
时间: 17:37:23 来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee
  以“不变应万变”,列三段式提纲  传统的三段式提纲考法,无非是提前为大家做好了列提纲这一步骤,所以即使题目给出的是一句话,这样的提纲模式仍然值得借鉴和使用。  例如:  2013年6月作文真题为基于Good habits result from resisting temptation。(良好的习惯源于拒绝诱惑。)这句话,写一篇文章。那这句话可以分出来的三段式提纲即为:  1. 简要描述因为不拒绝诱惑而导致的各种恶劣后果  2. 分析产生这些恶劣后果的原因 / 好习惯的重要性  3. 我的观点 / 我的总结  这样的三段式就是以前大家非常熟悉的现象解释型作文。  现象解释型模板举例:  In modern society,总述现象(人们因为高级皮草的诱惑,就捕猎珍稀动物;人们因为煤矿赚钱,就不顾当地居民的死活,过分开采,最后空气、水等都受到了污染;人们因为想盖更多高楼,就占用农田)。There are many different factors deciding / influencing 该现象的结果。  Among all these factors,原因一 / 因素一 play / plays a critical role. Moreover / In addition,原因二,which is also responsible for该现象。Besides,原因三。  In my opinion / As for me,我认为目前的现状将来会是什么趋势,可能带来(好的或坏的)影响。  写作过程中,句式多变化  实际上,在写作过程中,长句和短句穿插着写;不同的句式类型,灵活运用;同时,多注意适当地使用关联词。离优秀作文的步伐就近了! 下面教大家一些比较容易记牢和使用的句型:  1. It is… that… 强调句  It is + 要强调的部分 + that + 句子剩余部分  例:  毋庸置疑,人类活动危害了地球。  正常语序:The earth harmed by human activities is an undeniable fact。  强调句:It is an undeniable fact that human activities harm the Earth。  2. Only开头的倒装句  “only + 状语(从句)” 位于句首引起的倒装句;only修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句,放在句首。  例:  只有等到沙尘暴来了,人们才意识到自己犯了大错误。  正常语序:People realized they had made a big mistake only after the sand storm came。  倒装句:Only after the sand storm came did people realize they had made a big mistake。  3. 使用not… but… 句型  Treat the earth well, for it is not given to you by your parents but lent to you by your children。  善待地球,它不是你父母馈赠给你的,而是你的子孙借给你的。、  4. There be 句型  There is a large percentage of water and land polluted around us。  我们周围有很大比例的水源和土壤受到了污染。  5. so … that…句型  Human beings are so economy-oriented that they ignore the protection of the environment。  人类总是以经济为导向,以至于他们忽视了环境的保护。  除此以外,还有宾语从句、定语从句、非谓语等都可用于满足句式的丰富多样。  考场注意事项,巧妙避开失分  最后,考场上注意接下来的三点,能够尽量少失分,巧得分!  第1点,尽量字迹工整!在阅卷官每天看成百份试卷的情况下,卷面工整尤为重要,给印象分增色不少!  第2点,当自己不会的词汇、语法出现时,宁愿不写,也不要错写。因为阅卷方式是初步印象后,划分到一个档次,然后有错误再酌情扣分。  第3点就跟高考语文作文一样,开头段和每段的第一句话、最后一句话,尽量写漂亮一点,多多检查句中是否有错误!
n. 诱惑,引诱
vt. 不顾,不理,忽视
n. 环境,外界
n. 保护,防卫
adj. 不可否认的,无可辩驳的
n. 增加,附加物,加法
adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的a
分类:&& 更新:&& 来源:网友提供
  大学六级经典范文及点评  大学生自我创业已经不是一个新鲜的话题了。那么自我创业有何利,又有何弊呢?看过本文之后你就知道了。或许这对面临毕业的你还是个不小的帮助呢!  Self employment  Self employment could bring many advantages. One of the advantages of being self-employed is that the profit the business makes belongs to the owner. If the self-employed person succeeds in business, he has the chance to earn a great deal of money. The profit earned is the reward for the owner’s effort, ability and creativity. Thus, a second advantage is that a person’s intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on the earnings. A third advantage of being self-employed is that a person can control his working hours. While not all self-employed people are netpletely free, most of them have more control over this area than the salaried people.  However, being self-employed is not without problems. First, being one’s own boss places the responsibility directly on that individual shoulders. Everyone has some weaknesses in a certain aspects. These weaknesses will affect how successful a self-employed person is. Second, though the self-employed can earn considerable profits with a successful business, losses can force them out of business and sometimes, place them in debt. A third disadvantage concerns innete security. Self-employed people have no guaranteed wage. Their earnings can vary greatly, depending on business conditions. Salaried people, however, can generally count on continued earnings. In addition, salaried people often enjoy fringe benefits that mean greater peace of mind. One of these benefits may be insurance paid for by the employer that continues the employee’s salary in the event of sickness or accident while many self-employed people do not have such protection①.  [253 words]  行文点评  文章结构简单明了。第一段阐述了自我创业的3个好处。第二段分析了自我创业所存在的问题。  两段中“first, second, third”的使用,不仅使文章在句式上显得条理分明,更在内容上体现了连贯性。  好文妙译  自我创业  自我创业的好处之一是商业利润归创业者所有。如果创业者生意成功,他有可能挣很多钱。这些利润是对创业者努力、能力和创造力的回报。因此,自我创业的第二个好处是一个人的才智和能力直接反映在收入上。自我创业的第三个优势是自己做老板能够支配自己的时间。虽然不是所有的创业者都有完全的自由,但是相对于工薪族来说,他们大多数人在这方面拥有斟酌  in debt 负债  count on 指望,依靠  fringe a.附加的,额外的;边缘的 />  佳句临摹  ①【注释】in the event of sth万一;倘若  【临摹】In the event of his death Shelia will inherit the money.一旦他故去,希拉就会继承这笔钱。  思如泉涌  Something attempted, something done. 有尝试就会有收获。  Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于语言。  有些人并非特别聪明,却能得到大家的认可和支持。我们说这些人有个人魅力。