oceans 20164的论文网上可以查询了吗

altmetric,是一个由alternative(替代)和metric(计量学)组成的新词,意为&替代计量学&。这的&替代&并不指真正的取而代之,确切说是对传统方法补充。他们不使用期刊影响因子、H指数等传统评价方法,而是通过一个名叫&Altmetric分数&(Altmetric Score)的新指标,量化单篇学术论文在媒体上的曝光水平。
第一名:一种新型抗生素可以杀灭病原体,且病原体未对其表现出耐药性(A new antibiotic kills pathogens without detectable resistance)
分数:2782& 作者:Losee L. Ling 等
期刊及发表时间:《自然》(Nature),2015年1月作者机构:German Center for Infection Research, Northeastern University, NovoBiotic Pharmaceuticals, Selcia, University of Bonn
第二名:哥哥或姐姐患有/不患有自闭症的美国儿童接受麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹三联疫苗后的自闭症患病率(Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children With Older Siblings With and Without Autism)
分数:2728& 作者:Anjali Jain等人期刊及发表时间:《美国医学会杂志》(JAMA),2015年4月机构:Drexel University, Optum (United States), The Lewin Group
虽然研究人员尚未发现注射麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹三联(MMR)疫苗与泛自闭症障碍(autism spectrum disorders,ASD)的关联,但依然有人认为疫苗注射会导致自闭症,这降低了儿童疫苗接的种率。泛自闭症障碍患儿的家长对此尤为谨慎。作者对95727名有哥哥或姐姐的儿童进行回顾性队列研究发现,不管这些儿童的哥哥或姐姐是否有自闭症,接种MMR疫苗都与高危儿童患泛自闭症障碍的风险没有关联。
第三名: 现代人类活动加速物种灭绝:第六次大灭绝即将来临(Accelerated modern human&induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction)
分数:2432& 作者:Gerardo Ceballos 等人期刊及发表时间:《科学进展》(Science Advance),2015年6月机构:National Autonomous University of Mexico
第四名: 不同组织的癌症发病率可用干细胞的分裂次数来解释(Variation in cancer risk among tissues can be explained by the number of stem cell divisions)
分数:2340& 作者:Cristian Tomasetti, Bert Vogelstein期刊及发表时间:《科学》(Science), 2015年1月机构:Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Johns Hopkins University
第五名:对于心理学研究的可重复性的估计(Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science)
Altmetric分数:2294& 作者:Open Science Collaboration期刊及发表时间:《科学》(Science), 2015年8月机构:Adams State University, Arcadia University, Ariel University 等
第六名:世界大洋中的塑料污染:25万多吨、超过5万亿块塑料正在海面上漂浮( Plastic Pollution in the World's Oceans: More than 5 Trillion Plastic Pieces Weighing over 250,000 Tons Afloat at Sea)
Altmetric分数:2129& 作者:Marcus Eriksen等人期刊及发表时间:《公共科学图书馆&综合》(PLoS ONE),2014年12月机构:lgalita Marine Research and Education, Catholic University of the North, Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas &ridas (CEAZA) 等
塑料污染在海洋环境中无处不在,但我们仍然缺少于漂浮塑料的数量和重量数据估计,尤其是在南半球和偏远的地区。研究人员跨越全部5个副热带回旋进行了24次远洋考察,使用拖网收集海洋表面的垃圾,并根据垃圾尺寸的不同进行统计;对于大型的塑料垃圾进行目视统计。最后根据模型保守估计,目前海洋中至少漂浮着5.25万亿块塑料,重约268 940吨。
第七名:将全球变暖限制在2℃以内的条件下时,人类未使用的化石燃料的地理分布(The geographical distribution of fossil fuels unused when limiting global warming to 2 ℃)
Altmetric分数:2013& 作者:Christophe McGlade, Paul Ekins期刊及发表时间:《自然》(Nature),2015年1月机构:University College London 政策制定者普遍认同,由温室气体造成的全球温度上升不应超过工业时代前的2℃,这需要把年的二氧化碳排放限制在1.1万亿吨内,但若将地球现存的所有化石全部燃料,释放的温室气体将是这个数字的3倍。本文作者建立模型,评估了全球现有的天然气、石油和煤炭储备与资源,以研究2&C温控目标对化石能源生产的影响。他们认为,若要达到2&C的温控目标,目前全球三分之一的石油储备、一半的天然气储备,以及超过80%的煤炭储备都须保持原状。然而,人类目前仍在开采北极等非常规石油资源,政策制定者仍在快速、彻底地开采本土的化石燃料,作者的研究显示,这些行为均与气候承诺相悖。
第八名:对比几种科研用文档准备系统的效率(An Efficiency Comparison of Document Preparation Systems Used in Academic Research and Development)
