be much funbe suitable for sbb.

The following is a translation of a popular 2012 post on major Chinese discussion forum
that relates one Chinese man’s thoughts, findings, and advice on Chinese women dating foreign men, including the differences between Chinese and foreign men, especially when it comes to successfully picking up girls.
Due to the length of the original post, our translation has been split into four parts. Below is Part 1:
From a laowai‘s own mouth, how to get girls for just 17 yuan, China girls, please don’t earn the reputation of being “free” in laowai circles
I just came back from abroad, and I keep hearing my Chinese male compatriots in China say our Chinese girls are relatively materialistic, practical [vs. idealistic], and gold-digging, that its impossible for men without an apartment/house to get married, that one can’t find a girlfriend if they don’t spend money, that its easy to be dumped just for failing to give gifts to one’s girlfriend every holiday etc. etc. etc.
But frankly speaking, I have no serious objections to this, because I think actually all women throughout the world are materialistic. After all, who doesn’t like rich and capable men? American women are the same, European women are the same, they all favor rich men, and it’s always easy for generous men to find girlfriends.
But what left me flabbergasted was that I also know a lot of
who are fooling around in China and they tell me China has a lot of “free girls” who don’t want any money and only want to go to bed with them, who want to marry laowai even if it means paying instead of getting money [to the foreigner], and who will take even the poor, the old, the fat, the disabled, as long as they’re laowai.
For laowai in China, the success rate for getting girls is around 50-100 times higher than those of local men, and the women that our compatriots can spend thousands or tens of thousands on but can’t get laowai can get with just a cup of coffee. Many of male compatriots are extremely angry over this, so let me share the ways laowai pick up girls and the reasons they succeed easily. You guys should also find your own shortcomings, and not just blindly complain.
In addition, I want to make it clear that I am not against my fellow female students [referring to others as “fellow students” is common in casual Chinese speech] sleeping with laowai, but your sleeping [relations] should be of value, meaning, tactful, and fruitful, for example Ms.
and the . These are all women who have made achievements from sleeping with laowai, unlike some female compatriots in China, who sleep around blindly, sleeping without meaning, sleeping while paying money for it, sleeping too eagerly, sleeping with nothing to show for it, ultimately tarnishing the image of Chinese girls, leaving in laowai circles the impression of being “free”, “cheap” and “”. China is after all a big and important country, so when female compatriots sleep with those black, white, or any color laowai, you should still be mindful of your image and the consequences.
So then, why is it that Chinese girls are more easily picked up by laowai while our own compatriots have difficulties even approaching them? The reasons are plenty, but let me talk about some of the differences between laowai men and Chinese men, and everyone can improve where they are lacking and those who aren’t lacking can keep up the good work but I hope everyone can improve their ability when it comes to picking up girls. Also, I hope girls will be more careful/conscientious and don’t give foreigners the impression that Chinese girls are stupid and brainless allowing them to sneer at us.
1. The first reason is experience. With anything, practice makes perfect, and picking up girls is the same. In the West, young people start dating and losing their virginity at around 14 years old, but for many in China it is 20 years old or even later, so first the starting point is already different. Laowai have 10 more years of experience on Chinese men, and during those 10 years, laowai have already dated multiple girls, getting to know the minds and G-spots of women like the back of their hands, having experienced cohabitation, abortion, drugs, and promiscuity, whereas Chinese people during this time are still in school studying hard, warned by the teachers and parents against premature love [dating too soon].
In other words, when laowai men reach their early twenties, their experience with picking up girls, dating, and having sex are already at what Chinese men would have in their early thirties. Chinese girls are the same too, no experience at the beginning of their 20s, whereas laowai are already seasoned veterans.
So when Chinese girls develop a relationship with or go on a date with a laowai, they are already not on the same level in the first place. Then add on that, for whatsoever reason, age-gaps abound in international relationships, which leads to even greater differences in intelligence, experience, and standards. Under these circumstances, it’s very easy to be taken advantaged of and deceived.
2. Many Chinese girls don’t understand the art of sleeping, and therefore get derogatorily dubbed “easy girls” and “free girls”.
The laowai who come to fool around in China can all be described with one word, “shrewd”. The girls who fool around with laowai, many can only be described with two words, “”.
Are there fools/idiots among laowai? Yes, but those fools normally would not come to China. They all stay in their home countries. The laowai in China are one and all adept with the skill of picking up girls without having to spend money. This I’ll talk about this later in this article.
First let me tell you guys what kind of people the laowai who come to China are. Let’s not say “LOSER”, but they are a group of laowai who are all quite shrewd and materialistic. Only they would come to China. It’s like asking you to leave China, to go to Africa to make money, would you be willing to go? The average person would not be willing to go. Only those people who are adventurers, shrewd people, and really want to make money will go.
What do Chinese men value when it comes to marriage? Ordinarily the first thing is outward appearance. Height, appearance, educational level—in other words, someone they can be proud of “taking out of the house” [someone who reflects well upon them to others].
But laowai–especially the laowai in China–aren’t particular about these things. They don’t care about a girl’s appearance, nor do they care about empty things like educational level or birthplace, only caring about her practicality, that she can make money, raise children, do housework. So many laowai like girls who look strong and thick, because they can work hard and endure hardship after all. Having a life with this kind of girl would be more leisurely and less worrisome. Especially when it comes to finances, while laowai abroad don’t care, laowai in China are very calculating about that.
If you don’t believe me, just pay attention to the laowai in China around you who have married Chinese girls, and see which kinds of girls they’ve married. Basically they are all girls who are capable of making money, from rich families, or at least are financially independent.
At least the ones I know are all like this. An American guy married a Shanghai girl whose f a French guy married a girl, and this girl owns three clo a German guy married a girl, and this girl’s father has a factory in Dongguan. The other laowai, if the women they married aren’t really good at making money, then she at least are very good at doing housework, adept at doing the laundry, cooking, etc., and can be treated like female servants.
Which is to say, those girls who are relatively poor can stop dreaming of marrying those China laowai, [because] the probability is fairly low.
So many girls that fancy laowai and have been tricked, bedded, and dumped still can’t figure out the reason: I love him so much, but how come he doesn’t want me?
To be frank, it is because you don’t have money, that you’re not able to be independent enough financially, so the shrewd laowai in China will only have casual fun with you.
Chinese men are
for being too direct. Many of them even ask on their first meeting, “What’s your salary? Is your danwei [work unit, workplace] doing well?”
This very easily annoys girls, and is also very impolite.
