
跪求英语翻译大神帮忙翻译一下下面这段话~~多谢《红楼梦》谶诗的韩译研究就是 《红楼梦》谶诗的韩国语翻译研究的意思!《红楼梦》是中国古典文学史上一部具有里程碑意义的巨著,吸_百度作业帮
跪求英语翻译大神帮忙翻译一下下面这段话~~多谢《红楼梦》谶诗的韩译研究就是 《红楼梦》谶诗的韩国语翻译研究的意思!《红楼梦》是中国古典文学史上一部具有里程碑意义的巨著,吸
跪求英语翻译大神帮忙翻译一下下面这段话~~多谢《红楼梦》谶诗的韩译研究就是 《红楼梦》谶诗的韩国语翻译研究的意思!《红楼梦》是中国古典文学史上一部具有里程碑意义的巨著,吸引了众多海内外学者进行研究和翻译,形成了“红学”。《红楼梦》研究涵盖了各个领域,其中对于谶诗的研究也取得了一定的成果。虽然韩国的《红楼梦》翻译版本众多,相关论文也涉及了多个领域,但红学研究尚未形成体系,其中对于谶诗的研究尚未取得关注。谶诗作为《红楼梦》中预示人物命运和小说情节构架的重要线索,研究价值非常高。同时曹雪芹使用谶诗串联小说情节的同时也创作了大量情景交融,寓情于景的谶诗,使谶诗不仅具有传递信息的作用,也具有极高的美学价值。
A dream of red mansions is a magnum opus landmark history of classical Chinese literature, has attracted many scholars at home and abroad to conduct research and translation, formed a "dream".A dream of red mansions study covers various fields, including the poems more research also achieved some results.Although South Korea's translation versions of a dream of red mansions, related paper also involves many fields, but the redology research system has not been formed, which for the study of poetry more have not obtained the attention.More poems as signal characters in a dream of red mansions and the plot is important clue of the architecture, research value is very high.Cao xueqin used at the same time more poetry series plot also created a large number of the scene at the same time, the mood in view of poetry, more make more poems not only have the function of the information, also has a very high aesthetic value.The twelve jinling women as the representative poem more in a dream of red mansions, cfa has the purpose of passing information, to indicate the fate of the main characters, plays an important role in the novel.South Korea three versions of translation for each have advantages and disadvantages, cfa in allusion translation, poetry on the accuracy of the information transfer and more vocabulary translation three perspective, the Korean translation of basic that accurate message of the poem, but the translation of allusions and the connotation of the poems more imperfect.This and the translator's language accomplishment and the study of classical Chinese literature is closely related.Were "Yin" a dream of red mansions is the hero of Lin daiyu since more poems, at the same time in the fate of the characters passed Lin daiyu has a very high aesthetic value.From the point of view of the "three beauty" theory of poetry, the architecture of the journal were songs is difficult to reproduce in the translation process.Korean translation in translation by Korean itself melody and pausing to were the Yin "further interpretation is the beauty of the slash, but slightly lacking in rhythm and emotional changes.While the artistic conception of the journal were songs mainly through senses Yu Jinghe changes of statements to reflect the author feelings change.Korean translation, ignores the change of the length of the original statement embodies the rhythm of the changes, so as to not to change reflects the feelings of the writer, a little regret."A dream of red mansions" astonishment the Korean translation of poetry mainly focus on its accuracy and convey information, for more USES the slash and artistic conception of poetry reflect bined with English translation versions of a dream of red mansions, Korean translator also should draw lessons from the English translation using the English language features of poetry translation and try to reflect slash rhyme, etc, flexible use of the characteristics of Korean language in Korean rhyme and rhythm of unique innovative free translation of poetry查看: 787|回复: 2
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