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Dr. McDougall's Health & Medical Center
Easily understand why people are fat and sick, and how they become well by eating the “green light” foods and avoiding the “red light” ones. Please share this free picture book with your friends, family, and co-workers.Explore all the McDougall programs and find the one that’s right for you – from the life changing Live-In Program to our in-depth Advanced Study Weekend. Whether you’re a beginner or a medical professional, there’s something here for you.Travel with us to Hawaii and return from a great destination refreshed, more energetic, stronger, better informed and in most cases thinner and healthier.
Stay on top of the latest medical and nutrition-related news with blog posts
from John McDougall, MD, Jeff Novick, RD and the McDougall Program staff.
I have a granddaughter who’s 18 months old and when I go to visit her I can get down on the floor and crawl around with her… in the past I would’ve had to sit on the couch and have someone hand her to me. Cloudy Rockwell, Lost 100 Lbs.I have had no more exacerbations from my MS… I am on no medications or vitamins, except for a small dose of thyroid medication. My journey has taken me from 203 to 135 pounds. My cholesterol went from 192 mg/dl to 155 mg/dl on the McDougall Program. Deb Tasic, MS SuffererI look back on this lifestyle change as one of the most significant things I have ever done. The improvements have gone far beyond the reversal of the disease in my heart's arteries. Robert Cross, Reversed Coronary Artery Disease, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Indigestion, Kidney Stones and MoreI don’t have any limitations whatsoever.
If this was a different sort of show I’d jump up and down on my feet and show you how pain free I really am. Phyllis Heaphy, Former Sufferer of Debilitating Rheumatoid ArthritisWhole Foods gets a big benefit because our insurance costs go down…and obviously the benefit for me is that I’m getting my life back… I can’t think of anything an employer could give an employee that would be greater than that. Benjamin Eksouzian, Lost 70 Lbs. in a Year and Reversed his Diabetes through the McDougall Healthy Employee Immersion ProgramI’m now off the three blood pressure medicines that I was on, I’m now off my cholesterol medication, I’m now taking a baby aspirin and I’ve even given some thought about dropping that too, all with my doctor’s permission… It’s been an amazing transformation for me and for my wife as well. James Brown, 51, Diagnosed with High Blood Pressure when he was 21Now I’m living a healthy medicine-free life – I’m on no medicines at all, I’m healthier than I’ve ever been, and I’m completely cancer free and I’m going to stay that way. Jessica Bowen, Stage 3 Breast Cancer Survivor
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(for DVDs select "Order the Downloadable Video" version on the product detail page)Dr. McDougall’s Dietary Therapy CourseAn Online Course for Reversing Common Diseases
Everyone is invited to take this course!*
10 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits(TM)
10 CEU Credits (Nurses and other health care providers)
John McDougall, MD shares four decades of clinical experiences and a century of scientific research during these lectures. His prescription is usually curative, simple, cost-free, and side effect-free.Connecting to %s
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