But laowai are very shrewd. No matter how many times you and him have gone out, he will not ask about your income, but he will secretly pay attention to the caliber of your clothes and other purchases, to discern if you have a relatively high income, or if your family is rich.
Laowai in their home countries are not like this. They like playful and fun girls with whom they can hang out, chat, and sleep with, not really considering the financial aspect.
But the laowai who come to China, some are losers, which is to say they have no job, no house, not even a car, or even in debt in their own countries. Of the remainder, some are money grubbers, who came to China to start businesses and make money, so they are not willing to consider girls from poor families…
3. Laowai and Chinese men spend money on different things.
Laowai can be very poor but they still have very high consumption, even surpassing how much they earn. Chinese men usually give you the impression during the first few dates that they are stingy, not as high-class as laowai are, not wearing brand name clothes and even taking the girl to dirty and filthy small restaurants.
But the actual reason is that Chinese men save their money, saving it so they can buy you a house and car in the future, to be spent on their wives. Whereas laowai don’t save money, their monthly incomes used for eating, drinking, having fun, and picking up girls. They basically live from paycheck to paycheck.
Laowai are indeed more generous. They usually will take a girl to upscale restaurants, or if not at least a Starbucks. Many Chinese girls will very easily be attracted by this, feeling that laowai are classy, have taste, thinking if they stay with the laowai, their future life will always be like this.
But the reality is, taking you to upscale restaurants happens only before getting you into bed. This is the capital they invest. Laowai will not keep treating you to meals, because they only have so much money, which they have to spend on many other different girls. Therefore, as soon as they get you, they will start saving money with you, to invite other girls to upscale restaurants.
Some laowai treat 6 or 7 different girls to meals in a week, so don’t even think about them giving you gifts or buying a house to marry you.
Laowai in China treat all women as short-term, diversified investments. They’re not going to invest everything on you alone.
4. Laowai and Chinese guys differ in terms of online dating skills.
Many Chinese men are very
and direct, especially on the Internet. Some Chinese men see a girl dressed relatively sexy and directly ask, “Young lady, how about a one-night stand? I’m 18 centimeters long.” And the result of which is being cursed and spat on.
When it comes to hitting on girls, laowai emphasize art and skill, when actually their goal is simply to get you in bed, but they will do their best to give you a comfortable and natural impression, making sex seem like a natural progression.
When a Chinese man gets horny, he’ll say vulgar low-class things, for example: You are so sexy. Can you be my lover?
When a laowai gets horny, he’ll say lofty high-class things, even according to different situations, even though his goal is the same, such as:
The friendly approach, which is also the most often seen. A laowai will write an email saying: Hello, you look like an easygoing and cute girl. I am a French man, who just came to China. I really like China’s culture. Can we be friends? Or language exchange. You teach me Chinese, and I will teach you French.
The flattery approach. A laowai will write an email saying: Hello, the most beautiful girl in China. When I first saw you, my breath was taken away, I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was floored by your beauty. You’re simply a sexy goddess, a fairy who combines both spirit and beauty. For you, I’d be willing to do anything, I’d even kiss your feet.
These two approaches are the most often seen, and they’re also the approaches most irresistible to Chinese girls. I saw with my own eyes a laowai friend writing messages to girls on a social network, using these approaches. With girls that looked more conservative, he’d use the friendly approaching. With girls that looked more sexy and liberal, he’d use the flattery approach, fooling countless women.
Many girls upon seeing these kind of messages will immediately have a favorable impression towards the laowai, thinking the laowai is very romantic, elegant, and totally different from those vulgar Chinese guys. So they meet, have sex, and then are dumped.
More often than not, even after those girls are dumped, they still don’t understand the truth behind being dumped, thinking: Is there something about me that isn’t good enough? What did I do wrong?
The truth is, it is not you who did anything wrong, nor are you not good enough, but that it was a ruse from the very beginning. Doesn’t matter if it was the friendly type, the romantic type, the chivalrous type, or the gentleman type, most laowai make friends on social networks for the sole purpose of sex, for one-night stands, to use these girls to satisfy their physiological needs.
If you thought the laowai was enamored with you, wanted to make you his girlfriend, wanted to marry you, then you’re simply a .
5. Laowai in China are generally not willing to get married. One very important reason is simply because Chinese girls are poor, and going out means spending their [the laowai‘s] money. However, if you are from a rich family, laowai will see you differently.
The richer a laowai is, the less willing he is to get married. What kind of laowai in China are most willing to get married? Generally they are English teachers. These laowai are very poor, where they feel even rent is a heavy burden, so they hope to find a girl to split the financial burden, to pay rent together, to lessen the stress in their lives.
What I suggest is that the Chinese girls who genuinely like laowai should marry abroad [or marry to go abroad].
One of my friends said it well: Ever since China opened up, beggars have disappeared from the streets in the West.
Especially with the current economic crisis in the West, unemployed laowai who are unable to find jobs all want to come to China to make a living, and the large influx is worth our increased vigilance.
Don’t be fooled by foreign beggars, who also go around saying Chinese people are , that Chinese girls are cheap or free.
I suggest that Chinese girls be more realistic, materialistic, and smart when dating laowai.
Also, learn from those shrewd laowai. Don’t continue being a , without an end in sight.
Why do I understand
laowai attitudes, habits, and behavior patterns so well? Very simple, I have a lot of foreign friends. Among them there are also some honest and dependable people, “as rare as the hair of a phoenix and the horns of a kylin” [Chinese idiom], but the majority of the laowai in China are ultimately unreliable.
In , the original poster provides examples and conversations he’s had with his foreign friends.
features what the original poster believes are myths Chinese women have about foreign men. Part 4 translates a collection of netizen comments reacting to the overall post.