个人魅力不仅源于聪明、诚实等优秀品质,还源于与他人交往时的态度和技巧。  Communicating a Sense of Personal Power  Communicating a sense of personal power netes from a belief that you can reach your goals in your own way. Powerful people give others power and encourage others to express themselves openly. You netmunicate a sense of personal power by developing these traits:  Authority  Authority is inner confidence ― a trust in your skills and abilities. It netes from the inside, from an attitude of “I can do that”. “I deserve success”.This attitude radiates outward as you assert your right, honestly ask for what you want and need, and develop a willingness to give to others and yourself.  Being self-assured  Self-assured behavior is active, direct, and honest. It netmunicates an impression of self-respect and respect for others.By being self-assured, we view our wants, needs, and rights as equal with those of others. A self-assured person wins by influencing, listening, and negotiating so that other people choose to cooperate willingly.  Accessibility  The powerful person is a master net worker. Good networking increases your visibility and gives you a valuable circle of people from whom you can give and receive support and information. Imagine yourself as the center of a wheel surrounded by spokes of contacts.  Image  You netmunicate power through your image. Do you project an image consistent with strong leadership①? Stand tall and walk proudly, remembering that you have value as a person. When you meet others, make direct contact and keep your handshake firm and friendly. Clearly state who you are and what you do.  Communication habits  Take a deep breath to project a firm voice. Avoid slang, and jargon, and vocal hesitations that can hinder effective netmunication. Use only the body movements and gestures necessary to make your point, no more. Learn how to write clearly and concisely.  [312 words]  行文点评  文章是总分结构。第一段先说明发挥你的个人魅力的信念 />  以个人魅力交流  发挥你的个人魅力来源于这样一个信念:即你可以用自己的方式实现自己的目标。有影响力的人赋予他人力量并鼓励他人公开表述自己的意见。发挥个人魅力通常体现在以下几个方面:  威信  威信是内在的信心,即坚信自己的技能和能力。它来自于内心,来自于“我能做好那件事”、“我会成功”的态度。当你维护你的权利,真诚地去寻求你的所需所想,并愿意为他人和自己做出奉献的时候,这种态度就会外露出来。  自信  自信表现为积极、直率和诚实。它表达了一种自尊和尊重他人的意愿。通过自信,我们视自己的需求和权利与他人的需要和权利是平等的。一个自信的人通过影响、倾听与讨论来赢取他人自愿的合作。  亲和力  一个有影响力的人是人际交往的大师。良好的人际交往会使你为人所知,使你周围有一个高层次的人际关系网,从他们那里你可以给予或获得支持与信息。把你自己想象成轮轴,周围由关系的辐条环绕。  形象  你可以通过你的形象来施加影响力。你想象过自己具有极强的领导能力的形象吗?站直,昂首挺胸地前进,记住,作为一个人你自身具有价值。当你与他人会面时,要直接接触,友好而有力地握手。清楚地表达你是谁,是做什么的。  交流习惯  深吸一口气,说出坚定的话语,避免使用俚语、行话,说话不要吞吞吐吐,否则会影响有效的交流。在必要时使用身体语言和手势,多则无益。要学会如何用笔头清晰而简洁地表达自己的思想感情。  斟酌  trait n. 显著的特点, 特性  authority n. 权威, 威信, 权威人士  radiate vt. 放射, 辐射, 传播  assert v. 断言, 声称  negotiate v. (与某人)商议, 谈判, 磋商,  accessibility n. 易接近, 可到达  spoke n. 辐条  slang n. 俚语  jargon n. 行话采集者退散  佳句临摹  ①【注释】be consistent with一致,相符  【临摹】What you said now is not consistent with what you said last week. 你现在说的话与你上星期说的话不相符。  思如泉涌  As a man’s heart is, so does he speak. 言为心声。  A great talker is a great liar. 最会饶舌的人也是最会说谎的人。  很多人都认为那些身处象牙塔的大学生们过得很安逸,其实不然。他们每天也要面临着很多压力:高额学费带来的经济压力,父母要求过高所带来的精神压力…  College Pressure  I see two kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic pressure, parental pressure. It is easy to look around for rebels ― to blame the colleges for charging too much money, the parents for pushing them too far. But there are no rebels, only victims.  The pressure is heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job. If I were an employer I would rather employ graduates who have this range and curiosity than those who narrowly pursued safe subjects and high grades. I know incalculable students whose inquiring minds cheer me. I like to hear the play of their ideas. I don’t know if they are getting A or C, and I don’t care. I also like them as people. The country needs them, and they will find satisfying jobs. I tell them to relax, but they can’t.  Nor can I blame them. They live in a brutal economy. Today it is not unusual for a student, even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer, to increase to 5, 000 in loans after graduation.Encouraged at netmencement to go forth into the world, he is already behind as he goes forth. How could he not feel under pressure throughout college to prepare for this day of reckoning①?  Along with economic pressure goes parental pressure. Inevitably, the two are deeply integrated.  