surprised
C.strange                        && D.puzzled
18. A.passed through                  &&& B.passed
C.left                             D.passed
19. A.finally                           B.at
C.at last                           D.later
20. A.friends                        &&& B.relatives
C.twins                          & D.brother
and sister
Nicolette Morganti’s friends can’t understand
why she joined a dating agency().
She has a good job &&&1&& &a
personal assistant with a television news agency, her own house, and a full
social life. But she, a 29-year-old woman, who has a degree in English
Literature(),is so &&&2&& &with
British &&&3&& &that she joined the English Rose dating agency to get in
touch with single American males.
“English men are usually materialistic and
have &&&4&& &imagination,” she says.
“I have &&&5&&
&years being bored by
men who never do anything &&&6&&& .”
“I’m almost 30 now and I would really love to
&&&7&& &a husband and have &&&8&&
.I’d like to live in London for six months of the year and in the
States for   9&&& &six months.”
In her search for the perfect man, Nicolette
once& &&10&& &an advertisement in a magazine for &&&11&& &people and had 400 replies.
But she says, “I only met one or two of them.& 12&& &of
the others sounded very &&13&& .”
Nicolette joined English Rose about 18 months
&&&14&& &and has met &&&15&&
She says, “I &&&16&&
&that American men are
more romantic and thoughtful than British men. I rang   17&& &in the States, and afterwards he sent me 200 dollars to &&&18&& &the
“I’ve met five so far but I’m looking for
someone very &&&19&&
. I’d like to find a caring, well-educated, non-smoking,
animal-lover with a professional job and a &&&20&&
&of adventure.”
1.A.like                            && B.being
C.as                            &&& D.with
2.A.tired                        && &&& B.bored
C.pleased                           D.angry
3.A.men                            & B.games
C.music                          && D.master
4.A.some                        & &&& B.much
C.a little                          && D.no
5.A.passed                          && B.spent
C.entered                           D.wasted
6.A.exciting                           B.moving
C.interesting                         D.living
7.A.marry to                        &&& B.accept
C.receive                           D.find
8.A.friends                          & B.work
C.a home                           D.children
9.A.another                          & B.some
C.the other                        && D.other
10.A.wrote                          & B.put
C.gave                             D.posted
11.A.single                          && B.married
C.only                             D.lonely
12.A.Most                           & B.Few
C.All                            &&& D.Some
13.A.worrying                          &&& B.encouraging
C.boring                               D.surprising
14.A.before                           B.later
C.more                              && D.ago
15.A.from                          && B.since
C.after                        &&&&nb   D.until
16.A.expect                           B.suppose
C.know                          && D.feel
17.A.one                             B.it
C.them                              && D.him
18.A.pay to                          & B.pay
C.pay for                           D.pay
19.A.ordinary                        && B.handsome
C.special                          & D.lovely
20.A.feeling                           B.sense
C.way                             D.kind}


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