Altmetric分数:1913& 作者:Markus Knauff, Jelica Nejasmic期刊及发表时间:《公共科学图书馆&综合》(PLoS ONE),2014年12月机构:University of Giessen 对每个科研人员来说,选择一个高效的文档准备系统至关重要。本文作者调查了40个来自不同学科的科研人员(使用Word或LaTeX)来研究软件的易用性。测试文章多种多样,比如简单的文本、包含表格和副标题或是数学公式的文本。结果发现,Word 用户普遍比 LaTeX 用户速度更快。但是LaTeX用户对他们的工具一般更加满意,即使他们牺牲了一部分效率。
&第九名:艺术的神经算法(A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style)
Altmetric分数:1873& 作者:Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker, Matthias Bethge期刊及发表时间:arXiv,2015年8月机构:Baylor College of Medicine, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, University of Tubingen 在艺术、尤其是绘画中,人类早已掌握了如何把现实转化为特殊风格的作品,但这对电脑来说仍然非常困难。如今研究人员引入一种新的人工智能系统,可以模仿人脑细胞的运作方式,来学习艺术作品的特征并将图片制作成类似的风格。这一系统不仅可以绘制出类似梵高、毕加索风格的图画,还为从算法上理解人类如何创造和感知绘画作品提供了新的道路。
第十名:宗教信仰程度与儿童的利他主义呈负相关(The Negative Association between Religiousness and Children&s Altruism across the World)
Altmetric分数:1634& 作者:Decety, Jean等人期刊及发表时间:《当代生物学》(Current Biology),2015年11月机构:Hashemite University, Ko? University, Qatar University 等 来自宗教家庭的儿童更加慷慨吗?研究人员就这一问题调查了6个不同国家的1000多名儿童。研究人员评估了儿童的共情能力和对正义的敏感程度。结果显示,来自非宗教家庭儿童在日常生活中表现出更高的共情能力,对正义更加敏感。
在新闻中曝光最多的论文是:不同组织中癌症的发病率可用干细胞的分裂数目解释(Variation in cancer risk among tissues can be explained by the number of stem cell divisions),和它有关的新闻报道有184篇。
推特用户最喜欢的研究是:性别歧视的游戏=性别歧视的玩家?电视游戏的使用和性别歧视态度的纵向调查(Sexist Games=Sexist Gamers? A Longitudinal Study on the Relationship Between Video Game Use and Sexist Attitudes),1889位推特用户针对这篇论文发了3222条推。
&Facebook上曝光度最高的研究是:爪哇岛特里尼尔的直立人使用贝壳进行生产和雕刻(Homo erectus at Trinil on Java used shells for tool production and engraving),Facebook上与此有关的消息有288条。
被维基百科引用最多的论文是:240种致死因素的全球性、区域性、国家性的年龄-性别特异性总括性死亡率与病因特异性死亡率():2013年全球疾病负担的系统分析(Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013),这篇论文被维基词条引用了109次。
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,&, , , 邢琰, , , , , Bin Xu
[51] 江文婷,龚小谨, 刘济林. 基于增量计算的大规模场景致密语义地图构建, 浙江大学学报(工学版),已录用.
[50]& Wenqi Huang and Xiaojin Gong, &Fusion Based Holistic Road Scene Understanding&, Technical report,
2015 (Updated with IF2013)
[49] Yi Xie, Huiming Yu, Xiaojin Gong, Zhenjiang Dong and Yan Gao, &Learning Visual-Spatial Saliency for Multiple-Shot Person Re-Identification&, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 22, Iss. 11, pp. , 2015.& (SCI, IF = 1.639)
[48] Zhiyu Xiang, Yanbing Zhou and Xiaojin Gong, &A novel sub-camera array model for calibrating multi-mirror catadioptric systems&, Measurement Science and Technology, &Accepted.
[47] Jianqiang Ren, Xiaojin Gong, Lu Yu, Wenhui Zhou and Michael Ying Yang, &Exploiting Global Priors for RGB-D Saliency Detection&, CVPR Workshop MSF, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Jun. 2015. (Oral) []
[46]& Wenqi Huang, Xiaojin Gong and Michael Ying Yang, &Joint Object Segmentation and Depth Upsampling&, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 192-196, 2015. (SCI, IF = 1.639)&[]
2014 (Updated with IF2012)
[45] 宣森炎, 龚小谨, 刘济林.&基于联合卷积和递归神经网络的交通标志识别&, 《传感器与微系统》 2014年第33卷第8期, pp.30-33.
[44] Zhiyu Xiang, Xing Dai, Yanbing Zhou, Xiaojin Gong, &Self-calibration for Non-central Catadioptric Camera with An Approximate Epipolar Geometry&, Measurement Science and Technology, 25, pp), 2014. (SCI, IF = 1.435).