Poor students! They are caught in one of the oldest webs of love and duty and guilt. The parents mean well: they are trying to steer their sons and daughters toward a secure future. But the sons and daughters want to major in history or classics or philosophy―subjects with no “practical” value. Where’s the payoff on the humanities? It’s not easy to persuade such loving parents that the humanities do indeed pay off. The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics are just the faculties that make creative leaders in business or almost any general field.  Luckily for me, most of them got into their field by an indirect route, to their surprise, after many roundabout ways. They can hardly conceive of a career that was not preplanned. They can hardly imagine allowing the hand of God or chance to nudge them down some unforeseen trail.  [391 words]  行文点评  本文脉络清晰。第一段第一句直接点题,提出大学生面临的两种压力:economic pressure和 parental pressure。段末“victims”一词的运用,奠定了本文的感情基调:作者对大学生担负的压力感到同情。  第二段和第三段中分析了大学生在经济上面临压力的原因。第四段是过渡段。第五段阐述了父母的压力对大学生的影响,用一个感叹句开头,具有烘托感情的效果,充分表达了作者对大学生的同情。最后一段排比句的应用从相反的方面描述,更把大学生所遭受的压力凸显出来。  好文妙译  大学生的压力  我发觉今天的大学生有两种压力:经济压力和来自父母的压力。环顾四周,你很容易发现一些叛逆者,他们指责学校收费太高,报怨父母对他们的要求过高。但他们不是叛逆者,而是受害者。  对于那些只想从大学毕业并且找到一个工作的人来说,压力是很大的。如果我是雇主,我宁愿雇佣那些有好奇心的博学之才而不是那些只选一些容易过的且能达高分的课程的学生。我认识无数学生,他们的好奇之心使我兴奋不已。我喜欢听他们阐述自己的观点。我不知道他们得的是A还是C,我不在乎这些。我也同样喜欢他们所散发出来的人性魅力。国家需要他们,他们也会找到自己满意的工作。我告诉他们要放松,但他们做不到。  但我也不能责怪他们,因为他们在残酷的经济时代。今天对一个学生来说,即使他在念书时兼职打工,在暑假全职工作,在毕业后欠下5000美元的债务也是很平常的。在毕业典礼上他们被告知即将踏入社会,而事实上,在踏入社会之际他已落后于他人了。为了面对这个清算日,他们在大学生活中怎会感受不到压力呢?  与经济压力同时存在的还有来自父母的压力,这两者不可避免地融合在一起。  可怜的学生们!他们被古老的爱、责任、负疚感所包围。父母们本意是好的,他们正把自己的儿女引向一个安全的未来。但这些孩子却想主修历史、古典文学、哲学这些没有“现实”价值的专业。学人文科学的报偿在何处呢?要说服父母相信人文科学有所报偿并不容易。由历史和古典文学所培养出来的能力正是商业及其他一般领域有创造力的领导人所必备的能力。  幸运的是,许多学生几经曲折终于到达他们自己的领域,对此他们感到吃惊。因为他们很难想象可以从事一项未经事先的事业,很难想象上帝之手或者机缘能把他们推到未曾预见到的人生轨道上来。  词汇斟酌  rebel n.反叛分子,反对者  victim n.牺牲品,受害者  curiosity n.好奇(心)  brutala.残忍的,无情的,冷酷的  netmencement n.①开始②毕业典礼,学位授予典礼  reckoning n.结算,清算  inevitably ad.不可避免地  steer vt.引导  faculty n.能力,技能,天赋  roundabout a.绕道的,绕圈子的  conceive vi.(of)构想出,设想  nudge vt.用肘轻推,推进
  佳句临摹  ①【注释】a day of reckoning 得到惩罚的日子  【临摹】You’re enjoying yourself now, but a day of reckoning will nete.别看你现在逍遥,将来会遭报应的。  思如泉涌  No sweet without sweat. 先苦后甜。  Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦就是快乐。  我们或许不能像伟人那样超凡脱俗,但可以时时借助幽默来使自己开心,使自己超脱尘世的种种烦恼。漫画就是这样的一种幽默形式。  Art and Humor  Millions of people struggle out of bed each morning, fumble into some clothes, and make their way to a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper①. They need something cheerful to remind them that the rest of the day will be less difficult than getting up. This need may be the reason that many of them turn their half-opened eyes to the netics section of the newspaper as they sip their first cups of coffee of the day.  Cartoons reflect the times and the troubles and worries of people. They give people an opportunity to laugh at themselves and at familiar situations. For example, a cartoon might say that the government of a country is responsible for the bad economy and also show the government leaders as a group of ridiculous people. Being able to use the leaders as scapegoats and to laugh at the leaders somehow makes people feel better about their situation.  Cartoons also make people laugh at their own personal worries. Young people who are not always sure of how to act can smile at their awkwardness. Old people whose grown children pay little attention to them can chuckle at their neglect and loneliness. Students who have studied too little before an examination can laugh at their anxiety. Everyone’s problems are made biggerCthanClife in the netics. Perhaps the problems seem funny because there is humor in something that is real being made unreal.  A cartoon netbines art and humor. When it is skillfully done, a simple line drawing and a few words can make people laugh. Their troubles seem less important, and they enjoy life more fully.  [276 words]  行文点评  这篇文章结构比较清晰。第一段提出观点:  漫画可以令人快乐,作者用了struggle out of bed, fumble into some clothes, 形象地展示了一个大多数读者都非常熟悉的生活场景。第二、三段从公众和个人的角度说明,漫画反映人们的时代和生活特点;每段的第一句话都是主题句(topic sentence),即每一段都在第一句提出这一段的分论点,再对其加以论证。第四段总结全文,点明文章的主题。  文中排比句的运用,比如第三段中对不同类型人的笑的描述Young people … Old people … Students …,也值得读者在写作中借鉴。  好文妙译  艺术与幽默  每天清晨,成千上万的人不情愿地起床,摸索着穿上衣服,然后喝咖啡,看早报。他们需要一些令人高兴的事情来提醒自己一天中剩余的时间将不会像起床那样难受。这就是为什么他们会在喝一天中的第一杯咖啡时将惺忪的睡眼投向报纸上的连环漫画专栏的原因。  漫画反映一个时代,也反映人们的问题和烦恼。它给了人们一个自我解嘲的机会,让人们对他们熟悉的事情发笑。例如,某幅漫画会把经济不景气归咎于一个国家的政府,但也会把政府领导人画成一群可笑的人。把领导人当成替罪羊来加以嘲讽,在某种程度上这会让人们对自己的处境感觉好一点。  漫画也使人们对个人烦恼付之一笑。年轻人不知所措时可以对困境微微一笑。被成年子女冷落的老人可以对自己被人遗忘、孤独的境地轻轻苦笑。而“平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚”的学生也可以对前的焦虑笑一笑。