
客户至上用心服务的英文是什么???急急急急急急急急急急急急急啊 快点知道个给我留下_百度作业帮
客户至上用心服务的英文是什么???急急急急急急急急急急急急急啊 快点知道个给我留下
客户至上用心服务的英文是什么???急急急急急急急急急急急急急啊 快点知道个给我留下
Customer first, the motives servicesCustomer first, motives servicesCustomer first,services motives
customer first service foremost
Customer first, service motives英语题 急急急急急急急 回答好的给50悬赏 快快快第二章最后一题不用写_百度作业帮
英语题 急急急急急急急 回答好的给50悬赏 快快快第二章最后一题不用写
英语题 急急急急急急急 回答好的给50悬赏 快快快第二章最后一题不用写
it is an egg
(单数用it ) 47 fruit
50 what does
51like apples
doesn't like pears 52 has milk
AD,red pants,Are these,they,CA,what do,Yes please,There is an egg。47不会。48看不清。49、Does like 肯定回答:Yes,she does.
What does have  TRAFFIC lights are crucial tools for regulating traffic flow. They are not, however, perfect. Drivers exchange the gridlock that would happen at unmanaged junctions for a pattern of stop-go movement that can still be frustrating, and which burns more fuel than a smooth passage would.  Creating such a smooth passage means adjusting a vehicle's speed so that it always arrives at the lights when they are green. That is theoretically possible, but practically hard. Roadside signs wired to traffic lights can help get the message across a couple hundred metres from a junction, but such signs are expensive, and have not been widely deployed. Margaret Martonosi and Emmanouil Koukoumidis at Princeton University, and Li-Shiuan Peh at the Massachussets Institute of Technology, however, have an idea that could make the process cheaper and more effective. Instead of a hardwired network of signs, they propose to use mobile-phone apps.  For a driver to benefit, he must load the team's software, dubbed SignalGuru, into his phone and then mount it on a special bracket attached to the inside of his car's windscreen, with the camera lens pointing forwards. SignalGuru is designed to detect traffic lights and track their status as red, amber or green. It broadcasts this information to other phones in the area that are fitted with the same software, and—if there are enough of them—the phones thus each know the status of most of the lights around town. Using this information, SignalGuru is able to calculate the traffic-light schedule for the region and suggest the speed at which a driver should travel in order to avoid running into red lights.  Tests in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where five drivers were asked to follow the same route for three hours, and in Singapore, where eight drivers were asked to follow one of two routes for 30 minutes, revealed that SignalGuru was capable of predicting traffic-light activity with an accuracy of 98.2% and 96.3% respectively, in the two cities. This was particularly impressive because in Cambridge the lights shifted, roughly half-way through the test, from their off-peak schedule to their afternoon-traffic schedule, while in Singapore lights are adaptive, using detectors embedded under the road to determine how much traffic is around and thus when a signal should change. In neither case was SignalGuru fooled.  Fuel consumption fell, too—by about 20%. SignalGuru thus reduces both frustration and fuel use, and makes commuting a slightly less horrible experience.
楼主发言:4次 发图:0张
  红绿灯是规范交通的关键工具。然而,它们并非完美。在没有红绿灯的路口,司机以停车-行进(意指欧美无红绿灯的十字路口,司机的默契是南北过一辆,东西过一辆)的交替方式通过仍然需要停车,而且这比流畅通过需要耗费更多燃料。  建立这样一种流畅通行意味着调节车辆的速度,使得其总是在绿灯时到达。这在理论上是可能的,但是实际上很难。连线于红绿灯的路牌有助于获得前方两百米处路口的信息,但是这种路牌成本昂贵,而且尚未被广泛架设。然而,普林斯顿大学的Margaret Martonosi和Emmanouil Koukoumidis以及麻省理工学院的Li-Shiuan Peh有办法使得该过程更为廉价和有效。他们提议采用手机应用软件而不是交通标识物理网络。  对于一个想要受益的司机而言,他必须把该团队的名为SignalGuru的软件下载到他的手机,然后把手机通过一个特制的护套固定在自己车子挡风玻璃的内侧,同时把手机摄像头朝向前方。SignalGuru软件的设计旨在探测红绿灯状态并追踪红灯,黄灯,或者绿灯。它把这些信息广播给该地区安装了同样软件的其它车载手机,并且——如果它们足够多的话——这些手机中的每一个就这样得到了这个城市的大多数红绿灯的状态。利用这些信息,SignalGuru软件能够计算该地区红绿灯的变化规律,并给不想遇到红灯的司机建议车速。  在麻省剑桥的测试中,五位司机被要求在三小时内沿着同向的路线行进,在新加坡的测试中,八位司机被要求在30分钟内沿着两条路线的其中之一行进,结果表明SignalGuru软件能够在这两个城市分别以98.2%和96.3%的精度预测红绿灯变化。这一结果是非常惊人的,因为在剑桥,红绿灯大体上在测试过程中自始自终是变化的,从非高峰时期模式变化到午间高峰时期模式;但在新加坡的测试中,红绿灯是通过路面下的探测器而自适应(地变化)的,这种探测器通过测定周边车流而决定何时改变信号。在这两场测试中,SignalGuru软件均表现不赖。  同时耗油量下降了——大约20%。这样,SignalGuru软件既减少了被红灯所阻,也降低了耗油量,还使驾乘感觉更好。  (无聊玩玩,仅供参考。)
  抱歉存在两个BUG:  第二句翻译有误,不是“在无红绿灯的路口……”,根据后文应该是:在未优化管理的(有红绿灯的)路口,按照传统的红灯停绿灯行的规则通行仍然会被红灯所阻……  第四段第一句有误,不是“……五位司机被要求沿着同向的路线……”,应该是:……五位司机被要求沿着同样的路线……  (希望有用,笨人QQ,不着急的中英文可以免费翻译,纯粹锻炼,别无他意。)
  @b hjm 7楼
01:13:26  我之前加入过一个群不错,不时有内幕消息,很有用,群号好像是,群名叫什么忘了  -----------------------------  那群是干嘛的啊?
  @我是笨人2012 6楼
23:41:09  抱歉存在两个BUG:  第二句翻译有误,不是“在无红绿灯的路口……”,根据后文应该是:在未优化管理的(有红绿灯的)路口,按照传统的红灯停绿灯行的规则通行仍然会被红灯所阻……  第四段第一句有误,不是“……五位司机被要求沿着同向的路线……”,应该是:……五位司机被要求沿着同样的路线……  (希望有用,笨人QQ,不着急的中英文可以免费翻译,纯粹锻炼,别无他意。)  -----------------------------  翻译的不错,谢谢
  @雄起的黄瓜 4楼
22:59:12  要使交通运行流畅意味使车辆速度配合交通灯,在绿灯时到达。这在理论上是可行的,实际中却很困难。  ------------------------  谢谢帮忙O(∩_∩)O~


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