[43] Xiaojin Gong, Jianqiang Ren, Baisheng Lai, Chaohua Yan and Hui Qian, &Guided Depth Upsampling via A Cosparse Analysis Model&, CVPR Workshop MSF, Columbus, OH, USA, Jun. 2014. (Oral)
[42] Teng Cao, Zhiyu Xiang, Xiaojin Gong and Jilin Liu. &Terrain Reconstruction of Lunar Surface Based on Binocular Fisheye Camera&, The 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Shenyang, China, Jun. 2014.
[41] 江文婷, 龚小谨, 刘济林. 颜色指导的深度图像升采样算法的对比性研究, 杭州电子科技大学学报, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp21 - 24, 2014.
[40] Xiaojin Gong, Baisheng Lai, Zhiyu Xiang, &A L0 Sparse Analysis Prior for Blind Poissonian Image Deconvolution&, Optics Express, Vol. 22, Iss. 4, pp. , 2014. (SCI, IF = 3.546).
[39] Wenqi Huang, Xiaojin Gong, Zhiyu Xiang, &Road Scene Segmentation via Fusing Camera and Lidar Data&, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Hong Kong, China, May. 2014. (Oral)
2013&(Updated with IF2012)
[38] 江文婷, 龚小谨, 刘济林.&基于水平集的火焰分割,杭州电子科技大学学报, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2013. pp.27-30.
[37]&林颖,龚小谨,刘济林. 一种基于单位视球的鱼眼相机标定方法. 浙江大学学报(工学版),2013 Vol.47, No. 8, pp.143-150.
[36]&Xiaojin Gong, Junyi Liu, Wenhui Zhou and Jilin Liu, &Guided Depth Enhancement via A Fast Marching Method&,&Image and Vision Computing, Vol.&31, Iss. 10 (2013), pp. 695-703.&(SCI, IF = 1.959) & &[] []
[35] Junyi Liu and&Xiaojin Gong, &Guided Depth Enhancement via Anisotropic Diffusion&,&the Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), Nanjing, China, Dec. 2013. []
[34]&Wenqi Huang,&Xiaojin Gong&and&Jilin Liu, &Integrating Visual and Range Data for Road Detection&,&IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),&&Melbourne, Australia, Sep.&2013.
[33] Zhiyu Xiang, Xing Dai and&Xiaojin Gong, &Non-central catadioptric camera calibration using a generalized unified model&,&Optics Letters, Vol. 38, Iss. 9, pp. , 2013. (SCI, IF = 3.385)
[32]&Xiaojin Gong, Ying Lin and Jilin Liu, &3D LIDAR-Camera Extrinsic Calibration using an Arbitrary Trihedron&,&Sensors, ):. (SCI, IF = 1.953)
[31]&Xiaojin Gong, Ying Lin and Jilin Liu, &Extrinsic Calibration of a 3D LIDAR and a Camera using an Orthogonal Trihedron&,&Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2013, pp. 394&401.& (SCI, IF = 1.916)
2012 (Updated with IF2011)
[30]&Yang Liu, Xiaojin Gong and Jilin Liu,& &A Comparative Study on Street Sign Detection&, 2nd Int. Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, Changchun, China, Dec. 2012.&
[29] Yanchang Wang, Xiaojin Gong, Ying Lin and Jilin Liu, &Stereo Calibration and Rectification for Omnidirectional Multi-camera Systems&, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems: Visual Servoing. 2012, Vol. 9, 143:2012. (SCI, IF = 0.375)
[28] 欧阳柳,徐 进,龚小谨,刘济林. 基于不确定性分析的视觉里程计优化. 浙江大学学报(工学版),2012 Vol. 46 (9):
[27] 杨飞,朱株,龚小谨,刘济林. 基于激光雷达的动态未知环境下多障碍的实时检测与跟踪. 浙江大学学报(工学版),2012 Vol. 46 (9):
[26] 马丽莎,周文晖,龚小谨,刘济林. 基于运动约束的泛化Field D*路径规划. 浙江大学学报(工学版) ) .
[25] Ying Lin, Xiaojin Gong and Jilin Liu. &Calibration of Central Omnidirectional Cameras via the Viewing Sphere&, Optical Engineering, Vol. 51, Issue 7,&12. (SCI, IF = 0.959)
[24]&路丹晖,周文晖,龚小谨,刘济林. 基于视觉里程计和惯导融合的移动机器人运动姿态解耦估计. 浙江大学学报(工学版),2012 Vol.46(6):.