连环画把人们的问题夸张地表现出来。也许那些问题看上去很可笑,这是因为当真实的事物被夸大到不真实的程度时,本身就产生了幽默。  漫画结合了艺术和幽默。巧妙地画几笔简单的线条,写几句简洁的话就能让人开怀大笑。人们的烦心事看上去不再那么重要了,而人们也能够更充分地享受生活。  词汇斟酌 />  fumble v. 笨拙地做,摸索  netic n. 连环画页,连环漫画  sip v. 呷,啜  ridiculous a.荒谬的, 可笑的  scapegoat n.替罪羊  awkwardness n.笨拙, 不雅观  chuckle vi.吃吃的笑, 咯咯叫  佳句临摹  ①【解析】make one’s way (to/toward sth)向…前进  【临摹】I’ll make my way home now.我现在要回家了。  思如泉涌  It is a great art to laugh at your own misfortune. 对己之不幸付之一笑,这是一门伟大的艺术。  Art lies in concealing art. 隐而不露即艺术。  也许是很多学生梦寐以求的事情。很多家长也愿意让孩子出国去“镀金”,或丰富人生经历。但或许他们没有想到过留学在外也会面临着一些潜在的危险。  Studying Overseas  Study overseas can be the adventure of a lifetime, and the majority of these experiences are healthy and safe. But, unless some simple precautions are taken, a young person living without a parent in a foreign country can encounter cultural disorientation and real, physical dangers. While auto and motorcycle accidents are a primary cause for concern, there are a host of other factors that need to be considered①, preferably, well in advance of a student’s departure②.  There are the familiar risks of unsafe sex and illegal drugs. No different from home, you say? Traveling students and their parents often don’t realize how cultural and legal differences can enhance these “risk factors.” Simply put, what is “safe” or tolerated behavior in the United States can be interpreted quite differently in a foreign country.  In a strange place with new rules, even responsible teenagers may occasionally “lose their heads” and take chances that they wouldn’t normally take, like traveling unacnetpanied to a strange country, not telling anyone where they are, or buying or selling on the black market. As a result, young travelers can easily find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Still, college students often reason that “horror stories” about incarcerated Americans overseas “will never happen to me!” In his MP article Legal Rights of Travelers, international law expert Jeffrey R. Miller describes some of the penalties facing the errant traveler. These can be extreme by American standards.  However, safety is indeed everyone’s responsibility. The school program, the parents and the student all need to take part. Avoid potentially troublesome situations because as a foreigner you are more vulnerable. Be more cautious than at home. Here’s an obvious but critically important safety rule: Always let someone know where you are and never travel alone.  [298 words]  行文点评  文章第一段便指出,出国留学除了考虑健康和人身安全之外,还要考虑到斟酌  precaution  n.预防,防备,警惕  encounter vt.遇见,遭遇  disorientation n.迷失  interpret vt.解释,诠释  incarcerate v.将某人监禁  penalty n.触发,惩罚  errant a.为冒险而周游的  vulnerable a.易受伤害的  佳句临摹  ①【注释】a host of sb/sth 大群,众多,许多(人或事物)  【临摹】I can’t nete, for a whole host of reasons.由于种种原因,我来不了。  ②【注释】in advance of sth 预先;事前  【临摹】Galileo’s ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.伽利略的思想远远超越了他所在的那个时代。  思如泉涌  Look before you leap. 三思而后行。  When at Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。  学生上大学的目的各不相同:探索知识,充实自己;改变自身处境,谋求好的社会地位;满足父母的期望…还有人从未认真想过。  The Purpose of School  Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go to learn their own language and other languages, arithmetic, geography, geometry, history, science and all the other subjects. That is quite true, but why do they learn these things? And are these things all that they learn at school? />  We send our children to school to prepare them for the time when they will be big and will have to work for themselves. They learn their own language so that they will be able to tell others clearly what they want and what they know, and understand what others tell them. They learn foreign languages in order to be able to benefit from what people in other countries have written and said and in order to make people from other countries understand what they themselves mean. They learn arithmetic in order to be able to measure and count things in their daily life, geography in order to know something about the world around them, and history to know something about human beings they meet every day. Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life, but is that the only reason why they go to school?  