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Powered by2014新目标八年级英语上册短语与练习
作者:佚名 教案来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y k J.C om 八年级上册英语短语与练习Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?1.go on vacatio&&&&&&&&& 2.stay at home&&&&&&&&&&&& 3.go to the mountains&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4.go to the beach&&&&&&&&&& 5.visit museums&&&&&&&&& 6.go to summer camp&&&&&&&&&&&& 7.quite a few&&&&&&&&&&&&& for&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9.go out&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10.most of the time&&&&&&&&& 11.taste good&&&&&&&&&&& 12.keep doing sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 13.of course&&&&&&&&&&&&& 14.feel like&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 15.go shopping&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& the past&&&&&&&&&&& 17.walk around&&&&&&&&&&&& 18.because of&&&&&&&&&&& bowl of…&&&&&&&&&& 20.the next day&&&& 21.find out&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 22.go on&&&&&&&&&&& 23.take photos&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 24.something important&&&&&&&&&&&&& 25.jump up and down&&&&&&&&& 26.come up&&&&&&&& 27.seem+(to be)+ adj.&&&&&&&&&&&& 28. buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 29.taste + adj.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 30.look+adj.&&&&&&&&& 31.nothing…but+动词原形&&&&&&&&&& 32.arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点&&&&&&&&& 33.decide to do sth.&&&&&&&& 34.try doing sth. / try to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&& 35.forget doing sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 36.forget to do sth.&&&&&&&&& 37.enjoy doing sth.&&&&&&&&&&& 38.want to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 39.start doing sth.&&&&&& 40.stop doing sth.&&&& 41.dislike doing sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 42.keep doing sth.&&&&&&&&&&& 43.keep sth+adj.&&&&&&&&&&& 44.Why not +v.?=Why don’t you+v.?&&&&&&&&&&&从句&&&&&&&&&&&&& 46.tell sb. (not) to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&& 47.feel like +n./ sth&&&&&&&&&&& 48.have a good time=have fun 49.seem+(to be)+ adj.&&&&&&&&&&&&&
单元强化练习:一、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.We decided&&&&&&&&&&&&& (go) to the beach near our hotel. 2.I really enjoy&&&&&&&&&&&&& (walk) around the town. 3.Did you have a great time&&&&&&&&&&&& (talk) in groups? 4. ---Where did you&&&&&&&&&&&& (study) last night?& ---No, I&&&&&&&&&& (help)my mother&&&&&&&&&& (clean) the room.5.Do you feel like&&&&&&&&&&&& (drink) some orange?6. It’s very interesting&&&&&&&&&&&&& ( feed) the pets.二.单项选择。(&& )1.Our teacher often keeps us ________ classroom every day,so we must keep our classroom&&&&&& .& &&& A.clean,clean&&,cleaning&&&,clean&&& (&& )2.What bad weather it was! We decided _______  A: to go out&& B. not to go out&&& C. to not go out (&& )3.I felt _____________when I heard the __________ news. &&& A.excited B.exciting C.exciting (&& )4. Mrs Brown is nice.& Every day she tried to cook __for me during my stay in Canada.&&&&&  A. something different& B. different something& C. nothing different&&&& (& )5.The problems _______difficult _______ few students can solve them.   A. and&&&&& B. that&&&&&& C. to三.句子翻译。1.你买特别的东西了吗?Did you buy&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ?2.所有的东西尝起来真的很好吃!& Everything tasted&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& !3.因为坏天气,我们也没有看见下面的任何景色。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& the bad weather,we couldn’t see anything below.4.我为爸爸买了一些东西。I bought&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& my father.5.除了读书没什么事可做!There was&&&&&&&&&&&& much to do&&&&&&&&& read.&四、阅读 Mark Twain,the famous American writer, liked to playjokes(戏弄) on others. But once a joke was played on him. One day Mark Twain was invited (被邀请) to give a talk in a small town. At lunch he met a young man,one of his friends. The young man said that he has an uncle with him. He told Twain that his uncle never laughed or smiled,and that nobody and nothing was able to make his uncle smile orlaugh.“You bring your uncle to my talk tonight, ”said Mark Twain. “I’m sure I can make him laugh. ”That evening the young man and his uncle sat in the front. Mark Twain began to speak. He told several funny stories. This made everyone in the room laugh. But the man never even smiled. Mark Twain told more funny stories,but the old man still kept quiet. Mark Twain told his funny stories. Finally he stopped. He was tired and quite disappointed (失望的).&&& Some days later, Mark Twain told another friend of his about what had happened. “Oh,” said his friend. “I know that old man. He’s been deaf (聋) for years.”根据短文内容选出最佳的选项。& (&&& ) 21. Mark Twain liked to play jokes on______A. himself& B. others&& C. old men&&& D. Americans& (&&& ) 22. One day Mark Twain met______at lunch.&&&&&&& A. a friend&&& B. a young man’s uncle&& C. a young girl&& D. a deaf& (&&& ) 23. The young man told Mark Twain that his uncle never_______&&&&&&&&& A. spoke B. talked&& C. laughed&&&& D. ate& (&&& ) 24. The young man and his uncle sat ______that evening.&&&&&&&&&& A. at home&&&&&&&& B. near the door&&& C. at the back&&&&&&& D. in the front& (&&& ) 25. Mark Twain stopped telling stories at last because he was_______A. thirsty& B. tired& C. angry&& D. sleepy
Unit2 How often do you exercise? with housework&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.on weekends&&&&&&& often&&&&&&&&&& 4. hardly ever&&&&&&&&&&& 5.once a week&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6.twice a month&&&&&&&&&&& 7.every day&&&&&&&&&&&&& free&&&&&&& 9.go to the movies&&&&&&&& 10.use the Internet&&&&&&&&&&& 11.swing tennis&&&&&&& 13.stay up late&&&&&&&&&&& least&&&&&&&&&& 15.have dance and piano lessons&&&&&&& 16.go to bed early&&&&&&& 17.& play sports&&&&&&&&&& good for&&&&&&&&&& 19.go camping&&&&&&& 20.not…at all&&&&&&&&& 21. in one’s free time&&&&&&&&&&& 22.the most popular&&&&&&&&& 23.such as&&&&&&&&&&&& 24.old habits die hard&&&&&&&&&&& 25.go to the dentist&&&&&&& 26.more than&&&&&&&& 27. less than&&&&&&& sb. with sth.&&&&&&&&& 29.How about+n./ 30.want sb. to do sth&&&&&&&&&& 31.How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句?&&&&&&&&&& 32.spend time with sb.&&&&&&& 33.It’s+ adj.+ to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 34.ask sb. about sth.X&&&&&&& || doing sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 36. leave for…&&&&&&& 37.What’s your favorite……?&&&&&&&&&&&& 38.the best way to do sth.&&&&&&& 单元强化练习一. 选择填空。 (&& )1. Mr Wang is leaving ________ Guangzhou next week.    A. to&&& B. with&&& C. in&&& D. for (&& )2. --________ is it from your home to school? --Three miles.    A. How far&& B. How much&& C. How soon&& D. How long (&& )3. It will take the men half a year ________ the work.    A. finish&& B. finishing&& C. to finish&&& D. finishes (&& )4. I often go to work ________.&    A. ride my bike&& B. by bike&& C. by a bike&& D. on bike (&& )5. .―______do they play basketball?―Every day.  A.How soon&& B.How much&& C.How many&& D.How often 二.句子翻译。1.你多久锻炼一次?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& do you exercise?2.他周末通常做什么?What do you usually do&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ?3.晚上你通常睡几个小时?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& hours do you usually sleep at night?4.她几乎不看电视。She&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& watches TV.5.多喝牛奶对健康有好处。Drinking too much milk&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& your health.