大学英语作文范文 120词 要原创

大学英语作文 My hometown (包头)要求用英语写我自己的家乡 (包头)120字左右 要求分三段 条理清晰 思路明确 语言组织丰富_百度作业帮
大学英语作文 My hometown (包头)要求用英语写我自己的家乡 (包头)120字左右 要求分三段 条理清晰 思路明确 语言组织丰富
大学英语作文 My hometown (包头)要求用英语写我自己的家乡 (包头)120字左右 要求分三段 条理清晰 思路明确 语言组织丰富
My hometown is Baotou.It is the biggest city in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China.It is a mid-sized industrial city with a popluation of over 2.65 million.The city's Mongolian name means "place with deer",and an alternate name is "Lucheng",meaning the "Deer City".Baotou is located in the mid-north of China,so you can experience every distinct four seasons here.Temperatures often fall below−15 °C in winter and rise above 30 °C in summer.In spring times,the wind is usually very strong.And due to the aridity and elevation,the temperature can differ a lot bewteen day and night,perticuarlly in spring as well.Baotou is famous for its mines,especially the Bayan Obo.It is the greatest source of rare earth metal worldwide.Baotou is a terminus for both the Baolan Railway and the Jingbao Railway,heading for Lanzhou in the west and Beijing in the east,respectively.The city is served by two main railway stations,Baotou East Railway Station,and Baotou Railway Station.So it is very convenient to travel to other places from Baotou.
Baotou is my hometown. It is a beautiful scenery, folk customs and unique place. When I wasyoung, I like the most is in their own home in the yard to play, to call on some of the kids in the neighborh...急求大学英语作文when east meet west作文题目就是when east meet west ,120字以上。要求就是像个大学生写的= =
急求大学英语作文when east meet west作文题目就是when east meet west ,120字以上。要求就是像个大学生写的= =
急求大学英语作文when east meet west作文题目就是when east meet west ,120字以上。要求就是像个大学生写的= =
when est meet west.this is an culture-exchanging epoch,when no ester can escap from the impact of western culture. being a Chinese, what should we do to achieve the greatest benefit for our nation and race? shall we resist it , like a stubburn ostrich struggling to stick head into sand and
pretending nothing happened,or embrace it , like a young plant absurbing new fresh nutrition from the earch and landing on our feet?i personally prefer the later. any wise Chinese will agree with me. surely it is necessary and inevitable to forgo something to get new stuff.however it does not mean no good thing comes from our culture and we need to abundan them all, of course. contrarily, it is rational and reasonable to get a tradeoff between keeping our original culture and accepting new western culture. someone may have started to grumble already :"all your opinion and talking are nonsense, there is nothing we can do to accept western culture. it is too far from us, who are just some regular citizens living in a small town" .actully there is something we can do .
we can start with accepting the phenomenon of emigration and overseas students instead of soaring grievance.anyway, it is meaningless to act as a young cynic and discriminate anyone from overseas, despite of his/her nationality. If we really hope our country to become more powerful and thriving , it is a good beginning to abundon some old Chinese tradition like shouting slogans and writing english composition assignment and take new western culture like focusing on actions.本人原装,转载注明望采纳。求现写一篇大学英语作文 “我最难忘的一次考试 ”120到150词左右.一定要原创,网上查不到的,_百度作业帮
求现写一篇大学英语作文 “我最难忘的一次考试 ”120到150词左右.一定要原创,网上查不到的,
求现写一篇大学英语作文 “我最难忘的一次考试 ”120到150词左右.一定要原创,网上查不到的,
回答An unforgettable trip The day of our trip to Qinghai finally arrived.My friends and I have dreamt about this special trip since we decided to go there. It took us nearly a whole day to get Xining—the capital of Qinghai province by train.The weather in Qinghai is quite different from that in Wuxi.The weather there was cool because of the high altitude.It is also drier than in Wuxi. The next day,we went to the source of Yellow River.We also took the motorboat in the river.I thought I was moving at high speed at that time because I felt the wind was blowing strongly beside me.I heard shouts from others and I screamed with excitement as well.There were white waves where we have passed. On the second day,we went to Laji Mountain in the east of Qinghai.I saw yaks and sheep eating grass.I couldn’t stop taking photos with them.Though I felt a little sick because the altitude was getting higher and higher,but I was still happy to have a bird’s-eye view of the villages and green hills under the mountain. The food in Qinghai is also nice.The main food of local people are noodles,beef,mutton and potatoes.They seldom eat rice. Time was flying.The five-day-long trip was too short for me.I hope to visit there again.I will always remember this unforgettable trip!写一篇英语作文以The man I like most,120字左右,给50分,紧急了,可以写明星之类的,要大学英语水平,谢谢了!_百度作业帮
写一篇英语作文以The man I like most,120字左右,给50分,紧急了,可以写明星之类的,要大学英语水平,谢谢了!
写一篇英语作文以The man I like most,120字左右,给50分,紧急了,可以写明星之类的,要大学英语水平,谢谢了!
The Man I Like MostThe man I like most is Jeremy Lin (林书豪).You may think I like him because of his perfect basketball skill.However,you are wrong then.Next I will explain why I like him.Firstly,he has the morality of perseverance.He never gives up.We all know that in his basketball career,he has met a lot of difficulties and failures.He was laid off by 2 teams for 2 times and even if in Knicks,he was almost laid off.However,he never gave up his basketball career.Secondly,he has the morality of tolerence.When he was in high school,he got a lot of mock and insult from some people around him because of his height and color.However Jeremy always loves them and never hates them because of this.I think this is a very precious spirit for a person.Those are the reasons for which Jeremy is the man I like most.I believe with the power given by him,I will get over all the difficulties and be successful.纯手打的,
The man I really like is not a superstar, however, he taught me how to speak, how to walk and how to solve troubles. This is my dad, a fity-year-old man. He might not be as witty as b...。英语。。大学。英语作文。 120个字,关于绿色校园的。不要百度上搜索的,要自己写的。。。百度搜_百度知道
。英语。。大学。英语作文。 120个字,关于绿色校园的。不要百度上搜索的,要自己写的。。。百度搜
it is our responsibility and obligation, we want to use the green action to influence the people around you, our campus environment is undergoing comprehensive change.Create a green campus, build the green campus.Corresponding call to &quot, campus greening degree directly ACTS on our life environment, green campus not only the environment greening and garbage disposal problem, green is the cradle of human civilization, should improve our own culture and quality, of course, its connotation should be wider and deeper refers to a healthy and progressive attitude towards life and lifestyle, not only just want to have beautiful hardware environment, serious and lively learning atmosphere, for example.We should protect the campus environment, positive and enterprising spirit of class.Everyone is eager to have a good home.Everyone is to protect the green angel, the construction of campus environment is a problem we must face, everyone want to live in the harmonious development of man and nature environ in recent years,create a health city&quot, decides the few colour of campus lifeGreen is a precious gift we human nature


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