No. There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school, above all①, to learn how to learn, so that, when we have left school, we can continue to learn. A man who really knows how to learn will always be successful, because whenever he has to do something new which he has never had to do before, he will rapidly teach himself how to do it in the best way. The uneducated person, on the other hand②, is either unable to do something new, or does it badly.The purpose of schools, therefore, is not just to teach languages, arithmetic, geography, etc., but teach pupils the way to learn.  [330 words]  行文点评  全文结构清晰、脉络分明。开篇点题,提出问题:为什么要上学。第二段阐述观点,指出学习每一门课程的目的,接着作者笔锋一转,用一个but提出质疑:上学的惟一理由就是把学校里学的一切在现实中应用吗?在第三段作者针对这个问题提出观点,即上学的真正目的就是学会如何学习。  本文细致地分析了接受学校的目的。文章虽短,但层层深入,说理透彻,发人深思。  好文妙译  上学的目的  你是否问过自己为什么孩子要上学?你可能会说他们上学是去学习母语和其他语言,去学习数学、地理、几何、历史、科学及其他学科。此话不假,但他们为什么要学这些?这些东西是他们在校学习的全部内容吗?  我们送孩子上学是为了让他们为自己长大后的工作做准备。学习母语是为了让他们能够明确地告诉别人自己想要什么和知道什么,并能理解别人的话。学习外语是为了从外国人的著作和言语中获益并让外国人了解自己说话的含义。学数学是为了日常计量和算数,学习地理是为了了解周围的世界,学习历史是为了了解人类,因为他们每天都会与之打交道。在学校里学的一切在他们的日常生活中都有实际应用,但这就是他们上学的惟一理由吗?  当然不是。教育不仅仅是学习事实。首先,我们上学是为了学会如何学习,这样,当我们离开学校时,我们就能继续学习。一个会学习的人总会是一个有成就的人,因为不管他何时需要做以前从未做过的事的时候,他都能很快地自己学会以最好的办法来做。相反地,一个未受过教育的人不是无法做好新事情,就是做得很糟。因此,学校存在的目的不仅仅是教授语言、数学、地理等知识,还要教给学生学习的方法。  词汇斟酌  arithmetic n.算术  geometry n.几何  prepare sb. for sth. 让某人为某事做好准备  佳句临摹  ①【注释】above all 最重要的;尤其  【临摹】He longs above all to see his family again.他尤其渴望再见到家里人。  ②【注释】on the other hand 另一方面  【临摹】I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying. 我想去参加聚会,但从另一方面来说,我应该留下来学习。  思如泉涌  Art is long, but life is short. 人生有涯,而学无涯。  What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. 儿时所学,终生难忘。  望与生俱来,人人都有。它可以催人上进,使人奋起,创造事业辉煌;也可以使人得陇望蜀,永不满足,最终陷于痛苦。如何看待,如何运用,不同人的心中有一杆不同的秤…  Appetite  One of the major pleasures in life is appetite, and one of our major duties should be to preserve it. Appetite is the keenness of living: it is one of the senses that tells you that you are still curious to exist, that you still have an edge on your longings and want to bite into the world and taste its numerous flavors and juices. By appetite, of course, I don’t mean just the desire for food, but any condition of unsatisfied desire, any burning in the blood that proves you want more than you’ve got, and that you haven’t used up your life. Wilde said he felt sorry for those who never got their heart’s desire, but sorrier still for those who did. For appetite, for me, is this state of wanting, which keeps one’s expectations alive.  I remember learning this lesson long ago as a child, when treats and indulgence were few, and when I discovered that the greatest pitch happiness was not in actually eating a toffee but in gazing at it beforehand. True, the first bite was delicious, but once the toffee was gone one was left with nothing, neither toffee nor lust. Besides, the whole toffeeness of toffees was imperceptibly diminished by the gross act of having eating it. No, the best was in wanting it, in sitting and looking at it, when one tasted an endless treasure house of flavors. So, for me, one of the keenest pleasures of appetite remains in the wanting, not the satisfaction. In wanting a peach, or a whisky, or a particular texture or sound, or to be with a particular friend, for in those condition, of course, I know that the object of desire is always at its most flawlessly perfect. For that matter, I don’t want three square meals a day ― I want one huge, delicious, orgiastic, table groaning blow out, say every four days, and then not be too sure where the next one is neting from①. A day of fasting is not for me just a device for denying oneself a pleasure, but rather a way of anticipating a rarer moment of supreme enjoyment.  [360 words]  行文点评  作者开篇点题,指出One of the major pleasures in life is appetite。进而作者给appetite下了一个定义,即对任何事物的渴望。接着用王尔德的话引出作者的观点: Appetite is the state of wanting。在第二段中,作者用I remember...讲述了自己吃太妃糖的亲身经历,描述生动形象,贴近生活,由这段经历作者引出了文章的主题――欲望最大的乐趣在于对之渴求,而非满足。  作者谈的是食欲(appetite),却又不仅仅谈对食物的热望。作者由小见大,由食欲谈及欲望(desire),及其满足(satisfaction)。文章充满智慧(wits),是一篇上佳的小品文。读者应能够体会作者刻意营造的一种轻灵跳跃(staccato)之感:No, the best was in wanting it, in sitting and looking at it(不,最重要的是对它的渴望和坐下来盯着它看的感觉)。这句话充分体现了作者有极高的驾驭语言的能力。  好文妙译  欲望  生活中一项最大的乐趣便是有个好胃口,而我们的主要职责之一便是保持这一好胃口。胃口是对生活的一种强烈的愿望,这是一种感觉,它告诉你你仍渴望着,你还有许多渴望尚待实现,还想继续生活在这世界上,品尝各种风味。所谓胃口(欲望),当然,我不仅仅指对食物的热望,而且指任何未满足的渴望的情形,任何血液的沸腾都证明了你要的不仅仅是这些,你还未好好享受人生。王尔德说他对那些从未得到满足的人表示遗憾,但对那些已经心满意足的人更感到悲哀。欲望对我来说,是一种渴求的状态,它使希望永存。  我记得懂得这一点是在很久以前,还是个孩子的时候,那时有人款待和纵酒享乐的机会很少。而我发觉最大的幸福不在于吃太妃糖,而在于吃前凝视它的那一段时间。诚然,咬第一口时味道不错,但一旦太妃糖吃完了,一切皆化为乌有,无论是太妃糖还是欲望全都没了。此外,太妃糖的味道也在大口咀嚼中毫无觉察地消失了。不,最棒的是对它的渴望和坐下来盯着它看时的感觉,仿佛置身于  美食宝库遍尝天下美味佳肴时才有的感觉。所以对我而言,欲望的最大乐趣之一在于对之渴求,而非满足感。想吃一个桃子,或喝一杯威士忌,或是期待一个特别的质感或声音,又或是渴望能和一个特别的朋友在一起,在这些情况下,我当然知道欲望的目的通常在于其无瑕疵的完美。