三、阅读Can dolphins(海豚) talk?Maybe they can't talk with words,but they talk with sounds.They show their feelings with sounds. Dolphins travel in a group(组).We call a group of fish a “school”.They don't study,but they travel together. Dolphins are mammals,not fish,but they swim together in a school. Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in a school. They give information. They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid.They say “welcome” when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk when they play.They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water.People can't hear these sounds because they are very,very high.Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium.People can watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don't like to be away from their school at an aquarium. They are sad and lonely. There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes they save somebody's life. Dolphin's meat is good. But people don't like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck. Many people believe this.(&&& )1.Dolphins talk with ______.&&&&&&& A.words&&&& B.sounds&& C.their hands&&& )2.Dolphins talk when they ______.&&&&&& C.listen&&&& D.kill(&&& )3.They make the most sounds ______.&&&&&& A.above water&&& B.for tapes&& C.under water&&& an aquarium(&&& )4.Dolphins like to be ______.&&&&&& an aquarium&& B.alone&&& their school&&& D.on a tape(&&& )5.Which sentence is NOT true?&&&&& A.Dolphins can save people's life.&&&& B.People like to watch dolphins.&&&&& C.Dolphins always bring bad luck.&&&& D.Dolphins can talk with sounds.Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.1.more outgoing&&&&&&&…as…&&&&&&&& 3.the singing competition&&&&&&& similar to&&&&&&&&& 5.the same as&&&&&&&& different from&&&&&&& about like a mirror&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9. the most important&&&&&&&& long as&&&&&&&&& 11.bring out&&&&&&&& 12.get better grades&&&&&&& 13.reach for&&&&&&&&&& fact&&&&&&&&& 5.make friends&&&&&&&&& 16.the other&&&&&&& 17.touch one’s heart&&&&&&&&& 18. be talented in music&&&&&&& good at…&&&&&& 20. be good with&&&&&&& 21.have fun doing sth.&&&&&&&& good at doing sth&&&&&&&&&& 23.make sb. do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 24.want to do sth&&&&&&&&&& &25.It’s+ adj.+for sb. to do sth&&&&&&&的原级+as&&&&&&& .27.not as/so…as&&&&&&& Eg:Liming is as tall as Jim.&&& Eg:Jack runs as fast as Tom.& Eg:Lily is not as/so tall as Lucy. =Lily is shorter than Lucy单元强化练习一.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Sue is______&&&&&&&& (quiet)than Ann.2.My brother is very______&&&&&&&&&& (tall).3.I have______&&&&&&&&& (many)books than you.4.The story is______&&&&&&&&& (interesting)than that one.5.Do you know any famous Chinese ______&&&&&&&&& (saying)?二.单项选择。(&& )1.Your bag is smaller than______.   A.his  & B.his's&&&&&& C.him&&&&&& D.their(&& )2.Lucy is______of the two.  A.quiet&&&& B.quietest&&&& C.quieter&&&& D.the quieter(&& )3.Thank you ______ me about this.It's very kind______you. & telling;for&&&& B.for tell;of&&&& C.for telling;of(&& )4.Li Lei's parents ______ doctors.  A.are all&&& B.are both&&& C.all are&&& D.both are(&& )5.Every day his parents make him ______ on the farm. work&&& B.working&&&&& D.works三.句子翻译。1.我比我的姐姐更外向。I’m&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& than my sister.2.我很腼腆,因此对我来说交朋友不是很容易。I’m shy so it’s not easy for me&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& friends.3.塔拉学习和蒂娜一样努力吗?Does Tara work&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Tina?4.我认为好朋友就是真的关心我。I think a good friend truly&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& me.5.朋友如书,你不需要很多,只要他们好就行。 Friends are like books.You don’t need a lot of them&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& they’re good.三、阅读&& Mr. Green is quiet and doesn’t like talking with people .He likes reading newspapers and using the Internet. He hardly ever exercises. Sometimes he watches soccer or basketball games on TV. He likes coffee very much and drinks it three times a day .&& Mr. Green is a bank clerk(职员). It’s a busy but boring job. He works with people and money every day .So he always feels tired after work. He likes to get enough rest and goes to bed early after dinner. Usually he goes to bed at 8:30 in the evening and get up at 6:30 in the morning. Mr. Green is very happy with that .But Mrs. Green isn’t ,because Mr. Green always talks in his sleep.One morning , Mr. Green sat at table and had breakfast. Mrs. Green asked him, “Why do you always talk in your sleep?” Mr. Green said, “Because I have few chances(机会)to talk in the day time.”The next morning after their children all went to school, Mrs. Green asked Mr. Green angrily , Why did you scold(责备)me in your sleep last night ? “Because I don’t have the courage (勇气)to do it when I’m awake (醒着).”&&&&&&&&&&&&&& && (&&& ) 1. Mr. Green doesn’t like _________ .&&&&&&&&&& A.talking with people&&&&&&&& B.using the Internet& &&&&&&&&&& C.reading&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.watching TV.&& (&&& ) 2. Mr. Green _________ drinks coffee..&&&&&&&&&& A.never&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.often&&&&&&&&&& C.hardly ever&& D.sometimes&& (&&& ) 3. Mr. Green works in a _________ .& &&&&&&&&&& A. shop&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.TV station&&&&&& C. bank&&&&&&& office&& (&&& ) 4. Mr. Green usually sleeps_________hours every night..&&&&&&&&&& A.ten&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.nine&&&&&&&&&&& C.eight&&&&&&& (&&& ) 5. Mrs. Green was angry with Mr. Green because_________.&&&&&&&&&&& A.he didn’t go to work&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.he didn’t talk to the night before &&&&&&&&&&& C.he didn’t take the children to school&& D.he scolded her in his sleep the night before
Unit4 What’s the best movie theater? theater&&&&&&&&&& 2. close to…&&&&&&&&&&& 3.clothes store&&&&&&&&&&&& & town&&&&&&&&& far&&&&&&&&&&&& 6.10 minutes by bus&&&&&&&&&& 7.talent show&&&&&&&&& common&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9.around the world&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10.more and more&&&&&&&&&& 11.and so on&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12.all kinds of&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& up to&&&&&&&&& 14.not everybody&&&&&&&&&& 15.make up&&&&&&&&&&& a role in…&&&&&&&&& 17.for example&&&&&&&&&& 18.take…seriously&&&&&&&&& 19.give sb. sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 20.come true&&&&&&&&& 21.Can I ask you some…?&&&&&&&&& 22.How do you like…?=(&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& )&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 23.Thanks for doing sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 24.much taller&&&&&&&&& 25.much+ adj./adv.的比较级&&&&&&&&&& sb. do sth.&&&&&&&&& a role in doing sth.&&&&&&&&& of the most popular teachers&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& of+形容词或副词的最高级+可数名词的复数&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 单元强化练习一.用所给单词的适当形式填空。&1.Thanks for&&&&&&&& (tell) me.& &2.Dumpling House is&&&&&&&&& (cheap) restaurant in the city. &3. She is good at&&&&&& (show) her talent.&4.It’s always interesting&&&&&&& (watch) people&&&&&&&& (show) their talents.&5. However,not everybody enjoys&&&&&&&& (watch) these shows.&6. The people who watch the show usually play a role in&&&&&&&& (decide) the winner.& 二.单项选择。(&& )1.The&&&&&&&& girl sings&&&&&&&&& .A.beautiful,beautiful&&&& B.beautifully,beautifully&&&& C.beautiful,beautifully&&& D.beautiffully,beautiful(&& )2.China is one of&&&&&&&& in the world.A.larger country&&&& B.larger countries&& C.the largest countries&& (&& )3.What do you&&&&&&&& this new watch?