[23] Junyi Liu, Xiaojin Gong and Jilin Liu. &Guided Inpainting and Filtering for Kinect Depth Maps&, 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tsukuba Science City, Japan, Nov. 2012.& []
[22] Ningbo Wang, Xiaojin Gong and Jilin Liu, &A New Depth Descriptor for Pedestrian Detection in RGB-D images&,& 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tsukuba Science City, Japan, Nov. 2012.
[21]&Xiaojin Gong and Jilin Liu, &Rock Detection via Superpixel Graph Cuts&, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Orlando, Florida, USA, Sep. 2012.&Oral&[pdf]
[20] Xiaojin Gong and Jilin Liu, &Localization Accuracy of Interest Point Detectors Evaluated on Intensity-Depth Images&, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Colorado, USA, Jan. 2012.
2011 (Updated with IF2011)
[19] Jingting Ding, Jilin Liu, Wenhui Zhou, Haibin Yu, Yanchang Wang and Xiaojin Gong, &Real-time Stereo Vision System Using Adaptive Weight Cost Aggregation Approach&, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing :20. [] (SCI, IF = 0.50)
[18] 吴伟仁,王大轶,邢琰,龚小谨,刘济林. 月球车巡视探测的双目视觉里程算法与实验研究. 中国科学 信息科学(中国科学F辑) 期, .
[17] 龚小谨,邢琰,林颖,雷杰,刘济林. 基于贝叶斯分类与水平集演化的月面岩石自动检测,中国宇航学会深空探测技术专业委员会第八届学术年会,上海,2011. (优秀论文)
[16] 欧阳柳,卢维,邢琰,龚小谨,刘济林. 基于最大似然估计及局部双目光束法平差优化的视觉里程算法研究,中国宇航学会深空探测技术专业委员会第八届学术年会,上海,2011.
[15] Xiaojin Gong and Jilin Liu, &A DAISY-like Compass Operator&, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Brussels, Belgium, 2011. [][][]
[14] Yanchang Wang, Bin Yang, Jingting Ding, Xiaojin Gong and Jilin Liu, &A Unified Rectification Method for Single Viewpoint Multi-Camera System&, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Klagenfurt, Austria, 2011.
[13]& Xiaojin Gong, Chris Wyatt and Jilin Liu, &Omnidirectional Vision based Moving Obstacle Detection&, SuperComputer Technology (CKT), Russia,&2010.
[12] Chris Wyatt, Xiaoxing Li and Xiaojin Gong,& &Registration in the Presence of Topological Destruction using Embedded Maps&,&BSL Report BSL, Bioimaging Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2009.
[11] Xiaojin Gong, Bin Xu, Caleb Reed, Chris Wyatt and Daniel Stilwell, &Real-time Robust Mapping for an Autonomous Surface Vehicle using an Omnidirectional Camera&, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Sep. 08
[10] Xiaojin Gong, Anbu Subramanian, Chris Wyatt and Daniel Stilwell, &Performance Analysis and Validation of a Paracatadioptric Omnistereo System&, The Seventh Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras (ICCV-OMNIVIS),&Oct. 2007. Oral
[9] Xiaojin Gong, Anbu Subramanian and Chris Wyatt, &A Two-stage Algorithm for Shoreline Detection&, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Feb. 2007.
[8] Anbu Subramanian, Xiaojin Gong, J. N. Riggins, Daniel Stilwell and Chris Wyatt, &Shoreline Mapping using an Omni-directional Camera for Autonomous Surface Vehicle Applications&, In Proceedings of the IEEE/MTS OCEANS Conference, Sep. 2006
[7] Anbu Subramanian, Xiaojin Gong and Chris Wyatt, &Shoreline Detection in Images for Autonomous Boat Navigation&, In Proceedings of the 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ACSSC), 2006
[6] Xiaojin Gong, Lynn Abbott and Gary Fleming, &A Survey of Techniques for Detection and Tracking of Airport Runways&, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 2006
[5] 龚小谨,罗振声,骆卫华. 汉语句子谓语中心词的自动识别,中文信息学报. Vol.17, No.2, P.7-13, 2003.
[4] 龚小谨,罗振声,骆卫华.&&模式匹配和句型成分分析相结合的语法错误自动检查,计算机工程与应用.&&Vol.39, No.8, 2003.&
[3] 骆卫华,罗振声,龚小谨. 中文文本自动校对的语义级查错研究,计算机工程与应用.&&Vol. 39,& No.12,& 2003.
[2] Weihua Luo, Zhensheng Luo and Xiaojin Gong, &Semantic Error Checking in Automatic Proofreading for Chinese Texts&, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol.7, 2002
[1] Xiaojin Gong, Zhensheng Luo and Weihua Luo, &Using a Hybrid Method to Recognize the Predicate Head of a Chinese Sentence&, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol.3, 2002
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