对此,我不想过一天三顿的正常生活,而想每四天来一顿丰富可口的美味佳肴,大吃大喝一顿,接下来不知下一顿从何而来。一天的禁食对我来说并非像是被剥夺了快乐,而是期待斟酌  appetite n.①胃口,食欲②欲望  keenness n.渴望  numerous a.众多的,许多的  flavor n.①味,滋味,味道②特色,风味  indulgencen.放任  pitchn.程度,强度  beforehandad.预先,事先  lustn.渴望,欲望vi.(after, for)对…有强烈的欲望  imperceptibly ad.察觉不到地, 微细地  diminish vi.变少,变小,降低vt.减少,减小,降低  orgiastic a.狂欢的  groan vi.①呻吟,抱怨②发出呻吟的声音  fast v.禁食,斋戒  device n.手段,策略  supremea.①最高的,至上的②极度的,最重要的  佳句临摹  ①【注释】blow out 减弱;停止;熄灭  【临摹】Somebody opened the door and the candle blew out.有人打开了门,蜡烛随之被吹灭了。  思如泉涌  A sound mind is in a sound body. 健全的精神寓于健康的身体中。  All progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its innete. 世人莫不怀着一种与生俱来的欲望,要把支出超过收入,此乃一切进步的动力。  何为伟大的作品?其伟大之处在哪里?既然是伟大的作品,为何人们又望而却步、不想去读呢?本文作者就这几个问题进行了深入探讨。  Great Books Sharpen Our Minds  Great books are those that contain the best materials on which the human mind can work in order to gain insight, understanding, and wisdom. Each of them, in its own way, raises the recurrent basic questions which men must face. Because these questions are never netpletely solved, these books are the sources and monuments of a continuing intellectual tradition.  Garl Van Doren once referred to great books as “the books that never have to be written again.” They are the rare, perfect achievements of sustained excellence. Their beauty and clarity show that they are masterpieces of the fine as well as of the liberal arts. Such books are justifiably called great whether they are books of science, poetry, theology, mathematics, or politics.  The richness of great books shows itself in the many levels of meaning they contain. They lend themselves to a variety of interpretations. This does not mean they are ambiguous or that their integrity is netpromised. The different interpretations netplement one another and allow the reader to discover the unity of the work from a variety of perspectives. We need not read other books more than once to get all that they have to say. But we can always go deeper into great books. As sources of enlightenment they are inexhaustible.  The interest in many good books that are written is limited to a definite period of history. They do not exhibit the universal appeal that results from dealing with the fundamental questions which confront men in all times and places and in a way that men in all times and places can understand. Great books, on the contrary, transcend the provincial limits of their origin①. They remain as world literature. The ones we are sure are great are the ones men everywhere turn to again and again through the centuries.  [310 words]  行文点评  文章一开始先解释什么是“伟大的作品”。紧接着在第二段中引用名人对“伟大的作品”的解释,增强文章的说服力。第三段介绍伟大作品的内容丰富、涵义深刻的特点。最后一段将好书与伟大作品进行比较,得出伟大作品的另一个特点:伟大的作品没有历史的局限性。  好文妙译  伟大的作品使人头脑敏锐  伟大的作品是那些包含有最佳素材的书籍,人们可以学习这些素材以期获得洞察力、理解力和智慧。每部伟大的作品都以自己的方式提出一些生活中不断出现而且人们又必须面对的基本问题。因为这些问题从来没有被彻底解决,所以这些书成了一种持续不断的知识传统的源泉和丰碑。  卡尔•多伦曾把伟大的作品称为“永远不需要再写的书”。它们都是保持着卓越水平的罕见的完美之作。它们的显著与清晰表明它们不仅是文学作品,也是杰出名著。这样的书,不论它描述地是科学、诗词、神学、数学,还是政治方面,都无可非议地被称作是伟大的作品。  伟大作品的丰富内涵可以在其多个不同意义层次上显示出来。它们可以有多种不同的解释。这并不意味着它们表意暧昧或在完整性上有所折衷。不同的解释彼此互补,而且让读者从不同的角度发现作品的统一性。其他的书我们只要读一遍就能了解它们要说的全部。但读伟大的作品时,我们总是可以深入探究。作为思想与知识启迪的源泉,它们会永不枯竭。  有许多好书,它们的重要性只限于某一特定的历史时期。它们没有展示出那种经久不衰的吸引力,而这种吸引力来源于用各个时代各个地区的所有人都能理解的方式来讨论各时代各地区的人都要面对的根本问题。相反,伟大的作品超越了它们的时空来源的狭隘局限。它们作为世界性的文学作品保存下来。那些我们确信是伟大作品的正是那些世界各地的人们几百年来一遍又一遍地读着的书。  词汇斟酌  recurrent a.再发生的, 周期性发生的, 循环的  monument n.纪念碑,纪念物,纪念馆  justifiably ad.合理地,无可非议地 恒星英语学习网  ambiguous a.引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的  integrity n. 完整,完全,完善  netpromise vi.妥协,折中  netplement vt.补充,与…相配  inexhaustible a.无穷无尽的  transcend vt.超出,超越(经验、理性、信念等)的范围  provincial a.偏狭的  佳句临摹  ①【注释】on the contrary 与此相反,正相反  【临摹】It doesn’on the contrary, I think it’s rather beautiful. 我觉得它并不丑,恰恰相反,它挺美。  思如泉涌  A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 一本好书,相伴一生。  A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity. 蠢人装聪明,实在最可怜。  考试,作为检验教育结果的一种手段,已经存在了数千年。它简直无处不在,无时不有…  Examinations Exert a Negative  Influence on Education We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a person’s knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were. It is really extraordinary that after all these years, educationists have still failed to devise anything more efficient and reliable than examinations. For all the pious claim that examinations test what you know, it is netmon knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite. They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you nothing about a person’s true ability and aptitude.  