&& A.think at&&&& B.think of&&& C.think over& (&& )4.We hope life can get&&&&&&&&& .& and best&&&& B.better and better&&& C.good and good&& (&& )5.We should study hard to make our dream&&&&&&&&& .<e over&&&& B.come back&&&&&& C.come true&& (&& )6.It’s fun _________ the talent show.&&& A. watch&& B, to watch&& C, watched&& (&& )7. His dog is lost. He is_ _________ it .&&& A. looking for&&&& B. finding&&& C. finding out&&& D. looking at (&& 8.The students should take the exams__________ .A. serious&& B. seriously&& C. bad&& D. worse& (&& )9.―&&&&&&& is the book? ―Only one dollar.A.How much&&&& B.How many&&&& C.How often&&& D.How far(&& )10.Parents play a role in _________ their children.&&& A. teach&&& B. teaches&&& C. to teach&&& D. teaching 三.句子翻译。1.谢谢你告诉我。Thanks for&&&&&&&&&&& me.2.到目前为止,你认为它怎么样? How do you like it&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ?3.你家离学校有多远?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& is it from your home to school?4.才艺展示越来越受欢迎!Talent shows are getting&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& popular.5.各种各样的人都可以参加这些表演。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& people join these shows.四、阅读People like to read or listen to stories, especially children.After reading.Some children wish to be writers some day.They want to write stories or books for people to read.That’s good! It’s good to write something for people to read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they are really good writers.They should read a lot of books.Instead of watching TV and spending a lot of time playing games when they are free.There is more fun in reading.After you read some good books, you may want to look for more books to read.Before you decide to be a good writer, you should say to yourself.“I must read more and more to become better and better at writing!”(&& ) 1.What does this article mainly(主要地)tell us?&&&&&& A. Some children wish to be writers some day.&&&&&& B. It is good to write something for people to read.&&&&&& C. Reading a lot can help us&& to become good writers.&&&&&& D. Writers like to read more books for fun.(&& ) 2.Why do some children want to be writers when they grow up?&&&&&& A. Because they want to be good readers. &&&&&& B. Because they want to write stories or books for people to read.C. Because they want to find good work some day.& D. Because they want to get more money to keep a family.(&& ) 3.Which of the following is good for children to be writers? &&& A. They should do a lot of reading.B. They should watch TV in the evening.&&& C. They should have wishes only.& D. They should be good writers right now.(&& ) 4.What can reading do us if we do much of it?A. It can help us to be a good player.B. It can help us write well in the future.C. It can help make us work better.D. It can make us watch more TV at home.(&& ) 5.What do we know from the article?&&&& A. All children like to be writers.B. People like to read for children.&&&& C. All writers are children.&& D. Children need to read more to be writers.&Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?1.hink of&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.learn from&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3.find out&&&&&&&&&&&&& & show&&&&&&&&&&& show&&&&&&&&&&&& 6.& soap opera&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 7.go on&&&&&&&&&&&& a movie&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9.a pair of&&&&&&&&&&& 10.try one’s best&&&&&&&&&& famous as&&&&&&&&&&&& 12.have a discussion about&&&&&&&&&& 13. one day&&&&&&&&&&&&& 14.such as&&&&&&&&&&& 15.dress up&&&&&&&&&&&& &16.take sb’s place&&&&&&&&&&&&& a good job&&&&&&&&&& 18.something enjoyable&&&&&&&&&&& 19.interesting information&&&&&&&& of……&&&&&&&&&&& 21. look like&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 22.around the world&&&&&&&&& 23. a symbol of……&&&&&&&& 24.let sb. do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&& 25.plan to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&& 26.hope to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&& 27.happen to do sth.&&&&&&&&& 28.expect to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 29.How about doing…?&&&&&&&& ready to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 31.try one’s best to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&& 单元强化练习一.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Would you mind&&&&&& (open) the window?2.Did you watch&&&&&&& (sport) show on TV yesterday?3.Where do you plan&&&&& (go) this Sunday?4.Do you want&&&&&& (watch) the news? 5.I hope&&&&&&& (watch) the action movie one day.6.I think Xi Yangyang is as&&&&&&&& (famous) as Mikey Mouse.二.选择填空(&& )1.we should&&&&&&&& Lei Feng.&&&& A.learn from&&&& B.learn with&&&& C.learn to&&& D.learn after(&& )2.They are trying&&&&&&& what is going on around the world.&&&& A.look for&&& look for&&& find out&& D.find out(&& )3.&&&&&&& November 18,1978,Mickey became famous.&&&& A.In&&&& B.At&&&&& C.On&&&&& D.Of(&& )4.Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon&&&&&&&& sound and music.&&&&& A.and&&& B.with&&& D.of (&& )5.We should eat many fruits&&&&&&&& apples and oranges.&&&&& A.for example&&&& B.such as&&&& as&&& D.such like(&& )6.There isn’t&&&&&&&&& in today’s newspaper.&&&&& A.something new&&&&& something&&&&& C.anything new&&&&&& anything(&& )7.At the party,Lucy&&&&&&&& like a Mickey Mouse to make us&&&&&&& .&&&& A.dressed up, laugh&&&& B.dressed up,to laugh&&&& C.dressed on,laugh&&&&& D.dressed on,to laugh(&& )8.The actors&&&&&&&& in the movie.&&&& A.was good&&&& B.did a good job&& C.did good&&& D.played good(&& )9. Mulan is&&&&&& exciting movie. It comes from&&&&& old Chinese story.&&&&&,an&&& B.a,an&&&&,a&&& D.a,a(&& )10.―What do you&&&&&&& the movie? &―It is very educational.&&&&& A.think of&&&&& of&&& D.think三.句子翻译。 1.我不介意访谈节目。I&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& talk shows.2.我希望有一天成为一名电视记者。I&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& a TV reporter one day.3.你认为谈话节目怎么样?What do you&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& talk shows?4.今晚你打算看什么? What do you&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& watch tonight?5.我希望了解世界各地发生的事。I hope to&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& what’s going on around the world?四、阅读& Most children like watching TV. It's very interesting. By watching TV they can see and learn a lot to open their minds, too. They learn newer and better ways of doing things. Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening. They are always busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late. They can' t have a good rest. How about you, my young friend?( )1. A few children go to bed late because they ______ &&&& A. are busy with their lessons& B. do their homework C. watch TV D. listen to the radio( )2. Children can't see anything ______ &&& A. in the radio&&& B. on the radio&&& C. on TV&&& D. by watching TV( )3. TV helps to open Childers's ______ &&& A. eyes and minds&& B. minds&&& C. eyes or minds&& D. eyes( ) 4. Why do many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening?Because ______ && A. TV is not good&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. they don't like watching TV && C. they have more free time&&&&&&& D. they want to play football( )5. Children can study better and more easily on TV because ______&& A. they like to watch TV&&&&&&&& B: they can hear at the same time&& C. they can watch at the same time && D. they can hear and watch at the same time to open their minds, too.& &&&&&&&&&&& Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.