As anxiety makers, examinations are second to none①. That is because so much depends on them. They are the mark of success or failure in our society. Your whole future may be decided in one fateful day. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of sharp netpetition where success and failure are clearly defined and measured. Can we wonder at the increasing number of drop-outs: young people who are written off as utter failures before they have even begun a career②? Can we be surprised at the suicide rate among students?  A good education should, among other things, train you to think for yourself. The examination system does anything but that. What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus, so the student is encouraged to memories. Examinations do not motivate a student to read widely, but to
they do not enable him to seek more and more knowledge, but induce cramming. The most successful candidates are not alwa they are the best trained in the technique of working under pressure.  [299 words]  行文点评  本文是一篇典型的三段章。在第一段中,作者表明了自己的观点:考试不能说明一个人真正的能力和资质。第二段阐述了把考试作为检验成功与否的标准给学生带来的负面影响。第三段从教育的目的上说明考试根本不能训练人独立思维的能力。  文章每一段都有一定的特色。开头段用的是现象描述法,先概括文章内容涉及的现状,然后引出主题。中间段的末尾处接连用两个问句,引起读者关于考试弊端的思考。结尾段则用一组排比句:“...do not... but to...;...do not...but...,”来增强气势,突出强调考试的负面影响,深化了文章的主题。  好文妙译  考试对教育的负面影响  每一个学科领域所取得的进步都可能让我们称奇,然而用于测试一个人的学识和能力的方式却仍和从前一样原始。经过这么多年,教育者们仍没能创立出一种比考试更有效、更可靠的方法,这实在是不可思议。尽管有很多人虔诚地宣称考试可以测出你掌握的知识,却仍有这样一个共识,即考试所收到的效果往往与之相悖。考试或许是一种测验记忆力的好方法,或者是让人在极端压力下快速工作的诀窍,但是它却一点儿也不能说明一个人真正的能力和才智。  考试作为“焦虑症制造者”是无人能及的。这是因为有那么多事情都依赖着考试。考试在我们的社会中是成功或失败的标志。在具有决定意义的某一天,你的一生可能就被决定了。一个孩子步入学校大门那一刻起,他便步入了一个竞争残酷的世界。在那里,成功和失败都被清晰地加以界定和衡量。辍学者的数量日渐增加――那些年轻人甚至还没有开始工作便被认为是彻底的失败者――对此,我们难道不感到惊奇吗?对学生的自杀率难道我们能无动于衷吗?  除了其他目的之外,良好的教育应该能训练人独立思维的能力。考试却根本做不到这一点。教学大纲生硬地规定了学生必须学些什么,这便鼓励了学生去死记硬背。考试不但未能激发学生去广泛地,反而限制了他们的阅读范围。它不但未能促使学生去探求斟酌  marvel vi.(at)惊叹,赞佩  pious a.虔诚的  aptitude n.(学习方面的)才能,资质,天资  drop-outn. 辍学者  suicide n.①自杀②自取灭亡  lay down 规定,制定  syllabus n.课程大纲  induce vt.引起,导致  cramming n.突击式学习;填鸭式教学  佳句临摹  ①【注释】second to none 不亚于任何人或事物  【临摹】As a dancer, he is second to none.他的舞艺无人能出其右。  ②【注释】write sb/sth off 认为某人或某事物已经失败  【临摹】He lost this match, but don’t write him off as a future champion.他输了这场比赛,但不要以为他以后当不了冠军。  思如泉涌  There are obviously two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live. 教育显然有两种:一种是教人怎样谋生,另一种是教人怎样生活。 />  A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer. 一愚发问,七智结舌。  不同的职业有不同的回报。再者,回报也分多种,有金钱,有公众的赞誉,也有自我价值的实现…  The Rewards of the Professions  The probability that any person should ever be qualified for the employment to which he is educated, is very different in different occupations. In the greater part of mechanic trades, succe but very uncertain in the liberal professions. Put your son apprentice to a shoemaker, there is little doubt of his learning to make a pair of shoes, but send him to study the law, it is at least twenty to one if ever he makes such a proficiency as it will enable him to live by the business. In a perfectly fair lottery, those who draw the prizes ought to gain all that is lost by those who draw the blanks. In a profession where twenty fail for one that succeeds, that one ought to gain all that should have been gained by the unsuccessful nineteen ones. The counselor at law, who, perhaps, at near forty years of age, begins to make something by his profession, ought to receive the retribution, not only of his own so tedious and expensive education, but of that of more than ten others who are never likely to make anything by it. How extravagant the fees of counselors at law may sometimes appear, their real retribution is never equal to this.  Those professions keep their level, however, with other occupations, and notwithstanding these discouragements, all the most generous and liberal spirits are eager to crowd into them. Two different causes contribute to renetmend them. First, the desire of the reputation which attends upon superior excel and, secondly, the natural confidence which every man has, more or less, not only in his own abilities, but in his own good fortune①.  To excel in any profession, in which but few arrive at mediocrity, is the most decisive mark of what is called genius or superior talents. The public admiration which attends upon such distinguished abilities,makes always a a greater or smaller in proportion as it is higher or lower in degree.It makes a considerable part of it in the a still greater pein poetry and philosophy it makes almost the whole.  [377 words]  行文点评  本文观点新颖,从一个独特的角度向我们阐述了职业回报的衡量标准。第一段的第一句为主题句,紧接着作者引用具体数据围绕这一主题进行论证,具有较强的说服力。在第二段中,作者用however将话题一转,顺势引出了本文要讨论的问题:不同的职业有不同的衡量回报的标准。在最后一段,作者围绕这一观点展开了充分的论证。  好文妙译  职业的回报  每个人在接受相关教育后能胜任工作的可能性,由于的不同而千差万别。就大多数技工行业而言,成功几乎十拿九稳;但文科性职业则很难预测。假设你让儿子跟鞋匠做学徒,他学会做鞋当然毫无疑问。但若送他去学,让他对这一行业驾轻就熟并借此谋生,成功率只有二十分之一。在一次非常公正的摇奖中,中彩者所赢份额应当等同于摸白票者所输之全部。某种职业,只有二十分之一的成功率,那惟一成功者所获得的应当是十九位失败者本可获得的全部。律师或许年届四十时开始在事业上小有所成,他理应得到回报,这不仅是他本人繁重昂贵的教育投入的回报,也包括另外十几位可能一事无成的同行的投入。律师的收费似乎过高,但他们真正应得的报酬却远非这个数目。  然而,有些职业同其他各行保持一致,尽管有诸多不尽如人意之处,仍有许多慷慨大度、胸襟开阔之士渴望跻身其中。可能有两个原因促成这种取向:首先是对名誉的渴望,在任何一个行业里只要表现卓越都能得到它;其次是每个人与生俱来或多或少的自信心,不仅相信自身的能力,也坚信自己能走好运。  被称为天才或才能超群者最显著的一点是在任何一种职业中都能出类拔萃,很少有平庸之辈。公众对这种杰出才能的赞誉构成他们所得回报的一部分,赞誉的高低与成就的大小相关。这种回报在医生职业中占重要部分;律师职业中或许所占比例更大;而在诗歌和哲学领域里则几乎占了全部。  词汇斟酌  mechanic n. 技工,机修工  apprentice n. 学徒,徒弟  proficiency n. 熟练,精通  lottery n. ①抽彩给奖法②碰运气的事,难于算计的事  counselor n. 顾问, 法律顾问  tedious a. 乏味的,单调的,冗长的  extravagant a. ①奢侈的,铺张的②过度的,过分的  retribution n. 报偿  notwithstanding prep.& ad. 尽管  generous a. ①慷慨的,大方的②宽厚的,宽宏大量的  mediocrity n. 平常, 平庸之才  decisive a. ①决定性的②坚定的,果断的,决断的  philosophy n. ①哲学②哲理,人生哲学,见解  佳句临摹  ①【注释】more or less 差不多,几乎  【临摹】I’ve more or less finished reading the book. 我差不多已经把这本书看完了。
  思如泉涌  As you sow, you shall mow. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。  A good dog deserves a good bone. 好狗应啃好骨头。/有功者受赏。  俗话说,声音是第二张脸。声音优美能给他人留下良好的印象。因此,我们平时学习语言时应多注重自己的语音、语调。字正腔圆、不急不缓、自然大方才能给人留下好印象。  Speaking Effective American English  On job interviews when first conversing with an individual and when addressing small or large groups, the first few seconds are critical in setting the tone for how you’ll be perceived. If she has an annoying regional accent, uses incorrect grammar, has a limited vocabulary, and if she has an irritatingly sharp piercing voice, sounds whiny or bossy or doesn’t articulate her words clearly, it’s an immediate turn-off①. This isn’t someone who you would hire or proudly introduce to your friends and business associates. This doesn’t mean that everyone should try to sound like a professional actor or broadcaster. All of us have qualities unique to our own way of speaking, our individual voiceprint as distinctive as our fingerprints. Our voice is very personal and an important part of our identity. Some natural characteristics of our voice may be very appealing.  The idea is to take the voice with which you’ve been gifted and give it the very best sound that you can. With the right type of practice, by paying attention to the quality of your voice and by knowing how to properly express yourself, you’ll almost immediately improve your opportunities in job interviews, social situations, in selling, and in running a meeting or addressing groups of people.  Let’s say it again, it all begins with the instrument, your voice. If its sound and quality is flawed and needs improvement, that’s where you start. that’s what everyone hears whether in casual conversation or in making a major speech to a large audience. Pure vowel sounds, articulation, proper breathing, expressive speaking patterns, a pleasing vocal range, naturalness, all these will make you get twice the result with half the effort.  [287 words]  行文点评  本文结构清晰,衔接自然。第一句话直接切入主题,引起读者的兴趣:你的声音决定了别人对你的印象。接下来连用两个if引导的从句从反面说明声音的重要性。进而作者笔锋一转,指出我们说话不需要像professional actor 或 broadcaster那么标准,我们的声音是个性化的,它是我们身份的重要特征。这时,读者可能会产生好奇:How to make our voice appealing?  针对这个问题,作者在第二段直接提出解决办法:要利用你声音的天赋。第一句话为全段的主题句,接下来围绕这个观点展开论述。最后一段作者用Let’s say it again进一步强调了声音的重要性,再次重申了自己的观点,深化了文章的主题。  好文妙译  说一口地道的美国英语  求职面试时,当你与他人第一次交谈时或在与少数或许多人谈话时,开始的几秒钟是重要的,因为它决定了别人对你的印象。如果她有严重的地方口音、错漏百出、词汇量有限;如果她声音刺耳,听起来像与人抱怨或发号施令或者吐字不清,就会立即引起人的反感。你不会雇用这种人或把这种人自豪地介绍给你的朋友或同事。但这并不是说每个人说起话来要像专业演员或播音员那样标准。我们每个人说话都有自己独特的方式,我们各自的声音就像我们的指纹一样独特。我们的声音是个性化的,而且它是我们身份的重要特征。我们声音的一些自然特质也许非常吸引人。  现在我们要讲的是利用你声音的天赋,尽量使其悦耳动听。只要经过适当的练习,注意你的音质,了解适当的表达方式,你就能在求职面试、社会交往、推销、组织会议或在众人前发言时立刻获得斟酌  perceive vt. 感知,感觉,察觉  annoying a. 恼人的, 讨厌的  regional accent 地方口音  irritatingly ad. 刺激地, 使愤怒地  piercing a. 刺骨的, 刺穿的  whiny a. 好发牢骚的, 嘀咕不停的  bossy a. 专横的  articulate vt. ①明确有力地表达②清晰地吐(字),清晰地发(音)  associate n. 伙伴,同事,合伙人  appealing a. 吸引人的 />  flawed a. 有瑕疵的,有缺陷的  佳句临摹  ①【注释】turn-off 厌烦或反感的人或事物  【临摹】Smelly feet are definitely a turn-off as far as I’m concerned.脚要是有味儿可真恶心,这是我的看法。  思如泉涌  Speech is silver, silence is gold. 能言是银,沉默是金。  The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones. 舌无骨却能折断骨。
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