1.grow up&&&&&&&&&&& 2.every day&&&&&&&& sure about&&&&&&&&&&& 4. make sure&&&&&&&& 5.send…to…&&&&&&&&&&& able to&&&&&&&&&& 7.the meaning of……&&&&&&&&&&& 8.different kinds of&&&&&&&& 9.write down&&&&&&&&&& 10. have to do with&&&&&&&&&&&& 11.take up&&&&&&&& 12.hardly ever&&&&&&&&&&&& 13.too…to…&&&&&&&& 14.practice doing&&&&&&&&&&& 15. be going to+动词原形&&&&&&&&&&&& 16.keep on doing sth.&&&&&&&& 17.earn to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18.finish doing sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 19.promise to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& sb. to do sth.&&&&&&&&&& 21.remember to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 22.agree to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&& to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 24.want to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 单元强化练习一.单项选择。(&& )1.He’s going to _____ an engineer when he _____ up.  A.grow&& B.grows&& C.grow&& D.grows(&& )2.An _____ must take _____ lessons.  A.act&& B.acting&& D.act(&& )3. I’m going to travel _____.   A.a place interesting&&&&&& B.a interesting place&   C.somewhere interesting&& D.interesting somewhere(&& )4. That sounds _____. good&& a good plan&& C.likes good&& D.likes a good plan(&& )5. Mr Brown is an actor. And he finds a ___ job ___ a teacher in our school.  A.part-as&& B.part-for&& C.full-as&& D.full-for(&& )6.--What is your New Year’s _____ ?--I’m going to study a lot.  A.exercise&& B.resolution&& C.job&& D.subject二.句子翻译。1.她想成为一名篮球员。 She _____&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& a basketball player.2.我将做我想做的事。 I’m going to _____ _____ I want to do.3.他们打算搬到某个有趣的地方。 They are going to&&&&&&&&&& somewhere4.我想成为一名时装杂志的记者。I want to be a _____&&&&&&&&& for a fashion magazine.5.许多决心与自我提高有关。 Many resolutions&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& with self-improvement.Unit7 Will people have robots?1.on computer&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.on paper&&&&&&&&&&& time&&&&&&&& to do 200 years old&&&&&&&&&&&&& danger&&&&&&&&&&& 6.on the earth&&&&&&&&&&&&&& a part in sth.&&&&&&&&&&& 8. space station&&&& 9.look for&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10computer programmer&&&&&&&&&&&& the future&&&&&&&&&&&& 12.hundreds of&&&&&&&&&& 13.the same…as…&&&&&&&&&&&&& 14.over and over again&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 15.get bored&&&&&&&&&& 16.wake up&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 17. fall down&&&&&&&&&& 18.will+动词原形&&&&&&&&&&& 19.fewer/more+可数名词复数&&&&&&&&&&&&& …20.less/more+不可数名词&&&&&&&&&& 21.have to do sth.&&&&&&&&&& 23.such a cute cat&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 24 such + 名词&&&&&&&&&&&& 22.agree with sb.&&&&&&&&&& a part in doing sth.&&&&&&&&& 25.There will be more pollution in the futhure&&&&&&&&&& 26.There will be + 主语+其他&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 26.There is/are +sb./sth.+doing sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 27.make sb. do sth.&&&&&&&&&&& sb. with sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 29.try to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&& 30.It’s+ adj.+for sb. to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&& 单元强化练习二.单项选择。 (&& )1. ―What would you like to drink, girls?―&&&&&&&&& ,please.A. Two cup of tea&&&& B. Two cups of teas& C. Two cups of tea&&& D. Two cup of teas(&& )2. I also like some ______ and ______. A. chicken&&&&& B. chicken& C. chickenns&&& D. chickens (&& )3. Let’s __________ fruit salad.A.make&&&&& make&&& C.makes& D.making(&& )4. Father is sleeping .Will you ____the radio a little?A. turn on& B. turn off&& C. turn up&& D. turn down(&& )5.Please&&&&&&&&&& hot water into blender.A. cut&& B.mix&& C. pour&& D. carry(&& )6.―Tom, It’s too dark in the classroom. Please _____the light. ---OK!A. turn on&&&& B. turn up&&&& C. turn down&&&& D. turn off(&& )7.―Look ! The piece of meat is too large,let’s cut __________.A.them up&&&& up&&&& C.up them&& D.up it(&& )8.―How ______yogurt would you like to make a salad? ---COnly one teaspoon.A.& many&&&& B. few&&&&&&& C.& much&&&&&& D. often三.句子翻译。1.未来将会是什么样子?What will the future&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ?2.人们将会活到200岁。People will&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 200 years old.3.我认为将会有更多的污染。I think&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& more pollution.4.我想住在地球上。I want to live&&&&&&& the earth.5.有些机器人看上去像人类。Some robots will&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& humans. http&四、阅读Life in the future will be different from life today.Between then and now many changes will happen.But what will the changes be?&&& The population(人口) is growing fast.There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now. Computers will be much smaller and more useful,and there will be at least one in every home.And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then.People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports,watching TV and traveling.Traveling will be much cheaper and easier.And many more people will go to other countries for holidays. There will be changes in our food,too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people.Then there will be less room for cows and sheep,so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead,they will eat more fruits and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be different,too.Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this,many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.
(&&& )1.In the future there will be ______.& &&&&&&& A.much more fruit&&&&&&& B.fewer people&&&&&&& C.less vegetables&&&&&&& D.less people(&&& )2.Every family will have at least a ______ in the future.&&&&&&& A.robot&&& B.cow&& C.TV set&&&& )3.In the future people don't have to ______.&&&&&&& long hours& fast&& C.walk on foot&& meat(&&& )4.People may not eat ______ as much as they do today.&&&&&&&& A.fruit&&&&[ C.meat&&&& D.rice(&&& )5.One big problem in the future& is that ______.&&&&&&&& A.many people don't have to work&&&&&&&& B.many people will not be able to find work&&&&&&&& C.people have to work fast&&&&&&&& D.all the work will be done by robots&& Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake?1.milk shake&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2. turn on&&&&&&&&&&&& 3.pour…into…&&&&&&&&&& 4.a cup of yogurt&&&&&&&&&& 5. a good idea&&&&&&&&&& 6.on Saturday&&&&&&&&&&& 7.cut up&&&&&&&&&& 8.put…into…&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& more thing&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10a piece of&&&&&&&&&&& this time&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12. a few&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 13.fill… with…&&&&&&& 14.cover…with…&&&&&&&&&&& by one&&&&&&&&&&&&& 16.for a long time&&&&&&&&&& many+可数名词复数&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18.这儿有多少个苹果&&&&&&&&&& much+不可数名词&&&&&&&&&&& 20桌之上多少牛奶&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 21.want + to do sth.&&&&&&&&&& 22. It’s time (for sb.)+to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 24. forget+to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&& 23.First…Next…Then…Finally&&&&&&&&&&&& + to do sth.&&&&&&&&&& 26.need+to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 27.let sb. +do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 28.make+宾语+形容词&&&&&&&&&&&& 29.The movie makes us&&&&&&& 这部电影让我们很开心单元强化练习一.&单项选择。 (&& )1. You always have _______ questions.A. too much& B. much too&&& C. to many&& D. many too(&& )2. DDid you go to the zoo yesterday?&& ―________. A. Yes, I didn't&&& B. No, I didn't&&&& C. Yes, I was&&&&& D. No, I did (&& )3. He has ________ to tell us. A. something else B. anything else C. else something D. else anything (&& )4. -Were there any seals in the zoo?& -________. A. Yes, there weren't B. No, there weren't C. Yes, there was (&& )5. -What do you want to be ________? -An English teacher. A. in the future& B. on the future& C. in future& D. at the future(&& )6. ----I'm thirsty(口渴的).----Could you give me _______?A. something to drink&&&&& B. something to eat &&&&& C. anything to drink&&&&&& D. anything to eat(&& )7. It’s too late. Please stop&&&&&&&&&&& and go soccer&& B.playing soccer&& play soccer&&& (&& )8. I had fun _______ in the pool when I was young.A. swam&&&& B. swimming& C. swimming&& D. swim(&& )9. He watched the children________ soccer yesterday afternoon.A. to play&& B. played&&& C. play&&&& D. plays&&&&&&&&&& D. bought (&& )10. -Let's play computer games. - ________. A. It doesn't matter B. No, I don't C. That sounds really boring D. It's nothing二、句子翻译。 1.打开食物搅拌器。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& the blender.2.你怎样做香蕉奶昔?How do you&&&&&&&&&&&& banana milk shake?3.我们需要多少香蕉?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& bananas do we need?4.现在就是享受米线美味的时刻了!Now,it’s&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& enjoy the rice noodles!5.切碎三个香蕉。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& three bananas.四、阅读Birds live in trees. Squirrels(松鼠)live in trees. But did you know that some frogs(蛙)live in trees, too? The tree frog is hard to find. It can change colors. On green leaves, it stays green. On a brown branch(树枝), it turns brown. Some tree frogs can change from green to gold or blue.Tree frogs have legs and wide feet. They have sticky pads(粘性的肉趾)at the ends of their toes. These sticky toe pads keep the tree frogs from falling. Tree frogs have different colors and markings(斑点)on their skins. Their eyes are different, too. Some have green eyes, and others have bright red ones.The sound they make are different, too. One frog makes a sound like a dog barking. Another frog makes a loud noise like a snore(打鼾). There is even a frog that whistles(吹口哨)!& )1..These frogs are hard to find because ______. A. they stay in trees&&&&&& B. they can change their colorsC. they have sticky pads&& D. they make surprising sounds(& )2.If the season is spring, the colors of tree frogs is _______.A. gold&& B. brown&&&& C. green&&& D. blue(& )3.The tree frogs can stay on trees because ______.A. they have sticky pads&& B. they can change their colorsC. they are strong&&&&&&&& D. they are small(& )4.Which of the following sentences is right?A. The tree frogs have different colors and feathers(羽毛)on their skins.B. The tree frogs can’t make a loud noise like a snore.C. We can easily tell tree leaves from tree frogs.D. We may find tree frogs if we hear a sound like a snore in the forest.(& )5.The passage is mainly about ______.A. the colors of a special frog& B. the sound of a special frogC. the eyes of a special frog&&&&&&&&&&& D. a frog that is specialUnit9 Can you come to my party?1.on Saturday afternoon&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.prepare for&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3.go to the doctor&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4. have the flu&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& my parents&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6.come to the party&&&&&&&&&&& 7.another time&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8.last fall&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 9.go to the party&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10.hang out&&&&&&&&&&&&& 11.the day after tomorrow&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12. the day before yesterday&&&&&&&&&&& 13.have a piano lesson&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 14.look after&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 15.accept an invitaton&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 16.& turn down an invitation&&&&&&&&&&&&& 17.take a trip&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18. at the end of this month&&&&&&&&&&& 19.look forward to&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 20.the opening of…&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 21.reply in writing&&&&&&&&&&&&& 22.go to the concert&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 23.not…until&&&&&&&&&&&&& my friend&&&&&&&&&&&& 25.visit grandparents&&&&&&&&&&&&& for a test&&&&&&&&&&&&& 27.have to&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 28.too much homework&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& homework&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 30.go to the movies&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 31.after school&&&&&&&&&&& 32.on the weekend&&&&&&&&&&&&& 33.invite sb. to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 34.what引导的感叹句结构:What+a/an+adj.+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!35.What+adj.+名词复数/不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!36.他是一个多么聪明的孩子啊!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& boy he is !37.他们是多么勤奋的学生啊!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Students they sb.(to)do sth.&&&&&&&&&&& sad to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&& 40.see sb. do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 41.see sb.doing sth.&&&&&&&&&& 42.the best way to do sth.&&&&&&&&& 43 Doing more exercise is the best way&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .多做锻炼时保持健康的最好方法41.have a surprise party for sb.&&&&&&&&&&&& 42.look forward to doing sth.&&&&&&&&&&& 43.Every student looks forward to&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & 每个学生都渴望取得好成绩44.reply to sth./sb.&&&&&&&&& 45.What’s today?&&&&&&&&&&&& 46.What’s the date today?&&&&&&&&&&&& 47.What day is it today?&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 单元强化练习一.单项选择。 (& )1.I have to______for the math test.&   &&&  B.studying&&&& C.learning&&& D.studied(& )2.My best friend often invites me ______ delicious food.  A.enjoy&& B.enjoying&&&& C.enjoyed&&& enjoy(& )3.I am going to ______ you on Sunday and go bike riding.  A.catch&&&&& B.accept&&& C.refuse&& D.delete(& )4.Do you know ______ I miss you? many&& much&&& long&&& far(& )5.The students are very ______ at the ______ news.  A.surprised;surprising&&& B.surprising;surprised  C.surprised;surprised&&&& D.surprising;surprising(& )6.―Sorry,but I have to look after my brother.  &&&& ―That's too______.Maybe______time.A.bad;another&& B.bad;other& C.good;another&& D.good;other四、阅读 && Sleep is very important. A person who does not sleep dies faster than a person who does not eat. We spend about one-third(三分之一) of our lives on sleep. That’s about 121 days a year!&&& How much sleep do we need? We are all different. A baby needs 16 hours of sleep every day. Children 6 to 12 years old need an average(平均) of 10 to 12 hours of sleep. Teenagers need 9 to 10 hours of sleep. An adult needs all average of 7 to 8 hours a night. There are some people who need only 3 hours of sleep. Others need 10 hours of sleep. After the age of 50, the average sleep time goes down to 6.5 hours a night. We need less sleep as we get older.&& About one one-third Americans has a problem with sleep. Many of these people cannot fall asleep(睡着). The name of this problem is insomnia. Some people say, “I didn’t sleep all night.” But that’s not really true. They may sleep lightly and wake up several times. In the morning, they only remember the times they were awake(醒着), so they think they were awake all night.&& This is not a new problem. Many famous people in history had insomnia. Some of these people had special ideas to make them sleep. Benjamin Franklin had four beds. He moved from one to the other to fall asleep. Mark Twain had a different way. He lay on his side across the end of the bed.(&&& ) 71.We spend about&&&&&&&& months on sleep every year.&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&& A. 3&&&&&&&&&&& B. 4&&&&&&&&&& C. 5&&&&&&&&&&& D. 6(&&& ) 72. If you are thirteen years old, you need at least ____ hours of sleep. &&&&&&&& A. 16&&&&&&&& B. 12&&&&&&&&&&& C. 9&&&&&&&&&&&& D. 7(&&& )73. What does “insomnia” mean in this passage?&& A. No sleep.&& B. Bad sleep.&&&&& C. Slow sleep.&&&& D. Sleep with many dreams.(&&& )74. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?&& A. We will die soon if we don’t sleep well.&& B. The older we get, the less sleep we need.&& C. We can tell a person’s age from his sleep time.&& D. Famous people move from one bed to the other to fall asleep.(&&& )75. Which is the best title(标题) for this passage( 段)?&&&&& A.Sleep More!&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Go to Sleep!&&&&& C. Age and Sleep Time.&&&&&&& D. Famous People and Sleep
Unit10 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time!1.stay at home&&&&&&&&&&& 2.take the bus&&&&&&&&&&& 3.tomorrow night&&&&&&&&&&& 4.have a class party&&&&&&&&& 5.half the class&&&&&&&&&&&& 6.make some food&&&&&&&&&&&& 7.order food&&&&&&&&&&&& 8.have a class meeting&&&&&&&&&&& the party&&&&&&&&&&&& 10.potato chips&&&&&&&&&&&& the end&&&&&&&&&&&& 12.make mistakes&&&&&&&&& 13.go to the party&&&&&&&&&& 14.have a great/good&&&&&&& 15.give sb. some advicew&&&&&&&& 11166.go to college&&&&&&&&&& 17.get an education&&&&&&&&&&&& 18.make(a lot of)money&&&&&&&&&&&& around the world&&&&&&&&&&&&& hard&&&&&&&&& 21.a soccer player&&&&&&&&&&&& 22.keep…to oneself&&&&&&&&& with sb.&&&&&&&&& 24. in one’s life&&&&&&&&&&& angry at/about sth&&&&&&&&&& angry with sb.&&&&&&&&& the future&&&&&&&&& away&&&&&&&&&&&&& 29.the first step&&&&&&&&&&&&& half&&&&&&&&&&&&& 31.solve a problem&&&&&&&&&&&& clean-up&&&&&&&&& 33.ask sb. to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&& 34. give sb. sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 35.tell sb. to do sth.&&&&&&&&&& 36.too…to do sth&&&&&&&&& afraid to do sth.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 38.advise sb. to do sth.&&&&&&&&& 39.It’s best (not) to do sth.&&&&&&&&&& 40.need to do sth.&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 单元强化练习二.单项选择。(& )1.If you study harder,you will ______ go to college.  A.are able to&&& able&&& C.can be able to&&& able to(& )2.Nobody went there with him.He went by ______.  A.him&&& B.himself&&&& C.his&&&&& D.themselves(& )3.I'm late for school today.I think my teacher must be ______ me.  A.worried about&&&& B.pleased with  C.friendly to&&&&&& D.angry with(& )4.If she ______,she'll have a great time.& B.will do&&&& C.does&&& D.did(& )5.It's a secret between you and me.I hope you can keep it ______. us&& ourselves&&& C.for us&& D.for ourselves(& )6.When they move ______ there,they live in ______.;apartment&&&&&&;an apartment  C./;apartment&&&&&&& D./;an apartment(& )7.Half the class______. sing&&&& singing&&&& C.are singing&& D.sings 文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y k J.C om
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